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The tomato borer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lep.: Gelechiidae), is an important tomato pest native to South America, which appeared in eastern Spain at the end of 2006. Prey suitability of T. absoluta eggs and larval instars was examined under laboratory conditions to evaluate whether two indigenous predators, Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) and Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Hem.: Miridae), can adapt to this invasive pest. Both predators preyed actively on T. absoluta eggs and all larval stages, although they preferred first‐instar larvae. Our results demonstrate that both mirids can adapt to this invasive pest, contributing to their value as biological control agents in tomato crops.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1017-1023
The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a devastating pest of tomato plants, originates from South America but it has been considered an invasive pest for Iran since 2010. To assess crop loss caused by this pest, a study was conducted in a 600 m2 field under a randomised complete block design. The impact of different initial densities of T. absoluta, including control (without infestation), one, two, four, and eight T. absoluta eggs on each host plant in the first and second year was investigated with an additional treatment (16 pinworm eggs per host plant) used in the second year. Yield attributes including length and width of fruits, numbers of infested and intact fruits along with their weights were sampled and assessed on a weekly basis. In addition, the correlation between the number of galleries and these characteristics was also investigated. Crop loss data demonstrated that the effect of different infestation levels on fruit size and the weight of intact fruits was not significant over both years. However, the effect of treatment on the percentage and weight of infested fruits was shown to be significantly different in 2014 and 2015. Furthermore, there was a negative significant correlation between the number of galleries and weight of infested fruits in both years. Collectively, these results will be useful for enhancing pest management programs of T. absoluta in Iran.  相似文献   

An early release system developed for Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae) could provide a good control of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato. Tuta absoluta and the whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) often appear simultaneously in tomato crops and this might affect control capacity. Therefore, the new approach needs to be tested in a situation with both pests present. In addition, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner and Trichogramma achaeae Nagaraja & Nagarkatti (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) have been shown to be effective against T. absoluta and could be a supplement to N. tenuis. Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the potential of this approach and its combination with supplementary control agents against T. absoluta. In the first experiment four treatments were compared (T. absoluta, B. tabaci, T. absoluta + N. tenuis, and T. absoluta + B. tabaci + N. tenuis) and N. tenuis was able to control T. absoluta and B. tabaci either alone or together. In the second experiment, five treatments were compared: T. absoluta, T. absoluta + N. tenuis, T. absoluta + N. tenuis + T. achaeae, T. absoluta + N. tenuis + B. thuringiensis, and T. absoluta + N. tenuis + T. achaeae + B. thuringiensis. Nesidiocoris tenuis again proved capable of significantly reducing T. absoluta populations, and the implementation of additional agents did not increase its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Tomato is considered as one of the most essential vegetables after potato in Egypt. Tomato is infested by many insects; one of these serious insects is tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta, which causes yield losses up to 100%. T absoluta is attacking leaves, flowers, stems and fruits. Trichogramma species is playing an important role in reducing this insect infestation. Efficiency of Trichogramma evanescens alone and in combination with insecticides were assessed against T. absoluta in tomato fields. Three release rates 500, 1000 and 1500 parasitized egg/card as well as 2 insecticides (Dimilin and Corgen) were applied. Number of normal and parasitized eggs, live and dead larvae and tunnel numbers were recorded. The results revealed that T. absoluta eggs were higher in control plots than those counted in Trichogramma plots. Among Trichogramma release rates, higher release rates, obtained higher parasitism rates of Tuta eggs (reached to 50%). Companying Trichogramma with IGR Dimilin had a little side effect on parasitism rate which it was smaller compared to plots of Trichogramma alone. Dimilin (IGR) caused reducing in Tuta larval population, which it differed significantly compared to control plots. Another IGR, Coragen resulted increasing the mortality of Tuta larvae than other treatments. In Trichogramma release rates, higher release rates, lower number of tunnels were found. In plots of companying Trichogramma with Coragen, the lowest tunnel numbers were recorded. Field release of T. evancences would be a promise biocontrol agent to suppress T. absoluta. These findings may encourage using T. evancences as a favorable strategy for integrated management of T. absoluta to produce safe tomato.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, is one of the most destructive pests of tomato worldwide. Management of the pest is mainly based on chemical insecticides. Reliance on insecticides is difficult to sustain because of unintended long‐term adverse effects on the environment and human health. Consequently, there is a need to develop pest management strategies that ensure the production of high‐quality products, while at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability and maximum consumer protection. We evaluated the efficacy the biopesticides: Azadirachtin, Bacillus thuringiensis, Steinernema feltiae and Beauveria bassiana individually and in combination against T. absoluta under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. When second instar larvae were exposed to tomato leaf discs treated with Azadirachtin (3 g / L), B. thuringiensis (0.5 g/L) or B. bassiana (1.5 g/L), 70%–86%, 55%–65%, and 45.5%–58.5% mortality was observed, respectively. Steinernema feltiae (1,000 IJs/ml) was the least effective biopesticide, with 26%–42% mortality. In the greenhouse trials on tomato, pest infestation (mines/10 leaves/plant) and fruits damaged were significantly lower on plants treated with Azadirachtin Bthuringiensis or Azadirachtin  +  Bbassiana compared to plants treated with Azadirachtin, B. thuringiensi, B. bassiana or S. feltiae alone. Azadirachtin Bthuringiensis and Azadirachtin  +  Bbassiana resulted in 90% and 81% reduction in fruits damaged in the summer experiments, respectively, and 96% and 91% in winter. The most severe pest infestation was observed on plants treated with S. feltia. The results indicate that the biopesticides, except S. feltia, can contribute to T. absoluta control in greenhouse tomato crops. In particular, the combined use of Azadirachtin with B. thuringiensis or B. bassiana provided the highest level of control of the pest. The potential for including these biopesticides in an overall sustainable integrated pest management programme for T. absoluta is discussed.  相似文献   

