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In Gram-negative bacteria, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) contributes to the robust permeability barrier of the outer membrane, preventing entry of toxic molecules such as antibiotics. Mutations in lptD, the beta-barrel component of the LPS transport and assembly machinery, compromise LPS assembly and result in increased antibiotic sensitivity. Here, we report rare vancomycin-resistant suppressors that improve barrier function of a subset of lptD mutations. We find that all seven suppressors analyzed mapped to the essential gene cdsA, which is responsible for the conversion of phosphatidic acid to CDP-diacylglycerol in phospholipid biosynthesis. These cdsA mutations cause a partial loss of function and, as expected, accumulate phosphatidic acid. We show that this suppression is not confined to mutations that cause defects in outer membrane biogenesis but rather that these cdsA mutations confer a general increase in vancomycin resistance, even in a wild-type cell. We use genetics and quadrupole time of flight (Q-TOF) liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to show that accumulation of phosphatidic acid by means other than cdsA mutations also increases resistance to vancomycin. We suggest that increased levels of phosphatidic acid change the physical properties of the outer membrane to impede entry of vancomycin into the periplasm, hindering access to its target, an intermediate required for the synthesis of the peptidoglycan cell wall.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations in XPNPEP3, encoding a mitochondrial x-prolyl aminopeptidase, have been identified in families with a rare hereditary tubulointerstitial kidney disease. The yeast ortholog of XPNPEP3, Icp55p, participates in the proteolytic processing and stabilization of mitochondrial proteins and its deletion accelerates the degradation of its protein targets. We used icp55 deletion strains of S. cerevisiae to model loss of XPNPEP3 enzymatic function and study its phenotypic consequences on mitochondrial function. We found that Icp55p is not required for respiratory competence; however, compared to controls deletion strains had reduced mitochondrial oxygen consumption when grown in glucose containing media. The reduced mitochondrial respiration of icp55 deletion strains in glucose media requires the mitochondrial peptide transporter, Mdl1p, and was corrected by Tor1p inhibition with rapamycin. Under similar growth conditions the abundance of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex was decreased in the icp55 deletion strain and was corrected by concurrent deletion of tor1. The icp55 deletion strain demonstrated an increased chronological lifespan and decreased reactive oxygen species. These changes were additive to similar changes known to occur in tor1 deletion strains suggesting independent mechanisms. Together, these results demonstrate that loss of Icp55p function reduces mitochondrial oxygen consumption and ATP synthase complex assembly in glucose media, while also promoting stress resistance, decreasing reactive oxygen species and increasing chronological lifespan through mechanisms that are distinct from decreased Tor1p activity.  相似文献   

旨在探讨大肠杆菌中CaHSP26基因的异源表达对原核生物抗氧化能力的影响.通过构建CaHSP26基因原核表达载体pET30-CaHSP26,经不同浓度过氧化氢处理后,分析大肠杆菌菌种存活率及抗氧化能力.结果表明,与转空载体pET-30a(+)的对照大肠杆菌菌株P30相比,过量表达CaHSP26提高了转基因的大肠杆菌菌株P750过氧化氢胁迫下的存活率,降低了MDA的产生,CaHSP26的表达可以提高原核生物抗氧化能力.试验初步证实超表达CaHSP26的转基因烟草生长势明显高于对照,为今后研究植物中CaHSP26抗氧化能力的作用机理提供依据.  相似文献   



Escherichia coli is a widespread gut commensal and often a versatile pathogen of public health concern. E. coli are also frequently found in different environments and/or alternative secondary hosts, such as plant tissues. The lifestyle of E. coli in plants is poorly understood and has potential implications for food safety.

Methods/Principal Findings

This work shows that a human commensal strain of E. coli K12 readily colonizes lettuce seedlings and produces large microcolony-like cell aggregates in leaves, especially in young leaves, in proximity to the vascular tissue. Our observations strongly suggest that those cell aggregates arise from multiplication of single bacterial cells that reach those spots. We showed that E. coli isolated from colonized leaves progressively colonize lettuce seedlings to higher titers, suggesting a fast adaptation process. E. coli cells isolated from leaves presented a dramatic rise in tolerance to oxidative stress and became more chemotactic responsive towards lettuce leaf extracts. Mutant strains impaired in their chemotactic response were less efficient lettuce colonizers than the chemotactic isogenic strain. However, acclimation to oxidative stress and/or minimal medium alone failed to prime E. coli cells for enhanced lettuce colonization efficiency.


