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BackgroundMonitoring of fetal heart rate (FHR) is important during labor since it is a sensitive marker to obtain significant information about fetal condition. To take immediate response during cesarean section (CS), we noninvasively derive FHR from maternal abdominal ECG.MethodsWe recruited 17 pregnant women delivered by elective cesarean section, with abdominal ECG obtained before and during the entire CS. First, a QRS-template is created by averaging all the maternal ECG heart beats. Then, Hilbert transform was applied to QRS-template to generate the other basis which is orthogonal to the QRS-template. Second, maternal QRS, P and T waves were adaptively subtracted from the composited ECG. Third, Gabor transformation was applied to obtain time-frequency spectrogram of FHR. Heart rate variability (HRV) parameters including standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals (SDNN), 0V, 1V, 2V derived from symbolic dynamics of HRV and SD1, SD2 derived from Poincareé plot. Three emphasized stages includes: (1) before anesthesia, (2) 5 minutes after anesthesia and (3) 5 minutes before CS delivery.ResultsFHRs were successfully derived from all maternal abdominal ECGs. FHR increased 5 minutes after anesthesia and 5 minutes before delivery. As for HRV parameters, SDNN increased both 5 minutes after anesthesia and 5 minutes before delivery (21.30±9.05 vs. 13.01±6.89, P < 0.001 and 22.88±12.01 vs. 13.01±6.89, P < 0.05). SD1 did not change during anesthesia, while SD2 increased significantly 5 minutes after anesthesia (27.92±12.28 vs. 16.18±10.01, P < 0.001) and both SD2 and 0V percentage increased significantly 5 minutes before delivery (30.54±15.88 vs. 16.18±10.01, P < 0.05; 0.39±0.14 vs. 0.30±0.13, P < 0.05).ConclusionsWe developed a novel method to automatically derive FHR from maternal abdominal ECGs and proved that it is feasible during CS.  相似文献   

This report describes two cases of twin pregnancy in which continuous heart rate monitoring of both twins was successfully carried out during labour. In both cases monitoring permitted early diagnosis of fetal distress and both mothers were delivered by caesarean section. Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring permits diagnosis of fetal distress in the second twin much earlier than conventional methods.  相似文献   

The use of continuous fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine pressure monitoring in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) by external Doppler transducer and tocodynamometer is described in 1) the routine obstetrical assessment of fetal well-being, 2) oxytocin challenge (stress) testing (OCT) and non-stress testing (NST) for the diagnosis of in utero fetal distress, and 3) induction of labor by intravenous oxytocin infusion, by surgical rupture of the chorio-amniotic membranes (amniotomy), or by a combination of these techniques, as an alternative to Caesarean section for clinical, managemental, or experimental purposes. FHR traces were analyzed during a total of 57 term pregnancies for three basic characteristics: baseline rate, variability, and periodic pattern. Results indicated that continuous FHR monitoring in the chimpanzee can provide a valuable tool for fetal assessment and management of labor in any attempt to reduce the unacceptably high annual incidence of perinatal and neonatal infant mortality reported in the U.S.  相似文献   

Severe fetal acidemia during labour can result in life-lasting neurological deficits, but the timely detection of this condition is often not possible. This is because the positive predictive value (PPV) of fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring, the mainstay of fetal health surveillance during labour, to detect concerning fetal acidemia is around 50%. In fetal sheep model of human labour, we reported that severe fetal acidemia (pH<7.00) during repetitive umbilical cord occlusions (UCOs) is preceded ∼60 minutes by the synchronization of electroencephalogram (EEG) and FHR. However, EEG and FHR are cyclic and noisy, and although the synchronization might be visually evident, it is challenging to detect automatically, a necessary condition for bedside utility. Here we present and validate a novel non-parametric statistical method to detect fetal acidemia during labour by using EEG and FHR. The underlying algorithm handles non-stationary and noisy data by recording number of abnormal episodes in both EEG and FHR. A logistic regression is then deployed to test whether these episodes are significantly related to each other. We then apply the method in a prospective study of human labour using fetal sheep model (n = 20). Our results render a PPV of 68% for detecting impending severe fetal acidemia ∼60 min prior to pH drop to less than 7.00 with 100% negative predictive value. We conclude that this method has a great potential to improve PPV for detection of fetal acidemia when it is implemented at the bedside. We outline directions for further refinement of the algorithm that will be achieved by analyzing larger data sets acquired in prospective human pilot studies.  相似文献   

