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Rainy Lake contains a native population of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens that has been largely unstudied. The aims of this study were to document the population characteristics of lake sturgeon in Rainy Lake and to relate environmental factors to year‐class strength for this population. Gill‐netting efforts throughout the study resulted in the capture of 322 lake sturgeon, including 50 recaptures. Lake sturgeon in Rainy Lake was relatively plump and fast growing compared with a 32‐population summary. Population samples were dominated by lake sturgeon between 110 and 150 cm total length. Age–structure analysis of the samples indicated few younger (<10 years) lake sturgeon, but the smallest gill net mesh size used for sampling was 102 mm (bar measure) and would not retain small sturgeon. Few lake sturgeon older than age 50 years were captured, and maximum age of sampled fish was 59 years. Few correlations existed between lake sturgeon year‐class indices and both annual and monthly climate variables, except that mean June air temperature was positively correlated with year‐class strength. Analysis of Rainy Lake water elevation and resulting lake sturgeon year‐class strength indices across years yielded consistent but weak negative correlations between late April and early June, when spawning of lake sturgeon occurs. The baseline data collected in this study should allow Rainy Lake biologists to establish more specific research questions in the future.  相似文献   

Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawning habitat in the Rainy River was studied in light of the ongoing review of the rules governing water levels upstream that affect discharge rates through the International Falls dam. The objectives of this study were to assess the current status of spawning Lake Sturgeon below the dam by: (i) evaluating weight–length relationships, condition, age and growth; (ii) identifying spawning locations and characterizing its physical attributes; and, (iii) evaluating the effects of water surface elevation on the availability of spawning habitat. Spawning was confirmed with use of egg mats, and targeted sampling of spawning individuals was completed using gillnets and electrofishing. Physical attributes of spawning locations, including temperature, depth and water velocity were collected at a range of water levels using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and representative sediment sampling. Biological characteristics and timing of spawning events were consistent with those previously reported for Lake Sturgeon. However, a wider range of depths (0.3–10.5 m) and velocities (0.01–1.9 m3/s) than reported in most single site studies was found here, with the ranges encompassing what is reported in the literature as a whole. Lake Sturgeon were found to prefer coarse spawning substrates dominated by bedrock, boulder or cobble. The availability of preferred spawning habitat varied significantly with the changing water levels observed during the study and was eventually limited at higher water levels by river channel form. Because of the implications for dewatering of nest sites, keeping flows constant during spawning is critical to Rainy River Lake Sturgeon spawning success.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to evaluate seasonal migratory behaviour and reproductive pattern of lake sturgeon in a confined region of the Mattagami River system in northern Ontario where river flow is regulated by hydroelectric works. Radio tracking and the systematic sampling of lake sturgeon using gill nets indicated that the distribution of fish throughout the study site varied on a seasonal basis. This distribution was related to the migration of individuals to potential spawning sites in the spring, a post-spawning dispersal to feeding areas and late summer migration to an area of concentration on the Groundhog River which is a tributary of the Mattagami River. There was a high proportion of fish (about 50%), within the size range of reproductively active fish, found in the vicinity of suitable spawning habitat during early May. Measurement of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and plasma sex steroid hormone levels revealed a divergent pattern of reproductive development between the sexes. Female sturgeon exhibited a prolonged period of ovarian regression following spawning. Resumption of ovarian development was not evident until September and was characterized by an increased GSI and plasma levels of testosterone and 17β-estradiol. In contrast, male lake sturgeon began testicular recrudescence within one month of spawning with the GSI reaching prespawning levels by September; reproductive hormones were at prespawning levels by the end of June. It seems that hydroelectric works has complex effects on sturgeon in the Mattagami system. The extensive migratory behaviour of lake sturgeon within the study area make it prone to impingement or entrainment whereas the altered river flow appears to enhance reproductive development. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of phytoplankton were studied during 1979 in the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario. Genera such as Dinobryon, Oscillatoria, and Gymnodinium tended to be found at discrete depths whereas other genera such as Cryptomonas and Rhodomonas tended to be more uniformly distributed throughout the water column. The discrete depth distribution of some of these genera compared with the weak thermal stabilization of the area suggests depth selection and habitat preference within the algal community.Physical processes probably played a major role in regulating the timing and duration of vertical diatom pulses, and resuspension from the sediment played a major role as to the timing of the autumn growth. Vertical mixing in the nearshore zone was sufficient for some diatom genera such as Tabellaria to maintain populations throughout the summer. These mixing processes, however, affect the stability of community structures and associations that develop within the water column. The role of physical processes and their potential effects on algal production in the Great Lakes is discussed.  相似文献   

