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In social insects, the caste systems are based on reproductive division of labor; queens specialize in reproduction and workers primarily maintain the colony. Recently, a volatile pheromone containing n-butyl-n-butyrate and 2-methyl-1-butanol was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of female neotenic reproductives (secondary queens). Although this volatile inhibitory pheromone regulates caste differentiation directly, the method by which it reaches members without direct contact with the queen in large colonies is not well understood. Therefore, additional mechanisms of indirect communication must exist, such as worker-mediated queen signal transport. We found that workers exposed to female reproductives did not mediate queens’ inhibitory signal in a termite Reticulitermes speratus. The experiment assessed worker transfer from direct to indirect contact groups and determined that the differentiation of new female reproductives in the indirect contact groups was not influenced by the direct contact groups, whereas direct contact with functional female reproductives and artificial queen pheromone did suppress neotenic differentiation. This suggests that worker transfer of the queen signal is unlikely and that for colony-wide inhibition direct contact by the majority of infertile members with reproductives or eggs, which emit the same volatiles as female reproductives, is necessary within a certain time interval.  相似文献   

In social insects, resource allocation is a key factor that influences colony survival and growth. Optimal allocation to queens and brood is essential for maximum colony productivity, requiring colony members to have information on the total reproductive power in colonies. However, the mechanisms regulating egg production relative to the current labour force for brood care remain poorly known. Recently, a volatile chemical was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of new neotenic reproductives (secondary reproductives developed from nymphs or workers) in Reticulitermes speratus. The same volatile chemical is also emitted by eggs. This queen pheromone would therefore be expected to act as an honest message of the reproductive power about queens. In this study, we examined how the queen pheromone influences the reproductive rate of queens in R. speratus. We compared the number of eggs produced by each queen between groups with and without exposure to artificial queen pheromone. Exposure to the pheromone resulted in a significant decrease in egg production in both single-queen and multiple-queen groups. This is the first report supporting the role of queen pheromones as a signal regulating colony-level egg production, using synthetically derived compounds in a termite.  相似文献   



In social insects, the queen is essential to the functioning and homeostasis of the colony. This influence has been demonstrated to be mediated through pheromone communication. However, the only social insect for which any queen pheromone has been identified is the honey bee (Apis mellifera) with its well-known queen mandibular pheromone (QMP). Although pleiotropic effects on colony regulation are accredited to the QMP, this pheromone does not trigger the full behavioral and physiological response observed in the presence of the queen, suggesting the presence of additional compounds. We tested the hypothesis of a pheromone redundancy in honey bee queens by comparing the influence of queens with and without mandibular glands on worker behavior and physiology.


Demandibulated queens had no detectable (E)-9-oxodec-2-enoic acid (9-ODA), the major compound in QMP, yet they controlled worker behavior (cell construction and queen retinue) and physiology (ovary inhibition) as efficiently as intact queens.


We demonstrated that the queen uses other pheromones as powerful as QMP to control the colony. It follows that queens appear to have multiple active compounds with similar functions in the colony (pheromone redundancy). Our findings support two hypotheses in the biology of social insects: (1) that multiple semiochemicals with synonymous meaning exist in the honey bee, (2) that this extensive semiochemical vocabulary exists because it confers an evolutionary advantage to the colony.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of weight and colony origin of the queen of Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on worker attraction is studied under laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, worker response to individual queens of different weight from the same colony is evaluated. Heavier queens are more attractive than smaller queens to their own workers. In subsequent experiments, the colony origin effect is investigated and worker response to a pair of queens of the same weight from the same or different colonies is compared. When queens are from the same colony, workers do not show a significant preference between queens. However, when queens are from a different colony, workers are significantly more attracted to their own queen than to the foreign queen. Finally, the response of workers to queens of different weight from the same or different colonies is investigated. In both cases, workers are significantly more attracted to a heavier queen than a lighter queen, even if the lighter queen is their own queen. A putative pheromonal component (E)‐6‐(1‐pentenyl)‐2H‐2‐pyranone, is not positively correlated with queen weight.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The abilities of various categories of queens of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, to inhibit de-alation by virgin queens are compared by means of a standardized bioassay that detects the presence of an inhibitory pheromone. Highly fecund (high weight) queens of monogynous colonies and virgin replacement queens in queenless colonies have a significantly greater inhibitory capability than queens of lower fecundity (lower weight). In polygynous colonies, inhibitory effectiveness is also positively related to the fertility of individual queens, although no pheromone can be detected in queens that lay few eggs. Alate virgin queens that have overwintered in the parental nest, and sexually mature spring-reared virgin queens, either do not produce the pheromone, or produce too little to be detected. These results are discussed in relation to the degree of ovarian development of different queen categories and in relation to the social status of these queens.  相似文献   

