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Annual production of crop residues has reached nearly 4 billion metric tons globally. Retention of this large amount of residues on agricultural land can be beneficial to soil C sequestration. Such potential impacts, however, may be offset if residue retention substantially increases soil emissions of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas and ozone depletion substance. Residue effects on soil N2O emissions have gained considerable attention since early 1990s; yet, it is still a great challenge to predict the magnitude and direction of soil N2O emissions following residue amendment. Here, we used a meta‐analysis to assess residue impacts on soil N2O emissions in relation to soil and residue attributes, i.e., soil pH, soil texture, soil water content, residue C and N input, and residue C : N ratio. Residue effects were negatively associated with C : N ratios, but generally residue amendment could not reduce soil N2O emissions, even for C : N ratios well above ca. 30, the threshold for net N immobilization. Residue effects were also comparable to, if not greater than, those of synthetic N fertilizers. In addition, residue effects on soil N2O emissions were positively related to the amounts of residue C input as well as residue effects on soil CO2 respiration. Furthermore, most significant and stimulatory effects occurred at 60–90% soil water‐filled pore space and soil pH 7.1–7.8. Stimulatory effects were also present for all soil textures except sand or clay content ≤10%. However, inhibitory effects were found for soils with >90% water‐filled pore space. Altogether, our meta‐analysis suggests that crop residues played roles beyond N supply for N2O production. Perhaps, by stimulating microbial respiration, crop residues enhanced oxygen depletion and therefore promoted anaerobic conditions for denitrification and N2O production. Our meta‐analysis highlights the necessity to connect the quantity and quality of crop residues with soil properties for predicting soil N2O emissions.  相似文献   

No‐till (NT) practices are among promising options toward adaptation and mitigation of climate change. However, the mitigation effectiveness of NT depends not only on its carbon sequestration potential but also on soil‐derived CH4 and N2O emissions. A meta‐analysis was conducted, using a dataset involving 136 comparisons from 39 studies in China, to identify site‐specific factors which influence CH4 emission, CH4 uptake, and N2O emission under NT. Comparative treatments involved NT without residue retention (NT0), NT with residue retention (NTR), compared to plow tillage (PT) with residue removed (PT0). Overall, NT0 significantly decreased CH4 emission by ~30% (< 0.05) compared to PT0 with an average emission 218.8 kg ha−1 for rice paddies. However, the increase in N2O emission could partly offset the benefits of the decrease in CH4 emission under NT compared to PT0. NTR significantly enhanced N2O emission by 82.1%, 25.5%, and 20.8% (< 0.05) compared to PT0 for rice paddies, acid soils, and the first 5 years of the experiments, respectively. The results from categorical meta‐analysis indicated that the higher N2O emission could be mitigated by adopting NT within alkaline soils, for long‐term duration, and with less N fertilization input when compared to PT0. In addition, the natural log (lnR) of response ratio of CH4 and N2O emissions under NT correlated positively (enhancing emission) with climate factors (temperature and precipitation) and negatively (reducing emission) with experimental duration, suggesting that avoiding excess soil wetness and using NT for a long term could enhance the benefits of NT. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the conditions favoring greenhouse gas(es) reductions is essential to achieving climate change mitigation and advancing food security in China.  相似文献   

Agricultural activities have greatly altered the global nitrogen (N) cycle and produced nitrogenous gases of environmental significance. More than half of all chemical N fertilizer produced globally is used in crop production in East, Southeast and South Asia, where rice is central to nutrition. Emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH3) from croplands in this region were estimated by considering background emission and emissions resulting from N added to croplands, including chemical N, animal manure, biologically fixed N and N in crop residues returned to fields. Background emission fluxes of N2O and NO from croplands were estimated to be 1.22 and 0.57 kg N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. Separate fertilizer‐induced emission factors were estimated for upland fields and rice fields. Total N2O emission from croplands in the study region was estimated to be 1.19 Tg N yr?1, with 43% contributed by background emissions. The average fertilizer‐induced N2O emission, however, accounts for only 0.93% of the applied N, which is less than the default IPCC value of 1.25%, because of the low emission factor from paddy fields. Total NO emission was 591 Gg N yr?1 in the study region, with 40% from background emissions. The average fertilizer‐induced NO emission factor was 0.48%. Total NH3 emission was estimated to be 11.8 Tg N yr?1. The use of urea and ammonium bicarbonate and the cultivation of rice led to a high average NH3 loss rate from chemical N fertilizer in the study region. Emissions were displayed at a 0.5° × 0.5° resolution with the use of a global landuse database.  相似文献   

