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The ribonuclease inhibitor protein (RI) binds to members of the bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) superfamily with an affinity in the femtomolar range. Here, we report on structural and energetic aspects of the interaction between human RI (hRI) and human pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase 1). The structure of the crystalline hRI x RNase 1 complex was determined at a resolution of 1.95 A, revealing the formation of 19 intermolecular hydrogen bonds involving 13 residues of RNase 1. In contrast, only nine such hydrogen bonds are apparent in the structure of the complex between porcine RI and RNase A. hRI, which is anionic, also appears to use its horseshoe-shaped structure to engender long-range Coulombic interactions with RNase 1, which is cationic. In accordance with the structural data, the hRI.RNase 1 complex was found to be extremely stable (t(1/2)=81 days; K(d)=2.9 x 10(-16) M). Site-directed mutagenesis experiments enabled the identification of two cationic residues in RNase 1, Arg39 and Arg91, that are especially important for both the formation and stability of the complex, and are thus termed "electrostatic targeting residues". Disturbing the electrostatic attraction between hRI and RNase 1 yielded a variant of RNase 1 that maintained ribonucleolytic activity and conformational stability but had a 2.8 x 10(3)-fold lower association rate for complex formation and 5.9 x 10(9)-fold lower affinity for hRI. This variant of RNase 1, which exhibits the largest decrease in RI affinity of any engineered ribonuclease, is also toxic to human erythroleukemia cells. Together, these results provide new insight into an unusual and important protein-protein interaction, and could expedite the development of human ribonucleases as chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) has been shown to aggregate moderately and gradually at 65 degrees C. Antibodies raised against the dodecapeptide KETAAAKFERQG corresponding to the N-terminal 1-12 amino acid residues of RNase A (Npep) as well as native RNase A were effective in lowering RNase A aggregation at 65 degrees C. The antiRNase A antibodies were, however, more protective. The binding of antiNpep antibodies to the N-terminal region of RNase A may interfere with initiation of oligomerization of the enzyme and consequently its aggregation. The antiRNase A antibodies were presumably more effective in protecting RNase A against aggregation by binding to multiple epitopes of the enzyme including the N-terminal region and hence restricting the interaction of the monomers.  相似文献   

Mammalian ribonucleases interact very strongly with the intracellular ribonuclease inhibitor (RI). Eukaryotic cells exposed to mammalian ribonucleases are protected from their cytotoxic action by the intracellular inhibition of ribonucleases by RI. Human pancreatic ribonuclease (HPR) is structurally and functionally very similar to bovine RNase A and interacts with human RI with a high affinity. In the current study, we have investigated the involvement of Lys-7, Gln-11, Asn-71, Asn-88, Gly-89, Ser-90, and Glu-111 in HPR in its interaction with human ribonuclease inhibitor. These contact residues were mutated either individually or in combination to generate mutants K7A, Q11A, N71A, E111A, N88R, G89R, S90R, K7A/E111A, Q11A/E111A, N71A/E111A, K7A/N71A/E111A, Q11A/N71A/E111A, and K7A/Q11A/N71A/E111A. Out of these, eight mutants, K7A, Q11A, N71A, S90R, E111A, Q11A/E111A, N71A/E111A, and K7A/N71A/E111A, showed an ability to evade RI more than the wild type HPR, with the triple mutant K7A/N71A/E111A having the maximum RI resistance. As a result, these variants exhibited higher cytotoxic activity than wild type HPR. The mutation of Gly-89 in HPR produced no change in the sensitivity of HPR for RI, whereas it has been reported that mutating the equivalent residue Gly-88 in RNase A yielded a variant with increased RI resistance and cytotoxicity. Hence, despite its considerable homology with RNase A, HPR shows differences in its interaction with RI. We demonstrate that interaction between human pancreatic ribonuclease and RI can be disrupted by mutating residues that are involved in HPR-RI binding. The inhibitor-resistant cytotoxic HPR mutants should be useful in developing therapeutic molecules.  相似文献   

