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The two operons atp1 and atp2, encoding the subunits of the FOF1 ATP-synthase, have been cloned and sequenced from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The organization of the different genes in the operons have been found to resemble that of the cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 and Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. The Synechocystis FOF1 ATP-synthase has nine subunits. A tenth open reading frame with unknown function was detected at the 5 end of atp1, coding for a putative gene product similar to uncI in Escherichia coli.A promoter structure was inferred for the Synechocystis atp operons and compared to other known promoters of cyanobacteria. Even though the operon structure of atp1 and atp2 in Synechocystis resembles the corresponding operons of Synechococcus, the amino acid sequences of individual gene products show marked differences. Genetic distances between cyanobacterial genes and genes for ATP-synthase subunits from other species have been calculated and compiled into evolutionary trees.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial thylakoids catalyze both photosynthetic and respiratory activities. In a photosystem I-less Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 strain, electrons generated by photosystem II appear to be utilized by cytochrome oxidase. To identify the lumenal electron carriers (plastocyanin and/or cytochromes c 553, c 550, and possibly c M) that are involved in transfer of photosystem II-generated electrons to the terminal oxidase, deletion constructs for genes coding for these components were introduced into a photosystem I-less Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 strain, and electron flow out of photosystem II was monitored in resulting strains through chlorophyll fluorescence yields. Loss of cytochrome c 553 or plastocyanin, but not of cytochrome c 550, decreased the rate of electron flow out of photosystem II. Surprisingly, cytochrome c M could not be deleted in a photosystem I-less background strain, and also a double-deletion mutant lacking both plastocyanin and cytochromec 553 could not be obtained. Cytochrome c M has some homology with the cytochrome c-binding regions of the cytochromecaa3 -type cytochrome oxidase from Bacillus spp. and Thermus thermophilus. We suggest that cytochrome c M is a component of cytochrome oxidase in cyanobacteria that serves as redox intermediate between soluble electron carriers and the cytochromeaa3 complex, and that either plastocyanin or cytochrome c 553 can shuttle electrons from the cytochrome b6f complex to cytochrome c M.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that inducing photosynthesis in cyanobacteria requires respiration. A mutant deficient in glycogen phosphorylase (?GlgP) was prepared in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to suppress respiration. The accumulated glycogen in ΔGlgP was 250–450% of that accumulated in wild type (WT). The rate of dark respiration in ΔGlgP was 25% of that in WT. In the dark, P700+ reduction was suppressed in ΔGlgP, and the rate corresponded to that in (2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone)-treated WT, supporting a lower respiration rate in ?GlgP. Photosynthetic O2-evolution rate reached a steady-state value much slower in ?GlgP than in WT. This retardation was solved by addition of d-glucose. Furthermore, we found that the contents of Calvin cycle intermediates in ?GlgP were lower than those in WT under dark conditions. These observations indicated that respiration provided the carbon source for regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in order to drive the rapid start of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

In nature, photosynthetic organisms are exposed to fluctuating light, and their physiological systems must adapt to this fluctuation. To maintain homeostasis, these organisms have a light fluctuation photoprotective mechanism, which functions in both photosystems and metabolism. Although the photoprotective mechanisms functioning in the photosystem have been studied, it is unclear how metabolism responds to light fluctuations within a few seconds. In the present study, we investigated the metabolic response of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to light fluctuations using 13C-metabolic flux analysis. The light intensity and duty ratio were adjusted such that the total number of photons or the light intensity during the low-light phase was equal. Light fluctuations affected cell growth and photosynthetic activity under the experimental conditions. However, metabolic flux distributions and cofactor production rates were not affected by the light fluctuations. Furthermore, the estimated ATP and NADPH production rates in the photosystems suggest that NADPH-consuming electron dissipation occurs under fluctuating light conditions. Although we focused on the water–water cycle as the electron dissipation path, no growth effect was observed in an flv3-disrupted strain under fluctuating light, suggesting that another path contributes to electron dissipation under these conditions.  相似文献   

