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A one‐step multiplex RT‐PCR method has been developed for the simultaneous detection of four viruses frequently occurring in tobacco (Cucumber mosaic virus, Tobacco mosaic virus, Tobacco etch virus and Potato virus Y). Four sets of specific primers were designed to work with the same reaction reagents and cycling conditions, resulting in four distinguishable amplicons representative of the four viruses independently. This one‐step multiplex RT‐PCR is consistently specific using different combinations of virus RNA as templates, and no non‐specific band was observed. It has high sensitivity compared to single RT‐PCR. Moreover, field samples in China can be tested by this method for virus detection. Our results show that one‐step multiplex RT‐PCR is a high‐throughput, specific, sensitive method for tobacco virus detection.  相似文献   

多重PCR技术在病原检测中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
多重PCR能够同时扩增不同片段,具有普通PCR方法不可比拟的优势。简要论述了多重PCR在细菌病原体的检测、病毒病原体的检测、支原体和衣原体及寄生虫的检测、微生物耐药性检测等方面的应用,分析了多重PCR的影响因素及条件优化,并进一步综述了多重PCR的应用前景。  相似文献   

多重PCR同时检测人乳头瘤病毒、巨细胞病毒和沙眼衣原体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了应用聚合酶链反应同时检测人巨细胞病毒(CMV)、人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)、沙眼衣原体(CT),参照文献报道的基因序列,设计合成了三对能扩增370bp、450bp、510bp基因片段的引物,并对PCR扩增条件进行了优化。0.1fgHPV-DNA、CMV-DNA、CT-DNA即可被检出,得到了与设计片段相同的产物,且不扩增大肠杆菌、白色念球菌、解尿支原体等病原的核酸。对395例标本进行检查,各病原体的检出率分别是:HPV19.2%、CMV14.9%、CT5.1%。其中混合感染42例。PCR同时检测CMV、HPV、CT经济、快速、敏感、特异,可用于临床诊断和实验研究。  相似文献   

目的:建立一种同时检测鸭圆环病毒(DuCV)和鸭I型肝炎病毒(DHV)病原体的二重PCR技术。方法:根据DuCV和DHV的基因文库,分别设计了2对与DuCV和DHV某段基因序列互补的引物,用这2对引物对同一样品中DuCV和DHV模板进行二重PCR扩增。结果与结论:用建立的方法均同时得到了2条特异性的大小与实验设计相符(DuCV:245bp;DHV:569bp)的二重PCR扩增带,而且对其他禽病病原的PCR扩增结果均为阴性,能同时检出56Pg的DHVRNA模板和6Pg的DuCVDNA模板。  相似文献   

Aim: To develop and evaluate a multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay for simultaneous detection of 10 bacterial species causing bovine mastitis namely, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus chromogenes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus sciuri, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus simulans, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis and Escherichia coli in milk. Methods and Results: A two‐tube mPCR assay was developed. The accuracy of the mPCR was evaluated using 56 standard reference strains and 705 strains comprising of E. coli (n = 99), staphylococci (n = 522) and streptococci (n = 84). The threshold of detection of the mPCR assay was 10 fg of genomic DNA and <103 CFU ml?1. A comparative evaluation of mPCR with culture method using 115 milk samples from subclinical mastitis showed mPCR to be more efficacious. Subsequently, the mPCR showed successful detection of target bacteria, when applied directly for the assessment of 36 bulk milk samples. Conclusion: The developed mPCR assay was found to be simple, rapid, reliable and specific in species identification of 10 bacteria at a time. Significance and Impact of the Study: The assay will be useful for the detection of mastitis, testing bacteriological safety of milk and for species level differentiation. The assay will be of value in the dairy sector for diagnosis and research. The early and accurate identification of pathogens will enable timely interventions for the treatment and control of bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

