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Maternal obesity induced by a high fat (HF) diet may program susceptibility in offspring, altering pancreatic development and causing later development of chronic degenerative diseases, such as obesity and diabetes. Female mice were fed standard chow (SC) or an HF diet for 8 weeks prior to mating and during the gestational and lactational periods. The male offspring were assessed at birth, at 10 days, and at 3 months of age. The body mass (BM) gain was 50% greater before pregnancy and 80% greater during pregnancy in HF dams than SC dams. Dams fed an HF diet showed higher oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), blood pressure, serum corticosterone, and insulin levels than dams fed SC. At 10 days of age and at 3 mo old the HF offspring showed greater BM and higher blood glucose levels than the SC offspring. The mean diameter of the islets had increased by 37% in the SC offspring and by 155% in the HF offspring at 10 days of age. The islet mass ratio (IM/PM) was 88% greater in the HF offspring at 10 days of age, and 107% greater at 3 mo of age, compared to the values obtained at birth. The HF offspring had a beta cell mass (BCM)/PM ratio 54% lower than SC offspring at birth. However, HF offspring displayed a 146% increase in the BCM/PM ratio at 10 days of age, and 112% increase at 3 months of age than values at birth. A 3 mo of age, the HF offspring showed a greater OGTT and higher levels of than SC offspring. In conclusion, a maternal HF diet consumed during the preconceptional period and throughout the gestational and lactational periods in mice results in dramatic alterations in the pancreata of the offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract: The autoradiographic method with l -[35S]methionine was used to determine the effects of an n-3 fatty acid deficiency on brain protein synthesis. Brain protein synthesis was significantly increased (from 50 to 150%) in 45 of the 52 brain structures studied in n-3 fatty acid-deficient rats as compared with control animals. Biochemical analysis confirmed the increase in overall rate of protein synthesis in brain as a whole.  相似文献   

Maternal immune activation can induce neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia. Previous investigations by our group have shown that prenatal treatment of rats on gestation day 9.5 with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 μg/kg, intraperitoneally), which mimics infections by gram-negative bacteria, induced autism-like behavior in male rats, including impaired communication and socialization and induced repetitive/restricted behavior. However, the behavior of female rats was unchanged. Little is known about how LPS-induced changes in the pregnant dam subsequently affect the developing fetus and the fetal immune system. The present study evaluated the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, the placental tissue and the reproductive performance of pregnant Wistar rats exposed to LPS. In the adult offspring, we evaluated the HPA axis and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels with or without a LPS challenge. LPS exposure increased maternal serum corticosterone levels, injured placental tissue and led to higher post-implantation loss, resulting in fewer live fetuses. The HPA axis was not affected in adult offspring. However, prenatal LPS exposure increased IL-1β serum levels, revealing that prenatal LPS exposure modified the immune response to a LPS challenge in adulthood. Increased IL-1β levels have been reported in several autistic patients. Together with our previous studies, our model induced autistic-like behavioral and immune disturbances in childhood and adulthood, indicating that it is a robust rat model of autism.  相似文献   