Queens of primitively eusocial wasps generally have active and behaviourally dominant queens who use physical aggression to suppress worker reproduction. Although a Ropalidia marginata queen is strikingly docile and behaviourally non-dominant, she is completely successful in maintaining reproductive monopoly. R. marginata queens must achieve such reproductive monopoly by some means other than overt physical aggression. Upon loss or removal of the queen, one of the workers (referred to as the potential queen) becomes extremely aggressive and will eventually go on to become the next queen of the colony, if the original queen is not returned. The fact that potential queens are not discernible in the presence of the queen but become obvious within minutes after removal of the queen raises the question of how workers in general and the potential queens in particular, perceive the presence or absence of their queens. Here, we have conducted experiments in which we separate half of the workers from their queen by a wire mesh screen and study their behavioural response to such separation. We demonstrate that the presence of the queen is not perceived across the wire mesh screen, which suggests that if the queen uses a pheromone to signal her presence, then that pheromone is not very volatile.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution and spread of the invasive social wasp Vespula germanica in Argentina, focusing on the contribution of queen dispersal to territorial expansion. Vespula germanica is native to Eurasia and has invaded several regions of the world, including Southern Argentina. Flight potential of field‐collected queens was measured using flight mills. Also, by means of an extensive survey we estimated the rate of spread by analysing the relationship between years since arrival and distance from the introduction locality. The mean distance flown by wasp queens in flight mills was 404.7 ± 140.8 m (mean ± SE, n = 59), while the rate of spread of V. germanica was estimated at 37.2 ± 2.1 km year?1 (mean ± SE, n = 67), although faster towards the south. The observed spread rate of V. germanica wasps in Argentina confirms the invasive potential shown by several Hymenoptera species worldwide. Still, a stratified geographical expansion pattern does not match observed queen dispersal abilities, suggesting that human‐aided transport of hibernating queens is the central driver of the current distribution of these wasps. We suggest that despite several life‐history traits known for social insects that contribute to successful invasion, wasp spread must still rely strongly on human mediated pathways. This observation sheds light on those factors that are crucial for managing invasions of this and related pestiferous wasps.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones of social insects are best known for their role in the defence and maintenance of colony integrity. Previous studies with the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) demonstrate that the mandibular glands of workers (sterile females) and male and female sexuals produce an alarm pheromone, 2‐ethyl‐3,6‐dimethylpyrazine. The function of alarm pheromones in worker ants is well understood and divergent from the function of these compounds in the winged sexual forms. The present study quantifies the amount of pyrazine in the mandibular glands from male and female alate sexuals, as well as queens. Pyrazine production in female alates starts in the late pupal stage and increases until they reach mating flight‐ready maturity; however, after mating flight participation, the pyrazine level declines by >50%. Interestingly, mature male alates lose >85% of their mandibular gland pyrazine during mating flight activity. The results of the present study indicate that male and female sexuals use mandibular gland secretions for mating flight initiation and during mating flights. Furthermore, the ontogeny of mandibular gland products (pyrazine as the marker) from newly‐mated queens to mature colony queens shows a more than two‐fold increase in the amount of pyrazine by 6 months after mating. However, this is followed by a decline to trace amounts in mature colony queens (>2 years old), suggesting a function for mandibular gland products during colony development. Multifunctional use of social insect pheromones is well documented and data are reported in the present study suggesting new roles for mandibular gland products in fire ants.  相似文献   

