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HUW LLOYD 《Ibis》2008,150(4):735-745
Habitat restoration strategies for fragmented high Andean forest landscapes must consider the influence of within‐patch habitat quality on bird abundance. I examined vegetation and bird abundance at three locations within a highly fragmented Polylepis forest landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. Across the landscape, there was significant variation in the vegetation structure of Polylepis forest patches of different size categories, especially in terms of tree girth, tree height, tree density, and canopy vegetation structure. Principal Component Analysis extracted five factors of habitat quality, which together accounted for 74.2% of the variability within 15 habitat variables. Polylepis bird species differed in their responses to habitat quality but, overall, variation in Polylepis bird abundance was not fully captured by the range of habitat quality variables. Tall, dense vegetation cover was clearly important for 11 conservation‐important species, a high density of large trees was important for 10 species and primary forest ground cover was important for eight species. Habitat quality exhibited no significant influence on the abundance of only one species –Asthenes urubambensis. The abundance of seven species was associated with lower elevation forest, but only one species was associated with higher elevation forest. Management of habitat quality in large and medium remnant forest patches throughout the Cordillera Vilcanota, particularly in the 3800–4200 m elevation range, will be a cornerstone in ensuring the persistence of the majority of conservation‐important bird species populations.  相似文献   

Understanding how evolutionary constraints shape the elevational distributions of tree lineages provides valuable insight into the future of tropical montane forests under global change. With narrow elevational ranges, high taxonomic turnover, frequent habitat specialization, and exceptional levels of endemism, tropical montane forests and trees are predicted to be highly sensitive to environmental change. Using plot census data from a gradient traversing > 3,000 m in elevation on the Amazonian flank of the Peruvian Andes, we employ phylogenetic approaches to assess the influence of evolutionary heritage on distribution trends of trees at the genus‐level. We find that closely related lineages tend to occur at similar mean elevations, with sister genera pairs occurring a mean 254 m in elevation closer to each other than the mean elevational difference between non‐sister genera pairs. We also demonstrate phylogenetic clustering both above and below 1,750 m a.s.l, corresponding roughly to the cloud‐base ecotone. Belying these general trends, some lineages occur across many different elevations. However, these highly plastic lineages are not phylogenetically clustered. Overall, our findings suggest that tropical montane forests are home to unique tree lineage diversity, constrained by their evolutionary heritage and vulnerable to substantial losses under environmental changes, such as rising temperatures or an upward shift of the cloud‐base.  相似文献   

Ecotones between distinct ecosystems have been the focus of many studies as they offer valuable insights into key drivers of community structure and ecological processes that underpin function. While previous studies have examined a wide range of above‐ground parameters in ecotones, soil microbial communities have received little attention. Here we investigated spatial patterns, composition, and co‐occurrences of archaea, bacteria, and fungi, and their relationships with soil ecological processes across a woodland‐grassland ecotone. Geostatistical kriging and network analysis revealed that the community structure and spatial patterns of soil microbiota varied considerably between three habitat components across the ecotone. Woodland samples had significantly higher diversity of archaea while the grassland samples had significantly higher diversity of bacteria. Microbial co‐occurrences reflected differences in soil properties and ecological processes. While microbial networks were dominated by bacterial nodes, different ecological processes were linked to specific microbial guilds. For example, soil phosphorus and phosphatase activity formed the largest clusters in their respective networks, and two lignolytic enzymes formed joined clusters. Bacterial ammonia oxidizers were dominant over archaeal oxidizers and showed a significant association (p < 0.001) with potential nitrification (PNR), with the PNR subnetwork being dominated by Betaproteobacteria. The top ten keystone taxa comprised six bacterial and four fungal OTUs, with Random Forest Analysis revealing soil carbon and nitrogen as the determinants of the abundance of keystone taxa. Our results highlight the importance of assessing interkingdom associations in soil microbial networks. Overall, this study shows how ecotones can be used as a model to delineate microbial structural patterns and ecological processes across adjoining land‐uses within a landscape.  相似文献   