Maternal metabolic and nutrient trafficking adaptations to lactation differ among lean and obese mice fed a high fat (HF) diet. Obesity is thought to impair milk lipid production, in part, by decreasing trafficking of dietary and de novo synthesized lipids to the mammary gland. Here, we report that de novo lipogenesis regulatory mechanisms are disrupted in mammary glands of lactating HF-fed obese (HF-Ob) mice. HF feeding decreased the total levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase-1 (ACC), and this effect was exacerbated in obese mice. The relative levels of phosphorylated (inactive) ACC, were elevated in the epithelium, and decreased in the adipose stroma, of mammary tissue from HF-Ob mice compared to those of HF-fed lean (HF-Ln) mice. Mammary gland levels of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which catalyzes formation of inactive ACC, were also selectively elevated in mammary glands of HF-Ob relative to HF-Ln dams or to low fat fed dams. These responses correlated with evidence of increased lipid retention in mammary adipose, and decreased lipid levels in mammary epithelial cells, of HF-Ob dams. Collectively, our data suggests that maternal obesity impairs milk lipid production, in part, by disrupting the balance of de novo lipid synthesis in the epithelial and adipose stromal compartments of mammary tissue through processes that appear to be related to increased mammary gland AMPK activity, ACC inhibition, and decreased fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Maternal high fat intake during pregnancy and lactation can result in obesity and adverse cardio-metabolic status in offspring independent of postnatal diet. While it is clear that maternal high fat intake can cause hypertension in adult offspring, there is little evidence regarding the role of dietary interventions in terms of reversing these adverse effects. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is an omega 6 fatty acid with beneficial effects in obesity and metabolic status. However, the impact of CLA supplementation in the context of pregnancy disorders and high fat diet-induced developmental programming of offspring cardio-metabolic dysfunction has not been investigated. We have utilised a model of maternal overnutrition to examine the effects of CLA supplementation on programmed endothelial dysfunction during adulthood. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed either a purified control diet (CON) or purified control diet supplemented with 1% CLA (of total fat), a purified high fat (HF) diet (45%kcal from fat) and a purified HF diet supplemented with 1% CLA (of total fat) (HFCLA). All dams were fed ad libitum throughout pregnancy and lactation. Offspring were fed a standard chow diet from weaning (day 21) until the end of the study (day 150). Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured at day 85 and 130 by tail cuff plethysmography. At day 150, offspring mesenteric vessels were mounted on a pressure myograph and vascular responses to agonist-induced constriction and endothelium-dependent vasodilators were investigated. SBP was increased at day 85 and 130 in HF and HFCLA adult male offspring compared to CON and CLA groups with no effect of CLA supplementation. An overall effect of a maternal HF diet was observed in adult male vessels with a reduced vasoconstrictor response to phenylephrine and blunted vasodilatory response to acetylcholine (ACh). Furthermore, HF and HFCLA offspring displayed a reduction in nitric oxide pathway function and an increased compensatory EDHF function when compared to CON and CLA groups. These data suggest that a maternal HF diet causes a developmental programming of endothelial dysfunction and hypertension in male offspring which can be partially improved by maternal CLA supplementation, independent of offspring body weight.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is associated with adverse developmental outcomes including embryonic resorption, fetal death, congenital teratogenesis and fetal growth retardation. Here, we explored the effects of maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy on testicular development, steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis in male offspring. The pregnant mice were intraperitoneally injected with LPS (50 µg/kg) daily from gestational day (GD) 13 to GD 17. At fetal period, a significant decrease in body weight and abnormal Leydig cell aggregations were observed in males whose mothers were exposed to LPS during pregnancy. At postnatal day (PND) 26, anogenital distance (AGD), a sensitive index of altered androgen action, was markedly reduced in male pups whose mothers were exposed to LPS daily from GD13 to GD 17. At PND35, the weight of testes, prostates and seminal vesicles, and serum testosterone (T) level were significantly decreased in LPS-treated male pups. At adulthood, the number of sperm was significantly decreased in male offspring whose mothers were exposed to LPS on GD 13–17. Maternal LPS exposure during gestation obviously diminished the percent of seminiferous tubules in stages I–VI, increased the percent of seminiferous tubules in stages IX–XII, and caused massive sloughing of germ cells in seminiferous tubules in mouse testes. Moreover, maternal LPS exposure significantly reduced serum T level in male mice whose mothers were exposed to LPS challenge during pregnancy. Taken together, these results suggest that maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy disrupts T production. The decreased T synthesis might be associated with LPS-induced impairments for spermatogenesis in male offspring.  相似文献   

