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Transects across the margins of rainforests with eucalypt forests at two sites in New South Wales are described. At Girard State Forest along ten transects it was consistently found that pure rainforest occurs where there is no evidence of past burning; and that rainforest tree species appear to be invading and replacing eucalypt forest through a formerly burned ecotone area. A similar pattern was found at Barrington Tops. It is suggested that adaptations shown by species of tall open forests which enable them to regenerate rapidly after burning may have evolved initially in a fire free, prehuman rainforest environment in response to other types of disturbance.  相似文献   

Eucalypts (Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp.) dominate many communities across Australia, including frequently burnt tropical savannas and temperate forests, which receive less frequent but more intense fires. Understanding the demographic characteristics that allow related trees to persist in tropical savannas and temperate forest ecosystems can provide insight into how savannas and forests function, including grass–tree coexistence. This study reviews differences in critical stages in the life cycle of savanna and temperate forest eucalypts, especially in relation to fire. It adds to the limited data on tropical eucalypts, by evaluating the effect of fire regimes on the population biology of Corymbia clarksoniana, a tree that dominates some tropical savannas of north‐eastern Australia. Corymbia clarksoniana displays similar demographic characteristics to other tropical savanna species, except that seedling emergence is enhanced when seed falls onto recently burnt ground during a high rainfall period. In contrast to many temperate forest eucalypts, tropical savanna eucalypts lack canopy‐stored seed banks; time annual seed fall to coincide with the onset of predictable wet season rain; have very rare seedling emergence events, including a lack of mass germination after each fire; possess an abundant sapling bank; and every tropical eucalypt species has the ability to maintain canopy structure by epicormically resprouting after all but the most intense fires. The combination of poor seedling recruitment strategies, coupled with characteristics allowing long‐term persistence of established plants, indicate tropical savanna eucalypts function through the persistence niche rather than the regeneration niche. The high rainfall‐promoted seedling emergence of C. clarksoniana and the reduction of seedling survival and sapling growth by fire, support the predictions that grass–tree coexistence in savannas is governed by rainfall limiting tree seedling recruitment and regular fires limiting the growth of juvenile trees to the canopy.  相似文献   

Plants often survive disturbances such as fire by resprouting which involves having both protection traits and carbohydrate storage capacity. Protection traits not only act directly to insulate meristems but also prevent combustion of carbohydrate stores. Rapid stem growth also allows replenishment of carbohydrate stores ensuring persistence through another event. Resource availability may, however, constrain the ability to develop resilience to high-severity fires through either nutrient limitation or light limitation. We tested whether fire severity influenced resprouting ability of woody plants in two contrasting environments, low nutrient dry sclerophyll forest and more fertile wet sclerophyll forest. We tested which fire protection and growth traits were associated with resprouting ability (27 species) and resprouting vigour (16 species). Fire severity did not limit the ability of most species to resprout in either forest type. There was no generalized protection syndrome for surviving top kill, but combinations of bud protection and growth together with storage capacity appear to drive resprouting ability. In nutrient-limited forests, low specific leaf area (SLA) may reduce stem growth in resprouters, causing more reliance on bud protection through bark thickness. Conversely, in the more fertile forests, where light becomes limiting with time-since-fire, high SLA appears to increase the capacity for rapid stem growth with less emphasis on developing thicker bark. These different syndromes appear to be adaptive as fire severity did not influence survival in either forest type.  相似文献   

Strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) is a shade‐tolerant shrub or small tree invader in tropical and subtropical regions and is considered among the world's top 100 worst invasive species. Studies from affected regions report deleterious effects of strawberry guava invasion on native vegetation. Here we examine the life history demographics and environmental determinants of strawberry guava invasions to inform effective weed management in affected rainforest regions. We surveyed the vegetation of 8 mature rainforest and 33 successional sites at various stages of regeneration in the Australian Wet Tropics and found that strawberry guava invasion was largely restricted to successional forests. Strawberry guava exhibited high stem and seedling densities, represented approximately 8% of all individual stems recorded and 20% of all seedlings recorded. The species also had the highest basal area among all the non‐native woody species measured. We compared environmental and community level effects between strawberry guava‐invaded and non‐invaded sites, and modelled how the species basal area and recruitment patterns respond to these effects. Invaded sites differed from non‐invaded sites in several environmental features such as aspect, distance from intact forest blocks, as well as supported higher grass and herb stem densities. Our analysis showed that invasion is currently ongoing in secondary forests, and also that strawberry guava is able to establish and persist under closed canopies. If left unchecked, strawberry guava invasion will have deleterious consequences for native regenerating forest in the Australian Wet Tropics.  相似文献   

We used a mosaic of infrequently burnt temperate rainforest and adjacent, frequently burnt eucalypt forests in temperate eastern Australia to test whether: (1) there were differences in flammability of fresh and dried foliage amongst congeners from contrasting habitats, (2) habitat flammability was related to regeneration strategy, (3) litter fuels were more flammable in frequently burnt forests, (4) the severity of a recent fire influenced the flammability of litter (as this would suggest fire feedbacks), and (5) microclimate contributed to differences in fire hazard amongst habitats. Leaf-level comparisons were made among 11 congeneric pairs from rainforest and eucalypt forests. Leaf-level ignitability, combustibility and sustainability were not consistently higher for taxa from frequently burnt eucalypt forests, nor were they higher for species with fire-driven recruitment. The bulk density of litter-bed fuels strongly influenced flammability, but eucalypt forest litter was not less dense than rainforest litter. Ignitability, combustibility and flame sustainability of community surface fuels (litter) were compared using fuel arrays with standardized fuel mass and moisture content. Forests previously burned at high fire severity did not have consistently higher litter flammability than those burned at lower severity or long unburned. Thus, contrary to the Mutch hypothesis, there was no evidence of higher flammability of litter fuels or leaves from frequently burnt eucalypt forests compared with infrequently burnt rainforests. We suggest the manifest pyrogenicity of eucalypt forests is not due to natural selection for more flammable foliage, but better explained by differences in crown openness and associated microclimatic differences.  相似文献   