Vertical stratification is a key feature of tropical forests and structures plant–frugivore interactions. However, it is unclear whether vertical differences in plant-frugivore interactions are due to differences among strata in plant community composition or inherent preferences of frugivores for specific strata. To test this, we observed fruit removal of a diverse frugivore community on the liana Marcgravia longifolia in a Peruvian rain forest. Unlike most other plants, Marcgravia longifolia produces fruits across forest strata. This enabled us to study effects of vertical stratification on fruit removal without confounding effects of plant species and stratum. We found a high number of visits of a few frugivore species in the understorey and a low number of visits of many different frugivores in the canopy and midstorey. Whereas partial and opportunistic frugivores foraged across strata with differing frequencies, obligate frugivores were only found eating fruits in the higher strata. Avian frugivores foraging in the canopy were mainly large species with pointed wings, whereas under- and midstorey avian foragers were smaller with rounded wings. Our findings suggest a continuous shift in the frugivore community composition along the vertical gradient, from a few generalized frugivores in the understorey to a diverse set of specialized frugivores in the canopy. This shift in the frugivore community leads to correlated, reciprocal changes from specialized to generalized plant-frugivore interactions. Thus, we conclude that vertical niche differentiation between species in tropical forests persists even when food resources are available across strata. This highlights its role for promoting biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

The movement ability of species in fragmented landscapes must be considered if habitat restoration strategies are to allow maximum benefit in terms of increased or healthier wildlife populations. We studied movements of a range of bird species between woodland patches within a high‐altitude Polylepis/matrix landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru. Movement rates between Polylepis patches differed across guilds, with arboreal omnivores, arboreal sally‐strikers and nectarivores displaying the highest movement rates, and understorey guilds and arboreal sally‐gleaners the lowest movement rates. Birds tend to avoid flights to more distant neighboring patches, especially when moving from patches which were themselves isolated. The decline in bird flight frequencies with increasing patch isolation followed broken‐stick models most closely, and while we suggest that there is evidence for a decline in between‐patch movements over distances of 30–210 m, there was great variability in movement rates across individual patches. This variability is presumably a result of complex interactions between patch size, quality and configuration, and flight movement patterns of individual bird species. Our study does, however, highlight the contribution small woodland patches make toward fragmented Polylepis ecosystem functioning, and we suggest that, where financial resources permit, small patch restoration would be an important compliment to the restoration of larger woodland patches. Most important is that replanting takes place within 200 m or so of existing larger patches. This will be especially beneficial in allowing more frequent use of woodland elements within the landscape and in improving the total area of woodland patches that are functionally connected.  相似文献   

Although considerable variation has been documented in tree‐ring cellulose oxygen isotope ratios (δ18Ocell) among co‐occurring species, the underlying causes are unknown. Here, we used a combination of field measurements and modelling to investigate the mechanisms behind variations in late‐wood δ18Ocell18Olc) among three co‐occurring species (chestnut oak, black oak and pitch pine) in a temperate forest. For two growing seasons, we quantified among‐species variation in δ18Olc, as well as several variables that could potentially cause the δ18Olc variation. Data analysis based on the δ18Ocell model rules out leaf water enrichment (Δ18Olw) and tree‐ring formation period (Δt), but highlights source water δ18O (δ18Osw) as an important driver for the measured difference in δ18Olc between black and chestnut oak. However, the enriched δ18Olc in pitch pine relative to the oaks could not be sufficiently explained by consideration of the above three variables only, but rather, we show that differences in the proportion of oxygen exchange during cellulose synthesis (pex) is most likely a key mechanism. Our demonstration of the relevance of some species‐specific features (or lack thereof) to δ18Ocell has important implications for isotope based ecophysiological/paleoclimate studies.  相似文献   

A central challenge in global change research is the projection of the future behavior of a system based upon past observations. Tree‐ring data have been used increasingly over the last decade to project tree growth and forest ecosystem vulnerability under future climate conditions. But how can the response of tree growth to past climate variation predict the future, when the future does not look like the past? Space‐for‐time substitution (SFTS) is one way to overcome the problem of extrapolation: the response at a given location in a warmer future is assumed to follow the response at a warmer location today. Here we evaluated an SFTS approach to projecting future growth of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), a species that occupies an exceptionally large environmental space in North America. We fit a hierarchical mixed‐effects model to capture ring‐width variability in response to spatial and temporal variation in climate. We found opposing gradients for productivity and climate sensitivity with highest growth rates and weakest response to interannual climate variation in the mesic coastal part of Douglas‐fir's range; narrower rings and stronger climate sensitivity occurred across the semi‐arid interior. Ring‐width response to spatial versus temporal temperature variation was opposite in sign, suggesting that spatial variation in productivity, caused by local adaptation and other slow processes, cannot be used to anticipate changes in productivity caused by rapid climate change. We thus substituted only climate sensitivities when projecting future tree growth. Growth declines were projected across much of Douglas‐fir's distribution, with largest relative decreases in the semiarid U.S. Interior West and smallest in the mesic Pacific Northwest. We further highlight the strengths of mixed‐effects modeling for reviving a conceptual cornerstone of dendroecology, Cook's 1987 aggregate growth model, and the great potential to use tree‐ring networks and results as a calibration target for next‐generation vegetation models.  相似文献   

