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Our previous investigation found elevated nitrogen deposition caused declines in abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with forest trees, but little is known about how nitrogen affects the AMF community composition and structure within forest ecosystems. We hypothesized that N deposition would lead to significant changes in the AMF community structure. We studied the diversity and community structure of AMF in northern hardwood forests after more than 12 years of simulated nitrogen deposition. We performed molecular analyses on maple (Acer spp.) roots targeting the 18S rDNA region using the fungal‐specific primers AM1 and NS31. PCR products were cloned and identified using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing. N addition significantly altered the AMF community structure, and Glomus group A dominated the AMF community. Some Glomus operational taxonomic units (OTUs) responded negatively to N inputs, whereas other Glomus OTUs and an Acaulospora OTU responded positively to N inputs. The observed effect on community structure implies that AMF species associated with maples differ in their response to elevated nitrogen. Given that functional diversity exists among AMF species and that N deposition has been shown to select less beneficial fungi in some ecosystems, this change in community structure could have implications for the functioning of this type of ecosystem.  相似文献   

Chronic N additions to forest ecosystems can enhance soil N availability, potentially leading to reduced C allocation to root systems. This in turn could decrease soil CO2 efflux. We measured soil respiration during the first, fifth, sixth and eighth years of simulated atmospheric NO3? deposition (3 g N m?2 yr?1) to four sugar maple‐dominated northern hardwood forests in Michigan to assess these possibilities. During the first year, soil respiration rates were slightly, but not significantly, higher in the NO3?‐amended plots. In all subsequent measurement years, soil respiration rates from NO3?‐amended soils were significantly depressed. Soil temperature and soil matric potential were measured concurrently with soil respiration and used to develop regression relationships for predicting soil respiration rates. Estimates of growing season and annual soil CO2 efflux made using these relationships indicate that these C fluxes were depressed by 15% in the eighth year of chronic NO3? additions. The decrease in soil respiration was not due to reduced C allocation to roots, as root respiration rates, root biomass, and root turnover were not significantly affected by N additions. Aboveground litter also was unchanged by the 8 years of treatment. Of the remaining potential causes for the decline in soil CO2 efflux, reduced microbial respiration appears to be the most likely possibility. Documented reductions in microbial biomass and the activities of extracellular enzymes used for litter degradation on the NO3?‐amended plots are consistent with this explanation.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of and mechanisms responsible for acclimation of fine‐root respiration of mature sugar maple (Acer saccharum) after 3+ years of experimental soil warming (+4 to 5 °C) in a factorial combination with soil moisture addition. Potential mechanisms for thermal respiratory acclimation included changes in enzymatic capacity, as indicated by root N concentration; substrate limitation, assessed by examining nonstructural carbohydrates and effects of exogenous sugar additions; and adenylate control, examined as responses of root respiration to a respiratory uncoupling agent. Partial acclimation of fine‐root respiration occurred in response to soil warming, causing specific root respiration to increase to a much lesser degree (14% to 26%) than would be expected for a 4 to 5 °C temperature increase (approximately 55%). Acclimation was greatest when ambient soil temperature was warmer or soil moisture availability was low. We found no evidence that enzyme or substrate limitation caused acclimation but did find evidence supporting adenylate control. The uncoupling agent caused a 1.4 times greater stimulation of respiration in roots from warmed soil. Sugar maple fine‐root respiration in warmed soil was at least partially constrained by adenylate use, helping constrain respiration to that needed to support work being performed by the roots.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are important below-ground carbon (C) sinks that can be sensitive to increased nitrogen (N) availability. The abundance of AM fungi (AMF) was estimated in maple (Acer spp.) fine roots following more than a decade of experimental additions of N designed to simulate chronic atmospheric N deposition. Abundance of AMF was measured by staining and ocular estimation, as well as by analyzing for the AMF indicator fatty acid 16:1omega5c in phospholipid (biomass indicator) and neutral lipid (lipid storage indicator) fractions. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal biomass, storage structures and lipid storage declined in response to N addition measured by both methods. This pattern was found when AM response was characterized as colonization intensity, on an areal basis and in proportion to maple above-ground biomass. The phospholipid fraction of the fatty acid 16:1omega5c was positively correlated with total AMF colonization and the neutral lipid fraction with vesicle colonization. Decreased AMF abundance with simulated N deposition suggests reduced C allocation to these fungi or a direct soil N-mediated decline. The fatty acid (phospholipid and neutral lipid fractions) 16:1omega5c was found to be a good indicator for AMF active biomass and stored energy, respectively.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that plant assimilation constitutes the major sink for anthropogenic Nitrate NO 3 deposited in temperate forests because plant growth is usually limited by nitrogen (N) availability. Nevertheless, plants are known to vary widely in their capacity for NO 3 uptake and assimilation, and few studies have directly measured these parameters for overstory trees. Using a combination of field and greenhouse experiments, we studied the N nutrition of Acer saccharum Marsh. in four northern hardwood forests receiving experimental NO 3 additions equivalent to 30 kg N ha–1 year–1. We measured leaf and fine-root nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of overstory trees using an in vivo assay and used 15N to determine the kinetic parameters of NO 3 uptake by excised fine roots. In two greenhouse experiments, we measured leaf and root NRA in A. saccharum seedlings fertilized with 0–3.5 g NO 3 –N m–2 and determined the kinetic parameters of NO 3 and NH 4 + uptake in excised roots of seedlings. In both overstory trees and seedlings, rates of leaf and fine root NRA were substantially lower than previously reported rates for most woody plants and showed no response to NO 3 fertilization (range = non-detectable to 33 nmol NO 2 g–1 h–1). Maximal rates of NO 3 uptake in overstory trees also were low, ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 mol g–1 h–1. In seedlings, the mean V max for NO 3 uptake in fine roots (1 mol g–1 h–1) was approximately 30 times lower than the V max for NH 4 + uptake (33 mol g–1 h–1). Our results suggest that A. saccharum satisfies its N demand through rapid NH 4 + uptake and may have a limited capacity to serve as a direct sink for atmospheric additions of NO 3 .  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to global change remains a major challenge of ecological research. We exploited a natural elevation gradient in a northern hardwood forest to determine how reductions in snow accumulation, expected with climate change, directly affect dynamics of soil winter frost, and indirectly soil microbial biomass and activity during the growing season. Soils from lower elevation plots, which accumulated less snow and experienced more soil temperature variability during the winter (and likely more freeze/thaw events), had less extractable inorganic nitrogen (N), lower rates of microbial N production via potential net N mineralization and nitrification, and higher potential microbial respiration during the growing season. Potential nitrate production rates during the growing season were particularly sensitive to changes in winter snow pack accumulation and winter soil temperature variability, especially in spring. Effects of elevation and winter conditions on N transformation rates differed from those on potential microbial respiration, suggesting that N‐related processes might respond differently to winter climate change in northern hardwood forests than C‐related processes.  相似文献   