The damsel bug, Nabis pseudoferus Remane (Hemiptera: Namidae), is a generalist predator of small arthropods, including key insect pests of vegetable crops. In this study, we characterized the predation and development of various N. pseudoferus life stages when preying on the eggs and first- and fourth-instar nymphs of the invasive South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). These findings were compared to those of the bug’s common prey, cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Of the life stages tested, females showed the highest predation rate on all tested prey, due to their high longevity, large body, and great energy requirements for reproduction. The predator’s oviposition rate was clearly influenced by prey type, and was highest when feeding on fourth instars of T. absoluta. Considering the zoophytophagy of most of the life stages of other mirid species of tomato, and the lower propensity of N. pseudoferus to feed on plants, these results show that this species can be considered as a key indigenous natural enemy for sustainable pest control packages against T. absoluta in newly invaded areas.  相似文献   

Specifying the relationship between pests and their host plants in terms of damage is one of the basic concepts of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. The crop loss and economic injury level (EIL) of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were determined on different tomato cultivars using gain threshold (field experiment) and regression (semi‐field experiment) methods. By assessing the crop loss in 2015 and 2016, four out of seven infested tomato cultivars had a significant yield loss in terms of weight of total fruits versus the control under the open‐field conditions. However, the total number of tomato cultivars had no significant difference to control treatment. The semi‐field experiment included six treatments (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 gravid females/plant) and examined two tomato cultivars. The tomato cages with between 6 and 10 gravid females/plant showed the highest number and weight of damaged fruits. Based on pesticide control costs, the market value of tomato and the control efficacy, we determined the EIL for T. absoluta. In the field experiment, the EIL value for T. absoluta on “Petomech,” “Cal JN3,” “Rio Grande” and “Early Urbana Y” cultivars was 4.15, 4.47, 4.70 and 5.04 larvae per plant, respectively. Based on regression equations, we calculated the EIL values for T. absoluta on “Cal JN3” and “Early Urbana Y” to be 4.75 and 5.44 larvae/plant, respectively. Crop loss assessment and EIL are necessary components of cost‐effective IPM programs and can be effective tools for making decisions about the application of pesticides against T. absoluta.  相似文献   

