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Chye ML  Zhao KJ  He ZM  Ramalingam S  Fung KL 《Planta》2005,220(5):717-730
Brassica juncea BjCHI1 is a unique chitinase with two chitin-binding domains. Here, we show that, unlike other chitinases, potato-expressed BjCHI1 shows hemagglutination ability. BjCHI1 expression in B. juncea seedlings is induced by Rhizoctonia solani infection, suggesting its protective role against this fungus. To verify this, transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree) plants expressing BjCHI1 generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were challenged with R. solani. We also transformed potato with a cDNA encoding Hevea brasiliensis -1,3-glucanase, designated HbGLU, and a pBI121-derivative that contains cDNAs encoding both BjCHI1 and HbGLU. In vitro fungal bioassays using Trichoderma viride showed that extracts from transgenic potato lines co-expressing BjCHI1 and HbGLU inhibited fungal growth better than extracts from transgenic potato expressing either BjCHI1 or HbGLU, suggesting a synergistic effect. Consistently, in vivo fungal bioassays with soil-borne R. solani on young transgenic potato plants indicated that the co-expressing plants showed healthier root development than untransformed plants or those that expressed either BjCHI1 or HbGLU. Light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed abundant intact R. solani hyphae and monilioid cells in untransformed roots and disintegrated fungus in the BjCHI1-expressing and the BjCHI1 and HbGLU co-expressing plants. Observations of collapsed epidermal cells in the co-expressing potato roots suggest that these proteins effectively degrade the fungal cell wall, producing elicitors that initiate other defense responses causing epidermal cell collapse that ultimately restricts further fungal penetration.  相似文献   

Genes that are expressed during leaf senescence in Brassica napus were identified by the isolation of representative cDNA clones. DNA sequence and deduced protein sequence from two senescence-related cDNAs, LSC94 and LSC222, representing genes that are expressed early in leaf senescence before any yellowing of the leaves is visible, showed similarities to genes for pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins: a PR-1a-like protein and a class IV chitinase, respectively. The LSC94 and LSC222 genes showed differential regulation with respect to each other; an increase in expression was detected at different times during development of healthy leaves. Expression of both genes was induced by salicylic acid treatment. These findings suggest that some PR genes, as well as being induced by pathogen infection, may have alternative functions during plant development, for example in the process of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

The Clostridium paraputrificum chiB gene, encoding chitinase B (ChiB), consists of an open reading frame of 2,493 nucleotides and encodes 831 amino acids with a deduced molecular weight of 90,020. The deduced ChiB is a modular enzyme composed of a family 18 catalytic domain responsible for chitinase activity, two reiterated domains of unknown function, and a chitin-binding domain (CBD). The reiterated domains are similar to the repeating units of cadherin proteins but not to fibronectin type III domains, and therefore they are referred to as cadherin-like domains. ChiB was purified from the periplasm fraction of Escherichia coli harboring the chiB gene. The molecular weight of the purified ChiB (87,000) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis, was in good agreement with the value (86,578) calculated from the deduced amino acid sequence excluding the signal peptide. ChiB was active toward chitin from crab shells, colloidal chitin, glycol chitin, and 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-N,N'-diacetylchitobioside [4-MU-(GlcNAc)2]. The pH and temperature optima of the enzyme were 6.0 and 45 degrees C, respectively. The Km and Vmax values for 4-MU-(GlcNAc)2 were estimated to be 6.3 microM and 46 micromol/min/mg, respectively. SDS-PAGE, zymogram, and Western blot analyses using antiserum raised against purified ChiB suggested that ChiB was one of the major chitinase species in the culture supernatant of C. paraputrificum. Deletion analysis showed clearly that the CBD of ChiB plays an important role in hydrolysis of native chitin but not processed chitin such as colloidal chitin.  相似文献   

A 42kDa chitin-binding proline-rich protein (PRP) from French bean has been previously characterised through its involvement in plant-pathogen interactions. It is located at the plasmalemma-wall interface, intercellular spaces and binds to the pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in vitro and in planta. It is also present in cell wall appositions formed in response to an hrp mutant of Xanthomonas campestris. We now show that the 42kDa protein is composed of two components, a 25kDa polypeptide member of the PRP family of legumes and a 6.8kDa cysteine-rich peptide with high similarity to snakin-2 from potato. Snakins bind to pathogens and are antimicrobial. Molecular cloning of the longest PRP corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of the purified protein and the 6.8kDa component is reported. The cognate mRNAs show coordinate expression. The two-component protein complex has already been shown to be involved in binding and immobilising pathogens through oxidative cross-linking of the PRP components but could also function as a two-component chitin-receptor involved in plant-pathogen interactions through antimicrobial activity and/or signalling.  相似文献   

