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Accounting for water stress‐induced tree mortality in forest productivity models remains a challenge due to uncertainty in stress tolerance of tree populations. In this study, logistic regression models were developed to assess species‐specific relationships between probability of mortality (Pm) and drought, drawing on 8.1 million observations of change in vital status (m) of individual trees across North America. Drought was defined by standardized (relative) values of soil water content (Ws,z) and reference evapotranspiration (ETr,z) at each field plot. The models additionally tested for interactions between the water‐balance variables, aridity class of the site (AC), and estimated tree height (h). Considering drought improved model performance in 95 (80) per cent of the 64 tested species during calibration (cross‐validation). On average, sensitivity to relative drought increased with site AC (i.e. aridity). Interaction between water‐balance variables and estimated tree height indicated that drought sensitivity commonly decreased during early height development and increased during late height development, which may reflect expansion of the root system and decreasing whole‐plant, leaf‐specific hydraulic conductance, respectively. Across North America, predictions suggested that changes in the water balance caused mortality to increase from 1.1% yr?1 in 1951 to 2.0% yr?1 in 2014 (a net change of 0.9 ± 0.3% yr?1). Interannual variation in mortality also increased, driven by increasingly severe droughts in 1988, 1998, 2006, 2007 and 2012. With strong confidence, this study indicates that water stress is a common cause of tree mortality. With weak‐to‐moderate confidence, this study strengthens previous claims attributing positive trends in mortality to increasing levels of water stress. This ‘learn‐as‐we‐go’ approach – defined by sampling rare drought events as they continue to intensify – will help to constrain the hydraulic limits of dominant tree species and the viability of boreal and temperate forest biomes under continued climate change.  相似文献   

Valley‐bottom wetlands are valuable assets as they provide many ecosystem services to mankind. Despite their value, valley‐bottom wetlands are often exploited and land‐use/land‐cover (LULC) change results in trade‐offs in ecosystem services. We coupled physically based hydrological modeling and spatial analysis to examine the effects of LULC change on water‐related ecosystem services in the Kromme catchment: an important water‐providing catchment for the city of Port Elizabeth. LULC scenarios were constructed to match 5 different decades in the last 50 years to explore the potential effects of restoring the catchment to different historic benchmarks. In the Kromme catchment, valley‐bottom wetlands have declined by 84%, driven by key LULC changes: an increase in irrigated land (307 ha) and invasion by alien trees (336 ha). If the wetlands were restored to the relatively pristine extent and condition of the 1950s, riverflow could increase by approximately 1.13 million m3/a, about 6% of the current supply to Port Elizabeth. Wetland restoration would also significantly improve the catchment's ability to absorb extreme rainfall events, decreasing flood damage. We conclude that in the face of the water scarcity in this region, all ecosystem services, particularly those related to water flow regulation, should be taken into account by decision makers in charge of land zonation. Zonation decisions should not continue to be made on the basis of provisioning ecosystem services alone (i.e. food provision or dam yield). We recommend prioritization of the preservation and restoration of valley‐bottom wetlands providing water‐related ecosystem services to settlements downstream.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence, the irreversible cell cycle arrest observed in somatic cells, is an important driver of age‐associated diseases. Mitochondria have been implicated in the process of senescence, primarily because they are both sources and targets of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the heart, oxidative stress contributes to pathological cardiac ageing, but the mechanisms underlying ROS production are still not completely understood. The mitochondrial enzyme monoamine oxidase‐A (MAO‐A) is a relevant source of ROS in the heart through the formation of H2O2 derived from the degradation of its main substrates, norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin. However, the potential link between MAO‐A and senescence has not been previously investigated. Using cardiomyoblasts and primary cardiomyocytes, we demonstrate that chronic MAO‐A activation mediated by synthetic (tyramine) and physiological (NE) substrates induces ROS‐dependent DNA damage response, activation of cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitors p21cip, p16ink4a, and p15ink4b and typical features of senescence such as cell flattening and SA‐β‐gal activity. Moreover, we observe that ROS produced by MAO‐A lead to the accumulation of p53 in the cytosol where it inhibits parkin, an important regulator of mitophagy, resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction. Additionally, we show that the mTOR kinase contributes to mitophagy dysfunction by enhancing p53 cytoplasmic accumulation. Importantly, restoration of mitophagy, either by overexpression of parkin or inhibition of mTOR, prevents mitochondrial dysfunction and induction of senescence. Altogether, our data demonstrate a novel link between MAO‐A and senescence in cardiomyocytes and provides mechanistic insights into the potential role of MAO‐dependent oxidative stress in age‐related pathologies.  相似文献   

