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By definition, insect parasitoids kill their host during their development. Data are presented showing that ladybirds not only can survive parasitism by Dinocampus coccinellae, but also can retain their capacity to reproduce following parasitoid emergence. We hypothesize that host behaviour manipulation constitutes a preadaptation leading to the attenuation of parasitoid virulence. Following larval development, the parasitoid egresses from the host and spins a cocoon between the ladybird's legs. Throughout parasitoid pupation, the manipulated host acts as a bodyguard to protect the parasitoid cocoon from predation. The parasitoid has evolved mechanisms to avoid killing the host prematurely so that its own survival is not compromised. Bodyguard manipulation may thus constitute a selective trait for the evolution of true parasitism in some host–parasitoid associations.  相似文献   

The effect of soil application of rice husk ash (RHA), a cheap renewable source of silicon, and imidazole (a silicon solubilizer and carrier) on yellow stem borer (YSB), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), and its damage to rice plants were investigated. Treatments included soil application of RHA (T1), imidazole (T2), RHA + imidazole (applied once at vegetative stage, T3) and RHA + imidazole (applied twice at both vegetative and booting stages of crop growth, T4) with an untreated control (T5). The effect was tested in five varieties, viz., BPT 5204, KRH2, Pusa Basmati 1, MTU1010 and Vandana. All the soil treatments reduced damage by YSB at vegetative and reproductive phases across five varieties as compared to untreated control. Scanning electron micrograph and electron‐dispersive X‐ray spectrum analysis of stem tissue of rice variety BPT 5204 treated with silicon revealed the enhanced deposition of silicon in cell walls and 2.1‐ to 5.3‐fold increase in silicon content across treatments. Larvae collected from the silicon‐treated plants had worn mandibles, and the histological studies showed rupture of the peritrophic membrane, increased vacuolation, disintegration of columnar cells and discharge of cellular contents into the gut lumen due to abrasion of midgut epithelium, as compared to untreated control where the columnar cells and midgut lining were intact. Although all the treatments were effective, T4‐imidazole applied twice along with RHA was more effective in reducing YSB damage followed by T3‐imidazole applied once with RHA at tillering stage, T2‐imidazole alone and T1‐RHA in the descending order of efficacy.  相似文献   

In prey‐predator systems, top‐down effects can be a powerful determinant for spatial distributions of prey through their search for enemy‐free space. Leafminers live and eat within leaves, making feeding tracks called mines, and mine conspicuousness exposes them to a high risk of parasitism. Those lepidopteran leafminers that use lower leaf surfaces as mining sites show wide evolutionary radiation. We hypothesized that leafminers making mines on the lower surface are less often detected by parasitoids and thus have a selective advantage in avoiding parasitism compared to those on the upper surface. To investigate the adaptiveness of lower‐surface mining, we examined the relationship between parasitism and within‐leaf mine distribution for 3 years using a field population of the leafminer Phyllocnistis spec. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, Phyllocnistinae), which prefers the lower surface of leaves of the Japanese privet, Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. (Oleaceae). Parasitoid attack was more frequent in the upper‐surface mines than in the lower‐surface mines and on leaves with upper‐surface mines than on leaves with only lower‐surface mines. When both surfaces were mined, leafminers on the lower surface could avoid parasitism. Upper‐surface mines were attacked by more parasitoid species as compared to lower‐surface mines. Although the results demonstrated that mining on the lower surface was advantageous in avoiding parasitism, the vulnerability of lower‐surface mines to parasitism varied depending on their abundance. When many lower‐surface mines were present, lower‐surface mines suffered a higher parasitism rate than upper‐surface mines, probably because parasitoids formed search images for and concentrated on lower‐surface mines. This study suggests that the preferential use of the lower leaf surface by leafminers is in part attributed to interactions with parasitoids.  相似文献   