No‐tillage (NT), a practice that has been shown to increase carbon sequestration in soils, has resulted in contradictory effects on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Moreover, it is not clear how mitigation practices for N2O emission reduction, such as applying nitrogen (N) fertilizer according to soil N reserves and matching the time of application to crop uptake, interact with NT practices. N2O fluxes from two management systems [conventional (CP), and best management practices: NT + reduced fertilizer (BMP)] applied to a corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L.), winter‐wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation in Ontario, Canada, were measured from January 2000 to April 2005, using a micrometeorological method. The superimposition of interannual variability of weather and management resulted in mean monthly N2O fluxes ranging from − 1.9 to 61.3 g N ha−1 day−1. Mean annual N2O emissions over the 5‐year period decreased significantly by 0.79 from 2.19 kg N ha−1 for CP to 1.41 kg N ha−1 for BMP. Growing season (May–October) N2O emissions were reduced on average by 0.16 kg N ha−1 (20% of total reduction), and this decrease only occurred in the corn year of the rotation. Nongrowing season (November–April) emissions, comprised between 30% and 90% of the annual emissions, mostly due to increased N2O fluxes during soil thawing. These emissions were well correlated (r2= 0.90) to the accumulated degree‐hours below 0 °C at 5 cm depth, a measure of duration and intensity of soil freezing. Soil management in BMP (NT) significantly reduced N2O emissions during thaw (80% of total reduction) by reducing soil freezing due to the insulating effects of the larger snow cover plus corn and wheat residue during winter. In conclusion, significant reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions can be obtained when NT is combined with a strategy that matches N application rate and timing to crop needs.  相似文献   

1. Diel variation in metabolism contributes to variation in oxygen (O2) concentrations in streams. This variation in O2 and other parameters (e.g. pH) can in turn affect the rates of microbial nitrogen (N) processing, concentrations of nitrogenous solutes and production of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). We investigated diel variability in emissions of N2O and the magnitude of short‐term variability in N solutes across 10 streams. 2. Nitrous oxide fluxes varied on average 2.3‐fold over diel cycles. Concentrations would be underestimated by sampling around noon, but N2O fluxes would not show a consistent bias. Time‐weighted mean daily N2O flux was strongly related to nitrate concentration (r2 = 0.58). Diel patterns in N2O and dissolved N species were often complex (rather than simple sinusoidal curves), probably reflecting complex underlying processes. 3. Reliance on samples obtained around noon would overestimate daily mean nitrate concentrations by 5% and underestimate ammonium by 32% (average bias across all streams and dates). 4. Dissolved organic N did not show consistent day–night variation. However, the magnitude of diel variability was similar to that observed for dissolved inorganic N. Organic and inorganic N concentrations were often similar. Both appear to be dynamic components of stream N budgets. 5. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies upon an emission factor to estimate indirect agricultural N2O emissions from streams and ground water. The measured emission factor (defined as the ratio of concentrations of N2O‐N to ‐N) was typically below the recently revised IPCC default figure. Measured values varied on average 1.8‐fold over approximately 24‐h periods and were slightly higher at night than by day. The emission factor was actually highest in streams that were net sinks for N2O, highlighting a conceptual problem in the current IPCC method. 6. Typical sampling programmes rely on daytime‐only sampling, which might cause bias in results. In our study streams, the bias was generally small. Diel variation in nitrate concentrations was related to mean temperature; variation in ammonium and N2O concentrations was greatest at low concentrations of nitrite and ammonium.  相似文献   

