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The responses of the burrowing bivalves Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma edule to chemical cues emitted by feeding shore crabs Carcinus maenas were investigated. M. balthica held in the laboratory and exposed to chemical signals in effluent water discharging from tanks containing C. maenas fed 20 M. balthica day− 1 reacted by increasing their burial depths from approximately 30 mm to depths of > 60 mm, over a period of several days. When the signal was removed the bivalves gradually returned to their original depth over 5 days. C. edule similarly exposed to effluent from crabs feeding on conspecifics showed no response. In an attempt to identify the signal inducing this burrowing response, M. balthica were exposed to a variety of chemical signals. Crabs fed M. balthica elicited the strongest response, followed by crabs fed C. edule. There were also small responses to effluent from crabs fed on fish, crabs previously fed on M. balthica and to crab faeces, but no responses to starved crabs, crushed M. balthica, or controls. We conclude that increased burrowing depth of M. balthica is induced by some as yet unidentified chemical cue produced by feeding crabs and is strongest when the crabs were fed on M. balthica. Unexpectedly, neither the presence of crabs themselves, nor of damaged conspecifics, was effective in eliciting a burrowing response. The mortality rates of M. balthica and C. edule selected by crabs when burrowed at normal depths and after exposure to effluent from feeding crabs were different. Crabs selected 1.5 times more C. edule than M. balthica when both species were burrowed at their normal depths, but 15 times more after the tanks had been exposed to effluent from feeding crabs for 5 days. The burrowing response of M. balthica thus appears to reduce mortality significantly by displacing predation pressure on to the more accessible C. edule.  相似文献   

Predators of pollinators can influence pollination services and plant fitness via both consumptive (reducing pollinator density) and non-consumptive (altering pollinator behaviour) effects. However, a better knowledge of the mechanisms underlying behaviourally mediated indirect effects of predators is necessary to properly understand their role in community dynamics. We used the tripartite relationship between bumblebees, predatory crab spiders and flowers to ask whether behaviourally mediated effects are localized to flowers harbouring predators, or whether bees extend their avoidance to entire plant species. In a tightly controlled laboratory environment, bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) were exposed to a random mixture of equally rewarding yellow and white artificial flowers, but foraging on yellow flowers was very risky: bees had a 25 per cent chance of receiving a simulated predation attempt by ‘robotic’ crab spiders. As bees learnt to avoid ‘dangerous’ flowers, their foraging preferences changed and they began to visit fewer yellow flowers than expected by chance. Bees avoided spider-free yellow flowers as well as dangerous yellow flowers when spiders were more difficult to detect (the colour of yellow spiders was indistinguishable from that of yellow flowers). Therefore, this interaction between bee learning and predator crypsis could lead flower species harbouring cryptic predators to suffer from reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

Predatory bacteria are taxonomically disparate, exhibit diverse predatory strategies and are widely distributed in varied environments. To date, their predatory phenotypes cannot be discerned in genome sequence data thereby limiting our understanding of bacterial predation, and of its impact in nature. Here, we define the ‘predatome,'' that is, sets of protein families that reflect the phenotypes of predatory bacteria. The proteomes of all sequenced 11 predatory bacteria, including two de novo sequenced genomes, and 19 non-predatory bacteria from across the phylogenetic and ecological landscapes were compared. Protein families discriminating between the two groups were identified and quantified, demonstrating that differences in the proteomes of predatory and non-predatory bacteria are large and significant. This analysis allows predictions to be made, as we show by confirming from genome data an over-looked bacterial predator. The predatome exhibits deficiencies in riboflavin and amino acids biosynthesis, suggesting that predators obtain them from their prey. In contrast, these genomes are highly enriched in adhesins, proteases and particular metabolic proteins, used for binding to, processing and consuming prey, respectively. Strikingly, predators and non-predators differ in isoprenoid biosynthesis: predators use the mevalonate pathway, whereas non-predators, like almost all bacteria, use the DOXP pathway. By defining predatory signatures in bacterial genomes, the predatory potential they encode can be uncovered, filling an essential gap for measuring bacterial predation in nature. Moreover, we suggest that full-genome proteomic comparisons are applicable to other ecological interactions between microbes, and provide a convenient and rational tool for the functional classification of bacteria.  相似文献   