Continued study of the relationship between lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) recruitment and hydroelectric dams and operations, in a variety of river systems and habitat types is needed to improve the ability to predict and monitor impacts of the hydroelectric industry on this species. Herein, we present results of a juvenile lake sturgeon study aimed at addressing concerns over an inferred lack of recruitment resulting from spawning downstream of a hydroelectric generating station (HGS). Two years of sampling (2015 and 2016) were conducted in five sections of a 41 km long reach of the Seine River, Ontario, a lake sturgeon spawning tributary of Rainy Lake. Using an established gillnetting method, deepwater habitat was targeted to capture juvenile lake sturgeon to assess relative abundance, recruitment (cohort strength), and growth. Deepwater habitat, defined as water depths >6 m in this system, comprised only 2.1% of the wetted area in this study area. Within these habitats, a total of 331 lake sturgeon capture events were observed over the 2-years study period. The majority of the lake sturgeon catch (85%) was comprised of age-0 to age-5 individuals (both sampling years combined). Although inter-annual variation in cohort strength was apparent, each cohort between 2006 and 2016 was represented. The spatial distribution of cohorts varied among river reaches with younger individuals (age-0 and age-1) occupying reaches proximal to the Sturgeon Falls HGS, and larger, older individuals (age-2 to age-5) occupying reaches further downstream. The rarity of age-6+ individuals can likely be explained by ongoing downstream redistribution of juveniles over time, out of the Seine River and into Rainy Lake. Growth of juvenile lake sturgeon captured in the Seine River was above average relative to conspecifics from other rivers in the Hudson Bay drainage. Unfortunately, baseline data sets required to facilitate comparisons of contemporary (post-construction Sturgeon Falls HGS) versus historical (i.e. pre- Sturgeon Falls HGS) lake sturgeon recruitment, or to evaluate the influence of the Seine River Water Management Plan (2004) on lake sturgeon recruitment, are lacking. However, juvenile Lake Sturgeon are more abundant in this system than what had been surmised based on recent studies which implemented random sampling. Results indicate that juvenile lake sturgeon may reside in spawning tributaries for several years (age-0 to age-5) prior to seeking alternate habitats and highlights the value of targeted sampling (i.e. by depth) along the flow axis of rivers downstream of spawning areas when assessing lake sturgeon recruitment patterns.  相似文献   

Heart Lake, a small dimictic lake in Southern Ontario shows classical characteristics of eutrophy: high phytoplankton populations, blooms of blue-greens, predominently Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, in summer, a shallow photic zone decreasing seasonally in response to dense phytoplankton crops and a hypolomnion which is deoxygenated from early summer to fall turnover. Large decreases occur in TDP and SRS in particular, but also in TDN from spring to summer.The distribution of individual species of algae with depth in the epilimnion was seldom uniform but, more commonly conformed to a definite pattern. The simultaneous existence of different patterns in different species provides evidence of spatial heterogeneity (niche diversification) in the epilimnion, which could lessen any interspecific competition.Diatom stratigraphy in a 70 cm core revealed that the lake has been eutrophic throughout but may have gone through 3 periods; of these, the most recent one was the most eutrophic and was preceeded by a period of unusually low water levels.  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens are imperiled throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes basin. Efforts to restore this species to former population levels have been ineffective due in part to limited information regarding its early life history. The objectives of this study were to characterize the larval drift and biological attributes of age‐0 lake sturgeon in the lower Peshtigo River, Wisconsin. Lake sturgeon larvae were captured from May to June 2002 and 2003 using drift nets, while age‐0 juveniles were captured from June through October 2002 and 2003 using wading, snorkeling, backpack electrofishing, and haul‐seine surveys. Larval drift occurred within 14 days of adult spawning and extended from 1 to 3 weeks in duration, with two peaks in the number of fish drifting downstream each year. Larvae had a median total length (TL) of 19 mm (range: 13–23; N = 159) in 2002 and 18 mm (range: 13–24; N = 652) in 2003. Catch‐per‐unit‐effort for larvae was 0.18 fish h?1 m2 and 0.94 fish h?1 m2 in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Age‐0 juvenile lake sturgeon exhibited rapid growth (i.e. 2.57 mm day?1 in TL and 0.66 g day?1 in wet weight) throughout summer and fall months; relative condition of fish in both years was approximately 100, indicating good condition. Absolute abundance of age‐0 juveniles in 2003 was estimated at 261 fish using the Schnabel estimator. The results from this study indicate that the lower Peshtigo River contains important nursery habitats suitable for age‐0 lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Rotenone was applied to Round Lake in the autumn of 1980 in order to eliminate predominantly planktivorous and benthivorous fish. The lake was subsequently restocked with a higher population density of piscivores. The effect of this biomanipulation on the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities and on total nutrient concentrations was monitored at fortnightly intervals during the summers, from May 1980 to September 1982.
2. The abundance of phytoplankton was much lower after biomanipulation and was consistent with observed changes in Secchi disc transparency, total attenuation coefficient and chlorophyll a concentration. Zooplankters were also less abundant in 1981 and 1982 but the decrease in numbers was more than offset by the large increase in the mean sizes of the zooplankters present, so that the estimated grazing pressures in 1981 and 1982 were at least double the 1980 value.
3. Daphnia , rare in 1980, became the dominant genus in 1981 and 1982, and a shift to progressively larger-bodied Daphnia species was observed.
4. Although total nitrogen and total phosphorus levels were generally lower after biomanipulation, their decline could not explain the reduction in phytoplankton abundance which was attributed to the increased grazing pressure. Possible causes of the observed declines in nutrient concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

