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Various hematological examinations were performed on a total of 208 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). One hundred and fifty-eight of the monkeys were originally from different habitats in the western part of Japan, where they existed as free-ranging animals. The remaining 50 monkeys were kept in an open-enclosure for about one year. Laboratory examinations on blood specimens included the following; the erythrocyte and leukocyte counts, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, the specific gravity of the blood and plasma, protein concentration of the plasma, SGO-T, SGP-T, A/G ratio and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Results were similar to those reported for otherMacaca species. When the data reported here was compared with the known values for man, the Japanese monkey showed lower values for the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, and the specific gravity of the blood. Higher values were shown for the leukocyte count and SGO-T activity, with a wider overall range of variation.  相似文献   

Since 1962 clinical examinations have been performed on all 466 Japanese monkeys from the troops of the western part of Japan.During the external inspection we found a few cases of malformation of the hand and foot in some troops, but except for these they were in good physical condition, negative in tuberculin test and in Shigella and Salmonella infection.In all troops a high rate of helminthic infection was detected and there was a difference in the rate of occurrence of certain helminths betweenMacaca fuscata fuscata andM. fuscata yakui. No single case with the antibody to the B Virus was encountered, and it seems that no infection of the B Virus is present among the Japanese monkey.The free-ranging condition under which the Japanese monkey inhabits in troops seems to be satisfactory and they seem to have no serious problem of any kind at present.  相似文献   

The hair length of Japanese monkeys was investigated for a period of one year and the molting phenomenon was clarified. Nine monkeys were employed in the study. The molting of the Japanese monkey was found to be of a seasonal type and occurred once during the year. The molting continued for one to four months in each monkey. The hair of the Japanese monkeys was wholly replaced during the period from April to August. The hair length was thus short in summer, and long in winter. Hair replacement in pregnant females began after parturition and was generally later than that in other individuals. During molting, both new and old hairs could be observed simultaneously in the same region of the body. The hair replacement ended around summer when the hair became the shortest. The new hairs continued to grow after molting and became the longest towards autumn or winter. Thus, the summer coat and the winter coat were essentially the same in the Japanese monkey. Such annual changes in the hair of the Japanese monkey were considered to be suitable for the climate of Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Various types of synaptic formations on pinealocytes and pineal neurons were found in the pineal body of Macaca fuscata. Axo-somatic synapses of the Gray type-II category were detected on the pinealocyte cell body. Gap junctions and ribbon synapses were observed between adjacent pinealocytes. About 70 nerve-cell bodies were detected in one half of the whole pineal body bisected midsagittally. They were localized exclusively deep in the central part. When examined electron-microscopically, they were found to receive ribbon-synapse-like contacts from pinealocytic processes. They also received synaptic contacts of the Gray type-I category on their dendrites, and those of the Gray type-II category on their cell bodies from nerve terminals of unknown origin. All these synapse-forming axon terminals contained small clear vesicles. Thus, the pineal neurons of the monkey, at least in part, are suggested to be derived from the pineal ganglion cells in the lower vertebrates and not from the postganglionic parasympathetic neurons. The functional significance of these observations is discussed in relation to the innervation of the pineal body of the monkey.  相似文献   

Parturition behavior of a multiparous female and her interactions with group members throughout the birth process were recorded for a free-ranging Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata). The female showed evidence of 18 contractions during the 35 min prior to delivery, with a mean duration and a mean intercontraction interval of 30 sec and 96 sec, respectively. These values were similar to those in individually caged Japanese monkeys. Some adult females remained in proximity to the female who was giving birth during the prepartum phase, and her 2-year-old daughter watched the delivery of the infant. Even during the prepartum phase the female moved in order to keep up with the group which traveled from the feeding site to a sleeping site in the forest.  相似文献   

The hair length of Japanese monkeys was investigated. The hair of the Japanese monkey is long on the back and the lateral side of the upper arm and short on the back of the hand. There was variation in the length of hairs in the same region of the body. The distribution of hair length approximated to a normal curve and did not display any marked bias or skewness. The increase in length of hairs was remarkable from 0 to 1 year of age, and then continued at a constant rate. Sex differences in hair length were not so remarkable at any age.  相似文献   

The season of birth, age of the first parturition, gestation period, and vaginal bleeding and mating after conception were surveyed with Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). The analyses of the former two items were dependent on the birth records in the Ohirayama troop collected from 1957 to 1973, and the analyses of the latter two items were dependent on data obtained by a 48-hour mating in a laboratory. Birth in the Ohirayama troop converged into the months from March to July, especially from April to June. The age of the first parturition was three years and 11 months at the earliest, and nine years and two months at the latest. The monkeys giving their first birth at the age of five or thereabouts were most frequently observed (68.6%), and most of the monkeys had their first parturition from about the age of four years to about the age of six years. The gestation period calculated from 17 cases, which was defined as the period from the first day of a 48-hour mating to the day before parturition, was 173 ± 6.9 days ranging from 161 to 188 days. In 25 out of 28 cases, the vaginal bleeding was observed after conception. It began slightly later (between 16 and 24 days after mating) than the forecasted time of the next menstrual hemorrhage, and usually lasted longer than bleeding of the usual menses. Each of three female monkeys caged together with a male monkey 30 days after conception was observed to have copulated, and the male was observed to have ejaculated.  相似文献   