Summary Queen rearing is suppressed in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) by pheromones, particularly the queen's mandibular gland pheromone. In this study we compared this pheromonally-based inhibition between temperate and tropically-evolved honey bees. Colonies of European and Africanized bees were exposed to synthetic queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) for ten days following removal of resident queens, and their queen rearing responses were examined. Queen rearing was suppressed similarly in both European and Africanized honey bees with the addition of synthetic QMP, indicating that QMP acts on workers of both races in a comparable fashion. QMP completely suppressed queen cell production for two days, but by day six, cells containing queen larvae were present in all treated colonies, indicating that other signals play a role in the suppression of queen rearing. In queenless control colonies not treated with QMP, Africanized bees reared 30% fewer queens than Europeans, possibly due to racial differences in response to feedback from developing queens and/or their cells. Queen development rate was faster in Africanized colonies, or they selected older larvae to initiate cells, as only 1 % of queen cells were unsealed after 10 days compared with 12% unsealed cells in European colonies.  相似文献   

In social insect colonies, queen-produced pheromones have important functions in social regulation. These substances influence the behavior and physiology of colony members. A queen-produced volatile that inhibits differentiation of new neotenic reproductives was recently identified in the lower termite Reticulitermes speratus. However, there are no known queen-specific volatiles of this type in any other termite species. Here, we report volatile compounds emitted by live queens of the higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis. We used headspace gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (HS GC-MS) to analyze volatiles emitted by live primary queens, workers, soldiers, alates, and eggs collected in a Japanese subtropical forest. Among 14 detected compounds, 7 were soldier-specific, 1 was alate-specific, 1 was egg-specific, and 1 was queen-specific. The queen-specific volatile was phenylethanol, which is different than the compound identified in R. speratus. The identification of this queen-specific volatile is the first step in determining its functions in higher termite social regulation. Comparisons of queen pheromone substances regulating caste differentiation among various termite taxa will contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of social systems in termites.  相似文献   

A key feature of eusocial insects is their reproductive division of labour. The queen signals her fecundity to her potentially reproductive daughters via a pheromone, which renders them sterile. In contrast, solitary insects lack division in reproductive labour and there is no such social signalling or need for ovary‐regulating pheromones. Nonetheless, females from both non‐social and eusocial lineages are expected to regulate their ovaries to maximize inclusive lifetime reproductive success. It is not known, however, whether the underlying networks that regulate ovary activation are homologous between non‐social and eusocial taxa, especially when these taxa are phylogenetically distant. In this study, we provide evidence that solitary fruit flies may share a conserved ovary‐regulating pathway with a eusocial honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Specifically, we demonstrate that honey bee queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) inhibits fly ovaries in much the same way as it suppresses worker ovaries. Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Drosophilidae) exposed to sufficient doses of QMP showed a reduction in ovary size, produced fewer eggs, and generated fewer viable offspring, relative to unexposed controls. Drosophila melanogaster therefore responds to an interspecific social cue to which it would not normally be exposed. Although we cannot strictly rule out an incidental effect, this conspicuous response suggests that these two species may share an underlying mechanism for ovary regulation. Why a non‐social species of fly responds to a highly social bee's pheromone is not clear, but one possibility is that solitary and social insects share pathways associated with female reproduction, as predicted by the ‘groundplan’ hypothesis of social evolution.  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera are characterized by a reproductive division of labor, whereby queens perform most of the reproduction and workers help to raise her offspring. A long‐lasting debate is whether queens maintain this reproductive dominance by manipulating their daughter workers into remaining sterile (queen control), or if instead queens honestly signal their fertility and workers reproduce according to their own evolutionary incentives (queen signaling). Here, we test these competing hypotheses using data from Vespine wasps. We show that in natural colonies of the Saxon wasp, Dolichovespula saxonica, queens emit reliable chemical cues of their true fertility and that these putative queen signals decrease as the colony develops and worker reproduction increases. Moreover, these putative pheromones of D. saxonica show significant conservation with those of Vespula vulgaris and other Vespinae, thereby arguing against fast evolution of signals as a result of a queen–worker arms race ensuing from queen control. Lastly, levels of worker reproduction in these species correspond well with their average colony kin structures, as predicted by the queen signaling hypothesis but not the queen control hypothesis. Altogether, this correlative yet comprehensive analysis provides compelling evidence that honest signaling explains levels of reproductive division of labor in social wasps.  相似文献   

