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The genus Bidens (Compositae) comprises c. 230 species distributed across five continents, with the 41 Polynesian species displaying the greatest ecomorphological variation in the group. However, the genus has had a long and complicated taxonomic history, and its phylogenetic and biogeographic history are poorly understood. To resolve the evolutionary history of the Polynesian Bidens, 152 individuals representing 91 species were included in this study, including 39 of the 41 described species from Polynesia. Four chloroplast and two nuclear DNA markers were utilized to estimate phylogenetic relationships, divergence times, and biogeographic history. Bidens was found to be polyphyletic within Coreopsis, consistent with previous assessments. The Polynesian radiation was resolved as monophyletic, with the initial dispersal into the Pacific possibly from South America to either the Hawaiian or Marquesas Islands. From the Marquesas, Bidens dispersed to the Society Islands, and ultimately to the Austral Islands. The initial diversification of the crown group in the Pacific is estimated to have occurred ~1.63 mya (0.74–2.72, 95% HPD), making Polynesian Bidens among the youngest and most rapid plant diversification events documented in the Pacific. Our findings suggest that relatively rare long‐distance dispersal and founder‐event speciation, coupled with subsequent loss of dispersal potential and within‐island speciation, can explain the repeated and explosive adaptive radiation of Bidens throughout the archipelagoes of Polynesia.  相似文献   

Rapa Island in SE Polynesia hosts a remarkable adaptive radiation of small, flightless weevils in the genus Miocalles. Sixty-seven species are known at present, of which 26 are described as new. One new name, two new combinations, and two new synonyms are established. The paradoxical occurrence of a large adaptive radiation on a small (40 km2), isolated, oceanic island is analysed in its evolutionary and ecological aspects: how did so many species of weevils evolve, and how is such a diversity of weevils maintained? Most of the speciation has taken place on Rapa itself. Two principal methods of intra-island isolation of weevil populations have led to speciation: between high mountain ranges, and between Rapa and its satellite islets. Glacial sea level fluctuations aided in speciation by connecting the satellite islets to Rapa at times, and by the downward extension, and connection of high-altitude cloud forests. Some speciational events may have taken place in 15000–150 000 years. Close relatives of Rapan weevils are known from nearby Marotiri, an almost sunken island, and from the neighbouring Austral archipelago, with which some inter-island speciation has taken place. The weevil species are almost all host-plant specific. There are often several species occupying the same host plant, in which case they may inhabit different parts of it. Some plants with a longer history on Rapa host more weevil species than newer arrivals.  相似文献   

The impact of gene flow and population size fluctuations in shaping genetic variation during adaptive radiation, at both the genome-wide and gene-specific levels, is very poorly understood. To examine how historical population size and gene flow patterns within and between loci have influenced lineage divergence in the Hawaiian silversword alliance, we have investigated the nucleotide sequence diversity and divergence patterns of four floral regulatory genes (ASAP1-A, ASAP1-B, ASAP3-A, ASAP3-B) and a structural gene (ASCAB9). Levels and patterns of molecular divergence across these five nuclear loci were estimated between two recently derived species (Dubautia ciliolata and Dubautia arborea) which are presumed to be sibling species. This multilocus analysis of genetic variation, haplotype divergence and historical demography indicates that population expansion and differential gene flow occurred subsequent to the divergence of these two lineages. Moreover, contrasting patterns of allele- sharing for regulatory loci vs. a structural locus between these two sibling species indicate alternative histories of genetic variation and partitioning among loci where alleles of the floral regulatory loci are shared primarily from D. arborea to D. ciliolata and alleles of the structural locus are shared in both directions. Taken together, these results suggest that adaptively radiating species can exhibit contrasting allele migration rates among loci such that allele movement at specific loci may supersede genetic divergence caused by drift and that lineage divergence during adaptive radiation can be associated with population expansion.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of Centaurea section Acrocentron in Iran is briefly reviewed. A critical study of 251 herbarium specimens, and an additional 37 accessions collected specifically for this research, led to the discovery of a new variety, Centaurea irritans var. longispinosa Montazerolghaem , and the revival of another, C. persica var. subinermis, a taxon previously treated as a synonym for about 25 years. A key to all Iranian species of Centaurea section Acrocentron is provided. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 99–106.  相似文献   

