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In the vicinity of tipping points—or more precisely bifurcation points—ecosystems recover slowly from small perturbations. Such slowness may be interpreted as a sign of low resilience in the sense that the ecosystem could easily be tipped through a critical transition into a contrasting state. Indicators of this phenomenon of ‘critical slowing down (CSD)’ include a rise in temporal correlation and variance. Such indicators of CSD can provide an early warning signal of a nearby tipping point. Or, they may offer a possibility to rank reefs, lakes or other ecosystems according to their resilience. The fact that CSD may happen across a wide range of complex ecosystems close to tipping points implies a powerful generality. However, indicators of CSD are not manifested in all cases where regime shifts occur. This is because not all regime shifts are associated with tipping points. Here, we review the exploding literature about this issue to provide guidance on what to expect and what not to expect when it comes to the CSD-based early warning signals for critical transitions.  相似文献   

Species interactions can influence key ecological processes that support community assembly and composition. For example, coralline algae encompass extensive diversity and may play a major role in regime shifts from kelp forests to urchin-dominated barrens through their role in inducing invertebrate larval metamorphosis and influencing kelp spore settlement. In a series of laboratory experiments, we tested the hypothesis that different coralline communities facilitate the maintenance of either ecosystem state by either promoting or inhibiting early recruitment of kelps or urchins. Coralline algae significantly increased red urchin metamorphosis compared with a control, while they had varying effects on kelp settlement. Urchin metamorphosis and density of juvenile canopy kelps did not differ significantly across coralline species abundant in both kelp forests and urchin barrens, suggesting that recruitment of urchin and canopy kelps does not depend on specific corallines. Non-calcified fleshy red algal crusts promoted the highest mean urchin metamorphosis percentage and showed some of the lowest canopy kelp settlement. In contrast, settlement of one subcanopy kelp species was reduced on crustose corallines, but elevated on articulated corallines, suggesting that articulated corallines, typically absent in urchin barrens, may need to recover before this subcanopy kelp could return. Coralline species differed in surface bacterial microbiome composition; however, urchin metamorphosis was not significantly different when microbiomes were removed with antibiotics. Our results clarify the role played by coralline algal species in kelp forest community assembly and could have important implications for kelp forest recovery.  相似文献   

Unfertilized sea urchin eggs exposed to the sulfhydryl reagents Ag+ or N-ethylmaleimide either elevated fertilizationlike membranes, formed surface protrusions, developed a clear cortical layer devoid of organelles, or cytolysed. The relative fraction of each modification varied from batch to batch and was also dose and time dependent. With Ag+ and higher doses of N-EMI (10?3 M), the most common effect was the elevation of a membrane indicating cortical exocytosis, while at lower doses of N-EMI protrusions were predominant. Glutathione (GSH) protected eggs against these reagents also in a dose-dependent manner. Eggs exposed to equimolar amounts of N-EMI and GSH, which otherwise formed membranes, produced protrusions, while increasing GSH tenfold afforded complete protection. We suggest there are two targets for the sulfhydryl reagents–the first, SH groups on proteins that regulate the release of Ca2+ from the intracellular sequestering mechanism which subsequently triggers cortical exocytosis; the second, SH groups on the egg surface that may regulate cortical organization.  相似文献   

Early warning signals have been proposed to forecast the possibility of a critical transition, such as the eutrophication of a lake, the collapse of a coral reef or the end of a glacial period. Because such transitions often unfold on temporal and spatial scales that can be difficult to approach by experimental manipulation, research has often relied on historical observations as a source of natural experiments. Here, we examine a critical difference between selecting systems for study based on the fact that we have observed a critical transition and those systems for which we wish to forecast the approach of a transition. This difference arises by conditionally selecting systems known to experience a transition of some sort and failing to account for the bias this introduces—a statistical error often known as the prosecutor''s fallacy. By analysing simulated systems that have experienced transitions purely by chance, we reveal an elevated rate of false-positives in common warning signal statistics. We further demonstrate a model-based approach that is less subject to this bias than those more commonly used summary statistics. We note that experimental studies with replicates avoid this pitfall entirely.  相似文献   