The ongoing climate change is predicted to induce more weather extremes such as frequent drought and high-intensity precipitation events, causing more severe drying-rewetting cycles in soil. However, it remains largely unknown how these changes will affect soil nitrogen (N)-cycling microbes and the emissions of potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Utilizing a field precipitation manipulation in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau, we examined how precipitation reduction (ca. −30%) influenced soil N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in field, and in a complementary lab-incubation with simulated drying-rewetting cycles. Results obtained showed that precipitation reduction stimulated plant root turnover and N-cycling processes, enhancing soil N2O and CO2 emissions in field, particularly after each rainfall event. Also, high-resolution isotopic analyses revealed that field soil N2O emissions primarily originated from nitrification process. The incubation experiment further showed that in field soils under precipitation reduction, drying-rewetting stimulated N mineralization and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in favor of genera Nitrosospira and Nitrosovibrio, increasing nitrification and N2O emissions. These findings suggest that moderate precipitation reduction, accompanied with changes in drying-rewetting cycles under future precipitation scenarios, may enhance N cycling processes and soil N2O emissions in semi-arid ecosystems, feeding positively back to the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Salt marshes may act either as greenhouse gas (GHG) sources or sinks depending on hydrological conditions, vegetation communities, and nutrient availability. In recent decades, eutrophication has emerged as a major driver of change in salt marsh ecosystems. An ongoing fertilization experiment at the Great Sippewissett Marsh (Cape Cod, USA) allows for observation of the results of over four decades of nutrient addition. Here, nutrient enrichment stimulated changes to vegetation communities that, over time, have resulted in increased elevation of the marsh platform. In this study, we measured fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in dominant vegetation zones along elevation gradients of chronically fertilized (1,572 kg N ha?1 year?1) and unfertilized (12 kg N ha?1 year?1) experimental plots at Great Sippewissett Marsh. Flux measurements were performed using darkened chambers to focus on community respiration and excluded photosynthetic CO2 uptake. We hypothesized that N‐replete conditions in fertilized plots would result in larger N2O emissions relative to control plots and that higher elevations caused by nutrient enrichment would support increased CO2 and N2O and decreased CH4 emissions due to the potential for more oxygen diffusion into sediment. Patterns of GHG emission supported our hypotheses. Fertilized plots were substantially larger sources of N2O and had higher community respiration rates relative to control plots, due to large emissions of these GHGs at higher elevations. While CH4 emissions displayed a negative relationship with elevation, they were generally small across elevation gradients and nutrient enrichment treatments. Our results demonstrate that at decadal scales, vegetation community shifts and associated elevation changes driven by chronic eutrophication affect GHG emission from salt marshes. Results demonstrate the necessity of long‐term fertilization experiments to understand impacts of eutrophication on ecosystem function and have implications for how chronic eutrophication may impact the role that salt marshes play in sequestering C and N.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long‐lived greenhouse gas that can result in the alteration of atmospheric chemistry and cause accompanying changes in global climate. To date, many techniques have been used to mitigate the emissions of N2O from agricultural fields, which represent one of the most important sources of N2O. In this study, we designed a greenhouse pot experiment and a microcosmic serum bottle incubation experiment using acidic soil from a vegetable farm to study the effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BA) on plant growth and N2O emission rates. The addition of BA to the soil promoted plant growth enhanced the soil pH and increased the total nitrogen (TN) contents in the plants. At the same time, it decreased the concentrations of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3?) and TN in the soil. Overall, the addition of BA resulted in a 50% net reduction of N2O emissions compared with the control. Based on quantitative PCR and the network analysis of DNA sequencing, it was demonstrated that BA partially inhibited the nitrification process through the significant reduction of ammonia oxidizing bacteria. Meanwhile, it enhanced the denitrification process, mainly by increasing the abundance of N2O‐reducing bacteria in the treatment with BA. The results of our microcosm experiment provided evidence that strongly supported the above findings under more strictly controlled laboratory conditions. Taken together, the results of our study evidently demonstrated that BA has dual effects on the promotion of plant growth and the dramatic reduction of greenhouse emissions, thus suggesting the possibility of screening beneficial microbial organisms from the environment that can promote plant growth and mitigate greenhouse trace gases.  相似文献   

