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The epicuticular hydrocarbons of the larval, pupal and adult stages of the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) are analysed. Dramatic changes are observed between the stages studied. Adult hydrocarbons are mostly saturated, with a predominance of 1–4 methyl‐branched straight carbon skeletons of 37–47 atoms; the major components are isomeric mixtures of internally branched trimethylderivatives of C39, C37 and C41 carbon backbones. By contrast, very small amounts of methyl‐branched components are detected in the pupae, although straight chain hydrocarbons of 23–35 carbons are the prevailing structures (70.7 ± 3.4%) with n‐C29 and n‐C27 as the major components. Unsaturated hydrocarbons (29.0 ± 3.5%) of similar chain lengths elute by gas chromatography of epicuticular extracts as complex mixtures of mono‐, di‐ and trienes; with the degree of unsaturation increasing with chain length. This is the first report of very long chain unsaturated hydrocarbons in cuticular extracts of a larval lepidopteran (93.3 ± 0.6% of the lipid components), with chain lengths in the range 37–53 carbons and up to four double bonds; the major component being C49:3, which co‐elutes with C49:4 and C49:2.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定杨小舟蛾Micromelalopha sieversi雌蛾性信息素活性成分的结构信息。【方法】采用正己烷浸提的方法提取杨小舟蛾性成熟处女雌蛾性腺中的活性成分;利用气相色谱-触角电位联用(GC-EAD)技术对其活性成分进行定位;性腺提取物与4-甲基-1,2,4-三唑啉-3,5-二酮(MTAD)进行微量化学反应,获得衍生物;利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分别对性腺提取物及MTAD衍生物进行质谱特征离子分析。【结果】GC-EAD结果显示,杨小舟蛾雄蛾触角对雌蛾性信息素腺体提取物中的一种成分有较好的反应;GC-MS分析结果表明,能引起雄蛾触角电生理反应的成分为十八碳的不饱和醛;MTAD衍生物的GC-MS结果显示,该活性成分的两个双键分别位于碳链的13和15位。【结论】本研究鉴定出杨小舟蛾雌蛾性信息素活性成分的平面结构为13,15-十八碳二烯醛,但双键的立体构型有待合成标准化合物进一步鉴定。本研究为杨小舟蛾性信息素备选化合物的筛选提供了方向,为信息素的结构确证奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Athetis lepigone has been recorded in many countries in Europe and Asia, but it had never been documented as an agricultural pest until 2005. For the purpose of using the sex pheromone to control this pest, we conducted a study to identify the sex pheromone of A. lepigone by gas chromatography with an electroantennographic detector (GC‐EAD) and GC coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses. Three pheromone candidates were detected by GC‐EAD analysis in the extracts of the female sex pheromone gland, and two candidates were identified as (Z)‐7‐dodecenyl acetate (Z7‐12:OAc) and (Z)‐9‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z9‐14:OAc) in a ratio of 1:5 by mass spectral analysis of natural pheromone components and dimethyl disulphide adducts. In the field male trapping test, the traps baited with the binary blend captured high number of males, while traps with single component hardly caught males, indicating that the two components are essential for the male attractiveness. In addition, the optimum ratios of Z7‐12:OAc and Z9‐14:OAc were determined as 3:7–7:3, and the best doses for the binary blend (at ratio of 3:7 between Z7‐12:OAc and Z9‐14:OAc) were 0.25–0.5 mg/trap, based on the number of male catches. The identification of a highly attractive sex pheromone will help in developing efficient strategies for monitoring and control of A. lepigone.  相似文献   

Field studies using the synthetic sex pheromone of Trichophysetis cretacea, a trinary blend of (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl acetate (Z11‐16:OAc), (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal (Z11‐16:Ald) and (Z)‐11‐hexadecenol (Z11‐16:OH), were performed in Sichuan to determine operational parameters for detection and control, such as dispenser type, blend ratio, dosage, and trap type, height and density. Of three pheromone dispensers tested, grey halo‐butyl isoprene elastomeric septa were significantly more effective than polyvinyl chloride capillary tubing or silicone rubber septa. The ratio of the three components in the blend significantly affected moth catch. In the halo‐butyl isoprene septa, the most effective ratio was 5 : 2 : 1 Z11‐16:OAc:Z11‐16:Ald:Z11‐16:OH. Sticky wing traps caught significantly more moths than water, noctuid moth or cone funnel traps. The most effective height at which wing traps were hung was 20 cm above the jasmine plants. Optimum trap density was 45 traps per hectare. Addition of volatile jasmine compounds did not increase the attractiveness of the sex pheromone. A dosage of 50 μg Z11‐16:OAc per lure was most effective in the autumn weather conditions of Quanwei. These data provide sufficient information to develop effective protocols for using the T. cretacea pheromone to detect and monitor this pest in the jasmine fields.  相似文献   