Interactions among Chilo suppressalis (Walker), its larval parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko and insect-resistant transgenic rice lines were evaluated under laboratory conditions. The results showed that all neonates and second larvae of stem borer were dead regardless of being fed rotationally or permanently on Bt rice, but 18% and 28% of the third and fourth instar larvae could complete development and turned to adults, respectively, when fed rotationally. In the second year of project, third instar larvae of stem borer were used to evaluate Bt rice impact on T. brassicae. The result showed that emergence rate was lower, the abnormal female rate increased and adult female longevity of the wasp decreased significantly in comparison with the conventional variety. There was no significant difference in gender ratio and parasitism rate under Bt rice treatment in comparison with conventional variety.  相似文献   

Eriborus applititus Sheng & Sun (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is a specialist parasitoid of the small carpenter moth Holcocerus insularis Staudinger (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). Each year damages to trees caused by H. insularis lead to extensive economic and ecological losses. E. applititus is thus a promising candidate for use as a biocontrol agent against H. insularis. To investigate the means by which E. applititus locates and parasitizes H. insularis, we used scanning electron microscopy to determine the morphology and distribution of sensilla on antenna, ovipositor and leg of male and female E. applititus. Eight different sensilla types were found: sensilla chaetica, sensilla trichodea, sensilla placodea, sensilla basiconica, sensilla coeloconica, sensilla pit basiconica, sensilla campaniformia and Böhm's bristles. The sensilla types were differently distributed in the three organs. In addition, differences between sexes were found in the distribution of sensilla trichodea type 2, sensilla placodea and sensilla chaetica type 4. Putative functions of the sensilla are discussed based on the morphological and location data and on previous research. Chemosensitive sensilla are putatively involved in host detection, pheromone detection and host discrimination processes. Mechanoreceptive sensilla likely function as vibrational sensors and are thought to be critical for accurate ovipositor positioning.  相似文献   

Most attention to size‐time trade‐offs of insects has focused on herbivore risk, with considerably less attention paid to parasitoids. Here, we focus on parasitoid risk, comparing the fates of unparasitised herbivore hosts and parasitised hosts that protect the parasitoids. Success of a koinobiont parasitoid (host grows after parasitisation) depends on maintaining a delicate balance with its host, thereby ensuring its own survival while the host grows. To evaluate growth rate–mortality rate relationships of host and parasitoid, we compared several aspects of the growth, phenology, and behaviour of unparasitised fern moth [Herpetogramma theseusalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)] larvae and larvae parasitised by Alabagrus texanus (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a solitary koinobiont (one parasitoid per host) wasp. Host larvae feed and construct shelters on sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis L. (Dryopteridaceae). Alabagrus texanus parasitise early‐instar moths in late summer, which overwinter in their host, emerging in mid‐summer to pupate and eclose. During the autumn following hatching and the immediately following spring, parasitised and unparasitised moth larvae did not differ in size, took similar time to choose between satisfactory and unsatisfactory foods, and built similar shelters. Prior to any other changes noted, more parasitised than unparasitised larvae also died when severely starved. Parasitised larvae subsequently grew less and pupated later than unparasitised ones (small size, slow growth), but consumed similar amounts of food. Although the numerically dominant parasitoid of fern moths, we concluded that Atexanus do not efficiently exploit their hosts.  相似文献   

Biological control efficiency can be improved by developing effective mass‐rearing systems to produce large numbers of high‐quality parasitoids. This study explored an alternative host for rearing Sclerodermus brevicornis (Kieffer) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), a potential biocontrol agent for the suppression of exotic and invasive wood‐boring longhorn beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) populations in the European agroforestry ecosystems. We tested larvae of the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica Stainton (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), as host for the parasitoid. We quantified the probability and timing of host attack and parasitism as well as reproductive success, offspring production, and the characteristics of adult offspring. As S. brevicornis is a quasi‐social species (multiple females, communally produced offspring broods), we also explored the effects of varying the number of females to which individual hosts were presented, with the aim of determining the optimal female‐to‐host ratio. As time to host attack can be a limiting factor in S. brevicornis rearing protocols, we tested the use of adult females of another bethylid species, Goniozus legneri Gordh, to paralyse C. cephalonica larvae prior to presentation. We identified the conditions within our experiment that maximized offspring production per host and offspring production per adult female parasitoid. We found that C. cephalonica is suitable as a factitious host and, as it is considerably more straightforward for laboratory rearing than cerambycid species, it is a good candidate for adoption by future S. brevicornis mass‐rearing and release programmes.  相似文献   

