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Appressorium development in the mycoparasite Piptocephalis unispora was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy using the techniques of critical point drying, sputter coating and light microscopy. The germ tube which contacts both the young host hypha or a germinating spore swells at the tip to form an appressorium closely adpressed to the surface of the host. Lateral proliferation of hyphae may occur from the mature appressorium. Factors affecting the sites of appressorium development are suggested and their significance discussed.  相似文献   

The tegumental surface of Megalodiscus temperatus forms cobblestonelike areas with rows of indentations encircling the worm. This pattern merges in several areas into folds and ridges, some of which represent the musculature of the posterior sucker and genital pore. Papillae surrounding the base of the oral sucker appear as two types: one with a bulb-like base and a short apical knob; the second typified by a hair-like structure (cilium?) of variable length projecting from a pit. From their location on the oral sucker and the resemblance to previously described structures, they are presumed to be sensory receptors. A circle of papillae on the closed posterior sucker was also observed. Rod-shaped bacteria were seen adhering to some of the worms observed but they were not found to be in any special association with the tegument or in any specific areas of the worm's surface.  相似文献   

We have identified, and followed the development of three macrogamete organelles involved in the formation of the oocyst wall of Eimeria maxima. The first were small lucent vacuoles that cross-reacted with antibodies to the apple domains of the Toxoplasma gondii microneme protein 4. They appeared early in development and were secreted during macrogamete maturation to form an outer veil and were termed veil forming bodies. The second were the wall forming bodies type 1, large, electron dense vacuoles that stained positively only with antibodies raised to an enriched preparation of the native forms of 56 (gam56), 82 (gam82) and 230 kDa (gam230) gametocyte antigens (termed anti-APGA). The third were the wall forming bodies type 2, which appeared before the wall forming bodies type 1 but remain enclosed within the rough endoplasmic reticulum and stained positively with antibodies raised to recombinant versions of gam56 (anti-gam56), gam82 (anti-gam82) and gam230 (anti-gam230) plus anti-APGA. At the initiation of oocyst wall formation, the anti-T. gondii microneme protein 4 positive outer veil detached from the surface. The outer layer of the oocyst wall was formed by the release of the contents of wall forming bodies type 1 at the surface to form an electron dense, anti-APGA positive layer. The wall forming bodies type 2 appeared, subsequently, to give rise to the electron lucent inner layer. Thus, oocyst wall formation in E. maxima represents a sequential release of the contents of the veil forming bodies, wall forming bodies types 1 and 2 and this may be controlled at the level of the rough endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi body.  相似文献   

Summary Recent advances in the ability to culture the hepatic forms of mammalian malaria parasites, particularly of the important human pathogen Plasmodium falciparum have provided novel opportunities to study the ultrastrucural organisation of the parasite in its natural host cell the human hepatocyte. In this electron-microscopic and immunofluorescence study we have found the morphology of both parasite and host cell to be well preserved. The exoerythrocytic forms, which may be found at densities of up to 100/cm2, grow at rates comparable to that in vivo in the chimpanzee. In the multiplying 5- and 7-day schizogonic forms the ultrastructural organisation of the parasite bears striking resemblances to other mammalian parasites, e.g., the secretory activity and distribution of the peripheral vacuole system, but also homology with avian parasites, e.g., in nuclear and nucleolar structure and mitochondrial form. The latter homologies support earlier suggestions of the close phylogenetic relationship of P. falciparum with the avian parasites. Evidence is also presented showing the persistence of the cytoskeleton of the invasive sporozoite within the cytoplasm of the ensuing rapidly growing vegetative parasites.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy of the third ventricle of sheep demonstrates areas of ciliated ependymal cells at the dorsal and middle third. The cilia of the dorsal portion of the ventricle have biconcave discs that are attached to each cilium by a slender stalk. The lower third and floor of the ventricular wall, as well as the pineal recess, are largely covered by ependymal cells that possess numerous microvilli with only a few isolated cilia scattered along cell surfaces. The infundibular recess is papillated with apical blebs of the ependymal cells that project into the lumen of the recess. Measurements of these surface elements indicate an average diameter of 0.28 for cilia, 0.10 for microvilli and 0.50 for the apical blebs of the infundibular recess. The functional significance of the regional differences in surface structures is discussed in relation to cerebrospinal fluid movement, ependymoabsorption and ependymosecretion.Supported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS 08171.Career Development Awardee KO4 GM 70001.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess the ultrastructural differences exhibited by the varigated ependymal lining of the near-term human fetal 4th ventricle. The central portion of the fourth ventricular floor, including the median sulcus is punctuated by numerous clumps of cilia. The density of cilia here is not as great as that described for other regions of the human cerebral ventricular system; accordingly, underlying substructure can be noted. There are distinct differences between ependymas that line the floor of the fourth ventricle with those of the adjacent area postrema. The latter region possesses not cilia, but instead exhibits a dense knap of microvilli. The ultra-architecture of the choroid plexus is relatively similar to that of other circumventricular organs with the exception that it possesses small isolated groups of cilia as well as microvilli. These findings are discussed with respect to the dynamics of local CSF movement and flow, ependymoabsorption and ependymosecretionSupported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS 08171.Career Development Awardee GM K04 70001.  相似文献   

