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Unpaved, low traffic roads are often assumed to have minimal effects on biodiversity. To explore this assertion, we sampled the bird communities in fifteen randomly selected sites in Pafos Forest, Cyprus and used multiple regression to quantify the effects of such roads on the total species richness. Moreover, we classified birds according to their migratory status and their global population trends, and tested each category separately. Besides the total length of unpaved roads, we also tested: a. the site's habitat diversity, b. the coefficient of variation in habitat (patch) size, c. the distance to the nearest agricultural field, and d. the human population size of the nearest village. We measured our variables at six different distances from the bird point-count locations. We found a strong negative relationship between the total bird richness and the total length of unpaved roads. The human population size of the nearest village also had a negative effect. Habitat diversity was positively related to species richness. When the categories were tested, we found that the passage migrants were influenced more by the road network while resident breeders were influenced by habitat diversity. Species with increasing and stable populations were only marginally affected by the variables tested, but the effect of road networks on species with decreasing populations was large. We conclude that unpaved and sporadically used roads can have detrimental effects on the bird communities, especially on vulnerable species. We propose that actions are taken to limit the extent of road networks within protected areas, especially in sites designated for their rich avifauna, such as Pafos Forest, where several of the affected species are species of European and global importance.  相似文献   

Major roads can reduce bat abundance and diversity over considerable distances. To mitigate against these effects and comply with environmental law, many European countries install bridges, gantries or underpasses to make roads permeable and safer to cross. However, through lack of appropriate monitoring, there is little evidence to support their effectiveness. Three underpasses and four bat gantries were investigated in northern England. Echolocation call recordings and observations were used to determine the number of bats using underpasses in preference to crossing the road above, and the height at which bats crossed. At gantries, proximity to the gantry and height of crossing bats were measured. Data were compared to those from adjacent, severed commuting routes that had no crossing structure. At one underpass 96% of bats flew through it in preference to crossing the road. This underpass was located on a pre-construction commuting route that allowed bats to pass without changing flight height or direction. At two underpasses attempts to divert bats from their original commuting routes were unsuccessful and bats crossed the road at the height of passing vehicles. Underpasses have the potential to allow bats to cross roads safely if built on pre-construction commuting routes. Bat gantries were ineffective and used by a very small proportion of bats, even up to nine years after construction. Most bats near gantries crossed roads along severed, pre-construction commuting routes at heights that put them in the path of vehicles. Crossing height was strongly correlated with verge height, suggesting that elevated verges may have some value in mitigation, but increased flight height may be at the cost of reduced permeability. Green bridges should be explored as an alternative form of mitigation. Robust monitoring is essential to assess objectively the case for mitigation and to ensure effective mitigation.  相似文献   

Auxiliary markers play an essential role in understanding migration, movement, demography, and behavior of migratory birds. Use of such markers relies on the assumption that the markers do not affect the traits of interest. Neck collars, among the most conspicuous of markers, substantially affect risk of harvest, and survival even in the absence of harvest. Effects of less-conspicuous markers, such as colored plastic tarsal bands, are not well understood. We used 30 years (1986–2015) of banding, recovery, and recapture data from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in Alaska, USA, to assess differences in direct band recovery rates (DRRs) between black plastic and brightly colored plastic bands applied to black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans). We also assessed the effect of the color of plastic tarsal bands on annual survival, risks of natural mortality harvest, and fidelity to the breeding colony of adult female black brant. When assessing only DRRs we found that brightly colored bands were recovered at higher rates than black plastic bands in the early 2000s, but DRRs for black bands increased more rapidly through time, resulting in similar DRRs for the 2 band colors at the end of the study. Using a Burnham model structure, our results demonstrated that individuals fitted with colored bands had slightly lower hazards of dying from natural causes or hunting than individuals carrying less-conspicuous black tarsal bands. Differences on annual probability scales were small and credible intervals broadly overlapped between band types, indicating minimal differences between individuals with different band types; however, we could not resolve all confounding in our study design and we suggest that specific studies directed at assessing marker effects are warranted. We encourage education of hunters about their roles as citizen scientists and the potentially detrimental effect of targeting birds with auxiliary markers.  相似文献   

In animal populations, males are commonly more susceptible to disease-induced mortality than females. However, three competing mechanisms can cause this sex bias: weak males may simultaneously be more prone to exposure to infection and mortality; being ‘male’ may be an imperfect proxy for the underlying driver of disease-induced mortality; or males may experience increased severity of disease-induced effects compared with females. Here, we infer the drivers of sex-specific epidemiology by decomposing fixed mortality rates into mortality trajectories and comparing their parameters. We applied Bayesian survival trajectory analysis to a 22-year longitudinal study of a population of badgers (Meles meles) naturally infected with bovine tuberculosis (bTB). At the point of infection, infected male and female badgers had equal mortality risk, refuting the hypothesis that acquisition of infection occurs in males with coincidentally high mortality. Males and females exhibited similar levels of heterogeneity in mortality risk, refuting the hypothesis that maleness is only a proxy for disease susceptibility. Instead, sex differences were caused by a more rapid increase in male mortality rates following infection. Males are indeed more susceptible to bTB, probably due to immunological differences between the sexes. We recommend this mortality trajectory approach for the study of infection in animal populations.  相似文献   