The Australian Wet Tropics region extends for almost 900 000 ha along the coastline of north‐east Queensland. The rainforests in this region have a rich and unique biodiversity and are World Heritage listed by UNESCO. Disturbance from tropical cyclones is a significant driver of the rainforest dynamics in this area, and when frequent or intense can facilitate the recruitment and expansion of exotic invasive species. Exotic vines are of particular concern for forest conservation as they can be highly competitive with native vegetation and may prevent forest regeneration. This literature review found evidence that fragmented forests, which are very common in the Australian Wet Tropics, are vulnerable to post‐cyclone vine invasion. In particular, although the diversity and abundance of herbaceous vines tend to decline as the canopy closes 2 years post‐cyclone disturbance, woody exotic vines and scramblers may persist for much longer or even increase in numbers. Since forest recovery in these systems is influenced by the severity and recurrence of disturbance, an increase in cyclone intensity under climate change may cause rapid changes in rainforest structure, composition and diversity, and increase exotic vine invasion. Post‐cyclone management of vines appears to require direct intervention, with manual cutting being currently the most effective method. However, there are a number of difficulties to its wide implementation in Australia, and further study on options for control is needed. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Aim We examined relationships between climate–disturbance gradients and patterns of vegetation zonation and ecotones on a subtropical mountain range. Location The study was conducted on the windward slopes of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, where cloud forest appears to shift in a narrow ecotone to monodominant forest of Pinus occidentalis. Methods Climate, disturbance and vegetation data were collected over the elevation range 1100–3100 m and in 50 paired plots along the ecotone. Aerial photographs were georeferenced to a high‐resolution digital elevation model in order to enable the analysis of landscape‐scale patterns of the ecotone. Results A Shipley–Keddy test detected discrete compositional ecotones at 2200 and 2500 m; the distributions of tree species at lower elevations were continuous. The elevation of the ecotone determined with aerial photographs was fairly consistent, namely ± 164 m (SD) over its 124‐km length, but it exhibited significant landscape variation, occurring at a lower elevation in a partially leeward, western zone. The ecotone also occurred significantly lower on ridges than it did in drainage gullies. Ecotone forest structure and composition differed markedly between paired plots. In pine paired plots, the canopy height was 1.7 times higher and the basal area of non‐pine species was 6 times lower than in the cloud forest directly below. Fire evidence was ubiquitous in the pine forest but rare in the abutting cloud forest. Mesoclimate changed discontinuously around the elevation of the ecotone: humidity and cloud formation decreased markedly, and frost frequency increased exponentially. Main conclusions The discreteness of the ecotone was produced primarily by fire. The elevational consistency of the ecotone, however, resulted from the overarching influence of mesoclimate on the elevational patterns of fire occurrence. Declining temperature and precipitation combine with the trade‐wind inversion to create a narrow zone where high‐elevation fires extinguish, enabling fire‐sensitive and fire‐tolerant taxa to abut. Once established, mesotopography and contrasting vegetation physiognomy probably reinforce this boundary through feedbacks on microenvironment and fire likelihood. The prominence of the pine in this study – and of temperate and fire‐tolerant taxa in subtropical montane forests in general – highlights the importance of climate‐disturbance–biogeography interactions in ecotone formation, particularly where fire mediates a dynamic between climate and vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract Spatial heterogeneity in the intensity of past disturbances has directly influenced the structure and composition of present‐day forests around the world. In south‐eastern Australia infrequent, high‐intensity wildfires are a major part of the historical disturbance regime. While these fires are often assumed to produce even‐aged stands, spatial heterogeneity in fire intensity due to highly variable topography may lead to more complex forest age structures. Our study describes the influence of disturbance on the age structure and dynamics of a mosaic of tall, open eucalypt forest, cool temperate rainforest and mixed species forest surrounding Bellel Creek in the Central Highlands of Victoria using dendrochronological techniques. We were particularly interested in the impacts of the 1939 Black Friday fire and its effects on forest age structure and subsequent stand development patterns. Within our study site tall open forest displayed two distinct age cohorts: (i) trees that established immediately after the 1939 fire and accounted for the majority of individuals in the forest, and (ii) scattered groups of older trees estimated to be approximately 200–250 years old. Cool temperate rainforest and mixed forest were also dominated by the post‐1939 fire age cohort. However, a greater proportion of trees in these forest types survived the 1939 fire relative to the tall open forest. The impact of the 1939 fire on the growth of surviving trees was highly variable but generally short‐lived. In most cases growth decreased after the 1939 fire, but generally returned to prefire levels within 1–3 years. Non‐fire disturbances were limited to small‐scale branch‐ and tree‐fall events, although the extreme snowstorm of 1977 appears to have caused extensive damage to rainforest communities. Our study demonstrates the opportunities for dendroecological studies to reconstruct historical dynamics and disturbance patterns in Australian forests and provides important insights into variation in landscape‐scale fire impacts and their effect on subsequent forest development patterns.  相似文献   