The increasing atmospheric N2O concentration and the imbalance in its global budget have triggered the interest in quantifying N2O fluxes from various ecosystems. This study was conducted to estimate the annual N2O emissions from a transitional grassland-forest region in Saskatchewan, Canada. The study region was stratified according to soil texture and land use types, and we selected seven landscapes (sites) to cover the range of soil texture and land use characteristics in the region. The study sites were, in turn, stratified into distinguishable spatial sampling units (i.e., footslope and shoulder complexes), which reflected the differences in soils and soil moisture regimes within a landscape. N2O emission was measured using a sealed chamber method. Our results showed that water-filled pore space (WFPS) was the variable most correlated to N2O fluxes. With this finding, we estimated the total N2O emissions by using regression equations that relate WFPS to N2O emission, and linking these regression equations with a soil moisture model for predicting WFPS. The average annual fluxes from fertilized cropland, pasture/hay land, and forest areas were 2.00, 0.04, and 0.02 kg N2O-N ha–1 yr–1, respectively. The average annual fluxes for the medium- to fine-textured and sandy-textured areas were 1.40 and 0.04 kg N2O-N ha–1 yr–1, respectively. The weighted-average annual flux for the study region is 0.95 kg N2O-N ha–1yr–1. The fertilized cropped areas covered only 47% of the regional area but contributed about 98% of the regional flux. We found that in the clay loam, cropped site, 2% and 3% of the applied fertilizer were emitted as N2O on the shoulders and footslopes, respectively.Contribution no. R824 of Saskatchewan Center for Soil Research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas. The UK government is committed to reducing all greenhouse gas emissions and is required to make an inventory of the sources and emissions of these gases. Here, we extend work from a pilot study at the catchment scale reported in an earlier paper. This paper reports on the upscaling measurements of emissions to derive annual emission rates for specific combinations of soil type, land management and fertiliser practices to the national scale. Digital soil, climate and land use maps were combined within Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. Upscaling of field emissions measurements involves adjusting measured annual N2O emissions to fit combinations of crop growth cycles, soil wetness and the amount and timing of fertiliser applications. We have also taken account of the differences in emission rates from grazed pasture land due to differences in land management between land utilised for dairy production and land utilised for beef production. Calculated annual emission rates were then spatially scaled to derive national figures through the use of a GIS modelling framework, termed NitOx. The annual emission of N2O from Scotland was determined as approximately 6 000 000 kg N yr−1 (2.8 Mt carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents) and compares favourably with other national scale estimates such as the IPCC (1997) . The combination of animal grazing, high N inputs, climatic warmth and poorly drained soils means that the south west contributes significantly to the national total N2O emissions. Localised areas of high emission can also be identified, but identification could be improved by applying this modelling approach at a larger scale. It would be beneficial to target these areas with mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Few data are available to validate the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) emission factors for indirect emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O). In particular the N2O emissions resulting from nitrogen leaching and the associated groundwater and surface drainage (EF5-g) are particularly poorly characterized. In situ push–pull methods have been used to identify the fate of NO3 in the groundwater. In this study, we adapted a previously published in situ denitrification push–pull method to examine the fate of 15N2O introduced into the subsoil–groundwater matrix. Enriched 15N2O was manufactured, added to groundwater via a closed system in the laboratory, and then introduced into the groundwater–subsoil matrix in an upland-marsh transition zone of a salt marsh and a forested alluvial riparian zone. Conservative tracers (SF6 and Br) and 15N2O were injected into the groundwater and left for 1–4 h after which the groundwater was sampled. Added 15N2O behaved in a conservative manner at one site while the other site showed variability with some injections showing significant consumption (3–8 μg N2O-15N kg−1 soil day−1) of 15N2O. Our results show that the fate and dynamics of N2O in groundwater are complex and variable and that these dynamics should be considered in the development of improved IPCC inventory calculations.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar short‐rotation coppices (SRC) provide feedstocks for bioenergy production and can be established on lands that are suboptimal for food production. The environmental consequences of deploying this production system on marginal agricultural land need to be evaluated, including the investigation of common management practices i.e., fertilization and irrigation. In this work, we evaluated (1) the soil‐atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (N2O); (2) the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks; (3) the gross ammonification and nitrification rates; and (4) the nitrate leaching as affected by the establishment of a hybrid poplar SRC on a marginal agricultural land in southern Germany. Our study covered one 3‐year rotation period and 2 years after the first coppicing. We combined field and laboratory experiments with modeling. The soil N2O emissions decreased from 2.2 kg N2O‐N ha?1 a?1 in the year of SRC establishment to 1.1–1.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 a?1 after 4 years. Likewise, nitrate leaching reduced from 13 to 1.5–8 kg N ha?1 a?1. Tree coppicing induced a brief pulse of soil N2O flux and marginal effects on gross N turnover rates. Overall, the N losses diminished within 4 years by 80% without fertilization (irrespective of irrigation) and by 40% when 40–50 kg N ha?1 a?1 were applied. Enhanced N losses due to fertilization and the minor effect of fertilization and irrigation on tree growth discourage its use during the first rotation period after SRC establishment. A SOC accrual rate of 0.4 Mg C ha?1 a?1 (uppermost 25 cm, P = 0.2) was observed 5 years after the SRC establishment. Overall, our data suggest that SRC cultivation on marginal agricultural land in the region is a promising option for increasing the share of renewable energy sources due to its net positive environmental effects.  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O were measured following combined applications of inorganic N fertiliser and crop residues to a silt loam soil in S.E. England, UK. Effects of cultivation technique and residue application on N2O emissions were examined over 2 years. N2O emissions were increased in the presence of residues and were further increased where NH4NO3 fertiliser (200 kg N ha–1) was applied. Large fluxes of N2O were measured from the zero till treatments after residue and fertiliser application, with 2.5 kg N2O-N ha–1 measured over the first 23 days after application of fertiliser in combination with rye (Secale cereale) residues under zero tillage. CO2 emissions were larger in the zero till than in the conventional till treatments. A significant tillage/residue interaction was found. Highest emissions were measured from the conventionally tilled bean (Vicia faba) (1.0 kg N2O-N ha–1 emitted over 65 days) and zero tilled rye (3.5 kg N2O-N ha–1 over 65 days) treatments. This was attributed to rapid release of N following incorporation of bean residues in the conventionally tilled treatments, and availability of readily degradable C from the rye in the presence of anaerobic conditions under the mulch in the zero tilled treatments. Measurement of 15N-N2O emission following application of 15N-labelled fertiliser to microplots indicated that surface mulching of residues in zero till treatments resulted in a greater proportion of fertiliser N being lost as N2O than with incorporation of residues. Combined applications of 15N fertiliser and bean residues resulted in higher or lower emissions, depending on cultivation technique, when compared with the sum of N2O from single applications. Such interactions have important implications for mitigation of N2O from agricultural soils.  相似文献   