In Canada and elsewhere in North America, impoundments are created in compensation for historic wetland loss and for habitat loss due to development projects, but these new sites are infrequently evaluated to determine how effectively they function. The Cumberland Marsh Region (CMR), located at the head of the Bay of Fundy, Canada, is of importance to migratory birds and has been subject to 300+ years of anthropogenic alteration, including impoundment creation on diked and drained tidal marsh in the last five decades. Wetland managers have noticed a pervasive decline in impoundment productivity leading to reduced waterbird usage (senescence). To understand factors that promote senescence, we analyzed abiotic and biotic proxies in sediment archives from six freshwater impoundments in two coastal watersheds to assess spatial trends across the CMR within recent decades. Our results demonstrate that impoundment productivity is driven by autochthonous nutrient sources (C/N between 7.7 and 14.4), but biogeochemical conditions can be highly variable among impoundments despite their proximity. Biogeochemical variation among top-of-core sediment samples from each impoundment was generally minimal, and thus we believe that the aging of impoundments has resulted in low productivity and organic matter accumulation due to dike stabilization and declines in nutrient loading. We conclude that these freshwater impoundments (in the CMR and likely other similar settings) are not highly productive, and may not provide abundant forage and optimal wildlife habitat which is expected of these systems; adaptive management strategies and hydrologic rehabilitation merit consideration to enhance ecological functioning. Understanding landscape attributes, hydrologic dynamics, and conditions prior to and after major human alterations should be a priority in future compensation projects.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) was long considered only a disease of ruminants. Recently non-ruminant wildlife species have been shown to harbor Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, the causative organism of paratuberculosis. We review the known non-ruminant wildlife host range of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis and consider their role in the epidemiology of paratuberculosis in domestic ruminant livestock. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis has been isolated from lagomorph, canid, mustelid, corvid, and murid species. In agricultural environments domestic ruminants may contact wildlife and/or their excreta when grazing or feeding on farm-stored feed contaminated with wildlife feces, opening up the possibility of inter-species transmission. Of the wildlife species known to harbor M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Scotland, the rabbit is likely to pose the greatest risk to grazing livestock. Paratuberculosis in domestic ruminants is a notoriously difficult disease to control; the participation of non-ruminant wildlife in the epidemiology of the disease may partially account for this difficulty.  相似文献   

Do rat cardiac myocytes release ATP on contraction?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ATP is released by numerous cell types in response to mechanical strain. It then acts as a paracrine or autocrine signaling molecule, inducing a variety of biological responses. In this work, we addressed the question whether mechanical force acting on the membranes of contracting cardiomyocytes during periodic longitudinal shortening can stimulate the release of ATP. Electrically stimulated isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes as well as spontaneously contracting mouse cardiomyocytes derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells were assayed for ATP release with the use of luciferase and a sensitive charge-coupled device camera. Sensitivity of soluble luciferase in the supernatant of cardiomyocytes was 100 nM ATP, which is 10-fold below the EC50 values for most purinergic receptors expressed in the heart (1.5–20 µM). Light intensities were not different between resting or contracting adult rat cardiomyocytes. Similar results were obtained with ES-cell-derived contracting mouse cardiomyocytes. ATP release was measurable only from obviously damaged or permeabilized cells. To increase selectivity and sensitivity of ATP detection we have targeted a recombinant luciferase to the sarcolemmal membrane using a wheat germ agglutinin-IgG linker. Contraction of labeled adult rat cardiomyocytes was not associated with measurable bioluminescence. However, when human umbilical vein endothelial cells were targeted with membrane-bound luciferase, shear stress-induced ATP release could be clearly detected, demonstrating the sensitivity of the detection method. In the present study, we did not detect ATP release from contracting cardiomyocytes on the single cell level, despite adequate sensitivity of the detection system. Thus deformation of the contracting cardiomyocyte is not a key stimulus for the release of cellular ATP. cardiomyocytes; luciferase  相似文献   

Two papers in this issue show that dynein-binding proteins may regulate the G1-S transition through an effect on cilia. Nde1, a known partner of dynein light chain LC8, controls ciliary length in vitro and in zebrafish, and influences the G1-S progression. The phosphorylation of Tctex1, a dynein light chain, modulates cilia length and accelerates G1-S, thereby regulating proliferation-differentiation decisions in the developing mouse neocortex.  相似文献   

Is MHC enough for understanding wildlife immunogenetics?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Along with reproductive success and predation, infectious disease is a major demographic and evolutionary driver of natural populations. To understand the evolutionary impacts of disease, research has focussed on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a genetic region involved in antigen presentation. There is a pressing need for the broader research currently conducted on traditional vertebrate models to be transferred to wildlife. Incorporating such knowledge will enable a broader understanding of the levels at which natural selection can act on immunity. We propose two new approaches to wildlife immunogenetics and discuss the challenges of conducting such studies. At a time when novel pathogens are increasingly emerging in natural populations, these new approaches are integral to understanding disease dynamics and assessing epidemic risks.  相似文献   

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