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Stomata represent one resistor in a series of resistances for carbon and water exchange between the leaf and the atmosphere; the remaining resistors occurring within the leaf, commonly represented as mesophyll conductance to CO2, gm, and leaf hydraulic conductance, kLeaf. Recent studies have proposed that gm and kLeaf may be coordinated across species because of shared pathways. We assessed the correlation between gm and kLeaf within cotton, under growth CO2 partial pressure and irradiance treatments and also with short‐term variation in irradiance and humidity. gm was estimated using two isotopic techniques that allowed partitioning of total gm13C‐gm) into cell wall plus plasma membrane conductance (Δ18O‐gm) and chloroplast membrane conductance (gcm). A weak correlation was found between Δ13C‐gm and kLeaf only when measured under growth conditions. However, Δ18O‐gm was related to kLeaf under both short‐term environmental variation and growth conditions. Partitioning gm showed that gcm was not affected by short‐term changes in irradiance or correlated with kLeaf, but was strongly reduced at high growth CO2 partial pressure. Thus, simultaneous measurements of gm, kLeaf and gcm suggest independent regulation of carbon and water transport across the chloroplast membrane with limited coordinated regulation across the cell wall and plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cell wall thickness is widely recognized as one of the main determinants of mesophyll conductance to CO2 (gm). However, little is known about the components that regulate effective CO2 diffusivity in the cell wall (i.e. the ratio between actual porosity and tortuosity, the other two biophysical diffusion properties of cell walls). The aim of this study was to assess, at the interspecific level, potential relationships between cell wall composition, cell wall thickness (Tcw) and gm. Gymnosperms constitute an ideal group to deepen these relationships, as they present, on average, the thickest cell walls within spermatophytes. We characterized the foliar gas exchange, the morphoanatomical traits related with gm, the leaf fraction constituted by cell walls and three main components of primary cell walls (hemicelluloses, cellulose and pectins) in seven gymnosperm species. We found that, although the relatively low gm of gymnosperms was mainly determined by their elevated Tcw, gm was also strongly correlated with cell wall composition, which presumably sets the final effective CO2 diffusivity. The data presented here suggest that (i) differences in gm are strongly correlated to the pectins to hemicelluloses and cellulose ratio in gymnosperms, and (ii) variations in cell wall composition may modify effective CO2 diffusivity in the cell wall to compensate the negative impact of thickened walls. We speculate that higher relative pectin content allows higher gm because pectins increase cell wall hydrophilicity and CO2 molecules cross the wall dissolved in water.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an abundant protein in most photosynthesizing organisms and higher plants. This review paper considers the physiological importance of the more abundant CA isoforms in photosynthesis, through their effects on CO2 diffusion and other processes in photosynthetic organisms. In plants, CA has multiple isoforms in three different families (α, β and γ) and is mainly known to catalyze the CO2 equilibrium. This reversible conversion has a clear role in photosynthesis, primarily through sustaining the CO2 concentration at the site of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Despite showing the same major reaction mechanism, the three main CA families are evolutionarily distinct. For different CA isoforms, cellular localization and total gene expression as a function of developmental stage are predicted to determine the role of each family in relation to the net assimilation rate. Reaction–diffusion modeling and observational evidence support a role for CA activity in reducing resistance to CO2 diffusion inside mesophyll cells by facilitating CO2 transfer in both gas and liquid phases. In addition, physical and/or biochemical interactions between CAs and other membrane‐bound compartments, for example aquaporins, are suggested to trigger a CO2‐sensing response by stomatal movement. In response to environmental stresses, changes in the expression level of CAs and/or stimulated deactivation of CAs may correspond with lower photosynthetic capacity. We suggest that further studies should focus on the dynamics of the relationship between the activity of CAs (with different subcellular localization, abundance and gene expression) and limitations due to CO2 diffusivity through the mesophyll and supply of CO2 to photosynthetic reactions.  相似文献   