The galactose, glycerol, and fatty acids of mono- and digalactosyl diglycerides (MGDG and DGDG) have been separated and analyzed for 14C activity after 14CO2 feeding of Vicia faba leaf discs. Fully expanded and developing leaves were analyzed at time intervals following feeding during continuous illumination. In addition, fully expanded leaves were analyzed after similar times in complete darkness. In all cases, 14C was incorporated very rapidly into galactose, whereas glycerol and fatty acids were labeled much more slowly and over a longer period of time. The data are consistent with the galactosylation of a diglyceride to MGDG which is in turn galactosylated to DGDG. The data suggest that the formation of diglycerides suitable for galactosylation to MGDG is slow in comparison to the galactosylation process. It is also suggested that DGDG may be formed from more than one pool of MGDG. The complete analysis of the 14C incorporation into galactose appears to represent the only satisfactory method of comparing galactolipid synthesis by 14C incorporation. Estimates of comparative rates of synthesis of MGDG and DGDG have been made on this basis.  相似文献   

Clinical evidence has shown that physical exercise during pregnancy may alter brain development and improve cognitive function of offspring. However, the mechanisms through which maternal exercise might promote such effects are not well understood. The present study examined levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and absolute cell numbers in the hippocampal formation and cerebral cortex of rat pups born from mothers exercised during pregnancy. Additionally, we evaluated the cognitive abilities of adult offspring in different behavioral paradigms (exploratory activity and habituation in open field tests, spatial memory in a water maze test, and aversive memory in a step-down inhibitory avoidance task). Results showed that maternal exercise during pregnancy increased BDNF levels and absolute numbers of neuronal and non-neuronal cells in the hippocampal formation of offspring. No differences in BDNF levels or cell numbers were detected in the cerebral cortex. It was also observed that offspring from exercised mothers exhibited better cognitive performance in nonassociative (habituation) and associative (spatial learning) mnemonic tasks than did offspring from sedentary mothers. Our findings indicate that maternal exercise during pregnancy enhances offspring cognitive function (habituation behavior and spatial learning) and increases BDNF levels and cell numbers in the hippocampal formation of offspring.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine, in a swine model of leptin resistance, the effects of type and timing of maternal malnutrition on growth patterns, adiposity and metabolic features of the progeny when exposed to an obesogenic diet during their juvenile development and possible concomitant effects of the offspring sex. Thus, four groups were considered. A CONTROL group involved pigs born from sows fed with a diet fulfilling their daily maintenance requirements for pregnancy. The treated groups involved the progeny of females fed with the same diet but fulfilling either 160% or 50% of pregnancy requirements during the entire gestation (OVERFED and UNDERFED, respectively) or 100% of requirements until Day 35 of pregnancy and 50% of such amount from Day 36 onwards (LATE-UNDERFED). OVERFED and UNDERFED offspring were more prone to higher corpulence and fat deposition from early postnatal stages, during breast-feeding; adiposity increased significantly when exposed to obesogenic diets, especially in females. The effects of sex were even more remarkable in LATE-UNDERFED offspring, which had similar corpulence to CONTROL piglets; however, females showed a clear predisposition to obesity. Furthermore, the three groups of pigs with maternal malnutrition showed evidences of metabolic syndrome and, in the case of individuals born from OVERFED sows, even of insulin resistance and the prodrome of type-2 diabetes. These findings support the main role of early nutritional programming in the current rise of obesity and associated diseases in ethnics with leptin resistance.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(1):43-48
Fatty acid synthesis produces long-chain fatty acids that are principal forms of stored energy and essential constituents of cellular membrane lipids. In animals fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by fatty acid synthase (FAS) from acetyl-coenyzyme A (CoA) and malonyl-CoA. Cerulenin and C75, potent FAS inhibitors, can inhibit feeding in mammals.Using these inhibitors we examined the effect of feeding inhibition during H. zea larval stage. Growth of larvae injected (30 μg/g body weight) with C75 or cerulenin was significantly delayed during the first 8 hrs after injection, but recovered to normal levels within 20 hrs. During the first 8 hr period, the amount of consumed diet in the inhibitor treated larvae was significantly less than the control group. The retardation of larval development could be caused from the reduction of food intake after injection of the inhibitor. The result indicates that C75 or cerulenin inhibits fatty acid synthesis, resulting in feeding suppression in the larval moth as demonstrated in vertebrates.Pheromone production was significantly decreased in the isolated pheromone gland of H. zea females treated with FAS inhibitors. Pheromone production was inhibited by blocking fatty acid synthesis, even though PBAN stimulated pheromone biosynthesis. After topical application of D3-16: Acid to pheromone glands the relative labeled pheromone amount was increased when the gland was incubated with C75. This result indicates that a part of the pheromone amount could be synthesized from 16: Acid directly when fatty acid synthesis was blocked. These results indicate that the inhibitors have a potential possibility to control insect feeding activity and inhibit pheromone biosynthesis in moths.  相似文献   



