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Tomi P. Luoto 《水生昆虫》2013,35(4):351-370
Identification of indicator species is invaluable for lake management and long-term environmental change assessments. In this study, multi- and intralake datasets were investigated for their fossil midge assemblages (mostly Chironomidae) in the surface sediment layers representing the modern faunal composition. The aim was to examine taxon-specific responses to selected key variables and to assign indicator taxa for these environmental factors. Taxon-specific optima and tolerances were calculated and the significance of a particular environmental variable in explaining the distribution patterns was tested for each taxa. The results showed that numerous taxa had significant relationship with the environmental variables of interest. Thus, several midge indicator taxa were identified for the key variables. For the interest of palaeolimnology, the present results imply that when reconstructing long-term changes in a single environmental variable, variability in other regional, local or in-lake variables can distort the inference due to the complex taxon-specific responses to multiple environmental factors.  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区封禁30年前后狼牙刺种群动态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以荒草坡为对照,对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡3个生境条件下经30年封禁后的狼牙刺种群动态进行系统研究,分析了种群的年龄结构、分布格局,编制了静态生命表,绘制了存活曲线. 结果表明,黄土高原丘陵沟壑区不同生境自然恢复的狼牙刺种群年龄结构均属于进展型,幼龄个体多,老龄个体少,其中以半阳坡种群密度最大,不同坡向狼牙刺种群的存活曲线均接近于DeeveyⅡ型.种群分布格局总体上呈聚集型,随年龄增加聚集强度增加.影响狼牙刺群落恢复和种群生长的环境因素主要是水分因子和光照因子.狼牙刺种群恢复状况良好,说明封禁措施是有效的.  相似文献   

A 2700-year high resolution pollen record from annually-varved Sugan Lake in the Qaidam Basin at 2793 m a.s.l was obtained to examine vegetation and climatic change on the NE Tibetan Plateau. Pollen data shows that Sugan Basin was constantly covered by open desert-steppe vegetation dominated by Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Poaceae and Ephedra. However, large variations in Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) ratios suggest regional moisture fluctuations over the last 2700 years, including a dry and relatively stable climate prior to 300 AD, relatively wet climate from 300 to 1200 AD with variability during 1100-1200 AD, and unstable climate since 1200 AD with relatively moister climate during 1250-1400 AD and 1700-1800 AD. However, other proxies (varve thickness, Chironomid taxa, isotopes of oxygen in precipitated carbonate) show fresher water when regional moisture was lower inferred from A/C ratio. This inconsistency suggests the possible difference of in-lake lithology/environment and regional moisture change. Fresh water into the lake from ice melting on the surrounding mountains might have contributed to the in-lake lithology and environment variation. The effective moisture changes in the Basin are in opposite phases to snow accumulation records from Dunde ice core (5325 m a.s.l) and to the monsoon intensity inferred from Dongge Cave, suggesting that the regional topography might have played an important role in mediating moisture changes at regional scale. Pollen data from Sugan Lake shows the shift of moisture at 1200 AD, from stable to variable conditions. This event is well correlated with other paleoclimate proxies in China and other parts of the world; however, the mechanisms behind these patterns require further investigation.  相似文献   

1. Palaeolimnological data were used to investigate drivers of the community of primary producers in Lake Mattamuskeet, North Carolina, U.S.A. This is a large, shallow lake with two basins currently dominated by phytoplankton and macrophytes. The two basins were divided in 1940 by the building of a roadway across the lake, which also corresponded with the divergence in their ecosystem state. 2. Photosynthetic pigments, organic matter and nutrients (P, N, C, S) were analysed in sediment cores from each basin to reconstruct the primary producer community over the past c. 100 years. We sought to answer two questions. First, what changes to the ecosystem resulting from the building of the roadway caused the development of different primary producer communities in the two basins? Second, why have the alternative ecosystem states persisted despite a variety of human perturbations since 1940? 3. K‐means cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to identify three sediment types based on photosynthetic pigment data: sediments indicating low productivity (low pigment concentrations), sediments associated with macrophytes (chlorophyll a and b) and with phytoplankton (alloxanthin and aphanizophyll). In addition, other palaeolimnological proxies measured, such as loss on ignition, total phosphorus, total organic carbon/total nitrogen and other nutrients, were different in post‐1940 sediments within the two basins. 4. These differences suggest characteristics, such as nutrient cycling, water depth and other physical changes resulting from roadway construction, combined to establish and maintain the differing communities of primary producers in the two basins. Furthermore, Fe/S dynamics and waterfowl herbivory probably contributed to the development of the two ecosystem states.  相似文献   

