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Summary The structure and metabolism of a soft-sediment estuarine macrofaunal community were measured over an annual cycle at two depth-contours in mesohaline Chesapeake Bay. Additional data for plankton productivity and respiration, as well as seston and sediment organics are also summarized for these communities. Benthic community respiration ranged from 0.24–3.38 g O2 m-2 d-1, and significant differences were detected between the two depths. Similarly, macroinfaunal standing stocks reached 11.2 and 32.3 g (ash free) m-2 for 3 m and 6 m depth communities, respectively, and both exhibited mid-summer declines in abundance. Inferences drawn from these data facilitated a partitioning of benthic community respiration into macrofaunal and meiofaunal/microbial components with a residual term, much of which could be explained statistically by interactions between these two components. A multi-variate statistical model developed from these data matched benthic respiration measurements within 1–2 S.E. Mass-balances of organic carbon were estimated for water column and benthos at the two depthcontours for early and late summer, as well as for an entire, time-weighted year. These various analyses led to the tentative conclusions that this benthic community was regulated by such internal factors as macrofaunal/meiofaunal grazing and microbial gardening, and by external factors such as temperature and predation by nekton. However, it appears that the ultimate control for this community was the supply of energy from organic carbon.Contribution No. HPEL-1206, USASupported by grants with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (PS-72-02(77-78)), J.A. Mihursky, Coordinating Principal Investigator  相似文献   

Clarification of the role of the physical structure of mangrove for benthic faunal communities was sought by investigating the impacts of canopy shade and root structure on (1) the physical environment, including temperature, moisture and grain size of the substrate sediment, (2) benthic faunal distribution, and (3) food resource availability, using a field manipulated experiment at an intertidal mangrove forest around Sikao Creek, Trang Province, Thailand. Five treatments were established, including artificial shade cover, root simulated structure, mix (shade and structure) and control of the canopy gap (which had no mangrove vegetation), in addition to forest control under the mangrove canopy. Following 18 months of observation, species' richness and abundance of epifauna were found to have increased in shaded treatments, which had low temperature and high moisture substrate. Food resource conditions had also altered from abundant microphytobenthos (relatively high nutritional values) to enriched mangrove detritus due to shading. These results indicated that the physical structure of mangrove vegetation facilitates the habitation of intertidal epifauna, canopy shade having an important function in providing cooler wetter surface substrate, despite also inducing a reduction of favorable food resources (i.e. microphytobenthos).  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(4):417-424
We tested whether macrobenthic community condition varies significantly with water depth in a variety of regions of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Benthic community condition was characterized using the Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity (B-IBI) previously developed for the Bay. We applied two water depth thresholds intended to emphasize the ecological importance and/or anthropogenic impacts upon shallow-water regions. The first threshold of 2 m emphasizes restoring and supporting submerged aquatic vegetation while the second threshold of 4 m emphasizes the zone of maximum anthropogenic impact upon natural ecosystem functions. An a priori expectation is that benthic community condition may worsen with increasing depth, specifically in regions (1) where water column stratification at depth results in prolonged low dissolved oxygen levels or (2) where net deposition at depth results in higher levels of hydrophobic, sediment-bound contaminants. Samples collected from a major tributary of Chesapeake Bay, the York River estuary, spanned the entire salinity range from tidal freshwater to polyhaline. We also tested the shallow-water depth thresholds using data from the Virginia Mainstem of Chesapeake Bay and the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River. These two polyhaline regions are characterized as having the best and worst benthic community condition in Chesapeake Bay. At the scale of the entire tidal York River system, there were no significant differences in benthic community condition with water depth. However, two salinity regions, low mesohaline and polyhaline, had significant depth effects with the shallowest water depth zone significantly different from the other two depth regions. For the low mesohaline region benthic community condition was worse at the shallowest depth and for the polyhaline region the shallowest depth was better comparing the three depth regions. No depth-related differences in the B-IBI were found for the two additional Chesapeake Bay strata, the Virginia Mainstem characterized with the lowest levels of benthic community degradation and for the Southern branch of the Elizabeth River, characterized by the highest levels of benthic community degradation. We conclude that the ecological state of Chesapeake Bay subtidal benthic communities is adequately characterized by randomly sampling all depths without further stratification into shallow and deeper regions.  相似文献   