食源性致病菌多重PCR快速检测方法建立与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用PCR技术,建立多组多重食源性致病菌PCR快速检测方法。设计受试菌特异性引物,反应体系中加入多对引物和多种DNA模板,采用正交试验优化PCR反应条件,进行特异性引物的PCR扩增。建立了多组多重食源性致病菌PCR快速检测方法,方法中所检测受试菌株和模拟样品均出现特异性扩增条带,结果与实际相符。所建立多组多重PCR快速检测体系符合设计要求,可以应用于食源性突发公共卫生事件的应急检测和日常样品检测工作。  相似文献   

三重RT-PCR同步检测马铃薯多种病毒影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据病毒外壳蛋白区序列设计PVX、PVS特异性引物对,根据P1基因区序列设计PVA特异性引物对,应用三重RT-PCR同步检测马铃薯X病毒,马铃薯A病毒及马铃薯S病毒,分别得到562bp、255bp、182bp大小的扩增片段。试验从反转录反应、PCR反应及循环条件3方面讨论了试剂和循环条件对三重RT-PCR同步检测3种病毒的影响。结果表明反转录反应中dNTPs浓度、3种病毒下游引物浓度比例对整个反应影响较大;其次是PCR反应中MgC12浓度和退火温度;反转录时间,循环条件对RT-PCR影响较小。  相似文献   

PCR检测伪狂犬病病毒DNA   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 根据伪狂犬病病毒 (PRV)gB基因的序列 ,设计并合成了一对引物 ,以闽A株细胞培养毒为模板 ,筛选最佳反应条件 ,建立了检测PRV的PCR方法 应用该方法对Fb、Bartha、BJ、GD、V2F4、S、S3、SR、Buk、Shope、Norden、MinkⅢ、HB、F8、F9、F12等毒株的细胞培养液进行基因扩增 ,均获得了分子量为 2 81bp的特异性目的DNA片段 ,而对Vero细胞与FMDV、SVDV、HCV、PRRSV、JEV、PPV等病毒进行检测 ,结果均为阴性 ,没有出现交叉反应 对PRV毒株扩增的产物测序 ,结果序列与文献报道一致 ,证明PCR扩增产物和方法的特异性 对 1994~ 2 0 0 0年期间送检的临床样品和保存的PRV毒种 ,用病毒分离、双抗体夹心ELISA和PCR等 3种方法进行检测 ,结果前 2种方法检测为阳性的 ,PCR检测均为阳性 ;PCR检测为阴性 ,前 2种方法检测也为阴性 ;可是 ,前 2种方法检测为阴性的 ,PCR却检测出部分阳性 ;经x2 检验 ,证明PCR检出率明显高于前 2种方法的检出率 对PRV闽A株细胞毒提取物DNA进行检测 ,其最低检出量为 15 8pg 对 1999~ 2 0 0 0年期间广东、福建、海南等省的 31个大中型猪场送检的 191份病料进行检测 .结果病料阳性率为 2 6 2 % ( 50 191) ,猪场阳性率为 71% ( 2 2 31) 实验结果表明 ,所建立的PCR技术可用于伪狂犬病的快速诊断  相似文献   

食源性致病菌多重分子生物学检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
快速、可靠的食源性致病菌高通量检测方法对于确保食品安全具有重要意义,近年基于DNA水平的多重分子生物学检测技术迅速发展,针对各种不同的食源性致病菌建立了多种多重分子检测技术,包括多重PCR、多重实时荧光PCR以及基因芯片等。对这些多重分子检测技术的最新研究进展作一综述,并且建议在今后该技术的研究中,仍需要在食品中多种致病菌同时选择性增菌培养、亚致死损伤修复以及检测内标的构建等方面取得突破,从而能够更好地实现食源性致病菌的高通量检测。  相似文献   

多重PCR鉴定不同毒素型的产气荚膜梭菌菌落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵耘  杜昕波  李伟杰  康凯  陈敏 《微生物学报》2008,35(6):0989-0993
参照文献报道的产气荚膜梭菌a, b, e, t 毒素基因cpa、cpb、etx 及iA序列合成了针对4种毒素基因的4对特异引物, 建立了一种简单的产气荚膜梭菌定型的菌落多重PCR方法。结果本所保存的A, B, C, D, E各型产气荚膜梭菌参考菌株均扩增出了相应的预期条带, 而诺维氏梭菌、腐败梭菌和破伤风梭菌的扩增均为阴性; 将单个菌落稀释100倍利用此菌落多重PCR仍能扩增到相应的目的片段。并利用此多重PCR对13株不同动物来源的产气荚膜梭菌进行了定型鉴定, 并与毒素中和试验鉴定结果进行了比较, 结果表明两种方法具有较高的符合率。本方法的建立对于产气荚膜梭菌的快速检测、定型具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

