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This review provides a contemporary account of knowledge on aspects of introductions of non‐native fish species and includes issues associated with introduction pathways, ecological and economic impacts, risk assessments, management options and impact of climate change. It offers guidance to reconcile the increasing demands of certain stakeholders to diversify their activities using non‐native fishes with the long‐term sustainability of native aquatic biodiversity. The rate at which non‐native freshwater fishes have been introduced worldwide has doubled in the space of 30 years, with the principal motives being aquaculture (39%) and improvement of wild stocks (17%). Economic activity is the principal driver of human‐mediated non‐native fish introductions, including the globalization of fish culture, whereby the production of the African cichlid tilapia is seven times higher in Asia than in most areas of Africa, and Chile is responsible for c. 30% of the world's farmed salmon, all based on introduced species. Consequently, these economic benefits need balancing against the detrimental environmental, social and economic effects of introduced non‐native fishes. There are several major ecological effects associated with non‐native fish introductions, including predation, habitat degradation, increased competition for resources, hybridization and disease transmission. Consideration of these aspects in isolation, however, is rarely sufficient to adequately characterize the overall ecological effect of an introduced species. Regarding the management of introduced non‐native fish, pre‐introduction screening tools, such as the fish invasiveness scoring kit (FISK), can be used to ensure that species are not introduced, which may develop invasive populations. Following the introduction of non‐native fish that do develop invasive populations, management responses are typified by either a remediation or a mitigation response, although these are often difficult and expensive to implement, and may have limited effectiveness.  相似文献   

Aim Predicting and preventing invasions depends on knowledge of the factors that make ecosystems susceptible to invasion. Current studies generally rely on non‐native species richness (NNSR) as the sole measure of ecosystem invasibility; however, species identity is a critical consideration, given that different ecosystems may have environmental characteristics suitable to different species. Our aim was to examine whether non‐native freshwater fish community composition was related to ecosystem characteristics at the landscape scale. Location United States. Methods We described spatial patterns in non‐native freshwater fish communities among watersheds in the Mid‐Atlantic region of the United States based on records of establishment in the U.S. Geological Survey’s Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. We described general relationships between non‐native species and ecosystem characteristics using canonical correspondence analysis. We clustered watersheds by non‐native fish community and described differences among clusters using indicator species analysis. We then assessed whether non‐native communities could be predicted from ecosystem characteristics using random forest analysis and predicted non‐native communities for uninvaded watersheds. We estimated which ecosystem characteristics were most important for predicting non‐native communities using conditional inference trees. Results We identified four non‐native fish communities, each with distinct indicator species. Non‐native communities were predicted based on ecosystem characteristics with an accuracy of 80.6%, with temperature as the most important variable. Relatively uninvaded watersheds were predicted to be invasible by the most diverse non‐native community. Main conclusions Non‐native species identity is an important consideration when assessing ecosystem invasibility. NNSR alone is an insufficient measure of invasibility because ecosystems with equal NNSR may not be equally invasible by the same species. Our findings can help improve predictions of future invasions and focus management and policy decisions on particular species in highly invasible ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aim We tested whether coarse‐grained occurrence data can be used to detect climatic niche shifts between native and non‐native ranges for a set of widely introduced freshwater fishes. Location World‐wide. Methods We used a global database of freshwater fish occurrences at the river basin scale to identify native and non‐native ranges for 18 of the most widely introduced fish species. We also examined climatic conditions within each river basin using fine‐grained climate data. We combined this information to test whether climatic niche shifts have occurred between native and non‐native ranges. We defined climatic niche shifts as instances where the ranges of a climatic variable within native and non‐native basins exhibit zero overlap. Results We detected at least one climatic niche shift for each of the 18 studied species. However, we did not detect common patterns in the thermal preference or biogeographic origin of the non‐native fish, hence suggesting a species‐specific response. Main conclusions Coarse‐grained occurrence data can be used to detect climatic niche shifts. They also enable the identification of the species experiencing niche shifts, although the mechanisms responsible for these shifts (e.g. local adaptation, dispersal limitation or physiological constraints) have yet to be determined. Furthermore, the coarse‐grained approach, which highlights regions where climatic niche shifts have occurred, can be used to select specific river basins for more detailed, fine‐grained studies.  相似文献   