Whether long interspersed nuclear element‐1 (LINE‐1) hypomethylation induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) was mediated through the depletion of S‐adenosylmethionine (SAM) was investigated. Bladder cancer (UM‐UC‐3 and TCCSUP) and human kidney (HK‐2) cell lines were exposed to 20 μM H2O2 for 72 h to induce oxidative stress. Level of LINE‐1 methylation, SAM and homocysteine (Hcy) was measured in the H2O2‐exposed cells. Effects of α‐tocopheryl acetate (TA), N‐acetylcysteine (NAC), methionine, SAM and folic acid on oxidative stress and LINE‐1 methylation in the H2O2‐treated cells were explored. Viabilities of cells treated with H2O2 were not significantly changed. Intracellular ROS production and protein carbonyl content were significantly increased, but LINE‐1 methylation was significantly decreased in the H2O2‐treated cells. LINE‐1 methylation was restored by TA, NAC, methionine, SAM and folic acid. SAM level in H2O2‐treated cells was significantly decreased, while total glutathione was significantly increased. SAM level in H2O2‐treated cells was restored by NAC, methionine, SAM and folic acid; while, total glutathione level was normalized by TA and NAC. Hcy was significantly decreased in the H2O2‐treated cells and subsequently restored by NAC. In conclusion, in bladder cancer and normal kidney cells exposed to H2O2, SAM and Hcy were decreased, but total glutathione was increased. Treatments with antioxidants (TA and NAC) and one‐carbon metabolites (SAM, methionine and folic acid) restored these changes. This pioneer finding suggests that exposure of cells to ROS activates glutathione synthesis via the transsulfuration pathway leading to deficiency of Hcy, which consequently causes SAM depletion and eventual hypomethylation of LINE‐1. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hypertension‐induced left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an independent risk factor for heart failure. Regression of LVH has emerged as a major goal in the treatment of hypertensive patients. Here, we tested our hypothesis that the valosin‐containing protein (VCP), an ATPase associate protein, is a novel repressor of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy under the pressure overload stress. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was determined by echocardiography in 4‐month male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) vs. age‐matched normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. VCP expression was found to be significantly downregulated in the left ventricle (LV) tissues from SHRs vs. WKY rats. Pressure overload was induced by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) in wild‐type (WT) mice. At the end of 2 weeks, mice with TAC developed significant LVH whereas the cardiac function remained unchanged. A significant reduction of VCP at both the mRNA and protein levels in hypertrophic LV tissue was found in TAC WT mice compared to sham controls. Valosin‐containing protein VCP expression was also observed to be time‐ and dose‐dependently reduced in vitro in isolated neonatal rat cardiomyocytes upon the treatment of angiotensin II. Conversely, transgenic (TG) mice with cardiac‐specific overexpression of VCP showed a significant repression in TAC‐induced LVH vs. litter‐matched WT controls upon 2‐week TAC. TAC‐induced activation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling observed in WT mice LVs was also significantly blunted in VCP TG mice. In conclusion, VCP acts as a novel repressor that is able to prevent cardiomyocyte hypertrophy from pressure overload by modulating the mTORC1 signaling pathway.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Extreme water stress episodes induce tree mortality, but the physiological mechanisms causing tree death are still poorly understood. This study tests the hypothesis that a potted tree''s ability to survive extreme monotonic water stress is determined by the cavitation resistance of its xylem tissue.


Two species were selected with contrasting cavitation resistance (beech and poplar), and potted juvenile trees were exposed to a range of water stresses, causing up to 100 % plant death.

Key Results

The lethal dose of water stress, defined as the xylem pressure inducing 50 % mortality, differed sharply across species (1·75 and 4·5 MPa in poplar and beech, respectively). However, the relationships between tree mortality and the degree of cavitation in the stems were similar, with mortality occurring suddenly when >90 % cavitation had occurred.


