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Previous results show that juvenile shortnose sturgeon are steady swimmers and, compared with salmonids, generally have low critical swimming (UCrit) and endurance swimming capacities. Most studies on swimming capacities of sturgeon, and other fishes, include those where fish have only been swum once and the metrics of swimming performance are assessed (e.g., time swum, speed achieved). Under natural conditions, there are ample instances where fish undergo multiple swimming cycles when traversing fish ways, culverts and other sources of fast water flow. While some evidence exists for salmonids, the effects of repeat swimming are not well known for sturgeon. The current study consisted of two experiments. The first examined the UCrit of juvenile shortnose sturgeon following three consecutive swimming trials with a 30 min recovery period between subsequent tests. The second examined the endurance swimming capacities of juvenile shortnose sturgeon following three consecutive swimming trials with a 60 min recovery period between subsequent tests. Our findings indicate that (i) UCrit was consistent (~2 body lengths/s) among swimming trials; (ii) significant individual variation exists between individuals in the endurance swimming trials; and (iii) consistent results exist for individuals across swimming trials in both the UCrit and the endurance swimming tests. These results suggest that juvenile shortnose sturgeon have a high recovery capacity, and their behaviour and morphology likely reflect aspects of their swimming capacities.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to determine optimal methodologies to assess the general swimming performance of juvenile shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum. Swimming densities (group v. individual swimming) and flume length (2 v. 1 m) were altered to verify if any of those variables affected performance (i.e. time to fatigue) during critical swimming (U(crit)) and endurance tests. Results for both U(crit) and endurance swimming were not significantly different between fish swum in groups of five or fish swum individually. The U(crit) values, however, were c. 22% higher for fish swum in a longer flume. Although swimming fish in groups did not improve swimming performance, group swimming lowered the variance of the data. Results also reveal that juvenile A. brevirostrum may not possess an ability to swim at high speeds (i.e. burst phase) for long periods.  相似文献   

Critical swimming speeds (mean ± s . e .) for juvenile shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum were 34·4 cm s−1± 1·7 (2·18 ± 0·09 body lengths, BL s−1). Swimming challenges at 10, 20 and 30 cm s−1 revealed that juvenile A. brevirostrum are relatively poor swimmers, and that the fish did not significantly modify their swimming behaviour, although they spent more time substratum skimming ( i.e. contact with flume floor) at 30 cm s−1 relative to 10 cm s−1. When present, these behavioural responses are probably related to morphological features, such as flattened rostrum, large pectoral fins, flattened body shape and heterocercal tail, and may be important to reduce the costs of swimming.  相似文献   

The swimming performance and associated swimming behaviour (i.e. substratum‐skimming, station‐holding and free swimming) were assessed in shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum during critical swimming and endurance swimming tests over a rough and a smooth substratum. It was hypothesized that the addition of a rough substratum in the swimming flume may provide a surface for the A. brevirostrum to grip and offer an energetic advantage. Substratum type did not affect the critical swimming performance, but A. brevirostrum consistently performed more bottom behaviours (i.e. substratum‐skimming and station‐holding) while on a smooth substratum. Acipenser brevirostrum had little contact with the rough substratum until the velocity was >1 body length s?1. Endurance swimming time was significantly lower for A. brevirostrum over the rough bottom at the highest velocity (30 cm s?1) which may be attributed to the observed increase in free swimming and decrease in bottom behaviours. During endurance swimming, the rough substratum was mainly used at intermediate velocities, suggesting that there may be a stability cost associated with being in contact with the rough substratum at certain velocities.  相似文献   

We collected the first life history information on shortnose sturgeon ( Acipenser brevirostrum ) in any of the rivers to Chesapeake Bay, the geographic center of the species range. In the Potomac River, two telemetry-tagged adult females used 124 km of river: a saltwater/freshwater reach at river km (rkm) 63−141 was the foraging−wintering concentration area, and one female migrated to spawn at rkm 187 in Washington, DC. The spawning migration explained the life history context of an adult captured 122 years ago in Washington, DC, supporting the idea that a natal population once lived in the river. Repeated homing migrations to foraging and wintering areas suggested the adults were residents, not transient coastal migrants. All habitats that adults need to complete life history are present in the river. The Potomac River shortnose sturgeon offers a rare opportunity to learn about the natural rebuilding of a sturgeon population.  相似文献   

Shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum gonad samples were collected from industry-reared fish and wild broodstock at various developmental stages to elucidate patterns of gonadal differentiation and maturation. Genital ridges, containing germ cells, were present in 26 day-old fish and distinct gonads were present by day 54. Sturgeon gonads are known to consist of two tissue types (adipose and gametogenic) and both were present at 72 day. Anatomical differentiation of gonads occurred by 6 months and was advanced by 15 months. Ovaries had distinct lamellae while testes remained non-lamellate. Gonial proliferation had occurred by 15 months, but the cells were not identifiable as spermatogonia or oogonia. Small white 'pinhead' oocytes were macroscopically visible in ovaries as early as 36 months. At 43 months ovaries were clearly organized, with some areas containing only immature oocytes and other containing oocytes apparently developing as cohorts. Individual fish showed considerable variation: the level of development remained unchanged at 84 months in some females, while others showed clear progression towards sexual maturation at 48 months. Sperm cells were present in males as early as 52 months. Advanced development of ovarian follicles was observed only in biopsies of re-conditioned broodstock of wild origin. In the year before spawning, the most advanced oocytes became pigmented, the chorion thickened, the nucleus (germinal vesicle) migrated towards the micropyle complex at the animal pole, and ovulation occurred in May under appropriate environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Shortnose sturgeon is an anadromous North American acipenserid that since 1973 has been designated as federally endangered in US waters. Historically, shortnose sturgeon occurred in as many as 19 rivers from the St. John River, NB, to the St. Johns River, FL, and these populations ranged in census size from 10(1) to 10(4), but little is known of their population structure or levels of gene flow. We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequence analysis of a 440 bp portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region to address these issues and to compare haplotype diversity with population size. Twenty-nine mtDNA nucleotide-substitution haplotypes were revealed among 275 specimens from 11 rivers and estuaries. Additionally, mtDNA length variation (6 haplotypes) and heteroplasmy (2-5 haplotypes for some individuals) were found. Significant genetic differentiation (P < 0.05) of mtDNA nucleotide-substitution haplotypes and length-variant haplotypes was observed among populations from all rivers and estuaries surveyed with the exception of the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay collections. Significant haplotype differentiation was even observed between samples from two rivers (Kennebec and Androscoggin) within the Kennebec River drainage. The absence of haplotype frequency differences between samples from the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay reflects a probable current absence of spawning within the Chesapeake Bay system and immigration of fish from the adjoining Delaware River. Haplotypic diversity indices ranged between 0.817 and 0.641; no relationship (P > 0.05) was found between haplotype diversity and census size. Gene flow estimates among populations were often low (< 2.0), but were generally higher at the latitudinal extremes of their distribution. A moderate level of haplotype diversity and a high percentage (37.9%) of haplotypes unique to the northern, once-glaciated region suggests that northern populations survived the Pleistocene in a northern refugium. Analysis of molecular variance best supported a five-region hierarchical grouping of populations, but our results indicate that in almost all cases populations of shortnose sturgeon should be managed as separate units.  相似文献   

This study focused on the acute physiological responses to saltwater exposure in juvenile shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum. In two separate laboratory experiments, 2 year‐old A. brevirostrum were exposed to either full (32) or half‐strength (16) seawater for up to 24 h. First, oxygen consumption rates were used to estimate the metabolic costs over 24 h. Secondly, blood and muscle samples were analysed at 6, 12 and 24 h for water loss, various measures of osmoregulatory status (plasma osmolality and ions) and other standard haematological variables. Juveniles exposed to full‐strength seawater showed significant decreases in oxygen consumption rates during the 24 h exposure. Furthermore, seawater‐exposed fish had significantly increased plasma osmolality, ions (Na+ and Cl?) and a 17% decrease in total wet mass over the 24 h exposure period. To a lesser extent, increases in osmolality, ions and mass loss were observed in fish exposed to half‐strength seawater but no changes to oxygen consumption. Cortisol was also significantly increased in fish exposed to full‐strength seawater. While plasma protein was elevated following 24 h in full‐strength seawater, haemoglobin, haematocrit and plasma glucose levels did not change with increased salinity. These results imply an inability of juvenile A. brevirostrum to regulate water and ions in full‐strength seawater within 24 h. Nonetheless, no mortality occurred in any exposure, suggesting that juvenile A. brevirostrum can tolerate short periods in saline environments.  相似文献   