We report 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Heliocidaris erythrogramma, a common sea urchin endemic to temperate Australian waters. These microsatellites were tested in a minimum of 30 individuals, which yielded between five and 14 alleles per locus. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.52 to 0.92 with four loci deviating from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. These markers are expected to be useful for experimental studies involving paternity analysis and for quantifying population structure in H. erythrogramma across its geographic range.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure is described for large-scale isolation of micromeres from 16-cell stage sea urchin embryos. One to two grams of >99% pure, viable micromeres (2.3 to 4.6 × 108 cells) are routinely isolated in a single preparation. In culture, these cells uniformly proceed through their normal development, in synchrony with micromeres in whole embryos, ultimately differentiating typical larval skeletal structures. The attributes of this procedure are: (a) the very early time of isolation of the cells, directly after the division that establishes the cell line; (b) the large yield of cells; (c) the purity of the preparation of cell; and (d) their synchronous development in culture through skeletogenesis. The procedure greatly aids in making sea urchin micromeres a favorable material for molecular analysis of development. This work was supported in part by the following grants from the National Institutes of Health: Grant HL-10312 to A.H.W., Grant GM-20784 to Helen R. Whiteley, Grant ES-02190 to N. Karle Mottet, M.D., and Training Grants ES-07032 and HD-00266.  相似文献   

A 50 bp region from -194 bp to -144 bp of the arylsulfatase gene (HpArs) of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, is related to the temporally regulated expression of this gene. This region contains a Sox (Sry-related HMG box)-binding site, and the introduction of sequence mutations to this site significantly reduced the activity of the HpArs promoter, even in the presence of the C15 enhancer, which consists of HpOtx and CAAT motifs. A protein that binds to the Sox-binding site in the 50 bp region of the HpArs gene was detected in nuclear extracts of mesenchyme blastulae and a protein synthesized in vitro using SoxB1 cDNA of another sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, also bound to this Sox site. These results suggest that HpSox, which is maternally expressed and remains abundant by the pluteus stage, is clearly implicated in regulation of the HpArs gene. The presence of a negatively acting cis element in this 50 bp region has also been detected.  相似文献   

Chromatin within swollen or lysed isolated sperm nuclei of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, was examined by electron microscopy. Spread preparations of lysed sperm nuclei demonstrated dense aggregates of nondispersed material and beaded filaments radiating from these aggregates. These beaded fibers are similar in size and appearance to the “beads-on-a-string” seen as characteristic of chromatin spreads from numerous interphase nuclei. The beads are nucleosomes that have an average diameter of 130 Å. The interconnecting string is 40 Å indiameter and corresponds to the spacer DNA. In thin sections of swollen nuclei the sperm chromatin appears to be composed of 400 Å superbeads that are closely apposed to form 400 Å fibers. As the chromatin disperses, the superbeads are seen to be attached to one another by chromatin fibers of 110 Å diameter. In thin sections, the 400 Å superbeads appear to disperse directly into the 110 Å fibers with no intervening structures. This work demonstrates that the heterochromatin in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm nuclei is composed of nucleosomes that form 100 Å filaments that are compacted into 400 Å superbeads. The superbeads coalesce to give the morphological appearance of 400 Å fibers.  相似文献   

The vitelline envelope (VE) is an extremely thin, acellular, proteinaceous coat that surrounds the extracellular surface of sea urchin eggs. Despite previous studies on VE composition, structure and function, our understanding of the envelope is still incomplete at the molecular level. We have isolated VE components from intact, unfertilized Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs by reduction with alkaline dithiothreitol-sea water solutions and have characterized the macromolecules by SDS-PAGE. There were eight major glycoprotein bands, including two high molecular weight components at 265 and 300 kDa, and several minor components. We have revealed, by lectin blot analysis, that most components contain mannose, while a subset of glycoproteins contain fucose and N -acetylglucosamine; galactose and sialic acid were also detected. The components in the VE preparations were compared with cell surface complex preparations by immunoblot analysis, using antisera against a VE preparation, a 305 kDa electrophoretically purified VE glycoprotein and an extracellular portion of the sea urchin egg recombinant 350 kDa sperm receptor. Serum against the recombinant sperm receptor reacted with a component of ∼350 kDa on blots, but did not react with the 300 kDa component found in VE preparations. Therefore, we suggest these two glycoproteins are not the same.  相似文献   