何月秋  池树友  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2015,58(10):1081-1090
【目的】研究旨在深入探讨中国黄杨绢野Diaphania perspectalis 的雌蛾性信息素组成及诱蛾活性。【方法】利用气质联用仪(GC-MS)对黄杨绢野螟正常型性成熟雌蛾的性腺体提取物和合成标样比较分析,并用反-11-十六碳烯醛(E11-16:Ald) 、顺-11-十六碳烯醛(Z-11-16:Ald)、顺-9-十六碳烯醛(Z-9-16:Ald)、顺-11-十六碳烯醇(Z-11-16:OH)等物质进行触角的电生理测定,最后开展田间诱集比较试验以筛选出最佳性信息素混合物。【结果】Z-11-16:Ald为中国黄杨绢野螟正常型性信息素主要组分,E-11-16:Ald的含量极低,Z-11-16:OH未检测到。正常型雄性黄杨绢野螟触角对Z-11-16:Ald, E-11-16:Ald, Z-9-16:Ald和Z-11-16:OH产生强烈的EAG反应,并随着浓度的提高而显著增加;而对Z-11-16:Ac和E-11-16:Ac的嗅觉反应较弱,低于对植物绿叶气味顺3-己烯乙酸酯(Z-3-6:Ac)的反应。单一Z-1-16:Ald对正常型雄性黄杨绢野螟具有强烈的诱集效果,加入E-11-16:Ald有一定的增效作用,但在统计上则不显著。单一Z-11-16:Ald组分对黑化型雄性黄杨绢野螟无引诱活性,必需加入一定比例的E-11-16:Ald才显示诱蛾活性。Z-11-16:Ald:E-11-16:Ald的比例为250 μg:250 μg时诱集到的黑化型雄性黄杨绢野螟数量最多,而Z-11-16:Ald:E-11-16:Ald的比例为429 μg:71 μg时则诱集到的正常型雄性黄杨绢野螟数量最多。同时,单一Z-11-16:Ald也可引诱大量雄性粘虫Mythimna separata,但E-11-16:Ald抑制其活性。【结论】中国黄杨绢野螟的性信息素主成分是Z-11-16:Ald,单一组分即可在田间强烈引诱雄蛾,E-11-16:Ald的功能只起到微弱的增效作用,但也可能起种的专一性的作用。正常型与黑化型黄杨绢野螟对性信息素的嗅觉反应存在差异,黑化型黄杨绢野螟的性信息素接近日本种,即性信息素组成为Z-11-16:Ald和E-11-16:Ald 的混合物,其比例为1:1,且E-11-16:Ald为必需。  相似文献   

Cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most important pest insects in cotton fields in China. Female moths were captured by waterbasin traps with a synthetic female sex pheromone blend in cotton fields over three years. The blend contained (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal and (Z)‐9‐hexadecenal with a ratio of 97:3. Each pheromone dispenser was impregnated with 2.0 mg of pheromone blend and 0.2 mg of antioxidant dissolved with 0.1 mL of hexane, and there was a control dispenser with a similar amount of antioxidant and solvent only. Waterbasin traps were deployed in three configurations in the fields. ‘A’ was pheromone traps only, ‘B’ was both pheromone and control traps, ‘C’ was control traps only. (i) In four plots of ‘A’, the average weekly female catch was 1.5, and more females were captured by centrally located pheromone traps, (ii) In three plots of ‘Brsquo;, control traps also captured female as well as male moths, but average weekly female catches of control traps was significantly lower than that in pheromone‐baited traps. (iii) There were significant linear relationships between the average weekly female catch and the corresponding layer in pheromone‐baited traps in both ‘A’ and ‘B’ plots, and in quadratic equations in control in ‘B’ plots. (iv) With the increase of the interval of traps, average weekly female catches per trap increased but average weekly female catches per hectare decreased. (v) Among the female moths captured by pheromone traps, 88.3% were mated female moths which each containing 1.46 spermatophores, while in control traps 86.9% of the mated female moths had 0.90 spermatophores. There was a significant difference between the average numbers of spermatophores of mated females in pheromone traps and in controls.  相似文献   

