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The effects of an increase in the codend mesh size from 44 to 56 and 80 mm on size selectivity of the two by‐catch species (the European hake Merluccius merlucius and the tub gurnard Trigla lucerna) commonly captured in the shrimp fishery in the Sea of Marmara, were evaluated. The parameters of the logistic selectivity model were estimated by maximum likelihood. Length at 50% retention, L50, was found to increase with mesh size for both species. The L50 values of 44, 56 and 80 mm were, respectively, 19.8, 21.5 and 33.4 cm for European hake, 17.9, 17.7 and 25.6 cm for tub gurnard. The main conclusions are that 44 mm and 56 mm diamond mesh codends retain a considerable amount of undersized hake and tub gurnard as by‐catch in the shrimp fishery. With 80 mm mesh size codend, most juvenile European hake are released. For the tub gurnard, however, even this mesh size does not provide a good enough selection. From the biological point of view, it is concluded that the legal 44 mm diamond mesh codend does not provide satisfactory selection for European hake and the tub‐gurnard in trawl fisheries of the Sea of Marmara.  相似文献   

Size selectivity of the 40 mm nominal polyethylene (PE) square mesh codend and the 44 mm nominal polyamide (PA) diamond mesh codend were determined under commercial conditions in the demersal trawl fishery. Data were collected using the covered codend technique and analyzed by logistic equation with a maximum likelihood method. Changing the mesh from a 44 mm PA diamond to a 40 mm PE square increased the mean retention lengths (L50s) of red mullet (Mullus barbatus), picarel (Spicara maena) and bogue (Boops boops) and decreased the selection ranges (SR) for common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus). For large‐eye dentex (Dentex macrophthalmus) and axillary sea bream (Pagellus acarne) mean L50 and SR values were 9.6 and 11.8, and 2.4 and 2.4 cm, respectively, only in the DM44PA codend. For golden banded goatfish (Upeneus moluccensis) values for SM40PE were only 15.0 and 2.7 cm, respectively. Results showed that the 40 mm PE square mesh codend provided higher selectivity for most of the Mediterranean fishes. The results also showed that regulating mesh size and requiring square mesh openings during trawling is essential for the release of immature individuals. This practice will result in a reduction in overfishing and permit recovery of overfished stocks.  相似文献   

Currently, traditional Mediterranean trawls are generally made with non‐selective netting and the fishing boats are involved in multi‐species fisheries. As a result, most near‐shore stocks are over‐exploited. Weather permitting, the demersal trawl fleet tends to fish in relatively deeper, international waters of the Aegean Sea, where the catch is usually higher. Therefore, the need for evaluation of the codends used in this fishery and the potential improvements to their selectivity are of prime importance. In the present study, selectivity data were collected for hake (Merluccius merluccius), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus) and fourspotted megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) in commercial (300 MC) and square mesh top panel (SMTPC) codends. Trawling was carried out at depths of 274–426 m onboard a commercial vessel chartered for a 15‐day sea trial in August 2004. Selection parameters were obtained by fitting a logistic equation using a maximum likelihood method. Results of the selectivity analysis indicated that the commercially used 40 mm nominal mesh size PE codend was rather unselective for the species investigated in this study. In general, the square mesh top panel codend has relatively higher L50 values than the commercial codend. However, except for blue whiting, even this codend is rather unselective when 50% maturity lengths (LM50) are considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare selectivity results of currently used 44 mm nominal polyamide (PA) diamond mesh- and alternatively suggested 40 mm nominal polyethylene (PE) square mesh- codends in the deepwater crustacean trawl fishery in the Antalya Bay, eastern Mediterranean. Selectivity experiments were carried out during targeted trawling of four commonly harvested crustacean species: giant red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea , 'blue and red' shrimp Aristeus antennatus , rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris , and pandalid shrimp Plesionika martia . A conventional bottom trawl of 600 meshes around the fishing circle was operated onboard a commercial stern trawler between 6 and 18 June 2007. Depth of the fishing area varied between 441 and 630 m. Data were collected using the covered codend technique, and analyzed using a logistic equation with maximum likelihood for individual and pooled hauls. The commercially used trawl codend was unable to release immature crustaceans. Selectivity parameters of the three species of crustaceans were distinctly lower when collected with the polyamide diamond mesh than with the polyethylene square mesh, except in the case of giant red shrimp for which values were similar. However, the present and previous results show that in square mesh codends, mesh sizes must be more than 40 mm in order to keep catches clear of specimens below minimum landing sizes or 50% sexual maturity sizes of crustaceans in the Mediterranean. This study suggests that regulating mesh size by requiring square mesh openings during deep water crustacean trawling of the eastern Mediterranean is essential for the release of immature individuals.  相似文献   