There was significant morphological differentiation among samples of Tanganyika sardine Limnothrissa miodon , indicating non-random association of fish. Individuals within schools appeared to be unrelated as high mtDNA haplotype diversity demonstrated the presence of many maternal lineages in each school. Nevertheless, there was evidence from allozyme analysis for genetic differentiation on a very small geographical scale, possibly even among individual schools, without any clear geographical boundaries among populations. Similar microgeographical differentiation at the allozyme level was found in several marine pelagic species, suggesting a general pattern of random genetic structure in pelagic schooling fish. Such genetic patchiness may arise from biased reproductive success in localized spawning events and long-term stability of schools, resulting in genetic differentiation among schools. While the present results are preliminary, the far-reaching implications both for fisheries management and for evolutionary processes in pelagic species warrant further research on microgeographical genetic patterns using more sensitive markers.  相似文献   

The Menominee River, a boundary water between northeastern Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan, contains a sport fishery for lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, which is jointly managed by both states. Previous studies indicated that overfishing of this sturgeon population was occurring, and this investigation examined the impact of new angling regulations. The sturgeon population is fragmented into sections by hydroelectric dams. Stocks from the three main sections of the river were compared before and after implementation of the new angling regulations. Records of the legal harvest of lake sturgeon from each river section were obtained through a registration system, which has been in effect since 1983, and estimates of exploitation were derived from these data. Overfishing of lake sturgeon stocks in two of the three sections of the Menominee River is still occurring. Management recommendations are made which would allow for a continued fishery by providing further protection to the stocks.  相似文献   

Species translocations are increasingly being used as a management tool to mitigate population losses due to such factors as habitat degradation and fragmentation, but post‐introduction follow‐up is relatively sparse. Post‐translocation telemetry can assess success by identifying activity, emigrations, survival, habitat usage, and reproductive events, aiding in the continued management of translocated populations and informing future efforts. This study assessed movement of translocated adult lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) immediately post‐release and a decade later, and tested for associations between environmental variables and spawning movements. Prior to their translocation in 2002, 13 of 51 adult lake sturgeon were surgically implanted with radio telemetry tags and tracked for 1 year. In 2011 and 2013, eight additional adults were captured within the reintroduction site and implanted with radio‐tags. Six of the 13 sturgeon tagged in 2002 dispersed downstream over a dam during the early post‐release period. In spring 2014, tagged adults were tracked to the spillway at the release area's inflow, and spawning was confirmed by larval captures. Movement data for tagged adults differed between the two tracking periods, showing marked differences in behaviour over time. Water velocity was correlated with upstream and downstream spawning movements, with water temperature also correlated with downstream movement. Research regarding post‐translocation movement and dispersal provides insight on behavioural responses following translocation, and may improve outcomes by informing future efforts.  相似文献   