SYNECHOCYSTIS: PCC6803 possesses several open reading frames encoding putative WD-repeat proteins. One, the Hat protein, is involved in the control of a high-affinity transport system for inorganic carbon that is active when the cells are grown under a limiting concentration of this carbon substrate. The protein is composed of two major domains separated by a hydrophobic linker region of 20 amino acid residues. The N-terminal domain of Hat has no homolog in standard databases and does not display any particular structural features. Eleven WD repeats have been identified in the C-terminal moiety. The region encompassing the four terminal WD repeats is essential for growth under a limiting inorganic carbon regime. The region encompassing the two most terminal WD repeats is required for the activity of the high-affinity transport system. However, because the Hat protein is located in the thylakoids, it should not be itself an element of the transport system. The structural organization of the WD-containing domain of Hat was modeled from the crystal structure of the G protein beta subunit (with seven WD repeats) and of hemopexin (a structural analog with four blades). Functional and structural data argue in favor of an organization of the Hat WD moiety in two subdomains of seven and four WD repeats. The C-terminal 4-mer subdomain might interact with another, yet unknown, protein/peptide. This interaction could be essential in modulating the stability of the 4-mer structure and, thus, the accessibility of this subdomain, or at least of the region encompassing the last two WD repeats.  相似文献   

Part of the chlL gene encoding a component involved in light-independent protochlorophyllide reduction was deleted in wild type and in a photosystem I-less strain of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In resulting mutants, chlorophyll biosynthesis was fully light-dependent. When these mutants were propagated under light-activated heterotrophic growth conditions (in darkness except for 15 min of weak light a day) for several weeks, essentially no chlorophyll was detectable but protochlorophyllide accumulated. Upon return of the chlL - mutant cultures to continuous light, within the first 6 h chlorophyll was synthesized at the expense of protochlorophyllide at a rate independent of the presence of photosystem I. Chlorophyll biosynthesized during this time gave rise to a 685 nm fluorescence emission peak at 77 K in intact cells. This peak most likely originates from a component different from those known to be directly associated with photosystems II and I. Development of 695 and 725 nm peaks (indicative of intact photosystem II and photosystem I, respectively) required longer exposures to light. After 6 h of greening, the rate of chlorophyll synthesis slowed as protochlorophyllide was depleted. In the chlL - strain, greening occurred at the same rate at two different light intensities (5 and 50 E m-2s-1), indicating that also at low light intensity the amount of light is not rate-limiting for protochlorophyllide reduction. Thus, in this system the rate of chlorophyll biosynthesis is limited neither by biosynthesis of photosystems nor by the light-dependent protochlorophyllide reduction. We suggest the presence of a chlorophyll-binding chelator protein (with 77 K fluorescence emission at 685 nm) that binds newly synthesized chlorophyll and that provides chlorophyll for newly synthesized photosynthetic reaction centers and antennae.  相似文献   

Glutaminase is widely distributed among microorganisms and mammals with important functions. Lit-tle is known regarding the biochemical properties and functions of the deamidating enzyme glutami-nase in cyanobacteria. In this study a putative glutaminase encoded by gene slr2079 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated. The slr2079 was expressed as histidine-tagged fusion protein in Es-cherichia coli. The purified protein possessed glutaminase activity, validating the functional assign-ment of the genomic annotation. The apparent Km value of the recombinant protein for glutamine was 26.6 ± 0.9 mmol/L, which was comparable to that for some of other microbial glutaminases. Analysis of the purified protein revealed a two-fold increase in catalytic activity in the presence of 1 mol/L Na . Moreover, the Km value was decreased to 12.2 ± 1.9 mmol/L in the presence of Na . These data demon-strate that the recombinant protein Slr2079 is a glutaminase which is regulated by Na through in-creasing its affinity for substrate glutamine. The slr2079 gene was successfully disrupted in Synecho-cystis by targeted mutagenesis and the △slr2079 mutant strain was analyzed. No differences in cell growth and oxygen evolution rate were observed between △slr2079 and the wild type under standard growth conditions, demonstrating slr2079 is not essential in Synechocystis. Under high salt stress condition, however, △slr2079 cells grew 1.25-fold faster than wild-type cells. Moreover, the photosyn-thetic oxygen evolution rate of △slr2079 cells was higher than that of the wild-type. To further charac-terize this phenotype, a number of salt stress-related genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of gdhB and prc was enhanced and expression of desD and guaA was repressed in △slr2079 compared to the wild type. In addition, expression of two key enzymes of ammonium assimi-lation in cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of GOGAT was enhanced in △slr2079 compared to the wild type while GS expression was unchanged. The results indicate that slr2079 functions in the salt stress re-sponse by regulating the expression of salt stress related genes and might not play a major role in glutamine breakdown in Synechocystis.  相似文献   

