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  • Stomata modulate the exchange of water and CO2 between plant and atmosphere. Although stomatal density is known to affect CO2 diffusion into the leaf and thus photosynthetic rate, the effect of stomatal density and patterning on CO2 assimilation is not fully understood.
  • We used wild types Col‐0 and C24 and stomatal mutants sdd1‐1 and tmm1 of Arabidopsis thaliana, differing in stomatal density and pattern, to study the effects of these variations on both stomatal and mesophyll conductance and CO2 assimilation rate. Anatomical parameters of stomata, leaf temperature and carbon isotope discrimination were also assessed.
  • Our results indicate that increased stomatal density enhanced stomatal conductance in sdd1‐1 plants, with no effect on photosynthesis, due to both unchanged photosynthetic capacity and decreased mesophyll conductance. Clustering (abnormal patterning formed by clusters of two or more stomata) and a highly unequal distribution of stomata between the adaxial and abaxial leaf sides in tmm1 mutants also had no effect on photosynthesis.
  • Except at very high stomatal densities, stomatal conductance and water loss were proportional to stomatal density. Stomatal formation in clusters reduced stomatal dynamics and their operational range as well as the efficiency of CO2 transport.

Quantitative reconstructions of terrestrial climate are highly sought after but rare, particularly in Australia. Carbon isotope discrimination in plant leaves (Δleaf) is an established indicator of past hydroclimate because the fractionation of carbon isotopes during photosynthesis is strongly influenced by water stress. Leaves of the evergreen tree Melaleuca quinquenervia have been recovered from the sediments of some perched lakes on North Stradbroke and Fraser Islands, south‐east Queensland, eastern Australia. Here, we examine the potential for using M. quinquenervia ?leaf as a tracer of past rainfall by analysing carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of modern leaves. We firstly assess Δleaf variation at the leaf and stand scale and find no systematic pattern within leaves or between leaves due to their position on the tree. We then examine the relationships between climate and Δleaf for a 11‐year time series of leaves collected in a litter tray. M. quinquenervia retains its leaves for 1–4 years; thus, cumulative average climate data are used. There is a significant relationship between annual mean ?leaf and mean annual rainfall of the hydrological year for 1–4 years (i.e. 365–1460 days) prior to leaf fall (r2 = 0.64, = 0.003, = 11). This relationship is marginally improved by accounting for the effect of pCO2 on discrimination (r2 = 0.67, = 0.002, = 11). The correlation between rainfall and Δleaf, and the natural distribution of Melaleuca quinquenervia around wetlands of eastern Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia offers significant potential to infer past rainfall on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Forests sequester large amounts of carbon annually and are integral in buffering against effects of global change. Increasing atmospheric CO2 may enhance photosynthesis and/or decrease stomatal conductance (gs) thereby enhancing intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE), having potential indirect and direct benefits to tree growth. While increasing iWUE has been observed in most trees globally, enhanced growth is not ubiquitous, possibly due to concurrent climatic constraints on growth. To investigate our incomplete understanding of interactions between climate and CO2 and their impacts on tree physiology and growth, we used an environmental gradient approach. We combined dendrochronology with carbon isotope analysis (δ13C) to assess the covariation of basal area increment (BAI) and iWUE over time in lodgepole pine. Trees were sampled at 18 sites spanning two climatically distinct elevation transects on the lee and windward sides of the Continental Divide, encompassing the majority of lodgepole pine's northern Rocky Mountain elevational range. We analyzed BAI and iWUE from 1950 to 2015, and explored correlations with monthly climate variables. As expected, iWUE increased at all sites. However, concurrent growth trends depended on site climatic water deficit (CWD). Significant growth increases occurred only at the driest sites, where increases in iWUE were strongest, while growth decreases were greatest at sites where CWD has been historically lowest. Late summer drought of the previous year negatively affected growth across sites. These results suggest that increasing iWUE, if strong enough, may indirectly benefit growth at drier sites by effectively extending the growing season via reductions in gs. Strong growth decreases at high elevation windward sites may reflect increasing water stress as a result of decreasing snowpack, which was not offset by greater iWUE. Our results imply that increasing iWUE driven by decreasing gs may benefit tree growth in limited scenarios, having implications for future carbon uptake potential of semiarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Two bacterial strains used for industrial production of 2‐keto‐L‐gulonic acid (2‐KLG), Ketogulonigenium vulgare 2 and Bacillus thuringiensis 1514, were loaded onto the spacecraft Shenzhou VII and exposed to space conditions for 68 h in an attempt to increase their fermentation productivities of 2‐KLG. An optimal combination of mutants B. thuringiensis 320 and K. vulgare 2194 (KB2194‐320) was identified by systematically screening the pH and 2‐KLG production of 16 000 colonies. Compared with the coculture of parent strains, the conversion rate of L‐sorbose to 2‐KLG by KB2194‐320 in shake flask fermentation was increased significantly from 82·7% to 95·0%. Furthermore, a conversion rate of 94·5% and 2‐KLG productivity of 1·88 g l?1 h?1 were achieved with KB2194‐320 in industrial‐scale fermentation (260 m3 fermentor). An observed increase in cell number of K2194 (increased by 47·8%) during the exponential phase and decrease in 2‐KLG reductase activity (decreased by 46·0%) were assumed to explain the enhanced 2‐KLG production. The results suggested that the mutants KB2194‐320 could be ideal substitutes for the currently employed strains in the 2‐KLG fermentation process and demonstrated the feasibility of using spaceflight to breed high‐yielding 2‐KLG‐producing strains for vitamin C production.