The use of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) as a biocontrol agent is controversial as it is considered a pest in Northwest European tomato greenhouses, due to its tendency to damage the plant and fruit. Necessary chemical plant protection products to control N. tenuis have toxic side effects on important beneficials like Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae), which jeopardizes the whole IPM programme. In this study, several commercial tomato greenhouses were monitored for mirid populations. The relationship between the number of N. tenuis individuals and plant damage was assessed in function of availability of prey and interaction with M. pygmaeus. These greenhouse data were used to determine a practical density intervention threshold. Next, the hypothesis that a Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) infection increases plant and fruit damage by N. tenuis (as has been shown for M. pygmaeus) was tested. Plant damage occurred when the average number of predatory bugs in the head of the plant exceeded 16 per ten plants. Plant damage increased in severity at increasing predatory bug densities, independent of the availability of prey and M. pygmaeus presence. Plant and fruit damage were not affected by the presence of PepMV, as was shown for fruit damage in previous studies for M. pygmaeus. Our study provides a practical density intervention threshold for growers in greenhouse crops. Simple monitoring of the number of predatory bugs in the head of the plant can be used to take specific biocontrol actions. It was also shown that only the predatory bug N. tenuis itself causes damage, and there is no interaction with PepMV.  相似文献   

In order to aid the integration of biological and chemical controls for the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), this study evaluated the relative toxicity of five insecticides to the leaf miner predator Macrolophus basicornis (Stal) (Hemiptera: Miridae). The insecticides evaluated were teflubenzuron, abamectin, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, and cartap hydrochloride, all of which are recommended for control of T. absoluta in Brazil. Nymphs and adults of M. basicornis were exposed to tomato leaves treated with the insecticides, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The overall mortality caused by the products in both situations was recorded, and the survival of congeneric groups was analysed using the Weibull model. The persistence of the insecticides was also evaluated and they were categorised into toxicity classes proposed by the International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC) based on predator mortality and persistence. Abamectin and chlorfenapyr were toxic to M. basicornis nymphs and adults in all bioassays. Cartap hydrochloride was slightly harmful to adults in laboratory assays, but harmful to nymphs, and moderately harmful under greenhouse conditions. Chlorantraniliprole and teflubenzuron were harmless in most assays, except when nymphs were exposed in the laboratory, where they were moderately and slightly harmful, respectively. Chlorantraniliprole and teflubenzuron should be preferred insecticides for use in tomato leaf miner IPM programmes that aim to conserve M. basicornis populations.  相似文献   

The tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) represents a global threat to commercial tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production, both in open field and greenhouse. Native to South America, it spread over the Mediterranean Basin, Europe, Africa and part of Asia in only 12 years, and currently it is reported in over 80 countries. Biological control is one of the options for its control and a large number of natural enemies has been reported in association with the pest, both in the areas of origin and of introduction. The egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum, in South America, and the mirid predators Macrolophus pygmaeus and Nesidiocoris tenuis, in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, are used as commercial biocontrol agents. Even if several natural enemies might be promising candidates for biocontrol, their potential role in quantitative pest reduction has been seldom established under practical tomato production conditions.

Since climatic suitability indices predict a high probability for continued invasion by T. absoluta, mainly in China and the USA, there is an urgent need for new control options. In order to minimise the use of broad spectrum insecticides, biocontrol techniques should be considered. As tomato is produced seasonally, augmentative biocontrol seems to be the most effective control option, but pest reduction might be optimised by adding conservation biocontrol, and by combining biocontrol within IPM programmes.