Abstract. Counter intuition, an analysis of tree‐line position across the Swiss Alps based on a geographical information system (GIS) with a spatial resolution of 100 m (2.5 million points) revealed no difference in climatic tree‐line altitude with slope exposure. Through step wise discrimination procedures our analysis accounts for anthropogenic tree‐line depression. Any land cover bias affects the frequency of GIS‐points corresponding to tree‐line forests rather than the mean elevation of such points, captured by our analysis. We explain this phenomenon (1) by the absence of significant drought effects in the Alps (no disadvantages for southwest slopes), (2) by the fact that tree tops, unlike low stature vegetation, do not profit from greater radiation warming on south slopes during the growing season but are thermally coupled to free air circulation, and (3) by preliminary data for root zone temperatures during the growing season, which do not differ between south and north slopes, as long as the soil is screened by a closed forest canopy. The overall difference in season length and snow cover, often seen between south and north slopes, does not seem to affect tree‐line position but explains greater natural forest fragmentation on north slopes. It is this greater fragmentation and patchiness (avalanche tracks, snow beds etc.) which seem to have nourished the idea of a generally lower limit of tree growth and tree lines at northern slopes. These results are in line with a recently developed theory, which suggests that tree‐line elevations in humid climates correspond to similar isotherms, irrespective of latitude and thus, season length.  相似文献   

Aim Plant communities across the temperate zone are changing in response to successional processes and human‐induced disturbances. Here, we assess how upland forest under‐ and overstorey community composition has changed along an edaphic gradient. Location Northern Wisconsin, USA. Methods Forest sites initially sampled in the 1950s were resampled for overstorey composition and diversity, basal area, and understorey composition and diversity. We used clustering methods to identify groups of stands based on overstorey composition, and we used similarity indices, ordination and diversity indices to evaluate changes in species abundance and overall community structure. Results Sites clustered into four overstorey groups along the edaphic gradient: ‘hemlock’ sites dominated by hemlock in 1950, ‘mesic’ sites dominated by northern hardwoods, ‘dry’ sites with a significant pine inclusion in the canopy and diverse ‘dry‐mesic’ sites in the middle. Collectively, forests gained maple, ash and cherry while losing pines, birches and red oaks. The hemlock forest sites gained hardwoods, while the dry‐mesic sites shifted towards a more mesic hardwood composition. Only the driest sites have remained relatively stable in species composition. Main conclusions These trends reflect both ‘mesification’ and homogenization among northern forests. Highly diverse mid‐gradient and mesic hemlock‐dominated stands are transitioning to maple dominance. Fire suppression may be favouring invasions of more mesic plants into historically drier sites, while high deer abundance likely limits hemlock regeneration. If current trends continue, maples will dominate the majority of northern forests, with significant losses of local native species richness and substantial shifts in understorey composition.  相似文献   

The scattered and dwindling Polylepis woodlands of the high Andean global hotspot have been identified as being of particular importance to biodiversity conservation, and yet little is known of the make-up of their faunal communities, how these vary across landscapes, and how well species might tolerate matrix/edge habitats. We examined the bird communities and vegetation characteristics of Polylepis woodlands and the surrounding matrix habitats at three sites in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Perú (3,400–4,500 m). The vegetation structure of woodlands varied significantly across the three sites but all were dominated by two Polylepis tree species, with mossy ground cover. Matrix habitats were treeless and dominated by ground-level puna grass-steppe or boulder scree vegetation. Bird species richness and diversity, encounter rates and the number of globally-threatened and restricted-range bird species were consistently higher in the Polylepis forests, than in matrix habitat. We used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to identify habitat gradients across the landscape, and to classify bird species according to their association with Polylepis, the matrix or Polylepis-matrix interface. There were few matrix-restricted bird species, but around half the bird community, including fourteen threatened or restricted-range species, were Polylepis-dependant. Many of these species had very narrow niches. The Polylepis-matrix interface was dominated by species traditionally considered invasive ecological generalists. Our study illustrates the overriding importance of Polylepis interior habitats, indicating that conservation strategies for high Andean birds must focus on patch size maintenance/enlargement, enhancement of within-patch habitat quality, and efforts to safeguard connectivity of suitable habitat across what is essentially an inhospitable puna/scree matrix.  相似文献   