In the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, the mrgA gene is part of the PerR regulon that is upregulated during peroxide stress. We determined that an Δ mrgA mutant was highly sensitive to low peroxide levels and that the mutant upregulated a gene cluster ( sll1722-26 ) that encoded enzymes involved with exopolymeric substance (EPS) production. We made mutants in this EPS cluster in both a wild type and Δ mrgA background and studied the responses to oxidative stress by measuring cell damage with LIVE/DEAD stain. We show that Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 becomes highly sensitive to oxidative stress when either mrgA or the sll1722-26 EPS components are deleted. The results suggest that the deletion of the EPS cluster makes a cell highly susceptible to cell damage, under moderate oxidative stress conditions. Mutations in either mrgA or the EPS cluster also result in cells that are more light and peroxide sensitive, and produce significantly less EPS material than in wild type. In this study, we show that in the absence of MrgA, which is known to be involved in the storage or mobilization of iron, cells can be more easily damaged by exogenous oxidative and light stress.  相似文献   

Glutaminase is widely distributed among microorganisms and mammals with important functions. Little is known regarding the biochemical properties and functions of the deamidating enzyme glutaminase in cyanobacteria. In this study a putative glutaminase encoded by gene slr2079 in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated. The slr2079 was expressed as histidine-tagged fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The purified protein possessed glutaminase activity, validating the functional assignment of the genomic annotation. The apparent K m value of the recombinant protein for glutamine was 26.6 ± 0.9 mmol/L, which was comparable to that for some of other microbial glutaminases. Analysis of the purified protein revealed a two-fold increase in catalytic activity in the presence of 1 mol/L Na+. Moreover, the K m value was decreased to 12.2 ± 1.9 mmol/L in the presence of Na+. These data demonstrate that the recombinant protein Slr2079 is a glutaminase which is regulated by Na+ through increasing its affinity for substrate glutamine. The slr2079 gene was successfully disrupted in Synechocystis by targeted mutagenesis and the Δslr2079 mutant strain was analyzed. No differences in cell growth and oxygen evolution rate were observed between Δslr2079 and the wild type under standard growth conditions, demonstrating slr2079 is not essential in Synechocystis. Under high salt stress condition, however, Δslr2079 cells grew 1.25-fold faster than wild-type cells. Moreover, the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate of Δslr2079 cells was higher than that of the wild-type. To further characterize this phenotype, a number of salt stress-related genes were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of gdhB and prc was enhanced and expression of desD and guaA was repressed in Δslr2079 compared to the wild type. In addition, expression of two key enzymes of ammonium assimilation in cyanobacteria, glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of GOGAT was enhanced in Δslr2079 compared to the wild type while GS expression was unchanged. The results indicate that slr2079 functions in the salt stress response by regulating the expression of salt stress related genes and might not play a major role in glutamine breakdown in Synechocystis. Supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant No. 30500108) and Hundred Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

A 3.3 kb HindIII restriction-digest DNA fragment was isolated from a Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 subgenomic plasmid library which strongly hybridized to a 349 bp fragment of the icfA (ccaA) gene from Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7942. DNA sequence analysis of the fragment revealed three open reading frames (ORFs), two of which potentially coded for pantothenate synthetase (ORF275) and cytidylate kinase (ORF230). The third, ORF274, was 825 bp in length, encoding a deduced polypeptide of 274 aa (M_r, 30747) that bears 55% sequence identity to the Synechococcus icfA (ccaA) translation product, a -type carbonic anhydrase (CA). A 932 bp EcoRI fragment containing ORF274 was subcloned into an expression vector and the construct was transformed into Escherichia coli for overexpression. Electrometric assays for CA activity revealed that whole cell extracts containing the recombinant protein significantly enhanced the rate of conversion of CO_2 to HCO- _3 and that 98% of this catalytic activity was inhibited by ethoxyzolamide, a well-characterized CA inhibitor. Antisera derived against the overexpressed protein recognized a 30.7 kDa protein that was predominantly associated with the isolated carboxysome fraction from Synechocystis. These results provide molecular and physiological evidence for the identification of a ccaA homologue in Synechocystis PCC6803 that encodes a carboxysomal -type CA.  相似文献   

Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a cyanobacterium widely used for basic research, is often cultivated in a synthetic medium, BG-11, in the presence of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) or 2-[[1,3-dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)propan-2-yl]amino]ethanesulfonic acid buffer. Owing to the high cost of HEPES buffer (96.9% of the total cost of BG-11 medium), the biotechnological application of BG-11 is limited. In this study, we cultured Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells in BG-11 medium without HEPES buffer and examined the effects on the primary metabolism. Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells could grow in BG-11 medium without HEPES buffer after adjusting for nitrogen sources and light intensity; the production rate reached 0.54 g cell dry weight·L−1·day−1, exceeding that of commercial cyanobacteria and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells cultivated under other conditions. The exclusion of HEPES buffer markedly altered the metabolites in the central carbon metabolism; particularly, the levels of compatible solutes, such as sucrose, glucosylglycerol, and glutamate were increased. Although the accumulation of sucrose and glucosylglycerol under high salt conditions is antagonistic to each other, these metabolites accumulated simultaneously in cells grown in the cost-effective medium. Because these metabolites are used in industrial feedstocks, our results reveal the importance of medium composition for the production of metabolites using cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

In the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 five open reading frames (scpAscpE) have been identified that code for single-helix proteins resembling helices I and III of chlorophyll a/b-binding (Cab) antenna proteins from higher plants. They have been named SCPs (small Cab-like proteins). Deletion of a single scp gene in a wild-type or in a photosystem I-less (PS I-less) strain has little effect. However, the effects of functional deletion of scpB or scpE were remarkable under conditions where chlorophyll availability was limited. When cells of a strain lacking PS I and chlL (coding for a polypeptide needed for light-independent protochlorophyllide reduction) were grown in darkness, the phycobilin and protochlorophyllide levels decreased upon deletion of scpB or scpE and the protoheme level was reduced in the strain lacking scpE. Addition of -aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in darkness drastically increased the level of Mg-protoporphyrin IX and Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester in the PS I-less/chlL /scpE strain, whereas PChlide accumulated in the PS I-less/chlL /scpB strain. In the PS I-less/chlL control strain ALA supplementation did not lead to large changes in the levels of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis intermediates. We propose that ScpE and ScpB regulate tetrapyrrole biosynthesis as a function of pigment availability. This regulation occurs primarily at an early step of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis, prior to ALA. In view of the conserved nature of chlorophyll-binding sites in these proteins, it seems likely that regulation by SCPs occurs as a function of chlorophyll availability, with SCPs activating chlorophyll biosynthesis steps when they do not have pigments bound.  相似文献   

Abstract We have isolated a Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 438 (serogroup 123) mutant which has the ability to form nodules on serogroup 123 nodulation-restricting plant introduction genotypes and soybeans containing the Rj4 allele. The identity of the mutant was confirmed by using a serocluster 123-specific DNA probe, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and serogroup-specific fluorescent antibodies. While the mutant contains Tn 5 inserted into a cryptic, non nod gene-containing locus, site-directed mutagenesis and complementation studies indicated that the transposon is not responsible for host-range extension. The mutant and the wild-type parent had the same chromatographic profiles of [14C]acetate-labelled extracellular B. japonicum nod factors.  相似文献   