In fire‐prone landscapes, differences in post‐fire regeneration by resprouting between species or sites could be far more important in explaining vegetation physiognomy and composition than seed regeneration. This is the first study exploring the relative contribution of tree resprouts and seeds to post‐fire crown volume in the Chaco Serrano forest of South America. Additionally, we compare the resprouting response among species and quantify post‐fire changes in tree composition among sites. We established 290 permanent plots distributed in three sites affected by wildfires in 2005. For all tree species in all plots we recorded survival of every individual 1 year after the fire; at the plot level, we recorded the above‐ground tree volume before and 3 years after the fire. Resprouting from the base was the main resprouting type. Survival varied between species from 73% to 100% for native species and from 7% to 100% for non‐natives. Before the fire, crown volume was similar in the three sites, and was completely lost after the fire in 92% of the plots. Three years after the fire, between 8% and 58% of crown volume was recovered. The ratio of crown recovery because of resprouts and seedlings was 1562:1. Tree composition exhibited few changes because of the high post‐fire survival of most native species. We conclude that in the semiarid Chaco Serrano ecosystem tree species regenerate mainly by resprouting. This regeneration mode should be taken into account to better understand post‐fire successional pathways of these forests, their management and the restoration of burnt forest areas.  相似文献   

The study of plant functional types (PFTs) has been widely emphasized when analysing plant community changes in relation to variations in climate and disturbance regime. In this study, we search for PFTs of woody species near forest–grassland boundaries in South Brazil where, due to climate, forests tend to expand over grassland but are being restricted by frequent fires. We aimed at answering the questions: (i) which plant functional types of forest woody species can establish in adjacent grassland subject to fire disturbance and (ii) which plant functional types of forest and grassland woody species are related to short-term community dynamics in frequently burned grassland. Traits were assessed in woody plants in 156 plots (6.75 m2) arranged in 12 transects across forest–grassland boundaries with different fire history in their grassland part. The analysis used a recursive algorithm to search for traits and PFTs maximally associated to spatial distance from forest limit in one analysis, and elapsed time since last fire in another. As a result, nine PFTs of forest woody species were identified that best described community patterns associated to distance from forest. Resprouting ability characterized forest plants able to colonize grasslands. PFT diversity was higher in border plots than inside forest or grassland. Four PFTs of forest and grassland woody species best described woody species community patterns in the grassland associated to elapsed time since fire. Taller individuals of single-stemmed shrubs predominated in late post-fire recovery (3–4 years), while shorter multi-stemmed shrubs in recently burned areas (3 months to 1 year). PFTs of forest trees occurred in border plots or, as established adults, in grassland, remaining unaffected by fire. We conclude that easily measurable structural plant traits, such as those used in our study, are sufficient to evaluate post-fire community dynamics. Forest PFTs in burned grassland are restricted to those with resprouting ability to survive recurrent fire events. Establishment success is highest on protected sites with lesser or low-intensity fire.  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this study was to identify attributes of the understorey vegetation, soil root biomass, soil chemistry and microbial community that may be associated with tree decline in high altitude eucalypt forests in Tasmania. The sites studied were in healthy eucalypt forest, forest in decline and forest containing dead eucalypts dominated by rainforest, in north‐east (Eucalyptus delegatensis forest) and in north‐west (Eucalyptus coccifera forest) Tasmania. In both regions bare ground, rock and shrubby species were associated with healthy sites whereas decline sites were associated with moss and a tall understorey with a high percentage cover of rainforest species. Healthy sites had low root biomass in the top 10 cm of the soil profile relative to decline and rainforest sites. Seedlings of high altitude species were grown in rainforest soil (0.314% N and 0.060% P) and healthy eucalypt soil (0.253% N and 0.018% P). The four eucalypt species studied had similar root to shoot ratio in the two soils, but the rainforest species, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Leptospermum lanigerum, had higher root to shoot ratio in the healthy eucalypt than in the rainforest soil. We produced three soil filtrates: (i) fungi and bacteria present; (ii) bacteria only present and; and (iii) sterile, from healthy, decline and rainforest sites in north‐east and in north‐west Tasmania and used linseed as a germination bioassay. Filtrates from the north‐east decline and rainforest sites induced a significantly greater dysplastic germination response than healthy sites in (i) and (ii) filtrates, but this was not found in filtrates from sites in the north‐west. We conclude that while the development of a rainforest understorey and elevated soil root biomass in the long absence of fire is generally associated with high altitude eucalypt decline, altered bacterial and/or chemical attributes of soil are not always associated with high altitude eucalypt decline.  相似文献   