Significance and Impact of the Study

KB2194‐320, a combination of two bacterial strains bred by spaceflight mutation, exhibited significantly improved 2‐KLG productivity and hence could potentially increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of vitamin C production by the two‐step fermentation process. In addition, a new pH indicator method was applied for rational screening of K2, which dramatically improved the efficiency of screening.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change are difficult to predict for many marine species because little is known of their response to climate variations in the past. However, long‐term chronologies of growth, a variable that integrates multiple physical and biological factors, are now available for several marine taxa. These allow us to search for climate‐driven synchrony in growth across multiple taxa and ecosystems, identifying the key processes driving biological responses at very large spatial scales. We hypothesized that in northwest (NW) Australia, a region that is predicted to be strongly influenced by climate change, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon would be an important factor influencing the growth patterns of organisms in both marine and terrestrial environments. To test this idea, we analyzed existing growth chronologies of the marine fish Lutjanus argentimaculatus, the coral Porites spp. and the tree Callitris columellaris and developed a new chronology for another marine fish, Lethrinus nebulosus. Principal components analysis and linear model selection showed evidence of ENSO‐driven synchrony in growth among all four taxa at interannual time scales, the first such result for the Southern Hemisphere. Rainfall, sea surface temperatures, and sea surface salinities, which are linked to the ENSO system, influenced the annual growth of fishes, trees, and corals. All four taxa had negative relationships with the Niño‐4 index (a measure of ENSO status), with positive growth patterns occurring during strong La Niña years. This finding implies that future changes in the strength and frequency of ENSO events are likely to have major consequences for both marine and terrestrial taxa. Strong similarities in the growth patterns of fish and trees offer the possibility of using tree‐ring chronologies, which span longer time periods than those of fish, to aid understanding of both historical and future responses of fish populations to climate variation.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from peat bogs are mitigated by methanotrophs, which live in symbiosis with peat moss (e.g. Sphagnum). Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and resultant changes in methane fluxes on Sphagnum and methanotroph‐related biomarkers, evaluating their potential as proxies in ancient bogs. A pulse‐chase experiment using 13C‐labelled methane in the field clearly showed label uptake in diploptene, a biomarker for methanotrophs, demonstrating in situ methanotrophic activity in Sphagnum under natural conditions. Peat cores containing live Sphagnum were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C for two months, causing differences in net methane fluxes. The natural δ13C values of diploptene extracted from Sphagnum showed a strong correlation with temperature and methane production. The δ13C values ranged from ?34‰ at 5°C to ?41‰ at 25°C. These results are best explained by enhanced expression of the methanotrophic enzymatic isotope effect at higher methane concentrations. Hence, δ13C values of diploptene, or its diagenetic products, potentially provide a useful tool to assess methanotrophic activity in past environments. Increased methane fluxes towards Sphagnum did not affect δ13C values of bulk Sphagnum and its specific marker, the C23 n‐alkane. The concentration of methanotroph‐specific bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), aminobacteriohopanetetrol (aminotetrol, characteristic for type II and to a lesser extent type I methanotrophs) and aminobacteriohopanepentol (aminopentol, a marker for type I methanotrophs) showed a non‐linear response to increased methane fluxes, with relatively high abundances at 25°C compared to those at 20°C or below. Aminotetrol was more abundant than aminopentol, in contrast to similar abundances of aminotetrol and aminopentol in fresh Sphagnum. This probably indicates that type II methanotrophs became prevalent under the experimental conditions relative to type I methanotrophs. Even though BHP concentrations may not directly reflect bacterial activity, they may provide insight into the presence of different types of methanotrophs.  相似文献   