The characteristics of serial cross-sections of hairs collected from an adult male Japanese monkey were investigated. Cross-sections were made of five to eight pieces per hair. The shapes of the cross-sections were elliptical or rounded on the whole. The fibre indices of the sections ranged from 83 to 100. In particular, those of proximal (basal) sections were close to 100. The hair diameter was 86.4 μ at maximum and 27.2 μ at minimum. A tendency was observed for the longer hairs to have thicker diameters. The changes in thickness along the fibre shaft were slightly different in relation to hair length. The thickest point was at around the middle of the fibre in the intermediate hair, somewhat towards the top of the central part in the long hair, and somewhat towards the base in the short hair. The hair of the Japanese monkey, however, was considered to be scanty in changes along the fibre shaft in comparison with many other animals. Medullae could scarcely be seen in the short hair and in the terminal and proximal sections of all hairs. Their shapes in cross-section were not uniform and rough at the margins. The fibre-medulla indices were generally less than 30 and smaller than those of many other mammals. Pigmentary granules were observed in all sections examined. The granules were black-grey in sections of the black-grey coloured part and yellow in the yellowish sections. They were dense in distal sections and scarce in sections close to the base. The cross-sectional appearance of the thickest part of the long hair was considered to be useful for hair identification, since it was good in pigmentation and medullation and relatively small fibre index.  相似文献   

The functional properties of the sweat glands and their innervation in the volar skin of three Japanese monkeys and two crab-eating monkeys were investigated. The sweat glands responded to both cholinomimetic and adrenomimetic agents, the former being highly predominant in the sudorific effect. Spontaneous emotional sweating was strongly or completely inhibited by atropine at 10(-8)-10(-7) g/ml, but not by dihydroergotamine at 10(-5)-10(-4) g/ml. Axon reflex sweating could not be produced by nicotine at 10(-5)-10(-4) g/ml in all of primates tested. The nerve fibers surrounding the sweat glands were histochemically confirmed to contain both acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

Copulatory behavior unrelated to conception is sometimes observed in some non-human primates including the Japanese monkey. In the present study, the authors examined whether a mature follicle or a newly formed fresh corpus luteum was observed in the ovaries of female Japanese monkeys which displayed the copulatory behavior unrelated to conception. Post-conception copulatory behaviors were observed in three out of four females usually kept in individual cages in an air-conditioned room, and in two out of three females without infants kept in an outdoor group cage. However, neither a mature Graafian follicle nor a fresh corpus luteum formed newly after conception was observed in any of these females by laparoscopic examinations conducted immediately after termination of the copulatory behavior. In females with infants born in the preceding birth season, copulatory behaviors were observed in three out of four females kept in the outdoor group cage, and in two out of four females in a free-ranging troop. Ovulation was confirmed in one case out of the three kept in the outdoor group cage, but neither a mature follicle nor a newly formed corpus luteum was observed in the remaining four females. These findings suggest that copulatory behavior in the Japanese monkey is not always controlled by the development of a follicle or ovulation in the ovary.  相似文献   

H Nigi  R Torii 《Jikken dobutsu》1991,40(3):401-405
Serum LH, E2-17 beta and progesterone concentration were measured in 16 cycles of 15 female Japanese monkeys. Three of the 16 cycles were ascertained to be anovulatory. Ten of the 13 ovulatory cycles showed LH peaks varying from 25 to 280 ng/ml. However, in remaining 3 cycles, LH peak could not be determined, probably because of a lag of blood-sampling schedule. E2-17 beta peaks were detected 0-30 hrs before LH peak in 8 cycles, but 13 or 20 hrs after LH peak in 2 cycles. Time-intervals from LH peak to ovulation ranged 0-47 hrs 30 min. No correlation was detected between concentrations of LH and progesterone in the luteal phase.  相似文献   