John T. Davey 《Aquatic Ecology》1993,27(2-4):147-153
A multidisciplinary study of the impact of bioturbation on sediment dynamics has been underway for some time at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The current programme has been founded upon the careful selection of six sites in the River Tamar, representative of important combinations of physical and biological variables. The paper presents preliminary results illustrating the contrasting importance of the speciesNereis diversicolor andNephtys hombergi as agents of bioturbation, given their different distributions across the six sites. Thus bioirrigation byN. diversicolor increases up the estuary and is greatest in the region of high suspended bed-load due to tidal pumping, where the consequences for chemical exchange processes between sediments and the water column may be most important. The sediment mixing effects ofN. hombergi are likely to be greater towards the seaward end of the estuary but ultimately the particular sediment types and the macrofaunal communities they support dictate the level of bioturbation in ways that do not necessarily relate to simple axial gradients along the estuary.  相似文献   

Summary The concept of biological stability is so complex that at least six different meanings have been ascribed to it. We propose that one definition, the ability of a system once perturbed to return to its previous state be utilized as a working definition. Using quantitative data collected monthly from a soft-bottom community that undergoes an annual natural catastrophic defaunation coupled with a recently developed analytical technique, we demonstrate the feasability of a working definition and show the existence of stability in the soft-bottom community. The utility of a working definition of stability in the evaluation of disturbance is discussed.A portion of a dissertation (SLS) submitted in partial fulfillment of the Ph.D. degree, Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida  相似文献   

Antigenic similarities among estuarine soft-bottom benthic taxa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Antisera prepared against whole-organism extracts of benthic invertebrates from Puget Sound, Washington, and North Inlet, South Carolina, were tested for specificity with extracts from both coasts. Immunological similarities among taxa reflected conventional phylogenetic relationships both within each of these areas and also between both areas. Antisera also cross-reacted with extracts to a lesser degree at higher taxonomic levels. The existence of common antigens among phylogenetically related taxa makes feasible the use of serological methods to document trophic interactions in environments where it is difficult to obtain sufficient material to serve as immunogen for production of highly specific antisera. Deep-sea or other high diversity food webs may be investigated using serological methods that are already well-developed for use in terrestrial and shallow-water environments.Contribution No. 423 from the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research and the Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA  相似文献   

Estuarine intertidal soft-bottom macrobenthic infauna of the Tagus estuary was characterised using different mesh size sieves and sediment sampling depth. The study sampled 105 sites using a hand held 0.01 m2 corer. The top layer (0–5 cm) was sieved through nested 1.0 and 0.5 mm meshes whereas the bottom layer (5–20 cm) was through a 1 mm mesh. The total survey took 26 taxa of more than 5800 individuals and a total wet weight biomass of over 650 g. The top layer, using both sieves, gathered 23 taxa (92% of the total), more than 5600 specimens (96%) but less than 8 g of biomass (1%) whereas the 1.0 mm sieve retained 21 taxa (91%), more than 1700 specimens (31%) and almost 7 g of biomass (1%). Abundance was dominated by small annelids, of which Streblospio shrubsolii was 68%, whereas biomass was dominated by molluscs, with the bivalve Scrobicularia plana representing 98%. Multivariate analyses showed an abundance pattern where the top layer data was very similar to that obtained with both layers. The bottom layer data were needed to accurately represent the total biomass pattern. The macrofaunal spatial pattern identified with the 0.5 mm sieve data differed from that identified by the 1.0 mm and was essential to discriminate a faunal assemblage located along the upper part of the shore. It was concluded that in order to characterize the macrofauna community structure, based on the presence/absence of taxa, the top layer and a 1.0 mm sieve would be sufficient. An abundance-based characterization requires the top layer and a 0.5 mm sieve whereas a biomass-based characterization requires data for both layers but it is sufficient to use the 1.0 mm sieve. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of glycogen in estuarine benthic animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The benthic environment and fauna of Lake Turkana were studied during 1978–1979 to determine distribution patterns and associations of benthic invertebrates. Lake Turkana is a large, closed-basin, alkaline lake, located in northern Kenya.Detailed environmental information is currently only available for substrate variations throughout Lake Turkana. Water chemistry and other data are currently inadequate to evaluate their effects on the distribution of Lake Turkana benthic invertebrates. Three weak faunal-substrate associations were discovered at Turkana. A littoral, soft bottom association (large standing crop) is dominated by the corixid Micronecta sp. and the ostracod Hemicypris kliei. A littoral, rocky bottom association, also with a large standing crop, is dominated by various gastropods and insects. A profundal, muddy bottom association, with a very small standing crop, is dominated by the ostracods Hemicypris intermedia and Sclerocypris cf. clavularis and several gastropod and chironomid species.  相似文献   