性信息素大面积诱捕法防治东北越冬代水稻二化螟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年和2003年,在吉林省柳河县绿色大米生产基地,开展了应用性信息素诱捕法防治越冬代水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的试验。与对照区相比,2002年和2003年两年诱捕区诱蛾量分别下降84.54%和83.75%,雌虫交配率分别下降54.10%和47.67%; 同时,诱杀区二化螟卵孵化率下降25.50%,卵块密度也显著降低。2002年二化螟雌雄性比由对照区的1.14上升为诱捕区的3.96,而 2003年由1.12上升到3.84;诱杀区二化螟幼虫为害率,无论是枯鞘、枯心,还是白穗,也较之对照区显著下降,造成稻谷产量损失也明显降低。通过上述一系列评价指标表明性信息素诱捕法能有效控制东北越冬代水稻二化螟,可为东北绿色大米的可持续生产提供技术支持。  相似文献   

The lilac pyralid, Palpita nigropunctalis Bremer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is a common pest of Oleaceae plants. A crude extract of the female sex pheromone glands was examined by gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) and GC coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The GC-EAD analysis revealed three EAG-active components (IIII) in a ratio of 1:0.2:0.01 (I: II: III). GC/MS analysis successfully recorded the mass spectra of I and II. For I, ions at m/z 238 (M+) and 220 ([M-18]+) indicated the structure of a monoenyl aldehyde with a 16-carbon chain. For II, M+ was not detected, but ions at m/z 222 ([M-60]+) and 61 ([AcOH+1]+) suggested that II was a monoenyl acetate with a 16-carbon chain. Further GC/MS analysis of the extract treated with dimethyl disulfide revealed that the double bonds in both I and II are located at the same position of 11th-carbon. In addition, the pheromone extract was examined by GC/Fourier transform-infrared spectrophotometer (GC/FT-IR). An IR spectrum of I showed characteristic absorption at 1716 and 966?cm?1, indicating a formyl group and E configuration of the double bond, respectively. In the case of II, absorption at 1745 and 968?cm?1 indicated an ester carbonyl and E configuration, respectively. Taken together and by comparison with authentic standards, I and II were confirmed as (E)-11-hexadecenal and (E)-11-hexadecenyl acetate, respectively; while III was speculated as (E)-11-hexadecen-1-ol. The synthetic I, II and III all coincided well with those of the natural components in chemical data, and elicited strong electroantennographic activity in male P. nigropunctalis.  相似文献   

The attraction range of olfactory response by winged female gynoparae (autumn migrants that give birth to oviparae, the sexual females) and male damson–hop aphids Phorodon humuli (Schrank) is investigated in field experiments over 2 years by analyzing the spatial patterns of catches in concentric circles of yellow‐painted traps (60 in total) around a central trap releasing the species' sex pheromone, (1RS,7S,7aS)‐nepetalactol. Males are more likely than females to be found in the central trap, with 65.6% of the 1824 males caught there compared with 11.2% of 1346 females. Both morphs are more numerous in traps axial with the mean wind direction and centred on the pheromone‐release trap than at other angles. Males are approximately five‐fold more numerous in traps downwind than at similar distances upwind of the pheromone, showing that its presence stimulates landing. For males, the estimated active space of the lure extends 6 m downwind. Catches of females are equally numerous up and downwind of the pheromone lure because females orienting on the axis of the pheromone source continue to respond to visual cues in their flight path if they overshoot the olfactory one. For females, the active space of a pheromone lure is less than 2 m downwind. It is unimportant for either morph whether the pheromone‐release trap is yellow or transparent. In these experiments, both morphs orient with, track and probably arrive in the pheromone source trap from at least 26 m, the distance to the nearest aphid‐infested hops.  相似文献   

The plant bug, Adelphocoris fasciaticollis, has begun to resurge and become a key pest for cotton and alfalfa in northern China, along with the widespread cultivation of Bt cotton. To control this plant bug without pesticides, we attempted to develop a new approach by utilizing sex pheromone. The sex pheromone components from the whole‐body extracts were analysed by GC‐MS and gas chromatography–electroantennogram detector analysis (GC‐EAD). (E)‐4‐Oxo‐2‐hexenal and hexyl butyrate, identified as the major components in the extracts of female bugs, elicited strong EAD responses. Field tests indicated that either (E)‐4‐oxo‐2‐hexenal or hexyl butyrate attracted few A. fasciaticollis males and was significantly less active than virgin females and the binary blend. Their ratio was optimized to be 1 : 11. Our results could expand acknowledge of the pheromone of mirids and provide novel approaches to monitor and control this plant bug without pesticides.  相似文献   