Differences in size selectivity of commercial (40 mm diamond mesh, 40D), larger mesh (48 mm diamond mesh, 48D), and square mesh codends (40 mm square mesh, 40S) for hake (Merluccius merluccius), greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus) and four‐spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) were investigated in the Aegean Sea. The study was conducted using the covered codend method. Data were analysed taking between‐haul variations into account. Results showed that changing from a 40D to 48D codend significantly improved mean L50 values, with increases of about 22% for hake, 8% for greater forkbeard, 20% for blackbelly rosefish, and 11% for four‐spot megrim (P = 0.000). A change from diamond to square mesh configuration with the same 40 mm netting also significantly increased the mean L50 values, with 45% for hake, 36% for greater forkbeard, and 25% for blackbelly rosefish (P = 0.000). For four‐spot megrim the mean L50 value was about 10% lower, but this difference was statistically insignificant (P > 0.05). Despite the increases in L50 values, this study concludes that the selectivity of the 48D and 40S codends is still not sufficient to release fish smaller than length at first maturity for these four species.  相似文献   

The change of mesh size or shape as a management measure to improve selectivity as proposed by the EU should be assessed using actual fishery data, despite being tested experimentally in previous studies. This work was conducted to evaluate the consequences of inserting either a 40‐mm square‐mesh or a 50‐mm diamond‐mesh (instead of the traditional 40‐mm diamond‐mesh) at codends in commercial Spanish trawlers. Landings in terms of biomass, income and catch composition were compared under commercial conditions. Four métiers were identified in the fishery: European hake (Merluccius merluccius), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). No significant differences were observed in biomass or income owing to the new mesh in either European hake or red mullet. In contrast, the total biomass of the red shrimp métier and the biomass of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, were significantly higher after the selectivity change. Regarding the catch composition, only the European hake métier showed slight – but not significant – changes after using the new mesh. Considering these results, there was no short‐term effect (substantial biological or economic loss) as previous studies had expected. This could possibly be related to a higher performance of the new gear that may compensate for the lower retention of small sizes.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing codend mesh size from 11.6 to 25 and 28.7 mm (inside stretched mesh) on the selectivity of greater lizardfish (Saurida tumbil), squid (Loligo sp.), and penaeid shrimp caught by an inshore otter trawling fishery at Nha Trang City, Vietnam were assessed. The proportion of escaping trash fish from the studied codends was also examined. In general, the lengths at 50% retention (L50) of the studied species increased with increasing codend mesh size. L50 values of greater lizardfish for the 25 and 28.7 mm codends were 109.4 and 145.9 mm, respectively. The 11.6, 25, and 28.7 mm codends selected shrimp at L50s of 8.33, 11.86, and 13.92 mm, respectively, and squid (mantle lengths) at 13.1, 36.1, and 41.9 mm, respectively. The mean proportions of escaping trash fish were 0.06, 0.68, and 0.85 for the three codends, respectively. A minimum mesh size of 25 mm is a good compromise between management goals and fishery demands.  相似文献   