In most social insects, the brood is totipotent and environmental factors determine whether a female egg will develop into a reproductive queen or a functionally sterile worker. However, genetic factors have been shown to affect the female's caste fate in a few ant species. The desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica reproduces by social hybridogenesis. All populations are characterized by the coexistence of two distinct genetic lineages. Queens are almost always found mated with a male of the alternate lineage than their own. Workers develop from hybrid crosses between the genetic lineages, whereas daughter queens are produced asexually via parthenogenesis. Here, we show that the association between genotype and caste in this species is maintained by a ‘hard‐wired’ genetic caste determination system, whereby nonhybrid genomes have lost the ability to develop as workers. Genetic analyses reveal that, in a rare population with multiple‐queen colonies, a significant proportion of nestmate queens are mated with males of their own lineage. These queens fail to produce worker offspring; they produce only purebred daughter queens by sexual reproduction. We discuss how the production of reproductive queens through sexual, intralineage crosses may favour the stability of social hybridogenesis in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract Behavioral responses of the Asian larch bark beetle, Ips subelongatus Motsch. to three potential aggregation pheromone components, ipsenol (racemic or [?]‐enantiomer), ipsdienol (racemic or [+]‐enantiomer) and 3‐methyl‐3‐buten‐1‐ol, were tested using partial or full factorial experimental designs in two provinces (Inner Mongolia and Jilin) of northeastern China. Our field bioassays in Inner Mongolia (Larix principis‐rupprechtii Mayr. plantation) clearly showed that ipsenol, either racemic or 97%‐(?)‐enantiomer, was the only compound that significantly attracted both sexes of I. subelongatus, while all other compounds (singly or in combinations) were unattractive. There were no two‐ or three‐way synergistic interactions. However, in Jilin Province (L. gmelini[Rupr.] Rupr. Plantation), all the individual compounds tested were inactive, except a very weak activity by 97%‐(?)‐ipsenol in 2004 when the beetle population was very high. While a combination of ipsenol and ipsdienol (racemates or enantiomerically pure natural enantiomers) showed a significant attraction for both sexes of I. subelongatus, indicating a two‐way synergistic interaction between these two major components, addition of 3‐methyl‐3‐buten‐1‐ol to these active binary blend(s) did not have any effects on trap catches, suggesting that ipsenol and ipsdienol are the synergistic aggregation pheromone components of I. subelongatus in Jilin Province. It seems that 97%‐(?)‐ipsenol in Inner Mongolia or the binary blend of 97%‐(?)‐ipsenol and 97%‐(+)‐ipsdienol in Jilin Province are superior to their corresponding racemates, which might be due either to weak inhibitory effects of the antipode enantiomers or to reduced release rates of the active natural enantiomer(s) in the racemate(s). Our current bioassay results suggest that there is a strong geographical variation in aggregation pheromone response of I. subelongatus in northeastern China. Future research on the pheromone production and response of I. subelongatus from different regions in Northeast Asia will surely improve our understanding of the dynamic aggregation pheromone system of this economically important forest pest insect.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental influences on the worker honey bee retinue response to queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) were investigated. Worker progeny were reared from queens originating from four sources: Australia, New Zealand, and two locations in British Columbia, Canada (Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Island). Progeny from New Zealand queens responded significantly higher (P < 0.05) than progeny from Australia in a QMP retinue bioassay. Retinue response was not related to queen production of pheromone or colony environment, and the strain-dependent differences in retinue bioassay responses were maintained over a wide range of dosages. Selected high- and low-responding colonies were bioassayed over the course of 1 year. High-responding colonies contacted QMP lures more frequently than low-responding colonies (P < 0.05) throughout the year except in late summer. We conclude that there is a strong genetic component to QMP response by worker honey bees, as well as a seasonal effect on response.  相似文献   

