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There is no general agreement on whether afferent signals from the extraocular muscles play any part in oculomotor control. However, we have previously shown that they modify the responses of cells in the oculomotor control system during the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). If, as we suspect, these signals have an important role in the control of the VOR from moment-to-moment, we should be able to demonstrate similar, functionally significant, modifications at the output of the reflex. We have recorded the electromyographic activity of several extraocular muscles of the right eye during the VOR and while imposing movements on the left eye. We describe how the activity of the muscles, reflected in the electromyogram, is modified in specific ways depending on the parameters of the imposed eye movements. The effects of the extraocular afferent signals on the eye-muscle responses to vestibular drive during the slow phase of the VOR appear to be corrective. Thus the present results provide strong evidence that afferent signals from the extraocular muscles are concerned in the control of the reflex from moment-to-moment, and suggest that the wider question of their role in oculomotor control merits further consideration.  相似文献   

The functions of the proprioceptors of the eye muscles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This article sets out to present a fairly comprehensive review of our knowledge about the functions of the receptors that have been found in the extraocular muscles--the six muscles that move each eye of vertebrates in its orbit--of all the animals in which they have been sought, including Man. Since their discovery at the beginning of the 20th century these receptors have, at various times, been credited with important roles in the control of eye movement and the construction of extrapersonal space and have also been denied any function whatsoever. Experiments intended to study the actions of eye muscle receptors and, even more so, opinions (and indeed polemic) derived from these observations have been influenced by the changing fashions and beliefs about the more general question of how limb position and movement is detected by the brain and which signals contribute to those aspects of this that are perceived (kinaesthesis). But the conclusions drawn from studies on the eye have also influenced beliefs about the mechanisms of kinaesthesis and, arguably, this influence has been even larger than that in the converse direction. Experimental evidence accumulated over rather more than a century is set out and discussed. It supports the view that, at the beginning of the 21st century, there are excellent grounds for believing that the receptors in the extraocular muscles are indeed proprioceptors, that is to say that the signals that they send into the brain are used to provide information about the position and movement of the eye in the orbit. It seems that this information is important in the control of eye movements of at least some types, and in the determination by the brain of the direction of gaze and the relationship of the organism to its environment. In addition, signals from these receptors in the eye muscles are seen to be necessary for the development of normal mechanisms of visual analysis in the mammalian visual cortex and for both the development and maintenance of normal visuomotor behaviour. Man is among those vertebrates to whose brains eye muscle proprioceptive signals provide information apparently used in normal sensorimotor functions; these include various aspects of perception, and of the control of eye movement. It is possible that abnormalities of the eye muscle proprioceptors and their signals may play a part in the genesis of some types of human squint (strabismus); conversely studies of patients with squint in the course of their surgical or pharmacological treatment have yielded much interesting evidence about the central actions of the proprioceptive signals from the extraocular muscles. The results of experiments on the eye have played a large part in the historical controversy, now in at least its third century, about the origin of signals that inform the brain about movement of parts of the body. Some of these results, and more of the interpretations of them, now need to be critically re-examined. The re-examination in the light of recent experiments that is presented here does not support many of the conclusions confidently drawn in the past and leads to both new insights and fresh questions about the roles of information from motor signals flowing out of the brain and that from signals from the peripheral receptors flowing into it. There remain many lacunae in our knowledge and filling some of these will, it is contended, be essential to advance our understanding further. It is argued that such understanding of eye muscle proprioception is a necessary part of the understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of eye movement control and that it is also essential to an account of how organisms, including Man, build and maintain knowledge of their relationship to the external visual world. The eye would seem to provide a uniquely favourable system in which to study the way in which information derived within the brain about motor actions may interact with signals flowing in from peripheral receptors. The review is constructed in relatively independent sections that deal with particular topics. It ends with a fairly brief piece in which the author sets out some personal views about what has been achieved recently and what most immediately needs to be done. It also suggests some lines of study that appear to the author to be important for the future.  相似文献   

A model for the extraocular plant of the human visual eye tracking mechanisms is discussed. Its sensitivity to variation of controller signal nervous activity is studied in order to determine the type of activity that yields realistic simulations characteristic of typical saccadic eye movements.  相似文献   

