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Summary We tested Buchsbaum's hypothesis that food palatability in geese is determined by a hierarchy of feeding cues among which deterrent secondary metabolites (mostly phenols) have a primary role (Buchsbaum et al. 1984). In preference tests, greater snow goose feeding was slightly depressed when grass was sprayed with ferulic acid but not when grass was sprayed with p-coumaric and tannic acids. Extracts of Timothy grass, red clover or alfalfa sprayed on grass also failed to depress goose feeding. In a multifactor experiment, phenol and protein content and height of grass were manipulated simultaneously. When ferulic acid was sprayed, protein and phenol content interacted in determining goose feeding preferences; protein content had no effect in the absence of phenol but did have an effect when phenol was added. When tannic acid was used in a similar experiment, results were inconclusive because of a significant and complex interaction between protein content and height of grass. Our results generally failed to support Buchsbaum's hypothesis that phenol content of plants has a primary role in determining food preference in geese. Protein content of plants seemed to be a more important factor.  相似文献   

Summary A number of feeding cues determine the palatability of detritus to detritivorous invertebrates. In salt marsh detritus the feeding cues include flavor provided by phenolics such as ferulic acid, pH, salinity, and nitrogen content. We examined the feeding responses to each cue by using experimental manipulations where we changed concentrations of these chemical cues. The palatability of detritus of the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora to the detritivorous snail Melampus bidentatus is reduced by increases in ferulic acid in the detritus. The acidity of the acid is partly responsible for inhibition of feeding, but other flavors of the ferulic acid are the major factor. Changes in salinity makes detritus more or less palatable to different species of detritivores. Available nitrogen confers greater palatability to detritus.In the field the feeding cues are all present simultaneously, and detritivores feed based on a hierarchy of cues. For M. bidentatus the presence of sufficient available nitrogen overwhelms the response to ferulic acid, the second most important cue. Salinity and pH, although used as discriminatory cues by themselves, are located lower in the hierarchy than nitrogen and ferulic acid.As detritus ages in the marsh, nitrogen content changes. Similarly, detritus from eutrophied environments shows enhanced nitrogen content. The differences in palatability of new and old detritus, and from eutrophic and non-eutrophic environments, suggests that detritivores respond not to total nitrogen but rather to the availabel nitrogen fractions. The increase in lignin found in old and eutrophic detritus may increase the binding of available nitrogen, and hence reduce the palatability of detritus.  相似文献   

In the Hudson–James Bay system, grubbing and grazing by lesser snow geese have resulted in severe devegetation of coastal marshes. These changes likely represent an example of an alternative stable state; however, long-term datasets documenting whether revegetation is occurring are scarce. Here, we report results of a 10-year study investigating changes in the state of a degraded salt marsh system on the north coast of Akimiski Island, Nunavut. Four transects were intensively sampled in 1998 and 2008, two within the dense nesting and brood-rearing area of a snow geese colony, one on the colony edge, and one outside it; all of these sites were also used by broods of Canada geese. Key forage species (Puccinellia phryganodes, Festuca rubra, Carex subspathacea) were less common near the colony center than elsewhere; biomass of Puccinellia also tended to be lower in more central areas. Forage species often increased in abundance between samplings, but the magnitude of changes was small. In contrast, non-forage species (Salicornia, Spergularia, Glaux) often reached high abundance within the colony center; some (Salicornia) decreased while others (Spergularia) increased. We argue the degraded state was initiated by foraging damage from an exceptional stopover of 295,000 staging birds in 1972 and that the combined foraging pressure of relatively small numbers of nesting and migrant geese since then, coupled with soil changes, has been sufficient to maintain devegetated areas as a persistent alternative state. Whether or not this state is truly stable, further recovery is likely to be very slow.  相似文献   