Paleoecology of benthic community replacement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The literature of community paleoecology is filled with examples in which long-term environmentally-controlled faunal transitions are misidentified as forms of ecologic succession. This has obscured a fundamental community-level process - community replacement - involving gradual to abrupt substitution of one benthic community for another as a result of subtle to sharp changes in habitats over subevolutionary time. In gradually changing environments, replacement takes place through conformational reorganization of species-abundance distributions within established communities, yielding sequences of slightly different fossil associations. Environments that change very rapidly drastically feature a different type of community replacement involving species turnover, wherein environmental tolerance limits of community members are closely approached or exceeded. Paleoecologists should be alert to the strong likelihood that many temporal transitions involving autochthonous fossil associations are, in fact, community replacement sequences.  相似文献   

The copepod community of the estuaries near Beaufort, NC underwenta consistent seasonal succession from a spring assemblage dominatedby the medium-sized copepod Acartia tonsa (1 mm) to a summer—fallassemblage dominated by the small-bodied copepods Parvocalanuscrizsrirostris and Oithona colcarva (both 0.5 mm). However,in enclosure experiments during this period, A. tonsa dominatedthe community, due to higher growth rates and its predationon the nauplii of other species. Nutrient additions enhancedthe dominance by A. tonsa. The decline in abundance of A. tonsain the estuary was associated with increased abundance of planktivorousanchovies and silversides. In other enclosure experiments, planktivorousfish eliminated A. tonsa and other large copepods, althoughthey persisted in enclosures lacking fish. I conclude that predationby size-selective planktivorous fish prevents dominance by A.tonsa during summer—fall. 1Present address: Institute of Marine Sciences, University ofNorth Carolina, 3407 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC 28557,USA  相似文献   

The winter planktonic copepod community of the estuaries near Beaufort N.C. underwent a consistent transition from dominance by Acartia tonsa Dana to dominance by Centropages spp., which was associated with unpredictable decreases in water temperature and increases in abundance of predatory mysids. Centropages subsequently remained dominant until spring. Experimental manipulations of water temperature and mysid abundance in enclosures showed that copepod species composition was determined by an interaction of direct temperature effects with predatory interactions among copepods and mysids. Low temperatures stimulated recruitment of Centropages spp. and inhibited recruitment of Acartia tonsa. Temperature decreases also apparently stimulated migration of mysids into the study area. While A. tonsa was dominant, selective predation by mysids reduced the relative abundance of A. tonsa, but after Centropages became dominant mysid predation had no effect on copepod species composition. Predation by Centropages on the nauplii of other species probably contributed to its persistent dominance in the estuary. Rising temperatures in the spring favored recruitment of Acartia tonsa and inhibited Centropages recruitment. Selective predation by fish entering the estuary in spring may have contributed to the decline in abundance of Centropages spp. and mysids.  相似文献   