The effects of gender, maturity, intersex condition and annual and seasonal variability were studied on hematology and plasma chemistry of wild shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum from the Delaware River. A total of 68 fish were captured by gill net and examined in May‐June, and 61 additional fish were captured and examined in November during 2006–2011. Total leukocyte counts (WBC), leukogram, PCV and the plasmatic concentrations of 13 biochemical analytes were measured from these fish using standard clinical methods. Season and gender had no effect on hematologic indices, but PCV was inversely related to maturity of fish (robust intervals: 27–40% in immature fish, 21–36% in mature fish). Significant annual variation was detected in eosinophil (annual range in robust interval: 0–1176 lower limit, 670–7882 upper limit) and monocyte (0–210 lower limit, 560–1980 upper limit) counts (cells μl?1). The lower limit of the robust interval varied annually by as much as 6% for sodium and 12% for chloride, while the upper limit of the robust interval varied annually by as much as 8% for sodium and 15% for chloride. Seasonal differences in mean sodium and chloride (6–7% higher in autumn) and proteins (5–13% higher in autumn) may reflect environmentally induced changes in osmoregulation, while aspartate aminotransferase was 38–55% higher in the spring. In females, calcium and total protein were highest in mature fish (robust intervals: 10.5–22.1 mg dl?1 Ca2+, 4.1–6.9 g dl?1 TP) compared to immature (7.3–16.9 mg dl?1 Ca2+, 2.8–5.2 g dl?1 TP) and developing fish (7.8–18.9 mg dl?1 Ca2+, 3.2–5.6 g dl?1 TP), indicating changes associated with vitellogenesis. Glucose was significantly higher in females (robust interval: 23–167 mg dl?1) than males (35–138 mg dl?1), possibly indicating gender‐based differences in energetic requirements. Intersex condition was associated with lowered glucose, potassium and creatinine phosphokinase. Reference intervals reported here are useful for evaluating the health and physiological condition of shortnose sturgeon.  相似文献   

Historically, shortnose sturgeon inhabited most major rivers on the Atlantic coast of North America south of the Saint John River, Canada. Today, only 16 populations may remain. Major anthropogenic impacts on shortnose sturgeon are blockage of spawning runs by dams, harvest of adults (bycatch and poaching), dredging of fresh/saltwater riverine reaches, regulation of river flows, and pollution. The pattern of anadromy (adult use of salt water) varies with latitude. The pattern may reflect bioenergetic adaptations to latitudinal differences between fresh and salt water habitats for thermal and foraging suitability. The greater adult abundance in northern and north-central populations likely reflects a historical difference with southern populations that is currently accentuated by increased anthropogenic impacts on southern populations. Adult abundance is less than the minimum estimated viable population abundance of 1000 adults for 5 of 11 surveyed populations, and all natural southern populations. Across the latitudinal range, spawning adults typically travel to about river km 200 or farther upstream. Dams built downstream of spawning reaches block spawning runs, and can divide amphidromous populations into up- and downstream segments. Conservation efforts should correct environmental and harvest impacts, not stock cultured fish into wild populations.  相似文献   

Anadromous species occupy multiple freshwater,estuarine, and marine habitats, which posesspecial challenges in wildlife management. Inparticular, the level of immigration betweendrainages can be a critical factor in thedefinition of management units and the designof population-specific stocking programs. Thesemi-anadromous shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) is listed as anendangered species under the Endangered SpeciesAct in the United States. To assess populationstructure in this species as a guide toeffective management, tissue samples werecollected from adult specimens (N = 198) fromfive river systems in the southeastern U.S.,and augmented with a sample from New Brunswick,Canada (N = 13), the extreme northern end ofthe species' range. Comparisons of mtDNAcontrol region sequences reveal a shallow genegenealogy and modest, but significant,population structuring (st = 4.3%or st = 17.7% when Canadian samplesare included). Populations inhabiting riversystems in the southeastern U.S. are closelyrelated, a pattern consistent with more recentdivergences along evolutionary timeframes. Haplotype diversity is moderate to high in mostdrainages (h = 0.383–1.000), exceptfor the Savannah and Edisto rivers, indicatingthat historical levels of mtDNA diversity mightbe largely intact outside of these drainages. Low mtDNA diversity in the Savannah andneighboring Edisto drainages might stem from anexperimental stocking effort during 1984–1992 that depressed overall genetic diversityin the Savannah and established or augmentedthe Edisto River population with a relativelylimited number of matrilines.  相似文献   

The critical thermal maximum (CTmax) and the associated hematological response of juvenile (~145 g, n = 8 for both species) Atlantic Acipenser oxyrinchus and shortnose Acipenser brevirostrum sturgeons acclimated to 15°C were determined using a heating rate of 8°C h?1. The critical thermal maximum averaged 30.8°C and 31.6°C for Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, respectively, and values fell within the range noted for other sturgeon species. Oxygen‐carrying capacity (hemoglobin and hematocrit) measures were generally unaffected by thermal stress. Plasma lactate levels increased from 0.5 mm to 4 mm following temperature stress in both species. Both plasma glucose and potassium levels increased following CTmax, however, these levels were about double in the shortnose sturgeon. Lastly, plasma sodium and chloride levels were significantly depressed (by more than 10%) following thermal stress in shortnose sturgeon, whereas only chloride levels decreased in Atlantic sturgeon. Taken together, while CTmax values were similar, thermal stress resulted in different hematological profiles; these differences are consistent when compared to other stressors, and may be related to the phylogenetic position and thus could reflect the evolutionary history of these two species.  相似文献   

The shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum was revealed to have a larger number of chromosomes than previously reported for other sturgeon species. Its chromosome number ranged from 362 to 372 (of ten specimens examined), showing intraindividual variation. The karyotype of metaphase with the highest chromosome number (372) consisted of 89 pairs of macrochromosomes and 97 pairs of microchromosomes (fundamental number; NF=550). Although the microchromosomes were relatively shorter than the macrochromosomes, most of them had discernible arms and centromeres. Silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) were localized on the telomeric regions of 5 pairs of chromosomes (Ag-NORs=10): 4 were made up of small meta/submetacentrics and 1 of acrocentrics. Polyploidy of A. brevirostrum should be hexaploid based on the karyotype, numerous chromosomes, Ag-NORs, and previously reported large genome size (ca. 13pg DNA/cell).Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10228-004-0257-z  相似文献   

The present work reports behavioural responses by young-of-the-year (21-30 cm) Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus and shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum to nine binary combinations of dissolved oxygen saturation (40, 70 and 100%), temperature (12, 20 and 28°C) and salinity (1, 8 and 15). Both species showed no acclimation effects and similar discrimination and avoidance reactions to hypoxia (40% oxygen saturation), selecting higher dissolved oxygen choices in 71% of the tests. Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus and A. brevirostrum showed a similar preference for 20°C (>64% incidence), but differed in their responses to extreme temperature choices. Acipenser brevirostrum showed a significant avoidance behaviour to the 12°C but not to the 28°C choice. In contrast, A. o. oxyrinchus showed similar preference for 12 and 20°C, but avoided the 28°C choice in 71% of the tests where this temperature was included (P < 0·01). No significant preferences were observed among salinity choices, except between salinities 1 and 8, where A. o. oxyrinchus showed a significant preference for salinity 8. Behavioural responses matched expectations from bioenergetics in both species and were also consistent with the distribution of juvenile A. o. oxyrinchus capture locations in the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

During sampling efforts to study the more abundant Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, between May of 2009 and November of 2011, four shortnose sturgeon were captured in gill nets near the mouth of the Saco River, Maine. Two of these individuals were tagged with acoustic transmitters to monitor their movement within the Saco River. Additionally, six shortnose sturgeon that had been tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Merrimack River, Massachusetts were detected on the acoustic array deployed within the Saco River and its estuary over this time period. These incidences represent the first verified documentation of shortnose sturgeon within this estuary.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to provide information on changes in the metabolism and swimming ability of juvenile sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus, caused by acutely low or high temperatures. Changes in critical swimming speed (Ucrit), oxygen consumption rate (MO2), tail beat frequency (TBF) and tail beat amplitude (TBA) were observed with a Steffensen‐type swimming respirometer, an oxygen electrode and a camera at different swimming speeds at three temperatures: 5°C, 15°C, and 25°C. Fish tested at 5°C and 25°C were maintained at 15°C (near optimal) for one week to simulate conditions below a dam. The Ucrit value decreased significantly during acute temperature changes at 5°C and 25°C; Ucrit was highest near the optimal temperature. Oxygen consumption rate (MO2) increased with the swimming speed at 15°C; however, at 25°C and 5°C, the MO2 decreased with the swimming speed. Both TBA and TBF decreased at 5°C and 25°C compared to values at 15°C. The slopes of the regression lines (TBF/U) at 5°C and 25°C seemed lower compared to 15°C.  相似文献   

Granulocytes from cranial granulopoietic tissue were studied under the electron microscope, and cytochemistry carried out oncranial and peripheral blood granulocytes of two sturgeons, Acipenser brevirostrum . Ultrastructurally, eosinophils and basophils had homogeneous electron-dense granules similar to those of teleosts and some higher vertebrates. Neutrophils contained two granule types: small elongated fibrillar granules and large (<3.8μm long) usually homogeneous granules.
Neutrophil fibrillar granules were positive for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP), α-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE), acetyl-l-tyrosine-α-naphthyl esterase (ATNE) and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) reaction. The large homogeneous granules were negative for all enzymes, and were only PAS positive. Eosinophils had granular, cyanide-, azide- and aminotriazole-resistant peroxidase (PO) and were ACP, ATNE, tosyl-l-lysine-α-naphthyl esterase (TLNE) and Luxol fast blue positive.
Ultrastructure and cytochemistry are discussed in relation to other vertebrates, and eosinophils identified as the main phagocytic leucocyte.  相似文献   

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