These findings help to understand the physiological adaptation during the alternative lifestyle of E. coli in/on plant tissues.  相似文献   

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) sheds its leaves during growth, especially within the tropical dry season. With the production of SAG12-IPT transgenic cassava we want to test the level of leaf retention and altered cytokinin metabolism of transgenic plants via the autoregulatory senescence inhibition system. After confirmation of transgene expression by molecular analysis and phenotype examination in greenhouse plants, two transgenic plant lines, 529-28 and 529-48, were chosen for further investigation. Detached mature leaves of 529-28 plants retained high levels of chlorophyll compared with wild-type leaves after dark-induced senescence treatment. Line 529-28 showed significant drought tolerance as indicated by stay-green capacity after drought stress treatment. Field experiments proved that leaf senescence syndrome was significantly delayed in 529-28 plants in comparison with wild-type and 529-48 plants. Physiological and agronomical characterizations of these plants also revealed that the induced expression of IPT had effects on photosynthesis, sugar allocation and nitrogen partitioning. Importantly, the 529-28 plants accumulated a high level of trans-zeatin-type cytokinins particularly of corresponding storage O-glucosides to maintain cytokinin homeostasis. Our study proves the feasibility of prolonging the leaf life of woody cassava and also sheds light on the control of cytokinin homeostasis in cassava leaves.  相似文献   

Using leaderless alkaline phosphatase as a probe, it was demonstrated that pressure treatment induces endogenous intracellular oxidative stress in Escherichia coli MG1655. In stationary-phase cells, this oxidative stress increased with the applied pressure at least up to 400 MPa, which is well beyond the pressure at which the cells started to become inactivated (200 MPa). In exponential-phase cells, in contrast, oxidative stress increased with pressure treatment up to 150 MPa and then decreased again, together with the cell counts. Anaerobic incubation after pressure treatment significantly supported the recovery of MG1655, while mutants with increased intrinsic sensitivity toward oxidative stress (katE, katF, oxyR, sodAB, and soxS) were found to be more pressure sensitive than wild-type MG1655. Furthermore, mild pressure treatment strongly sensitized E. coli toward t-butylhydroperoxide and the superoxide generator plumbagin. Finally, previously described pressure-resistant mutants of E. coli MG1655 displayed enhanced resistance toward plumbagin. In one of these mutants, the induction of endogenous oxidative stress upon high hydrostatic pressure treatment was also investigated and found to be much lower than in MG1655. These results suggest that, at least under some conditions, the inactivation of E. coli by high hydrostatic pressure treatment is the consequence of a suicide mechanism involving the induction of an endogenous oxidative burst.  相似文献   

Oxidative phosphorylation in Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch.] is a deciduous tree whose fruits (nuts) are of high economic value and offer excellent nutritional benefits. However, soils high in sulphates can limit its growth and development. Working with 5-year-old trees of ‘Western Schley’ pecan grown in soils high in sulphates, the levels of proline and oxidative metabolism were recorded in the leaflets. Results showed that different levels of visible leaflet damage (‘sufficiency’, ‘low’, ‘moderate’ or ‘severe’) were associated with different levels of leaflet sulphates (mg kg−1): ‘sufficiency’ (≤40), ‘low’ (41–60), ‘moderate’ (61–80) and ‘severe’ (80–100). ‘Severe’ sulphate damage was associated with significant reductions in chlorophyll (TChl) (17.04 μg g−1), relative water content (RWC) (50%) and leaf area (LA), and with increases in the concentrations of total carotenoids (TC) and proline (Prl). Increases were also observed in the activities of the oxidative metabolism enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD) (1.82 units min−1 g−1), catalase (CAT) (2.86 μmol H2O2 min−1 g−1) and antioxidant capacity (AC) (87% DPPH inhibition). However, guaiacol peroxidase (GP) showed a reduction (2.97 nmol GSH min−1 g−1). An inverse relationship was found between the sulphate concentration in the leaflets with respect to the evaluated parameters of TChl, TC, RWC, LA, AC, and GP. Proline synthesis and antioxidant enzymatic activity indicate salt stress in pecan leaflets in orchards irrigated with deep-well water high in sulphates.  相似文献   