Animal communication theory holds that in order to be evolutionarily stable, signals must be honest on average, but significant dishonesty (i.e. deception) by a subset of the population may also evolve. A typical praying mantid mating system involves active mate searching by males, which is guided by airborne sex pheromones in most species for which mate-searching cues have been studied. The Femme Fatale hypothesis suggests that female mantids may be selected to exploit conspecific males as prey if they benefit nutritionally from cannibalism. Such a benefit exists in the false garden mantid Pseudomantis albofimbriata—females use the resources gained from male consumption to significantly increase their body condition and reproductive output. This study aimed to examine the potential for chemical deception among the subset of females most likely to benefit from cannibalism (poorly fed females). Females were placed into one of four feeding treatments (‘Very Poor’, ‘Poor’, ‘Medium’ and ‘Good’), and males were given the opportunity to choose between visually obscured females in each of the treatments. Female body condition and fecundity varied linearly with food quantity; however, female attractiveness did not. That is, Very Poor females attracted significantly more males than any of the other female treatments, even though these females were in significantly poorer condition, less fecund (in this study) and more likely to cannibalise (in a previous study). In addition, there was a positive correlation between fecundity and attractiveness if Very Poor females were removed from the analysis, suggesting an inherently honest signalling system with a subset of dishonest individuals. This is the first empirical study to provide evidence of sexual deception via chemical cues, and the first to provide support for the Femme Fatale hypothesis.  相似文献   

Adelgids (Insecta: Hemiptera: Adelgidae) are known as severe pests of various conifers in North America, Canada, Europe and Asia. Here, we present the first molecular identification of bacteriocyte-associated symbionts in these plant sap-sucking insects. Three geographically distant populations of members of the Adelges nordmannianae/piceae complex, identified based on coI and ef1alpha gene sequences, were investigated. Electron and light microscopy revealed two morphologically different endosymbionts, coccoid or polymorphic, which are located in distinct bacteriocytes. Phylogenetic analyses of their 16S and 23S rRNA gene sequences assigned both symbionts to novel lineages within the Gammaproteobacteria sharing <92% 16S rRNA sequence similarity with each other and showing no close relationship with known symbionts of insects. Their identity and intracellular location were confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization, and the names ‘Candidatus Steffania adelgidicola'' and ‘Candidatus Ecksteinia adelgidicola'' are proposed for tentative classification. Both symbionts were present in all individuals of all investigated populations and in different adelgid life stages including eggs, suggesting vertical transmission from mother to offspring. An 85 kb genome fragment of ‘Candidatus S. adelgidicola'' was reconstructed based on a metagenomic library created from purified symbionts. Genomic features including the frequency of pseudogenes, the average length of intergenic regions and the presence of several genes which are absent in other long-term obligate symbionts, suggested that ‘Candidatus S. adelgidicola'' is an evolutionarily young bacteriocyte-associated symbiont, which has been acquired after diversification of adelgids from their aphid sister group.  相似文献   

We investigated seed bugs of the genus Nysius (Insecta: Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) for their symbiotic bacteria. From all the samples representing 4 species, 18 populations and 281 individuals, specific bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were consistently identified, which formed a distinct clade in the Gammaproteobacteria. In situ hybridization showed that the bacterium was endocellularly localized in a pair of large bacteriomes that were amorphous in shape, deep red in color, and in association with gonads. In the ovary of adult females, the endosymbiont was also localized in the ‘infection zone'' in the middle of each germarium and in the ‘symbiont ball'' at the anterior pole of each oocyte, indicating vertical transmission of the endosymbiont through the ovarial passage. Phylogenetic analyses based on bacterial 16S rRNA, groEL and gyrB genes consistently supported a coherent monophyly of the Nysius endosymbionts. The possibility of a sister relationship to ‘Candidatus Kleidoceria schneideri'', the bacteriome-associated endosymbiont of a lygaeid bug Kleidocerys resedae, was statistically rejected, indicating independent evolutionary origins of the endosymbionts in the Lygaeidae. The endosymbiont genes consistently exhibited AT-biased nucleotide compositions and accelerated rates of molecular evolution, and the endosymbiont genome was only 0.6 Mb in size. The endosymbiont phylogeny was congruent with the host insect phylogeny, suggesting strict vertical transmission and host–symbiont co-speciation over evolutionary time. Based on these results, we discuss the evolution of bacteriomes and endosymbionts in the Heteroptera, most members of which are associated with gut symbiotic bacteria. The designation ‘Candidatus Schneideria nysicola'' is proposed for the endosymbiont clade.  相似文献   