The current Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default methodology (tier 1) for calculating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from nitrogen applied to agricultural soils takes no account of either crop type or climatic conditions. As a result, the methodology omits factors that are crucial in determining current emissions, and has no mechanism to assess the potential impact of future climate and land‐use change. Scotland is used as a case study to illustrate the development of a new methodology, which retains the simple structure of the IPCC tier 1 methodology, but incorporates crop‐ and climate‐dependent emission factors (EFs). It also includes a factor to account for the effect of soil compaction because of trampling by grazing animals. These factors are based on recent field studies in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK. Under current conditions, the new methodology produces significantly higher estimates of annual N2O emissions than the IPCC default methodology, almost entirely because of the increased contribution of grazed pasture. Total emissions from applied fertilizer and N deposited by grazing animals are estimated at 10 662 t N2O‐N yr?1 using the newly derived EFs, as opposed to 6 796 t N2O‐N yr?1 using the IPCC default EFs. On a spatial basis, emission levels are closer to those calculated using field observations and detailed soil modelling than to estimates made using the IPCC default methodology. This can be illustrated by parts of the western Ayrshire basin, which have previously been calculated to emit 8–9 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1 and are estimated here as 6.25–8.75 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1, while the IPCC default methodology gives a maximum emission level of only 3.75 kg N2O‐N ha?1 yr?1 for the whole area. The new methodology is also applied in conjunction with scenarios for future climate‐ and land‐use patterns, to assess how these emissions may change in the future. The results suggest that by 2080, Scottish N2O emissions may increase by up to 14%, depending on the climate scenario, if fertilizer and land management practices remain unchanged. Reductions in agricultural land use, however, have the potential to mitigate these increases and, depending on the replacement land use, may even reduce emissions to below current levels.  相似文献   