Human pancreatic ribonuclease (HPR) and bovine RNase A belong to the RNase A superfamily and possess similar key structural and catalytic residues. Compared to RNase A, HPR has six extra non-catalytic basic residues and high double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) cleavage activity. We mutated four of these basic residues, K6, R32, K62, and K74 to alanine and characterized the variants for function and stability. Only the variant K74A had an altered secondary structure. Whereas R32A and K62A had full catalytic activity, the mutants K6A and K74A had reduced activity on both ssRNA and dsRNA. The mutations of K62 and K74 resulted in reduction in protein stability and DNA double helix unwinding activity of HPR; while substitutions of K6 and R32 did not affect either the stability or helix unwinding activity. The reduced catalytic and DNA melting activities of K74A mutant appear to be an outcome of its altered secondary structure. The basic residues studied here, appear to contribute to the overall stability, folding, and general catalytic activity of HPR.  相似文献   

Onconase is an amphibian protein that is now in Phase III clinical trials as a cancer chemotherapeutic. Human pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase 1) is homologous to Onconase but is not cytotoxic. Here, ERDD RNase 1, which is the L86E/N88R/G89D/R91D variant of RNase 1, is shown to have conformational stability and ribonucleolytic activity similar to that of the wild-type enzyme but > 10(3)-fold less affinity for the endogenous cytosolic ribonuclease inhibitor protein. Most significantly, ERDD RNase 1 is toxic to human leukemia cells. The addition of a non-native disulfide bond to ERDD RNase 1 not only increases the conformational stability of the enzyme but also increases its cytotoxicity such that its IC(50) value is only 8-fold greater than that of Onconase. Thus, only a few amino acid substitutions are necessary to make a human protein toxic to human cancer cells. This finding has significant implications for human cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) is one of the most well studied enzymes of the ribonuclease family, unlike its human counterpart, the human pancreatic ribonuclease (HPR), whose physiological role in the body is not clearly understood. Human pancreatic ribonuclease consists of 128 amino acids and the main residues located in the active site of RNase A are also conserved in HPR. In the current study, to investigate the role of Asp-121 in the catalytic activity of human pancreatic ribonuclease, several variants were generated in which Asp-121 was either mutated to an alanine or C-terminal residues beyond Asp-121, and Phe-120 were deleted. The HPR mutants were cloned, expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity, and functionally characterized. The mutation D121A in HPR significantly decreased the rate of the enzymatic reaction, however this decrease was not universally observed for all substrates studied. Removal of the seven C-terminal amino acid residues thereby exposing Asp-121 yielded an HPR mutant with enhanced activity, however a further deletion removing Asp-121 resulted in the complete inactivation of HPR. Our results indicate that Asp-121 is crucial for the catalytic activity of HPR and may be involved in the depolymerization activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Russo N  Antignani A  D'Alessio G 《Biochemistry》2000,39(13):3585-3591
Site-directed mutagenesis of human pancreatic RNase (HP-RNase) was used as a model system for investigating the genetic events underlying the evolutionary origins of protein oligomers. HP-RNase is a monomeric enzyme with no natural tendency to oligomerize (K(d) for any dimers in solution of >280 mM). Nevertheless, deletion of five amino acid residues in the loop linking the N-terminal helix of HP-RNase to the rest of the protein was found to drive polypeptide chains to fold into dimers. These dimers could not be dissociated by heating at 70 degrees C, and small amounts of monomer were detected only in highly diluted samples. Measurement of dimer and monomer concentrations under equilibrium conditions yielded a K(d) of 1.5 microM. This implies that the deletion increases the protein propensity to dimerize at least 5.2 orders of magnitude. Moreover, the HP-RNase dimers were found to be over 4.6 orders of magnitude more stable than the dimers of bovine pancreatic RNase A obtained by lyophilization from acetic acid (K(d) > 73 mM). Cross-linking experiments with divinyl sulfone indicated that the HP-RNase dimers are stabilized by the exchange between subunits of their N-terminal helices. This generates composite active sites, i.e., each contributed by two subunit chains, that retain full enzymatic activity. Overall, these results show that a deletion of few residues in a key region of a monomeric protein can be the primary event irreversibly leading to oligomerization of the protein through the swap of a secondary structure element between protomers.  相似文献   