Wet‐sclerophyll forests are unique ecosystems that can transition to dry‐sclerophyll forests or to rainforests. Understanding of the dynamics of these forests for conservation is limited. We evaluated the long‐term succession of wet‐sclerophyll forest on World Heritage listed K'gari (Fraser Island)—the world's largest sand island. We recorded the presence and growth of tree species in three 0.4 hectare plots that had been subjected to selective logging, fire, and cyclone disturbance over 65 years, from 1952 to 2017. Irrespective of disturbance regimes, which varied between plots, rainforest trees recruited at much faster rates than the dominant wet‐sclerophyll forest trees, narrowly endemic species Syncarpia hillii and more common Lophostemon confertus. Syncarpia hillii did not recruit at the plot with the least disturbance and recruited only in low numbers at plots with more prominent disturbance regimes in the ≥10 cm at breast height size. Lophostemon confertus recruited at all plots but in much lower numbers than rainforest trees. Only five L. confertus were detected in the smallest size class (<10 cm diameter) in the 2017 survey. Overall, we find evidence that more pronounced disturbance regimes than those that have occurred over the past 65 years may be required to conserve this wet‐sclerophyll forest, as without intervention, transition to rainforest is a likely trajectory. Fire and other management tools should therefore be explored, in collaboration with Indigenous landowners, to ensure conservation of this wet‐sclerophyll forest.  相似文献   

Podocarpus drouynianus is unusual in the Podocarpaceae and conifers in general in being a strongly resprouting species which thrives in a fire-prone environment. The species is a dioecious, multi-stemmed shrub endemic to the eucalypt forests of the south-west of Western Australia. Stems are killed by fire but it is able to regenerate its foliage from a lignotuber. The total bud bank seems to be released by burning and death of the shoots, while pruning without fire releases only a proportion of available buds. Growth rate of resprouts is initially rapid, with stems reaching 25% of their mature length in the first year after fire. However, growth of juvenile plants is very slow. Fire promotes cone production on the new stems about one year after fire. The large seed is recalcitrant but timing of germination coincides with the wettest time of the year in the area where the species grows. Pyrogenic coning avoids loss of seed due to severe fires and is a form of mast reproduction that benefits this species by increasing pollen transfer and producing a mass seed crop to attract the primary vertebrate disperser – the emu. The strong resprouting ability ensures the species is resilient to frequent disturbance and to severe predation of the seed crop. Vertebrate dispersal tends to concentrate seed lots, making them vulnerable to predation if they are deposited in open areas. However, being dispersed by a large vertebrate will ensure long-distance dispersal, often to areas beyond that which was subject to fire. These would include vegetated areas, where the large seeds could lodge in safe sites and produce seedlings that are able to survive under the shade of established plants. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 433–449.  相似文献   

Abstract: Eucalyptus tereticornis seedlings occurring on the edges of grassy balds on the Bunya Mountains were burnt by four separate fires. From the results, a logistic model demonstrated that lignotuber size was positively related and fire temperature negatively related to survivorship. While mortality was high for young seedlings there was no mortality of 5‐year old survivors from these trials subject to repeat burning. The model predicted that burning every 2 years will not substantially limit seedling establishment. This prediction was strengthened by results verifying that management fires on the grassy balds are generally of low intensity. Fire intensity is weakly related to a Fire Danger Index, indicating that the timing of burning in relation to weather conditions will not substantially enhance opportunities for more intense fires. Thus, even with biennial burning under optimal conditions eucalypt forest will replace grassy balds where they adjoin. Regular burning by aborigines may have maintained grassy bald‐rainforest boundaries, but not boundaries with eucalypt forest. Seed dispersal and migration barriers may have limited the expansion of eucalypt forest. It is concluded that under current conditions the long‐term preservation of the grassy balds is only possible where they are entirely surrounded by rainforest and are regularly burnt.  相似文献   