Genes of the sea urchin embryo: An annotated list as of December 1994   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The main literature regarding gene structure and expression in sea urchin embryos is schematically reported and briefly commented upon. Although the subject has expanded particularly over the last 10 years, to which the review mostly refers, some historical reference is also given. More space is reserved to the regulation of the synthesis of histones and cytoskeletal actins, where the attention of various authors has been especially present; the regulation of such a synthesis is described both at a territorial level and a temporal level during the sea urchin development.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+-stimulated release of vesicle contents from cortical fragments prepared from sea urchin eggs is an in vitro model for exocytosis. Cortical fragments have been isolated either in suspension (cell surface complex, CSC preparation), or attached to polycation-coated surfaces (cortical lawn, CL preparation). CL, but not CSC, have been reported to undergo a rapid aging process whereby they fail to respond to micromolar free Ca2+. Since, in principle, the only difference between the two preparations is the use of polycations in the CL preparation, polycations were suspected of being inhibitory. This hypothesis was tested by evaluating the effects of polycation-containing buffers on the Ca2+ threshold, rate, and extent of exocytosis in CL prepared from the eggs ofStrongylocentrotus purpuratus. A sensitive microphotometric assay, based on light scattering by the individual cortical vesicles in the CL, was used to quantitate the exocytotic response. Buffers containing polylysine were found to be potent inhibitors of cortical exocytosis. The Ca2+ threshold of CL that had been treated for 15 min at room temperature with 50 g/ml of polylysine was more than three orders of magnitude greater than that of freshly prepared CL. The other polycations tested (protamine, spermine and neomycin) were also found to be inhibitory, but to a lesser degree than polylysine. Two lines of evidence suggested that the polycations used in the preparation of CL are responsible for the rapid aging phenomenon: (i) CSC fragments that had been affixed to polylysine-coated coverslips were shown to aquire aging characteristics similar to the CL preparations; control CSC that had been maintained in suspension did not. (ii) Radiolabeled poly-l-lysine was shown to dissociate from coated coverslips and redistribute onto CL.  相似文献   

The embryo of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus hatches from the fertilization envelope (FE) via synthesis and secretion of a hatching enzyme and by ciliary activity. Although the basic characteristics of the hatching enzyme are known, little is understood about changes in the FE during hatching. We have studied the biochemical changes in FEs during hatching. Polyacrylamide gel analysis revealed an increasingly complex polypeptide spectrum of the extractable fraction of FEs isolated during development. Immunoblotting of these polypeptides (using antiserum against the soluble polypeptides extracted from FEs isolated at 30 minutes postinsemination) revealed a decrease in the soluble FE components during hatching. Immunochemical analysis of hatching medium showed a strong correlation between the soluble FE components released and the hatching interval. Immunoblotting of hatching media indicated the presence of soluble FE polypeptides of similar and lower molecular weights than those obtained for extracts of FEs. These results imply that the hatching-associated changes in the FE of S purpuratus occur via proteolysis of FE components, which are derived from the paracrystalline protein fraction, a subset of cortical granule proteins.  相似文献   

Sea urchin overgrazing has caused widespread phase shifts from kelp forests to “urchin barrens” on many temperate reefs, reducing habitat complexity, productivity, and biodiversity. Sea urchin removal is increasingly used for kelp restoration; however, few studies have quantified the efficiency and effectiveness of different removal methods, resulting in limited understanding of their practicality. In this study, the efficiency (removal rate) and effectiveness (proportion removed) of four removal methods were evaluated in northeastern New Zealand. We compared culling or collecting sea urchins by either SCUBA or freediving in 128 small-scale plots (25 m2). We also evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of culling in four large (1.6–2 ha) barren areas, scales relevant for restoration. On average, culling sea urchins was 1.9–4.4 times faster than collecting, and SCUBA was 1.5–3.3 times faster than freediving. Removal rates increased with sea urchin density, especially for culling on SCUBA, while freediving removal rates increased with experience. Effectiveness was lower in large-scale removals (86–93% of sea urchins ≥40 mm removed) compared to small-scale removals (98–99%), but sufficient for restoration objectives. Estimated time per area (using SCUBA culling) was similar across large-scale removals (49–57 hours/ha), despite an almost 2-fold variation in initial sea urchin densities (approximately 4–8 urchins/m2), suggesting area may better predict total removal time than simply number of sea urchins across low-density ranges. While sea urchin removal provides a rapid, feasible, and effective approach to restoring kelp in urchin barrens, restoration plans need to also address the causes of sea urchin overpopulation to ensure long-term benefits.  相似文献   