Here, an overview of predators and parasitoids of T. absoluta in South American and Euro-Mediterranean regions, and their biological control efficacy under laboratory, semi-field and field conditions is provided.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a key insect pest of tomato crop causing major economic losses worldwide. Biological control using Trichogramma parasitoids is considered a promising, eco-friendly management tactic of this pest. We performed inundative releases of Trichogramma cacoeciae (Marchal) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) against T. absoluta in Takelsa (northeastern Tunisia). Three weekly releases of either (i) 10, 20 or 30 Trichogramma per plant in protected (greenhouse) tomato crops or (ii) 20 or 40 Trichogramma per plant in open field tomatoes were evaluated for their effectiveness. Results indicated that 20 Trichogramma per plant was the most effective release rate in significantly decreasing the pest’s life stage densities. Parasitism rates were significantly higher on apical tomato leaves (estimated at 58.6% for the rate 20 Trichogramma per plant in greenhouses and at about 56% for the rate 40 Trichogramma per plant in open field) compared to those observed on middle leaves (24.6% and 45.26% for rate 2 respectively under greenhouse and open field conditions). Furthermore, the overall number of T. absolua eggs and larvae was significantly reduced after releases of Trichogramma parasitoids. These results clearly indicate that T. cacoeciae could be a promising biocontrol agent of T. absoluta in the largest tomato-producing area in Tunisia.  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta, known as the South American tomato pinworm, is one of the most disastrous pests of tomato cultivations, presently menacing tomato cultivations worldwide. In 2006, T. absoluta invaded Spain from South America. Since then, it was rapidly spread to most European, African and Asian countries. Such alien invasive species can minimize crop production, whereas the increasing use of insecticides raises various environmental concerns as well as on control costs, control failure and the toxicity to non‐target organisms. The S. American tomato pinworm is mostly controlled by chemical insecticides, and failure to control it is not a rare phenomenon. Resistance to numerous insecticides has been reported and is mainly due to the fact that farmers do not follow a sustainable resistance management scheme. Several examples have been reported from several countries where the tomato pinworm is present. In order to develop a successful insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategy for any major pest, one needs to identify the baseline toxicity to insecticides and then monitor susceptibility levels . In Cyprus, the current status of susceptibility levels to the main insecticides that are used to control T. absoluta has never been studied before. Herein, nine Cypriot populations of the pest were subjected to laboratory bioassays between 2016 and 2018 using the main insecticides applied against it. We found that the insecticides chlorantraniliprole and indoxacarb could not control the Cypriot T. absoluta populations anymore, with a resistance ratio (RR) >28 and 3–23, respectively. Furthermore, mortality achieved by those two insecticides was 20.6%–72% for chlorantraniliprole and 27.5%–78% for indoxacarb. However, the insecticides emamectin benzoate and spinosad are very effective, since mortality to both of them ranged between 99.5% and 100%.  相似文献   