Thomas J. Smith  III 《Ecography》1983,6(2):204-210
A notable omission from wetlands ecology has been the study of the influence of herbivores on vegetation. Reported here are the effects of grazing by snow geese Anser caerulescens altantica on the vegetation of salt marshes along the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States, Exclosures were used to compare total and species percent cover between grazed and ungrazed areas in three marshes (Salt Flats, South Pond, and Bodie Island) with differing vegetation communities from 1978 to 1980.
Spartina alterniflora was reduced by ⅔ in grazed versus ungrazed areas of Salt Flats, S. S. patens was reduced by ½ in grazed portions of South Pond but recovered when grazing ceased. In grazed portions of Bodie Island total plant cover was reduced by 16%. Scirpus robustus and S. patens reacted in opposite ways to grazing pressure with S. robustus increasing and S. patens decreasing, Elocharis was found only in grazed areas of Bodie Island. Echinochloa crusgali appeared in grazed portions of this marsh in 1978 but decreased in abundance during subsequent years. Scirpus americanus was unaffected by grazing, maintaining a nearly constant percent cover in grazed and ungrazed areas at Bodie Island.
Differences in responses to grazing are discussed in terms of each species' growth and reproductive strategies as tempered by the physical and biological environment within each marsh.  相似文献   

Summary Ammonia volatilization losses from faeces of Lesser Snow Geese were measured during the summer of 1987 on the salt-marsh flats at La Pérouse Bay. Amounts of ammonia volatilized increased with increasing ambient temperature, and ranged from 1.0 to 15.1 mg N per 100 mg of nitrogen present as soluble ammonium ions at the start of the 8-h experiment. Using estimates of faecal deposition reported previously, the annual loss via volatilization was estimated at 0.08 g N m-2, or 7.9% of the nitrogen present in goose faeces. Percent change in soluble ammonium ions in fresh faeces after 8 h ranged from -51.1% to +41.1%, indicating that net mineralization of organic nitrogen occurred in some of the faeces. Microbial respiration of fresh goose faeces increased exponentially with temperature. However, variable rates of net mineralization per unit rate of respiration indicated that the substrate quality affected microbial immobilization and thus net nitrogen mineralization. In feeding experiments, captive goslings grazed different types of vegetation, each with distinctive nutritional qualities. Forage quality had significant effects on goose feeding behavior and subsequent rates of nitrogen mineralization in fresh faeces. Net nitrogen mineralization rates in faeces from geese which grazed the three vegetation types ranged from 1.31 to 4.97 mg NH 4 + –N gDW -1 24 h-1. Because plant growth in this salt marsh is nitrogen-limited, where swards are grazed, mineralization of organic faecal nitrogen represents an essential link in the maintenance of the flow of nitrogen into the sediments and the sustained growth of vegetation at a time when most required by the geese.  相似文献   

R. Buchsbaum  I. Valiela 《Oecologia》1987,73(1):146-153
Summary We investigated the influence of interspecific and seasonal variations in plant chemistry on food choices by adult and gosling Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The geese fed primarily on the abundant marsh grasses, Spartina spp., and rushes, Juncus gerardi, early in the growing season and switched to a greater dependence on eelgrass, Zostera marina, later. Forbs were generally avoided all season even when growing within patches of abundant species. The avoidance of forbs was related to their low abundance and their high concentrations of deterrent secondary metabolites. Differences in plant chemistry also determined the switch from marsh graminoids to Z. marina during the growing season. Marsh grasses were higher than Z. marina in nitrogen, particularly in the spring when the nitrogen requirement of geese is especially high. Z. marina was a better source of soluble carbohydrates and was the preferred food during the summer when the need to build up energy reserves may be more critical to geese than protein intake. Goslings, which require a diet higher in nitrogen than do adults, fed on marsh graminoids later into the growing season than the adults. The nitrogen content of the diets of goslings was significantly higher than that available to them in the plants, indicating that they selected for introgen. The diets of non-breeding adults in the spring and all geese in mid summer closely reflected the nutrient content of the plants. The diet of breeding adults was more similar to that of their goslings than to that of non-breeding adults. The effects of plant chemistry and the nutritional needs of geese on food choices were modified by the need to select a safe feeding site.  相似文献   