Knowledge on selectivity is considered essential for an adequate management of the trawl fishery. This paper compares the selectivity of conventionally used codends of 44 mm diamond mesh, 40 mm square, and hexagonal mesh for Atlantic horse mackerel, European hake and greater forkbeard in the eastern Mediterranean. Data were collected using the covered codend method and analyzed using the logistic equation with the maximum likelihood method. Mean selection curves were analyzed and compared using the between-haul variations model. The mean L 50 v alues of diamond, square and hexagonal mesh codends are 14.7, 15.9 and 17.1 cm total length (TL) for horse mackerel, 10.4, 14.4 and 11.0 cm TL for hake and 12.2, 15.8 and 12.7 cm TL for greater forkbeard, respectively. For horse mackerel, the differences among the codends are statistically significant (P   <   0.05); however, the L 50 values for all three meshes are higher than the minimum landing size (13 cm TL). For hake and greater forkbeard, the L 50 value for the square mesh codend is significantly different from the values for diamond and hexagonal meshes (P   <   0.01), whereas there is no significant difference between diamond and hexagonal meshes (P   >   0.05). Regardless of the mesh shape, L 50 values were substantially lower than the minimum landing size or size at first maturity for hake and greater forkbeard. To enable more effective solutions, research on species-selective trawls is required for the Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery.  相似文献   

The study compared the selectivity of 50 mm mesh size conventional (T0) and 90° turned mesh (T90) demersal trawl codends for four commercial shrimp species (Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Aristeus antennatus, Parapenaeus longirostris and Plesionika martia) in the Bay of Antalya in the eastern Mediterranean. Data were collected from 27 valid hauls using the covered codend method. Selectivity parameters were obtained using the logistic equation with the maximum likelihood method and by taking into account the between‐haul variations. Results show that changing the codends from T0 to T90 increases the percentage of escapees for all four targeted shrimp species. According to species, a change in the mesh configuration significantly increases L50 by 7–14%. However, for the two commercially important red shrimp species (Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus), even the L50 values obtained in the T90 codend (23.3 mm) remain rather low for the release of sufficient numbers of immature specimens. First maturity sizes (FMS) for these two species are 38 and 30 mm, respectively; therefore, for their sustainable exploitation, additional management measures must be investigated including larger mesh sizes.  相似文献   

The influence of different codend nets mounting diamond-shaped (16, 20, 24, 28 and 45 mm, mesh side) in the performance of the commercial bottom trawl presently in use in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) to catch deep-water red shrimps, Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus, is analyzed. In two surveys carried out in fishing grounds in spring and summer 1993, 93 daylight hauls (of 3 hours each) based on the covered codend (cover of 14 mm mesh side) method were carried out. The composition and quantity of the combined, retained and escaped catch for the most relevant species and mixed categories of the different gear configurations (codends + cover) were analyzed and compared by applying both univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (clustering and multidimensional scaling) techniques. The reduction of by-catch, the economic loss and the economic efficiency were used as indexes of the retention performance of the different codends. The overall catch was 6398 t (23 kg/h); Aristaeomorpha foliacea accounts for most of the catch in number, weight (48% of the total) and value (87% of the total value). Bony fishes, cartilaginous fishes and other crustaceans are the by-catch, representing, respectively, 26%, 16% and 9% of the catch in weight, the rest belonging to cephalopods. The use of the different codends does not influence the overall performance of the gear. No saturation was detected, with the escapement ratio uninfluenced by the amount retained. Considering the retention characteristics, results indicate that the 16 mm and 20 mm mesh codends are not selective, whereas the 24/14 and 28/14 configurations produce increased escaping ability. The 45 mm mesh sieves out 79% of specimens, indicating that no masking effect was induced by the cover. Regarding economic efficiency, the 20/14 configuration provides values comparable to those obtained with the 24/14, whereas the 16/14 configuration is as efficient as the 28/14. The lowest efficiency was obtained using the 45/14 configuration. Multidimensional scaling and clustering techniques (performed on 20, 24 and 28 mm codends) allow to discriminate the escapement ability of the 28/14 gear configuration only. Present results support the introduction of the 28 mm mesh codend in the deep-water red shrimp fisheries in the view of a precautionary management of the resources.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the potential short‐term economic loss as a result of replacing the commercial diamond codend with a square mesh codend, and to compare fish lengths captured in 40 mm square (S40) vs 44 mm commercial hand‐woven diamond (CD44) mesh codends for red mullet (Mullus barbatus), common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus), bogue (Boops boops), European hake (Merluccius merluccius), axillary seabream (Pagellus acarne), and brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis). A total of 20 hauls (10 hauls for S40 and 10 hauls for CD44) were conducted onboard a commercial trawler between 27 February and 11 April 2012 in Mersin Bay in the northeastern Mediterranean. Results showed that the 40 mm square mesh codend caught significantly fewer juveniles of all aforementioned species. However, when changing from the commercial diamond codend to the 40 mm square mesh codend the potential economic loss of revenue was found to be 40% in the study period, which covered the final 6 weeks of the fishing season.  相似文献   