Benthos investigations were carried out in the channel and flood-plain of the Kuibyshev water reservoir during 1958–1985. Hydrobiological monitoring data obtained at 12–16 stations in all Deeps excluding littoral areas are discussed. In 1987–1900 benthofauna distribution was also studied at the Priplotinny Deep. An increase of the reservoir trophic state is reported. The observed trend was an increase of the total benthos biomass. Changes in both species and trophic structure of the chironomid community due to the eutrophication problem are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential of genetic, genomic, and phenotypic metrics for monitoring population trends may be especially high in isolated regions, where traditional demographic monitoring is logistically difficult and only sporadic sampling is possible. This potential, however, is relatively underexplored empirically. Over eleven years, we assessed several such metrics along with traditional ecological knowledge and catch data in a socioeconomically important trout species occupying a large, remote lake. The data revealed largely stable characteristics in two populations over 2–3 generations, but possible contemporary changes in a third population. These potential shifts were suggested by reduced catch rates, reduced body size, and changes in selection implied at one gene‐associated single nucleotide polymorphism. A demographic decline in this population, however, was ambiguously supported, based on the apparent lack of temporal change in effective population size, and corresponding traditional knowledge suggesting little change in catch. We illustrate how the pluralistic approach employed has practicality for setting future monitoring efforts of these populations, by guiding monitoring priorities according to the relative merits of different metrics and availability of resources. Our study also considers some advantages and disadvantages to adopting a pluralistic approach to population monitoring where demographic data are not easily obtained.  相似文献   

Diatom analysis of surface sediments and two sediment cores from different sedimentation areas of a small closed lake was undertaken with the aim of acquiring knowledge on the dependence of the distribution of diatom assemblages on lake bathymetry. Lake Juusa was selected for the study because we have for this lake a large data set about the lithological composition of sediments and macrofossil and cladoceran records for the Holocene. A high carbonate content (20–60%) in the sediment sequence indicates high carbonacity and relatively stable pH values during the Holocene. On the basis of comprehensive analysis, abrupt water-level fluctuations and changes in the trophic status were established. Results of this study showed that the fluctuations of the water-level were the leading factor determining the habitats of diatom assemblages in the lake. In the surface sediment samples planktonic species such as Cyclotella spp., Stephanodiscus spp. and Aulacoseira spp. had a depth optimum at 3–4 m and the most abundant periphytic taxa were distributed mostly at depths shallower than 3.5 m. The same regularity was established in sediment cores where a good correlation between planktonic species and lake water depth was found in sediments accumulated at water depths >4 m. Lake Juusa appears to be a proper site for detailed environmental reconstructions over the Holocene, and the results will give us a good opportunity to analyse the history of water-level fluctuations in other small Estonian lakes. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

High irradiance arid environments are promising, yet understudied, areas for biofuel production. We investigated the productivity and environmental trade‐offs of growing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) as a biofuel feedstock in the low deserts of California (CA). Using a 5.3 ha experimental field in the Imperial Valley, CA, we measured aboveground biomass production and net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and H2O via eddy covariance over three growing periods between February and November 2012. Environmental conditions were extreme, with high irradiance, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and air temperature throughout the growing season. Air temperature peaked in August with a maximum of 45.7 °C. Sorghum produced an annual aboveground biomass yield of 43.7 Mg per hectare. Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was highest during the summer growth period and reached a maximum of ?68 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1. Water use efficiency, or biomass water ratio (BWR), was high (4.0 g dry biomass kg?1 H2O) despite high seasonal evapotranspiration (1094 kg H2O m?2). The BWR of sorghum surpassed that of many C4 biofuel candidate crops in the United States, as well as that of alfalfa which is currently widely grown in the Imperial Valley. Sorghum also outperformed many US biofuel crops in terms of radiation use efficiency (RUE), achieving 1.5 g dry biomass MJ?1. We found no evidence of saturation of NEE at high levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (up to 2250 μmol m?2 s?1). In addition, we found no evidence that NEE was inhibited by either high VPD or air temperature during peak photosynthetic phases. The combination of high productivity, high BWR, and high RUE suggests that sorghum is well adapted to this extreme environment. The biomass production rates and efficiency metrics spanning three growing periods provide fundamental data for future Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), which are needed to assess the sustainability of this sorghum biofuel feedstock system.  相似文献   