The available evidence is in agreement with the postulate that all phytophagous insects require chemotactic (usually gustatory) stimuli to release feeding activity. Some of the soluble nutrients in plants serve this function. In the case of oligophagous insects food selection is further guided by perception of non-nutritive substances (token stimuli) of limited botanical distribution. The food range of all phytophagous insects is circumscribed by the distribution of repellants, rejectants and toxins. These concepts are developed and outlined in symbolic form.
Résumé L'importance des stimulants alimentaires token a été clairement démontrée par exemple chez Plutella maculipennis Curt., Pieris brassicae L. et P. rapae L., lesquels, à l'état larvaire, reconnaissent leur plante-hôte, les Crucifères, au goût de glucosides de l'huile de moutarde tels que la sinigrine et la sinalbine. Bien qu'elles soient presque les seules démonstrations indiscutables de l'action de ces stimulants token parmi les insectes phytophages il a été admis que ce phénomène explique en général la sélection de la plante hôte par les insects oligophages et que la présence de substances désagréables au goût dans les végétaux est suffisant pour expliquer les préférences de plantes alimentaires des insectes polyphages. Cependant, ces vues ne rendent pas compte du fait que ces phagostimulants token peuvent exiger la présence de constituants nutritifs afin d'obtenir une réponse alimentaire chez les insectes oligophages. En outre les insectes polyphages demandent des stimuli chimiotactiques positifs pour déclancher une activité alimentaire. Aucun effet inhibiteur de substances végétales désagréables n'est simplement superposé à ce phénomène de base.Un autre fait significatif est que le saccharose, constituant universellement distribué chez les végétaux, est avidement goûté par de nombreux insectes, et on pourrait penser à priori que son rôle est important dans la nature comme stimulus effecteur d'alimentation chez les insectes phytophages. De récentes investigations ont montré que d'autres substances nutritives variées telles que le glucose, des acides aminés, des amides et des vitamines peuvent aussi déclancher d'une manière indépendante l'activité alimentaire.Une interprétation totale de la connaissance utile à présent est que de nombreuses conditions sont exigées pour rendre compte des phénomènes d'alimentation chez les insectes et de la sélection de l'hôte. Ceci inclut la présence de stimulants alimentaires token (si nécessaires), la présence de certains constituants sapides et l'absence de substances répulsives ou désagréables au goût. Tandis que ces conditions, admettant un substrat ingestible, sont nécessaires et suffisantes pour une alimentation normale un développement satisfaisant exige en plus la présence de constituants nutritifs essentiels autres que les substances sapides déjà mentionnées et l'absence de toxines.Certains constituants végétaux peuvent avoir plusieurs fonctions dans ce schéma et quelques exemples sont considérés.


Phenolic acids and flavonoids were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and total antioxidant activity in the reaction with the ABTS cation radical. Anode peak voltages (Eap) and their pH dependences were determined for the studied phenolic acids and flavonoids. The Eap and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values were found to correlate for polyphenols, which react with the ABTS cation radical in two steps. Correlation between the half-wave potential (E1/2) and TEAC was determined for electrochemically irreversible compounds. Mechanisms of the reaction of phenolics on the electrode involving one-and two-electron oxidation are proposed.  相似文献   