The role of putrescine in the adaptive response of Escherichia coligrown aerobically in synthetic M9 medium with glucose to the H2O2-induced oxidative stress was studied. Under oxidative stress, the expression of the single-copy reporter gene fusions oxyR"::lacZand katG"::lacZwas found to undergo biphasic changes, which were most pronounced in glucose-starved E. colicells. The concentration-dependent activating effect of putrescine on the expression of the OxyR regulon genes was maximum when theoxyRgene was inhibited by high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

With the aim to elucidate the etiology of radioresistance, we explored the genetic alterations in non-radioresistant vs. resistant esophageal cancer cells acquired by long-term fractionated radiation. We found AKR1C3, an aldo-keto reductase expressed seldom in most human tissues, expressed higher in radioresistance-acquired cells. Suppression of AKR1C3 via RNAi or its chemical inhibitors restored the sensitivity of the acquired tumor cells and xenograft BALB/c nude mice to ionizing radiation (IR). Cellular monitoring of the oxidative stress in the AKR1C3-elevated cells indicated that IR-induced ROS accumulation and the concomitant DNA damage was significantly alleviated, and such protective consequence disappeared upon AKR1C3 knockdown. These findings uncover the potential involvement of AKR1C3 in removal of cellular ROS and explain, at least partially, the acquired radioresistance by AKR1C3 overexpression. A retrospective analysis of esophageal carcinomas also indicated a significant expression of AKR1C3 in radio-resistant but not radio-sensitive surgical samples. Our study may provide a potential biomarker for predicting prognosis of radiotherapy and even direct a targeted therapy for esophageal cancer and other tumors.  相似文献   

Proline excretion from proline overproducing strains of E. coli K12 has been studied as a model chemical production system. We have isolated proline overproducing mutants of E. coli and have shown that uncontrolled synthesis is not sufficient to cause excretion of this amino acid. An episomal mutation causing proline over production has been introduced into a series of otherwise isogenic strains that bear well defined, chromosomal lesions affecting the active uptake and catabolism of L-proline. A syntropism test reveals that L-proline is excreted by overproducing strains only if transport and/or catabolism are impaired. Dansyl derivatization and chromatographic analysis of culture supernatants shows that proline is the only amino acid excreted. Batch cultures of an excreting strain in an amino acid production medium yield culture supernatants containing 1 g proline/L, whereas no proline is detectable in supernatants derived from cultures of an overproducing strain with normal transport and catabolic activities. These data reveal that genetic lesions eliminating active uptake can be used to specifically enhance metabolite excretion.  相似文献   

Gluconate Metabolism in Escherichia coli   总被引:26,自引:20,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
On the basis of information available in the literature, gluconate dissimilation in Escherichia coli is thought to occur via the hexose monophosphate pathway. Evidence is presented in this study that gluconate is catabolized in this organism via an inducible Entner-Doudoroff pathway. This evidence is based on chromatographic examination of end products produced from (14)C-labeled gluconate or glucose, distribution of (14)C in the carbon atoms of pyruvate formed from specifically labeled (14)C-glucose and (14)C-gluconate, and the ability of cell-free extracts to produce pyruvate from 6-phosphogluconate. Degradation of gluconate by an Entner-Doudoroff pathway occurred simultaneously with a glycolytic cleavage of glucose. A relationship between gluconate-induced, Entner-Doudoroff pathway activity and catabolism of glucose in Escherichia coli and other bacterial species is discussed.  相似文献   