Exposure of plants to UV‐C irradiation induces gene expression and cellular responses that are commonly associated with wounding and pathogen defence, and in some cases can lead to increased resistance against pathogen infection. We examined, at a physiological, molecular and biochemical level, the effects of and responses to, sub‐lethal UV‐C exposure on Arabidopsis plants when irradiated with increasing dosages of UV‐C radiation. Following UV‐C exposure plants had reduced leaf areas over time, with the severity of reduction increasing with dosage. Severe morphological changes that included leaf glazing, bronzing and curling were found to occur in plants treated with the 1000 J·m?2 dosage. Extensive damage to the mesophyll was observed, and cell death occurred in both a dosage‐ and time‐dependent manner. Analysis of H2O2 activity and the pathogen defence marker genes PR1 and PDF1.2 demonstrated induction of these defence‐related responses at each UV‐C dosage tested. Interestingly, in response to UV‐C irradiation the production of callose (β‐1,3‐glucan) was identified at all dosages examined. Together, these results show plant responses to UV‐C irradiation at much lower doses than have previously been reported, and that there is potential for the use of UV‐C as an inducer of plant defence.  相似文献   

Millions of birds migrate to and from the Arctic each year, but rapid climate change in the High North could strongly affect where species are able to breed, disrupting migratory connections globally. We modelled the climatically suitable breeding conditions of 24 Arctic specialist shorebirds and projected them to 2070 and to the mid‐Holocene climatic optimum, the world's last major warming event ~6000 years ago. We show that climatically suitable breeding conditions could shift, contract and decline over the next 70 years, with 66–83% of species losing the majority of currently suitable area. This exceeds, in rate and magnitude, the impact of the mid‐Holocene climatic optimum. Suitable climatic conditions are predicted to decline acutely in the most species rich region, Beringia (western Alaska and eastern Russia), and become concentrated in the Eurasian and Canadian Arctic islands. These predicted spatial shifts of breeding grounds could affect the species composition of the world's major flyways. Encouragingly, protected area coverage of current and future climatically suitable breeding conditions generally meets target levels; however, there is a lack of protected areas within the Canadian Arctic where resource exploitation is a growing threat. Given that already there are rapid declines of many populations of Arctic migratory birds, our results emphasize the urgency of mitigating climate change and protecting Arctic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Sex‐ and age‐related differences in cognitive abilities are frequently reported. However, the sex‐ and age‐related differences in dog olfaction due to biological system are still poorly understood. We examined c‐fos expression in dog olfactory bulbs by immunohistochemistry approaches. The c‐fos is mainly expressed in the olfactory glomerular layer (GL), mitral cell layer (ML) and granule cell layer (GRL). We found that a higher density of c‐fos‐positive cells could be detected in the ML of olfactory bulbs of adult female dogs compared with that in males and the c‐fos‐positive cells in females' olfactory bulbs are more distinct. Sex‐related differences in c‐fos expression also appeared in the GL of olfactory bulbs in juvenile dogs. We also discovered that the density of c‐fos‐positive cells in the GRL of adult dogs was much higher than that in the GRL of juvenile dogs. Our results indicate that cells in the olfactory bulbs of female dogs are more active than those in males and female dogs may have much stronger ability for long‐time memory of odours than male dogs. Furthermore, our results also suggest that adult dogs may have much stronger ability for long‐time memory of odours and can deal with more complicated odour information than juvenile dogs.  相似文献   