The Annona fruit borer, Cerconota anonella Sepp., is a serious agricultural pest in many tropical areas of the world. The identification of an attractant for male C. anonella could offer new methods for pest detection and control. A mixture of compounds extracted from female C. anonella elicited antennal depolarization in the male borer. These compounds were identified as octadecanal, 1‐octadecanol, octadecyl acetate, (Z)‐octadec‐9‐enal (Z9‐18:Ald), (Z)‐octadec‐9‐en‐1‐ol (Z9‐18:OH) and [(Z)‐octadec‐9‐enyl] acetate (Z9‐18:Ac) by one‐ and two‐dimensional gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. In laboratory bioassays, synthetic individual compounds as well as synthetic mixtures were found to be attractive to males. In addition, field tests using Delta traps with 1 mg of the ternary mixture composed of Z9‐18:Ac, Z9‐18:Ald and Z9‐18:OH in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 5 caught as many males as traps containing virgin females. The ternary mixture of Z9‐18:Ac, Z9‐18:Ald and Z9‐18:OH was identified as attractant to C. anonella males and can be used to detect and control populations of this insect in Annonaceae plantations.  相似文献   

Six compounds were identified from gland extracts of the cotton bollworm, Heliothis armigera(Hubner): (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), (Z)-9-hexa-decenal (Z9-16:Ald), hexadecanal, (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z11-16:OH), (Z)-7-hexadecenal (Z7-16:Ald), and (Z)-9-tetradecenal (Z9-14:Ald). Each of the compounds that were identified was examined for its ability to elicit sexual responses from male moths in a flight tunnel. Males flew upwind to Z11-16:Ald alone, but greater levels of copulatory responses were evoked with the addition of 2.5% Z9-16:Ald to the Z11-16:Ald. Addition of hexadecanal to the binary mixture had no effect in raising the behavioral response of the males in the flight tunnel. The effect of Z7-16:Ald on male flight depended on the loading. The addition of 1% of this component to 2 mg of the binary mixture reduced levels of copulatory response, but the same addition (1 %) to 10 g of the binary mixture increased copulatory response. The addition of 79-14:Ald or Z11-16:OH to the binary mixture reduced behavioral responses of males. High loadings of the binary mixture (200–2000 g) were better than a low loading (10 g) in eliciting response of males.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 2455-E, 1988 series.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is one of the most important insect pests of corn, sorghum, rice, and grasses. The sex pheromone produced by S. frugiperda is composed of a mixture of esters. In this study, I determined the antennal responses of FAW males from 22 populations in Mexico to the components of the sex pheromone of this species: (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (Z7-12:OAc), (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:OAc), and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11-16:OAc) at four doses (0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 μg). In addition, I evaluated the behavioural activity of single compounds in the field. The largest antennal responses of FAW males from all the sampled regions were elicited by Z9-14:OAc (all doses evaluated) and Z7-12:OAc (0.01, 0.1, and 1 μg). The male antennal responses evoked by Z11-16:OAc were smaller but similar to responses to Z7-12:OAc at lower doses (0.01 and 0.1 μg). In the field test, Z9-14:OAc produced significantly higher captures of S. frugiperda males compared to Z7-12:AOc and Z11-16:OAc. Antennal responses were related to captures obtained in the field, supported by the positive correlation of these variables [electroantennography (EAG) response and behaviour], with the exception of Z7-12:OAc, which elicited relatively large EAG responses but did not produce high captures of S. frugiperda. These results are of importance to agriculture, enabling the implementation of better methods of monitoring and controlling this pest, and support the suggestion that a mixture of Z9-14:OAc and Z7-12:OAc could represent an effective attractant for all evaluated populations of S. frugiperda in Mexico.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在从行为和嗅觉分子水平探究二化螟Chilo suppressalis雄蛾对性信息素嗅觉反应的地理种群差异及其机理,以明确该害虫田间种群雄成虫的嗅觉适应性及其特点。【方法】采用7种Z11-16∶Ald, Z9-16∶Ald和Z13-18∶Ald配比不同的三元性信息素诱芯(Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald配比分别为540 μg∶540 μg, 864 μg∶216 μg, 945 μg∶135 μg, 980 μg∶98 μg, 1 003 μg∶77 μg, 1 016 μg∶64 μg和1 045 μg∶35 μg,而Z13-18∶Ald含量保持不变),在中国6省水稻田间诱捕二化螟雄成虫;利用实验室风洞测定864 μg∶216 μg, 980 μg∶98 μg和1 016 μg∶64 μg配比诱芯在田间诱捕的越冬代和第2代二化螟雄蛾分别对这3个配比的性信息素诱芯的行为反应;并采用RT-qPCR方法测定这7种性信息素配比不同的诱芯诱捕的雄蛾触角中二化螟雄蛾12个性信息素识别相关基因的表达水平。【结果】在田间试验中,Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald不同配比的性信息素诱芯对水稻二化螟雄蛾均有引诱作用,但不同配比引诱的二化螟雄蛾占比不同。6省诱芯中Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald的最佳配比不同,并且同一配比性信息素诱芯在不同省份引诱的二化螟雄蛾占比也不同。结果表明,不仅在不同地区诱芯的性信息素最佳配比不同,而且在不同地区不同配比性信息素的诱蛾量占比也不同。实验室风洞试验中,864 μg∶216 μg和1 016 μg∶64 μg配比诱芯田间诱捕雄蛾分别对864 μg∶216 μg和1 016 μg∶64 μg配比诱芯的行为反应均显著强于对其余两种配比诱芯,980 μg∶98 μg配比诱芯田间诱捕雄蛾对1 016 μg∶64 μg, 980 μg∶98 μg和864 μg∶216 μg配比诱芯的行为反应无显著差异。在RT-qPCR测定中,除GOBP1外,其余11个性信息素识别相关基因在Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald不同配比诱芯诱捕雄蛾触角中的表达水平均存在显著差异,其中PBP3, PBP4, PR1, PR2, PR4, PR5和PR6 7个基因的表达水平与性信息素配比之间存在显著的线性相关。【结论】本研究明确了中国二化螟不同地理种群性信息素嗅觉差异,不仅有助于提高该害虫的性诱防控效率,而且也有助于理解其嗅觉地理种群差异的成因。  相似文献   

