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During the preparation of the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands and Flore de la Polynésie française , four new species of Ixora L. (Rubiaceae) have come to light and are described and illustrated herein: Ixora jourdanii Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora tahuataensis Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora uahukaensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner, and Ixora uapouensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner. In addition to these new taxa, the following three species of Ixora previously described from the Marquesas are recognized: Ixora marquesensis F.Br., Ixora ooumuensis J.Florence, and Ixora spathoidea F.Br. As the Marquesan environment is under serious threat from human impact, feral animals and weeds, the conservation status was estimated for each Ixora species. It is concluded that all Marquesan taxa are in need of inclusion in the IUCN Red List, their status ranging from endangered to critically endangered.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 581–597.  相似文献   



The traditional knowledge about plants and their uses in Turkey is disappearing in recent years because the new generations of villagers migrate to big cities for a better life. Afyonkarahisar located at the intersection of roads and phytogeographical regions (Mediterranean, Iran-Turan, and Euro-Siberian) has more than 2500 plant species. This richness of plant diversity promotes the indigenous commuity for the traditional use of wild plants. The aim of the study is to show wild plants’ ethnobotanical usages associated with medicinal, food, fodder, and household goods in 31 settlements within the boundaries of Afyonkarahisar province.


The ethnobotanical data were collected from 46 informants by means of semi-structured interviews from 2012 to 2014. Ethnobotanical uses of plants of the study area were conducted in the vicinity of Afyonkarahisar (5 districts, 8 towns, 15 villages, and 3 neighborhood centers).


One hundred and thirty plant taxa belonging to 39 families were recorded and collected. Hundred and seventy-eight different uses of these plants were documented and used generally for medicinal (84), food (68), fodder (16), household goods (3), dyes (3), handicrafts (3) and religious (1).


This study provides interesting uses of plants in the local community of Afyonkarahisar and its surrounding area, in what purpose they make use of plants, how they make use of them and obtained results will contribute to economy of villagers. Since the local people, especially in villages, are poor and do not have health care, they use the plants to treat illnesses, food, fodder, household goods and other uses (evil eye). Also this study will light the way for posterity for next generations.

A new bothid flounder, Engyprosopon marquisensis, is described from 11 specimens collected in deep waters (108–408 m) off the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) during the French exploratory cruise MUSORSTOM 9 in 1997. Engyprosopon marquisensis is similar to E. bellonaensis from the Chesterfield Islands and Bellona Plateau in the Coral Sea and E. vanuatuensis from off Vanuatsu Island, but is easily distinguished from E. bellonaensis by the following combination of characters: narrow interorbital space in both sexes, small mouth, short caudal fin, large number of vertebrae, and fewer gill rakers. It differs from E. vanuatuensis by many scales in the lateral line, small eyes, short ocular-side upper jaw, and short blind-side lower jaw. Engyprosopon marquisensis is the deepest occurring (408 m) species of the genus, and constitutes the second species of this genus with an eastern distribution.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new species of goatfish, Parupeneus williamsi, is described on the basis of 12 specimens (43.9–234.3 mm in standard length) collected from the Marquesas...  相似文献   

High density of haematophagous blackflies on Nuku-Hiva Island (Marquesas archipelago, French Polynesia) is a handicap to its optimal development. The present study contains observations from many sampling sites to examine aggressive periods of Simulium buissoni Roubaud, 1906. Density of aggressive females is very high, principally in highly irrigated sites of the island. Biting rates show low variation between days, and a diurnal activity, with a poorly pronounced circum-meridian maximum. Parity rates show great variation between sampling stations, but are lowest during the day. A hypothesis of greater spatial dispersion of nulliparous females allows explanation of much of the observed variation. Sampling in and out of a house shows exophily of blackflies. Proportion of parous females is greater in the house. Data collected over a long period show that earlier densities were greater than recent ones. Perturbation of the environment is probably the basis of this decrease.  相似文献   