Although the extraocular muscles contain stretch receptors it is generally believed that their afferents exert no influence on the control of eye movement. However, we have shown previously that these afferent signals reach various brainstem centres concerned with eye movement, notably the vestibular nuclei, and that the decerebrate pigeon is a favourable preparation in which to study their effects. If the extraocular muscle afferents do influence oculomotor control from moment-to-moment they should exert a demonstrable effect on the oculomotor nuclei. We now present evidence that extraocular muscle afferent signals do, indeed, alter the responses of units in an oculomotor nucleus (the abducens, VI nerve nucleus, which supplies the lateral rectus muscle) to horizontal, vestibular stimulation induced by sinusoidal oscillation of the bird. Such stimuli evoke a vestibulo-ocular reflex in the intact bird. The extraocular stretch receptors were activated by passive eye movement within the pigeon's saccadic range; such movements modified the vestibular responses of all 19 units studied which were all, histologically, in the abducens nucleus. The magnitude of the effects, purely inhibitory in 15 units, depended both on the amplitude and the velocity of the eye movement and most units showed selectivity for particular combinations of plane (e.g. horizontal versus vertical) and direction (e.g. rostral versus caudal) of eye movement. The results show that an afferent signal from the extraocular muscles influences vestibularly driven activity in the abducens nucleus to which it carries information related to amplitude, velocity, plane and direction of eye movement in the saccadic range. They thus strongly support the view that extraocular afferent signals are involved in the control of eye movement.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that in monkey passive extraocular muscles the force induced by a stretch does not depend on the entire length history, but to a great extent is only a function of the last elongation applied. This led us to conclude that Fung''s quasi-linear viscoelastic (QLV) model, and more general nonlinear models based on a single convolution integral, cannot faithfully mimic passive eye muscles. Here we present additional data about the mechanical properties of passive eye muscles in deeply anesthetized monkeys. We show that, in addition to the aforementioned failures, previous models also grossly overestimate the force exerted by passive eye muscles during smooth elongations similar to those experienced during normal eye movements. Importantly, we also show that the force exerted by a muscle following an elongation is largely independent of the elongation itself, and it is mostly determined by the final muscle length. These additional findings conclusively rule out the use of classical viscoelastic models to mimic the mechanical properties of passive eye muscles. We describe here a new model that extends previous ones using principles derived from research on thixotropic materials. This model is able to account reasonably well for our data, and could thus be incorporated into models of the eye plant.  相似文献   

Unit response in the superior colliculus and underlying structures has been examined in the choralose-anaesthetized cat following passive movement of an occluded eye. One group of units was sensitive to small saccadic movements, responded regardless of the initial postion of the eye, and in most instances responded to movements in opposit directions. A second numerically smaller group also responded when they eye was moved at saccadic velocity but only when the eye passed a fixed point. Such units with fixed positional thresholds were found following movements in both nasal and temporal directions as well as to both upward and downward movement. Both types of unit response were found after transection of the optic nerve and were also recorded when individual extraocular muscles were subjected to controlled stretch. It is assumed that most unit activity seen after passive movement of the occluded eye is due to activity in extraocular muscle receptors. In the deep layers of the superior colliculus responses to small eye movements were found to be due to the activation of very low threshold receptors sensitive to vibration in the facial area.  相似文献   

Rotations of the eye are generated by the torques that the eye muscles apply to the eye. The relationship between eye orientation and the direction of the torques generated by the extraocular muscles is therefore central to any understanding of the control of three-dimensional eye movements of any type. We review the geometrical properties that dictate the relationship between muscle pulling direction and 3D eye orientation. We then show how this relation can be used to test the validity of oculomotor control hypotheses. We test the common modeling assumption that the extraocular muscle pairs can be treated as single bidirectional muscles. Finally, we investigate the consequences of assuming fixed muscle pulley locations when modeling the control of eye movements.  相似文献   

Vestibulo-ocular reflexes were elicited in isolated preparations of small adult sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus). Mechanical stimulation of the labyrinths or electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerves produced stereotyped, conjugated eye movements (Table 1) and appropriate electrical activities in individual extraocular muscles (Fig. 1). No inhibition of discharges in motor nerves was observed during stimulation of opposing reflexes. Likewise, nystagmus was never seen during continued stimulation. The primitive eye reflexes of the lamprey probably correspond to the simple excitatory pathways from single ampullae to individual eye muscles of higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The properties of extraocular muscle are important in consideration of the control of human eye movements. A proposed model for human extraocular muscle is based on the anatomical and physiological evidence; it considers both the static and dynamic properties of active and passive muscle. The passive parallel elasticity was determined from the length-tension curves for passive muscle, while the active series elasticity was defined utilizing quick stretch results for active muscle. The characteristics of active muscle as the tension generator were computed from length-tension data; the force-velocity relationship was used to describe the viscosity of active muscle. Simulations using the muscle model accurately depicted the quick stretch experiments of both active and passive muscle as well as the isometric development of muscle force to a state of tentanus. The model will be incorporated into an overall representation of the extraocular plant mechanism in the immediately suceeding paper.  相似文献   