Toxic prey that signal their defences to predators using conspicuous warning signals are called ‘aposematic’. Predators learn about the toxic content of aposematic prey and reduce their attacks on them. However, through regulating their toxin intake, predators will include aposematic prey in their diets when the benefits of gaining the nutrients they contain outweigh the costs of ingesting the prey''s toxins. Predators face a problem when managing their toxin intake: prey sharing the same warning signal often vary in their toxicities. Given that predators should avoid uncertainty when managing their toxin intake, we tested whether European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) preferred to eat fixed-defence prey (where all prey contained a 2% quinine solution) to mixed-defence prey (where half the prey contained a 4% quinine solution and the other half contained only water). Our results support the idea that predators should be more ‘risk-averse’ when foraging on variably defended prey and suggest that variation in toxicity levels could be a form of defence.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of resilience of coral reefs to anthropogenic stressors is a critical step toward mitigating their current global decline. Coral–bacteria associations are fundamental to reef health and disease, but direct observations of these interactions remain largely unexplored. Here, we use novel technology, high-speed laser scanning confocal microscopy on live coral (Pocillopora damicornis), to test the hypothesis that corals exert control over the abundance of their associated bacterial communities by releasing (‘shedding'') bacteria from their surface, and that this mechanism can counteract bacterial growth stimulated by organic inputs. We also test the hypothesis that the coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus can evade such a defense mechanism. This first report of direct observation with high-speed confocal microscopy of living coral and its associated bacterial community revealed a layer (3.3–146.8 μm thick) on the coral surface where bacteria were concentrated. The results of two independent experiments showed that the bacterial abundance in this layer was not sensitive to enrichment (5 mg l−1 peptone), and that coral fragments exposed to enrichment released significantly more bacteria from their surfaces than control corals (P<0.01; 35.9±1.4 × 105 cells cm−2 coral versus 1.3±0.5 × 105 cells cm−2 coral). Our results provide direct support to the hypothesis that shedding bacteria may be an important mechanism by which coral-associated bacterial abundances are regulated under organic matter stress. Additionally, the novel ability to watch this ecological behavior in real-time at the microscale opens an unexplored avenue for mechanistic studies of coral–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Allopatric speciation often yields ecologically equivalent sister species, so that their secondary admixis enforces competition. The shores of Lake Tanganyika harbor about 120 distinct populations of the cichlid genus Tropheus, but only some are sympatric. When alone, Tropheus occupies a relatively broad depth zone, but in sympatry, fish segregate by depth. To assess the effects of competition, we studied the partial co-occurrence of Tropheus moorii ‘Kaiser'' and ‘Kirschfleck'' with Tropheus polli. A previous study demonstrated via standardized breeding experiments that some observed differences between Tropheus ‘Kaiser'' living alone and in sympatry with T. polli have a genetic basis despite large-scale phenotypic plasticity. Using geometric morphometrics and neutral genetic markers, we now investigated whether sympatric populations differ consistently in body shape from populations living alone and if the differences are adaptive. We found significant differences in mean shape between non-sympatric and sympatric populations, whereas all sympatric populations of both color morphs clustered together in shape space. Sympatric populations had a relatively smaller head, smaller eyes and a more anterior insertion of the pectoral fin than non-sympatric populations. Genetically, however, non-sympatric and sympatric ‘Kaiser'' populations clustered together to the exclusion of ‘Kirschfleck''. Genetic distances, but not morphological distances, were correlated with geographic distances. Within- and between-population covariance matrices for T. moorii populations deviated from proportionality. It is thus likely that natural selection acts on both phenotypic plasticity and heritable traits and that both factors contribute to the observed shape differences. The consistency of the pattern in five populations suggests ecological character displacement.  相似文献   