猪微卫星标记多重PCR扩增组合   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用多重PCR的方法,以快速扩增微卫星标记和节约试剂为目标,对其反应条件进行优化后,获得了46个扩增效果理想的微卫星标记多重PCR组合,其中30个为二重PCR,16个为三重PCR。实验结果表明,这些多重PCP反应的引物浓度为0.06~0.3μmol/L, Mg2+的浓度变化范围为1.5~3.0mmol/L,采用的PCR缓冲液的倍数为1.0、1.2、1.4或1.6,每个PCR反应聚合酶的用量在0.2和0.4U之间,退火温度及反应循环数分别为52~60℃ 和32~50℃。所有多重PCR进一步合并为17个可在ABI 337测序仪上进行电泳的组合。 Abstract:In order to rapidly amplify pig microsatellite markers and save materials,multiplex PCR was used and its reaction condition was optimized.Forty-six combinations of multiplex PCR with good effects were obtained.Thirty of them are duplex-PCRs,sixteen are triplex-PCRs.The results of multiplexes showed that the concentration of primers varied among 0.06~0.3μmol/L,the Mg2+ concentration among 1.5~3.0 mmol/L;0.2~0.4 U of Taq polymerase and 1.0-,1.2-,1.4-,1.6-fold buffer were used,the annealing temperature and the cycle number varied among 52~60℃ and 32~50℃,respectively.All multiplexes were further combined into 17 sets for the electrophoresis on ABI 377 sequencer.  相似文献   

A PCR method for detection of Yersinia pestis-virulence determinants by the use of multiplex primers was developed. Four pairs of oligonucleotide primers were designed from each gene of three kinds of virulent plasmids and a chromosomal DNA; 60-Md plasmid-located gene (caf1) encoding Y. pestis-specific capsular antigen fraction 1, a Y. pestis-specific region of a yopM gene encoded on 42-Md virulent plasmid, a plasminogen activator gene (pla) encoded on Y. pestis-specific 7-Md plasmid and an invasin protein gene (inv) encoded on chromosomal DNA. This multiplex-primer system was specific for the detection of Y. pestis among pathogenic Yersinia species and other enterobacteriaceae having antigens common to Y. pestis. Since this method is simple and safe, it will be useful to identify and confirm Y. pestis in cases of emergency and for the surveillance of epidemics.  相似文献   

参照文献报道的产气荚膜梭菌α,β,ε,τ毒素基因cpa、cpb,etx及iA序列合成了针对4种毒素基因的4对特异引物,建立了一种简单的产气荚膜梭菌定型的菌落多重PCR方法.结果本所保存的A,B,c,D,E各型产气荚膜梭菌参考菌株均扩增出了相应的预期条带,而诺维氏梭菌、腐败梭菌和破伤风梭菌的扩增均为阴性;将单个菌落稀释100倍利用此菌落多重PCR仍能扩增到相应的目的片段.并利用此多重PCR对13株不同动物来源的产气荚膜梭菌进行了定型鉴定,并与毒素中和试验鉴定结果进行了比较,结果表明两种方法具有较高的符合率.本方法的建立对于产气荚膜梭菌的快速检测、定型具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a multiplex PCR approach for simultaneous detection of Leuconostoc and Carnobacterium and its validation in meat products. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two multiplex PCR assays were developed using newly designed 16S rDNA-directed primers adapted to the current taxonomic situation of genera Leuconostoc and Carnobacterium that allow: (i) simultaneous detection of both genera, and members of the nonmotile species of genus Carnobacterium and (ii) identification in a single assay of the nonmotile species C. divergens, C. maltaromicum and C. gallinarum. Sensitivity values of 10(3) and 10(4) CFU g(-1) were determined for multiplex PCR detection of Carnobacterium and Leuconostoc, respectively, following artificially inoculated meat trials. In addition, both multiplex PCR assays were validated in 14 naturally contaminated samples covering nine types of meat products. Results obtained by colony identification were confirmed by PCR detection. CONCLUSIONS: The methods described in this study provide a rapid and reliable tool for PCR detection of Carnobacterium and Leuconostoc, in meat products, and for colony identification. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This multiplex PCR approach will help in the analysis of the spoilage microbiota of refrigerated vacuum-packaged meat product in order to determine the appropriate preservation method.  相似文献   

