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Chronic cold exposure of rats (9 days at 5°C) induces an alteration of the fatty acid composition of phospholipids in brown adipose tissue. The alteration is due to an increase of the unsaturation degree of these lipids. The phenomenon can be reproduced by 10–7 mole. h–1 administration of noradrenaline for 9 days in rats kept at 25°C. Thus, phospholipid alteration in brown fat of cold exposed rats is most probably a consequence of the increase of sympathetic tone which occurs in this tissue during exposure to cold.  相似文献   

《Analytical biochemistry》1987,162(2):521-528
A simple method for the direct determination of the specific activity of RNA uniformly labeled with 32P is described. The procedure is based on the premise that upon disintegration of 32P to 32S, the phosphodiester bond is broken. Analysis of the rate of decay of the full-length molecule by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography can accurately determine the “intramolecular specific activity” of the RNA. An equation that predicts the relative intensity of the intact RNA molecules remaining as a function of time is presented. These predictions are confirmed using in vitro-synthesized RNA labeled at a known specific activity. This procedure has been used to determine the intramolecular specific activity of RNA labeled in vivo in yeast. It can also be employed to choose the best conditions for experiments utilizing uniformly labeled RNA or single-stranded DNA and requiring the detection of intact molecules.  相似文献   

Substance P was found to be a potent, long-lasting analgesic in the tail flick test in rats following intracerebral administration, via chronically indwelling cannulae, into the midbrain periaqueductal gray. Substance P was approximately five times as potent as morphine sulfate on a weight basis; however, it was 25 times more potent than morphine on a molar basis. The analgesic activity produced by Substance P was significantly antagonized by pretreatment with naloxone, a narcotic antagonist. The analgesic activity of Substance P exhibited a rapid onset (1 min.), peaked by 3 minutes post infusion and its duration of activity was between 30 and 60 minutes. Thus, Substance P may be yet another endogenous analgesic peptide.  相似文献   

Graphical methods have traditionally been the principal means for estimation of parameters (e.g., affinity constants, cooperativity parameters, and concentrations of receptor sites) in enzymology and ligand-binding problems. The present report provides a review of these methods as well as new results, as applied to three coordinate systems popularly used in ligand-binding studies: BF vs [Bound]. BF vs [Free], and BF vs [Total]. We consider two extremely general models, the statistical mechanical model and the Adair model for equilibrium ligand binding. We also consider a very specialized case of receptor interaction wherein the equilibrium constannt of dissociation is linearly related to receptor occupancy. We collect previously described equations and derive new ones, to enable the user to estimate the parameters of the models in terms of relatively easily measurable graphical characteristics. We have evaluated the performance of these methods in representative cases using Monte Carlo studies. The results indicate the kind of precision and accuracy which can be obtained with typical experimental designs. Depending upon the magnitude of experimental error, the graphical methods can provide dependable values for the binding parameters. However, in general, the results obtained by the graphical methods should be regarded as reasonable initial estimates for further refinement by weighted nonlinear least-squares curve fitting.  相似文献   

The composition of membrane phospholipids during chloroplast biogenesis was studied. The maximal level of phosphatidic acid was observed in the membrane fraction of proplastids. Phosphatidylglycerol was found to be the most abundant phospholipid component of grana thylakoids. The evidence from the in vivo experiments indicates that phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylglycerol incorporate the 32P label at a high rate at all stages of the chloroplast biogenesis. It is concluded that plastids are the site of the phosphatidylglycerol biosynthesis in the plant cell.  相似文献   

Summary The increase in activity of acid hydrolases in skeletal muscles of rats after subcutaneous administration of dimethyl-para-phenylene diamine (DPPD) was studied with a combined histochemical and biochemical investigation. In part I the histochemical findings were presented. In this communication the biochemical findings are reported and compared with the histochemical findings.In homogenates of m. biceps femoris, m. gastrocnemius and m. rectus femoris of DPPD-treated rats, the activity of the lysosomal acid hydrolases, cathepsin D, acid maltase, acid phosphatase, and -glucuronidase was increased. This increase in activity was maximal after 7 to 9 days of DPPD treatment and ran parallel to the severity of the pathological changes. Statistical calculations clearly reveal that the increased activity of one acid hydrolase was significantly paralleled by an increased activity of a second acid hydrolase. Moreover these calculations reveal that the biochemical activity findings correlated with the histochemical activity findings. However it was remarkable that in the histochemical study, the estimated increase in acid phosphatase activity was much more than the increase in acid phosphatase activity found biochemically, whilst on the other hand the histochemically estimated increase in -glucuronidase activity corresponded with the biochemical observations. The results of gel filtration techniques have shown that this discrepancy of acid phosphatase activity was caused by different substrate specificity of the different isoenzymes of acid phosphatase and that as a result of the DPPD treatment the isoenzyme pattern had been altered. The elution patterns showed three distinct isoenzymes of acid phosphatase of normal and of DPPD treated rats. These isoenzymes, termed I, II and III, have molecular weights of: 200,000 or more, 83,500–104,500 and 14,500–18,100. Isoenzymes I and II split the substrates 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate and naphthol AS-BI phosphate and the activity is strongly increased in the muscles of the DPPD treated rats. Isoenzyme III does not split naphthol AS-BI phosphate and the activity is not increased in the muscles of the DPPD treated rats. Considering the fact that it has been shown that the activity of isoenzyme III is high compared with that of the isoenzymes I and II, it is important to realise that by using naphthol AS-BI phosphate not all acid phosphatase can be demonstrated in sections of skeletal muscle.This study was partly supported by a grant from the Prinses Beatrix Fonds, 's Gravenhage, The Netherlands, and was mainly extracted from the Ph. D. thesis of D.E. Israël (1977).  相似文献   

A satisfactory method for the determination of the specific activity of highly labeled [γ-32P]ATP has not been reported previously. Yields of high specific activity 32P labeled material usually are too small to be detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometry or phosphate analysis. Recent reports describing the assay of ATP by enzyme catalyzed phosphate transfer to 3H labeled glucose (1) or galactose (2) are not suitable for use with highly labeled 32P material since the crossover into the 3H channel will greatly exceed the radioactivity of the 3H labeled phosphate acceptor. Recently Schendel and Wells reported the preparation of essentially carrier free [γ-32P]ATP. They indicated, however, that the specific activity of the labeled product could not be determined by conventional methods (3). We have developed and now routinely use an expedient method for the determination of the specific activity of picomole quantities of highly labeled [γ-32P]ATP. This procedure measures the phosphate transfer from [γ-32P]ATP to oligothymidylic acid [dT(pT)10] catalyzed by bacteriophage T4 induced polynucleotide kinase. The specific activity is determined by measuring the radioactivity present in d-32pT(pT)10, and can be verified by an isotope dilution method employing the same assay. Specific activities as high as 240 Ci/mmole have been determined.  相似文献   

An improved method is described for the rapid and simple preparation of alpha-[32P]dATP and alpha-[32P]ATP from 32Pi in good yields and with specific activities from 20 - 150 Ci/mmol. The two-step procedure involves the chemical synthesis of the mononucleotide followed by its enzymic conversion to the triphosphate with myokinase (EC and pyruvate kinase (EC in the presence of trace amounts of dATP or ATP to prime the reaction. The two steps are carried out in the same reaction flask and the only purification step required is a step-wise elution from a column of DEAE-cellulose.  相似文献   

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