Policing, i.e. all behaviours that prevent a nestmate from reproducing, is currently observed in social insects. It is presumed to have evolved to regulate potential conflicts generated by genetic asymmetries or to enhance colony efficiency by avoiding surplus reproductives and brood. In the ant, Ectatomma tuberculatum, individual queen fecundity was similar in monogynous and polygynous colonies issued from a Mexican population. Egg cannibalism, however, occurred in the polygynous colonies. The stealing and destruction of reproductive queen‐laid eggs involved only nestmate queens, even if they were highly related. No queen appeared to monopolize reproduction in the polygynous colonies. But, the observed value of relatedness among workers differed from the expected value, suggesting an unequal sharing of reproduction between queens. We discussed whether the cannibalism of queen‐laid eggs in E. tuberculatum results from a competition for reproduction among queens or if this phenomenon is related to constraints on nutritional resources.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that, other things equal, individuals within social groups should direct altruistic behaviour towards their most highly related group‐mates to maximise indirect fitness benefits. In the social insects, most previous studies have shown that within‐colony kin discrimination (nepotism) is absent or weak. However, the number of studies that have investigated within‐colony kin discrimination at the level of individual behaviour remains relatively small. We tested for within‐colony kin discrimination in the facultatively multiple‐queen (polygynous) ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Specifically, we tested whether workers within polygynous colonies treated queens differently as a function of their relatedness to them. Colonies containing two egg‐laying queens were filmed to measure the rate at which individually marked workers antennated and groomed or fed each queen. Relatedness between individual queens and workers was calculated from their genotypes at four microsatellite loci. The results showed there were no differences in the rates at which workers antennated or groomed/fed their more related queen and their less related queen. Workers interacted preferentially with their potential mother queen with respect to grooming/feeding but not with respect to antennation. However, because of high queen turnover, the frequency of adult workers with their potential mother queen still present within the colony was relatively low. Overall, therefore, we found no evidence for within‐colony kin discrimination in the context of the average worker's treatment of queens in polygynous L. acervorum colonies.  相似文献   

n‐Butanol was produced continuously in a two‐stage fermentor system with integrated product removal from a co‐feed of n‐butyric acid and glucose. Glucose was always required as a source of ATP and electrons for the conversion of n‐butyrate to n‐butanol and for biomass growth; for the latter it also served as a carbon source. The first stage generated metabolically active planktonic cells of Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum strain N1‐4 that were continuously fed into the second (production) stage; the volumetric ratio of the two fermentors was 1:10. n‐Butanol was removed continuously from the second stage via gas stripping. Implementing a two‐stage process was observed to dramatically dampen metabolic oscillations (i.e., periodical changes of solventogenic activity). Culture degeneration (i.e., an irreversible loss of solventogenic activity) was avoided by periodical heat shocking and re‐inoculating stage 1 and by maintaining the concentration of undissociated n‐butyric acid in stage 2 at 3.4 mM with a pH‐auxostat. The system was successfully operated for 42 days during which 93% of the fed n‐butyrate was converted to n‐butanol at a production rate of 0.39 g/(L × h). The molar yields Yn‐butanol/n‐butyrate and Yn‐butanol/glucose were 2.0, and 0.718, respectively. For the same run, the molar ratio of n‐butyrate to glucose consumed was 0.358. The molar yield of carbon in n‐butanol produced from carbon in n‐butyrate and glucose consumed (Yn‐butanol/carbon) was 0.386. These data illustrate that conversion of n‐butyrate into n‐butanol by solventogenic Clostridium species is feasible and that this can be performed in a continuous system operating for longer than a month. However, our data also demonstrate that a relatively large amount of glucose is required to supply electrons and ATP for this conversion and for cell growth in a continuous culture. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:913–921. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Variation in gene expression leads to phenotypic diversity and plays a central role in caste differentiation of eusocial insect species. In social Hymenoptera, females with the same genetic background can develop into queens or workers, which are characterized by divergent morphologies, behaviours and lifespan. Moreover, many social insects exhibit behaviourally distinct worker castes, such as brood‐tenders and foragers. Researchers have just started to explore which genes are differentially expressed to achieve this remarkable phenotypic plasticity. Although the queen is normally the only reproductive individual in the nest, following her removal, young brood‐tending workers often develop ovaries and start to reproduce. Here, we make use of this ability in the ant Temnothorax longispinosus and compare gene expression patterns in the queens and three worker castes along a reproductive gradient. We found the largest expression differences between the queen and the worker castes (~2500 genes) and the smallest differences between infertile brood‐tenders and foragers (~300 genes). The expression profile of fertile workers is more worker‐like, but to a certain extent intermediate between the queen and the infertile worker castes. In contrast to the queen, a high number of differentially expressed genes in the worker castes are of unknown function, pointing to the derived status of hymenopteran workers within insects.  相似文献   

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