The Marquesas Islands have traditionally been divided into a northwestern and a southeastern group, a division which reflects language dialect differences. Additionally, archaeological studies have also suggested that differences in material culture existed between the northwestern and southeastern islands. This study examines Marquesan cranial discrete and metric traits to evaluate the level of intra-archipelago heterogeneity, and to determine if a northwest/southeast division is evident cranially.The data consist of 28 cranial discrete traits and 49 craniofacial measurements of prehistoric Marquesans. Male and female data are pooled for discrete trait and metric data, following a Z-score standardization technique adjustment. The data represent three island samples: Nuku Hiva (northwest), Fatuiva (southeast), and a combined Tahuata/Hiva 'Oa (southeast). Of the 28 discrete traits, 16 are utilized in a mean measure of divergence analysis that provides scores of 0.259 for Fatuiva-Tahuata/Hiva 'Oa, 1.850 for Nuku Hiva-Fatuiva, and 1.491 for Nuku Hiva-Tahuata/Hiva 'Oa. Of the 49 craniofacial measurements, 46 are utilized in RMET/NORM analyses, providing unbiased D(2) values of 0.0433 for Fatuiva-Tahuata/Hiva 'Oa, 0.1328 for Nuku Hiva-Fatuiva, and 0.0813 for Nuku Hiva-Tahuata/Hiva 'Oa. The islands of the southeastern group are closer to each other than either was to the island of the northwestern group. When a sample from 'Ua Huka is included in the craniometric analysis, the unbiased D(2) values of 0.0829, 0.1175, and 0.0431 are calculated for 'Ua Huka and Nuku Hiva, and Fatuiva and Tahuata/Hiva 'Oa pairings, respectively, indicating a close similarity of 'Ua Huka to the southeastern islands.Mean measure of divergence analysis of cranial discrete traits as well as RMET/NORM analyses of craniometric variables reveal that differences exist between the islands of the northwestern and southeastern Marquesas Islands. These results support previous research that documented linguistic and cultural differences between these regions of the archipelago. However, the results indicate that 'Ua Huka, an island traditionally included in the northwestern Marquesas Islands, has an affinity to the southeastern Marquesas Islands, possibly due to its pivotal position as a waypoint in the Marquesas Island interaction sphere.  相似文献   

The present study aims to document data about the traditional uses of plants in health-care trainers among the local peoples of areas which may lead to natural drug invention development. There is urgency in recording such data for ethnobotanical studies using many statistical calculations were applied. Totally, 137 informants were selected from 8 villages by their traditional knowledge about medicinal plants. The collected specimens were statistically analyzed by Frequency citation (FC), Relative frequency citation (RFC), Use values (UV), Relative importance (RI), Cultural index (CI), Frequency index (FI) and Pearson correlation Co-efficient. Totally, 85 medicinal plants belonging to 73 families were documented through traditional people of Thanjavur for the treatment of 17 different ailments in which paste based herbal medicine is highly used (30%). Among the families, Acanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Malvaceae are dominant species with each five, Solanaceae with four species, Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Convulcacaeae, Aizoaceae, Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae and Rubiaceae with each three species and Capparaceae, Lythraceae, Anacardiaceae are recorded each two species and remaining families were one species respectively. In this quantitative ethnobotanical analysis, the high use values were recorded as Solanum trilobatum (1.31), Thespesia populnea (1.30), Cissus quadrangularis (1.26), Trianthema portulacastrum (1.76), and Hygrophila auriculata. Phyllanthus niruri showed high RI values than other plants. Pearson correlation coefficient between RFC and UV was 0.802 with P-value <1%. From this study, we can recommend that statistically proved medicinal plants like Solanum trilobatum, Thespesia populnea, Cissus quadrangularis, Trianthema portulacastrum, Hygrophila auriculata, Phyllanthus niruri and Achyranthes aspera were also needed for further investigation on pharmacologically which leads to natural drug invention development.  相似文献   

Four new species of Eviota (Teleostei: Gobiidae) are described from French Polynesia. Eviota hinanoae occurs from the Gambier, Austral and Society Archipelagos and differs from its closest relatives primarily in sensory pore pattern, having cuplike male urogenital papilla, and in lacking prominent dark pigmentation on the base of the pectoral fin. Three other new species, E. dorsimaculata, E. lacrimosa and E. deminuta, are known only from the Marquesas Islands and are distinguished from congeners by differences in pigmentation, sensory pore pattern, urogenital papilla shape, the number of rays in the dorsal and anal fins, and the length of the fifth pelvic-fin ray. Eviota deminuta represents one of the smallest known species of Eviota and features reductions in several morphological characters, including the loss of all head pores. Three of the new species are included in a phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase-I, along with 21 additional species of Eviota.  相似文献   