J Charlier  L Laikre  N Ryman 《Heredity》2012,109(4):246-253
Knowledge of the degree of temporal stability of population genetic structure and composition is important for understanding microevolutionary processes and addressing issues of human impact of natural populations. We know little about how representative single samples in time are to reflect population genetic constitution, and we explore the temporal genetic variability patterns over a 30-year period of annual sampling of a lake-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) population, covering 37 consecutive cohorts and five generations. Levels of variation remain largely stable over this period, with no indication of substructuring within the lake. We detect genetic drift, however, and the genetically effective population size (N(e)) was assessed from allele-frequency shifts between consecutive cohorts using an unbiased estimator that accounts for the effect of overlapping generation. The overall mean N(e) is estimated as 74. We find indications that N(e) varies over time, but there is no obvious temporal trend. We also estimated N(e) using a one-sample approach based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) that does not account for the effect of overlapping generations. Combining one-sample estimates for all years gives an N(e) estimate of 76. This similarity between estimates may be coincidental or reflecting a general robustness of the LD approach to violations of the discrete generations assumption. In contrast to the observed genetic stability, body size and catch per effort have increased over the study period. Estimates of annual effective number of breeders (N(b)) correlated with catch per effort, suggesting that genetic monitoring can be used for detecting fluctuations in abundance.  相似文献   

Butterbach-Bahl  K.  Papen  H. 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(1):77-90
In order to gain information about seasonal and interannual variations of CH4-fluxes at a spruce control site, a limed spruce site and a beech site of the Höglwald Forest, Bavaria, Germany, complete annual cycles of CH4-exchange between the soil and the atmosphere with 2-hourly resolution were followed for 4 consecutive years. The ranges of CH4 fluxes observed for the different sites were: +12.4 to –69.4 g CH4 m–2 h–1 (spruce control site), +11.7 to –51.4 g CH4 m–2 h–1 (limed spruce site), and –4.4 to –167.3 g CH4 m–2 h–1 (beech site). Lowest rates of atmospheric CH4-uptake or even a weak net-emission of CH4 by the soils were observed during winter/spring times, whereas highest rates of CH4-uptake were always found in summer/spring. Over the entire observation period of 4 years, mean CH4-uptake rates were –1.82 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1 at the spruce control site, –1.31 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1 at the limed spruce site, and –4.84 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1 at the beech site. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that in view of the huge interannual variations in CH4-fluxes of approx. 1 kg CH4-C ha–1 yr–1, multiple year measurements of CH4-fluxes are necessary to accurately characterize the sink strength of temperate forest for atmospheric CH4. By comparison of CH4-fluxes measured at the spruce control site and the limed spruce site, a significant negative effect of forest floor liming on CH4-uptake could be demonstrated. Compared to the spruce stand, the beech stand showed on average approx. 3 times higher rates of atmospheric CH4-uptake, most likely due to pronounced differences between both sites with regard to the organic layer structure and bulk density of the mineral soil. Regression analysis between CH4-fluxes and environmental parameters revealed that at all sites the dominating factors regulating temporal variations of CH4 fluxes were soil moisture and soil temperature. Field measurements of CH4 concentrations in the soil profile and laboratory measurements of CH4-oxidation and CH4-production activity on soil samples taken from different soil depths showed that the CH4-flux at the Höglwald Forest sites is the net-result of simultaneous occurring production and consumption of CH4 within the soil. Highest CH4-oxidation activity was found in the uppermost centimeters of the mineral soil, whereas highest potential CH4-production activity was found in the organic layer.  相似文献   

