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The ectomycorrhizal (EM) canopy tree Dicymbe corymbosa (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae) forms monodominant forests in the Pakaraima Mountains of western Guyana. Like other tropical monodominants, D. corymbosa has several life-history traits that promote conspecific clumping, in contrast to density-dependent recruitment limitations characterizing most tropical trees. Dicymbe corymbosa forests, occurring in Guyana as patches within a largely non-EM mixed-species forest matrix, are important habitats for a diverse assemblage of EM fungi. Ground-based studies have not adequately determined the regional extent of D. corymbosa forests, nor are they practical due to the rugged, remote nature of the Pakaraima Mountains. We assessed the suitability of Landsat satellite imagery for mapping regional distribution of D. corymbosa forests in Guyana's Upper Potaro River Basin. Supervised image classification was performed on images from August 1989 (Landsat-5 TM) and October 1999 (Landsat-7 ETM+). In situ forest reference data were used to quantitatively assess accuracy of output classification maps. Classification performed well in distinguishing monodominant from mixed-species forests. For both images, D. corymbosa forest class accuracy was good (1989 user's accuracy = 89.8%, Khat = 0.74; 1999 user's accuracy = 80.7%, Khat = 0.59). The resulting output classification maps will be useful for planning fungal surveys and ecological studies in forests of the Pakaraima region. Classification of Landsat images may be effective for identifying monodominant forests in other remote regions of the tropics.  相似文献   

Dryland pastoralism has long attracted considerable attention from researchers in diverse fields. However, rigorous formal study is made difficult by the high level of mobility of pastoralists as well as by the sizable spatio-temporal variability of their environment. This article presents a new computational approach for studying mobile pastoralism that overcomes these issues. Combining multi-temporal satellite images and agent-based modeling allows a comprehensive examination of pastoral resource access over a realistic dryland landscape with unpredictable ecological dynamics. The article demonstrates the analytical potential of this approach through its application to mobile pastoralism in northeast Nigeria. Employing more than 100 satellite images of the area, extensive simulations are conducted under a wide array of circumstances, including different land-use constraints. The simulation results reveal complex dependencies of pastoral resource access on these circumstances along with persistent patterns of seasonal land use observed at the macro level.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew is one of the most serious diseases that have a significant impact on the production of winter wheat. As an effective alternative to traditional sampling methods, remote sensing can be a useful tool in disease detection. This study attempted to use multi-temporal moderate resolution satellite-based data of surface reflectances in blue (B), green (G), red (R) and near infrared (NIR) bands from HJ-CCD (CCD sensor on Huanjing satellite) to monitor disease at a regional scale. In a suburban area in Beijing, China, an extensive field campaign for disease intensity survey was conducted at key growth stages of winter wheat in 2010. Meanwhile, corresponding time series of HJ-CCD images were acquired over the study area. In this study, a number of single-stage and multi-stage spectral features, which were sensitive to powdery mildew, were selected by using an independent t-test. With the selected spectral features, four advanced methods: mahalanobis distance, maximum likelihood classifier, partial least square regression and mixture tuned matched filtering were tested and evaluated for their performances in disease mapping. The experimental results showed that all four algorithms could generate disease maps with a generally correct distribution pattern of powdery mildew at the grain filling stage (Zadoks 72). However, by comparing these disease maps with ground survey data (validation samples), all of the four algorithms also produced a variable degree of error in estimating the disease occurrence and severity. Further, we found that the integration of MTMF and PLSR algorithms could result in a significant accuracy improvement of identifying and determining the disease intensity (overall accuracy of 72% increased to 78% and kappa coefficient of 0.49 increased to 0.59). The experimental results also demonstrated that the multi-temporal satellite images have a great potential in crop diseases mapping at a regional scale.  相似文献   

Technological advances and increasing availability of high-resolution satellite imagery offer the potential for more accurate land cover classifications and pattern analyses, which could greatly improve the detection and quantification of land cover change for conservation. Such remotely-sensed products, however, are often expensive and difficult to acquire, which prohibits or reduces their use. We tested whether imagery of high spatial resolution (≤5 m) differs from lower-resolution imagery (≥30 m) in performance and extent of use for conservation applications. To assess performance, we classified land cover in a heterogeneous region of Interior Atlantic Forest in Paraguay, which has undergone recent and dramatic human-induced habitat loss and fragmentation. We used 4 m multispectral IKONOS and 30 m multispectral Landsat imagery and determined the extent to which resolution influenced the delineation of land cover classes and patch-level metrics. Higher-resolution imagery more accurately delineated cover classes, identified smaller patches, retained patch shape, and detected narrower, linear patches. To assess extent of use, we surveyed three conservation journals (Biological Conservation, Biotropica, Conservation Biology) and found limited application of high-resolution imagery in research, with only 26.8% of land cover studies analyzing satellite imagery, and of these studies only 10.4% used imagery ≤5 m resolution. Our results suggest that high-resolution imagery is warranted yet under-utilized in conservation research, but is needed to adequately monitor and evaluate forest loss and conversion, and to delineate potentially important stepping-stone fragments that may serve as corridors in a human-modified landscape. Greater access to low-cost, multiband, high-resolution satellite imagery would therefore greatly facilitate conservation management and decision-making.  相似文献   