The influence of site fertility on soil microbial biomass and activity is not well understood but is likely to be complex because of interactions with plant responses to nutrient availability. We examined the effects of long-term (8 yr) fertilization and litter removal on forest floor microbial biomass and N and C transformations to test the hypothesis that higher soil resource availability stimulates microbial activity. Microbial biomass and respiration decreased by 20–30 % in response to fertilization. Microbial C averaged 3.8 mg C/g soil in fertilized, 5.8 mg C/g in control, and 5.5 mg C/g in litter removal plots. Microbial respiration was 200 µg CO2-C g–1 d–1 in fertilized plots, compared to 270 µg CO2-C g–1 d–1 in controls. Gross N mineralization and N immobilization did not differ among treatments, despite higher litter nutrient concentrations in fertilized plots and the removal of substantial quantities of C and N in litter removal plots. Net N mineralization was significantly reduced by fertilization. Gross nitrification and NO3 immobilization both were increased by fertilization. Nitrate thus became a more important part of microbial N cycling in fertilized plots even though NH4 + availability was not stimulated by fertilization.Soil microorganisms did not mineralize more C or N in response to fertilization and higher litter quality; instead, results suggest a difference in the physiological status of microbial biomass in fertilized plots that influenced N transformations. Respiration quotients (qCO2, respiration per unit biomass) were higher in fertilized plots (56 µg CO2-C mg C–1 d–1) than control (48 µg CO2-C mg C–1 d –1) or litter removal (45 µg CO2-C mg C–1 d–1), corresponding to higher microbial growth efficiency, higher proportions of gross mineralization immobilized, and lower net N mineralization in fertilized plots. While microbial biomass is an important labile nutrient pool, patterns of microbial growth and turnover were distinct from this pool and were more important to microbial function in nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

