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Disturbance associated with severe wildfires (WF) and WF simulating harvest operations can potentially alter soil methane (CH4) oxidation in well‐aerated forest soils due to the effect on soil properties linked to diffusivity, methanotrophic activity or changes in methanotrophic bacterial community structure. However, changes in soil CH4 flux related to such disturbances are still rarely studied even though WF frequency is predicted to increase as a consequence of global climate change. We measured in‐situ soil–atmosphere CH4 exchange along a wet sclerophyll eucalypt forest regeneration chronosequence in Tasmania, Australia, where the time since the last severe fire or harvesting disturbance ranged from 9 to >200 years. On all sampling occasions, mean CH4 uptake increased from most recently disturbed sites (9 year) to sites at stand ‘maturity’ (44 and 76 years). In stands >76 years since disturbance, we observed a decrease in soil CH4 uptake. A similar age dependency of potential CH4 oxidation for three soil layers (0.0–0.05, 0.05–0.10, 0.10–0.15 m) could be observed on incubated soils under controlled laboratory conditions. The differences in soil CH4 uptake between forest stands of different age were predominantly driven by differences in soil moisture status, which affected the diffusion of atmospheric CH4 into the soil. The observed soil moisture pattern was likely driven by changes in interception or evapotranspiration with forest age, which have been well described for similar eucalypt forest systems in south‐eastern Australia. Our results imply that there is a large amount of variability in CH4 uptake at a landscape scale that can be attributed to stand age and soil moisture differences. An increase in severe WF frequency in response to climate change could potentially increase overall forest soil CH4 sinks.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities covary with host plant communities along soil fertility gradients, yet it is unclear whether this reflects changes in host composition, fungal edaphic specialization or priority effects during fungal community establishment. We grew two co‐occurring ECM plant species (to control for host identity) in soils collected along a 2‐million‐year chronosequence representing a strong soil fertility gradient and used soil manipulations to disentangle the effects of edaphic properties from those due to fungal inoculum. Ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition changed and richness declined with increasing soil age; these changes were linked to pedogenesis‐driven shifts in edaphic properties, particularly pH and resin‐exchangeable and organic phosphorus. However, when differences in inoculum potential or soil abiotic properties among soil ages were removed while host identity was held constant, differences in ECM fungal communities and richness among chronosequence stages disappeared. Our results show that ECM fungal communities strongly vary during long‐term ecosystem development, even within the same hosts. However, these changes could not be attributed to short‐term fungal edaphic specialization or differences in fungal inoculum (i.e. density and composition) alone. Rather, they must reflect longer‐term ecosystem‐level feedback between soil, vegetation and ECM fungi during pedogenesis.  相似文献   