A protective limestone treatment was applied to an acid-sensitive lake in northeastern Minnesota as part of the Acid Precipitation Mitigation Program. This 6–year study evaluated the impact of that treatment on lakes in the upper Midwest that experience episodes of acid stress but have not lost basic species integrity and community structure. Several changes in the fish community can be directly or indirectly attributed to the addition of 4.6 tonnes of calcium carbonate early in the third year of the study. An almost 30–fold increase in the population of Pimephales promelas(fathead minnow) a year after liming, based on mark-recapture estimates from trap netting and snorkeling, was attributed to a pH increase and a three-fold increase in the calcium concentration of the epilimnion. After the initial increase, the abundance of fathead minnows declined in subsequent years, as did the elevated pH and calcium concentrations. The Salvelimis fontinalis(brook trout) population also increased in the lake following application of limestone, but this was due in part to closing the lake to fishing. An increase in survival of stocked brook trout to age 1+ and an increase in growth of older brook trout after liming were attributed to the increased forage that the fathead minnows provided. Fathead minnows may have also reduced predation pressure on young brook trout by older brook trout. This study demonstrated that liming of a slightly acidic lake did not adversely affect the integrity of the fish community, and in fact may have increased the abundance and biomass of the forage fish community and indirectly increased the survival, abundance, and growth of brook trout.  相似文献   

Males and females of cultured white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, mature at an average age of 4 and 8 years, respectively. However, the onset of ovarian vitellogenesis and puberty are highly asynchronous in the female stock. Gonadal cycles are annual in males and biennial in females, and gametogenesis is influenced by season. Neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction appears to involve a dual gonadotropin system controlling gonadal development and spawning. Labile puberty and sex-specific duration of the gonadal cycle are distinct characteristics of cultured and wild sturgeon. Photoperiod and temperature play a significant role in environmental regulation of the reproductive cycle, but further studies are necessary to elucidate the roles of endogenous and environmental factors in sturgeon reproduction which is critically important for both aquaculture and conservation of endangered wild stocks.  相似文献   

Thrush Lake, Minnesota, was treated with limestone in 1988 to evaluate the efficacy of protective base addition against the loss of sport fisheries in a sensitive, mildly acidic lake. Prior to treatment, the lake was stressed (pH 6.46, ANC 64 μeq/L) but not severely degraded by acidic deposition and had a macrophyte community typical of lakes in northeastern Minnesota with low acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC). This paper describes the changes observed in aquatic plant communities during the 5 years after treatment, as pH and ANC slowly returned to pretreatment levels. Sphagnum platyphyllum, intolerant of non-acid conditions, was completely eliminated from the lake. The charo-phyte, Nitella, that originally shared dominance in the deep littoral zone with S. platyphyllum, decreased in importance during the first 2 years after treatment. Two vascular plants, Potamogeton pusillus and Najas flexilis, were first found in the lake the year after treatment and were abundant for 2 years after liming, probably in response to a combination of more neutral pH and reduced cover of Nitella. As the ANC and pH slowly returned to pretreatment conditions, Nitella again increased in coverage and depth range, with a concomitant decrease in P. pusillus and N. flexilis. The moss, S. platyphyllum, had not reinvaded the lake by 1993, 2 years after its dramatic decline.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A massive population of the common dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella developed in Heart Lake. Ontario, Canada during the summer of 1976 and its sudden collapse and subsequent decomposition depleted dissolved oxygen and resulted in a fish-kill in the lake. The lake was being artificially mixed at the time by supplying compressed air to the bottom waters and the limnological events contributing to the development of the Ceratium population and its collapse appear to be closely related to the artificial destratification process. Artificial destratification during 1976 precluded the development of blue-green algue. The process also led to an increase in the density of herbivorous zooplankters which controlled the development of smaller planktonic algae. Ceratium flourished in Heart Lake because there was little competition for nutrients from other algae and because Ceratium cells are too large to be grazed by the zooplankton. The maximum size of the Ceratium population (53 mm3 1−1) is apparently the highest biomass reported in the literature and its collapse may have been related to a depletion of inorganic nitrogen. There is apparently no previously published record of a Ceratium -induced fish-kill in a freshwater lake.  相似文献   