Ice storms cause periodic disturbance to temperate forests of eastern North America. They are the primary agents of disturbance in some eastern forests. In this paper, a forest gap model is employed to explore consequences of ice storms for the long‐term dynamics of Tsuga canadensis‐northem hardwoods forests. The gap model LINKAGES was modified to simulate periodic ice storm disturbance in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. To adapt the gap model for this purpose, field data on ice storm disturbance are used to develop a polytomous logistic regression model of tree damage. The logistic regression model was then incorporated into the modified forest gap model, LINK ADIR, to determine the type of damage sustained by each simulated tree. The logistic regression model predicts high probabilities of bent boles or severe bole damage (leaning, snapping, or uprooting) in small‐diameter trees, and increasing probability of canopy damage as tree size increases. Canopy damage is most likely on gentle slopes; the probability of severe bole damage increases with increasing slope angle. In the LINKADIR simulations, tree damage type determines the probability of mortality; trees with severe bole damage are assigned the highest mortality rate. LINKADIR predicts Tsuga canadensis dominance in mesophytic old‐growth forests not disturbed by ice storms. When ice storms are simulated, the model predicts Acer saccharum‐dominated forests with higher species richness. These results suggest that ice storms may function as intermediate disturbances that enhance species richness in forested Adirondack landscapes.  相似文献   

Understanding the changes in root exploitation strategies during post‐logging recovery is important for predicting forest productivity and carbon dynamics in tropical forests. We sampled fine (diameter < 2 mm) roots using the soil core method to quantify fine‐root biomass and architectural and morphological traits to determine root exploitation strategies in an old growth forest and in a 54‐yr‐old logged‐over forest influenced by similar parent material and climate. Seven root traits were considered: four associated with resource exploitation potential or an ‘extensive’ strategy (fine‐root biomass, length, surface area, and volume), and three traits which reflect exploitation efficiency or an ‘intensive’ strategy (specific root area, specific root length, and root tissue density). We found that total fine‐root biomass, length, surface area, volume, and fine‐root tissue density were higher in the logged‐over forest, whereas the old growth forest had higher total specific root length and specific root surface area than the logged‐over forest. The results suggest different root exploitation strategies between the forests. Plants in the old growth forest invest root biomass more efficiently to maximize soil volume explored, whereas plants in the logged‐over forest increase the spatial distribution of roots resulting in the expansion of the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Effects of warming on root morphology, root mass distribution and microbial activity were studied in organic and mineral soil layers in two alpine ecosystems over>10 yr, using open-top chambers, in Swedish Lapland. Root mass was estimated using soil cores. Washed roots were scanned and sorted into four diameter classes, for which variables including root mass (g dry matter (g DM) m(-2)), root length density (RLD; cm cm(-3) soil), specific root length (SRL; m g DM(-1)), specific root area (SRA; m2 kg DM(-1)), and number of root tips m(-2) were determined. Nitrification (NEA) and denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) in the top 10 cm of soil were measured. Soil warming shifted the rooting zone towards the upper soil organic layer in both plant communities. In the dry heath, warming increased SRL and SRA of the finest roots in both soil layers, whereas the dry meadow was unaffected. Neither NEA nor DEA exhibited differences attributable to warming. Tundra plants may respond to climate change by altering their root morphology and mass while microbial activity may be unaffected. This suggests that carbon may be incorporated in tundra soils partly as a result of increases in the mass of the finer roots if temperatures rise.  相似文献   