Increasing temperatures are predicted to have profound effects on montane ecosystems. In tropical forests, biotic attrition may reduce lowland diversity if losses of species due to upslope range shifts are not matched by influxes of warmer‐adapted species, either because there are none or their dispersal is impeded. Australian rainforests consist of a north–south chain of patches, broken by dry corridors that are barriers to the dispersal of rainforest species. These rainforests have repeatedly contracted and expanded during Quaternary glacial cycles. Many lowland rainforests are expansions since the Last Glacial Maximum and may, therefore, show a signal of historical biotic attrition. We surveyed ants from replicated sites along three rainforest elevational transects in eastern Australia spanning 200 to 1200 m a.s.l. and nearly 14° of latitude. We examined elevational patterns of ant diversity and if there was possible evidence of lowland biotic attrition. Each transect was in a different biogeographic region; the Australian Wet Tropics (16.3°S), the central Queensland coast (21.1°S) and subtropical south‐eastern Queensland (28.1°S). We calculated ant species density (mean species per site) and species richness (estimated number of species by incorporating site‐to‐site species turnover) within elevational bands. Ant species density showed no signal of lowland attrition and was high at low and mid‐elevations and declined only at high elevations at all transects. Similarly, estimated species richness showed no evidence of lowland attrition in the Wet Tropics and subtropical south‐east Queensland; species richness peaked at low elevations and declined monotonically with increasing elevation. Persistence of lowland rainforest refugia in the Wet Tropics during the Last Glacial Maximum and latitudinal range shifts of ants in subtropical rainforests during the Holocene climatic optimum may have counteracted lowland biotic attrition. In central Queensland, however, estimated richness was similar in the lowlands and mid‐elevations, and few ant species were indicative of lower elevations. This may reflect historical biotic attrition due perhaps to a lack of lowland glacial refugia and the isolation of this region by a dry forest barrier to the north.  相似文献   

Disturbances and environmental heterogeneity are two factors thought to influence plant species diversity, but their effects are still poorly understood in many ecosystems. We surveyed understory vegetation and measured tree canopy cover on permanent plots spanning an experimental fire frequency gradient to test fire frequency and tree canopy effects on plant species richness and community heterogeneity within a mosaic of grassland, oak savanna, oak woodland, and forest communities. Species richness was assessed for all vascular plant species and for three plant functional groups: grasses, forbs, and woody plants. Understory species richness and community heterogeneity were maximized at biennial fire frequencies, consistent with predictions of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. However, overstory tree species richness was highest in unburned units and declined with increasing fire frequency. Maximum species richness was observed in unburned units for woody species, with biennial fires for forbs, and with near-annual fires for grasses. Savannas and woodlands with intermediate and spatially variable tree canopy cover had greater species richness and community heterogeneity than old-field grasslands or closed-canopy forests. Functional group species richness was positively correlated with functional group cover. Our results suggest that annual to biennial fire frequencies prevent shrubs and trees from competitively excluding grasses and prairie forbs, while spatially variable shading from overstory trees reduces grass dominance and provides a wider range of habitat conditions. Hence, high species richness in savannas is due to both high sample point species richness and high community heterogeneity among sample points, which are maintained by intermediate fire frequencies and variable tree canopy cover.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration is increasingly applied in tropical forests to mitigate biodiversity loss and recover ecosystem functions. In restoration ecology, functional richness, rather than species richness, often determines community assembly, and measures of functional diversity provide a mechanistic link between diversity and ecological functioning of restored habitat. Vertebrate animals are important for ecosystem functioning. Here, we examine the functional diversity of small‐to‐medium sized mammals to evaluate the diversity and functional recovery of tropical rainforest. We assess how mammal species diversity and composition and functional diversity and composition, vary along a restoration chronosequence from degraded pasture to “old‐growth” tropical rainforest in the Wet Tropics of Australia. Species richness, diversity, evenness, and abundance did not vary, but total mammal biomass and mean species body mass increased with restoration age. Species composition in restoration forests converged on the composition of old‐growth rainforest and diverged from pasture with increasing restoration age. Functional metrics provided a clearer pattern of recovery than traditional species metrics, with most functional metrics significantly increasing with restoration age when taxonomic‐based metrics did not. Functional evenness and dispersion increased significantly with restoration age, suggesting that niche complementarity enhances species' abundances in restored sites. The change in community composition represented a functional shift from invasive, herbivorous, terrestrial habitat generalists and open environment specialists in pasture and young restoration sites, to predominantly endemic, folivorous, arboreal, and fossorial forest species in older restoration sites. This shift has positive implications for conservation and demonstrates the potential of tropical forest restoration to recover rainforest‐like, diverse faunal communities.  相似文献   