Chloride (Cl?) has been recently described as a beneficial macronutrient, playing specific roles in promoting plant growth and water‐use efficiency (WUE). However, it is still unclear how Cl? could be beneficial, especially in comparison with nitrate (NO3?), an essential source of nitrogen that shares with Cl? similar physical and osmotic properties, as well as common transport mechanisms. In tobacco plants, macronutrient levels of Cl? specifically reduce stomatal conductance (gs) without a concomitant reduction in the net photosynthesis rate (AN). As stomata‐mediated water loss through transpiration is inherent in the need of C3 plants to capture CO2, simultaneous increase in photosynthesis and WUE is of great relevance to achieve a sustainable increase in C3 crop productivity. Our results showed that Cl?‐mediated stimulation of larger leaf cells leads to a reduction in stomatal density, which in turn reduces gs and water consumption. Conversely, Cl? improves mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2 (gm) and photosynthetic performance due to a higher surface area of chloroplasts exposed to the intercellular airspace of mesophyll cells, possibly as a consequence of the stimulation of chloroplast biogenesis. A key finding of this study is the simultaneous improvement of AN and WUE due to macronutrient Cl? nutrition. This work identifies relevant and specific functions in which Cl? participates as a beneficial macronutrient for higher plants, uncovering a sustainable approach to improve crop yield.  相似文献   

Variation in light demand is a major factor in determining the growth and survival of trees in a forest. There is strong relation between the light‐demand and the effect of growth irradiance on leaf morphology and photosynthesis in three Acer species: A. rufinerve (light‐demanding), A. mono (intermediate) and A. palmatum (shade‐tolerant). The increase in mesophyll thickness and surface area of chloroplasts facing the intercellular airspaces (Sc) with growth irradiance was highest in A. rufinerve. Although the increase in light‐saturated photosynthesis (Amax) was similar among the species, the increase in water use efficiency (WUE) was much higher in A. rufinerve than that in the other species, indicating that the response to water limitation plays an important role in leaf photosynthetic acclimation to high light in A. rufinerve. The low CO2 partial pressure at the carboxylation site (Cc) in A. rufinerve (130 µmol mol?1) at high irradiance was caused by low stomatal and internal conductance to CO2 diffusion, which minimized the increase in Amax in A. rufinerve despite its high Rubisco content. Under shade conditions, interspecific differences in leaf features were relatively small. Thus, difference in light demand related to leaf acclimation to high light rather than that to low light in the Acer species.  相似文献   

Leaf age-dependent changes in structure, nitrogen content, internal mesophyll diffusion conductance (gm), the capacity for photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax) and the maximum carboxylase activity of Rubisco (Vcmax) were investigated in mature non-senescent leaves of Laurus nobilis L., Olea europea L. and Quercus ilex L. to test the hypothesis that the relative significance of biochemical and diffusion limitations of photosynthesis changes with leaf age. The leaf life-span was up to 3 years in L. nobilis and O. europea and 6 years in Q. ilex. Increases in leaf age resulted in enhanced leaf dry mass per unit area (MA), larger leaf dry to fresh mass ratio, and lower nitrogen contents per dry mass (NM) in all species, and lower nitrogen contents per area (NA) in L. nobilis and Q. ilex. Older leaves had lower gm, Jmax and Vcmax. Due to the age-dependent increase in MA, mass-based gm, Jmax and Vcmax declined more strongly (7- to 10-fold) with age than area-based (5- to 7-fold) characteristics. Diffusion conductance was positively associated with foliage photosynthetic potentials. However, this correlation was curvilinear, leading to lower ratio of chloroplastic to internal CO2 concentration (Cc/Ci) and larger drawdown of CO2 from leaf internal air space to chloroplasts (ΔC) in older leaves with lower gm. Overall the age-dependent decreases in photosynthetic potentials were associated with decreases in NM and in the fraction of N in photosynthetic proteins, whereas decreases in gm were associated with increases in MA and the fraction of cell walls. These age-dependent modifications altered the functional scaling of foliage photosynthetic potentials with MA, NM, and NA. The species primarily differed in the rate of age-dependent modifications in foliage structural and functional characteristics, but also in the degree of age-dependent changes in various variables. Stomatal openness was weakly associated with leaf age, but due to species differences in stomatal openness, the distribution of total diffusion limitation between stomata and mesophyll varied among species. These data collectively demonstrate that in Mediterranean evergreens, structural limitations of photosynthesis strongly interact with biochemical limitations. Age-dependent changes in gm and photosynthetic capacities do not occur in a co-ordinated manner in these species such that mesophyll diffusion constraints curb photosynthesis more in older than in younger leaves.  相似文献   