Encysted larval horsehair worms (Phylum Nematomorpha) were recovered from the tissues of upland bullies (Gobiomorphus breviceps) and a galaxiid (Galaxias vulgaris) from the Seaward River, Canterbury. The cysts were mostly in the alimentary submucosa. A few occurred in the liver. An adult digenean fluke (Coitocaecum sp.), parasitic within the gut of a bully, also contained nematomorph larvae in its tissues. It is suggested that the fish became infected by eating nematomorph larvae or egg strings.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first phase in the development and validation of a simple and reliable environmental (e)DNA method using conventional PCR to detect four species of non‐native freshwater fish: pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus, fathead minnow Pimephales promelas and topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva. The efficacy of the approach was demonstrated in indoor tank (44 l) trials in which all four species were detected within 24 h. Validation was through two field trials, in which L. gibbosus was detected 6–12 h after its introduction into outdoor experimental ponds and P. parva was successfully detected in disused fish rearing ponds where the species was known to exist. Thus, the filtration of small (30 ml) volumes of pond water was sufficient to capture fish eDNA and the approach emphasised the importance of taking multiple water samples of sufficient spatial coverage for detecting species of random or patchy distribution.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the invasive potential of introduced non‐native and translocated fishes in Turkey (Anatolia and Thrace) by applying the Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK), a risk identification tool for freshwater fishes. From independent evaluations by two assessors of 35 species, calibration of FISK for Turkey identified a threshold score of 23, which reliably distinguished between potentially invasive (high risk) and potentially non‐invasive (medium to low risk) fishes for Anatolia (Asia) and Thrace (Europe). No species was categorized as ‘low risk’, 18 species were categorized as ‘medium risk’ and 17 as ‘high risk’ (two being ‘moderately high risk’, nine ‘high risk’, and six ‘very high risk’). The highest scoring species was gibel carp Carassius gibelio, whereas the lowest scoring species was Caucasian dwarf goby Knipowitschia caucasica, a translocated species. Assessor certainty in their responses averaged overall between ‘mostly uncertain’ and ‘mostly certain’, with red piranha Pygocentrus nattereri and topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva achieving the lowest and highest certainty values, respectively, and with overall significant differences in certainty between assessors. The results of the present study indicate that FISK is a useful and viable tool for identifying potentially invasive non‐native fishes in Turkey, a country characterized by natural biogeographical frontiers.  相似文献   

1. Whether the release of non‐native insect species benefits or harms ecosystem services has been the subject of debate. In New Zealand, the release of new non‐native dung beetle species was intended to enhance ecosystem services but concerns were raised over possible negative effects. 2. Field cage trials used three newly released dung beetle species to investigate two concerns: that soil disturbance from dung beetle activity increases soil losses in runoff after rainfall; and that dung burial increases survival of infective parasitic nematodes on pasture. 3. Three treatments – dung + beetles, dung‐only, and controls (without dung or beetles) – were applied on each of three soil types with different permeability: sandy loam, clay loam, and compacted clay. 4. Dung beetle activity resulted in significant reductions of 49% and 81% in mean surface runoff volume, depending on simulated rainfall intensity. Amounts of sediment in the runoff did not change under an extreme rainfall simulation, but in a less extreme rainfall simulation the presence of dung beetles resulted in a 97% reduction in mean sediment amount in runoff. 5. The numbers of infective third‐stage nematode larvae recovered from foliage varied considerably between soil types and through time; however, dung beetle activity reduced overall mean nematode numbers on grass around the dung pats by 71%. 6. This study adds to global evidence that dung beetles can improve agricultural ecosystem services by providing data on services that have rarely been investigated: reduced runoff/soil losses through increased soil porosity, and reductions in parasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

Soil pathogens are believed to be major contributors to negative plant–soil feedbacks that regulate plant community dynamics and plant invasions. While the theoretical basis for pathogen regulation of plant communities is well established within the plant–soil feedback framework, direct experimental evidence for pathogen community responses to plants has been limited, often relying largely on indirect evidence based on above‐ground plant responses. As a result, specific soil pathogen responses accompanying above‐ground plant community dynamics are largely unknown. Here, we examine the oomycete pathogens in soils conditioned by established populations of native noninvasive and non‐native invasive haplotypes of Phragmites australis (European common reed). Our aim was to assess whether populations of invasive plants harbor unique communities of pathogens that differ from those associated with noninvasive populations and whether the distribution of taxa within these communities may help to explain invasive success. We compared the composition and abundance of pathogenic and saprobic oomycete species over a 2‐year period. Despite a diversity of oomycete taxa detected in soils from both native and non‐native populations, pathogen communities from both invaded and noninvaded soils were dominated by species of Pythium. Pathogen species that contributed the most to the differences observed between invaded and noninvaded soils were distributed between invaded and noninvaded soils. However, the specific taxa in invaded soils responsible for community differences were distinct from those in noninvaded soils that contributed to community differences. Our results indicate that, despite the phylogenetic relatedness of native and non‐native P. australis haplotypes, pathogen communities associated with the dominant non‐native haplotype are distinct from those of the rare native haplotype. Pathogen taxa that dominate either noninvaded or invaded soils suggest different potential mechanisms of invasion facilitation. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that non‐native plant species that dominate landscapes may “cultivate” a different soil pathogen community to their rhizosphere than those of rarer native species.  相似文献   