Many animals preferentially select a habitat from a range of those potentially available. However, the consequences of these preferences for distribution and abundance, and the underlying basis of habitat preferences are often unknown. The present study, conducted at Great Keppel Island, Australia, examined how distribution and abundance of an obligate corallivorous filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris, relates to coral architecture and diversity. The main drivers of the distribution and abundance of O. longirostris among reefs were coral species richness and availability of branching coral. Feeding territories had a higher percentage of Acropora coral than surrounding habitat. In addition, feeding territories had a higher percentage of the structurally important branching coral, Acropora nobilis, and a primary prey species, Acropora millepora. A series of pair-wise choice experiments in which both structural complexity and coral tissue quality were independently manipulated showed that habitat choice was primarily based on structural complexity and shelter characteristics. In addition, the choice for the preferred coral (A. nobilis) was stronger in the presence of a piscivorous fish. These results indicate that species-diverse coral habitats, which provide sufficient structural complexity along with nutritionally important prey, are essential for population persistence of this small, corallivorous reef fish.  相似文献   

Background and Aims During evolution, plants have acquired and/or lost diverse sugar residues as cell-wall constituents. Of particular interest are primordial cell-wall features that existed, and in some cases abruptly changed, during the momentous step whereby land-plants arose from charophytic algal ancestors.Methods Polysaccharides were extracted from four charophyte orders [Chlorokybales (Chlorokybus atmophyticus), Klebsormidiales (Klebsormidium fluitans, K. subtile), Charales (Chara vulgaris, Nitella flexilis), Coleochaetales (Coleochaete scutata)] and an early-diverging land-plant (Anthoceros agrestis). ‘Pectins’ and ‘hemicelluloses’, operationally defined as extractable in oxalate (100 °C) and 6 m NaOH (37 °C), respectively, were acid- or Driselase-hydrolysed, and the monosaccharides analysed chromatographically. One unusual monosaccharide, ‘U’, was characterized by 1H/13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and also enzymically.Key Results ‘U’ was identified as 3-O-methyl-d-galactose (3-MeGal). All pectins, except in Klebsormidium, contained acid- and Driselase-releasable galacturonate, suggesting homogalacturonan. All pectins, without exception, released rhamnose and galactose on acid hydrolysis; however, only in ‘higher’ charophytes (Charales, Coleochaetales) and Anthoceros were these sugars also efficiently released by Driselase, suggesting rhamnogalacturonan-I. Pectins of ‘higher’ charophytes, especially Chara, contained little arabinose, instead possessing 3-MeGal. Anthoceros hemicelluloses were rich in glucose, xylose, galactose and arabinose (suggesting xyloglucan and arabinoxylan), none of which was consistently present in charophyte hemicelluloses.Conclusions Homogalacturonan is an ancient streptophyte feature, albeit secondarily lost in Klebsormidium. When conquering the land, the first embryophytes already possessed rhamnogalacturonan-I. In contrast, charophyte and land-plant hemicelluloses differ substantially, indicating major changes during terrestrialization. The presence of 3-MeGal in charophytes and lycophytes but not in the ‘intervening’ bryophytes confirms that cell-wall chemistry changed drastically between major phylogenetic grades.  相似文献   