Chick hearts were prepared for scanning electron microscopy by standard methods, the purpose being to investigate the surface morphology of the developing atrial septal region. By Day 3, the atrial septum primum appeared as a sickle-shaped structure. During Day 4, the first representation of the foramina secunda occurred in the mid-dorsal portion of the septum. During Day 5, the septum primum fused with the atrioventricular endocardial cushions, thereby occluding the foramen primum. From Days 5 through 8, the secondary perforations (foramina secunda) multiplied and increased in size. The endocardial-covered cords of cells comprising the septum thickened from Days 9 through 15. This resulted in a marked reduction in the dimensions of the perforations from Day 16 to hatching. The atrial septum at hatching occasionally contained a small single orifice. At 3 days posthatching, the atrial septum was a solid sheet covered with flattened endocardial cells. All interatrial communications were occluded. During Days 5 through 9, two distinct cell types became apparent on the endocardial-covered cords. Simultaneously, fenestrations were observed on the cords surrounding the foramina secunda and on the ventral portion of the atrial septum. The integral role which the fenestrations and cellular types play in the development of the formina secunda is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy of the lining of the pituitary cleft was carried out in normal, lactating, castrated, adrenalectomized, and cyproterone-treated adult rats. Four cell types could be differentiated in the posterior wall in control and experimental animals: (1) cells with a smooth surface, (2) cells with microvilli located at the cellular borders, (3) ciliated cells, and (4) cells with evenly distributed microvilli. The anterior wall showed mainly cells with few microvilli located at their margins, and clusters of ciliated cells. In normal, and more frequently in experimental animals, the anterior wall showed shriveled cells, and variously sized cavities. Colloid appeared either as a network of finely granular material or as compact bodies adhering to the epithelial surface. These observations suggest that a compact component of the colloid is derived at least in part from degraded cells.Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina. The author owes many thanks to Professor I. Nouzeillez and Dr. J.C. Cavicchia for their assistance in translating this paper  相似文献   

Summary Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, e.g., neutrophilic granulocytes, were enriched from heparinized blood by a Ficoll-step-gradient centrifugation procedure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed a surface morphology of narrow ridge-like profiles and small ruffles with occasional microprocesses. Mononuclear leukocytes were isolated by centrifugation over a Ficoll-Metrizoat gradient. The lymphocytes showed varying numbers of microvilli of different length, size and shape. B lymphocytes, characterized by their capability of sheep red blood cell (SRBC)-rosette formation, displayed a similar surface morphology. Completely smooth lymphocytes, described in the literature as T lymphocytes, could not be detected, although many lymphocytes with few microprocesses were observed. Thus, SEM is not a useful tool for distinguishing between B and T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of chickens. Monocytes were characterized by prominent membrane-like ruffles, but in some cases they closely resembled granulocytes. An influence of the various separation media on the surface morphology of the isolated cells could not be detected when compared with cells isolated by the buffy-coat method.  相似文献   

The retinal photoreceptors from larval channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were studied using single cell, in situ microspectrophotometry. Rods appear at 5 days after hatch; cones are present from day one. The rods contain a visual pigment which absorbs light maximally at 540 nm. The cones contain either a green sensitive visual pigment with peak absorbance at 535 nm or a red sensitive visual pigment with peak absorbance at 608 nm. All pigments are based on vitamin A2. Visual pigment complement does not change with age, as photoreceptors from adultI. punctatus, I. catus andI. melas contain visual pigments virtually identical to those of the larvalI. punctatus. Regardless of age, no visual pigment with peak absorbance in the short wavelength region of the spectrum was ever observed. Scanning electron microscopy of adultI. punctatus retinas showed large rods with long, cylindrical outer segments and smaller cones with short, tapered outer segments. The myoids of both rods and cones are extensable. The rods, embedded in a granular tapetal material, comprise from 50 to 60% of the photoreceptors. Only single cones are present. The data are consistent with the idea that the ictalurid catfishes spend their entire lives in an environment deficient in blue light.  相似文献   

