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Melanoscirtes gen.n. is established within Karniellina. The members of this subtribe are small conocephaline bush crickets, confined to Africa. Melanoscirtes is erected on Phlesirtes kibonotensis, a species restricted to forest clearings and forest edge in the submontane and montane zones of Mt. Kilimanjaro. A subspecies, M. kibonotensis uguenoensis, is described from the North Pare mountains, a mountain range of the Eastern Arc adjacent to Mt. Kilimanjaro. Further species of Melanoscirtes occur on other mountain ranges of the northern branch of the Eastern Arc mountains of northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. The South Pare mountains harbour M. shengenae; the West Usambaras, M. usambarensis, and the Taita Hills, M. taitensis. All species and subspecies of Melanoscirtes exhibit a similar morphology and occupy analogous habitats on the respective mountains. The song patterns for all species found within this genus are very similar, and this, together with evidence from molecular data, suggests that allopatric speciation is the reason for the biogeographic pattern found in this genus. A key for the subspecies and species of Melanoscirtes is provided.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the genus Phlesirtes Bolivar is presented, based on new sequence data of three genes (16S rDNA, COI, H3). Species of the genus Phlesirtes (subtribe Karniellina of the Tribe Conocephalini) occupy habitats of montane to afroalpine grasslands in East Africa. Phlesirtes is the most species‐rich genus of the subtribe Karniellina, a group of small flightless Ensifera restricted to eastern Africa. Taken together, the biogeographical patterns seen in Phlesirtes and its molecular phylogeny suggest a migration scenario: the mountain ranges acting as stepping stones, enabling a spread of Phlesirtes ancestors during periods of favourable climatic conditions in the past. The Pleistocene inland volcanoes, such as Mt Kenya or Mt Kilimanjaro, allow us to date speciation processes within the genus Phlesirtes. It is suggested that cooler humid periods of the past 3 Ma boosted speciation of Phlesirtes in East Africa.  相似文献   

The tettigoniid genus Phlesirtes Bolivar and its allies are reviewed. Morphological, ecological and molecular data prompt the erection of the new genus Chortoscirtes gen.n. with type species Xiphidion meruense Sjöstedt. The genera Phlesirtes, Chortoscirtes, Karniella and Naskreckiella are characterized by morphological characters supported by molecular, acoustic, ecological and chromosomal data. Four species, Chortoscirtes pseudomeruensis sp.n. , C. masaicus sp.n. , C. puguensis sp.n. and C. serengeti sp.n. , are described from localities in northern and coastal Tanzania and one Karniella, K. crassicerca sp.n. , is described from Uganda. The following comb n. are proposed: Phlesirtes kibonotensis (Sjöstedt) and Phlesirtes kilimandjaricus (Sjöstedt). Subtribal status is proposed for the four investigated African genera. A key to the Chortoscirtes species is provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Five species of the tribe Copiphorini (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Conocephalinae) including a newly recorded species Xestaphrys javanicus Redtenbacher are recognized in Korean fauna. The key to species, characteristic figures, and diagnosis for the newly recorded species are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The genus Conocephalus Thunberg in Korea was taxonomically studied. As the result, five species were confirmed to Korean fauna including a newly recorded species, Conocephalus bambusanus Ingrisch. The key to species, distributional data and comparative figures for identification are given.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first comprehensive study of the biology of a tropical bush-cricket. The eggs were laid without any external protective structures and lost water readily in unsaturated air; losses of more than 16% of the original fresh weight were usually fatal. Development and hatching took place only if the eggs were in contact with water. The water content increased by about 500% during development. The mean incubation period was 171 and 116 days at constant temperatures of 20oC and 28oC, respectively, but at temperatures fluctuating by±3°C about a mean of 28°C this period was reduced to a mean of 88 days. The eggs failed to develop if exposed to freezing temperatures for more than five days or kept at a constant temperature of 307deg;C or above. The duration of the nymphal period varied from 83 to 131 days at a temperature range of 22–30°C (mean 26° C). There were four or five nymphal instars in the male and five or six in the female. The linear growth of the hind femur conformed to Dyar's law. There was a conspicuous colour change during development, all the first-instar nymphs being leaf green and the adults predominantly brown. In nature the species lives exclusively on the forest floor and is markedly nocturnal in habits, hiding underneath litter during the day. The eggs are dormant during the dry season, hatching at the onset of the rains (March/April at Ibadan). The nymphs reach maturity from July onwards and the adults have mostly died off by the end of the rainy season (October). In the laboratory the species was found to have a temperature preference of 26–32°C, immobilization setting in at 18°C and 42°C, and a humidity preference of 60–80% R.H.; this corresponds with the prevailing conditions in its forest habitat. The nocturnal pattern of activity persisted for several days in continuous darkness, with no marked acceleration. Movement was inhibited for several days by artificial illumination. Reversed illumination reversed the rhythm of activity.  相似文献   