On structure and functioning of ecosystem in a Salmon lake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The seasonal dynamics of the main components of the ecosystem as well as the vertical distribution of their biomass and production were studied in the salmon lake Dalnee at Kamchatka Peninsula. The data received were used for the construction of schemes of energy balance during two successive years: 1970 and 1971, which were different by their thermic regime. Analysis of schemes showed that during a colder season the food chain was shorter and more effective in relation of the use of primary production by zooplankton. Through the detritus pool the ecosystem used from 16% (1971) up to 70% (1970) of energy of primary production. Seasonal succession includes two main phases -autotrophic and heterotrophic. The energy balance of the planktonic community at these two phases is given.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to alter precipitation patterns worldwide, which will affect streamflow in riverine ecosystems. It is vital to understand the impacts of projected flow variations, especially in tropical regions where the effects of climate change are expected to be one of the earliest to emerge. Space‐for‐time substitutions have been successful at predicting effects of climate change in terrestrial systems by using a spatial gradient to mimic the projected temporal change. However, concerns have been raised that the spatial variability in these models might not reflect the temporal variability. We utilized a well‐constrained rainfall gradient on Hawaii Island to determine (a) how predicted decreases in flow and increases in flow variability affect stream food resources and consumers and (b) if using a high temporal (monthly, four streams) or a high spatial (annual, eight streams) resolution sampling scheme would alter the results of a space‐for‐time substitution. Declines in benthic and suspended resource quantity (10‐ to 40‐fold) and quality (shift from macrophyte to leaf litter dominated) contributed to 35‐fold decreases in macroinvertebrate biomass with predicted changes in the magnitude and variability in the flow. Invertebrate composition switched from caddisflies and damselflies to taxa with faster turnover rates (mosquitoes, copepods). Changes in resource and consumer composition patterns were stronger with high temporal resolution sampling. However, trends and ranges of results did not differ between the two sampling regimes, indicating that a suitable, well‐constrained spatial gradient is an appropriate tool for examining temporal change. Our study is the first to investigate resource to community wide effects of climate change on tropical streams on a spatial and temporal scale. We determined that predicted flow alterations would decrease stream resource and consumer quantity and quality, which can alter stream function, as well as biomass and habitat for freshwater, marine, and terrestrial consumers dependent on these resources.  相似文献   

大堤型湖滨带生态系统健康状态驱动因子——以太湖为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶春  李春华  王秋光  陈小刚 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3681-3690
湖滨带是湖泊生态系统的重要组成部分,对维持湖泊生态系统健康和改善水环境功能具有积极作用。由于防洪需要,我国许多湖泊在湖滨带中修建了防洪大堤,防洪大堤对湖滨带生态系统的影响还缺乏研究,识别引起大堤型湖滨带生态健康退化的驱动因子是开展湖滨带生态修复的必要前提。针对太湖湖滨带的特点,在定性筛选了太湖主体营养状态、入湖河流污染负荷通量、岸带类型、风浪强度4个主要影响因子的基础上,分别采用"多元线性逐步回归法"和"偏相关系数法"进行驱动因子识别,2种方法确定的驱动因子个数均为3个,且3者的驱动力大小排序也相同,即太湖主体营养状态>岸带类型>入湖河流污染负荷通量。3个驱动因子对太湖湖滨带生态系统健康的影响均为负效应,也即太湖主体的营养状态综合指数越高、入湖河流污染负荷通量越重、岸带状况越差,湖滨带生态系统也就越不健康。另外,从统计方法的角度解释了"风浪强度"没有入选为驱动因子的原因;澄清了现阶段环境学、生态学领域对"驱动因子"识别方法的误解及不足之处。研究结果为大堤型湖滨带的生态修复方案提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Non-invasive imaging of roots with high resolution X-ray micro-tomography   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
X-ray micro-tomography is a well-established technique for non-invasive imaging and evaluation of heterogeneous materials. An inexpensive X-ray micro-tomography system has been designed and built for the specific purposes of examining root growth and root/soil interactions. The system uses a silver target X-ray source with a focal spot diameter of 80 m, an X-ray image intensifier with a sampling aperture of about 100 m, and a sample with a diameter of 25 mm. Pre-germinated wheat and rape seeds were grown for up to 8–10 days in plastic containers in a sandy loam soil sieved to < 250 m, and imaged with the X-ray system at regular intervals. The quality of 3 D image obtained was good allowing the development and growth of both root axes and some first-order laterals to be observed. The satisfactory discrimination between soil and roots enabled measurements of root diameter (wheat values were 0.48–1.22 mm) in individual tomographic slices and, by tracking from slice to slice, root lengths were also measured. The measurements obtained were generally within 10% of those obtained from destructive samples measured manually and with a flat-bed scanner. Further developments of the system will allow more detailed examination of the root:soil interface.  相似文献   

The geological record of mangrove plants is based on comparablemorphological characteristics of pollen, fruits and wood, of fossil andmodern species. But this record relies on the assumption that the ecologicaland habitat preferences of ancestral taxa have remained similar throughages. A reexamination of fossil evidence of Avicennia, Pelliciera,Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Ceriops, etc.reveals that the modern mangrove flora was pantropic by the Eocene, andappears to have originated during Paleocene times. Earlier Paleozoic andMesozoic candidates for a mangrove ecology lack conclusive evidence oftheir exclusive association with tidal environments. It is therefore clear thatcontinental drift had a limited role in the dispersal and development ofmodern mangrove floras. The Eocene/Oligocene boundary crisis appears toherald a beginning of the biogeographic split between the current-dayeastern and western provinces of mangrove plants. But, while the climaticorigins of this major disjunction is not clearly understood, our reassessmentof Tertiary paleoclimates suggests that the major cooling events of themiddle Paleocene, the end of the Eocene and the middle Pliocene were themost likely influences on the evolution of mangrove floras. The associatedinvertebrates, especially molluscs, further support our assertion that amodern mangrove ecosystem was established only during the earliestEocene times. We summarize our interpretation in a set of 9 palinspasticmaps of fossil mangrove genera through their evolution ending with thecurrent, bipartite distribution of present day taxa.  相似文献   