Thiamethoxam (TMX) is one of the most effective neonicotinoid insecticides for the control of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and various side effects can be expected in its natural enemies. The multicolored Asian lady beetle or harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is an important predator against M. persicae in greenhouses and fields. In this study, we evaluated the toxicity of TMX to H. axyridis and the effect on the functional response of this predator to M. persicae through three routes of exposure. Acute toxicity bioassays indicated that LC50 values of TMX on H. axyridis through direct residual contact (‘contact’), systemic application (‘systemic’), and leaf‐dip treatment (‘leaf‐dip’) were 18.99, 21.26, and 15.39 mg a.i. l?1, respectively. The hazard quotient indicated a potential hazard of this agrochemical regardless of the exposure routes. The mortality caused by the lowest rate, 2 mg a.i. l?1, was not significantly different compared with the control group. For the three routes of sublethal TMX exposure, the type‐II functional response was a good fit to the prey consumption of H. axyridis. Predation was most affected by leaf‐dip treatment, followed by contact and systemic treatments, which had similar effect. For all exposure routes, the predation capacity of the predator recovered quickly after transfer to untreated cabbage leaves. Thiamethoxam applied systemically was the least toxic to H. axyridis and did not affect the functional response of the predator. However, the sublethal effects of TMX through both contact and leaf‐dip application may reduce the population growth of H. axyridis and consequently impair the biological control of M. persicae by this predator. These results illustrate that the assessment of potential effects of TMX on H. axyridis is crucial to develop effective integrated pest management programs for M. persicae in China.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Berliner) (Bt) has been suggested as a biological control agent for Tuta absoluta (Meyrick). The objective of this study was to determine the interaction between abamectin, azadirachtin, indoxacarb, chlorantraniliprole, dichlorvos and metaflumizone with Bt. Effect of recommended doses of the chemical insecticides on colonisation of Bt was also investigated in culture medium. Except for metaflumizone, none of the chemicals tested reduced the colonisation of Bt compared with control. Interaction between Bt and the chemical insecticides on 2nd-instar larvae was also assessed. In interaction tests, Bt was applied at LC50 level, 0, 12, 24 or 36 h after treating the larvae with LC10 or LC25 of the chemical insecticides. An antagonistic effect was observed in all treatments where Bt was applied immediately after the chemical insecticide. Also, antagonism was observed when treatment with Bt was done 12 h after azadirachtin and metaflumizone applications. Applying Bt 12 and 24 h after treatment with LC25 of chlorantraniliprole, dichlorvos and abamectin resulted in synergism. But, synergism with LC10 of dichlorvos and abamectin was observed only after 12 h. Additive effect was observed in the rest of the time and concentration combinations. Based on the results obtained, simultaneous use of the chemical insecticides tested and Bt is not recommended for T. absoluta control; and an appropriate time interval should be taken into consideration accordingly.  相似文献   

番茄麦蛾Tuta absoluta是一种寡食性生物入侵害虫,可对番茄造成极大的危害,严重危胁新疆地区的番茄产业。由于对新入侵番茄麦蛾生物学特性缺乏了解,而且在实验室饲养困难,因此本研究旨在明确番茄麦蛾幼虫的龄期,评估温度对番茄麦蛾发育历期、存活率和繁殖力的影响,并优化人工饲料。依据番茄麦蛾幼虫头壳宽度和蜕皮次数将幼虫划分为4个龄期;设置了20℃、25℃、30℃和35℃温度梯度处理,发现25℃幼虫期为11.04 d,短于20℃,并长于30℃,35℃时不能完成幼虫期的发育。25℃条件下麦蛾的存活率和繁殖力均高于30℃和20℃,说明25℃是番茄麦蛾发育的最适温度。并设计了3种饲料饲养番茄麦蛾,其中取食C饲料的平均单雌产卵量最多,约为39枚,发育历期最短为40 d,说明C饲料是比较合适的饲料,为番茄麦蛾室内繁殖奠定基础。  相似文献   

The zoophytophagous plant bug Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) is increasingly used for biological control of various agricultural pests. Its native range includes Southern Europe, North Africa, Southern and South‐Eastern Asia, although only the Mediterranean strains have been studied experimentally. We investigated effects of temperature and photoperiod on nymphal survival and development, rate of female maturation and egg load in two strains of N. tenuis originating from temperate and subtropical regions of South‐Eastern Asia: the ‘Temperate strain’ (from Suwon, Republic of Korea, yearly average air temperature is 13.3°C) and the ‘Subtropical strain’ (from Miyazaki, Japan, yearly average air temperature is 18.2°C). Nymphs and adults were reared on tomato leaflets and fed with eggs of the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella under four temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C) and three photoperiods (10, 12 and 14 h of light per day). In spite of long‐term (40–50 generations) rearing under constant laboratory conditions, the studied strains still show a correlation between thermotolerance indices and climate at origin. In particular, at the low temperature of 15°C, survival of nymphs of the Temperate strain was double that of the Subtropical strain, whereas at the higher tested temperatures, survival of the Subtropical strain was not significantly different or even was higher than that of the Temperate strain. The duration of nymphal development in the Temperate strain was significantly shorter than that in the Subtropical strain at 15–25°C, but not at 30°C. In both strains, nymphal survival, duration of nymphal development and rate of female maturation were not significantly dependent on photoperiod, and diapause was not observed under any conditions tested. We conclude that the Subtropical strain of N. tenuis is better adapted to high temperatures, whereas the Temperate strain is more promising for application in greenhouses at medium and low temperatures.  相似文献   