Antenatal maternal psychological distress may be associated with reduced placental circulation, which could lead to lower birthweight. Studies investigating this in humans show mixed results, which may be partially due to type, strength and timing of distress. In addition, the arterial vascular resistance measures often used as outcome measures do not detect smaller changes in placental volume blood flow. We aimed to investigate the effect of a specific stressor, with increased levels of stress early in pregnancy, on the fetoplacental volume blood flow in third trimester.


This was a prospective observational study of 74 pregnant women with a congenital malformation in a previous fetus or child. Psychological distress was assessed twice, around 16 and 30 weeks'' gestation. Psychometric measures were the General Health Questionnaire-28 (subscales anxiety and depression), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and Impact of Event Scale-22 (subscales intrusion, avoidance, and arousal). Placental circulation was examined at 30 weeks, using Doppler ultrasonography, primarily as fetoplacental volume blood flow in the umbilical vein, normalized for abdominal circumference; secondarily as vascular resistance measures, obtained from the umbilical and the uterine arteries.


Maternal distress in second but not third trimester was associated with increased normalized fetoplacental blood flow (P-values 0.006 and 0.013 for score > mean for depression and intrusion, respectively). Post-hoc explorations suggested that a reduced birthweight/placental weight ratio may mediate this association. Psychological distress did not affect vascular resistance measures in the umbilical and uterine arteries, regardless of adjustment for confounders.


