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We examined the effect of two contrasting nitrogen concentrations in water (0.16 and 0.82 mg L–1) in the mass loss of pre‐conditioned balsa wood, and associated fungal activity, in a laboratory microcosm experiment. Contrary to our predictions given the poor nutrient quality of balsa wood, an increase in dissolved nitrogen concentration did not result in increased mass loss or microbial oxygen consumption. Conidial production was stimulated in high, but not in low nitrogen microcosms, although the number of fungal species was similar between both treatments. The percentage contribution of each fungal species to total conidial production was similar at both N concentrations. The results support the notion that reproductive activity of aquatic hyphomycetes is the most sensitive microbial parameter to changes in the environment. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The most common lethal accidents in General Aviation are caused by improperly executed landing approaches in which a pilot descends below the minimum safe altitude without proper visual references. To understand how expertise might reduce such erroneous decision-making, we examined relevant neural processes in pilots performing a simulated landing approach inside a functional MRI scanner. Pilots (aged 20–66) were asked to “fly” a series of simulated “cockpit view” instrument landing scenarios in an MRI scanner. The scenarios were either high risk (heavy fog–legally unsafe to land) or low risk (medium fog–legally safe to land). Pilots with one of two levels of expertise participated: Moderate Expertise (Instrument Flight Rules pilots, n = 8) or High Expertise (Certified Instrument Flight Instructors or Air-Transport Pilots, n = 12). High Expertise pilots were more accurate than Moderate Expertise pilots in making a “land” versus “do not land” decision (CFII: d′ = 3.62±2.52; IFR: d′ = 0.98±1.04; p<.01). Brain activity in bilateral caudate nucleus was examined for main effects of expertise during a “land” versus “do not land” decision with the no-decision control condition modeled as baseline. In making landing decisions, High Expertise pilots showed lower activation in the bilateral caudate nucleus (0.97±0.80) compared to Moderate Expertise pilots (1.91±1.16) (p<.05). These findings provide evidence for increased “neural efficiency” in High Expertise pilots relative to Moderate Expertise pilots. During an instrument approach the pilot is engaged in detailed examination of flight instruments while monitoring certain visual references for making landing decisions. The caudate nucleus regulates saccade eye control of gaze, the brain area where the “expertise” effect was observed. These data provide evidence that performing “real world” aviation tasks in an fMRI provide objective data regarding the relative expertise of pilots and brain regions involved in it.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate and compare the utility values associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR) in a sample of Chinese patients and ophthalmologists.


Utility values were evaluated by both the time trade-off (TTO) and rating scale (RS) methods for 109 eligible patients with DR and 2 experienced ophthalmologists. Patients were stratified by Snellen best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in the better-seeing eye. The correlations between the utility values and general vision-related health status measures were analyzed. These utility values were compared with data from two other studies.


The mean utility values elicited from the patients themselves with the TTO (0.81; SD 0.10) and RS (0.81; SD 0.11) methods were both statistically lower than the mean utility values assessed by ophthalmologists. Significant predictors of patients’ TTO and RS utility values were both LogMAR BCVA in the affected eye and average weighted LogMAR BCVA. DR grade and duration of visual dysfunction were also variables that significantly predicted patients’ TTO utility values. For ophthalmologists, patients’ LogMAR BCVA in the affected eye and in the better eye were the variables that significantly predicted both the TTO and RS utility values. Patients’ education level was also a variable that significantly predicted RS utility values. Moreover, both diabetic macular edema and employment status were significant predictors of TTO and RS utility values, whether from patients or ophthalmologists. There was no difference in mean TTO utility values compared to our American and Canadian patients.


DR caused a substantial decrease in Chinese patients’ utility values, and ophthalmologists substantially underestimated its effect on patient quality of life.  相似文献   

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - The objective of the present study was to investigate the association between the apelin gene expression and habitual physical activity...  相似文献   