Affinity labeling of pancreatic ribonuclease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Mouse pancreatic ribonuclease has been crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray structure determination. The crystals grown from solutions of 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol diffract to high resolution and belong to the hexagonal space group P6(1) (P6(5)) with unit cells dimensions a = b = 64.44 A, c = 53.91 A, y = 120 degrees and V = 1.94 x 10(5) A3 (1 A = 0.1 nm). There are six molecules per unit cell (1 molecule/asymmetric unit), and Vm = 2.3 A3/dalton.  相似文献   

Structural studies of pancreatic ribonuclease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Some members of the ribonuclease superfamily, such as Onconase, are cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is not the case for human pancreatic ribonuclease. This lack of cytotoxicity is probably a result of the inhibition exerted by the cytosolic ribonuclease inhibitor once the protein has reached the cytosol. Until now, all cytotoxic human pancreatic ribonuclease variants have been described as being resistant to the inhibitor. Here, we report on the characterization of a cytotoxic variant of human pancreatic ribonuclease which has an Arg triplet introduced onto one of its surface-exposed loops. Despite its sensitivity to the inhibitor, this variant, called PE5, was only 5-15 times less cytotoxic than Onconase. When it was taken up by cells, it was only observed within late compartments of the endocytic pathway, probably because the number of molecules transported to the cytosol was too small to allow their visualization. Nuclear import assays showed that the Arg triplet endows PE5 with a nuclear localization signal. In these experiments, PE5 was efficiently transported to the nucleus where it was initially localized in the nucleolus. Although the Arg introduction modified the net charge of the protein and somehow impaired recognition by the cytosolic inhibitor, control variants, which had the same number of charges or were not recognized by the inhibitor, were not toxic. We concluded that targeting a ribonuclease to the nucleus results in cytotoxicity. This effect is probably due to ribonuclease interference with rRNA processing and ribosome assembly within the nucleolus.  相似文献   

Stabilization of the ribonuclease S-peptide alpha-helix by trifluoroethanol   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The effects of trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the stability of the alpha-helix formed by ribonuclease S-peptide, residues 1-19 of ribonuclease A, were studied by measuring circular dichroism as a function of TFE concentration, pH, and temperature. The S-peptide forms an unusually stable alpha-helix, which is known to be stabilized by TFE. The magnitude of the effect of charged groups on the peptide, manifested by the change in alpha-helix stability as a function of pH, was not altered significantly by either TFE concentration or temperature, indicating that the lower dielectric constant of TFE is not important in the stabilization of this alpha-helix. This suggests that the alpha-helix might be stabilized by many interactions in addition to the effects of charges. The titration curve of circular dichroism vs. TFE concentration appears to be cooperative at 0 degree C, but becomes progressively less cooperative at temperatures between 25 and 75 degrees C. The properties of the TFE stabilization indicate that TFE might be a useful probe with which to measure the stability of marginally stable peptides and small proteins.  相似文献   

A recent conclusion that beef pancreas contained a molecular species of ribonuclease with intrinsically high activity at pH 4.5 has been found to be incorrect. The particular assay used in the earlier experiments gives anomalous results at acid pH in the presence of low concentrations of ions such as phosphate which was used during the fractionation. By turning to the more widely employed form of the perchloric acid precipitation assay, interference is avoided and the ribonuclease in beef pancreas is confirmed as consisting almost completely of the molecular species well-characterized as ribonuclease A. The clarification of the assay question permits a clear interpretation of the results of each step of the chromatographic purification procedure that led to the initial conclusion, including an artifact that arose when gel filtration was attempted with distilled water rather than with buffer.  相似文献   