To determine the fluorescence properties of cyanobacterial Photosystem I (PS I) in relatively intact systems, fluorescence emission from 20 to 295 K and polarization at 77 K have been measured from phycobilisomes-less thylakoids of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and a mutant strain lacking Photosystem II (PS II). At 295 K, the fluorescence maxima are 686 nm in the wild type from PS I and PS II and at 688 nm from PS I in the mutant. This emission is characteristic of bulk antenna chlorophylls (Chls). The 690-nm fluorescence component of PS I is temperature independent. For wild-type and mutant, 725-nm fluorescence increases by a factor of at least 40 from 295 to 20 K. We model this temperature dependence assuming a small number of Chls within PS I, emitting at 725 nm, with an energy level below that of the reaction center, P700. Their excitation transfer rate to P700 decreases with decreasing temperature increasing the yield of 725-nm fluorescence.Fluorescence excitation spectra of polarized emission from low-energy Chls were measured at 77 and 295 K on the mutant lacking PS II. At excitation wavelengths longer than 715 nm, 760-nm emission is highly polarized indicating either direct excitation of the emitting Chls with no participation in excitation transfer or total alignment of the chromophores. Fluorescence at 760 nm is unpolarized for excitation wavelengths shorter than 690 nm, inferring excitation transfer between Chls before 760-nm fluorescence occurs.Our measurements illustrate that: 1) a single group of low-energy Chls (F725) of the core-like PS I complex in cyanobacteria shows a strongly temperature-dependent fluorescence and, when directly excited, nearly complete fluorescence polarization, 2) these properties are not the result of detergent-induced artifacts as we are examining intact PS I within the thylakoid membrane of S. 6803, and 3) the activation energy for excitation transfer from F725 Chls to P700 is less than that of F735 Chls in green plants; F725 Chls may act as a sink to locate excitations near P700 in PS I.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - PS Photosystem - S. 6803 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 - PGP potassium glycerol phosphate  相似文献   

Application of NaHSO3 solution at low concentrations (20–200 μM) to the culture medium enhanced photosynthetic oxygen evolution in cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 by more than 10%. The slow phase of ms-DLE was strengthened, showing that the transmembrane proton motive force related to photophosphorylation was enhanced. It was also observed that dry weight as well as ATP content under illuminated conditions were both increased after the treatment, indicating that low concentrations of NaHSO3 could enhance the supply of ATP and thus increase biomass accumulation. In accord with the promotion in the photosynthetic oxygen evolution and ATP content, the transient increase in chlorophyll fluorescence after the termination of actinic light was increased; and meanwhile, the half-time of re-reduction of P700+ in the presence of DCMU after a pulse light under background far-red light was shortened by approximately 30%, indicating that cyclic electron flow around PS I was accelerated by the treatment. Based on these results it is suggested that the increase in photosynthesis in Synechocystis PCC6803 caused by low concentrations of NaHSO3 solution might be due to the stimulation of the cyclic electron flow around PS I and thus the increase in photophosphorylation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Degradation of the D1 protein of the Photosystem II (PS II) complex was studied in the Fad6/desA::Kmr mutant of a cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The D1 protein of the mutant was degraded during solubilization of thylakoid membranes with SDS at 0°C in darkness, giving rise to the 23 kDa amino-terminal and 10 kDa carboxy-terminal fragments. Moreover, the D2 and CP43 proteins were also degraded under such conditions of solubilization. Degradation of the D2 protein generated 24, 17 and 15.5 kDa fragments, and degradation of the CP43 protein gave rise to 28, 27.5, 26 and 16 kDa fragments. The presence of Ca2+ and urea protected the D1, D2 and CP43 proteins against degradation. Degradation of the D1 protein was also inhibited by the presence of a serine protease inhibitor suggesting that the putative protease involved belonged to the serine class of proteases. The protease had the optimum activity at pH 7.5; it was active at low temperature (0°C) but a brief heating (65°C) during solubilization destroyed the activity. Interestingly, the protease was active in isolated thylakoid membranes in complete darkness, suggesting that proteolysis may be a non-ATP-dependent process. Proteolytic activity present in thylakoid membranes seemed to reside outside of the PS II complex, as demonstrated by the 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. These results represent the first (in vitro) demonstration of strong activity of a putative ATP-independent serine-type protease that causes degradation of the D1 protein in cyanobacterial thylakoid membranes without any induction by visible or UV light, by active oxygen species or by any chemical treatments.  相似文献   

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