Pollen percentage and influx diagrams were prepared from two cores in Jianghan Plain, and studied by means of Fuzzy cluster and radiocarbon dating. This paper reports that there was a cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest in late-glacial epoch, representing that the climate was cold and wet. In Holocene, the hypsithernaal interval took place about 9100–3500 year B. P. and the maximum was about 8000 year ago. At that time, the vegetation, was that of an evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest, and the climate was warmer and damper than that of present. It also shows that the history of vagetational development and climate chenges in this area in the past 21900 years can be divided into five stages: (1). During 21000--10000 year B. P., the vegetation was one of the cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest, dominated by Abies. The climate was cold and wet. (2) During 10000–9100 year B. P., the vegetation was that of the coniferous and deciduous broad-leaf mixed forest, consisting of Pinus. Quercus, Ulmus and Liquidambar, with a mild and cool climate. (3) During 9100–3500 year B. P., the mixed forest of evergreen and deciduous broad-leaf was predominant, consisting of Cyclobalanopsis, Fagus, Castanopsis, Castanea, Pterocarya, Quercus and Ulmus. The palaeoecological environment was warm and damp. (4) During 3500–2400 year B. P., there was deciduous broad-leaf, consisting of Quercus, Pterocarya, Liquidambar. and Pinus. The climate was droughter and cooler than that of stage(3). (5) During 2400 year B. P. to present, the broad-leaf forest, consisting of Quercus, Fagus, Liqui-dambar and Castanea, was dominant. The climate was warm and damp.  相似文献   

Urbanization is currently considered one of the most rapid types of global environmental change. More and more wildlife species are subject to increasing anthropogenic disturbance, but only some of them adapt to become successful urban exploiters. Although a number of fixed life history characteristics may enhance population persistence in an urbanized landscape, behavioural traits are thought to be critical for colonization of a novel urban environment. Within the class of birds, behavioural responses to urban environment have been assessed mostly for passerine species. Here, I examined behavioural alterations in a recently founded urban population of a reed‐nesting rallid species, the Eurasian coot Fulica atra. I found that urban coots adapted to nest in anthropogenically transformed littoral zones with scarce or no emergent vegetation, which precluded efficient nest concealment. Despite this, urban individuals spent, on average, less time incubating due to more frequent bouts off the nest than suburban conspecifics. This pattern was likely possible due to the relaxation of predation pressure in the colonized urban environment. Urban birds were also more aggressive, approached a human intruder at the nest more closely and were more likely to actively defend their nests. Finally, they had a reduced level of physiological stress (as measured with heterophil/lymphocyte ratio) when compared with suburban individuals. In conclusion, the behaviour of coots from the recently founded urban population was consistent with behavioural syndromes found in typical urban exploiters. The results support the central role of behavioural adaptation in successful colonization of novel environments by wildlife.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase Activity Associated with Halodule wrightii Roots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) associated with roots of the seagrass Halodule wrightii was measured offshore near Beaufort and Moorhead City, N.C. Rates of acetylene reduction were higher in aerobic than in anaerobic assays and were linear for up to 5 days. The temperature range for acetylene reduction was 15 to 35°C with a maximum activity at 35°C. Nitrogenase activity was shown to vary seasonally with highest activities occurring during warmer summer months (23 μg of N2 fixed per m2 per day). At in situ temperature, nitrogenase activities associated with surface-sterilized and non-surface-sterilized roots were similar. One morphological bacterial type was isolated from surface-sterilized roots and identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae type 4B.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a serious soil-borne disease of Solanaceae crops. In this study, the soil microbial effects of silicon-induced tomato resistance against R. solanacearum were investigated through pot experiment. The results showed that exogenous 2.0 mM Si treatment reduced the disease index of bacterial wilt by 19.18 % to 52.7 % compared with non-Si-treated plants. The uptake of Si was significantly increased in the Si-treated tomato plants, where the Si content was higher in the roots than that in the shoots. R. solanacearum inoculation resulted in a significant increase of soil urease activity and reduction of soil sucrase activity, but had no effects on soil acid phosphatase activity. Si supply significantly increased soil urease and soil acid phosphatase activity under pathogen-inoculated conditions. Compared with the non-inoculated treatment, R. solanacearum infection significantly reduced the amount of soil bacteria and actinomycetes by 52.5 % and 16.5 %, respectively, but increased the ratio of soil fungi/soil bacteria by 93.6 %. After R. solanacearum inoculation, Si amendments significantly increased the amount of soil bacteria and actinomycetes and reduced soil fungi/soil bacteria ratio by 53.6 %. The results suggested that Si amendment is an effective approach to control R. solanacearum. Moreover, Si-mediated resistance in tomato against R. solanacearum is associated with the changes of soil microorganism amount and soil enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke (CS)-induced emphysema is a major component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD treatment is based on the administration of bronchodilators and corticosteroids to control symptoms and exacerbations, however, to date, there are no effective therapies to reverse disease progression. Liver growth factor (LGF) is an albumin-bilirubin complex with mitogenic properties, whose therapeutic effects have previously been reported in a model of emphysema and several rodent models of human disease. To approach the therapeutic effect of LGF in a model of previously established emphysema, morphometric and lung function parameters, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and the expression of several markers, such as VEGF, PCNA, 3NT and Nrf2, were assessed in air-exposed and CS-exposed C57BL/6J male mice with and without intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of LGF. CS-exposed mice presented a significant enlargement of alveolar spaces, higher alveolar internal area and loss of lung function that correlated with higher MMP activity, higher expression of 3NT and lower expression of VEGF. CS-exposed mice injected with LGF, showed an amelioration of emphysema and improved lung function, which correlated with lower MMP activity and 3NT expression and higher levels of VEGF, PCNA and Nrf2. Taken together, this study suggests that LGF administration ameliorates CS-induced emphysema, highlights the ability of LGF to promote alveolar cell proliferation and may be a promising strategy to revert COPD progression.  相似文献   