Probenazole (PBZ; 3-allyloxy-1,2-benzisothiazole-1,1-dioxide), which is the active ingredient in Oryzemate, has been used widely in Asia to protect rice plants against the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. To study PBZ's mode of action, we analyzed its ability, as well as that of its active metabolite 1, 2-benzisothiazol-3 (2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (BIT) to induce defense gene expression and resistance in Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in various defense signaling pathways. Wild-type Arabidopsis treated with PBZ or BIT exhibited increased expression of several pathogenesis-related genes, increased levels of total salicylic acid (SA), and enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC 3000 and the oomycete pathogen Peronospora parasitica Emco5. The role of several defense signaling hormones, such as SA, ethylene and jasmonic acid (JA), in activating resistance following PBZ or BIT treatment was analyzed using NahG transgenic plants and etr1-1 and coi1-1 mutant plants, respectively. In addition, the involvement of NPR1, a key component in the SA signaling pathway leading to defense responses, was assessed. PBZ or BIT treatment did not induce disease resistance or PR-1 expression in NahG transgenic or npr1 mutant plants, but it did activate these phenomena in etr1-1 and coi 1-1 mutant plants. Thus SA and NPR1 appear to be required for PBZ- and BIT-mediated activation of defense responses, while ethylene and JA are not. Furthermore, our data suggest that PBZ and BIT comprise a novel class of defense activators that stimulate the SA/NPR1-mediated defense signaling pathway upstream of SA.  相似文献   

A cDNA and a corresponding genomic clone encoding a protein with partial identity to type II proteinase inhibitors from potato, tomato and Nicotiana alata, were isolated from tobacco libraries. The protein of 197 amino acids contains a putative signal peptide of 24 residues and three homologous domains, each with a different reactive site. The tobacco PI-II gene is not expressed in leaves of healthy plants, but is locally induced in leaves subjected to different types of stress (TMV infection, wounding, UV irradiation) and upon ethephon treatment. As opposed to the analogous PI-II genes of potato and tomato, the tobacco gene is not systemically induced by wounding or pathogenic infection. A far-upstream region in the PI-II promoter, containing various direct and indirect repeats, shares considerable sequence similarity to a similar region in the stress-inducible Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase gene of N. plumbaginifolia.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a Brassica juncea cDNA encoding BjCHI1, a novel chitinase with two chitin-binding domains. Synthesis of its mRNA is induced by wounding, methyl jasmonate treatment, Aspergillus niger infection and caterpillar Pieris rapae feeding, suggesting that the protein has a role in defense. In that it possesses two chitin-binding domains, BjCHI1 resembles the precursor of Urtica dioica agglutinin but unlike that protein, BjCHI1 retains its chitinase catalytic domain after post-translational processing. To explore the properties of multi-domain BjCHI1, we have expressed recombinant BjCHI1 and two derivatives, which lack one (BjCHI2) or both (BjCHI3) chitin-binding domains, as secreted proteins in Pichia pastoris. Recombinant BjCHI1 and BjCHI2, showed apparent molecular masses on SDS-PAGE larger than calculated, and could be deglycosylated using -mannosidase. Recombinant BjCHI3, without the proline/threonine-rich linker region containing predicted O-glycosylation sites, did not appear to be processed by -mannosidase. BjCHI1s ability to agglutinate rabbit erythrocytes is unique among known chitinases. Both chitin-binding domains are essential for agglutination; this property is absent in recombinant BjCHI2 and BjCHI3. To identify potential catalytic residues, we generated site-directed mutations in recombinant BjCHI3. Mutation E212A showed the largest effect, exhibiting 0 of wild-type specific activity. H211N and R361A resulted in considerable (>91) activity loss, implying these charged residues are also important in catalysis. E234A showed 36 retention of activity and substitution Y269D, 50. The least affected mutants were E349A and D360A, with 73 and 68 retention, respectively. Like Y269, E349 and D360 are possibly involved in substrate binding rather than catalysis.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - Six cDNA clones from Phaseolus vulgaris, whose expression is induced by water deficit and ABA treatment (rsP cDNAs) were identified and characterized. The sequence...  相似文献   

为了获得代表不同前列腺癌进展阶段的细胞系的胞外蛋白表达谱, 验证其中差异表达蛋白是否为分泌蛋白, 在细胞水平看其是否有作为前列腺癌血清标志物的潜质, 文章利用双向电泳寻找胞外蛋白中差异表达的点, 并质谱鉴定其是何种蛋白质。应用RT-PCR方法分析候选分子在8种细胞系中的表达和对雄激素刺激的应答, 构建了候选分子的真核表达载体, 瞬时转染293T细胞, 应用标签抗体Western blotting方法检测验证细胞培养基中候选分子的表达。结果表明: 筛选出两个C4-2胞外高表达的分子-- 磷酸丙糖异构酶-1(Triosephosphate isomerase 1, TPI1)和多配体聚糖结合蛋白(Syndecan binding protein, syntenin, ST1); 转录水平发现它们与前列腺癌恶性程度相关, 并且后者受雄激素的作用下调; 二者均为分泌蛋白。磷酸丙糖异构酶-1和多配体聚糖结合蛋白均有作为指示前列腺癌发展阶段的血清标志物的潜质。  相似文献   