Methods of artificial insemination (AI) for indoor breeding in the Japanese monkey and the Cynomolgus monkey were investigated. For the Japanese monkey AI was carried out in six females during the winter mating season and in six females during the summer non-mating season. During the mating season, semen was inseminated near ovulation time in natural menstrual cycles. In the mating season study, three females inseminated at the uterine cavity became pregnant. Three inseminated at the cervical canal failed to become pregnant. For the non-mating season study, ovulation was induced artificially by PMSG and hCG and AI was carried out near the induced ovulation time. In the non-mating season, no animals became pregnant. Of four Cynomolgus monkeys used, pregnancy occurred in two animals inseminated near ovulation time in natural menstrual cycles. AI occurred at the uterine cavity in one and cervical canal in the other. In both species ovulation was verified by laparoscopy. Semen was collected by penile electro-stimulation then diluted to 2.5 to 5.0×107/ml with Whitten's medium. Diluted semen of 0.2l was inseminated at the uterine cavity or cervical canal. Our results indicate the usefulness of vaginal AI as a method of artificial indoor breeding.  相似文献   

Possible immunological differences between monkey and human prostate gland proteins and also between seminal vesicle proteins of these species were investigated by agarose gel electrophoresis, agarose gel immunoelectrophoresis and by the agar gel immunodiffusion method, using anti-sera against human plasma, human seminal plasma and human prostatic acid phosphomonoesterase (PMEase). At the same time, the electrophoretic mobility of these prostatic acid PMEases was compared by means of starch gel electrophoresis.Each of these two tissues, monkey and human, was found to contain antigenic proteins with immunological identity. Though antigenic similarity of monkey and human prostatic acid PMEase was demonstrated by immunological methods, a clear difference was observed in the electrophoretic mobility of these enzymes when examined by starch gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Birth data of 25 troops of Japanese monkeys, which range over major areas in Japan between lat. 31°22 N. and 41°15 N., show significant differences in the timing of the birth season among different troops. The difference seems regional to some extent. Correlations between the timing of the birth season of the troop and various environmental factors—latitude, rainfall, temperature, social factors and so on, were examined, and it was suggested that the effect of environmental factors are complex and not always direct, and that the threshold value of each factor in causing the onset of the copulatory season might vary by troops. The difference in the timing of the birth season among different troops has not yet been sufficiently explained by a simple correlation with environmental conditions.While troops with large numbers of birth show annual uniform monthly distribution patterns of births, those with a smaller number of births show more fluctuations in the monthly distribution pattern of births from year to year. However, all the births in the latter come within a range of about four months, which is fixed for each troop.  相似文献   

Parturitional behavior in 12 caged Macaca fuscatawas analyzed. Wild-caught mothers showed adequate maternal behaviors immediately following the neonate’s expulsion. Parity differences existed in the behaviors; primiparae were more idiosyncratic than were multiparae. Among multiparae, those with two or more offspring were uniformly adequate, but those with a single birth experience varied in the adequacy of the maternal care they provided at parturition. Mothers embraced and licked their neonates and had ventroventral contact with them frequently immediately after parturition but decreased these behaviors after expulsion of the placenta. In contrast, mothers showed allogrooming after consuming the placenta. Placentophagy was correlated with the level of orality represented by maternal licking behaviors. An isolation-reared primipara reacted to her newborn in a basically negative manner, although she showed little actual aggression. She showed a rapid shift in her negative behavior during the immediate postpartum period. This mother’s newborn sought contact with her, indicating the neonate’s active role in establishing a stable mother-neonate bond.  相似文献   

Two male Japanese monkeys were trained to use a mirror to reach an object that could not be seen directly. Training to use a mirror in this way proceeded, step-by-step, from reaching a piece of apple to key-tracking. In Experiment 1 the monkeys were trained to use the mirror to locate a desired object, a piece of apple in a box facing the mirror, which could be seen only by looking into the mirror. The apple, once located, however, could be grasped without further reference to the mirror. This behavior is referred to as mirror mediated object discrimination. In subsequent experiments the monkeys could not reach the goal object except by observing it and his hand movement in the mirror. In Experiment 2 the target was a piece of apple visible in the mirror, in Experiment 3 an illuminated key and in Experiment 4 a series of keys which were illuminated sequentially. Mirror guided behavior such as shown in Experiment 2, 3, and 4 has not previously been demonstrated in monkeys.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic investigation was performed on 88 Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) with abnormal limbs from 11 free-ranging provisioned troops including nine individuals with abnormalities indistinguishable as to whether they were congenital or injurious. All of the monkeys with abnormal limbs including the nine questionable individuals had the same karyotypes as those of normal individuals. The chromosome number was 42, consisting of 20 bi-arm autosome pairs and a submetacentric X-chromosome and Y-chromosome. The ninth chromosome pair, which was the only chromosome pair with remarkable secondary constriction, displayed length polymorphism of the centromeric C-band and secondary constriction in both deformed and normal monkeys. These kinds of variants have also been commonly found in other monkey species, which have almost the same karyotype as the Japanese monkey and have not been reported to show frequent occurrence of limb malformation. We concluded therefore that chromosomal abnormalities could be excluded from the main causal factors for limb malformations of the Japanese monkey.  相似文献   

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