Aims The effects of clouds are now recognized as critically important to the understanding of climate change impacts on ecosystems. Regardless, few studies have focused specifically on the ecophysiological responses of plants to clouds. Most continental mountain ranges are characterized by common convective cloud formation in the afternoons, yet little is known regarding this influence on plant water and carbon relations. Here we compare the ecophysiology of two contrasting, yet ubiquitous growth forms, needle-leaf and broadleaf, under representative cloud regimes of the Snowy Range, Medicine Bow Mountains, southeastern Wyoming, USA.Methods Photosynthetic gas exchange, water use efficiency, xylem water potentials and micrometeorological data were measured on representative clear, overcast and partly cloudy days during the summers of 2012 and 2013 for two indigenous broadleaf (Caltha leptosepala and Arnica parryi) and two needle-leaf species (Picea engelmannii and Abies lasiocarpa) that co-occur contiguously.Important findings Reductions in sunlight with cloud cover resulted in more dramatic declines in photosynthesis for the two broadleaf species (ca. 50–70% reduction) versus the two conifers (no significant difference). In addition, the presence of clouds corresponded with lower leaf conductance, transpiration and plant water status in all species. However, the more constant photosynthesis in conifers under all cloud conditions, coupled with reduced transpiration, resulted in greater water use efficiency (ca. 25% higher) than the broadleaf species. These differences appear to implicate the potential importance of natural cloud patterns in the adaptive ecophysiology of these two contrasting, but common, plant growth forms.  相似文献   

Water stress (WS) slows growth and photosynthesis (An), but most knowledge comes from short‐time studies that do not account for longer term acclimation processes that are especially relevant in tree species. Using two Eucalyptus species that contrast in drought tolerance, we induced moderate and severe water deficits by withholding water until stomatal conductance (gsw) decreased to two pre‐defined values for 24 d, WS was maintained at the target gsw for 29 d and then plants were re‐watered. Additionally, we developed new equations to simulate the effect on mesophyll conductance (gm) of accounting for the resistance to refixation of CO2. The diffusive limitations to CO2, dominated by the stomata, were the most important constraints to An. Full recovery of An was reached after re‐watering, characterized by quick recovery of gm and even higher biochemical capacity, in contrast to the slower recovery of gsw. The acclimation to long‐term WS led to decreased mesophyll and biochemical limitations, in contrast to studies in which stress was imposed more rapidly. Finally, we provide evidence that higher gm under WS contributes to higher intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) and reduces the leaf oxidative stress, highlighting the importance of gm as a target for breeding/genetic engineering.  相似文献   

根据多年生草本根部导管解剖结构特征,分析了黄土高原两个气候区草本物种导水结构特征及导水策略对干旱气候条件的适应性特征。结果表明,黄土高原半干旱区(年降雨量小于400 mm)草本物种平均年龄较大(7年),理论导管直径(33μm)、导管面积(680μm2)和导水效率(1.56 kg m-1 MPa-1 s-1)数值较高,而导管数量(65个)和导管分量(6.2%)数值较低;黄土高原半湿润区(年降雨量大于400 mm)草本物种平均年龄较小(5年),理论导管直径(27μm)、导管面积(550μm2)和导水效率(1.12 kg m-1 MPa-1 s-1)数值较低,而导管数量(85个)和导管分量(7.5%)数值较高。黄土高原半干旱区草本物种的导管直径较大、单位面积内的导管数量较少,因而导水效率较高,在干旱胁迫条件下趋向于采取效率优先的导水策略;黄土高原半湿润区草本物种的导管直径较小、单位面积内的导管数量较多,因而导水效率较低...  相似文献   

Mesophyll conductance (gm), the diffusion of CO2 from substomatal cavities to the carboxylation sites in the chloroplasts, is a highly complex trait driving photosynthesis (net CO2 assimilation, AN). However, little is known concerning the mechanisms by which it is dynamically regulated. The apoplast is considered as a ‘key information bridge’ between the environment and cells. Interestingly, most of the environmental constraints affecting gm also cause apoplastic responses, cell wall (CW) alterations and metabolic rearrangements. Since CW thickness is a key determinant of gm, we hypothesize that other changes in this cellular compartiment should also influence gm. We study the relationship between the antioxidant apoplastic system and CW metabolism and the gm responses in tobacco plants (Nicotiana sylvestris L.) under two abiotic stresses (drought and salinity), combining in vivo gas‐exchange measurements with analyses of antioxidant activities, CW composition and primary metabolism. Stress treatments imposed substantial reductions in AN (58–54%) and gm (59%), accompanied by a strong antioxidant enzymatic response at the apoplastic and symplastic levels. Interestingly, apoplastic but not symplastic peroxidases were positively related to gm. Leaf anatomy remained mostly stable; however, the stress treatments significantly affected the CW composition, specifically pectins, which showed significant relationships with AN and gm. The treatments additionally promoted a differential primary metabolic response, and specific CW‐related metabolites including galactose, glucosamine and hydroxycinnamate showed exclusive relationships with gm independent of the stress. These results suggest that gm responses can be attributed to specific changes in the apoplastic antioxidant system and CW metabolism, opening up more possibilities for improving photosynthesis using breeding/biotechnological strategies.  相似文献   