Members of the phylum Bacteroidetes are abundant in many marine ecosystems and are known to have a pivotal role in the mineralization of complex organic substrates such as polysaccharides and proteins. We studied the decomposition of the algal glycans laminarin and alginate by ‘Gramella forsetii'' KT0803, a bacteroidetal isolate from North Sea surface waters. A combined application of isotope labeling, subcellular protein fractionation and quantitative proteomics revealed two large polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) that were specifically induced, one by alginate and the other by laminarin. These regulons comprised genes of surface-exposed proteins such as oligomer transporters, substrate-binding proteins, carbohydrate-active enzymes and hypothetical proteins. Besides, several glycan-specific TonB-dependent receptors and SusD-like substrate-binding proteins were expressed also in the absence of polysaccharide substrates, suggesting an anticipatory sensing function. Genes for the utilization of the beta-1,3-glucan laminarin were found to be co-regulated with genes for glucose and alpha-1,4-glucan utilization, which was not the case for the non-glucan alginate. Strong syntenies of the PULs of ‘G. forsetii'' with similar loci in other Bacteroidetes indicate that the specific response mechanisms of ‘G. forsetii'' to changes in polysaccharide availability likely apply to other Bacteroidetes. Our results can thus contribute to an improved understanding of the ecological niches of marine Bacteroidetes and their roles in the polysaccharide decomposition part of carbon cycling in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Animals can evade predators in multiple ways, one of the most effective of which is to avoid detection in the first place. We know much about the evolution of color patterns that match the visual background to avoid detection (i.e., crypsis), yet we know surprisingly less about the specific behaviors that have co‐evolved with these morphological traits to enhance or maintain crypsis. We here explore whether the match between body color and background in a seemingly well‐camouflaged tropical shore crab is a result of active background choice. Taking advantage of a coastal area in the Solomon Islands with variable sand color and a population of the pallid ghost crab Ocypode pallidula with varying carapace color, we experimentally tested whether individuals actively choose specific substrate that best matches their color patterns. We found that individuals taken from extreme sand colors chose substrate that maintained crypsis, with relatively darker crabs typically choosing dark sand and lighter crabs choosing light sand. Crabs of intermediate color pattern, in contrast, showed no clear preference for dark or light sand. Our results suggest that potential prey can actively choose specific backgrounds to enhance and maintain crypsis, providing insights into how behavior interacts with morphological traits to avoid predator detection.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic increases in atmospheric CO2 over this century are predicted to cause global average surface ocean pH to decline by 0.1–0.3 pH units and sea surface temperature to increase by 1–4°C. We conducted controlled laboratory experiments to investigate the impacts of CO2-induced ocean acidification (pCO2 = 324, 477, 604, 2553 µatm) and warming (25, 28, 32°C) on the calcification rate of the zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Siderastrea siderea, a widespread, abundant and keystone reef-builder in the Caribbean Sea. We show that both acidification and warming cause a parabolic response in the calcification rate within this coral species. Moderate increases in pCO2 and warming, relative to near-present-day values, enhanced coral calcification, with calcification rates declining under the highest pCO2 and thermal conditions. Equivalent responses to acidification and warming were exhibited by colonies across reef zones and the parabolic nature of the corals'' response to these stressors was evident across all three of the experiment''s 30-day observational intervals. Furthermore, the warming projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the end of the twenty-first century caused a fivefold decrease in the rate of coral calcification, while the acidification projected for the same interval had no statistically significant impact on the calcification rate—suggesting that ocean warming poses a more immediate threat than acidification for this important coral species.  相似文献   

Range expansion and population establishment of individual species can have significant impacts on previously established food webs and predator-prey dynamics. The stone crab (Menippe spp.) is found throughout southwestern North Atlantic waters, from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico and the Central American Caribbean, including the Greater Antilles. Recent observations suggest that stone crabs have become better established on certain oyster reefs in North Carolina than in the early 1900s when they we first observed in NC. To assess the predatory impact of stone crabs on oysters, we (1) quantified stone crab densities on subtidal oyster reefs in Pamlico Sound, NC using scuba surveys, and (2) conducted laboratory predation experiments to assess the functional response of stone crabs to varying densities of oysters. We then (3) analyzed previously unpublished functional response data on another important oyster predator, the mud crab Panopeus herbstii. Finally, we (4) compared and contrasted potential predatory impacts of stone, mud and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). The functional response data and analyses for both stone crabs and mud crabs were consistent with a type II functional response. Mud crabs, on a m2 basis, inflicted the highest proportional mortality on oysters over a 24 hour period, followed by stone and then blue crabs. Proportional mortality did not vary significantly with oyster size; however, relatively small and large oysters were consumed disproportionately less than medium-sized oysters, likely due to the mechanical inability of stone crabs to handle small oysters, and the inability to crush large oysters. Although stone crabs appear to be established in Pamlico Sound at densities equivalent to densities in other systems such as the U.S. Florida Panhandle, their predatory activities on oysters are not expected to have as significant a negative impact on oyster populations compared to other resident predators such as mud crabs.  相似文献   

Whereas many plasticity studies demonstrate the importance of inducible defences among prey, far fewer investigate the potential role of inducible offences among predators. Here we ask if natural differences in a snail's shell hardness can induce developmental changes to a predatory crab's claw size. To do this, we fed Littorina obtusata snails from either thick- or thin-shelled populations to captive European green crabs Carcinus maenas. The crabs' shell-breaking behaviour dominated among those fed thin-shelled snails, whereas crabs fed thick-shelled snails mostly winkled flesh through the shell opening without damaging the shell itself (a.k.a. aperture-probing behaviour). Significantly, the size of crab crusher claws grew in proportion to the frequency of shell-crushing behaviour and, for a same shell-crushing frequency, crabs fed thick-shelled snails grew larger crusher claws than those fed thin-shelled snails after two experimental moults. Diet and behaviour had no effect on the growth of the smaller cutter claws of same individuals, providing good evidence that allometric changes to crusher claws were indeed a result of differential use while feeding. Findings indicate that both predation habits and claw sizes are affected by green crabs' diet, supporting the hypothesis that prey-induced phenotypic plasticity contributes to earlier accounts of shell-claw covariance between this predator and its Littorina prey in the wild.  相似文献   