目的:探讨超声心动图评价妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)孕妇胎儿心脏结构及功能的价值。方法:收集2014年1月至2016年12月我院住院分娩的156例GDM孕妇为GDM组,并于同期随机选取50例孕周匹配的健康妊娠孕妇为对照组,在妊娠末期采用超声心动图对两组胎儿进行检查,检查内容包括胎儿的心脏瓣环内径、心脏结构以及心脏功能。结果:GDM组孕妇胎儿的MVA、TVA、AVA、PVA均比对照组大,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。GDM组孕妇胎儿的IVSs、IVSd、LVWTd、LVWTs、RVWTd、RVWTs均比对照组大,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。GDM组孕妇胎儿的LVEF、LVFS、RVFS均比对照组大,E/AMV、E/ATV均比对照组小,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。GDM组孕妇胎儿左室Tei指数(LV MPI)、右室Tei指数(RV MPI)均大于对照组(P0.05)。结论:GDM孕妇胎儿心脏结构和功能存在不同程度的改变,超声心动图能有效监测胎儿的心脏结构和功能,从而为临床早期干预和改善预后提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:甲状腺功能障碍是孕期比较常见的内分泌疾病,本次研究的主要目的是找出孕期最常见的甲状腺功能障碍以及对孕妇及胎儿的影响及结果。方法:回顾性分析我院2006年1月1日至2009年1月1日在我院行产前保健的中孕期孕妇1000例。详细记录各项检查结果,TSH水平检测,TSH筛查异常的孕妇测定其游离T4水平并详细记录直至胎儿出生。结果:甲状腺功能障碍孕期比较常见,其中孕妇合并亚临床甲状腺功能减退(6.40%)和临床甲状腺功能减退(4.40%)最为常见,合并临床甲状腺机能减退症的产妇更容易发生妊娠期高血压(20.5%)和TUGR(13.6%),患有亚临床甲状腺机能减退症和亚临床甲状腺机能亢进症的产妇发生贫血的几率比较大,分别为14.1%和22.2%,并且有统计学意义。临床甲状腺机能亢进的产妇发生妊娠期糖尿病的风险明显增高33.3%,亚临床甲状腺机能减退症的产妇因胎儿宫内窘迫而行剖宫产的几率明显增高(23.4%,p<0.05),而且发生早产的风险同样增加9.4%。结论:甲状腺功能障碍孕期常见,尤其是及亚临床甲状腺功能减退(6.40%)。对孕妇及胎儿的不利影响比较明显,孕前检测甲状腺功能极为必要。  相似文献   

In 1999, Ontario implemented a policy to offer HIV counseling and testing to all pregnant women and undertook measures to increase HIV testing. We evaluated the effectiveness of the new policy by examining HIV test uptake, the number of HIV-infected women identified and, in 2002, the HIV rate in women not tested during prenatal care. We analyzed test uptake among women receiving prenatal care from 1999 to 2010. We examined HIV test uptake and HIV rate by year, age and health region. In an anonymous, unlinked study, we determined the HIV rate in pregnant women not tested. Prenatal HIV test uptake in Ontario increased dramatically, from 33% in the first quarter of 1999 to 96% in 2010. Test uptake was highest in younger women but increased in all age groups. All health regions improved and experienced similar test uptake in recent years. The HIV rate among pregnant women tested in 2010 was 0.13/1,000; in Toronto, the rate was 0.28 per 1,000. In the 2002 unlinked study, the HIV rate was 0.62/1,000 among women not tested in pregnancy compared to 0.31/1,000 among tested women. HIV incidence among women who tested more than once was 0.05/1,000 person-years. In response to the new policy in Ontario, prenatal HIV testing uptake improved dramatically among women in all age groups and health regions. A reminder to physicians who had not ordered a prenatal HIV test appeared to be very effective. In 2002, the HIV rate in women who were not tested was twice that of tested women: though 77% of pregnant women had been tested, only 63% of HIV-infected women were tested. HIV testing uptake was estimated at 98% in 2010.  相似文献   