目前关于螽斯科昆虫的线粒体基因组全序列及其分子进化的研究报道很少。本研究利用L-PCR技术结合嵌套步移PCR扩增获得纺织娘Mecopoda elongata和日本纺织娘M. niponensis的线粒体基因组全序列, 同时对二者之间的碱基组成和结构特点进行了比较分析。结果显示: 纺织娘线粒体基因组(GenBank登录号JQ917910)序列全长15 284 bp, A+T含量71.8%; 日本纺织娘线粒体基因组(GenBank登录号 JQ917909)序列全长15 364 bp, A+T含量72.4%; 2种纺织娘序列长度差异主要是控制区长度不同引起(纺织娘控制区长294 bp, 日本纺织娘控制区长393 bp)。2种纺织娘基因组基因含量、 相对位置及转录方向均与其他已报道的螽斯科昆虫一致, 未发现基因重排现象; 基因组中均存在较长的间隔序列, 在trnA/trnR之间的间隔序列长度分别为63 bp与68 bp, 在trnQ/trnM之间的分别为55 bp和26 bp, 在trnSUCN/nad1之间的均为21 bp。而最长的基因重叠区域在2种纺织娘trnC/trnW之间均为8 bp, 在atp8/atp6和nad4L/nad4L之间均为7 bp。蛋白质编码基因的碱基组成和密码子使用均具有明显的偏倚性; 除nad1和nad2以特殊的TTG作为起始密码子, cox1使用特殊的起始密码子ATGA外, 其余的10种蛋白质编码基因均使用典型的ATN作为起始密码子。在tRNA基因中, 除trnSAGN外, 均能折叠形成典型的三叶草形二级结构。在这些tRNA基因中均存在一定数目的以G-U错配为主的碱基错配, 类似现象同样存在于其他已测定的六足动物线粒体基因组中, 表明G-U配对在线粒体基因组中很可能是一种完全正常的碱基配对方式。基因组中控制区的A+T含量略低于线粒体基因组的其他区域, 表明高A+T含量并不是该区域的必要特征。本研究结果为螽斯科系统发生关系重建积累了有价值的数据资料。  相似文献   