The properties of extraocular muscle are important in consideration of the control of human eye movements. A proposed model for human extraocular muscle is based on the anatomical and physiological evidence; it considers both the static and dynamic properties of active and passive muscle. The passive parallel elasticity was determined from the length-tension curves for passive muscle, while the active series elasticity was defined utilizing quick stretch results for active muscle. The characteristics of active muscle as the tension generator were computed from length-tension data; the force-velocity relationship was used to describe the viscosity of active muscle. Simulations using the muscle model accurately depicted the quick stretch experiments of both active and passive muscle as well as the isometric development of muscle force to a state of tentanus. The model will be incorporated into an overall representation of the extraocular plant mechanism in the immediately suceeding paper.  相似文献   

A finite element model of the eye and the orbit was used to examine the hypothesis that the orbital fat provides an important mechanism of eye stability during head trauma. The model includes the globe, the orbital fat, the extra-ocular muscles, and the optic nerve. MRI images of an adult human orbit were used to generate an idealized geometry of the orbital space. The globe was approximated as a sphere 12 mm in radius. The optic nerve and the sclera were represented as thin shells, whereas the vitreous and the orbital fat were represented as nearly incompressible solids of low stiffness. The orbital bone was modelled as a rigid shell. Frontal head impact resulting from a fall onto a hard floor was simulated by prescribing to the orbital bone a triangular acceleration pulse of 200 g (1962 m/s(2)) peak for a duration of 4.5 ms. The results show that the fat provides the crucial passive mechanism of eye restraint. The mechanism is a consequence of the fact that the fat is incompressible and that its motion is restricted by the rigidity of the orbital walls. Thus, the acceleration loads of short duration cannot generate significant distortion of the fat. In contrast, the passive muscles provide little support to the globe. When the connection between the orbital fat and the eye is absent the eye is held mainly by the optic nerve. We discuss the possible role that this loss of contact may have in some cases of the evulsion of the eye and the optic nerve.  相似文献   

The discharge rates of premotor, brain-stem neurons that create eye movements modulate in relation to eye velocity yet firing rates of extraocular motoneurons contain both eye-position and eyevelocity signals. The eye-position signal is derived from the eye-velocity command by means of a neural network which functioins as a temporal integrator. We have previously proposed a network of lateral-inhibitory neurons that is capable of performing the required integration. That analysis centered on the temporal aspects of the signal processing for a limited class of idealized inputs. All of its cells were identical and carried only the integrated signal. Recordings in the brain stem, however, show that neurons in the region of the neural integrator have a variety of background firing rates, all carry some eye-velocity signal as well as the eye-position signal, and carry the former with different strengths depending on the type of eye movement being made. It was necessary to see if the proposed model could be modified to make its neurons more realistic.By modifying the spatial distribution of afferents to the network, we demonstrate that the same basic model functions properly in spite of afferents with nonuniform background firing rates. To introduce the eye-velocity signal a double-layer network, consisting of inhibitory and excitatory cells, was necessary. By presenting the velocity input to only local regions of this network it was shown that all cells in the network still carried the integrated signal and that its cells could carry different eye-velocity signals for different types of eye movements. Thus, this model stimulates quantitatively and qualitatively, the behavior of neurons seen in the region of the neural integrator.  相似文献   

We studied the development and maturation of the visual system by determining when zebrafish begin to see and to move their eyes. This information was correlated with the time courses of the development of the retina, the retinofugal projection, the retinal image, and the extraocular muscles, to obtain an integrated picture of early visual development. Two visual behaviors were monitored over 48–96 hr postfertilization (hpf). The startle response (body twitch) was evoked by an abrupt decrease in light intensity. The optokinetic response (tracking eye movements) was evoked by rotation of a striped drum. Visually evoked startle developed over 68–79 hpf, more than 20 hr after the onset of a touch-evoked startle. It was not seen in eyeless fish, excluding a role for nonretinal light senses. Tracking eye movements developed over 73–80 hpf. They were always in the direction of drum rotation, even when the fish had been light deprived from blastula stage, ruling out a “trial and error” period of learning to track the drum. The image formed by the ocular lens was examined in intact fish made transparent by suppressing the formation of melanin. The eye was initially far sighted and gradually improved, so that by 72 hpf the image plane coincided with the photoreceptor layer. The extraocular muscles assumed their adult configuration between 66 and 72 hpf. Thus, the retinal image and functional extraocular muscles appeared nearly simultaneously with the onset of tracking eye movements and probably represent the last events in the construction of this behavior.  相似文献   