Fast development of mariculture in the world leads to increasing of the load on natural habitats, especially due to organic enrichment. There are a few investigations concerning the effect of additional organic loading on the Arctic benthic communities. The main goal of our research was to ascertain the impact of mussel farm on the benthic community in the White Sea and its following recovery after mussel farm removal. We performed annual observations from 1988 to 2011. During the mussel farm functioning, two stages of organic enrichment impact on community structure were recorded: in the first 2 years, diversity and proportion of deposit feeders increased but later all studied characteristics of the benthic community decreased significantly. After the mussel farm removal, the benthic community started to restore and we distinguished several stages of recovery succession. Native structure of benthic community began to recover 8 years after organic loading had ceased, when selective deposit feeding bivalves Portlandia arctica Gray appeared in the benthos. 4–6 years later it became the only dominating species in the studied benthic community. Therefore, in the White Sea, native structure recovery of the Arctic benthic community after the severe disturbance took about 15 years.  相似文献   

Estuarine assemblages of fishes and natant decapod crustaceans (i.e. nekton) comprise both permanent resident species and juveniles of coastal marine species that use estuaries primarily as nurseries. In an attempt to understand how the young of marine species successfully invade communities of permanent estuarine residents we studied potential interactions between two of the most abundant decapod crustaceans in nekton assemblages of the southeastern United States. Three years of quantitative samples from an intertidal marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia showed that densities of the resident daggerblade grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio were reduced during the time that juvenile white shrimp Penaeus setiferus used the estuary as a nursery. Results of a field enclosure experiment showed that white shrimp had no significant lethal or sublethal effects on adult grass shrimp. However, they did reduce survival of both juvenile and larval grass shrimp in laboratory experiments, suggesting the potential importance of a stage-dependent predatorprey interaction between the two shrimp species. The mortality rate of young grass shrimp in the presence of white shrimp was unaffected by grass shrimp density, but larvae (2.6–3.0 mm) suffered higher mortalities than did juveniles (5.0–15.0 mm). We suggest that the vulnerability of grass shrimp to predation by white shrimp is related to their molting cycle. The window of vulnerability opens more often for younger grass shrimp because they molt more frequently. When combined with losses due to other predators and competitors, the impact of early white shrimp cohorts on grass shrimp larvae and juveniles may prevent the resident species from maintaining its population at high densities, thereby freeing resources in the nursery for subsequent cohorts of juvenile white shrimp.  相似文献   

Fürsich. Franz Theodor 1978 07 IS: The influence of faunal condensation and mixing on the preservation of fossil benthic communities. Lethaia , Vol. 11, pp. 243–250. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Condensation phenomena caused by environmental, biotic, or diagenetic factors are widespread in the fossil record, especially in shallow shelf sediments, and may alter the composition of ancient communities. Even without large-scale transport being involved, often only time-averaged seres will be available for palaeosynecological studies. This should be kept in mind when community analysis of such shell accumulations is attempted.  相似文献   

The intertidal benthic macrofauna of the Schelde estuary (The Netherlands and Belgium) was sampled in late autumn of 1990 at 50 stations along the whole salinity gradient (between Vlissingen and Dendermonde), including the freshwater tidal part. All stations were situated in sheltered areas with a relatively muddy sediment. Species richness, diversity and total biomass of the benthic macrofauna decreased along the salinity gradient from Vlissingen to Dendermonde, while total density showed no clear trend. Especially the oligohaline and freshwater tidal part of the Schelde estuary was characterized by a very impoverished benthic community, composed only of Oligochaeta. No other species (freshwater, marine or brackish) was observed in this part of the estuary. The marine part had a more diverse macrozoobenthos structure than that of the brackish part. Species found only in the marine zone areCerastoderma edule, Tharyx marioni, Eteone longa, Nephtys hombergii andCapitella capitata. In the brackish part of the estuary,Corophium volutator was a typical, dominant species. However, a lot of the dominant species were common in both the marine and brackish part of the Schelde estuary (e.g. Heteromastus filiformis, Pygospio elegans, Nereis diversicolor, Macoma balthica). The observed gradient in species composition and dominance is compared with some other European estuaries. The marine and brackish part of the Schelde estuary is quite similar to other european estuaries. The freshwater tidal part, however, was more impoverished.  相似文献   