蚊虫传播疟疾、登革热等多种烈性疾病,严重威胁到人畜健康。特别是生活在西双版纳地区的人们,蚊虫骚扰是长期需要面对的问题。该研究运用民族植物学研究方法,对西双版纳哈尼族驱蚊植物及知识进行调查,共走访了12个哈尼族村寨,访谈91位信息报告人,调查得到24种驱蚊植物,分别属于15科19属。主要利用的部位是植物的叶;燃烧植物烟熏、悬挂放置、楼下铺撒和捣碎涂抹是最为常用的驱蚊方式。通过打分排序法评价出蒿属植物、烟草、山鸡椒等共5种具有较高研究开发价值的驱蚊植物,小黄皮、柠檬草、黄樟、大蒜、土荆芥等8种具有较高潜在研究价值的驱蚊植物。通过文献交叉验证,发现其中勐腊毛麝香、糯米香、臭牡丹等11种驱蚊植物为该调查首次提到,结合已报道化学成分和单体化合物驱蚊活性研究情况发现,除高杆珍珠茅和大葱外,其余9种都含有驱避作用的化学成分。这说明民间蕴藏着丰富的传统驱蚊知识,并验证了民间驱蚊知识的合理性与科学性。同时,通过对哈尼族民间驱蚊知识专题的调查研究,对传统驱蚊知识保护起到一定作用。  相似文献   

The major reef-building coral genus Acropora has never been recorded, living or fossil, from the Marquesas Islands in the central Pacific Ocean, which are characterized by limited modern reef formations. During the “Musorstom 9” cruise in 1997, investigations of marine platforms representing drowned reef systems revealed for the first time the presence of two Acropora species as fossils at seven Marquesas islands. The predominant species was Acropora valida, which was widespread in the archipelago and dated between 7.4 and 48.6 ka, providing evidence of an earlier Pacific distribution pattern broader than previously observed. It is proposed that disappearance of Acropora after 7.4 ka was linked to climatic events probably ENSO events controlling the distribution of corals and coral reefs in the eastern Pacific without excluding alternatively the effects of an increase in sea-level rise.  相似文献   

Human pressures have put many top predator populations at risk of extinction. Recent years have seen alarming declines in sharks worldwide, while their resilience remains poorly understood. Studying the ecology of small populations of marine predators is a priority to better understand their ability to withstand anthropogenic and environmental stressors. In the present study, we monitored a naturally small island population of 40 adult sicklefin lemon sharks in Moorea, French Polynesia over 5 years. We reconstructed the genetic relationships among individuals and determined the population’s mating system. The genetic network illustrates that all individuals, except one, are interconnected at least through one first order genetic relationship. While this species developed a clear inbreeding avoidance strategy involving dispersal and migration, the small population size, low number of breeders, and the fragmented environment characterizing these tropical islands, limits its complete effectiveness.  相似文献   

Based on direct observations of free‐ranging specimens, the giant manta ray Manta birostris is reported from the Marquesas Islands, the first sighting in French Polynesia. Sightings of its sister species, the reef manta ray Manta alfredi, are also reported at the most easterly location in the Pacific Ocean. Preliminary individual identification as well as notes on their distribution are also reported.  相似文献   

Further characterization of vanilla mosaic potyvirus (VaMV) confirmed that it is quite distinct from vanilla necrosis potyvirus (VNV). In immuno-blot ELISA, a polyclonal antiserum to vanilla mosaic virus from Vanilla tahitensis in French Polynesia did not react with vanilla necrosis potyvirus infected V. fragrans from Tonga. However, samples of V. tahitensis with leaf distortion and mosaic from the Cook Islands reacted strongly with the VaMV antiserum. Host range studies involving 20 plant species failed to find a host for VaMV outside the genus Vanilla, confirming that VaMV has a much more restricted host range than VNV. The mean particle length of VaMV from purified preparations was 763 nm (Std. Dev. 48) and SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis indicates a single coat polypeptide of Mr 34 × lO3.  相似文献   

Two anthropophilic species are known from the Marquesas archipelago (French Polynesia): Simulium buissoni Roubaud, 1906 and S. sechani Craig & Fossati, 1995. The need to control them requires good knowledge about their larval growth, larvae being the only stage actually susceptible to control. A biometric study based on cephalic measures of the two species, shows that they both have seven larval instars. Size variations following species and sampling sites are examined, as are variations of the sex of the two last larval instars. A recolonization experiment, after treatment of a part of a river, allows us to quantify larval growing length of S. buissoni, which is about 12 days. These data allow us to determine the optimal treatment frequency.  相似文献   

Nuku-Hiva and Eiao are the only islands of the Marquesas archipelago where blackflies bite humans. Knowledge of the geographic distribution of species is necessary to optimize control operations. Looking at frequency distributions of labral fan rays numbers from a large sample of larvae allowed redefinition of species. Simulium sechani Craig & Fossati, 1995, become the only species represented in Eiao. This species live in Nuku-Hiva too, but is limited to the external part of the main caldera. Presence of S. buissoni Roubaud, 1906, in all part of the island is confirmed, as is presence of S. hukaense Séchan, 1983 but in reduced number. Large samples of S. sechani extends its labral fan rays numbers. Stability of the described repartition over several decades is shown.  相似文献   

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