Islands have long provided material and inspiration for the study of evolution and ecology. The West Indies are complex historically and geographically, providing a rich backdrop for the analysis of colonization, diversification and extinction of species. They are sufficiently isolated to sustain endemic forms and close enough to sources of colonists to develop a dynamic interaction with surrounding continental regions. The Greater Antilles comprise old fragments of continental crust, some very large; the Lesser Antilles are a more recent volcanic island arc, and the low-lying Bahama Islands are scattered on a shallow oceanic platform. Dating of island lineages using molecular methods indicates over-water dispersal of most inhabitants of the West Indies, although direct connections with what is now southern Mexico in the Early Tertiary, and subsequent land bridges or stepping stone islands linking to Central and South America might also have facilitated colonization. Species-area relationships within the West Indies suggest a strong role for endemic radiations and extinction in shaping patterns of diversity. Diversification is promoted by opportunities for allopatric divergence between islands, or within the large islands of the Greater Antilles, with a classic example provided by the Anolis lizards. The timing of colonization events using molecular clocks permits analysis of colonization-extinction dynamics by means of species accumulation curves. These indicate low rates of colonization and extinction for reptiles and amphibians in the Greater Antilles, with estimated average persistence times of lineages in the West Indies exceeding 30Myr. Even though individual island populations of birds might persist an average of 2Myr on larger islands in the Lesser Antilles, recolonization from within the archipelago appears to maintain avian lineages within the island chain indefinitely. Birds of the Lesser Antilles also provide evidence of a mass extinction event within the past million years, emphasizing the time-heterogeneity of historical processes. Geographical dynamics are matched by ecological changes in the distribution of species within islands over time resulting from adaptive radiation and shifts in habitat, often following repeatable patterns. Although extinction is relatively infrequent under natural conditions, changes in island environments as a result of human activities have exterminated many populations and others--especially old, endemic species--remain vulnerable. Conservation efforts are strengthened by recognition of aesthetic, cultural and scientific values of the unique flora and fauna of the West Indies.  相似文献   

Representative samples were collected from almost all known populations of the endemic Galapagos genus Lecocarpus. Multivariate statistical methods were applied to morphological characters to investigate differentiation among species and populations. In discriminant analysis no misclassifications were made among species. Populations of L. darwinii and L. lecocarpoides were better discriminated than populations of L. pinnatifidus . Principal Component Analysis (PCA) separated species well although intermediate populations occur between L. darwinii and L. lecocarpoides . Clear patterns of within-species differentiation were seen among populations of L. darwinii and L. lecocarpoides , but not among populations of L. pinnatifidus .
Populations of L. lecocarpoides at present grow on separate islands. All populations of L. darwinii are found on San Cristóbal, but this island might have been separated into more islands in the past. Lecocarpus pinnatifidus has probably always been growing on only one island. This suggests that the sea is the major barrier to dispersal of the three species. We find it likely that the degree of reproductive isolation caused by the sea is crucial to the differentiation among populations, and that genetic drift rather than adaptation has been responsible. The analyses cast new light on the identity of classic collections made by Darwin in 1835 and Stewart in 1906. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 523–544.  相似文献   

Although homoploid hybrid speciation is increasingly recognized as an important phenomenon in plant evolution, its role in adaptive radiations is poorly documented. We studied a clade of seven extant species of Scaevola that are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and show substantial ecological and morphological diversity. We estimated the genealogies for alleles isolated from multiple accessions of each species at four nuclear loci: the ITS region, and the introns of three nuclear genes, LEAFY (LFY), NITRATE REDUCTASE (NIA), and GLYCERALDEHYDE 3-PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE (G3PDH). For five of the seven species, there was complete concordance among the genealogies estimated from the four loci and, when all four regions were combined, the relationships among these five species were fully resolved. Inclusion of alleles from the remaining two species, S. procera and S. kilaueae, resulted in incongruence among loci, which appears to reflect a history of hybridization. Based on the distribution of alleles, we infer that S. procera is the result of a homoploid hybrid speciation event between S. gaudichaudii and S. mollis and that S. kilaueae is probably the result of hybrid speciation between S. coriacea and S. chamissoniana. In each case the inferred hybridization is consistent with morphological, ecological, and geographic information. We conclude that homoploid hybrid speciation may be more common than is perceived and may play a role in generating novel combinations of adaptive traits that arise during island radiations.  相似文献   

Molecular sequences rarely evolve at a constant rate. Yet, even in instances where a clock can be assumed or approximated for a particular set of sequences, fossils or clear patterns of vicariance are rarely available to calibrate the clock. Thus, obtaining absolute timing for diversification of natural lineages can prove difficult. Unfortunately, without absolute time we cannot develop a complete understanding of important evolutionary processes, including adaptive radiations and key innovations. In the present study, the coding sequence of the nuclear gene, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd), extracted from the paleotropical moss, Mitthyridium, was found to exhibit clocklike behavior and used to reconstruct the history of 80 distinct molecular lineages that cover the full geographic range of Mitthyridium. Two separate clades endemic to two geographically distinct oceanic archipelagos were revealed by this phylogenetic analysis. This allowed the use of island age (as derived from potassium-argon dating) as a maximum age of origin of each monophyletic group, providing two independent time anchors for the clock found in gpd, the final piece needed to study absolute time. Based on results from both maximum age calibrations, which separately yielded highly consistent estimates, the ancestor of this moss group arose approximately 8 million years ago, and then diversified at the rapid rate of 0.56 +/- 0.004 new lineages per million years. Such a rate is on par with the highest diversification rates reported in the literature including rapidly radiating insular groups like the Hawaiian silversword alliance, a classic example of an adaptive radiation. Using independent sources of data, it was found that neither the age nor diversification estimates were affected by the use of molecular lineages rather than species as the operational taxonomic units. Identifying the cause for this rapid diversification requires further testing, but it appears to be related to a general shift in reproductive strategy from sexual to asexual, which may be a key innovation for this young group.  相似文献   