Leaf internal, or mesophyll, conductance to CO2 (gm ) is a significant and variable limitation of photosynthesis that also affects leaf transpiration efficiency (TE). Genotypic variation in gm and the effect of gm on TE were assessed in six barley genotypes (four Hordeum vulgare and two H. bulbosum). Significant variation in gm was found between genotypes, and was correlated with photosynthetic rate. The genotype with the highest gm also had the highest TE and the lowest carbon isotope discrimination as recorded in leaf tissue (Δp). These results suggest gm has unexplored potential to provide TE improvement within crop breeding programmes.  相似文献   

In a previous study, important acclimation to water stress was observed in the Ramellet tomato cultivar (TR) from the Balearic Islands, related to an increase in the water‐use efficiency through modifications in both stomatal (gs) and mesophyll conductances (gm). In the present work, the comparison of physiological and morphological traits between TR accessions grown with and without water stress confirmed that variability in the photosynthetic capacity was mostly explained by differences in the diffusion of CO2 through stomata and leaf mesophyll. Maximization of gm under both treatments was mainly achieved through adjustments in the mesophyll thickness and porosity and the surface area of chloroplasts exposed to intercellular airspace (Sc). In addition, the lower gm/Sc ratio for a given porosity in drought‐acclimated plants suggests that the decrease in gm was due to an increased cell wall thickness. Stomatal conductance was also affected by drought‐associated changes in the morphological properties of stomata, in an accession and treatment‐dependent manner. The results confirm the presence of advantageous physiological traits in the response to drought stress in Mediterranean accessions of tomato, and relate them to particular changes in the leaf anatomical properties, suggesting specific adaptive processes operating at the leaf anatomical level.  相似文献   

Studying relationships of plant traits to ecosystem properties is an emerging approach aiming to understand plant's potential effect on ecosystem functioning. In the current study, we explored links between morphological and nutritional leaf traits of two Mediterranean perennial grass species Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum spartum, widely used to prevent desertification process by stabilizing sand dunes. We evaluated also relationships in terms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability between leaves of the investigated species and the corresponding soil. Our results showed that leaf P was very low in comparison with leaf N for the two investigated species. In fact, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis capacity and water conservation during photosynthesis are mainly linked to leaf nitrogen content. Our findings support previous studies showing that at the species levels, morphological and nutritional leaf traits were not related. On the other hand, significant relationships were obtained between soil N and leaf N for S. tenacissima (= 0.011) and L. spartum (= 0.033). However, leaf P was not significantly related to soil P availability for both species. We suggest that any decrease in soil N with the predicted increasing aridity may result in reduction in leaf N and thus in worst dysfunction of some biological processes levels.  相似文献   

Breeding economically important C4 crops for enhanced whole‐plant water‐use efficiency (WUEplant) is needed for sustainable agriculture. WUEplant is a complex trait and an efficient phenotyping method that reports on components of WUEplant, such as intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi, the rate of leaf CO2 assimilation relative to water loss via stomatal conductance), is needed. In C4 plants, theoretical models suggest that leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C), when the efficiency of the CO2‐concentrating mechanism (leakiness, ?) remains constant, can be used to screen for WUEi. The limited information about how ? responds to water limitations confines the application of δ13C for WUEi screening of C4 crops. The current research aimed to test the response of ? to short‐ or long‐term moderate water limitations, and the relationship of δ13C with WUEi and WUEplant, by addressing potential mesophyll CO2 conductance (gm) and biochemical limitations in the C4 plant Sorghum bicolor. We demonstrate that gm and ? are not responsive to short‐ or long‐term water limitations. Additionally, δ13C was not correlated with gas‐exchange estimates of WUEi under short‐ and long‐term water limitations, but showed a significant negative relationship with WUEplant. The observed association between the δ13C and WUEplant suggests an intrinsic link of δ13C with WUEi in this C4 plant, and can potentially be used as a screening tool for WUEplant in sorghum.  相似文献   