Multiple anthropogenic pressures including the widespread introductions of non‐native species threaten biodiversity and ecosystem functioning notably by modifying the trophic structure of communities. Here, we provided a global evaluation of the impacts of non‐native species on the isotopic structure (δ13C and δ15N) of freshwater fish communities. We gathered the stable isotope values (n = 4030) of fish species in 496 fish communities in lentic (lakes, backwaters, reservoirs) and lotic (running waters such as streams, rivers) ecosystems throughout the world and quantified the isotopic structure of communities. Overall, we found that communities containing non‐native species had a different isotopic structure than communities without non‐native species. However, these differences varied between ecosystem types and the trophic positions of non‐native species. In lotic ecosystems, communities containing non‐native species had a larger total isotopic niche than communities without non‐native species. This was primarily driven by the addition of non‐native predators at the top of the food chain that increased δ15N range without modifying the isotopic niche size of native species. In lentic ecosystems, non‐native primary consumers increased δ15N range and this was likely driven by an increase of resource availability for species at higher trophic levels, increasing food chain length. The introduction of non‐native secondary consumers at the centre of the isotopic niche of recipient communities decreased the core isotopic niche size, the δ13C range of recipient communities and the total isotopic niche of coexisting native species. These results suggested a modified contribution of the basal resources consumed (e.g. multi‐chain omnivory) and an increase level of competition with native species. Our results notably imply that, by affecting the isotopic structure of freshwater fish communities at a global scale, non‐native species represent an important source of perturbations that should be accounted for when investigating macro‐ecological patterns of community structure and biotic interactions.  相似文献   

Major volcanic eruptions in the central North Island of New Zealand and, in particular, an eruption dated at ad 186, spread ignimbrite and volcanic ashes (tephra) over a broad area, deposition of which caused major defaunation of affected habitats. However, riverine freshwater fish faunas were undoubtedly affected far beyond the zones of ignimbrite deposition and ash settlement as a result of ash-laden floods moving down rivers. In areas where entire river systems were covered with ash, fish faunas that recolonized rivers now consist almost entirely of diadromous species that have been able to recolonize the river systems by dispersing through the sea. However, some rivers, that were probably severely affected in their headwaters, have lower elevation and more distant tributaries whose catchments escaped ash showers; these provided refuges for non-diadromous species which could recolonize upstream once rivers became inhabitable. In such rivers the fish faunas are now a mix of diadromous and non-diadromous species.  相似文献   

Distributional records of non‐native fish species were identified in the Wet Tropics region, Far North Queensland, Australia, through a compilation of published records and expert knowledge. A total of 1106 records were identified comprising 346 presence and four uncertain records for at least 13 species, and 756 absence records. All current presence records consist of six species from the families Cichlidae and Poeciliidae with established self‐sustaining populations in the region, probably affecting the highly diverse native fish fauna.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. A challenge has been issued to ecologists to find quantitative ecological relationships that have predictive power. A predictive approach has been successful when applied to biomonitoring using stream invertebrates with the River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS). This approach, to our knowledge, has not been applied to freshwater fish assemblages.
2. This paper describes the initial results of the application of a regional predictive model of freshwater fish occurrence using 200 reference sites sampled in the Manawatu–Wanganui region of New Zealand over late summer/autumn 2000. In brief (i) sites were classified into biotic groups (ii) the physical and chemical characteristics that best describe variation among these groups were determined and (iii) the relationship between these environmental variables and fish communities was used to predict the fauna expected at a site.
3. Reference sites clustered into six groups based on fish density and community composition. Using 14 physical variables least influenced by human activities, a discriminant model allocated 70% of sites to the correct biological classification group. The variables that best separated the site groups were mainly large-scale variables including altitude, distance from the coast, lotic ecoregion and map co-ordinates.
4. The model was further validated by randomly removing 20% of the sites, rebuilding the model and then determining the number of removed sites correctly allocated to their original biotic groups using environmental variables. Using this process 67% of the removed sites were correctly reassigned to the six predetermined groups.
5. A further 30 sites were used to determine the ability of the model to detect anthropogenic impact. The observed over expected taxa ( O / E ) ratios were significantly lower than the reference site O / E ratios, indicating a response of the fish assemblages to the known stressors.  相似文献   

Quantifying the role of spatial patterns is an important goal in ecology to further understand patterns of community composition. We quantified the relative role of environmental conditions and regional spatial patterns that could be produced by environmental filtering and dispersal limitation on fish community composition for thousands of lakes. A database was assembled on fish community composition, lake morphology, water quality, climatic conditions, and hydrological connectivity for 9885 lakes in Ontario, Canada. We utilized a variation partitioning approach in conjunction with Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM) and Asymmetric Eigenvector Maps (AEM) to model spatial patterns that could be produced by human‐mediated and natural modes of dispersal. Across 9885 lakes and 100 fish species, environmental factors and spatial structure explained approximately 19% of the variation in fish community composition. Examining the proportional role of spatial structure and environmental conditions revealed that as much as 90% of the explained variation in native species assemblage composition is governed by environmental conditions. Conversely on average, 67% of the explained variation in non‐native assemblage composition can be related to human‐mediated dispersal. This study highlights the importance of including spatial structure and environmental conditions when explaining patterns of community composition to better discriminate between the ecological processes that underlie biogeographical patterns of communities composed of native and non‐native fish species.  相似文献   

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