This research investigated effects of changing the diamond mesh size on codend selectivity in Mediterranean fisheries. The selectivity of a typical 50‐mm diamond knotless polyethylene (PE) codend used in the Turkish fishery in the Aegean Sea was measured for commercially important species, in particular hake (Merluccius merluccius), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) and John Dory (Zeus faber). Fishing trials were carried out on the commercial trawler ‘Hapulo?lu’ between 9 and 12 December 2006 using a modified trawl net. Selectivity data were collected by the covered codend method and analysed by means of a logistic equation (Maximum Likelihood Method). The mean selectivity curve was estimated from individual hauls, taking between‐haul variations into account. Mean mesh size of the codend was 49.4 mm as measured by digital calliper. Mean values for 50% retention length of hake and horse mackerel were estimated to be 11.4 and 15.6 cm total length; corresponding selection ranges were 4.1 and 5.5 cm respectively. The 50‐mm diamond mesh codend showed adequate selectivity compared to the minimum landing size (MLS) for horse mackerel, while for hake it selected specimens in a size range far lower than the MLS. No selectivity values could be determined for anglerfish or John Dory. To design a more selective codend for the Turkish demersal trawl fishery, not only mesh size regulations but also other codend characteristics and netting material properties must be urgently considered.  相似文献   

The Council Regulation (EC) no. 1967/2006 introduced the adoption of the 40 mm square-mesh or alternatively a 50 mm diamond-mesh codend for trawlers of EU Member States. In this context, the main aim of the current study was to compare the catch composition of Lampedusa’s shallow-water trawl fishery, in terms of retained and discarded fraction, using the 24 mm square-mesh codend (illegal and supposed unselective) and the 50 mm current diamond-mesh codend (legal and supposed selective). During 2012, 21 hauls were performed, under commercial conditions, with the 24 mm square mesh codend and 27 with the 50 mm diamond mesh codend in an area of the Strait of Sicily at depths from 40 to 80 m. The introduction of a 50 mm diamond-mesh, although not significantly, reduced the CPUEs of retained and discarded fraction compared with the 24 mm mesh. Moreover, for most target species and their size classes (especially immature individuals), the legal mesh recorded a lower mean number of specimens than the banned mesh size. All these advantages aside, the discard of the shallow-water trawl fishery, in Lampedusa, represented a very important part of the total catch (more than three-quarters) by both mesh sizes and a large amount of this was represented by species and habitat of conservation concern. Our results suggest that spatial restrictions, such as no-take zones, could be a more effective management tool to protect this sensitive ecosystem in the area than the technical measures (e.g. reduction of mesh size) imposed today by the EU.  相似文献   