Burley tobaccos (Nicotiana tabacum) display a nitrogen‐use‐deficiency phenotype that is associated with the accumulation of high levels of nitrate within the leaf, a trait correlated with production of a class of compounds referred to as tobacco‐specific nitrosamines (TSNAs). Two TSNA species, 4‐(methylnitrosamino)‐1‐(3‐pyridyl)‐1‐butanone (NNK) and N‐nitrosonornicotine (NNN), have been shown to be strong carcinogens in numerous animal studies. We investigated the potential of molecular genetic strategies to lower nitrate levels in burley tobaccos by overexpressing genes encoding key enzymes of the nitrogen‐assimilation pathway. Of the various constructs tested, only the expression of a constitutively active nitrate reductase (NR) dramatically decreased free nitrate levels in the leaves. Field‐grown tobacco plants expressing this NR variant exhibited greatly reduced levels of TSNAs in both cured leaves and mainstream smoke of cigarettes made from these materials. Decreasing leaf nitrate levels via expression of a constitutively active NR enzyme represents an exceptionally promising means for reducing the production of NNN and NNK, two of the most well‐documented animal carcinogens found in tobacco products.  相似文献   

Palmitic acid (C16:0) already makes up approximately 25% of the total fatty acids in the conventional cotton seed oil. However, further enhancements in palmitic acid content at the expense of the predominant unsaturated fatty acids would provide increased oxidative stability of cotton seed oil and also impart the high melting point required for making margarine, shortening and confectionary products free of trans fatty acids. Seed‐specific RNAi‐mediated down‐regulation of β‐ketoacyl‐ACP synthase II (KASII) catalysing the elongation of palmitoyl‐ACP to stearoyl‐ACP has succeeded in dramatically increasing the C16 fatty acid content of cotton seed oil to well beyond its natural limits, reaching up to 65% of total fatty acids. The elevated C16 levels were comprised of predominantly palmitic acid (C16:0, 51%) and to a lesser extent palmitoleic acid (C16:1, 11%) and hexadecadienoic acid (C16:2, 3%), and were stably inherited. Despite of the dramatic alteration of fatty acid composition and a slight yet significant reduction in oil content in these high‐palmitic (HP) lines, seed germination remained unaffected. Regiochemical analysis of triacylglycerols (TAG) showed that the increased levels of palmitic acid mainly occurred at the outer positions, while C16:1 and C16:2 were predominantly found in the sn‐2 position in both TAG and phosphatidylcholine. Crossing the HP line with previously created high‐oleic (HO) and high‐stearic (HS) genotypes demonstrated that HP and HO traits could be achieved simultaneously; however, elevation of stearic acid was hindered in the presence of high level of palmitic acid.  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing has revolutionized population and conservation genetics. RAD sequencing methods, such as 2b‐RAD, can be used on species lacking a reference genome. However, transferring protocols across taxa can potentially lead to poor results. We tested two different IIB enzymes (AlfI and CspCI) on two species with different genome sizes (the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta and the sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo) to build a set of guidelines to improve 2b‐RAD protocols on non‐model organisms while optimising costs. Good results were obtained even with degraded samples, showing the value of 2b‐RAD in studies with poor DNA quality. However, library quality was found to be a critical parameter on the number of reads and loci obtained for genotyping. Resampling analyses with different number of reads per individual showed a trade‐off between number of loci and number of reads per sample. The resulting accumulation curves can be used as a tool to calculate the number of sequences per individual needed to reach a mean depth ≥20 reads to acquire good genotyping results. Finally, we demonstrated that selective‐base ligation does not affect genomic differentiation between individuals, indicating that this technique can be used in species with large genome sizes to adjust the number of loci to the study scope, to reduce sequencing costs and to maintain suitable sequencing depth for a reliable genotyping without compromising the results. Here, we provide a set of guidelines to improve 2b‐RAD protocols on non‐model organisms with different genome sizes, helping decision‐making for a reliable and cost‐effective genotyping.  相似文献   

The Drosophila serido haplogroup is a monophyletic group composed of the following four cryptic and cactophilic species that are endemic to eastern Brazil: D. borborema, D. gouveai, D. seriema and D. serido. Here, we investigate the mito‐nuclear discordance in these species found among the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene, the autosomal alpha‐Esterase‐5 (α‐Est5) and the X‐linked period gene (per). Our analysis indicates that shared polymorphisms in these three molecular markers may be explained by the maintenance of ancestral polymorphisms rather than introgressive hybridization. The primary structures of COI, per and α‐Est5 genes evolve primarily under purifying selection, but we detected some sites that evolved under positive selection in α‐Est5. Considering the high variability of cacti species in eastern Brazil and the role attributed to Drosophila esterases in digestion metabolism and/or the detoxification of several compounds found in cactus tissues, we conjecture about the role of natural selection triggered by host shifts as an important factor in the intraspecific diversification of the D. serido haplogroup.  相似文献   