Phenolic acids and flavonoids were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and total antioxidant activity in the reaction with the ABTS cation radical. Anode peak voltages (Eap) and their pH dependences were determined for the studied phenolic acids and flavonoids. The Eap and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values were found to correlate for polyphenols, which react with the ABTS cation radical in two steps. Correlation between the half-wave potential (Ep/2) and TEAC was determined for electrochemically irreversible compounds. Mechanisms of the reaction of phenolics on the electrode involving one- and two-electron oxidation are proposed.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in the hill station of G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Ranichauri, Uttarakhand, which is known for its diversity in medicinal and aromatic plants. The plant geranium, also known as rose or lemon geranium is highly valued for its essential oil which is used in the cosmetic and preferring industries. The plant suffers due to stem and root rot both during summer and winter seasons. In the present study, geranium plants showed maximum stem rot incidence (60.55%) and plant mortality (17.20%) during the winter season, whereas in summer the crops showed maximum root rot and wilt complex incidence (38.33%) with plant mortality up to (12.22%). The average stem rot mortality was comparatively low (16–20%) in summer but increased to 18–26% in winter crop. Several phenolic acids such as as tannic, gallic, caffeic, ferulic and benzoic were detected by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in variable amounts in these plants. The disease intensity varied from 97.77 to 92.46% from season to season. The significance of the phenolic compounds is discussed in relation to disease prevalence.  相似文献   

The aggregative responses and habitat preferences of a generalist herbivore, the dark-bellied brent goose Branta bernicla bernicla, feeding on salt marshes are examined in relation to vegetation community characteristics and the abundances of individual plant species. In the autumn, feeding was strongly concentrated on the low marsh, which had the highest biomass of the preferred food plant, Salicornia europaea. There was a strong aggregative response of the geese to the abundance of S. europaea. A decline in the availability of S. europaea led to an increase in the pattern of aggregation in relation to the two other major food plants on the low marsh, Aster tripolium and Puccinellia maritima. The availability of these food plants, however, reached critically low levels in mid-winter and the geese abandoned the low marsh for the high marsh. Within the high marsh, the plant communities selected tended to be dominated by the inedible species Limonium vulgare. The food plants selected were P. maritima in the winter and P. maritima and Triglochinmaritimum in the spring. On the high marsh, aggregative responses were shown to both P. maritima and T. maritimum, but in both cases, aggregation increased up to a critical level of biomass, and then declined. The prevention of grazing with exclosures for 3 years led to an increase in the abundance of P. maritima on both high and low marshes. This change was slight on high marsh but pronounced on low marsh, where S. europaea showed a decrease in abundance in the exclosures over this time. The implications of the aggregative responses for the population dynamics of P. maritima and S. europaea are discussed. Received: 11 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(18):3520-3532
The transient disruption of membranes for the passive permeation of ions or small molecules is a complex process relevant to understanding physiological processes and biotechnology applications. Phenolic compounds are widely studied for their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, and some of these activities are based on the interactions of the phenolic compound with membranes. Ions are ubiquitous in cells and are known to alter the structure of phospholipid bilayers. Yet, ion-lipid interactions are usually ignored when studying the membrane-altering properties of phenolic compounds. This study aims to assess the role of Ca2+ ions on the membrane-disrupting activity of two phenolic acids and to highlight the role of local changes in lipid packing in forming transient defects or pores. Results from tethered bilayer lipid membrane electrical impedance spectroscopy experiments showed that Ca2+ significantly reduces membrane disruption by caffeic acid methyl ester and caffeic acid. As phenolic acids are known metal chelators, we used UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopy to exclude the possibility that Ca2+ interferes with membrane disruption by binding to the phenolic compound and subsequently preventing membrane binding. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that Ca2+ but not caffeic acid methyl ester or caffeic acid increases lipid packing in POPC bilayers. The combined data confirm that Ca2+ reduces the membrane-disrupting activity of the phenolic compounds, and that Ca2+-induced changes to lipid packing govern this effect. We discuss our data in the context of ion-induced pores and transient defects and how lipid packing affects membrane disruption by small molecules.  相似文献   