Overall, the results suggest that cavitation resistance is a causal factor of tree mortality under extreme drought conditions.  相似文献   

Melanoma is characterized by dysregulated intracellular signalling pathways including an impairment of the cell death machinery, ultimately resulting in melanoma resistance, survival and progression. This explains the tumour's extraordinary resistance to the standard treatment. Imiquimod is a topical immune response modifier (imidazoquinoline) with both antiviral and antitumour activities. The mechanism by which imiquimod triggers the apoptosis of melanoma cells has now been carefully elucidated. Imiquimod‐induced apoptosis is associated with the activation of apoptosis signalling regulating kinase1/c‐Jun‐N‐terminal kinase/p38 pathways and the induction of endoplasmic stress characterized by the activation of the protein kinase RNA‐like endoplasmic reticulum kinase signalling pathway, increase in intracellular Ca2+ release, degradation of calpain and subsequent cleavage of caspase‐4. Moreover, imiquimod triggers the activation of NF‐κB and the expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) such as, X‐linked IAP (XIAP) together with the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Also, imiquimod triggers mitochondrial dysregulation characterized by the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm), the increase in cytochrome c release, and cleavage of caspase‐9, caspase‐3 and poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase (PARP). Inhibitors of specific pathways, permit the elucidation of possible mechanisms of imiquimod‐induced apoptosis. They demonstrate that inhibition of NF‐kB by the inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa‐B kinase (IKK) inhibitor Bay 11‐782 or knockdown of XIAP induces melanoma apoptosis in cells exposed to imiquimod. These findings support the use of either IKK inhibitors or IAP antagonists as adjuvant therapies to improve the effectiveness topical imiquimod in the treatment of melanoma.  相似文献   

The sexual stage of pathogens governs recombination patterns and often also provides means of surviving the off‐season. Despite its importance for evolutionary potential and between‐season epidemiology, sexual systems have not been carefully investigated for many important pathogens, and what generates variation in successful sexual reproduction of pathogens remains unexplored. We surveyed the sexually produced resting structures (chasmothecia) across 86 natural populations of fungal pathogen Podosphaera plantaginis (Ascomycota) naturally infecting Plantago lanceolata in the Åland archipelago, southwestern Finland. For this pathosystem, these resting structures are a key life‐history stage, as more than half of the local pathogen populations go extinct every winter. We uncovered substantial variation in the level of chasmothecia produced among populations, ranging from complete absence to presence on all infected leaves. We found that chasmothecia developed within clonal isolates (single‐strain cultures). Additionally, these clonal isolates all contained both MAT1‐1‐1 and MAT1‐2‐1 genes that characterize mating types in Ascomycetes. Hence, contrary to expectations, we conclude that this species is capable of haploid selfing. In controlled inoculations, we discovered that pathogen genotypes varied in their tendency to produce chasmothecia. Production of chasmothecia was also affected by ambient temperature (E) and by the interaction between temperature and pathogen genotype (G × E). These G, E and G × E effects found both at a European scale and within the Åland archipelago may partly explain the high variability observed among populations in chasmothecia levels. Consequently, they may be key drivers of the evolutionary potential and epidemiology of this highly dynamic pathosystem.  相似文献   

P‐selectin glycoprotein ligand‐1 (PSGL‐1) is a homodimeric mucin ligand that is important to mediate the earliest adhesive event during an inflammatory response by rapidly forming and dissociating the selectin‐ligand adhesive bonds. Recent research indicates that the noncovalent associations between the PSGL‐1 transmembrane domains (TMDs) can substitute for the C320‐dependent covalent bond to mediate the dimerization of PSGL‐1. In this article, we combined TOXCAT assays and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to probe the mechanism of PSGL‐1 dimerization. The results of TOXCAT assays and Martini coarse‐grained molecular dynamics (CG MD) simulations demonstrated that PSGL‐1 TMDs strongly dimerized in a natural membrane and a leucine zipper motif was responsible for the noncovalent dimerization of PSGL‐1 TMD since mutations of the residues that occupied a or d positions in an (abcdefg)n leucine heptad repeat motif significantly reduced the dimer activity. Furthermore, we studied the effects of the disulfide bond on the PSGL‐1 dimer using MD simulations. The disulfide bond was critical to form the leucine zipper structure, by which the disulfide bond further improved the stability of the PSGL‐1 dimer. These findings provide insights to understand the transmembrane association of PSGL‐1 that is an important structural basis for PSGL‐1 preferentially binding to P‐selectin to achieve its biochemical and biophysical functions.  相似文献   