We used molecular characters to infer the phylogenetic position of the Western Mediterranean bushcricket genus Odontura and to trace its high karyotype diversity. Analysis of 1391 base pairs of two mitochondrial genes (COI and ND1) and one nuclear sequence (ITS2) was conducted. Phylogenetic topologies were estimated using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and likelihood‐based Bayesian inference. The genus Odontura is a phylogenetic outlier in respect of all other European Phaneropterinae genera and has been proposed to have originated from a hitherto unknown ancestor. Our results support the monophyly of the genus Odontura and the recognition of two subgenera: Odontura and Odonturella. We found that both Sicilian taxa of the subgenus Odontura have a completely identical morphology and song patterns. Combining these results, we proposed that both should be treated as subspecies: O. (Odontura) stenoxypha stenoxypha and O. (O.) st. arcuata. Bioacoustic data also proved to support independent markers, with song characteristics reflecting the molecular topology. Mapping the karyotypic characters onto the phylogenetic tree allows a reconstruction of the directions and transitional stages of chromosome differentiation. The number of autosomes within the genus Odontura ranges from 26 to 30. In addition to the ancestral X0 sex determination mechanism, neo‐XY and neo‐X1X2Y sex chromosomes have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic startle behavior in bushcrickets (Orthoptera; Tettigoniidae)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
1. In the present work, we show that in flight, bushcrickets not previously known to respond to ultrasound alter their flight course in response to ultrasonic stimuli. Such stimuli elicit in flying Neoconocephalus ensiger an extension of the front and middle legs along the body and a rapid closure of all 4 wings (Fig. 1). This is a short latency acoustic startle response to ultrasound, consistent with acoustic startle responses of other insects. 2. The percentage of trials on which acoustic startle responses were elicited was maximum (90%) for sound frequencies ranging from 25 to at least 60 kHz. No acoustic startle response was observed at frequencies of 5 or 10 kHz (Fig. 2). The threshold for the response was roughly 76 dB between 25 to 60 kHz (Fig. 2) and the behavioral latency was 45 ms (Fig. 3). Recordings from flight muscles show that they cease discharging during the acoustic startle response (Fig. 4). 3. The characteristics of the acoustic startle response match those of an auditory interneuron called the T-neuron. The frequency sensitivity of this neuron is greatest for sound frequencies ranging from 13 to 60 kHz (Fig. 6). Moreover, we found that the neuron produces many more spikes to ultrasound (30 kHz) of increasing intensities than to a conspecific communication sound, whose dominant frequency is 14 kHz (Fig. 7).  相似文献   

A new genus, Raggeana, is erected for Metrioptera bodenheimeri Uvarov, and the hitherto unknown female of this species is described.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the stridulation was investigated by re-playing tape-recordings at very slow speed. The findings were corrobrated by sonograms and mingograms.The central part of the song is the ripple, a fast succession of syllables around which isolated syllables (clicks) are distributed according to species and circumstances. The rate of syllables in the ripple is a linear function of temperature.A quantitative expression for the stridulatory activity is the actual number of syllables per time unit, including pauses. By changes in the combination of elements, at leastO. agile is able to increase the output of syllables four to six times.This work was made possible by a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to whom my most sincere thanks are due. —As I do not have advanced equipment for sound analysis, I am very much indebted to Dr. Bondesen and cand. sci. Poul Hansen, Bioakustisk Laboratorium, Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus, Denmark, and Mr. W.B. Broughton and Dr. M. Samways, Animal Acoustic Unit, City of London Polytechnic, London, for analysing part of the material by sonograms and mingograms. The very valuable help of Dr. Th.J. Walker, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, in identifying the species is gratefully acknowledged. For friendly discussions and linguistic corrections my best thanks are due to H.T. Evans and F.D.S. Evans.  相似文献   

Colour in the Ephippiger ephippiger complex varies with the geographical distribution and with rearing density. In the W European subspecies E. e. vitium , wild insects from northern and eastern parts of the range tend to have green tergites with relatively inconspicuous banding, whereas those from S France have conspicuously pale banded dark-green or brown tergites. These forms represent the ends of a continuum and there is no zone of distinction. However, the E Pyrenean subspecies, E. e. cunii , lacks the broad banding of its neighbouring E. e. vitium. The tergites of laboratory cultured insects of these stocks when reared in isolation are distinctly green but when reared together become progressively brown. The darkness of the brown is density dependant, so that at high densities the tergites may become almost black. These colour changes are irreversible. Adult insects also become darker with sexual maturity and after contact on mating. Wild-caught E. e. ephippiger from Italy and Yugoslavia have green tergites without obvious banding. Colour changes have not been found or induced in this subspecies. The significance of the colour change is considered and although firm data are wanting, circumstantial evidence suggests a deliberate shift to an aposematic or pseudoaposematic colour pattern.  相似文献   