The internal conductance to CO(2) transfer from intercellular spaces to chloroplasts poses a major limitation to photosynthesis, but few studies have investigated its temperature response. The aim of this study was to determine the temperature response of photosynthesis and internal conductance between 10 degrees C and 35 degrees C in seedlings of a deciduous forest tree species, Quercus canariensis. Internal conductance was estimated via simultaneous measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence ("variable J method"). Two of the required parameters, the intercellular photocompensation point (C(i)*) and rate of mitochondrial respiration in the light (R(d)), were estimated by the Laisk method. These were used to calculate the chloroplastic photocompensation point (Gamma*) in a simultaneous equation with g(i). An independent estimate of internal conductance was obtained by a novel curve-fitting method based on the curvature of the initial Rubisco-limited portion of an A/C(i) curve. The temperature responses of the rate of Rubisco carboxylation (V(cmax)) and the RuBP limited rate of electron transport (J(max)) were determined from chloroplastic CO(2) concentrations. The rate of net photosynthesis peaked at 24 degrees C. C(i)* was similar to reports for other species with a C(i)* of 39 micromol mol(-1) at 25 degrees C and an activation energy of 34 kJ mol(-1). Gamma* was very similar to the published temperature response for Spinacia oleracea from 20 degrees C to 35 degrees C, but was slightly greater at 10 degrees C and 15 degrees C. J(max) peaked at 30 degrees C, whereas V(cmax) did not reach a maximum between 10 degrees C and 35 degrees C. Activation energies were 49 kJ mol(-1) for V(cmax) and 100 kJ mol(-1) for J(max). Both methods showed that internal conductance doubled from 10 degrees C to 20 degrees C, and then was nearly temperature-independent from 20 degrees C to 35 degrees C. Hence, the temperature response of internal conductance could not be fitted to an Arrhenius function. The best fit to estimated g(i) was obtained with a three-parameter log normal function (R(2)=0.98), with a maximum g(i) of 0.19 mol m(-2) s(-1) at 29 degrees C.  相似文献   

The effects of blue light (BL) on leaf gas exchange of Populus × canadensis, a strong isoprene emitter, and Quercus ilex and Citrus reticulata, two monoterpene emitters with respectively small and large storage pools for monoterpenes, were studied. Leaves were initially exposed to a saturating photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of white light (WL), which was then progressively reduced to perform WL-response curves. Leaves acclimated to saturating WL were then quickly exposed to equivalent BL levels to perform BL-response curves. Blue light did not significantly affect photosynthetic parameters in the light-limited portion of the PPFD-response curves in both P. × canadensis and Q. ilex. Whereas photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), and mesophyll conductance (gm) were significantly decreased at high PPFDs of BL. A was similarly inhibited by BL in C. reticulata, but there was no significant effect of light quality on gs. Overall these results show that the negative effect of BL on photosynthesis is widespread in tree species with different leaf characteristics, and that this involves coordinated reductions in gs and gm. BL negatively affected isoprene emission and, to a lesser extent monoterpene emissions, in concert with photosynthetic inhibition. Interesting, both isoprene and monoterpene emissions were shown to be inversely dependent upon intercellular [CO2]. These results indicate that a change in light spectral quality, which can vary during the day, between days and within seasons, can alter photosynthesis and isoprenoid emissions, depending on the PPFD intensity. Such effects should be strongly considered in photosynthesis and volatile isoprenoid emission models.  相似文献   