In pregnant women with a previous fetus or child with a congenital malformation, higher distress levels in second trimester were associated with third trimester fetoplacental blood flow that was higher than expected for the size of the fetus. The results do not support placental blood flow reduction as a pathway between maternal distress and reduced birthweight.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades increases in obesity, due to high caloric intakes and immobilizing technologies, has led to a surge in type 2 diabetes. In obesity elevated circulating fatty acids set-off a pro-inflammatory cascade that increases the production of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNFα) from macrophages. Obesity is associated with blunted skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation, accumulation of bioactive lipids and insulin resistance. The factors contributing to defects in fatty acid metabolism are not understood but new data demonstrates that increased TNFα in obesity increases protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C), which in turn suppresses the activity of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical regulator of energy metabolism 1. These data identify a novel mechanism by which inflammation in obesity is a precursor to defects in skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation that generates a vicious cycle exacerbating the development of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of tannins on ruminal biohydrogenation (BH) due to shifts in the ruminal microbial environment in sheep. Thirteen lambs (45 days of age) were assigned to two dietary treatments: seven lambs were fed a barley-based concentrate (control group) while the other six lambs received the same concentrate with supplemental quebracho tannins (9.57% of dry matter). At 122 days of age, the lambs were slaughtered, and the ruminal contents were subjected to fatty acid analysis and sampled to quantify populations of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, which converts C18:2 c9-c12 (linoleic acid [LA]) to C18:2 c9-t11 (rumenic acid [RA]) and then RA to C18:1 t11 (vaccenic acid [VA]); we also sampled for Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus, which converts VA to C18:0 (stearic acid [SA]). Tannins increased (P < 0.005) VA in the rumen compared to the tannin-free diet. The concentration of SA was not affected by tannins. The SA/VA ratio was lower (P < 0.005) for the tannin-fed lambs than for the controls, suggesting that the last step of the BH process was inhibited by tannins. The B. proteoclasticus population was lower (−30.6%; P < 0.1), and B. fibrisolvens and protozoan populations were higher (+107% and +56.1%, respectively; P < 0.05) in the rumen of lambs fed the tannin-supplemented diet than in controls. These results suggest that quebracho tannins altered BH by changing ruminal microbial populations.The fatty acid profile of the meat and milk of ruminants is strongly affected by diet (2, 15). When ingested, the dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) undergo a process known as biohydrogenation (BH) carried out by ruminal microorganisms (20). During the BH of C18:2(n-6) (linoleic acid [LA]) and C18:3(n-3) (linolenic acid [LNA]) a number of C18:1 and C18:2 isomers are formed (6). The last step in the BH process leads to the formation of C18:0 (stearic acid [SA]). Among the intermediate products formed during this process, the isomer C18:2 c9t11 (rumenic acid [RA]) is active in preventing cancer in mammals (17). Only a small amount of the RA found in meat and milk originates during BH. It is produced to a larger extent in muscle and mammary glands from the desaturation of C18:1 t11 (vaccenic acid [VA], another intermediate of ruminal BH) by the action of Δ9-desaturase enzyme (41, 43).Ruminal BH is carried out mostly by bacteria belonging to the Butyrivibrio genus (38). Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens has the capacity to convert LA to RA and RA to VA, while Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus (previously classified as Clostridium proteoclasticum [35]) hydrogenates VA to SA (38, 39). According to Or-Rashid et al. (37), ruminal protozoa also play a role in BH by converting LA to RA. However, this issue is still controversial, as Devillard et al. (11) have reported that protozoa do not have the capability of hydrogenating LA. The proportion of BH intermediates in the rumen can vary depending on changes in ruminal microbial populations (7, 51). Changes in ruminal fatty acid profiles are also reflected in intramuscular fatty acid composition (48, 52).Tannins are phenolic compounds that are widespread in plants. When ingested by ruminants in large amounts, tannins can reduce the activity and the proliferation of ruminal microorganisms (34). Tannins from Lotus corniculatus (33) or from Acacia spp. (12) reduce the proliferation of B. proteoclasticus B316T and B. proteoclasticus P18, respectively. Durmic et al. (12) reported that VA increased and SA decreased when extracts from Acacia iteaphylla, which contains condensed tannins (1), were incubated in vitro with sheep ruminal fluid inoculated with B. fibrisolvens JW11 and B. proteoclasticus P18 strains. In two recent in vitro studies, the inclusion of tannins in fermentor systems containing bovine ruminal fluid inhibited the conversion of VA to SA, while no effect was detected on RA production (21, 47). These results have been also confirmed in vivo in the rumen of sheep fed a diet with 4.0% dry matter (DM) quebracho tannin (48). However, to date there is no in vivo study focusing on the effects of dietary tannins on the proliferation of the microorganisms involved in ruminal BH.We assessed whether dietary tannins may affect the BH pathway via changes in bacterial and protozoal ruminal populations. We gave particular emphasis to B. fibrisolvens and B. proteoclasticus. We also assayed the production of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) by linoleic acid isomerase (LA-I) enzyme.  相似文献   

Many studies of offspring size focus on differences in maternal investment that arise from ecological factors such as predation or competition. Classic theory predicts that these ecological factors will select for an optimal offspring size, and therefore that variation in a given environment will be minimized. Yet recent evidence suggests maternal traits such as size or age could also drive meaningful variation in offspring size. The generality of this pattern is unclear, as some studies suggest that it may represent non-adaptive variation or be an artifact of temporal or spatial differences in maternal environments. To clarify this pattern, we asked how maternal size, age and condition are related to each other in several populations of the swordtail Xiphophorus birchmanni. We then determined how these traits are related to offspring size, and whether they could resolve unexplained intra-population variation in this trait. We found that female size, age, and condition are correlated within populations; at some of these sites, older, larger females produce larger offspring than do younger females. The pattern was robust to differences among most, but not all, sites. Our results document a pattern that is consistent with recent theory predicting adaptive age- and size-dependence in maternal investment. Further work is needed to rule out non-adaptive explanations for this variation. Our results suggest that female size and age could play an under-appreciated role in population growth and evolution.  相似文献   

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