目的 通过对封闭群东方田鼠 (Microtusfortis)和昆明小鼠乳腺癌细胞扫描电镜特征的观察 ,旨在了解两者之间的差异。方法 将乳腺癌肿块与经产正常东方田鼠乳腺以及昆明小鼠自发性乳腺癌肿块作常规扫描电镜。结果 正常东方田鼠乳腺的腺管结构规则 ,可见分散的乳腺细胞 ,乳腺细胞表面有许多皱褶和不规则的小丘状突起 ,状如桑椹 ,无明显可见的微绒毛 ;东方田鼠乳腺癌的腺管结构不规则 ,细胞表面密布微绒毛 ,微绒毛长而不规则 ,末端成松叶状 ;昆明小鼠乳腺癌的组织中散布有大量带有微绒毛的癌细胞 ,其微绒毛特点为密而短 ,末端为圆纯状。结论 东方田鼠与昆明小鼠乳腺癌细胞表面呈现不同的微绒毛特征  相似文献   

The first interaction between the malaria merozoite and the red blood cell it will invade is mediated by molecules on the surface of the two cells. The Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein (MSP)1 complex that contains MSP1 and two other parasite proteins, MSP6 and MSP7, is likely to be an important component in this process. This article reviews the role of the MSP1 complex in the biology of the host parasite interface with a focus on MSP7 and related proteins that are coded by gene families in each of the different Plasmodium spp.  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜荧光探针的选择和应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜是检测生物荧光信号的最新技术手段。不仅广泛用于荧光定性、定量测量,还可用于活细胞动态荧光监测、组织细胞断层扫描、三维图象重建、共聚焦图象分析、荧光光漂白恢复、激光显微切割手术等。本文拟就激光扫描共聚焦显微镜常用的检测内容及其相关荧光探针的选择和应用做一简单的介绍。  相似文献   

Summary The retina and pigment epithelium of the bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) were studied with the scanning electron microscope. Fixed-dehydrated tissues were critical point dried with CO2, then cracked in the plane of the long axis of the photoreceptors. The cellular layers of the retina and the lateral surfaces of pigment epithelial cells were visualized. The four major types of frog photoreceptor were identified: red rod, green rod, single cone, and double cone. Cone myoids were observed to be contracted in light-adapted retinas and elongated in more dark adapted retinas.This work was supported by a career development award EY-18,083 to the author and research grant EY 00468 to Dr. Kenneth T. Brown.The author gratefully acknowledges the skillful technical assistance of Ms. Maria T. Maglio.  相似文献   