The navigation of bees and ants from hive to food and back has captivated people for more than a century. Recently, the Navigation by Scene Familiarity Hypothesis (NSFH) has been proposed as a parsimonious approach that is congruent with the limited neural elements of these insects’ brains. In the NSFH approach, an agent completes an initial training excursion, storing images along the way. To retrace the path, the agent scans the area and compares the current scenes to those previously experienced. By turning and moving to minimize the pixel-by-pixel differences between encountered and stored scenes, the agent is guided along the path without having memorized the sequence. An important premise of the NSFH is that the visual information of the environment is adequate to guide navigation without aliasing. Here we demonstrate that an image landscape of an indoor setting possesses ample navigational information. We produced a visual landscape of our laboratory and part of the adjoining corridor consisting of 2816 panoramic snapshots arranged in a grid at 12.7-cm centers. We show that pixel-by-pixel comparisons of these images yield robust translational and rotational visual information. We also produced a simple algorithm that tracks previously experienced routes within our lab based on an insect-inspired scene familiarity approach and demonstrate that adequate visual information exists for an agent to retrace complex training routes, including those where the path’s end is not visible from its origin. We used this landscape to systematically test the interplay of sensor morphology, angles of inspection, and similarity threshold with the recapitulation performance of the agent. Finally, we compared the relative information content and chance of aliasing within our visually rich laboratory landscape to scenes acquired from indoor corridors with more repetitive scenery.  相似文献   

Recently, agent techniques in electronic marketplaces (e-marketplaces) bring B-to-B trading into a new era. However, not much analysis on the behavior of agents has been reported. In this paper, based on the ant algorithm in network routing, we introduce a jumping (searching) model for agents in an e-marketplace network. However, we should be aware that if there are too many agents in the e-marketplace network, they will use up all communication bandwidth and computing resource. It is inevitable to investigate the behavior of agents, such as agent population. Based on the existing results in the ant algorithm in network routing, we present the behavior of agents in an e-marketplace network. Hence, we can control the agent population by setting the appropriate agent generation rate.  相似文献   

Fast and computationally less complex feature extraction for moving object detection using aerial images from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) remains as an elusive goal in the field of computer vision research. The types of features used in current studies concerningmoving object detection are typically chosen based on improving detection rate rather than on providing fast and computationally less complex feature extraction methods. Because moving object detection using aerial images from UAVs involves motion as seen from a certain altitude, effective and fast feature extraction is a vital issue for optimum detection performance. This research proposes a two-layer bucket approach based on a new feature extraction algorithm referred to as the moment-based feature extraction algorithm (MFEA). Because a moment represents thecoherent intensity of pixels and motion estimation is a motion pixel intensity measurement, this research used this relation to develop the proposed algorithm. The experimental results reveal the successful performance of the proposed MFEA algorithm and the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

In this paper a new reactive mechanism based on perception-action bionics for multi-sensory integration applied to Un-manned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) navigation is proposed.The strategy is inspired by the olfactory bulb neural activity observed inrabbits subject to external stimuli.The new UAV navigation technique exploits the use of a multiscroll chaotic system which isable to be controlled in real-time towards less complex orbits,like periodic orbits or equilibrium points,considered as perceptiveorbits.These are subject to real-time modifications on the basis of environment changes acquired through a Synthetic ApertureRadar (SAR) sensory system.The mathematical details of the approach are given including simulation results in a virtual en-vironment.The results demonstrate the capability of autonomous navigation for UAV based on chaotic bionics theory in com-plex spatial environments.  相似文献   

Monitoring changes in the distribution and density of plant species often requires accurate and high-resolution baseline maps of those species. Detecting such change at the landscape scale is often problematic, particularly in remote areas. We examine a new technique to improve accuracy and objectivity in mapping vegetation, combining species distribution modelling and satellite image classification on a remote sub-Antarctic island. In this study, we combine spectral data from very high resolution WorldView-2 satellite imagery and terrain variables from a high resolution digital elevation model to improve mapping accuracy, in both pixel- and object-based classifications. Random forest classification was used to explore the effectiveness of these approaches on mapping the distribution of the critically endangered cushion plant Azorella macquariensis Orchard (Apiaceae) on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island. Both pixel- and object-based classifications of the distribution of Azorella achieved very high overall validation accuracies (91.6–96.3%, κ = 0.849–0.924). Both two-class and three-class classifications were able to accurately and consistently identify the areas where Azorella was absent, indicating that these maps provide a suitable baseline for monitoring expected change in the distribution of the cushion plants. Detecting such change is critical given the threats this species is currently facing under altering environmental conditions. The method presented here has applications to monitoring a range of species, particularly in remote and isolated environments.  相似文献   