It was found that flavonoids could remarkably inhibit the chemiluminescence (CL) intensity of an off‐line gold nanoparticle (AuNP)‐catalyzed luminol–H2O2 CL system. By contrast, flavonoids enhanced the CL intensity of an on‐line AuNP‐catalyzed luminol–H2O2 CL system. In the off‐line system, the AuNPs were prepared beforehand, whereas in the on‐line system, AuNPs were produced by on‐line mixing of luminol prepared in a buffer solution of NaHCO3 ? Na2CO3 and HAuCl4 with no need for the preliminary preparation of AuNPs. The on‐line system had prominent advantages over the off‐line system, namely a lowering of the background noise and improvements in the stability of the CL system. The results show that differences in the signal suppression effect of flavonoids on the off‐line AuNP‐catalyzed CL system are influenced by the combined action of a free radical scavenging effect and occupy‐sites function; the latter was proved to be predominant using controlled experiments. Enhancement of the on‐line system was ascribed to the presence of flavonoids promoting the on‐line formation of AuNPs, which better catalyzed the luminol–H2O2 CL reaction, and the enhancement activity of the six flavonoids increased with the increase in reducibility. This work broadens the scope of practical applications of an AuNP‐catalyzed CL system.  相似文献   

Abstract Ferns, bryophytes and lichens are the most diverse groups of plants in wet forests in south‐eastern Australia. However, management of this diversity is limited by a lack of ecological knowledge of these groups and the difficulty in identifying species for non‐experts. These problems may be alleviated by the identification and characterization of suitable proxies for this diversity. Epiphytic substrates are potential proxies. To evaluate the significance of some epiphytic substrates, fern and bryophyte assemblages on a common tree‐fern species, Dicksonia antarctica (soft tree‐fern), were compared with those on a rare species, Cyathea cunninghamii (slender tree‐fern), in eastern Tasmania, Australia. A total of 97 fern and bryophyte species were recorded on D. antarctica from 120 trunks at 10 sites, and 64 species on C. cunninghamii from 39 trunks at four of these sites. The trunks of C. cunninghamii generally supported fewer species than D. antarctica, but two mosses (particularly Hymenodon pilifer) and one liverwort showed significant associations with this host. Several other bryophytes and epiphytic ferns showed an affinity for the trunks of D. antarctica. Species assemblages differed significantly between both sites and hosts, and the differences between hosts varied significantly among sites. The exceptionally high epiphytic diversity associated with D. antarctica suggests that it plays an important ecological role in Tasmanian forests. Evidently C. cunninghamii also supports a diverse suite of epiphytes, including at least one specialist species.  相似文献   

Conservation planning in the face of global change is still in its infancy. A suggested approach is to incorporate environmental gradients into conservation planning as they reflect the ecological and evolutionary processes generating and maintaining diversity. Our study provides a framework to identify the dominant environmental gradients determining floristic composition and pattern. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling was used on 2155 sampling plots in savanna and grassland habitat located across the province of KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa (94 697 km2), a floristically rich region having steep environmental gradients, to determine the dominant gradients. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group similar plots which were then used in a Classification and Regression Tree analysis to determine the environmental delimiters of the identified vegetation clusters. Temperature‐related variables were the strongest delimiters of floristic composition across the province, in particular mean annual temperature. Frost duration was the primary variable in the Classification and Regression Tree analysis with important implications for savanna/grassland dynamics. Soil properties (base, pH status) and moisture variables accounted for most of the variation for the second and third axes of floristic variation. Given that climatic and edaphic variables were well correlated with floristic composition, it is anticipated that a changing climate will have a marked influence on floristic composition. We predict warmer temperatures may facilitate the spread of frost sensitive savanna species into previously cooler, grassland areas. Species associated with specific soil types will not easily be able to move up the altitudinal gradient to cooler climes because geology is aligned in an approximately north‐south direction compared with increasing altitude from east‐west. Future conservation planning should take cognisance of these gradients which are surrogates for ecological and evolutionary processes promoting persistence.  相似文献   