Cotesia kariyai Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a specialist larval parasitoid of Mythimna separata Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Cotesia kariyai wasps use herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to locate hosts. However, complex natural habitats are full of volatiles released by both herbivorous host‐ and non‐host‐infested plants at various levels of intensity. Therefore, the presence of non‐hosts may affect parasitoid decisions while foraging. Here, the host‐finding efficiency of naive C. kariyai from HIPVs influenced by host‐ and non‐host‐infested maize [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] plants was investigated with a four‐arm olfactometer. Ostrinia furnacalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was selected as a non‐host species. One unit (1 U) of host‐ or non‐host‐infested plant was prepared by infesting a potted plant with five host or seven non‐host larvae. In two‐choice bioassays, host‐infested plants fed upon by different numbers of larvae, and various units of host‐ and non‐host‐infested plants (infestation units; 1 U, 2 U, and 3 U) were arranged to examine the effects of differences in volatile quantity and quality on the olfactory responses of C. kariyai with the assumption that volatile quantity and quality changes with differences in numbers of insects and plants. Cotesia kariyai was found to perceive quantitative differences in volatiles from host‐infested plants, preferring larger quantities of volatiles from larger numbers of larvae or plants. Also, the parasitoids discriminated between healthy plants, host‐infested plants, and non‐host‐infested plants by recognising volatiles released from those plants. Cotesia kariyai showed a reduced preference for host‐induced volatiles, when larger numbers of non‐host‐infested plants were present. Therefore, quantitative and qualitative differences in volatiles from host‐ and non‐host‐infested plants appear to affect the decision of C. kariyai during host‐habitat searching in multiple tritrophic systems.  相似文献   

A greenhouse study compared oviposition preference and larval development duration of a stem borer, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), on rice, Oryza sativa L. cv Cocodrie (Poaceae), and four primary non‐crop hosts of Texas Gulf Coast rice agroecosystems. Rice and two perennials, johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., and vaseygrass, Paspalum urvillei Steud. (both Poaceae), were assessed at three phenological stages. Two spring annuals, brome, Bromus spec., and ryegrass, Lolium spec. (both Poaceae), were assessed at two phenological stages. Phenological stages represented the diversity of plant development stages E. loftini may encounter. Plant fresh biomass, dry biomass, and sum of tiller heights were used as measures of plant availability. Accounting for plant availability, rice was preferred over non‐crop hosts, and intermediate and older plants were preferred over young plants. Johnsongrass and vaseygrass were 32–60% as preferred as rice when considering the most preferred phenological stages of each host. Brome and ryegrass received few or no eggs, respectively. Eoreuma loftini larval development (in degree days above developmental threshold temperatures) was fastest on rice and slowest on johnsongrass and vaseygrass. Development duration was only retarded by plant stage on young rice plants. Foliar and stem free amino acid concentrations were determined to help provide insights on the mechanisms of E. loftini oviposition preference and developmental performance.  相似文献   

Anastatus disparis (Ruschka) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is an egg parasitoid and considered a potential biological control agent of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Only male offspring of A. disparis emerge from single eggs of L. dispar in the laboratory, and A. disparis exhibits low parasitism on L. dispar in the field. We therefore selected several lepidopteran species with various body sizes to evaluate the optimal egg size for hosting A. disparis. In addition, we explored whether the nutritional content of a single L. dispar egg influences the sex of A. disparis offspring and why female offspring can be reared from L. dispar eggs in the field. The results indicated that host egg size decisively influenced the body size and sex ratio of the parasitoid offspring. Therefore, larger hosts, especially the largest eggs of Antheraea pernyi Guérin‐Méneville (Saturniidae), might increase the fitness of A. disparis females. Lymantria dispar eggs concealed in the larger egg shell of A. pernyi produced female A. disparis, suggesting that adult A. disparis should prefer hosts with larger bodies and that the nutritional content of L. dispar eggs did not play a decisive role in the sex allocation of A. disparis. The results also indicated that the egg mass and the fur cover of L. dispar egg masses might be the key factors inducing female A. disparis to lay female offspring in L. dispar eggs.  相似文献   

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