彭剑虹  黄伏生  刘焰  柴红燕  李黎  龚淑贤  陈丹  周新 《遗传》2005,27(2):205-207
为寻找疾病相关基因,通过随访调查、体检、病理检查等手段,发现了一眼外肌纤维化家系4代中有15人患有眼外肌纤维化综合征,主要表现先天性上眼睑下垂、下颌上举、头后仰、双眼固定下转位和被动牵拉试验阳性,眼外肌病理检查结果为肌纤维化和玻璃样变性,所有阳性体征者除眼球运动限制程度有区别外,其他眼部症状基本相同。遗传分析表明,该疾病属常染色体显性遗传。该家系可作为寻找眼外肌纤维化疾病相关基因的宝贵资源。Abstract: To discover novel disease genes, a family with congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscle was studied by a follow-up investigation, eye examinations and histo-pathological examination. There were fifteen cases suffering from congenital general fibrosis syndrome in four generations. They have congenital blepharoptosis, head tilt, chin lift, primary gaze fixed in a hypo- and exotropic position. The diagnosis is confirmed with positive forced duction testing in the affected eye. Furthermore, fibrosis of the extraocular muscles and hyaline degeneration was confirmed by histo-pathological examination. Except for different levels of restriction of the eyeball movements , other eye symptoms in positive patients are substantially identical. The genetic analysis showed that this disease was caused by autosomal dominant inheritance. The pedigree may be precious resource candidate for discovering disease gene related with congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscle.  相似文献   

Although eye movement saccades are stereotyped, repeatable movements, the shape of the neural controller signal innervating the extraocular muscles is a matter of controversy. Different lines of evidence — single motoneuron recordings, electromyograms, and dynamics — lead to different conclusions. Although all agree that the controller is, in outline, a pulse-step of net activity, neither the pulse width nor shape of the trailing edge of the pulse is clear. We use a mathematical model of the eye and two extraocular muscles to link the dynamical data to the electrophysiological evidence. We conjecture a multipulse controller signal, based on the application of an optimality principle to our model. This multi-pulse controller signal raises new possibilities for resolution of the pulse shape ambiguities, and resolves the controversy over pulse width.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of saccadic eye movements. Eye movements are considered as being ballistic, since saccades (rapid concurrent movements of both eyes) occur several hundred thousand times per day; visual perception of the environment is interrupted by a saccade. The optimal control was constructed for the motion considered in three consecutively refined assumptions. The controls included in the time-optimal problem were the resultant moment of force exerted by the extraocular muscles, individual moments of force exerted by either muscle of the agonist–antagonist pair, and finally, the rate of change of these moments. This approach is consistent with the view that is currently upheld by physiologists, who believe that a saccade is programmed by the central nervous system before the beginning of an eye movement and is scarcely adjusted during the movement itself. The solution of the optimal control problem and the results obtained by subsequent numerical modeling of saccadic trajectories were compared with the published experimental data. The saccadic trajectories were compared based on the main sequence, the known consistent relationship between saccade amplitude and duration, which is the most widely applied and commonly accepted way of describing saccade data. The main sequence of saccades obtained from the solution of the optimal control problem formulated in the most complete form agreed well with published experimental results.  相似文献   