A high-resolution sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system has been used to show the presence, in both whole sperm and isolated flagellar axonemes, of eight polypeptides migrating in the 300,000–350,000 molecular weight range characteristic of the heavy chains of dynein ATPase. Previously, only five such chains have been discernible. Extraction of isolated axonemes for 10 min at 4°C with a solution containing 0.6 M NaCl, pH 7, releases a mixture of particles that separate, in sucrose density gradient centrifugation, into a major peak, dynein 1 ATPase, sedimenting at 21 S and a minor peak at 12–14S. The polypeptide compositions of these two peaks are different. The dynein 1 peak, which contains most of the protein on the gradient, contains approximately equal quantities of two closely migrating heavy chains, with a small amount of a third, more slowly migrating chain; no other heavy chains appear in this peak. Two groups of smaller polypeptides (three intermediate chains, within the apparent molecular weight range 76,000–122,000 and four newly discovered light chains, within the apparent molecular weight range 14,000–24,000) cosediment with the 21 S peak. The heavy chain composition of the 12–14S peak is more complex, all eight heavy chains occurring in approximately the same ratios as occur in intact axonemes.  相似文献   

The first set of 15 expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat markers was developed in sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 17. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.022 to 0.911 and from 0.022 to 0.916, respectively. These informative marker loci will be useful for the assessment of genetic variation and population structure of this species.  相似文献   

The dynamics of secretion during sea urchin embryonic skeleton formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skeleton formation involves secretion of massive amounts of mineral precursor, usually a calcium salt, and matrix proteins, many of which are deposited on, or even occluded within, the mineral. The cell biological underpinnings of this secretion and subsequent assembly of the biomineralized skeletal element is not well understood. We ask here what is the relationship of the trafficking and secretion of the mineral and matrix within the primary mesenchyme cells of the sea urchin embryo, cells that deposit the endoskeletal spicule. Fluorescent labeling of intracellular calcium deposits show mineral precursors are present in granules visible by light microscopy, from whence they are deposited in the endoskeletal spicule, especially at its tip. In contrast, two different matrix proteins tagged with GFP are present in smaller post-Golgi vesicles only seen by electron microscopy, and the secreted protein are only incorporated into the spicule in the vicinity of the cell of origin. The matrix protein, SpSM30B, is post-translationally modified during secretion, and this processing continues after its incorporation into the spicule. Our findings also indicate that the mineral precursor and two well characterized matrix proteins are trafficked by different cellular routes.  相似文献   

SpSHR2 is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, expressed in embryos, larvae, and adult tissues of sea urchin. During embryonic development, two receptor isoforms are produced via alternative splicing. One exhibits the typical structure of nuclear receptors (SpSHR2-full length), whereas the other is missing the entire LBD (SpSHR2-splice variant). DNA-constructs encoding these isoforms and two additional in vitro generated deletion mutants were engineered in an expression vector carrying the myc-tag. Expression of the tagged isoforms in S. purpuratus embryos showed that the exogenous SpSHR2 full-length protein displays a similar subcellular localization as the endogenous receptor. In early cleavage stages (4-cells), the full-length isoform is predominantly localized in the nucleus, whereas two cell divisions later (16-cells) protein accumulations are detected in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. To the contrary, the SpSHR2-splice variant is confined in the embryonic nuclei both at 4- and 16-cell stage embryos. Analysis of the intracellular distribution of two receptor mutants, one having a deletion within the DBD (DeltaP) and the other a truncation of the C-terminal F-domain (DeltaF), revealed that DeltaP is localized similarly to full-length receptor, whereas DeltaF is maintained in the nucleus, similar to the SpSHR2 splice variant. Investigation of the DNA binding and dimerization properties of the two SpSHR2 isoforms demonstrated that they recognize and bind to a DR1-element as monomers, whereas DeltaP does not bind DNA and DeltaF binds to DR1 poorly. These results suggest that the receptor's putative LBD is responsible for the differential subcellular localization of the two natural SpSHR2-isoforms in early development.  相似文献   

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