余棋  闫祺  董双林 《生态学杂志》2017,28(11):3784-3788
环境因素影响昆虫两性间的化学通讯,也影响性信息素技术的田间防治效果.本文探讨了温度对二化螟雌蛾性信息素产生以及雄蛾对性信息素触角电位反应的影响,以期为田间二化螟的性信息素防治提供指导.在二化螟蛹期和成虫期进行不同温度处理(15、20、25、30和35 ℃),然后利用气相色谱仪(GC)分析雌蛾性腺内各性信息素组分的含量及比例,同时利用触角电位仪(EAG)测定雄蛾对性信息素组分的电生理反应.结果表明: 25 ℃处理中雌蛾性腺内3个性信息素组分(Z9-16:Ald、Z11-16:Ald和Z13-18:Ald)的含量均显著高于其他温度处理(15、20和30 ℃),且25 ℃处理中Z13-18:Ald的相对比例也显著低于其他温度处理.就雄蛾对性信息素的敏感性而言,对3种性信息素单一组分及特定比例混合物的EAG反应在15~25 ℃间没有显著差异,但在25~35 ℃间(Z13-18:Ald在30~35 ℃间)随温度升高呈下降趋势,且30 ℃较25 ℃显著降低,35 ℃较30 ℃又显著降低.综合分析认为,二化螟性信息素通讯的适宜温度为20~25 ℃,温度过高或过低均不利于二化螟两性间的正常化学通讯.研究结果为二化螟性信息素防治技术的合理应用及极端温度条件下害虫种群发生的预测预报,提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated the behavioural response of male Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) to the fine-scale structure of an odour plume experimentally modified in a wind tunnel by using an air-pulsing device. Male H. zea flew upwind to pulsed filaments of a binary pheromone blend of (Z)-11-hexadecanal (Z11-16:Ald) and (Z)-9-hexadecanal (Z9-16:Ald) in the ratio of 20:1. Sustained upwind flight in experimentally altered intermittent plumes was dependent on concentration, as well as the frequency of generation of odour filaments. At a loading of 10μg of the major pheromone component, Zll-16:Ald, which gave an emission rate of approximately that released by a female H. zea , sustained upwind flight and source contact correlated positively with filament delivery rate, becoming significant at a minimum filament delivery rate of 2/s. Decreases in upwind progress and source location were recorded at a loading of 1 μg of Z11-16:Ald. At this suboptimal dosage, a high filament generation rate of 10/s was necessary for significant upwind progress and source contact. When an interspecific compound: (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11-16:OAc), was added to the attractive pheromone binary aldehyde blend of H. zea at a proportion of 10% of the major pheromone component, and pulsed from the same source, there was a significant reduction in sustained upwind progress and source location by males, indicating that Z11-16:OAc is antagonistic to the upwind progress of H. zea. However, Z11-16:OAc was less antagonistic when its filaments were isolated and alternated with pheromone filaments, indicating a strong effect of the synchronous arrival of odour filaments on the antenna needed for antagonism of upwind flight.  相似文献   

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