Trichoshield, a talc formulation consisting of spores of Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma lignorum, Gliocladium virens and Bacillus subtilis was tested, following different application methods, for its ability to promote growth of pearl millet plants and to induce resistance to downy mildew of pearl millet. Under laboratory conditions, trichoshield seed treatment enhanced seed germination and seedling vigor of pearl millet significantly over the control; under greenhouse conditions vegetative growth parameters like height, fresh and dry weight, leaf area and number of tillers were significantly enhanced over the control: Trichoshield formulation offered greater protection against downy mildew in comparison with individual strains of T. harzianum, T. lignorum, G. virensand B. subtilis. Among the methods of application, foliar spray was found to be a more efficient delivery method than seed treatment or slurry treatment. Combinations of foliar spray with seed treatment and slurry treatment produced the same effect as foliar spray alone. Under field conditions, trichoshield treatment enhanced reproductive parameters like number of earheads, length and girth of earheads, 1000 seed weight and yield significantly over the control. Days required for 50% flowering was reduced by 4 days compared to the control. Yield enhancement of 28% over the control was highly significant. Trichoshield treatment offered protection ranging from 52 to 71% under field conditions, depending on the application method. However, the chemical fungicide metalaxyl Apron provided the highest protection against downy mildew, both under greenhouse and field conditions.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of greenhouse whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, and thrips, primarily western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), in cells of a grid laid over 7.6 cm by 12.7 cm sticky traps was used to estimate the population density of these pests on the trap. The method accurately predicted trap population densities of between 15 and 192 individuals per side for thrips on blue and yellow traps and between 15 and 168 whiteflies per side on yellow traps. The distribution of both whiteflies and thrips tended to be clustered on the sides and upper edge of the traps. The method is useful in giving a far more rapid estimate than counting individuals, particularly at high population densities.  相似文献   

Residual toxicities of registered and selected experimental pesticides used on citrus against Agistemus industani Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were compared. Pesticides considered highly toxic to A. industani were: abamectin 0.15 EC at 731ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, pyridaben 75WP at 469g/ha, ethion 4EC at 7.01l/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, propargite 6.55 EC at 3.51l/ha, chlorfenapyr 2SC at 1.46l/ha applied alone or in combination with FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, sulphur 80DF at 16.81kg/ha, dicofol 4EC at 7.01l/ha, fenbutatin oxide 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 1.68kg/ha+ferbam 76 GF at 5.60kg/ha, ferbam 76GF at 11.21kg/ha, neem oil 90EC at 46.8l/ha, and copper hydroxide DF (40% metallic copper) at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha. Pesticides that were moderately to slightly toxic included: copper sulphate 98% at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, fenbuconazole 2F at 280ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil applied alone at 46.8l/ha or 23.4l/ha, and diflubenzuron 25WP at 1.40kg/ha. Pesticides that were non-toxic included: fenbuconazole 2F at 585ml/ha, malathion 57EC at 5.85l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, carbaryl 80S at 3.36kg/ha, chlorpyrifos 4EC at 4.68l/ha, and formetanate 92SP at 1.12kg/ha. Understanding the toxic effects of field weathered pesticides against key predacious mite species is important for effective IPM. The results of this study provide a comparison of direct and indirect toxic effects of various pesticides to A. industani under field conditions.  相似文献   

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