Mesophyll conductance to CO2 (gm), a key photosynthetic trait, is strongly constrained by leaf anatomy. Leaf anatomical parameters such as cell wall thickness and chloroplast area exposed to the mesophyll intercellular airspace have been demonstrated to determine gm in species with diverging phylogeny, leaf structure and ontogeny. However, the potential implication of leaf anatomy, especially chloroplast movement, on the short‐term response of gm to rapid changes (i.e. seconds to minutes) under different environmental conditions (CO2, light or temperature) has not been examined. The aim of this study was to determine whether the observed rapid variations of gm in response to variations of light and CO2 could be explained by changes in any leaf anatomical arrangements. When compared to high light and ambient CO2, the values of gm estimated by chlorophyll fluorescence decreased under high CO2 and increased at low CO2, while it decreased with decreasing light. Nevertheless, no changes in anatomical parameters, including chloroplast distribution, were found. Hence, the gm estimated by analytical models based on anatomical parameters was constant under varying light and CO2. Considering this discrepancy between anatomy and chlorophyll fluorescence estimates, it is concluded that apparent fast gm variations should be due to artefacts in its estimation and/or to changes in the biochemical components acting on diffusional properties of the leaf (e.g. aquaporins and carbonic anhydrase).  相似文献   

28种园林植物对大气CO2浓度增加的生理生态反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对28种园林植物在不同CO2浓度水平下的气体交换参数的观测,分析了净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率等生理生态指标的变化趋势与规律.结果表明,所测植物净光合速率和水分利用效率随CO2浓度升高而线性增加,但不同植物种类对高CO2浓度的反应存在较大差异.气孔导度和蒸腾速率与CO2浓度呈线性负相关关系.当CO2浓度倍增(350~700 μmol·mol-1)时,28种园林植物净光合速率平均提高31.2%,气孔导度降低16.5%,蒸腾速率下降11.7%,而水分利用效率则提高了49.2%.不同光合途径的植物净光合速率和水分利用效率受CO2浓度增加的影响程度为C3植物较大,C4植物较小, CAM植物介于两者之间.对不同生活型植物而言,影响程度则为草本C3植物较大,乔木C3植物较小,灌木C3植物居于两者之间.  相似文献   

T. P. Bolger  N. C. Turner 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):32-38
Attempts to improve water use efficiency in regions with Mediterranean climates generally focus on increasing plant transpiration relative to evaporation from the soil and increasing transpiration efficiency. Our aim was to determine if transpiration efficiency differs among key species occurring in annual pastures in southern Australia. Two glasshouse experiments were conducted with three key pasture species, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), capeweed [Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns] and annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Transpiration efficiency was assessed at the levels of␣whole-plant biomass and water use (W), leaf gas exchange measurements of the ratio of CO2 assimilation to leaf conductance to water vapour (A/g), and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in leaf tissue. In addition, Δ was measured on shoots of the three pasture species growing together in the field. In the glasshouse studies, annual ryegrass had a consistently higher transpiration efficiency than subterranean clover or capeweed by all methods of measurement. Subterranean clover and capeweed had similar transpiration efficiencies by all three methods of measurement. Wheat had W values similar to ryegrass but A/g and Δ values similar to subterranean clover or capeweed. The high W of annual ryegrass seems to be related to a conservative leaf gas exchange behaviour, with lower assimilation and conductance but higher A/g than for the other species. In contrast to the glasshouse results, the three pasture species had similar Δ values when growing together in mixed-species swards in the field. Reasons for these differing responses between glasshouse and field-grown plants are discussed in terms of the implications for improving the transpiration efficiency of mixed-species annual pasture communities in the field. Received: 6 March 1997 / Accepted: 23 December 1997  相似文献   

The relationship between chloroplast arrangement and diffusion of CO(2) from substomatal cavities to the chloroplast stroma was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chloroplast position was manipulated by varying the amount of blue light and by cytochalasin D (CytD) treatment. We also investigated two chloroplast positioning mutants. Chloroplast arrangement was assessed by the surface area of chloroplasts adjacent to intercellular airspaces (S(c)). Although it has been previously shown that long-term acclimation to high light is linked with a large S(c), we found that the short-term chloroplast avoidance response reduces S(c). This effect was not apparent in the blue-light-insensitive phot2 mutant, which did not show the avoidance response. As expected, the smaller S(c) induced by the avoidance response was coupled to a similar decrease in internal conductance. This reduction in internal conductance resulted in an increased limitation of the rate of photosynthesis. The limiting effect of S(c) on internal conductance and photosynthesis was also shown in chup1, a mutant with a constant small S(c) as the result of an unusual chloroplast arrangement. We conclude that chloroplast movements in A. thaliana can rapidly alter leaf morphological parameters, and this has significant consequences for the diffusion of CO(2) through the mesophyll.  相似文献   

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