Synopsis InChaetodon trifasciatus, the large eye has the form of a thick disk rather than that of a globe. A deep cutaneous groove surrounds the eyeball, probably allowing rapid eye movements. The form and innervation of the three pairs of extraocular muscles are described. Each muscle is made of two types of fascicles of fibres, thick and thin. There is neither an anterior nor posterior myodome. The skull attachment of the obliques and of the inferior rectus is made on the thin sagittal ethmoidal membranous septum while that of the other recti occurs on osseous pieces of the skull. The attachment on the eyeball is made on the cartilaginous sclera. The ratio of the lengths of the antagonist muscles, superior vs. inferior oblique, superior vs. inferior rectus and medial vs. lateral rectus, is about 1.43:1. The three oculomotor nerves (III: common oculomotor, IV: trochlear and VI: abducens) as well as the ciliary system are described. For the following reasons, an analogy between the lateral rectus ofChaetodon trifasciatus and the lateral rectus + retractor bulbi of other vertebrates is indicated: (1) the nucleus of nerve III (which innervates four muscles) has four sectors, while that of IV (which innervates only the superior oblique) is made of one sector; (2) nerve VI consists of two roots corresponding to two groups of nerve cells of its motor nucleus and (3) in other vertebrates, nerve VI innervates both the lateral rectus and the retractor bulbi.  相似文献   

There are over 1.9 million eye injuries per year in the United States, with blunt impacts the cause of approximately one-half of all civilian eye injuries. No previous experimental studies have investigated the effects of the extraocular muscles on the impact response of the eye. A spring-powered blunt impactor was used to determine the effects that the extraocular muscles have on the force–deflection and injury response of the eye to blunt trauma. A total of 10 dynamic impact tests were performed at 8.2±0.1 m/s on five human cadaver heads. With the extraocular muscles left intact, the average peak force was found to be 271±51 N at 7.5±0.9 mm posterior translation; with the muscles transected, the average peak force was 268±26 N at 7.6±1.3 mm of posterior translation. From the data available from this study, the peak impact force and overall amount of translation during the impact are not affected by the extraocular muscles. Additionally, from the data presented in this study, the eyes with the extraocular muscles left intact do not rupture with a different injury pattern or display an increased risk for rupture than the eyes with the extraocular muscles transected. Therefore, it is believed that the effect of the extraocular muscles is not sufficient to drastically alter the response of the eye under dynamic impact. This information is useful to characterize the boundary conditions that dictate the eye response from blunt impact and can be used to define the biofidelity requirements for the impact response of synthetic eyes.  相似文献   

Binocular vision requires intricate control of eye movement to align overlapping visual fields for fusion in the visual cortex, and each eye is controlled by 6 extraocular muscles (EOMs). Disorders of EOMs are an important cause of symptomatic vision loss. Importantly, EOMs represent specialized skeletal muscles with distinct gene expression profile and susceptibility to neuromuscular disorders. We aim to investigate and describe the anatomy of adult zebrafish extraocular muscles (EOMs) to enable comparison with human EOM anatomy and facilitate the use of zebrafish as a model for EOM research. Using differential interference contrast (DIC), epifluorescence microscopy, and precise sectioning techniques, we evaluate the anatomy of zebrafish EOM origin, muscle course, and insertion on the eye. Immunofluorescence is used to identify components of tendons, basement membrane and neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), and to analyze myofiber characteristics. We find that adult zebrafish EOM insertions on the globe parallel the organization of human EOMs, including the close proximity of specific EOM insertions to one another. However, analysis of EOM origins reveals important differences between human and zebrafish, such as the common rostral origin of both oblique muscles and the caudal origin of the lateral rectus muscles. Thrombospondin 4 marks the EOM tendons in regions that are highly innervated, and laminin marks the basement membrane, enabling evaluation of myofiber size and distribution. The NMJs appear to include both en plaque and en grappe synapses, while NMJ density is much higher in EOMs than in somatic muscles. In conclusion, zebrafish and human EOM anatomy are generally homologous, supporting the use of zebrafish for studying EOM biology. However, anatomic differences exist, revealing divergent evolutionary pressures.  相似文献   

The pharmacological properties of the superior oblique and the superior rectus muscles of the frog's eye were investigated in comparison with those of a skeletal muscle (iliofibularis muscle) of the same animal. Acetylcholine causes sustained contractures of the extraocular muscles; this effect is increased by physostigmine and decreased or abolished by d-tubocurarine. Also the applications of succinylcholine, choline or caffeine are able to evoke contractures. There are no striking differences in pharmacological properties between extraocular and skeletal muscles of the frog. The time-course of the contractures and the sensitivity of the muscle preparations to the drugs which evoke contractures are identical in extraocular and iliofibularis muscles. In comparison with skeletal muscles there is no higher sensitivity of the extraocular muscles against curare-like drugs. The existence of adrenergic receptors could not be found neither in extraocular nor in skeletal muscles of the frog. It is concluded that in frogs no pharmacological differences exist between the muscle fibre types which compose the extraocular and the skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

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