Our research presents a proof-of-concept that explores a new and innovative method to identify large animals in aerial imagery with single day image differencing. We acquired two aerial images of eight fenced pastures and conducted a principal component analysis of each image. We then subtracted the first principal component of the two pasture images followed by heuristic thresholding to generate polygons. The number of polygons represented the number of potential cattle (Bos taurus) and horses (Equus caballus) in the pasture. The process was considered semi-automated because we were not able to automate the identification of spatial or spectral thresholding values. Imagery was acquired concurrently with ground counts of animal numbers. Across the eight pastures, 82% of the animals were correctly identified, mean percent commission was 53%, and mean percent omission was 18%. The high commission error was due to small mis-alignments generated from image-to-image registration, misidentified shadows, and grouping behavior of animals. The high probability of correctly identifying animals suggests short time interval image differencing could provide a new technique to enumerate wild ungulates occupying grassland ecosystems, especially in isolated or difficult to access areas. To our knowledge, this was the first attempt to use standard change detection techniques to identify and enumerate large ungulates.  相似文献   

SLAM is a popular task used by robots and autonomous vehicles to build a map of an unknown environment and, at the same time, to determine their location within the map. This paper describes a SLAM-based, probabilistic robotic system able to learn the essential features of different parts of its environment. Some previous SLAM implementations had computational complexities ranging from O(Nlog(N)) to O(N2), where N is the number of map features. Unlike these methods, our approach reduces the computational complexity to O(N) by using a model to fuse the information from the sensors after applying the Bayesian paradigm. Once the training process is completed, the robot identifies and locates those areas that potentially match the sections that have been previously learned. After the training, the robot navigates and extracts a three-dimensional map of the environment using a single laser sensor. Thus, it perceives different sections of its world. In addition, in order to make our system able to be used in a low-cost robot, low-complexity algorithms that can be easily implemented on embedded processors or microcontrollers are used.  相似文献   

Artificial Pheromone System Using RFID for Navigation of Autonomous Robots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Navigation system based on the animal behavior has received a growing attention in the past few years. The navigation systems using artificial pheromone are still few so far. For this reason, this paper presents our research that aim to implement autonomous navigation with artificial pheromone system. By introducing artificial pheromone system composed of data carriers and autonomous robots, the robotic system creates a potential field to navigate their group. We have developed a pheromone density model to realize the function of pheromones with the help of data carriers. We intend to show the effectiveness of the proposed system by performing simulations and realization using modified mobile robot. The pheromone potential field system can be used for navigation of autonomous robots.  相似文献   

Sardine, pilchard and anchovy stocks form the basis of commercially important purse seine fisheries in eastern boundary upwelling regions. High levels of environmentally driven recruitment variability have, however, made them especially difficult to manage. Reliable forecasts of recruitment success would greatly help with the setting of catch quotas prior to each fishing season. Theories of how environmental conditions influence recruitment success, according to survival/mortality of the early life-history stages, can be divided into mechanistic and sythesis theories. Mechanistic theories are concerned with specific physical processes, whereas synthesis theories attempt to unite the various mechanistic processes within a single conceptual framework. Despite the successful testing of some theories, there has been little success in reliably predicting recruitment success from a knowledge of environmental conditions. Possible reasons include the following: non-linearity in the relationship between environmental parameters and recruitment; the poor spatial and temporal resolution of much oceanographic data; the wide range of different factors involved in determining recruitment success; and the choice of environmental index. The recent compilation of time series of satellite images for these regions offers a solution to some of these problems, and in doing so reopens the possibility of finding sufficiently good relationships between environmental conditions and recruitment success for management purposes. In particular, the high resolution of these time series allows for the construction of environmental indices across many different spatial and temporal scales. These time series also open up the possibility of quantifying the behaviour of upwelling systems according to the evolution of their spatial structure through time, using pattern analysis techniques.  相似文献   