Due to active tectonic evolution of the Aegean Area during Miocene and Pleistocene, the Balkans and Anatolia have repeatedly connected and disconnected causing isolation and secondary contact of populations along the present Dardanelles – Sea of Marmara – Bosphorus waterway. This has led to an outstandingly rich fauna and a reticulate biogeography in the area. A typical example is Orthoptera having here possibly highest diversity within the Western Palaearctic. With the present study, we concentrate on the bush‐cricket genus Isophya, which is characteristic with a large share of endemics in the Balkans and Anatolia. We aim to understand when and how the isolation of marine or other barriers in the region of the Turkish Straits System influenced the evolution of the morpho‐acoustic groups of species found on both sides of the strait. For this purpose, sequences of two mitochondrial (COI and ND2) and two nuclear (ITS1 and ITS2) markers were obtained and used for phylogenetic reconstructions, time estimations for lineage divergence and automatic species delineation (statistical parsimony, GMYC, ABGD) tests. The phylogenetic analyses did not support all the existing morphogroups and was in favour of a geographical subdivision for the young lineages. Automatic species delineation tests confirmed most of the present morpho‐acoustic species and suggested further cryptic species, at the same time unifying some phenetic species. Time estimation analyses suggested time to most recent common ancestor of the genus as 8.28 Ma corresponding to the Late Tortonian. As a result of the study, we reached to the following conclusions: (i) most of the studied phenetic species are monophyletic, but some earlier suggested morpho‐species groups are not, (ii) three main episodes dominate the evolutionary history of Isophya (7.32–5.84 Myr in the Messinian, 2.2–2.5 Myr in the beginning of the Pleistocene and at around 0.75 Ma corresponding to the end of the Mid‐Pleistocene transition), all of which well correlate with episodes of existing terrestrial connections between Anatolia and the Balkans, and (iii) there are several faunal exchanges in both directions between Anatolia and the Balkans.  相似文献   

《Systematic Entomology》2018,43(2):239-249
This is the first study to address the molecular phylogeny of East African Meconematinae. We used DNA sequence data from the three genes cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI ), 16S rRNA and histone H3 to reconstruct the relationships within the genus Amytta using Bayesian Inference and maximum likelihood. We included 45 individuals representing 19 Meconematinae taxa from Africa, Europe and Australia, and three outgroup species to explore taxonomic limits at different levels. Members of the genus Amytta belong to three related lineages within Meconematinae. Species of Amytta were found to be monophyletic with Meconema and Phlugidia as sister groups. The molecular results are in accordance with previous morphological and ecological studies. Chromosome numbers and the type of sex determination systems found in Amytta agrees with the three lineages also found in the phylogenetic tree. We conclude that the radiation of Amytta species is geological young. Biogeographical patterns caused by climatic fluctuations of the past seen also in other nonrelated Orthoptera taxa such as the coptacrine genus Parepistaurus are the drivers of biodiversity in the area.  相似文献   

A new genus is proposed for a new East African Phaneropterinae species, Lunidia viridis, occurring on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Based on 33 records, notes on distribution and habitat are given, as well as acoustical data provided. Climate and vegetation parameters obtained along several transects on Mt. Kilimanjaro were evaluated describing the ecological niche of the new species. This interdisciplinary approach allows not only a profound characterisation of the ecological demands of the new genus but also predictions of the potential distribution area, which is tested for the first time for an African bush cricket species. Lunidia viridis n. gen. n. sp. occurs within humid and perhumid forests and Chagga home gardens, avoiding subhumid conditions on the mountain. It is found from 1,330 m upwards on the southern slopes, whereas the same ecological conditions are expressed from 1,930 m upwards on the drier northern slopes. Lunidia viridis has an unusually complex and variable song, which is described from field and laboratory recordings. The FISH technique for characterizing chromosomes is applied for the first time for an African species; L. viridis exhibits a karyotype typical for most Tettigoniidae.  相似文献   

Genus Parapholidoptera is revised and three species, P. yoruka sp.n., P. bolkarensis sp.n. and P. salmani sp.n., are described. Parapholidoptera delineata Stolyarov is placed in synonymy with P. ziganensis Karaba?. Parapholidoptera bodenheimeri Karaba? and P. distincta bodenheimeri Karaba? are placed in synonymy with P. distincta (Uvarov). Parapholidoptera flexuosa Karaba?, previously a subspecies of P. castaneoviridis (Brunner von Wattenwyl), is recognized as a separate species. A key to world species is provided. Cladistic analysis revealed the monophyly of the genus with two major clades. A short account of distribution is presented.  相似文献   

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