Specific PCR primers were designed based on the 16S rRNA genes of recently proposed beer-spoilage species, Pectinatus haikarae, Megasphaera sueciensis, and M. paucivorans, and two sets of our previously reported multiplex PCR methods for Pectinatus spp. and beer-spoilage cocci were reconstructed. Each modified multiplex PCR method was found specifically to detect beer-spoilage species of Pectinatus and cocci, including new species.  相似文献   

目的建立一种可同时检测肝、胆汁、啮齿类三种螺杆菌的多重PCR方法。方法根据已公布的肝、胆汁、啮齿类三种螺杆菌16SrRNA基因序列设计三对特异性引物进行多重PCR并对反应条件进行优化。结果三对引物能分别扩增出特异性的417 bp、364 bp、324 bp目的条带。最佳退火温度为52℃,镁离子浓度为2.0mmol/L,dNTP浓度为200μmol/L,引物浓度为0.625μmol/L。在此条件下多重PCR同时检测的肝、胆汁、啮齿类三种螺杆菌敏感度均为10 fg。结论本实验建立的多重PCR是一种敏感、特异、高效的方法,为同时检测啮齿动物中肝、胆汁、啮齿类三种螺杆菌奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

目的:建立能够同时检测单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的三重荧光定量PCR方法。方法:根据基因库中单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的基因序列,设计3对特异性引物和3条用不同荧光基团标记的TaqMan探针,对反应条件和试剂浓度进行优化,建立能够同时检测单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的三重荧光定量PCR方法。结果:该方法对单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫的检测敏感性分别达到40、400和40个模板拷贝数;此外抗干扰能力强,对单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫不同模板浓度进行组合,仍可有效地同时检测这3种原虫,对嗜水气单胞菌、荧光假单胞菌、副溶血弧菌、溶藻弧菌、河弧菌和拟态弧菌等病原体的检测结果均为阴性。结论:建立的单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫多重荧光定量PCR具有特异、敏感、快速、定量和重复性好等优点,可用于临床上单孢子虫、派琴虫和折光马尔太虫感染的检测。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus haemolyticus is the most frequently coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species associated with antimicrobial resistance isolated from nosocomial infections. We developed an accurate and simple multiplex PCR assay to identify methicillin-resistant S. haemolyticus (MRSH) isolates. We designed species-specific primers of the mvaA gene that encodes a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A involved in the mevalonate pathway of the microorganism. Simultaneously, mecA gene primers of methicillin resistance were also used. The PCR assay was established using 16 strains of different reference Staphylococcus species and validated with a collection of 147 clinical staphylococcal isolates that were also phenotypically characterized. Reliable results for the detection of MRSH isolates were obtained for 100% of the strains evaluated, showing that this PCR assay can be used for the routine microbiology laboratories. This is the first report using species-specific multiplex PCR to detect a single segment of S. haemolyticus associated with a segment of mecA gene.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop multiplex PCR detection method for five Pythium species associated with turfgrass diseases, Pythium aphanidermatum, Pythium arrhenomanes, Pythium graminicola, Pythium torulosum and Pythium vanterpoolii. Species‐specific primers and two common primers were designed based on the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA. Another primer set by which all organisms would be amplified in 18S rDNA was used as a positive control. When these total nine primers were applied to the multiplex PCR, all species were individually discriminated in the mixture of five species culture DNA. Furthermore, all five Pythium species were detected in naturally infected plants using the multiplex PCR.  相似文献   

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