In recent years several studies have been developed to improve the selectivity of the Mediterranean bottom trawl fisheries, which exert high fishing pressure on young individuals. The focus has been mainly on increasing the mesh size in the cod‐end or changing its mesh geometry; few studies have assessed the efficiency of the sorting grid systems. Analysis of 21 trawl hauls carried out at depths of 117–697 m off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) in October–November 2005, studied size selectivity of the trawl using flexible sorting grids with 15 (SG15) and 20 (SG20) mm bar spacing. A divided polyamide bottom trawl designed for commercial purposes demonstrated high efficiency for the simultaneous use of both sorting grid sizes at different depth intervals (DS: deep shelf; US: upper slope; MS: middle slope). The results were also compared with those from the authors’ previous studies in the area where 40 mm diamond (DM) and square (SM) mesh cod‐ends were used. A saturation effect was detected on the DS for both sorting grids, due to the large amount of biomass captured at this depth interval. Size selectivity of 11 species was modelled, which showed an increase in length at first capture (L50) from SG15 to SG20. Values of L50 estimated for the main target species were: 10.9 cm total length (TL) with SG15, and 18.9 cm TL with SG20 for Merluccius merluccius; 21.1 mm carapace length (CL) with SG15, and 23.8 mm CL with SG20 for Nephrops norvegicus; and 15.9 mm CL with SG15, and 19.6 mm CL with SG20 for Aristeus antennatus. Comparison of size selectivity parameters between the sorting grids and cod‐ends of different geometry showed clear differences. For most species, the highest value of L50 was obtained with SM (e.g. 26.6 mm CL for N. norvegicus and 22.1 mm CL for A. antennatus). Exceptions were the round‐fish M. merluccius, the flatfish Lepidorhombus boscii, and the crustacean Parapenaeus longirostris, with values of SG20 (18.9 cm TL, 12.1 cm TL, and 25.7 mm CL, respectively) higher than with SM (15.2 cm TL, 10.2 cm TL, and 20.2 mm CL, respectively). Sorting grid selection ranges were broader than those estimated for DM and SM. Experience shows that the exchange of the DM for the SM and/or the introduction of SG20 can improve selectivity in the Mediterranean trawl, SM being more efficient than SG20 in the Balearic Islands.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the selectivity of a 40 mm polyethylene trawl codend for common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) were tested under similar fishing conditions in spring, summer and autumn 2002, and winter 2003. Data were obtained using the covered codend technique and analyzed using a logistic model fitted with the maximum likelihood method. Parameters of mean curves for each trip were estimated by using Fryer’s between‐haul variation model. To determine seasonal changes in the condition of the fish, samples were taken to cover the entire length range of the catch along with length measurements to the nearest mm and weights to the nearest 0.1 g. Results showed a tendency for decrease in selectivity from summer (L50 = 11.3 cm, SR = 2.2 cm) and autumn (L50 = 11.2 cm, SR = 1.7 cm) to winter (L50 = 10.7 cm, SR = 2.4 cm) and spring (L50 = 10.2 cm, SR = 2.9 cm). Potential effects of water temperature, fish condition, population size structure, and gonad developments on selectivity are discussed to explain the seasonal variation in trawl codend selectivity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the number of meshes in the protective bag circumference on size selectivity of a demersal trawl codend. Circumferences of 50‐mesh (NMPB50) and 215‐mesh (NMPB215) protective bags rigged on the 44 mm diamond mesh codend were tested. Fishing experiments were carried out on the commercial trawler ‘Hapulo?lu’ between 20 and 27 August 2010, using a modified trawl net. Data were collected using the covered codend method and analyzed using the logistic equation with the maximum likelihood method. Mean selection curves were analyzed and compared using the between‐haul variations model. The mean L50 values of NMPB50 and NMPB215 were, respectively, 16.4 ± 0.1 mm and 16.5 ± 0.1 mm carapace length for deep‐water rose shrimp, 10.7 ± 0.1 cm and 12.2 ± 0.1 cm total length for hake, and 16.0 ± 0.1 cm and 16.7 ± 0.1 cm total length for horse mackerel. In conclusion, increasing the number of meshes around the protective bag resulted in a 14% and 4% increase in the L50 for hake and mackerel, respectively; however, these differences were not statically significant (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Scientific studies have been conducted on size selectivity of trawls with grids in the Mediterranean; however, none has focused on species selectivity. The aim of the present study was to analyze the value of sorting grids with 20 mm bar spacing for species separation, in a demersal trawl fishery mainly targeting deep water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) in the Eastern Mediterranean. Fishing trials were carried out 17–24 August 2008 onboard the commercial trawler ‘Hapulo?lu’, using a modified bottom trawl net. The separation rate for silver scabbard fish (Lepidopus caudatus) was highest among all species with 98% by weight and 97% by number in 44 mm diamond (44D) and 40 mm square mesh (40S) codends, respectively. The exclusion of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) by the grid shows differences between 85 and 93%, in weight and 64 and 83% in number for codends of 44D and 40S, respectively. Excluding the ratio for greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), the angler fish (Lophius piscatorius) and broadtail short fin squid (Illex coindetii) varied between 93 and 97% in weight, and 81 and 86% in number in both codends. Losses of legal sized rose shrimp were determined as 23 and 25% in 44D and 40S, respectively. The results obtained in the present study demonstrate that substantial separation of fish and shrimp can be achieved in this Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery. However, further developments should be explored; for this purpose the behaviour of species has to be studied in relation to trawl and grid design and where commercial consequences of changes in gear technology need to be considered.  相似文献   