The influence of forest stand age in a Picea sitchensis plantation on (1) soil fluxes of three greenhouse gases (GHGs – CO2, CH4 and N2O) and (2) overall net ecosystem global warming potential (GWP), was investigated in a 2‐year study. The objective was to isolate the effect of forest stand age on soil edaphic characteristics (temperature, water table and volumetric moisture) and the consequent influence of these characteristics on the GHG fluxes. Fluxes were measured in a chronosequence in Harwood, England, with sites comprising 30‐ and 20‐year‐old second rotation forest and a site clearfelled (CF) some 18 months before measurement. Adjoining unforested grassland (UN) acted as a control. Comparisons were made between flux data, soil temperature and moisture data and, at the 30‐year‐old and CF sites, eddy covariance data for net ecosystem carbon (C) exchange (NEE). The main findings were: firstly, integrated CO2 efflux was the dominant influence on the GHG budget, contributing 93–94% of the total GHG flux across the chronosequence compared with 6–7% from CH4 and N2O combined. Secondly, there were clear links between the trends in edaphic factors as the forest matured, or after clearfelling, and the emission of GHGs. In the chronosequence sites, annual fluxes of CO2 were lower at the 20‐year‐old (20y) site than at the 30‐year‐old (30y) and CF sites, with soil temperature the dominant control. CH4 efflux was highest at the CF site, with peak flux 491±54.5 μg m−2 h−1 and maximum annual flux 18.0±1.1 kg CH4 ha−1 yr−1. No consistent uptake of CH4 was noted at any site. A linear relationship was found between log CH4 flux and the closeness of the water table to the soil surface across all sites. N2O efflux was highest in the 30y site, reaching 108±38.3 μg N2O‐N m−2 h−1 (171 μg N2O m−2 h−1) in midsummer and a maximum annual flux of 4.7±1.2 kg N2O ha−1 yr−1 in 2001. Automatic chamber data showed a positive exponential relationship between N2O flux and soil temperature at this site. The relationship between N2O emission and soil volumetric moisture indicated an optimum moisture content for N2O flux of 40–50% by volume. The relationship between C : N ratio data and integrated N2O flux was consistent with a pattern previously noted across temperate and boreal forest soils.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(6):2325-2338
The role of mangroves in the blue carbon stock is critical and requires special focus. Mangroves are carbon‐rich forests that are not in steady‐state equilibrium at the decadal time scale. Over the last decades, the structure and zonation of mangroves have been largely disturbed by coastal changes and land use conversions. The amount of time since the last disturbance is a key parameter determining forest structure, but it has so far been overlooked in mangrove carbon stock projections. In particular, the carbon sequestration rates among mangrove successional ages after (re)establishment are poorly quantified and not used in large‐scale estimations of the blue carbon stock. Here, it is hypothesized that ecosystem age structure significantly modulates mangrove carbon stocks. We analysed a 66‐year chronosequence of the aboveground and belowground biomass and soil carbon stock of mangroves in French Guiana, and we found that in the year after forest establishment on newly formed mud banks, the aboveground, belowground and soil carbon stocks averaged 23.56 ± 7.71, 13.04 ± 3.37 and 84.26 ± 64.14 (to a depth of 1 m) Mg C/ha, respectively. The mean annual increment (MAI) in the aboveground and belowground reservoirs was 23.56 × Age−0.52 and 13.20 × Age−0.64 Mg C ha−1 year−1, respectively, and the MAI in the soil carbon reservoir was 3.00 ± 1.80 Mg C ha−1 year−1. Our results show that the plant carbon sink capacity declines with ecosystem age, while the soil carbon sequestration rate remains constant over many years. We suggest that global projections of the above‐ and belowground reservoirs of the carbon stock need to account for mangrove age structures, which result from historical changes in coastal morphology. Our work anticipates joint international efforts to globally quantify the multidecadal mangrove carbon balance based on the combined use of age‐based parametric equations and time series of mangrove age maps at regional scales.  相似文献   

Biochar application to soils may increase carbon (C) sequestration due to the inputs of recalcitrant organic C. However, the effects of biochar application on the soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes appear variable among many case studies; therefore, the efficacy of biochar as a carbon sequestration agent for climate change mitigation remains uncertain. We performed a meta‐analysis of 91 published papers with 552 paired comparisons to obtain a central tendency of three main GHG fluxes (i.e., CO2, CH4, and N2O) in response to biochar application. Our results showed that biochar application significantly increased soil CO2 fluxes by 22.14%, but decreased N2O fluxes by 30.92% and did not affect CH4 fluxes. As a consequence, biochar application may significantly contribute to an increased global warming potential (GWP) of total soil GHG fluxes due to the large stimulation of CO2 fluxes. However, soil CO2 fluxes were suppressed when biochar was added to fertilized soils, indicating that biochar application is unlikely to stimulate CO2 fluxes in the agriculture sector, in which N fertilizer inputs are common. Responses of soil GHG fluxes mainly varied with biochar feedstock source and soil texture and the pyrolysis temperature of biochar. Soil and biochar pH, biochar applied rate, and latitude also influence soil GHG fluxes, but to a more limited extent. Our findings provide a scientific basis for developing more rational strategies toward widespread adoption of biochar as a soil amendment for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