Hydraulic impairment due to xylem embolism and carbon starvation are the two proposed mechanisms explaining drought‐induced forest dieback and tree death. Here, we evaluate the relative role played by these two mechanisms in the long‐term by quantifying wood‐anatomical traits (tracheid size and area of parenchyma rays) and estimating the intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) from carbon isotopic discrimination. We selected silver fir and Scots pine stands in NE Spain with ongoing dieback processes and compared trees showing contrasting vigour (declining vs nondeclining trees). In both species earlywood tracheids in declining trees showed smaller lumen area with thicker cell wall, inducing a lower theoretical hydraulic conductivity. Parenchyma ray area was similar between the two vigour classes. Wet spring and summer conditions promoted the formation of larger lumen areas, particularly in the case of nondeclining trees. Declining silver firs presented a lower iWUE than conspecific nondeclining trees, but the reverse pattern was observed in Scots pine. The described patterns in wood anatomical traits and iWUE are coherent with a long‐lasting deterioration of the hydraulic system in declining trees prior to their dieback. Retrospective quantifications of lumen area permit to forecast dieback in declining trees 2–5 decades before growth decline started. Wood anatomical traits provide a robust tool to reconstruct the long‐term capacity of trees to withstand drought‐induced dieback.  相似文献   

Hydraulic architecture was studied in shrub species differing in rooting depth in a cold desert in Southern Argentina. All species exhibited strong hydraulic segmentation between leaves, stems and roots with leaves being the most vulnerable part of the hydraulic pathway. Two types of safety margins describing the degree of conservation of the hydraulic integrity were used: the difference between minimum stem or leaf water potential (Ψ) and the Ψ at which stem or leaf hydraulic function was reduced by 50% (ΨΨ50), and the difference between leaf and stem Ψ50. Leaf Ψ50 – stem Ψ50 increased with decreasing rooting depth. Large diurnal decreases in root‐specific hydraulic conductivity suggested high root vulnerability to embolism across all species. Although stem Ψ50 became more negative with decreasing species‐specific Ψsoil and minimum stem Ψ, leaf Ψ50 was independent of Ψ and minimum leaf Ψ. Species with embolism‐resistant stems also had higher maximum stem hydraulic conductivity. Safety margins for stems were >2.1 MPa, whereas those for leaves were negative or only slightly positive. Leaves acted as safety valves to protect the integrity of the upstream hydraulic pathway, whereas embolism in lateral roots may help to decouple portions of the plant from the impact of drier soil layers.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a potent superantigen produced by Staphylococcus aureus that triggers a strong immune response, characterized by cytokine storm, multi‐organ failure, and often death. When inhaled, SEB can cause acute lung injury (ALI) and respiratory failure. In this study, we investigated the effect of resveratrol (RES), a phytoallexin, on SEB‐driven ALI and mortality in mice. We used a dual‐exposure model of SEB in C3H/HeJ mice, which caused 100% mortality within the first 5 days of exposure, and treatment with RES resulted in 100% survival of these mice up to 10 days post‐SEB exposure. RES reduced the inflammatory cytokines in the serum and lungs, as well as T cell infiltration into the lungs caused by SEB. Treatment with RES also caused increased production of transforming growth factor‐beta (TGF‐β) in the blood and lungs. RES altered the miRNA profile in the immune cells isolated from the lungs. Of these, miR‐193a was strongly induced by SEB and was down‐regulated by RES treatment. Furthermore, transfection studies and pathway analyses revealed that miR‐193a targeted several molecules involved in TGF‐β signalling (TGFβ2, TGFβR3) and activation of apoptotic pathways death receptor‐6 (DR6). Together, our studies suggest that RES can effectively neutralize SEB‐mediated lung injury and mortality through potential regulation of miRNA that promote anti‐inflammatory activities.  相似文献   