目的:探讨监测孕早期胎心率(fetal heartrate,FHR)对胎儿生存预后的预测价值,尤其对已有流产征兆或有重复、习惯性流产史患者的胎儿不良生存结局的预测价值.方法:收集自2003到2007年至我院门诊要求生育的正常早孕孕妇以及有先兆流产征象或重复、习惯性流产病史、孕周在5-9+6周要求生育的孕妇415例.采用超声测定孕囊(gestational sac,GS)平均直径、胚胎头臀径(crown-rump length,CRL)、FHR.如果胎儿存活,则在孕中期11-14周时测量胎儿颈项皮肤层厚度(nuchal translucency,NT).采用X检验分析孕早期胎心率与胎儿存活率及NT值的关系.结果:胎心率低时,胎儿存活率降低(P<0.05),NT值异常升高发生率增多(P<0.05).结论:孕早期胎心率测定对预测胎儿生存预后有一定的临床意义,并且胎心率减慢还与孕中期NT值异常升高相关,因此,孕早期胎心率可作为筛查和预测中晚期妊娠胎儿畸形的重点监测对象.  相似文献   



Fetal heart rate (FHR) variability is an indirect index of fetal autonomic nervous system (ANS) integrity. FHR variability analysis in labor fails to detect early hypoxia and acidemia. Phase-rectified signal averaging (PRSA) is a new method of complex biological signals analysis that is more resistant to non-stationarities, signal loss and artifacts. It quantifies the average cardiac acceleration and deceleration (AC/DC) capacity.


The aims of the study were: (1) to investigate AC/DC in ovine fetuses exposed to acute hypoxic-acidemic insult; (2) to explore the relation between AC/DC and acid-base balance; and (3) to evaluate the influence of FHR decelerations and specific PRSA parameters on AC/DC computation.


Repetitive umbilical cord occlusions (UCOs) were applied in 9 pregnant near-term sheep to obtain three phases of MILD, MODERATE, and SEVERE hypoxic-acidemic insult. Acid-base balance was sampled and fetal ECGs continuously recorded. AC/DC were calculated: (1) for a spectrum of T values (T = 1÷50 beats; the parameter limits the range of oscillations detected by PRSA); (2) on entire series of fetal RR intervals or on “stable” series that excluded FHR decelerations caused by UCOs.


AC and DC progressively increased with UCOs phases (MILD vs. MODERATE and MODERATE vs. SEVERE, p<0.05 for DC  = 2–5, and AC  = 1–3). The time evolution of AC/DC correlated to acid-base balance (0.4<<0.9, p<0.05) with the highest for . PRSA was not independent from FHR decelerations caused by UCOs.


This is the first in-vivo evaluation of PRSA on FHR analysis. In the presence of acute hypoxic-acidemia we found increasing values of AC/DC suggesting an activation of ANS. This correlation was strongest on time scale dominated by parasympathetic modulations. We identified the best performing parameters (), and found that AC/DC computation is not independent from FHR decelerations. These findings establish the basis for future clinical studies.  相似文献   