S-Methylmethionine Metabolism in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Selenium-accumulating Astragalus spp. contain an enzyme which specifically transfers a methyl group from S-methylmethionine to the selenol of selenocysteine, thus converting it to a nontoxic, since nonproteinogenic, amino acid. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of this enzyme revealed that Escherichia coli possesses a protein (YagD) which shares high sequence similarity with the enzyme. The properties and physiological role of YagD were investigated. YagD is an S-methylmethionine: homocysteine methyltransferase which also accepts selenohomocysteine as a substrate. Mutants in yagD which also possess defects in metE and metH are unable to utilize S-methylmethionine for growth, whereas a metE metH double mutant still grows on S-methylmethionine. Upstream of yagD and overlapping with its reading frame is a gene (ykfD) which, when inactivated, also blocks growth on methylmethionine in a metE metH genetic background. Since it displays sequence similarities with amino acid permeases it appears to be the transporter for S-methylmethionine. Methionine but not S-methylmethionine in the medium reduces the amount of yagD protein. This and the existence of four MET box motifs upstream of yfkD indicate that the two genes are members of the methionine regulon. The physiological roles of the ykfD and yagD products appear to reside in the acquisition of S-methylmethionine, which is an abundant plant product, and its utilization for methionine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Diabetic nephropathy is both a common and a severe complication of diabetes mellitus. Iron is an essential trace element. However, excess iron is toxic, playing a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. The present study aimed to determine the extent of the interaction between iron and type 2 diabetes in the kidney. Male rats were randomly assigned into four groups: control, iron (300-mg/kg iron dextran), diabetes (a single dose of intraperitoneal streptozotocin), and iron + diabetes group. Iron supplementation resulted in a higher liver iron content, and diabetic rats showed higher serum glucose compared with control rats, which confirmed the model as iron overload and diabetic. It was found that iron + diabetes group showed a greater degree of kidney pathological changes, a remarkable reduction in body weight, and a significant increase in relative kidney weight and iron accumulation in rat kidneys compared with iron or diabetes group. Moreover, malondialdehyde values in the kidney were higher in iron + diabetes group than in iron or diabetes group, sulfhydryl concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity were decreased by the diabetes and iron + diabetes groups, and protein oxidation and nitration levels were higher in the kidney of iron + diabetes group as compared to iron or diabetes group. However, iron supplementation did not elevate the glucose level of a diabetic further. These results suggested that iron increased the diabetic renal injury probably through increased oxidative/nitrative stress and reduced antioxidant capacity instead of promoting a rise in blood sugar levels; iron might be a potential cofactor of diabetic nephropathy, and strict control of iron would be important under diabetic state.  相似文献   

We report a new function for Escherichia coli DsbC, a protein best known for disulfide bond isomerization in the periplasm. We found that DsbC regulates the redox state of the single cysteine of the l-arabinose-binding protein AraF. This cysteine, which can be oxidized to a sulfenic acid, mediates the formation of a disulfide-linked homodimer under oxidative stress conditions, preventing l-arabinose binding. DsbC, unlike the homologous protein DsbG, reduces the intermolecular disulfide, restoring AraF binding properties. Thus, our results reveal a new link between oxidative protein folding and the defense mechanisms against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Summary: Deinococcus radiodurans is a robust bacterium best known for its capacity to repair massive DNA damage efficiently and accurately. It is extremely resistant to many DNA-damaging agents, including ionizing radiation and UV radiation (100 to 295 nm), desiccation, and mitomycin C, which induce oxidative damage not only to DNA but also to all cellular macromolecules via the production of reactive oxygen species. The extreme resilience of D. radiodurans to oxidative stress is imparted synergistically by an efficient protection of proteins against oxidative stress and an efficient DNA repair mechanism, enhanced by functional redundancies in both systems. D. radiodurans assets for the prevention of and recovery from oxidative stress are extensively reviewed here. Radiation- and desiccation-resistant bacteria such as D. radiodurans have substantially lower protein oxidation levels than do sensitive bacteria but have similar yields of DNA double-strand breaks. These findings challenge the concept of DNA as the primary target of radiation toxicity while advancing protein damage, and the protection of proteins against oxidative damage, as a new paradigm of radiation toxicity and survival. The protection of DNA repair and other proteins against oxidative damage is imparted by enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant defense systems dominated by divalent manganese complexes. Given that oxidative stress caused by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is associated with aging and cancer, a comprehensive outlook on D. radiodurans strategies of combating oxidative stress may open new avenues for antiaging and anticancer treatments. The study of the antioxidation protection in D. radiodurans is therefore of considerable potential interest for medicine and public health.  相似文献   

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