The impact of agricultural management on global warming potential (GWP) and greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) is not well documented. A long‐term fertilizer experiment in Chinese double rice‐cropping systems initiated in 1990 was used in this study to gain an insight into a complete greenhouse gas accounting of GWP and GHGI. The six fertilizer treatments included inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (NP), nitrogen and potassium fertilizer (NK), and balanced inorganic fertilizer (NPK)], combined inorganic/organic fertilizers at full and reduced rate (FOM and ROM), and no fertilizer application as a control. Methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were measured using static chamber method from November 2006 through October 2009, and the net ecosystem carbon balance was estimated by the changes in topsoil (0–20 cm) organic carbon (SOC) density over the 10‐year period 1999–2009. Long‐term fertilizer application significantly increased grain yields, except for no difference between the NK and control plots. Annual topsoil SOC sequestration rate was estimated to be 0.96 t C ha?1 yr?1 for the control and 1.01–1.43 t C ha?1 yr?1 for the fertilizer plots. Long‐term inorganic fertilizer application tended to increase CH4 emissions during the flooded rice season and significantly increased N2O emissions from drained soils during the nonrice season. Annual mean CH4 emissions ranged from 621 kg CH4 ha?1 for the control to 1175 kg CH4 ha?1 for the FOM plots, 63–83% of which derived from the late‐rice season. Annual N2O emission averaged 1.15–4.11 kg N2O–N ha?1 in the double rice‐cropping systems. Compared with the control, inorganic fertilizer application slightly increased the net annual GWPs, while they were remarkably increased by combined inorganic/organic fertilizer application. The GHGI was lowest for the NP and NPK plots and highest for the FOM and ROM plots. The results of this study suggest that agricultural economic viability and GHGs mitigation can be simultaneously achieved by balanced fertilizer application.  相似文献   

In shrub willow biomass crop (SWBC) production systems, the soil CO2 efflux (Fc) component in the carbon cycle remains poorly understood. This study assesses (i) differences of Fc rates among the 5‐, 12‐, 14‐, and 19‐year‐old SWBCs with two treatments: continuous production (regrowth) willow fields that were harvested and allowed to regrow, and willow fields that were harvested, killed, and then stools and roots were ground into the soil (removal); (ii) temporal and spatial variations of Fc rates; (iii) root respiration contributions to total Fc; and (iv) climatic variables affecting Fc. During the growing season (May to September), Fc rates showed no statistically significant differences across different ages (P = 0.664), and between treatments (P = 0.351); however, there was an interaction between age and treatment (P = 0.001). Similarly, during the dormant season (October to April), Fc rates revealed no statistically significant differences across different ages (P = 0.305) and treatment interaction with age (P = 0.097). Fc rates differed significantly (P < 0.001) among different times of the day and times of the year. Fc rates, between 00 and 1059 h, between 1100 and 1659 h, and between 1700 and 2400 h displayed consistency from May to November; however, Fc rates in these three time intervals showed significant differences (P < 0.0001). In December, Fc rates remained constant over 24 h. Fc rates demonstrated higher temporal and spatial variations among willow age classes than between regrowth and removal treatments. Temporal and spatial variations of Fc were higher during the dormant season than during the growing season. The proportion of root respiration to total Fc ranged from 18 to 33% across age classes. Fc rates showed strong association with soil and air temperatures, and relative humidity.  相似文献   

Global warming will likely enhance greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils. Due to its slow decomposability, biochar is widely recognized as effective in long‐term soil carbon (C) sequestration and in mitigation of soil GHG emissions. In a long‐term soil warming experiment (+2.5 °C, since July 2008) we studied the effect of applying high‐temperature Miscanthus biochar (0, 30 t/ha, since August 2013) on GHG emissions and their global warming potential (GWP) during 2 years in a temperate agroecosystem. Crop growth, physical and chemical soil properties, temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Rs), and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were investigated to yield further information about single effects of soil warming and biochar as well as on their interactions. Soil warming increased total CO2 emissions by 28% over 2 years. The effect of warming on soil respiration did not level off as has often been observed in less intensively managed ecosystems. However, the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration was not affected by warming. Overall, biochar had no effect on most of the measured parameters, suggesting its high degradation stability and its low influence on microbial C cycling even under elevated soil temperatures. In contrast, biochar × warming interactions led to higher total N2O emissions, possibly due to accelerated N‐cycling at elevated soil temperature and to biochar‐induced changes in soil properties and environmental conditions. Methane uptake was not affected by soil warming or biochar. The incorporation of biochar‐C into soil was estimated to offset warming‐induced elevated GHG emissions for 25 years. Our results highlight the suitability of biochar for C sequestration in cultivated temperate agricultural soil under a future elevated temperature. However, the increased N2O emissions under warming limit the GHG mitigation potential of biochar.  相似文献   