As heart-rate variability (HRV) is under evaluation in clinical applications, the authors sought to better define the interdependent impact of age, maximal exercise, and diurnal variation under physiologic conditions. The authors evaluated the diurnal changes in HRV 24-h pre- and post-maximal aerobic exercise testing to exhaustion in young (19–25 yrs, n?=?12) and middle-aged (40–55 yrs, n?=?12) adults. Subjects wore a portable 5-lead electrocardiogram holter for 48?h (24?h prior to and following a maximal aerobic capacity test). Time-, frequency-, time-frequency-, and scale-invariant-domain measures of HRV were computed from RR-interval data analyzed using a 5-min window size and a 2.5-min step size, resulting in a different set of outputs every 2.5?min. Results were averaged (mean?±?SE) over four prespecified time periods during the morning, afternoon, evening, and night on Day 1 and Day 2. Diurnal changes in HRV in young and middle-aged adults were compared using a two-way, repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Young adults demonstrated higher HRV compared to middle-aged adults during periods of wakefulness and sleep prior to maximal exercise stress testing (i.e., high-frequency power during Day 1: young adults: morning 1862?±?496?ms2, afternoon 1797?±?384?ms2, evening 1908?±?431?ms2, and night 3202?±?728?ms2; middle-aged adults: morning 341?±?53?ms2, afternoon 405?±?68?ms2, evening 469?±?80?ms2, and night 836?±?136?ms2) (p < .05). Exercise resulted in reductions in HRV such that multiple measures of HRV were not significantly different between age groups during the afternoon and evening periods. All measures of HRV demonstrated between-group differences overnight on Day 2 (p < .05). Young adults are associated with higher baseline HRV during the daytime. Sleep increases variability equally and proportionally to daytime variability. Given the higher baseline awake HRV and equal rise in HRV during sleep, the change in HRV from sleep to morning with exercise is greater in younger subjects. These physiologic results have clinical significance in understanding the pathophysiology of altered variability in ill patients. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to determine the effect of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on fetal insulin resistance or β-cell function in Chinese pregnant women with GDM.


Maternal fasting blood and venous cord blood samples (reflecting fetal condition) were collected in 65 well-controlled Chinese GDM mothers (only given dietary intervention) and 83 control subjects. The insulin, glucose and proinsulin concentrations of both maternal and cord blood samples were measured, and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and the proinsulin-to-insulin ratios (an indicator of fetal β-cell function) were calculated in maternal and cord blood respectively.


Both maternal and fetal levels of insulin, proinsulin and HOMA-IR but not proinsulin-to-insulin ratios were significantly higher in the GDM group than in the control group (maternal insulin, 24.8 vs. 15.4 µU/mL, P = 0.004, proinsulin, 23.3 vs. 16.2 pmol/L, P = 0.005, and HOMA-IR, 5.5 vs. 3.5, P = 0.041, respectively; fetal: insulin, 15.1 vs. 7.9 µU/mL, P<0.001, proinsulin, 25.8 vs. 15.1 pmol/L, P = 0.015, and HOMA-IR, 2.8 vs. 1.4, P = 0.017, respectively). Fetal HOMA-IR but not proinsulin-to-insulin ratios was significantly correlated to maternal HOMA-IR (r = 0.307, P = 0.019), in the pregnant women with GDM.


Fetal insulin resistance was higher in Chinese pregnant women with GDM than control subjects, and correlated with maternal insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the association of serum calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) levels with heart rate variability (HRV). One hundred and sixteen adult women were recruited in this cross-sectional study. Serum Ca and Mg levels were measured, and HRV in each time and frequency domain was recorded for 5?min. Mean heart rate and standard deviation of the normal to normal interval (SDNN) and root mean square of differences of successive RR interval (RMSSD) in time domain and total power (TP), low-frequency power (LF), high-frequency power (HF), and LF/HF ratio in frequency domain were compared according to the tertiles of serum Ca and Mg levels and Ca/Mg ratio. The associations between serum Ca and Mg levels and Ca/Mg ratio with HRV were evaluated using regression analyses. Mean heart rate tended to increase from the lowest to the highest tertile of Ca levels (p?=?0.081), whereas it decreased significantly with higher Mg levels (p?=?0.026). Increasing SDNN value was observed from the lowest to the highest tertile of Mg levels (p?=?0.009). SDNN value decreased significantly from the lowest to the highest tertile of Ca/Mg ratio (p?=?0.030). Participants in the lowest tertile of Ca/Mg ratio had significantly higher TP and LF values compared to those in the middle and highest tertiles (p?<?0.05). Decreasing SDNN, TP, and LF values were significantly associated with higher Ca/Mg ratios (p?<?0.05). Associations of serum Mg level and Ca/Mg ratio with HRV could be one of the mechanisms involved in cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of continuous-wave ultrasound on the chromosomes of newborn infants has been investigated. Twenty-four women were studied during labour. The fetal heart was monitored by a Sonicaid FM2 monitor applied to the abdomen, and continuous monitoring undertaken for intervals varying from 1 hour 5 minutes to 9 hours 25 minutes. There was no increase in the number of chromosome aberrations in cultures of blood taken from the insonated babies when compared with controls.  相似文献   