Die‐back disease caused by Phomopsis (Diaporthe) azadirachtae is the devastating disease of Azadirachta indica. Accurate identification of P. azadirachtae is always problematic due to morphological plasticity and delayed appearance of conidia. A species‐specific PCR‐based assay was developed for rapid and reliable identification of P. azadirachtae by designing a species‐specific primer‐targeting ITS region of P. azadirachtae isolates. The assay was validated with DNA isolated from different Phomopsis species and other fungal isolates. The PCR assay amplified 313‐bp product from all the isolates of P. azadirachtae and not from any other Phomopsis species or any genera indicating its specificity. The assay successfully detected the pathogen DNA in naturally and artificially infected neem seeds and twigs indicating its applicability in seed quarantine and seed health testing. The sensitivity of the assay was 100 fg when genomic DNA of all isolates was analysed. The PCR‐based assay was 92% effective in comparison with seed plating technique in detecting the pathogen. This is the first report on the development of species‐specific PCR assay for identification and detection of P. azadirachtae. Thus, PCR‐based assay developed is very specific, rapid, confirmatory and sensitive tool for detection of pathogen P. azadirachtae at early stages.  相似文献   

Cardiac performance decreases with age, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality in the aging human population, but the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac aging are still poorly understood. Investigating the role of integrin‐linked kinase (ilk) and β1‐integrin (myospheroid, mys) in Drosophila, which colocalize near cardiomyocyte contacts and Z‐bands, we find that reduced ilk or mys function prevents the typical changes of cardiac aging seen in wildtype, such as arrhythmias. In particular, the characteristic increase in cardiac arrhythmias with age is prevented in ilk and mys heterozygous flies with nearly identical genetic background, and they live longer, in line with previous findings in Caenorhabditis elegans for ilk and in Drosophila for mys. Consistent with these findings, we observed elevated β1‐integrin protein levels in old compared with young wild‐type flies, and cardiac‐specific overexpression of mys in young flies causes aging‐like heart dysfunction. Moreover, moderate cardiac‐specific knockdown of integrin‐linked kinase (ILK)/integrin pathway‐associated genes also prevented the decline in cardiac performance with age. In contrast, strong cardiac knockdown of ilk or ILK‐associated genes can severely compromise cardiac integrity, including cardiomyocyte adhesion and overall heart function. These data suggest that ilk/mys function is necessary for establishing and maintaining normal heart structure and function, and appropriate fine‐tuning of this pathway can retard the age‐dependent decline in cardiac performance and extend lifespan. Thus, ILK/integrin‐associated signaling emerges as an important and conserved genetic mechanism in longevity, and as a new means to improve age‐dependent cardiac performance, in addition to its vital role in maintaining cardiac integrity.  相似文献   

Downy mildew, caused by the oomycete pathogen Peronospora belbahrii, is a devastating foliar disease of basil in the United States and worldwide. Currently there are very few chemistries or organic choices registered to control this disease. In this study, two systemic acquired resistance (SAR) inducers, acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (ASM) and β‐aminobutyric acid (BABA), were evaluated for their in vitro effects on the pathogen, for their potential to control basil downy mildew in greenhouses, and for changes in peroxidase activity in basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers. No significant inhibition of sporangial germination was detected in water agar amended with ASM at concentrations lower than 100 mg/l or with BABA at concentrations lower than 500 mg/l. Efficacy of ASM and BABA in greenhouses varied depending on the rate, method and timing of application. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of disease severity was significantly reduced compared to the non‐treated control when ASM was sprayed (in all experiments) or drenched (in one out of two experiments) pre‐, or pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 25–400 mg/l. Three weekly post‐inoculation sprays of ASM at the rate of 50 mg/l reduced AUDPC by 93.0 and 47.2% when started 3 and 7 days after inoculation (DAI), respectively. The AUDPC of disease severity was also significantly reduced when BABA was sprayed pre‐ + post‐inoculation at rates of 125–500 mg/l. According to the prediction using a log‐logistic function, 50% maximum disease protection was achieved at a concentration of 27.5 mg/l of ASM. Basil plants treated with these two SAR inducers and challenged with the pathogen showed significantly higher peroxidase activity than the non‐treated control at 8 DAI. Temporally, the highest activity of peroxidase was detected at 8 DAI, decreased at 15 DAI and waned further at 23 DAI.  相似文献   

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