Soil–atmosphere fluxes of trace gases (especially nitrous oxide (N2O)) can be significant during winter and at snowmelt. We investigated the effects of decreases in snow cover on soil freezing and trace gas fluxes at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, USA. We manipulated snow depth by shoveling to induce soil freezing, and measured fluxes of N2O, methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in field chambers monthly (bi-weekly at snowmelt) in stands dominated by sugar maple or yellow birch. The snow manipulation and measurements were carried out in two winters (1997/1998 and 1998/1999) and measurements continued through 2000. Fluxes of CO2 and CH4 showed a strong seasonal pattern, with low rates in winter, but N2O fluxes did not show strong seasonal variation. The snow manipulation induced soil freezing, increased N2O flux and decreased CH4 uptake in both treatment years, especially during winter. Annual N2O fluxes in sugar maple treatment plots were 207 and 99 mg N m−2 yr−1 in 1998 and 1999 vs. 105 and 42 in reference plots. Tree species had no effect on N2O or CO2 fluxes, but CH4 uptake was higher in plots dominated by yellow birch than in plots dominated by sugar maple. Our results suggest that winter fluxes of N2O are important and that winter climate change that decreases snow cover will increase soil:atmosphere N2O fluxes from northern hardwood forests.  相似文献   

Soils are among the important sources of atmospheric nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O), acting as a critical role in atmospheric chemistry. Updated data derived from 114 peer‐reviewed publications with 520 field measurements were synthesized using meta‐analysis procedure to examine the N fertilizer‐induced soil NO and the combined NO+N2O emissions across global soils. Besides factors identified in earlier reviews, additional factors responsible for NO fluxes were fertilizer type, soil C/N ratio, crop residue incorporation, tillage, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, drought and biomass burning. When averaged across all measurements, soil NO‐N fluxes were estimated to be 4.06 kg ha?1 yr?1, with the greatest (9.75 kg ha?1 yr?1) in vegetable croplands and the lowest (0.11 kg ha?1 yr?1) in rice paddies. Soil NO emissions were more enhanced by synthetic N fertilizer (+38%), relative to organic (+20%) or mixed N (+18%) sources. Compared with synthetic N fertilizer alone, synthetic N fertilizer combined with nitrification inhibitors substantially reduced soil NO emissions by 81%. The global mean direct emission factors of N fertilizer for NO (EFNO) and combined NO+N2O (EFc) were estimated to be 1.16% and 2.58%, with 95% confidence intervals of 0.71–1.61% and 1.81–3.35%, respectively. Forests had the greatest EFNO (2.39%). Within the croplands, the EFNO (1.71%) and EFc (4.13%) were the greatest in vegetable cropping fields. Among different chemical N fertilizer varieties, ammonium nitrate had the greatest EFNO (2.93%) and EFc (5.97%). Some options such as organic instead of synthetic N fertilizer, decreasing N fertilizer input rate, nitrification inhibitor and low irrigation frequency could be adopted to mitigate soil NO emissions. More field measurements over multiyears are highly needed to minimize the estimate uncertainties and mitigate soil NO emissions, particularly in forests and vegetable croplands.  相似文献   