TATARANNI P ANTONIO JAMES B YOUNG, CLIFTON BOGARDUS, ERIC RAVUSSIN. A low sympathoadrenal activity is associated with body weight gain and development of central adiposity in Pima Indian men. To investigate the possible role of impaired sympathetic nervous system and/or adrenal medullary function in the etiology of human obesity, we studied 64 Pima Indian men (28 ± 6 years, 101 ± 25 kg, 34 ± 9% body fat, mean ± SD) in whom sympathoadrenal function was estimated at baseline by measurements of 24-hour urinary norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (Epi) excretion rates under weight-maintenance conditions. Body weight, body composition (hydrodensitometry), and body fat distribution (waist-to-thigh circumference ratio, W/T) were measured at baseline and follow-up. Follow-up data were available on 44 subjects who gained on average 8.4 ± 9.5 kg over 3.3 ± 2.1 years. In these subjects, baseline NE excretion rate, adjusted for its determinants (i.e., fat free mass, fat mass, and W/T), correlated negatively with bodyweight gain (r=?0.38; p=0.009). Baseline Epi excretion rate correlated negatively with changes in W/T (r=?0.44; p=0.003). In conclusion, our data show for the first time that a low sympathetic nervous system activity is associated with body weight gain in humans. Also, a low activity of the adrenal medulla is associated with the development of central adiposity.  相似文献   