For many years, the chemocline of the meromictic Lake Cadagno, Switzerland, was dominated by purple sulfur bacteria. However, following a major community shift in recent years, green sulfur bacteria (GSB) have come to dominate. We investigated this community by performing microbial diversity surveys using FISH cell counting and population multilocus sequence typing [clone library sequence analysis of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA locus and two loci involved in photosynthesis in GSB: fmoA and csmCA ]. All bacterial populations clearly stratified according to water column chemistry. The GSB population peaked in the chemocline ( c . 8 × 106 GSB cells mL−1) and constituted about 50% of all cells in the anoxic zones of the water column. At least 99.5% of these GSB cells had SSU rRNA, fmoA , and csmCA sequences essentially identical to that of the previously isolated and genome-sequenced GSB Chlorobium clathratiforme strain BU-1 (DSM 5477). This ribotype was not detected in Lake Cadagno before the bloom of GSB. These observations suggest that the C. clathratiforme population that has stabilized in Lake Cadagno is clonal. We speculate that such a clonal bloom could be caused by environmental disturbance, mutational adaptation, or invasion.  相似文献   

Perennially frozen soil in high latitude ecosystems (permafrost) currently stores 1330–1580 Pg of carbon (C). As these ecosystems warm, the thaw and decomposition of permafrost is expected to release large amounts of C to the atmosphere. Fortunately, losses from the permafrost C pool will be partially offset by increased plant productivity. The degree to which plants are able to sequester C, however, will be determined by changing nitrogen (N) availability in these thawing soil profiles. N availability currently limits plant productivity in tundra ecosystems but plant access to N is expected improve as decomposition increases in speed and extends to deeper soil horizons. To evaluate the relationship between permafrost thaw and N availability, we monitored N cycling during 5 years of experimentally induced permafrost thaw at the Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR) project. Inorganic N availability increased significantly in response to deeper thaw and greater soil moisture induced by Soil warming. This treatment also prompted a 23% increase in aboveground biomass and a 49% increase in foliar N pools. The sedge Eriophorum vaginatum responded most strongly to warming: this species explained 91% of the change in aboveground biomass during the 5 year period. Air warming had little impact when applied alone, but when applied in combination with Soil warming, growing season soil inorganic N availability was significantly reduced. These results demonstrate that there is a strong positive relationship between the depth of permafrost thaw and N availability in tundra ecosystems but that this relationship can be diminished by interactions between increased thaw, warmer air temperatures, and higher levels of soil moisture. Within 5 years of permafrost thaw, plants actively incorporate newly available N into biomass but C storage in live vascular plant biomass is unlikely to be greater than losses from deep soil C pools.  相似文献   

Assessments of plant population dynamics in space and time have depended on dated records of fossil pollen synthesized on a subcontinental scale. Genetic analyses of extant populations have revealed spatial relationships that are indicative of past spatial dynamics, but lack an explicit timescale. Synthesis of these data requires genetic analyses from abundant dated fossil material, and this has hitherto been lacking. Fossil pollen is the most abundant material with which to fill this data gap. Here we report genetic analyses of fossil pollen retrieved from Holtjärnen postglacial lake sediment in Sweden and show that plastid DNA is recoverable from Scots Pine and Norway spruce pollen grains that are 100 and 10 000 years old. By sequencing clones from two short plastid PCR products and by using multiple controls we show that the ancient sequences were endogenous to the fossil grains. Comparison of ancient sequences and those obtained from an extant population of Scots pine establishes the first genetic link between extant and fossil samples in this species, providing genetic continuity through time. The finding of one common haplotype present in modern, 100-year old and 10 000-year old samples suggests that it may have persisted near Holtjärnen throughout the postglacial period. This retrieval of ancient DNA from pollen has major implications for plant palaeoecology in conifer species by allowing direct estimates of population dynamics in space and time.  相似文献   

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