Non-specific binding to biosensor surfaces is a major obstacle to quantitative analysis of selective retention of analytes at immobilized target molecules. Although a range of chemical antifouling monolayers has been developed to address this problem, many macromolecular interactions still remain refractory to analysis due to the prevalent high degree of non-specific binding. We describe how we use the dynamic process of the formation of self assembling monolayers and optimise physical and chemical properties thus reducing considerably non-specific binding and allowing analysis of specific binding of analytes to immobilized target molecules.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We illustrate this approach by the production of specific protein arrays for the analysis of interactions between the 65kDa isoform of human glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) and a human monoclonal antibody. Our data illustrate that we have effectively eliminated non-specific interactions with the surface containing the immobilised GAD65 molecules. The findings have several implications. First, this approach obviates the dubious process of background subtraction and gives access to more accurate kinetic and equilibrium values that are no longer contaminated by multiphase non-specific binding. Second, an enhanced signal to noise ratio increases not only the sensitivity but also confidence in the use of SPR to generate kinetic constants that may then be inserted into van''t Hoff type analyses to provide comparative ΔG, ΔS and ΔH values, making this an efficient, rapid and competitive alternative to ITC measurements used in drug and macromolecular-interaction mechanistic studies. Third, the accuracy of the measurements allows the application of more intricate interaction models than simple Langmuir monophasic binding.


The detection and measurement of antibody binding by the type 1 diabetes autoantigen GAD65 represents an example of an antibody-antigen interaction where good structural, mechanistic and immunological data are available. Using SPRi we were able to characterise the kinetics of the interaction in greater detail than ELISA/RIA methods. Furthermore, our data indicate that SPRi is well suited to a multiplexed immunoassay using GAD65 proteins, and may be applicable to other biomarkers.  相似文献   

Core-satellite theory predicts that, via the “rescue effect”, widespread, abundant species should have reduced risk of local extinctions. We test this hypothesis in southeastern Malagasy littoral forest using data on distribution and abundance of trees and woody understory vegetation in tropical forest fragments along a disturbance gradient. We partition the mortality risk into two kinds of extinction factors, separately operating at demographic (local) and landscape (regional) scales, contrary to core-satellite predictions, for both trees and woody understory vegetation, that the relative number of core (abundant) species declined significantly with increasing disturbance. In the least-degraded forest fragments there was a strong mode of core species, while in the moderately- and severely-degraded fragments the species distributions were essentially log-normal, lacking a substantial core mode. While the rescue effect mitigates one kind of extinction risk, namely local environmental and demographic stochasticity, it may not counterbalance widespread pervasive sources of mortality. The amount of internal forest fragmentation appears to have a much greater effect on species richness and diversity than either fragment size or shape.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of interest in studying the crown of trees using remote sensing data. In this study, crown width was extracted from high-resolution QuickBird images for open Populus xiaohei plantations. Regression models for predicting the individual stem volumes of Populus xiaohei were established using extracted crown width, as well as estimated tree parameters (i.e. diameter at breast height [DBH] and tree height) as predictors. Our results indicated that crown width could be accurately extracted from QuickBird images using a multi-scale segmentation approach with a mean relative error of 5.74%, especially for wide-spacing stands. Using either extracted crown width alone or with estimated DBH and tree height can successfully estimate individual stem volume of Populus xiaohei with the R2 value ranging from 0.87 to 0.92 depending on different model forms. In particular, the two second-order polynomial models (model 2 and model 6), based on QuickBird image-derived crown widths and estimated DBH and tree heights, respectively, were the best at describing the relationship between stem volume and tree characteristics.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of interest in studying the crown of trees using remote sensing data.In this study,crownwidth was extracted from high-resolution QuickBird images for open Populus xiaohei plantations.Regression modelsfor predicting the individual stem volumes of Populus xiaohei were established using extracted crown width,as well asestimated tree parameters(i.e.diameter at breast height[DBH]and tree height)as predictors.Our results indicated thatcrown width could be accurately extracted from QuickBird images using a multi-scale segmentation approach with a meanrelative error of 5.74%,especially for wide-spacing stands.Using either extracted crown width alone or with estimatedDBH and tree height can successfully estimate individual stem volume of Populus xiaohei with the R~2 value ranging from0.87 to 0.92 depending on different model forms.In particular,the two second-order polynomial models(model2 andmodel 6),based on QuickBird image-derived crown widths and estimated DBH and tree heights,respectively,were the bestat describing the relationship between stem volume and tree characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model identification method to get high performance dynamic model of a small unmanned aerial rotorcraft.With the analysis of flight characteristics,a linear dynamic model is constructed by the small perturbation theory.Using the micro guidance navigation and control module,the system can record the control signals of servos,the state information of attitude and velocity information in sequence.After the data preprocessing,an adaptive ant colony algorithm is proposed to get optimal parameters of the dynamic model.With the adaptive adjustment of the pheromone in the selection process,the proposed model identification method can escape from local minima traps and get the optimal solution quickly.Performance analysis and experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the identified dynamic model.Compared with real flight data,the identified model generated by the proposed method has a better performance than the model generated by the adaptive genetic algorithm.Based on the identified dynamic model,the small unmanned aerial rotorcraft can generate suitable control parameters to realize stable hovering,turning,and straight flight.  相似文献   

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