A simple procedure to stain phenols in plant tissues is described. Postfixation with an aqueous solution prepared by mixing 2 cc of 2% osmium tetroxide and 8 cc of 3% potassium iodide yields brilliant visualization of phenol-containing vacuoles in different tissues of plants (e.g., coffee, oak, tobacco and spruce) bearing high concentration of phenolic compounds. Areas bearing phenols become dark gray to black. Chemical experiments demonstrate that osmium-potassium iodide (Os-KI) mixture reacts rapidly with several naturally occurring plant phenols, developing black solutions from which black solids precipitate. Phenols containing omicron-dihydroxy groups react with Os-KI solution more rapidly than other structurally different phenols. Therefore, omicron-dihydroxy units in an aromatic ring seem to function as primary sites of reactivity with the osmium-iodide complexes.  相似文献   

The study aimed at comparing the changes in the content of free amino acids, phenolic compounds and the activity of PAL and TAL caused by two piercing-sucking arthropods: the grape mealybug (Pseudococcus maritimus Ehrh.) and the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) in the leaves of orchid and strawberry, respectively. The obtained results show that the amino acid content and the ratio of amino acids to phenolic compounds increased in both plant species infested by the mealybug and the mite. However, such response was weakly dependent on changes in activity of the analysed enzymes. The pest feeding affected accumulation of the phenolic compounds, since the induction of the PAL activity in mealybug-infested orchid leaves during the first 5 h of the experiment preceded the increase in phenolic compounds during the first week of insect feeding. Instead, the increased activity of TAL was accompanied by elevated levels of phenolic compounds in the leaves of strawberry infested by mites. Mechanisms of biochemical plant responses induced by infestation of the studied herbivorous arthropods are discussed.  相似文献   

Juncusol, a phenolic compound, was isolated from the black needlerush, Juncus roemerianus. Different concentrations of this extract were tested for toxicity against selected species of estuarine fish and grass shrimp. Juncusol was ten times more toxic to the various species of fish than to grass shrimp. At 2.0 ppm concentration all fishes tested were killed within 36 hr. One hundred per cent mortality in the grass shrinmp occured at 20 ppm during 95 hr exposure. The LC10, LC50, and LC90 concentration for juncusol were calculated for grass shrimp and for juvenile sailfin molly.  相似文献   

The protective effects of diet, especially soya products, tea, and many fruits, against a variety of human cancers, as suggested by epidemiological studies, has focused attention on flavonoids, isoflavonoids, and other phenolic dietary compounds as chemoprotectants. Among the mechanisms suggested for their chemoprotective action, their ability to inhibit the bioactivation of carcinogens by the human cytosolic sulfotransferases (STs) and the direct effects of their sulfoconjugates are being increasingly studied. We report here a systematic study on the sulfation of representative flavonoids, isoflavonoids, anti-oxidants, and other phenolic dietary compounds by all ten known human cytosolic STs. All ten recombinant human cytosolic STs were prepared in a pure form and tested for their sulfating activities with a variety of these compounds. P-form (SULT1A1) phenol ST (PST) showed high sulfating activity with most of these compounds. M-form (SULT1A3) PST showed high activity with the flavonoids but not with the isoflavonoids. SULT1C ST #2 showed high activity with the isoflavonoids and also sulfated most of the other compounds. Possible relevance of these results to the chemoprotective effects of these dietary compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

The marine invertebrate fauna of a British coastal salt marsh   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
There are few accounts in the literature of the marine fauna of European salt marshes. The marine invertebrate populations of a coastal salt marsh in eastern England were studied for two years. A total of 32 marine species were recorded. The community was composed of a subset of species from adjacent intertidal sand and mud flats, along with a brackish water component. This gave the marsh a characteristic fauna, which was dominated by infaunal and surface-living deposit feeders. The community showed a seasonal minimum in winter, and the infauna showed an additional summer decrease. This is attributed to increased interstitial salinities. Principal component analysis revealed the importance of the tidal gradient and the structure of the habitat in determining the community. The abundance of both epibenthic and infaunal predators were negatively correlated with the abundance of some prey. Also a small number of other pairwise negative interactions were revealed, but overall there was no strong evidence of interspecific competition exerting much influence on the community. The role of habitat heterogeneity and variation in the lateral movement of adult benthos and larval recruitment as promoters of diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

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