A chitinase is a hyperthermophilic glycosidase that effectively hydrolyzes both α and β crystalline chitins; that studied here was engineered from the genes PF1233 and PF1234 of Pyrococcus furiosus. This chitinase has unique structural features and contains two catalytic domains (AD1 and AD2) and two chitin-binding domains (ChBDs; ChBD1 and ChBD2). A partial enzyme carrying AD2 and ChBD2 also effectively hydrolyzes crystalline chitin. We determined the NMR and crystal structures of ChBD2, which significantly enhances the activity of the catalytic domain. There was no significant difference between the NMR and crystal structures. The overall structure of ChBD2, which consists of two four-stranded β-sheets, was composed of a typical β-sandwich architecture and was similar to that of other carbohydrate-binding module 2 family proteins, despite low sequence similarity. The chitin-binding surface identified by NMR was flat and contained a strip of three solvent-exposed Trp residues (Trp274, Trp308 and Trp326) flanked by acidic residues (Glu279 and Asp281). These acidic residues form a negatively charged patch and are a characteristic feature of ChBD2. Mutagenesis analysis indicated that hydrophobic interaction was dominant for the recognition of crystalline chitin and that the acidic residues were responsible for a higher substrate specificity of ChBD2 for chitin compared with that of cellulose. These results provide the first structure of a hyperthermostable ChBD and yield new insight into the mechanism of protein-carbohydrate recognition. This is important in the development of technology for the exploitation of biomass.  相似文献   

Paenibacillus sp. strain FPU-7 produces several different chitinases and effectively hydrolyzes robust chitin. Among the P. FPU-7 chitinases, ChiW, a novel monomeric chitinase with a molecular mass of 150?kDa, is expressed as a cell surface molecule. Here, we report that active ChiW lacking the anchoring domains in the N-terminus was successfully overproduced in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The two catalytic domains at the C-terminal region were classified as typical glycoside hydrolase family 18 chitinases, whereas the N-terminal region showed no sequence similarity to other known proteins. The vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum of the enzyme strongly suggested the presence of a β-stranded-rich structure in the N-terminus. Its biochemical properties were also characterized. Various insoluble chitins were hydrolyzed to N,N’-diacetyl-D-chitobiose as the final product. Based on amino acid sequence similarities and site-directed mutagenesis, Glu691 and Glu1177 in the two GH-18 domains were identified as catalytic residues.  相似文献   

A novel DREB (dehydration responsive element binding protein) gene, designated BjDREB1B, was isolated from Brassica juncea L. BjDREB1B contains a conserved EREBP/AP2 domain and was classified into the A-1 subgroup of the DREB subfamily based on phylogenetic tree analysis. RT-PCR showed that BjDREB1B was induced by abiotic stresses and exogenous phytohormones, such as drought, salt, low temperature, heavy metals, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid. Gel shift assay revealed that BjDREB1B specifically bound to the DRE element in vitro. Yeast one-hybrid assay showed that full-length BjDREB1B or its C-terminal region functioned effectively as a trans-activator. Furthermore, overexpression of BjDREB1B in tobacco up-regulated the expression of NtERD10B, and BjDREB1B transgenic plants accumulated higher levels of proline than control plants under normal and saline conditions, together showing that BjDREB1B plays important roles in improving plant tolerance to drought and salinity.  相似文献   

A Lycopersicon esculentum cDNA clone encoding an acidic-type pathogenesis-related protein (PR-lal) was isolated, sequenced and characterized. It contains an open reading frame of 175 amino acids and the mature protein, after cleavage of the 21 amino acid signals peptide, has a pl of 5.24. The protein shows highest homology (75% identity) with the basic pathogenesis-related prb-lb protein from tobacco. The PR-lal gene shows constitutive expression in roots from tomato plants. It is expressed in leaves and stems upon viroid infection, and appears to be induced by ethylene. Comparative studies of this gene and a related basic isoform of PR-1 indicate that the expression of these two members of the PR-1 gene family in tomato may be differentially regulated upon viroid infection.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession number X71592.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1501-1508
Alt a 1 is a protein found in Alternaria alternata spores related to virulence and pathogenicity and considered to be responsible for chronic asthma in children. We found that spores of Alternaria inoculated on the outer surface of kiwifruits did not develop hyphae. Nevertheless, the expression of Alt a 1 gene was upregulated, and the protein was detected in the pulp where it co-localized with kiwi PR5. Pull-down assays demonstrated experimentally that the two proteins interact in such a way that Alt a 1 inhibits the enzymatic activity of PR5. These results are relevant not only for plant defense, but also for human health as patients with chronic asthma could suffer from an allergic reaction when they eat fruit contaminated with Alternaria.  相似文献   

cDNA clones encoding a novel proline-rich protein (NaPRP4) have been isolated from a Nicotiana alata stylar cDNA library. The N-terminal part of the derived protein is highly rich in proline (32.2%) and contains several repeats such as Lys-Pro-Pro (7 times) and Pro-Thr-Lys-Pro-Pro-Thr-Tyr-Ser-Pro-Ser-Lys-Pro-Pro (twice); the C-terminal part, on the other hand, has a lower proline content (9.9%) and contains two potential N-glycosylation sites and all the six cysteine residues. Northern blot and in situ hybridisation analyses indicate that expression of the NaPRP4 gene is restricted to cells of the transmitting tract of the style.  相似文献   

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