Most species of sturgeon are declining in the Mississippi River Basin of North America including pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus F. and R.) and shovelnose sturgeons (S. platorynchus R.). Understanding the reproductive cycle of sturgeon in the Mississippi River Basin is important in evaluating the status and viability of sturgeon populations. We used non‐invasive, non‐lethal methods for examining internal reproductive organs of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon. We used an ultrasound to measure egg diameter, fecundity, and gonad volume; endoscope was used to visually examine the gonad. We found the ultrasound to accurately measure the gonad volume, but it underestimated egg diameter by 52%. After correcting for the measurement error, the ultrasound accurately measured the gonad volume but it was higher than the true gonad volume for stages I and II. The ultrasound underestimated the fecundity of shovelnose sturgeon by 5%. The ultrasound fecundity was lower than the true fecundity for stage III and during August. Using the endoscope, we viewed seven different egg color categories. Using a model selection procedure, the presence of four egg categories correctly predicted the reproductive stage ± one reproductive stage of shovelnose sturgeon 95% of the time. For pallid sturgeon, the ultrasound overestimated the density of eggs by 49% and the endoscope was able to view eggs in 50% of the pallid sturgeon. Individually, the ultrasound and endoscope can be used to assess certain reproductive characteristics in sturgeon. The use of both methods at the same time can be complementary depending on the parameter measured. These methods can be used to track gonad characteristics, including measuring Gonadosomatic Index in individuals and/or populations through time, which can be very useful when associating gonad characteristics with environmental spawning triggers or with repeated examinations of individual fish throughout the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Diver collected cores from three sites in Lake Erie, west of Cleveland, Eastern basin and near Buffalo, and one from Lake Ontario near the mouth of the Niagara River, were sectioned to 20 cm and examined for sulfur cycle and nitrogen cycle bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, insoluble organic and inorganic phosphate solubilizing bacteria and manganese oxidizing bacteria. Eh, pH, nitrogen, organic carbon and percentage moisture determinations were also made. Data from this study support and confirm other microbiological data collected from Lower Great Lakes sediment and also support the hypothesis that microbial flora of similar type sediments are numerically similar irrespective of the sediments source within the Lower Great Lakes.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to characterize the age, growth, condition, and total catch of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens in a remnant population associated with a Lake Michigan, USA tributary. Lake sturgeon were captured (2008–2013) using large‐mesh (25.4 and 30.5 cm) and small‐mesh (6.4 and 7.6 cm) gill netting in Muskegon Lake (which connects the Muskegon River to Lake Michigan), and adults were captured with boat electrofishing in the Muskegon River. A total of 268 unique lake sturgeon (24.8–191.0 cm total length; <0.1–59.5 kg weight) were captured. Of these, 180 fish were aged using pectoral fin rays, representing 27 age cohorts and a mean age of 7.6 years. The weight–length relationship for lake sturgeon was log10 (W) = 3.446·log10 (L) ? 6.163 and the von Bertalanffy growth model was = 180.719 [1?e?0.093(+ 0.902)], where W was wet weight (kg), L was total length (cm), and t was age (years). Mean growth rate of juveniles (ages 3–6) recaptured in successive years was 8.6 cm/year and 558 g/year. Annual catch of adults during the spawning migration suggested that the number of spawners each year was low (i.e., probably <50 individuals in most years). Natural reproduction appeared to be occurring given the catch of juvenile lake sturgeon in Muskegon Lake. However, recovery of this remnant population is uncertain given the population age structure and low rate of adult recruitment during the study.  相似文献   

Biogenic silica record in the sediments of Little Round Lake,Ontario   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biogenic silica (BSi) record has been determined in the sediments of Little Round Lake, Ontario in order to review its postglacial development and study the relationship between BSi and diatoms. BSi concentrations in the sediment stratigraphy were found to correspond for the most part to the trophic history of Little Round Lake. Calculation of accumulation rates for BSi improved the correspondence of the BSi profile to the trophic history. Thus, BSi is a valuable paleoindicator when concentration and flux profiles are considered concurrently. Regression analysis of BSi and diatoms revealed that the concentration of BSi in the sediments was not a simple function of diatom numbers or biovolume, but that factors such as a correction for the rate of dissolution and abundance of chrysophycean scales and cysts were also important.  相似文献   

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