The globally observed trend of changing intensity of tropical cyclones over the past few decades emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the effects of such disturbance events in natural and inhabited areas. On the Korean Peninsula, typhoon intensity has increased over the past 100 years as evidenced by instrumental data recorded from 1904 until present. We examined how the increase in three weather characteristics (maximum hourly and daily precipitation, and maximum wind speed) during the typhoon activity affected old‐growth oak forests. Quercus mongolica is a dominant species in the Korean mountains and the growth releases from 220 individuals from three sites along a latitudinal gradient (33–38°N) of decreasing typhoon activity were studied. Growth releases indicate tree‐stand disturbance and improved light conditions for surviving trees. The trends in release events corresponded to spatiotemporal gradients in maximum wind speed and precipitation. A high positive correlation was found between the maximum values of typhoon characteristics and the proportion of trees showing release. A higher proportion of disturbed trees was found in the middle and southern parts of the Korean peninsula where typhoons are most intense. This shows that the releases are associated with typhoons and also indicates the differential impact of typhoons on the forests. Finally, we present a record of the changing proportion of trees showing release based on tree‐rings for the period 1770–1979. The reconstruction revealed no trend during the period 1770–1879, while the rate of forest disturbances increased rapidly from 1880 to 1979. Our results suggest that if typhoon intensity rises, as is projected by some climatic models, the number of forest disturbance events will increase thus altering the disturbance regime and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

The important role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle makes it imperative to assess changes in their carbon dynamics for accurate projections of future climate–vegetation feedbacks. Forest monitoring studies conducted over the past decades have found evidence for both increasing and decreasing growth rates of tropical forest trees. The limited duration of these studies restrained analyses to decadal scales, and it is still unclear whether growth changes occurred over longer time scales, as would be expected if CO2‐fertilization stimulated tree growth. Furthermore, studies have so far dealt with changes in biomass gain at forest‐stand level, but insights into species‐specific growth changes – that ultimately determine community‐level responses – are lacking. Here, we analyse species‐specific growth changes on a centennial scale, using growth data from tree‐ring analysis for 13 tree species (~1300 trees), from three sites distributed across the tropics. We used an established (regional curve standardization) and a new (size‐class isolation) growth‐trend detection method and explicitly assessed the influence of biases on the trend detection. In addition, we assessed whether aggregated trends were present within and across study sites. We found evidence for decreasing growth rates over time for 8–10 species, whereas increases were noted for two species and one showed no trend. Additionally, we found evidence for weak aggregated growth decreases at the site in Thailand and when analysing all sites simultaneously. The observed growth reductions suggest deteriorating growth conditions, perhaps due to warming. However, other causes cannot be excluded, such as recovery from large‐scale disturbances or changing forest dynamics. Our findings contrast growth patterns that would be expected if elevated CO2 would stimulate tree growth. These results suggest that commonly assumed growth increases of tropical forests may not occur, which could lead to erroneous predictions of carbon dynamics of tropical forest under climate change.  相似文献   

Questions: Is light availability the main factor driving forest dynamics in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests? Do pines and firs differ in growth, mortality and morphological response to low light availability? Can differences in shade tolerance affect predictions of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests in the absence of thermal limitation? Location: Montane–sub‐alpine ecotones of the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Spain). Methods: We evaluated morphological plasticity, survival and growth response of saplings of Scots pine, mountain pine and silver fir to light availability in a mixed forest ecotone. For each species, we selected 100 living and 50 dead saplings and measured size, crown morphology and light availability. A wood disk at root collar was then removed for every sapling, and models relating growth and mortality to light were obtained. Results: Fir had the lowest mortality rate (<0.1) for any given light condition. Pines had comparable responses to light availability, although in deep shade Scots pine risked higher mortality (0.35) than mountain pine (0.19). Pines and fir developed opposing strategies to light deprivation: fir employed a conservative strategy based on sacrificing height growth, whereas pines enhanced height growth to escape from shade, but at the expense of higher mortality risk. Scots pine showed higher plasticity than mountain pine for all architectural and morphological traits analysed, having higher adaptive capacity to a changing environment. Conclusions: Our results support the prediction of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests as silver fir and Scots pine may find appropriate conditions for colonizing mountain pine‐dominated stands due to land‐use change‐related forest densification and climate warming‐related temperature increases, respectively.  相似文献   

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