The selectivity of the traditional commercial bottom trawl net employed in Sicily to catch the Mediterranean deep-water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris, has been assessed. Two fishing campaigns were carried out in the Strait of Sicily and in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, using the covered cod-end method (mesh 20 mm vs. 31 mm). Of a total catch of 11,601 individuals, 23.4% escaped in the cover; the sample length structure from the Strait is unimodal, while that from the Tyrrhenian, polymodal. A logistic curve, fitted with a maximum likelihood criterion, has been used to model the selectivity data, in order to obtain the parameters CLc50% (50% retention size), SR75–25% (selection range) and SF (selection factor, i.e. CLc50%/mesh). The two sets of data, besides a larger selection range for the Strait sample (5.2 mm vs. 2.3 mm), produced very similar estimates (retention sizes of 13.0 mm vs. 12.8 mm CL), fitting the logistic curve well. Almost no shrimp larger than 20 mm does escape from the cod-end; moreover, from the amount of damaged specimens found in the cover, even the evaded shrimps sustain a high fishing mortality. An increase of the present cod-end mesh opening, even above the size required by the EU bylaws (at present, 40 mm stretched) seems necessary for managing the fishery.  相似文献   

Sorting grids with two different bar spacings (12 mm and 14 mm) were tested to improve size selectivity of the commercially important fish species, red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis), in Turkish bottom trawl fishery. Fishing trials were carried out with R/V ‘Egesüf’ between April and May 2003 in Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea, using a traditional bottom trawl. Selectivity data were collected by the top cover method and analyzed by means of a logistic equation with the maximum likelihood method. Selectivity parameters for individual hauls were obtained with the software program cc 2000 . Mean selectivity was also estimated and compared using the EC Model software that takes between‐haul variations into account. The codend catch size as an additional explanatory variable was used in the comparison. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test was also applied to detect differences between length‐frequency distributions in the upper and lower bags of the 12 and 14 mm bar spacings for red mullet and annular sea bream. The mean L50 values of red mullet were 8.7 and 10.0 cm with the 12 and 14 mm grids, respectively. The L50 value of 14 mm was comparable with the L50 value of the codend mesh size; however, the 12 mm value was rather low. The mean L50 values of 12 and 14 mm bar spacings were 8.8 and 10.4 cm for annular sea bream, respectively; the value of 14 mm bar spacing was very close to 50% size at sexual maturity of the species (10.5 cm). The K–S test indicated length distributions of red mullet and annular sea bream in the 12 and 14 mm upper and lower bags as significantly different (P < 0.05). These results show that improving the size selectivity in a multi‐species fishery using a single selective device is rather difficult. However, higher size selectivity can be obtained when considering the minimum landing size or the 50% sexual maturity size for a given species.  相似文献   

To determine the selectivity of gillnets in the Chilean artisanal fishery for the Chilean hake Merluccius gayi gayi, an experimental net was used with three mesh sizes (5.2, 6.8 and 7.6 cm). A total of 2279 specimens of Chilean hake were caught (24–56 cm total length, TL), mainly via gilling and snagging. The catch proportion below the size of sexual maturity SSM50% (37 cm TL) for each mesh size tested was estimated. Models were fitted separately according to the sex to compensate for differences in size compositions, with the males fitted to a binormal model and females fitted to the normal location model. Analysing both sexes combined, the model with the lowest deviance was lognormal, with estimated modal lengths of 30.9, 40.2 and 43.9 cm TL for meshes of 5.2, 6.8 and 7.6 cm, respectively. The estimated selectivity factor (SF) indicates that the modal size matches the SSM50% with a mesh size of 6.2 cm, while the length of retention of 50% (l50) coincides with the SSM50% with a mesh size of 7.6 cm.  相似文献   

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