Dehydroglyasperin D (DHGA‐D), a compound present in licorice, has been found to exhibit anti‐obesity, antioxidant and anti‐aldose reductase effects. However, the direct molecular mechanism and molecular targets of DHGA‐D during skin inflammation remain unknown. In the present study, we investigated the effect of DHGA‐D on inflammation and its mechanism of action on UVB‐induced skin inflammation in HaCaT human keratinocytes and SKH‐1 hairless mice. DHGA‐D treatment strongly suppressed UVB‐induced COX‐2 expression, PGE2 generation and AP‐1 transactivity in HaCaT cells without affecting cell viability. DHGA‐D also inhibited phosphorylation of the mitogen‐activated protein kinase kinase (MKK) 3/6/p38, MAPK/Elk‐1, MKK4/c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase (JNK) 1/2/c‐Jun/mitogen, and stress‐activated protein kinase (MSK), whereas phosphorylation of the mixed‐lineage kinase (MLK) 3 remained unaffected. Kinase and co‐precipitation assays with DHGA‐D Sepharose 4B beads showed that DHGA‐D significantly suppressed MLK3 activity through direct binding to MLK3. Knockdown of MLK3 suppressed COX‐2 expression as well as phosphorylation of MKK4/p38 and MKK3/6/JNK1/2 in HaCaT cells. Furthermore, Western blot assay and immunohistochemistry results showed that DHGA‐D pre‐treatment significantly inhibits UVB‐induced COX‐2 expression in vivo. Taken together, these results indicate that DHGA‐D may be a promising anti‐inflammatory agent that mediates suppression of both COX‐2 expression and the MLK3 signalling pathway through direct binding and inhibition of MLK3.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the role of HO‐1 induction in prevention of thioacetamide (TAA)‐induced oxidative stress, inflammation and liver damage. The changes in hepatic dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) activity as well as plasma arginine and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels were also measured to evaluate nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability. Rats were divided into four groups as control, hemin, TAA and hemin + TAA groups. Hemin (50 mg kg?1, i.p.) was injected to rats 18 h before TAA treatment to induce HO‐1 enzyme expression. Rats were given TAA (300 mg kg?1, i.p.) and killed 24 h after treatment. Although TAA treatment produced severe hepatic injury, upregulation of HO‐1 ameliorated TAA‐induced liver damage up to some extent as evidence by decreased serum alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and arginase activities and histopathological findings. Induction of HO‐1 stimulated antioxidant system and decreased lipid peroxidation in TAA‐treated rats. Myeloperoxidase activity and inducible NO synthase protein expression were decreased, whereas DDAH activity was increased by hemin injection in TAA‐treated rats. Induction of HO‐1 was associated with increased arginine levels and decreased ADMA levels, being the main determinants of NO production, in plasma of TAA‐treated rats. In conclusion, our results indicate that HO‐1 induction alleviated increased oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions together with deterioration in NO production in TAA‐induced liver damage in rats. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hypoxia is a condition in which the whole body or a region of the body is deprived of oxygen supply. The brain is very sensitive to the lack of oxygen and cerebral hypoxia can rapidly cause severe brain damage. Astrocytes are essential for the survival and function of neurons. Therefore, protecting astrocytes against cell death is one of the main therapeutic strategies for treating hypoxia. Hence, the mechanism of hypoxia‐induced astrocytic cell death should be fully elucidated. In this study, astrocytes were exposed to hypoxic conditions using a hypoxia work station or the hypoxia mimetic agent cobalt chloride (CoCl2). Both the hypoxic gas mixture (1% O2) and chemical hypoxia‐induced apoptotic cell death in T98G glioblastoma cells and mouse primary astrocytes. Reactive oxygen species were generated in response to the hypoxia‐mediated activation of caspase‐1. Active caspase‐1 induced the classical caspase‐dependent apoptosis of astrocytes. In addition, the microRNA processing enzyme Dicer was cleaved by caspase‐3 during hypoxia. Knockdown of Dicer using antisense oligonucleotides induced apoptosis of T98G cells. Taken together, these results suggest that astrocytic cell death during hypoxia is mediated by the reactive oxygen species/caspase‐1/classical caspase‐dependent apoptotic pathway. In addition, the decrease in Dicer levels by active caspase‐3 amplifies this apoptotic pathway via a positive feedback loop. These findings may provide a new target for therapeutic interventions in cerebral hypoxia.  相似文献   

Acute ozone exposure triggers major emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but quantitatively, it is unclear how different ozone doses alter the start and the total amount of these emissions, and the induction rate of different stress volatiles. It is also unclear whether priming (i.e. pre‐exposure to lower O3 concentrations) can modify the magnitude and kinetics of volatile emissions. We investigated photosynthetic characteristics and VOC emissions in Phaseolus vulgaris following acute ozone exposure (600 nmol mol?1 for 30 min) under illumination and in darkness and after priming with 200 nmol mol?1 O3 for 30 min. Methanol and lipoxygenase (LOX) pathway product emissions were induced rapidly, followed by moderate emissions of methyl salicylate (MeSA). Stomatal conductance prior to acute exposure was lower in darkness and after low O3 priming than in light and without priming. After low O3 priming, no MeSA and lower LOX emissions were detected under acute exposure. Overall, maximum emission rates and the total amount of emitted LOX products and methanol were quantitatively correlated with total stomatal ozone uptake. These results indicate that different stress volatiles scale differently with ozone dose and highlight the key role of stomatal conductance in controlling ozone uptake, leaf injury and volatile release.  相似文献   

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