Global warming will likely enhance greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils. Due to its slow decomposability, biochar is widely recognized as effective in long‐term soil carbon (C) sequestration and in mitigation of soil GHG emissions. In a long‐term soil warming experiment (+2.5 °C, since July 2008) we studied the effect of applying high‐temperature Miscanthus biochar (0, 30 t/ha, since August 2013) on GHG emissions and their global warming potential (GWP) during 2 years in a temperate agroecosystem. Crop growth, physical and chemical soil properties, temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Rs), and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were investigated to yield further information about single effects of soil warming and biochar as well as on their interactions. Soil warming increased total CO2 emissions by 28% over 2 years. The effect of warming on soil respiration did not level off as has often been observed in less intensively managed ecosystems. However, the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration was not affected by warming. Overall, biochar had no effect on most of the measured parameters, suggesting its high degradation stability and its low influence on microbial C cycling even under elevated soil temperatures. In contrast, biochar × warming interactions led to higher total N2O emissions, possibly due to accelerated N‐cycling at elevated soil temperature and to biochar‐induced changes in soil properties and environmental conditions. Methane uptake was not affected by soil warming or biochar. The incorporation of biochar‐C into soil was estimated to offset warming‐induced elevated GHG emissions for 25 years. Our results highlight the suitability of biochar for C sequestration in cultivated temperate agricultural soil under a future elevated temperature. However, the increased N2O emissions under warming limit the GHG mitigation potential of biochar.  相似文献   

高效氮肥对新疆灰漠土农田氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的影响目前尚不明确.本研究选取树脂包膜尿素(ESN)和尿素配施脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂(U+I)两种高效氮肥处理,以传统尿素(U)处理为对照,研究高效氮肥对新疆膜下滴灌棉田N2O排放的影响.ESN在播种时一次性施入,而其他处理的氮肥在生育期内随灌溉分次施入.在生育期内,采用静态箱-气相色谱法每周采集和分析2次气体样品.结果表明: 与其他处理相比,ESN处理显著增加了生育期间土壤N2O的排放量,增幅47%~73%;在施肥后的4个月内,ESN处理下的土壤铵态氮(NH4+-N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)含量始终处于较高水平,随后则逐渐减小并与其他处理的含量相近.ESN在播种时全部施入可能是导致土壤高NH4+-N和NO3--N含量以及高N2O排放量的原因.与U处理相比,U+I处理减少了9.9%的N2O排放量,但两者间差异不显著;U+I处理NO3--N含量始终低于ESN和U处理.新疆灰漠土膜下滴灌棉田生育期土壤的N2O排放为300~500 g N2O-N·hm-2,整体低于其他农田生态系统.与播种前全部施入相比,氮肥随滴灌多次施入更利于降低N2O排放.本试验条件下,高效氮肥对干旱区膜下滴灌棉田土壤N2O的减排效应有限.  相似文献   

Our understanding and quantification of global soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and the underlying processes remain largely uncertain. Here, we assessed the effects of multiple anthropogenic and natural factors, including nitrogen fertilizer (N) application, atmospheric N deposition, manure N application, land cover change, climate change, and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, on global soil N2O emissions for the period 1861–2016 using a standard simulation protocol with seven process‐based terrestrial biosphere models. Results suggest global soil N2O emissions have increased from 6.3 ± 1.1 Tg N2O‐N/year in the preindustrial period (the 1860s) to 10.0 ± 2.0 Tg N2O‐N/year in the recent decade (2007–2016). Cropland soil emissions increased from 0.3 Tg N2O‐N/year to 3.3 Tg N2O‐N/year over the same period, accounting for 82% of the total increase. Regionally, China, South Asia, and Southeast Asia underwent rapid increases in cropland N2O emissions since the 1970s. However, US cropland N2O emissions had been relatively flat in magnitude since the 1980s, and EU cropland N2O emissions appear to have decreased by 14%. Soil N2O emissions from predominantly natural ecosystems accounted for 67% of the global soil emissions in the recent decade but showed only a relatively small increase of 0.7 ± 0.5 Tg N2O‐N/year (11%) since the 1860s. In the recent decade, N fertilizer application, N deposition, manure N application, and climate change contributed 54%, 26%, 15%, and 24%, respectively, to the total increase. Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration reduced soil N2O emissions by 10% through the enhanced plant N uptake, while land cover change played a minor role. Our estimation here does not account for indirect emissions from soils and the directed emissions from excreta of grazing livestock. To address uncertainties in estimating regional and global soil N2O emissions, this study recommends several critical strategies for improving the process‐based simulations.  相似文献   

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