Within transitional/estuarine environments ‘ecosystem functioning’ has been mostly investigated with “traditional” taxonomic analysis, based on the taxonomic composition of benthic invertebrate communities. However, ‘ecosystem functioning’ depends also greatly on the functional characteristics (biological traits) of organisms.It was a priori suggested that the biological traits of the subtidal benthic invertebrate communities within an estuarine environment would respond to the high variability of environmental pressures (natural and human induced) within this type of ecosystem.For this study, traditional taxonomic analysis (species richness, species density and Shannon–Wiener diversity) as well as biological trait analysis were used together for the first time to investigate the response of the subtidal benthic invertebrate communities to the environmental pressures within the Mondego estuary (Portugal).Biological trait analysis, in addition to traditional taxonomic analysis provided a more comprehensive understanding of the functioning within this type of ecosystem. Some of the most important outcomes are: (i) the trait “salinity preference” was the most important trait that distributed the species along the estuary, (ii) the central part of the estuary appeared to be under higher environmental stress levels than the other areas, as suggested by a dominance of some “opportunistic” traits (e.g. small short-lived species), (iii) the ratio between functional diversity (FD) and Shannon–Wiener diversity (H′) indicated lower functional redundancy at the upper reaches of the estuary. Our results, suggest that the ratio (FD/H′) might be a helpful tool to visualize this functional attribute and could potentially be applied to different communities from distinct environments. Using the traditional taxonomic analysis alone, this last functional aspect would not be detectable. Therefore, the inclusion of biological traits analysis is recommendable for estuarine ecological studies.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a growing interest and need for sound and robust ecological indices to evaluate ecosystem status and condition, mainly under the scope of the Water Framework Directive implementation. Although the conceptual basis for each index may rely on different assumptions and parameters, they share a common goal: to provide a useful tool that can be used in assessing the system's health and that could be applied in decision making. This paper focuses mainly on benthic community-based, biotic indices. We supply a general overview of several indices premises and assumptions as well as their main advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, an illustrative example is provided of a straightforward application of benthic index of biotic integrity and benthic condition index. As a reference, their performance is compared to the Portuguese-benthic assessment tool. Limitations of the tested indices are discussed in context of the Mondego estuary (Portugal) case study.  相似文献   

We characterized microbial biofilm communities developed over two very closely located but distinct benthic habitats in the Pensacola Bay estuary using two complementary cultivation-independent molecular techniques. Biofilms were grown for 7 days on glass slides held in racks 10 to 15 cm over an oyster reef and an adjacent muddy sand bottom. Total biomass and optical densities of dried biofilms showed dramatic differences for oyster reef versus non-oyster reef biofilms. This study assessed whether the observed spatial variation was reflected in the heterotrophic prokaryotic species composition. Genomic biofilm DNA from both locations was isolated and served as a template to amplify 16S rRNA genes with universal eubacterial primers. Fluorescently labeled PCR products were analyzed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, creating a genetic fingerprint of the composition of the microbial communities. Unlabeled PCR products were cloned in order to construct a clone library of 16S rRNA genes. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis was used to screen and define ribotypes. Partial sequences from unique ribotypes were compared with existing database entries to identify species and to construct phylogenetic trees representative of community structures. A pronounced difference in species richness and evenness was observed at the two sites. The biofilm community structure from the oyster reef setting had greater evenness and species richness than the one from the muddy sand bottom. The vast majority of the bacteria in the oyster reef biofilm were related to members of the gamma- and delta-subdivisions of Proteobacteria, the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium -Bacteroides cluster, and the phyla Planctomyces and Holophaga-Acidobacterium. The same groups were also present in the biofilm harvested at the muddy sand bottom, with the difference that nearly half of the community consisted of representatives of the Planctomyces phylum. Total species richness was estimated to be 417 for the oyster reef and 60 for the muddy sand bottom, with 10.5% of the total unique species identified being shared between habitats. The results suggest dramatic differences in habitat-specific microbial diversity that have implications for overall microbial diversity within estuaries.  相似文献   

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