The loss of complexity in physiological systems may be a dynamical biomarker of aging and disease. In this study the effects of combined strength and endurance training compared with those of endurance training or strength training alone on heart rate (HR) complexity and traditional HR variability indices were examined in middle-aged women. 90 previously untrained female volunteers between the age of 40 and 65 years completed a 21 week progressive training period of either strength training, endurance training or their combination, or served as controls. Continuous HR time series were obtained during supine rest and submaximal steady state exercise. The complexity of HR dynamics was assessed using multiscale entropy analysis. In addition, standard time and frequency domain measures were also computed. Endurance training led to increases in HR complexity and selected time and frequency domain measures of HR variability (P<0.01) when measured during exercise. Combined strength and endurance training or strength training alone did not produce significant changes in HR dynamics. Inter-subject heterogeneity of responses was particularly noticeable in the combined training group. At supine rest, no training-induced changes in HR parameters were observed in any of the groups. The present findings emphasize the potential utility of endurance training in increasing the complex variability of HR in middle-aged women. Further studies are needed to explore the combined endurance and strength training adaptations and possible gender and age related factors, as well as other mechanisms, that may mediate the effects of different training regimens on HR dynamics.  相似文献   



HIV-related outcomes may be affected by biological sex and by pregnancy. Including women in general and pregnant women in particular in HIV-related research is important for generalizability of findings.


To characterize representation of pregnant and non-pregnant women in HIV-related research conducted in general populations.

Data Sources

All HIV-related articles published in fifteen journals from January to March of 2011. We selected the top five journals by 2010 impact factor, in internal medicine, infectious diseases, and HIV/AIDS.

Study Eligibility Criteria

HIV-related studies reporting original research on questions applicable to both men and women of reproductive age were considered; studies were excluded if they did not include individual-level patient data.

Study appraisal and synthesis methods.

Articles were doubly reviewed and abstracted; discrepancies were resolved through consensus. We recorded proportion of female study participants, whether pregnant women were included or excluded, and other key factors.


In total, 2014 articles were published during this period. After screening, 259 articles were included as original HIV-related research reporting individual-level data; of these, 226 were determined to be articles relevant to both men and women of reproductive age. In these articles, women were adequately represented within geographic region. The vast majority of published articles, 183/226 (81%), did not mention pregnancy (or related issues); still fewer included pregnant women (n=33), reported numbers of pregnant women (n=19), or analyzed using pregnancy status (n=9).


Data were missing for some key variables, including pregnancy. The time period over which published works were evaluated was relatively short.

Conclusions and implications of key findings.