Highly acidic (pH 0–1) biofilms, known as ‘snottites'', form on the walls and ceilings of hydrogen sulfide-rich caves. We investigated the population structure, physiology and biogeochemistry of these biofilms using metagenomics, rRNA methods and lipid geochemistry. Snottites from the Frasassi cave system (Italy) are dominated (>70% of cells) by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, with smaller populations including an archaeon in the uncultivated ‘G-plasma'' clade of Thermoplasmatales (>15%) and a bacterium in the Acidimicrobiaceae family (>5%). Based on metagenomic evidence, the Acidithiobacillus population is autotrophic (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), carboxysomes) and oxidizes sulfur by the sulfide–quinone reductase and sox pathways. No reads matching nitrogen fixation genes were detected in the metagenome, whereas multiple matches to nitrogen assimilation functions are present, consistent with geochemical evidence, that fixed nitrogen is available in the snottite environment to support autotrophic growth. Evidence for adaptations to extreme acidity include Acidithiobacillus sequences for cation transporters and hopanoid synthesis, and direct measurements of hopanoid membrane lipids. Based on combined metagenomic, molecular and geochemical evidence, we suggest that Acidithiobacillus is the snottite architect and main primary producer, and that snottite morphology and distributions in the cave environment are directly related to the supply of C, N and energy substrates from the cave atmosphere.  相似文献   

Diseases are an emerging threat to ocean ecosystems. Coral reefs, in particular, are experiencing a worldwide decline because of disease and bleaching, which have been exacerbated by rising seawater temperatures. Yet, the ecological mechanisms behind most coral diseases remain unidentified. Here, we demonstrate that a coral pathogen, Vibrio coralliilyticus, uses chemotaxis and chemokinesis to target the mucus of its coral host, Pocillopora damicornis. A primary driver of this response is the host metabolite dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a key element in the global sulfur cycle and a potent foraging cue throughout the marine food web. Coral mucus is rich in DMSP, and we found that DMSP alone elicits chemotactic responses of comparable intensity to whole mucus. Furthermore, in heat-stressed coral fragments, DMSP concentrations increased fivefold and the pathogen''s chemotactic response was correspondingly enhanced. Intriguingly, despite being a rich source of carbon and sulfur, DMSP is not metabolized by the pathogen, suggesting that it is used purely as an infochemical for host location. These results reveal a new role for DMSP in coral disease, demonstrate the importance of chemical signaling and swimming behavior in the recruitment of pathogens to corals and highlight the impact of increased seawater temperatures on disease pathways.  相似文献   

Predator-prey interaction between sandy shore crab, Matuta lunaris (Forskål, 1775), and juvenile Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck et Schlegel), was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions. Possibility of training and conditioning hatchery-reared flounder to avoid predators was also examined. Crabs took over 75% of their daily ration at night when they were given access to prey 24 h a day. Large (64.8±5.4 g)- and medium (30.68±3.33 g)-sized crabs ate ca. 5.5±1.45 and 3.9±1.99 individuals of flounder (TL=4.96±0.23 cm) a day, respectively. When flounder juveniles that have experienced predation pressure by crabs encountered predators again, they exhibited better survival compared to the naive fish. Flounder juveniles were also conditioned either using small and, thus, benign predators, or large crabs over fence. The conditioned fish with either method were better able to avoid capture by crabs than naive fish, revealing that learning process should play an important role in their predator avoidance. Anti-predator performance was also compared between starved and fed flounder juveniles. Fed fish were rarely eaten by predators after 3 h of exposure, whereas starved fish continued to be eaten. Our results suggest that stock-enhancement program of Japanese flounder can be improved by applying proper feeding protocol and conditioning to avoid predators prior to release. Present research supports the idea that behavioural and ecological consideration for the target species is indispensable for the success of stock enhancement.  相似文献   

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