Characterization of the N-glycans from human pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase 1) isolated from healthy pancreas and from pancreatic adenocarcinoma tumor cells (Capan-1 and MDAPanc-3) revealed completely different glycosylation patterns. RNase 1 from healthy cells contained neutral complex biantennary structures, with smaller amounts of tri- and tetraantennary compounds, and glycans with poly-N-acetyllactosamine extensions, all extensively fucosylated. In contrast, RNase 1 glycans from tumor cells (Capan-1) were fucosylated hybrid and complex biantennary glycans with GalNAc-GlcNAc antennae. RNase 1 glycans from Capan-1 and MDAPanc-3 cells also contained sialylated structures completely absent in the healthy pancreas. Some of these features provide distinct epitopes that were clearly detected using monoclonal antibodies against carbohydrate antigens. Thus monoclonal antibodies to Lewis(y) reacted only with normal pancreatic RNase 1, whereas, in contrast, monoclonal antibodies to sialyl-Lewis(x) and sialyl-Lewis(a) reacted only with RNase 1 secreted from the tumor cells. These glycosylation changes in a tumor-secreted protein, which reflect fundamental changes in the enzymes involved in the glycosylation pathway, open up the possibility of using serum RNase 1 as a tumor marker of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

M S Stern  M S Doscher 《FEBS letters》1984,171(2):253-256
6-Phosphofructo-2-kinase (PFK2) is activated by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and inactivated by phosphatase, indicating the interconversion of PFK2. Inorganic phosphate also activates PFK2, and the optimum pH for the PFK2 activity varies with the concentration of phosphate. Phosphate also enhances the inactivation of PFK2 by citrate, suggesting that phosphate acts as a regulator of PFK2.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (in a lesser degree, pyridoxal) interacts with both non-protonated and protonated exposed epsilon-amino groups of lysine residues and with alpha-amino groups in human serum albumin and pancreatic ribonuclease A. The reaction of Schiff base formation proceeds within a wide pH range--from 3.0 to 12.0. At a great pyridoxal-5-phosphate excess in ribonuclease A in neutral or slightly acidic aqueous media all the ten epsilon-amino groups of lysine residues and the alpha-amino groups of Lys-1 become modified. The formation of aldimine bonds of pyridoxal-5-phosphate with protonated amino groups in acidic media is determined by ionization of its phenol hydroxyl and phosphate residues. Acetaldehyde, propionic aldehyde and pyridine aldehyde interact only with non-protonated amino groups of the proteins. The equilibrium constants of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and other aldehydes binding to proteins and amino acids were determined. The rate constants of Schiff base formation for pyridoxal-5-phosphates with some amino acids and primary sites of proteins for direct and reverse reactions were calculated.  相似文献   

Summary The primary structures of pancreatic ribonucleases from 26 species (18 artiodactyls, horse, whale, 5 rodents and turtle) are known. Several species contain identical ribonucleases (cow/bison; sheep/goat), other species show polymorphism (arabian camel) or the presence of two structural gene loci (guinea pig pancreas contains two ribonucleases that differ at 31 positions). 26 different sequences (including the ribonuclease from bovine seminal plasma which is paralogous to the pancreatic ribonucleases) were used to construct a most parsimonious tree. A second tree that most closely approximates current biological opinion requires 402 whereas the most parsimonious tree requires 389 nucleotide substitutions. The artiodactyl part of the most parsimonious tree conforms quite well with the biological one of this order, except for the position of the giraffe which is placed with the pronghorn. Other parts of the most parsimonious tree agree less with the biological tree, probably as a result of the occurrence of many parallel and back substitutions. Bovine seminal ribonuclease was found to be the result of a gene duplication which occurred before the divergence of the true ruminants, but after the divergence of this group from the cameloids.The evolutionary rate of ribonuclease was found to be 390, 3.0 and 11 nucleotide substitutions per 109 yrs per ribonuclease gene, codon and covarion respectively. However, there is much variation in evolutionary rate in different taxa. Values ranging from about 100 (in the bovidae) to about 700 (in the rodents) nucleotide substitutions per 109 yrs per gene were found.A method for counting parallel and back mutations is presented. The 389 nucleotide substitutions in the most parsimonious tree occur at 88 codon positions; 154 of them are the result of parallel and back mutations. Parallel evolution to a similar structure, including the presence of 2 sites with carbohydrate, was demonstrated in an extensive region at the surface of pig and guinea pig ribonuclease B. The presence of carbohydrate probably is important in a number of species. A correlation between the presence of heavily glycosidated ribonucleases and coecal digestion was observed. Hypothetical sequences of ancestral ungulate ribonucleases contain many recognition sites for carbohydrate attachment; this suggests that herbivores with coecal digestion might have preceded the true ruminants in mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

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