The under-reporting and inattention to pregnancy in the HIV literature may reduce policy-makers’ ability to set evidence-based policy around HIV/AIDS care for pregnant women and women of child-bearing age.  相似文献   

Fetal inflammation is associated with increased risk for postnatal organ injuries. No means of early detection exist. We hypothesized that systemic fetal inflammation leads to distinct alterations of fetal heart rate variability (fHRV). We tested this hypothesis deploying a novel series of approaches from complex signals bioinformatics. In chronically instrumented near-term fetal sheep, we induced an inflammatory response with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injected intravenously (n = 10) observing it over 54 hours; seven additional fetuses served as controls. Fifty-one fHRV measures were determined continuously every 5 minutes using Continuous Individualized Multi-organ Variability Analysis (CIMVA). CIMVA creates an fHRV measures matrix across five signal-analytical domains, thus describing complementary properties of fHRV. We implemented, validated and tested methodology to obtain a subset of CIMVA fHRV measures that matched best the temporal profile of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. In the LPS group, IL-6 peaked at 3 hours. For the LPS, but not control group, a sharp increase in standardized difference in variability with respect to baseline levels was observed between 3 h and 6 h abating to baseline levels, thus tracking closely the IL-6 inflammatory profile. We derived fHRV inflammatory index (FII) consisting of 15 fHRV measures reflecting the fetal inflammatory response with prediction accuracy of 90%. Hierarchical clustering validated the selection of 14 out of 15 fHRV measures comprising FII. We developed methodology to identify a distinctive subset of fHRV measures that tracks inflammation over time. The broader potential of this bioinformatics approach is discussed to detect physiological responses encoded in HRV measures.  相似文献   



Fetal DNA in maternal urine, if present, would be a valuable source of fetal genetic material for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis. However, the existence of fetal DNA in maternal urine has remained controversial. The issue is due to the lack of appropriate technology to robustly detect the potentially highly degraded fetal DNA in maternal urine.


We have used massively parallel paired-end sequencing to investigate cell-free DNA molecules in maternal urine. Catheterized urine samples were collected from seven pregnant women during the third trimester of pregnancies. We detected fetal DNA by identifying sequenced reads that contained fetal-specific alleles of the single nucleotide polymorphisms. The sizes of individual urinary DNA fragments were deduced from the alignment positions of the paired reads. We measured the fractional fetal DNA concentration as well as the size distributions of fetal and maternal DNA in maternal urine.

Principal Findings

Cell-free fetal DNA was detected in five of the seven maternal urine samples, with the fractional fetal DNA concentrations ranged from 1.92% to 4.73%. Fetal DNA became undetectable in maternal urine after delivery. The total urinary cell-free DNA molecules were less intact when compared with plasma DNA. Urinary fetal DNA fragments were very short, and the most dominant fetal sequences were between 29 bp and 45 bp in length.


With the use of massively parallel sequencing, we have confirmed the existence of transrenal fetal DNA in maternal urine, and have shown that urinary fetal DNA was heavily degraded.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨与研究高危孕妇胎儿缺氧与彩色多普勒超声结合四维超声检查的相关性。方法:2018年2月到2020年1月在本院进行建档分娩的高危孕妇108例作为研究对象,都给予彩色多普勒超声结合四维超声检查,记录影像学特征,判定胎儿缺氧发生情况并进行相关性分析。结果:在高危孕妇108例中,发生宫内缺氧28例(宫内缺氧组),发生率为25.9 %;宫内缺氧组的大脑中动脉、脐动脉的阻力指数(RI)、搏动指数(PI)、收缩期峰值流速舒张期流速比值(S/D)均高于非宫内缺氧组(P<0.05);宫内缺氧组的上腔静脉血流心室收缩期峰值流速(S波)、心房收缩期速度(A波)、心室舒张期峰值流速(D波)均高于非宫内缺氧组(P<0.05);高危孕妇108例中,Spearsman分析显示大脑中动脉、脐动脉的RI、PI、S/D以及上腔静脉血流S、D、A均与宫内缺氧都存在相关性(P<0.05);logistic多因素回归分析显示:大脑中动脉、脐动脉的S/D与上腔静脉血流S、A为导致胎儿缺氧的主要影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:高危孕妇胎儿缺氧与彩色多普勒超声结合四维超声检查特征具有相关性,彩色多普勒超声结合四维超声可作为检查胎儿缺氧的可行、简单无创、方便快捷的方式,具有极高的应用价值。  相似文献   

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