Natural grasslands in southern Australia commonly exist in altered states. One widespread altered state is grassland pasture dominated by cool‐season (C3) native grasses maintained by ongoing grazing. This study explores the consequences of removing grazing and introducing fire as a conservation management tool for such a site. We examined the abundance of two native and three exotic species, across a mosaic of fire regimes that occurred over a three‐year period: unburnt, summer wild‐fire (>2 years previous), autumn management fire (<1 year previously) and burnt in both fires. Given that one aim of conservation management is to increase native species at the expense of exotics, the impacts of the fires were largely positive. Native grasses were at higher cover levels in the fire‐managed vegetation than in the unburnt vegetation. Of the three exotic species, one was consistently at lower density in the burnt plots compared to the unburnt plots, while the others were lower only in those plots burnt in summer. The results show that the response of a species varies significantly between different fire events, and that the effects of one fire can persist through subsequent fires. Importantly, some of the effects were large, with changes in the density of plants of over 100‐fold. Fire is potentially a cost‐effective tool to assist the ecological restoration of retired grassland pastures at large scales.  相似文献   

North American fire‐adapted forests are experiencing changes in fire frequency and climate. These novel conditions may alter postwildfire responses of fire‐adapted trees that survive fires, a topic that has received little attention. Historical, frequent, low‐intensity wildfire in many fire‐adapted forests is generally thought to have a positive effect on the growth and vigor of trees that survive fires. Whether such positive effects can persist under current and future climate conditions is not known. Here, we evaluate long‐term responses to recurrent 20th‐century fires in ponderosa pine, a fire‐adapted tree species, in unlogged forests in north central Idaho. We also examine short‐term responses to individual 20th‐century fires and evaluate whether these responses have changed over time and whether potential variability relates to climate variables and time since last fire. Growth responses were assessed by comparing tree‐ring measurements from trees in stands burned repeatedly during the 20th century at roughly the historical fire frequency with trees in paired control stands that had not burned for at least 70 years. Contrary to expectations, only one site showed significant increases in long‐term growth responses in burned stands compared with control stands. Short‐term responses showed a trend of increasing negative effects of wildfire (reduced diameter growth in the burned stand compared with the control stand) in recent years that had drier winters and springs. There was no effect of time since the previous fire on growth responses to fire. The possible relationships of novel climate conditions with negative tree growth responses in trees that survive fire are discussed. A trend of negative growth responses to wildfire in old‐growth forests could have important ramifications for forest productivity and carbon balance under future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

In many highland forests of Eucalyptus delegatensis in Tasmania the establishment and healthy growth of eucalypts is promoted and maintained by fire. In the absence of fire, secondary succession from eucalypt forest to rainforest occurs, during which the eucalypts decline and die prematurely. On sites that are prone to radiation frost severe reduction or removal of a tree canopy allows a sward of tussock grasses to develop, in competition with which seedlings of eucalypts decline in growth and a high proportion dies.Factors of the soil that could contribute to these phenomena were investigated by means of pot experiments that used soils from:o  相似文献   

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