Revegetation represents an effective measure for preventing soil erosion on the Loess Plateau. However, the effects of revegetation‐induced changes in soil and root properties on soil resistance to concentrated flow erosion (SRC) remain unclear. This study sampled soils and roots across a 25‐year chronosequence from farmland to grasslands of different ages (3, 7, 10, 18, and 25 years) to quantify variations in soil and root properties (soil bulk density, SBD; soil disintegration rate, SDR; saturated hydraulic conductivity, SHC; organic matter content, OMC; water‐stable aggregate, WSA; mean weight diameter, MWD; root mass density, RMD; root length density, RLD; and root surface area density, RSAD) and their effects on SRC. Farmland and grassland SRCs were obtained using a hydraulic flume. Soil properties and root density gradually improved with restoration time. In terms of the comprehensive soil property index calculated via principal component analysis, grassland values were 0.66 to 1.94 times greater than farmland values. Grassland SRCs increased and gradually stabilized (>18 years) over time and were 1.60 to 8.26 times greater than farmland SRC. SRC improvement was significantly related to increases in OMC, SHC, WSA, and MWD and decreases in SBD and SDR over time. SRC was effectively simulated by the Hill curve of RMD, RLD, and RSAD. SDR, SHC, and RMD (0.5–1.0 mm) affected SRC the most. This study scientifically describes how revegetation improves soil quality and soil resistance to flow erosion, and suggests that vegetations rich in 0.5–1.0 mm roots should be preferred during revegetation.  相似文献   

Extreme precipitation is predicted to be more frequent and intense accompanying global warming and may have profound impacts on soil respiration (Rs) and its components, that is, autotrophic (Ra) and heterotrophic (Rh) respiration. However, how natural extreme rainfall or snowfall events affect these fluxes are still lacking, especially under nitrogen (N) fertilization. In this study, extreme rainfall and snowfall events occurred during a 3‐year field experiment, allowing us to examine their effects on the response of Rs, Rh, and Ra to N supply. In normal rainfall years of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, N fertilization significantly stimulated Rs by 23.9% and 10.9%, respectively. This stimulation was mainly due to the increase of Ra because of N‐induced increase in plant biomass. In the record wet year of 2013/2014, however, Rs was independent on N supply because of the inhibition effect of the extreme rainfall event. Compared with those in other years, Rh and Ra were reduced by 36.8% and 59.1%, respectively, which were likely related to the anoxic stress on soil microbes and decreased photosynthates supply. Although N supply did not affect annual Rh, the response ratio (RR) of Rh flux to N fertilization decreased firstly during growing season, increased in nongrowing season and peaked during spring thaw in each year. Nongrowing season Rs and Rh contributed 5.5–16.4% to their annual fluxes and were higher in 2012/2013 than other years due to the extreme snowfall inducing higher soil moisture during spring thaw. The RR of nongrowing season Rs and Rh decreased in years with extreme snowfall or rainfall compared to those in normal years. Overall, our results highlight the significant effects of extreme precipitation on responses of Rs and its components to N fertilization, which should be incorporated into models to improve the prediction of carbon‐climate feedbacks.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar short‐rotation coppices (SRC) provide feedstocks for bioenergy production and can be established on lands that are suboptimal for food production. The environmental consequences of deploying this production system on marginal agricultural land need to be evaluated, including the investigation of common management practices i.e., fertilization and irrigation. In this work, we evaluated (1) the soil‐atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (N2O); (2) the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks; (3) the gross ammonification and nitrification rates; and (4) the nitrate leaching as affected by the establishment of a hybrid poplar SRC on a marginal agricultural land in southern Germany. Our study covered one 3‐year rotation period and 2 years after the first coppicing. We combined field and laboratory experiments with modeling. The soil N2O emissions decreased from 2.2 kg N2O‐N ha?1 a?1 in the year of SRC establishment to 1.1–1.4 kg N2O‐N ha?1 a?1 after 4 years. Likewise, nitrate leaching reduced from 13 to 1.5–8 kg N ha?1 a?1. Tree coppicing induced a brief pulse of soil N2O flux and marginal effects on gross N turnover rates. Overall, the N losses diminished within 4 years by 80% without fertilization (irrespective of irrigation) and by 40% when 40–50 kg N ha?1 a?1 were applied. Enhanced N losses due to fertilization and the minor effect of fertilization and irrigation on tree growth discourage its use during the first rotation period after SRC establishment. A SOC accrual rate of 0.4 Mg C ha?1 a?1 (uppermost 25 cm, P = 0.2) was observed 5 years after the SRC establishment. Overall, our data suggest that SRC cultivation on marginal agricultural land in the region is a promising option for increasing the share of renewable energy sources due to its net positive environmental effects.  相似文献   

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