Island radiations are often regarded as natural laboratories that allow us to study evolution in action. The genus Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) is one of the largest radiations of angiosperms in the Hawaiian Islands, and Schiedea globosa is one of the few species in the genus to be found on more than one of the main islands. DNA sequences from nineteen nuclear and three chloroplast regions show a pattern of colonization from older to younger islands (west to east), with a concomitant decrease in genetic diversity eastwards (π=0.53% for O'ahu, 0.43% for Moloka'i and 0.36% for Maui). While polymorphisms in the maternally inherited chloroplast have become fixed on different islands (F(ST)=0.804), significant gene flow between islands is inferred for the nuclear genome (F(ST)=0.270). This gene flow appears to be uneven, with most gene flow outwards from the central island. The extent of inter-island gene flow through wind pollination was assessed in an isolation-migration framework; the inferred rate, c. 1 migrant per generation, may be sufficient to prevent divergence of S. globosa populations and ensure cohesion of the species following the colonization of new islands.  相似文献   

A new species Scorzonera gokcheoglui O. Ünal & R. S. Göktürk sp. nov. from south Anatolia is described and illustrated. Its relationships with S. argyria and S. pisidica are discussed. A map showing the distribution of the species and other related species is given.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 465–468.  相似文献   

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Asteraceae) is a complex polymorphic shrub species widely distributed in western North America. In a study of 86 populations belonging to 15 subspecies, achene mass varied among populations over a sevenfold range. Achene mass was closely correlated with capitulum size at the subspecies level, varied little between wild-growing and common-garden-grown members of a population, and was under strong genetic control. Subspecies with the heaviest achenes are restricted to specialized edaphic environments (dunes and badlands) or late seral montane riparian communities, while subspecies that are widely distributed and that occur in early seral habitats have less heavy achenes. Selection on achene mass has apparently been a notable feature of the adaptive radiation of Chrysothamnus nauseosus into the wide array of habitats it currently occupies. Within a wild population, achene mass was greater for plants fruiting in midautumn than for plants fruiting early or late in the autumn, and this same trend was observed within individual plants in garden populations, indicating environmental control, perhaps through resource limitation. Highly significant between-plant differences in achene mass were found in both wild and garden populations, suggesting that within-population genetic variation is sufficient to permit continuing selection.  相似文献   

A new species, Bellium artrutxensis (Asteraceae: Astereae), is described from the therophytic pastures of southern Minorca (Balearic Islands). The analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences showed that the new taxon was closely related to Bellium bellidioides , but differed with regard to the annual lifespan, the absence of epigeal stolons, and the presence of a patent eglandular indumentum on the leaves. The new taxon shows morphological features that are well suited for the colonization of dry environments with a marked summer drought, and may be of adaptive significance. The new species is diploid (2 n  = 18) and shows up to two accessory chromosomes in root tissues. B chromosomes have not been reported previously in other species of Bellium .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 65–77.  相似文献   

Thirty-three nuclear RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) probes were used to study genetic diversity in Hawaiian and Cook Islands species of Tetramolopium for comparison with previous morphological and isozyme studies and to provide greater resolution of the events associated with adaptive radiation in the genus. Levels of RFLP diversity are greater than those reported for isozymes, yet are still low in comparison to continental species. Genetic differentiation is greatest among species in sections rather than among sections and is concordant with the hypothesis of phyletic sorting of initial variability as suggested for morphological traits. Hypothesized introgression between T. lepidotum and T. filiforme is supported, but the evidence suggests bidirectional gene flow. Systematic relationships derived from the data agree with hypotheses based on morphology in the placement of populations within their respective species and the recognition of three main lineages within Hawaii. Inclusion of the Cook Islands species, however, renders section Tetramolopium paraphyletic, contradicting morphological, ecological, and crossing evidence. Interpreting these results in light of evidence from previous studies, the genetic diversity and relationships seen among species and sections of Hawaiian and Cook Islands Tetramolopium reflect the recent and rapid evolution of this group, limited addition of new variability, and phyletic sorting.  相似文献   

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