Summary Microcorrosion casts of blood vessels in the skin of Rana esculenta L. were examined by means of scanning electron microscopy with particular reference to the subepidermal network of respiratory capillaries. Due to the fact that arteries and veins lie in the deeper layers of the stratum spongiosum of the corium, the respiratory vessels form a morphologically homogeneous network. Functionally, however, this network is subdivided into small areas with a centripetal direction of blood flow. The deep capillary net, situated at the base of the stratum compactum of the corium, is not so dense as the respiratory network and does not directly communicate with it. Alveolar glands of the skin have no effect on the distribution of capillaries in the two networks.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerance can be induced in microspore-derived embryos of Brassica napus L. by application of abscisic acid (ABA). Scanning electron microscopy was employed to study and compare desiccation-tolerant and -sensitive microspore-derived embryos. The external surface of those desiccated embryos in which desiccation tolerance had been induced was uniformly shriveled due to severe dehydration, and their internal tissue system was well preserved. In contrast, in desiccation-sensitive embryos, dehydration caused tearing of the epidermis and collapse of the internal tissue system. After the desiccated embryos had been rehydrated, the size and external morphology of the desiccation-tolerant ones recovered to the pre-desiccation state within 1 day, whereas the sensitive ones did not recover or remained shriveled. The effect of ABA on the induction of desiccation tolerance is discussed. Received: 25 June 1998 / Revision received: 03 September 1998 / Accepted: 24 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the layers of the muscular coat of the guinea-pig small intestine after enzymatic and chemical removal of extracellular connective tissue. The cells of the longitudinal muscle layer are wider, have rougher surfaces, more finger-like processes and more complex terminations, but fewer intercellular junctions than cells in the circular muscle layer. A special layer of wide, flat cells with a dense innervation exists at the inner margin of the circular muscle layer, facing the submucosa. The ganglia of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses are covered by a smooth basal lamina, a delicate feltwork of collagen fibrils, and innumerable connective tissue cells. The neuronal and glial cell processes at the surface of ganglia form an interlocking mosaic, which is loosely packed in newborn and young animals, but becomes tightly packed in adults. The arrangement of glial cells becomes progressively looser along finer nerve bundles. Single varicose nerve fibres are rarely exposed, but multiaxonal bundles are common. Fibroblast-like cells of characteristic shape and orientation are found in the serosa; around nerve ganglia; in the intermuscular connective tissue layer and in the circular muscle, where they bridge nerve bundles and muscle cells; at the submucosal face of the special, flattened inner circular muscle layer; and in the submucosa. Some of these fibroblast like cells correspond to interstitial cells of Cajal. Other structures readily visualized by scanning electron microscopy are blood and lymphatic vessels and their periendothelial cells. The relationship of cellular elements to connective tissue was studied with three different preparative procedures: (1) freeze-cracked specimens of intact, undigested intestine; (2) stretch preparations of longitudinal muscle with adhering myenteric plexus; (3) sheets of submucosal collagen bundles from which all cellular elements had been removed by prolonged detergent extraction.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional architectures and the regional differences of the vascular system in the mucosa of the hamster stomach were revealed by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion casts. In the forestomach, the vascular network spreads two-dimensionally in a thin lamina propria. In the corpus and the antrum, the capillaries in the thick lamina propria are well developed, extending three-dimensionally along the gastric pits and glands. In the corpus, the submucosal arteries enter the lamina propria to become ascending capillaries, which project toward the top of the lamina propria and anastomose to create a capillary network beneath the mucosal epithelium. A subepithelial capillary is much wider in diameter than an ascending capillary and is, therefore, a sinusoid capillary. Subepithelial capillaries join descending venules, which are less numerous than the ascending capillaries. Near the gastric lumen, the capillaries in the corpus can be classified into two types: arched type in the cephalic (upper) region and honeycomb type in the caudal (lower) region. In the antrum, the submucosal arterial plexus is less well developed than that in the corpus. The mucosal aspect of the corrosion cast shows many clumps, formed by a unit of capillary network. Functional significances of different vascular architectures in the gastric mucosa of the forestomach, corpus, and antrum are discussed.This study was supported in part by grants from the Research Fund of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating the toxicity of some insecticides (abamectin and deltamethrin) on the lethal time (LT50) and midgut of foragers honeybee workers of Apis mellifera jemenatica were studied under laboratory conditions. The bees were provided with water, food, natural protein and sugar solution with insecticide (concentration: 2.50 ppm deltamethrin and 0.1 ppm abamectin). The control group was not treated with any kind of insecticides. The mortality was assessed at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hour (h) after insecticides treatment and period to calculate the value of lethal time (LT50). But the samples the histology study of midgut collected after 24 h were conducted by Scanning Electron Microscope. The results showed the effects of insecticides on the current results show that abamectin has an adverse effect on honeybees, there is a clear impact on the lethal time (LT50) was the abamectin faster in the death of honeybee workers compared to deltamethrin. Where have reached to abamectin (LT50 = 21.026) h, deltamethrin (LT50 = 72.011) h. However, abamectin also effects on cytotoxic midgut cells that may cause digestive disorders in the midgut, epithelial tissue is formed during morphological alterations when digestive cells die. The extends into the internal cavity, and at the top, there is epithelial cell striated border that has many holes and curves, abamectin seems to have crushed the layers of muscle. Through the current results can say abamectin most toxicity on honeybees colony health and vitality, especially foragers honeybee workers.  相似文献   

Summary The renal corpuscle of the lamprey mesonephros was studied under the scanning electron microscope.Bowman's capsules with individual spaces are chockshaped sacs closely packed together along a medial artery. The lateral walls of the capsules are apposed to those of neighbouring capsules.Glomerular capillaries from the medial artery extend radially between the apposed walls of neighbouring Bowman's capsules. Bulgings of capillaries into the capsular space are associated with mesangial folds of the capsular epithelium.The transitional zone of the visceral layer with podocytes and the parietal layer of squamous epithelium is bounded by linearly arranged rod-shaped epithelial cells. Apertures of the urinary tubule are lined by cells equipped with a fascicle of cilia.  相似文献   

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