Characterization of turnover times of fine roots is essential to understanding patterns of carbon allocation in plants and describing forest C cycling. We used the rate of decline in the ratio of 14C to 12C in a mature hardwood forest, enriched by an inadvertent 14C pulse, to investigate fine-root turnover and its relationship with fine-root diameter and soil depth. Biomass and Delta14C values were determined for fine roots collected during three consecutive winters from four sites, by depth, diameter size classes (< 0.5 or 0.5-2 mm), and live-or-dead status. Live-root pools retained significant 14C enrichment over 3 yr, demonstrating a mean turnover time on the order of years. However, elevated Delta14C values in dead-root pools within 18 months of the pulse indicated an additional component of live roots with short turnover times (months). Our results challenge assumptions of a single live fine-root pool with a unimodal and normal age distribution. Live fine roots < 0.5 mm and those near the surface, especially those in the O horizon, had more rapid turnover than 0.5-2 mm roots and deeper roots, respectively.  相似文献   

Fertilizer-induced reductions in CO(2) flux from soil ((F)CO(2)) in forests have previously been attributed to decreased carbon allocation to roots, and decreased decomposition as a result of nitrogen suppression of fungal activity. Here, we present evidence that decreased microbial respiration in the rhizosphere may also contribute to (F)CO(2) reductions in fertilized forest soils. Fertilization reduced (F)CO(2) by 16-19% in 65-yr-old plantations of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and in a natural 85-yr-old yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) stand. In oak plots, fertilization had no effects on fine root biomass but reduced mycorrhizal colonization by 18% and microbial respiration by 43%. In maple plots, fertilization reduced root biomass, mycorrhizal colonization and microbial respiration by 22, 16 and 46%, respectively. In birch plots, fertilization reduced microbial respiration by 36%, but had variable effects on root biomass and mycorrhizal colonization. In plots of all three species, fertilization effects on microbial respiration were greater in rhizosphere than in bulk soil, possibly as a result of decreased rhizosphere carbon flux from these species in fertile soils. Because rhizosphere processes may influence nutrient availability and carbon storage in forest ecosystems, future research is needed to better quantify rhizo-microbial contributions to (F)CO(2).  相似文献   

Under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, soil carbon (C) inputs are typically enhanced, suggesting larger soil C sequestration potential. However, soil C losses also increase and progressive nitrogen (N) limitation to plant growth may reduce the CO2 effect on soil C inputs with time. We compiled a data set from 131 manipulation experiments, and used meta‐analysis to test the hypotheses that: (1) elevated atmospheric CO2 stimulates soil C inputs more than C losses, resulting in increasing soil C stocks; and (2) that these responses are modulated by N. Our results confirm that elevated CO2 induces a C allocation shift towards below‐ground biomass compartments. However, the increased soil C inputs were offset by increased heterotrophic respiration (Rh), such that soil C content was not affected by elevated CO2. Soil N concentration strongly interacted with CO2 fumigation: the effect of elevated CO2 on fine root biomass and –production and on microbial activity increased with increasing soil N concentration, while the effect on soil C content decreased with increasing soil N concentration. These results suggest that both plant growth and microbial activity responses to elevated CO2 are modulated by N availability, and that it is essential to account for soil N concentration in C cycling analyses.  相似文献   

Life‐history attributes can impose differences on root system structures and properties related to nutrient and water uptake. Here, we assess whether plants with different post‐fire regenerative strategies (resprouters, seeders and seeder–resprouters) differ in the topological and morphological properties of their root systems (external path, altitude, magnitude, topological index, specific root length, root length, root‐to‐shoot biomass ratio, length of the main axis of the root system and link length). To achieve these objectives, we sampled individuals from eight woody species in a shrubland located in the western Mediterranean Basin. We sampled the adult root systems using manual field excavation with the aid of an air compressor. The results indicate that resprouters have a higher root‐to‐shoot ratio, confirming their higher ability to store water, starch and nutrients and to invest in the belowground biomass. Moreover, this pattern would allow them to explore deeper parts of the soil layers. Seeder species would benefit from a higher specific root length, pointing to increased relative root growth and water uptake rates. This study confirms that seeders and resprouters may differ in nutrient and water uptake ability according to the characteristics of their root system. Species that can both resprout and establish seedlings after fire had different patterns of root system structure; in particular, root:shoot ratio was more similar to resprouters and specific root length was closer to seeders, supporting the distinct functional performance of this type of species.  相似文献   

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