NAD kinase and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase were activated bya factor prepared from pea chromatin. About 62% of the originalamount of the factor in the purified chromatin was recoveredin the reassociated chromatin. The NAD kinase- and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase-activatingfactor was released from the chromatin by heat treatment withethylene glycol-bis(ß-aminoethyl ether)- N,N,N',N'-tetraaceticacid (EGTA) then adsorbed on an affinity gel of phenothiazineagarosederivatives in the presence of excess Ca2+ over EGTA, afterwhich it was eluted by a flush of EGTA. Activation of NAD kinaseand cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase by this factor depended onthe presence of Ca2+. The NAD kinase-activating factor and chromatin were coelutedwhen soluble chromatin was applied to a Bio-Gel A50 column.When chromatin was chromatographed on the same column afterdigestion by DNase I, the factor was eluted in association withthe digested products of the chromatin. The activation propertiesof this factor indicate that a calmodulin-like activity existsin association with pea chromatin. The activation curves of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase with thepea bud factor and with bovine brain calmodulin were compared.The amount of the factor in the chromatin fraction that correspondedto authentic calmodulin was calculated as 5.7 µg per mgDNA. (Received August 6, 1982; Accepted February 17, 1983)  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicated that N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are involved in the pathophysiology of depression and implicated in therapeutic targets. NMDA antagonists, such as ketamine, displayed fast-onset and long-lasting antidepressant activity in preclinical and clinical studies. Previous studies showed that Yueju pill exerts antidepressant effects similar to ketamine. Here, we focused on investigating the association of acute and lasting antidepressant responses of Yueju with time course changes of NMDA receptor subunits NR1, NR2A, and NR2B expressions in the hippocampus, a key region regulating depression response. As a result, Yueju reduced immobility time in the forced swimming test from 30 min to 5 days post a single administration. Yueju acutely decreased NR1 and NR2B protein expression in the hippocampus, with NR2A expression unaltered. NR1 expression remained down-regulated 5 days post Yueju administration, whereas NR2B returned to normal level in 24 h. Yueju and ketamine similarly ameliorated the depression-like symptoms at least for 72 h in learned helplessness test. They both reversed the up-regulated expression of NR1 in the learned helpless mice 1 or 3 days post administration. Different from ketamine, the antidepressant effects of Yueju were not influenced by blockade of amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate receptor. These findings served as preclinical evidence that Yueju may confer acute and long-lasting antidepressant effects by favorably modulating NMDA function in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Amplification of the MYCN oncogene is strongly associated with poor prognosis in neuroblastoma (NB). In addition to MYCN amplification, many studies have focused on identifying patients with a poor prognosis based on gene expression profiling. The majority of prognostic signatures today are comprised of large gene lists limiting their clinical application. In addition, although of prognostic significance,most of these signatures fail to identify cellular processes that can explain their relation to prognosis. Here, we determined prognostically predictive genes in a data set containing 251 NBs. Gene Ontology analysis was performed on significant genes with a positive hazard ratio to search for cellular processes associated with poor prognosis. An enrichment in ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) was found. Genes involved in the stabilization and formation of the central small nucleolar RNP (snoRNP) complex were scrutinized using a backward conditional Cox regression resulting in an snoRNP signature consisting of three genes: DKC1, NHP2, and GAR1. The snoRNP signature significantly and independently predicted prognosis when compared to the established clinical risk factors. Association of snoRNP protein expression and prognosis was confirmed using tissue microarrays. Knockdown of snoRNP expression in NB cell lines resulted in reduced telomerase activity and an increase in anaphase bridge frequency. In addition, in patient material, expression of the snoRNP complex was significantly associated with telomerase activity, occurrence of segmental aberrations, and expression-based measurements of chromosomal instability. Together, these results underscore the prognostic value of snoRNP complex expression in NB and suggest a role for snoRNPs in telomere maintenance and genomic stability.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that the basal ganglia nuclei form segregated, parallel loops with neocortical areas. The prevalent view is that the putamen is part of the motor loop, which receives inputs from sensorimotor areas, whereas the caudate, which receives inputs from frontal cortical eye fields and projects via the substantia nigra pars reticulata to the superior colliculus, belongs to the oculomotor loop. Tracer studies in monkeys and functional neuroimaging studies in human subjects, however, also suggest a potential role for the putamen in oculomotor control. To investigate the role of the putamen in saccadic eye movements, we recorded single neuron activity in the caudal putamen of two rhesus monkeys while they alternated between short blocks of pro- and anti-saccades. In each trial, the instruction cue was provided after the onset of the peripheral stimulus, thus the monkeys could either generate an immediate response to the stimulus based on the internal representation of the rule from the previous trial, or alternatively, could await the visual rule-instruction cue to guide their saccadic response. We found that a subset of putamen neurons showed saccade-related activity, that the preparatory mode (internally- versus externally-cued) influenced the expression of task-selectivity in roughly one third of the task-modulated neurons, and further that a large proportion of neurons encoded the outcome of the saccade. These results suggest that the caudal putamen may be part of the neural network for goal-directed saccades, wherein the monitoring of saccadic eye movements, context and performance feedback may be processed together to ensure optimal behavioural performance and outcomes are achieved during ongoing behaviour.  相似文献   

Endonuclease Activity Associated with Purified Simian Virus 40 Virions   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Purified simian virus 40 has associated with it an endonuclease activity which converts form I (double-stranded, circular) simian virus 40 deoxyribonucleic acid to a nicked form that sediments as a homogeneous peak in alkaline sucrose gradients. The enzyme is dependent on magnesium ions for activity and is completely inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (0.02 m) or heat (80 C for 10 min). In tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-hydrochloride buffer it exhibits optimal activity between pH 6.7 and 7.1 at 37 C. Gel electrophoretic analysis of purified, disrupted virus indicates the absence of detectable host cell protein contamination.  相似文献   

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