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受伤和体弱白鹤的救护及放归是白鹤保护的重要方式之一。2014—2016年间,先后对8只救护白鹤和2只野生白鹤进行环志并安装卫星跟踪器,根据所获得的卫星跟踪数据来分析比较救护白鹤与野生白鹤在秋季迁徙路线和在重要中途停歇地的最大日活动距离、活动区分布和面积、生境类型等方面的异同。结果显示,救护白鹤放归当年与放归次年以及救护白鹤放归当年与野生白鹤的秋季迁徙路线和活动规律之间存在明显差异,但救护白鹤放归次年与野生白鹤之间差异不明显。(1)放归当年,4只救护白鹤在农田和水塘停歇1个月左右,停歇时长明显高于野生白鹤和放归次年的救护白鹤。(2)救护白鹤放归当年在跨海方式、登陆地点、停歇地点以及登陆后的迁徙方向上表现出多样性和不确定性,其中部分个体在迁徙过程中有停顿徘徊、迷失迁徙方向的现象,且跨越渤海和大别山的距离大于放归次年的救护白鹤和野生白鹤。(3)救护白鹤放归后4天内每日最大活动距离小,而后高低分化明显,无明显规律,而救护白鹤放归次年的每日最大活动距离规律变化与野生白鹤较一致。(4)与救护白鹤放归次年以及野生白鹤的活动规律相比,救护白鹤放归当年的栖息地位点变化频繁,具体表现为生境类型选择的多样化,且无明显规律,同时活动区面积较小。探索救护白鹤放归野外后与野生白鹤迁徙路线和活动规律的差异,对救护白鹤的科学放归具有指导意义。  相似文献   

中国鹤类现状及其保护对策   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
中国有9种鹤类,其中灰鹤(Grus grus)、黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)、丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)、白枕鹤(Grus vipio)、赤颈鹤(Grus antigone)、蓑羽鹤(Anthropoides virgo)在中国进行繁殖。中国政府为保护鹤类采取了大量有效措施。本文在结合当前鹤类数量和保护现状的基础上,对中国鹤类的保护对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract: Conservation programs that facilitate restoration of natural areas on private land are one of the best strategies for recovery of valuable wetland acreage in critical ecoregions of the United States. Wetlands enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) provide many ecological functions but may be particularly important as habitat for migrant and resident waterbirds; however, use of, and factors associated with use of, CREP wetlands as stopover and breeding sites have not been evaluated. We surveyed a random sample of CREP wetlands in the Illinois River watershed in 2004 and 2005 to quantify use of restored wetlands by spring migrating and breeding waterbirds. Waterbirds used 75% of wetlands during spring migration. Total use-day abundance for the entire spring migration ranged from 0 to 49,633 per wetland and averaged 6,437 ± 1,887 (SE). Semipermanent wetlands supported the greatest total number of use-days and the greatest number of use-days relative to wetland area. Species richness ranged from 0 to 42 (x̄ = 10.0 ± 1.5 [SE]), and 5 of these species were classified as endangered in Illinois. Density of waterfowl breeding pairs ranged from 0.0 pairs/ha to 16.6 pairs/ha (x̄ = 1.9 ± 0.5 [SE] pairs/ha), and 16 species of wetland birds were identified as local breeders. Density of waterfowl broods ranged from 0.0 broods/ha to 3.6 broods/ha and averaged 0.5 ± 0.1 (SE) broods/ha. We also modeled spring stopover use, waterbird species richness, and waterfowl reproduction in relation to spatial, physical, and floristic characteristics of CREP wetlands. The best approximating models to explain variation in all 3 dependent variables included only the covariate accounting for level of hydrologic management (i.e., none, passive, or active). Active management was associated with 858% greater use-days during spring than sites with only passive water management. Sites where hydrology was passively managed also averaged 402% greater species richness than sites where no hydrologic management was possible. Density of waterfowl broods was 120% greater on passively managed sites than on sites without water management but was 29% less on sites with active compared to passive hydrologic management. Densities of waterfowl broods also were greatest when ratios of open water to cover were 70:30. Models that accounted for vegetation quality and landscape variables ranked lower than models based solely on hydrologic management or vegetation cover in all candidate sets. Although placement and clustering of sites may be critical for maintaining populations of some wetland bird species, these factors appeared to be less important for attracting migrant waterbirds in our study area. In the context of restored CREP wetlands, we suggest the greatest gains in waterbird use and reproduction may be accomplished by emphasizing site-specific restoration efforts related to hydrology and floristic structure. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):654–664; 2008)  相似文献   

The iconic Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum is facing an increase in threats to its wetland habitat and poaching for the captive trade market. This has resulted in an enduring long-term decline in population numbers, which led to the species being listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. In Rwanda, Grey Crowned Cranes are threatened by human factors often driven by conditions of poverty, livelihood disadvantage and lack of conservation awareness. Previous population estimates suggested there were fewer than 500 Grey Crowned Cranes left in Rwanda. The Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association and its partners have been working to eliminate the illegal trade and boost the population numbers in Rwanda. In August 2017, the first national census of Grey Crowned Cranes in Rwanda was carried out to serve as a baseline and to increase the accuracy of previous estimations. The survey was conducted over three days using both aerial and ground survey techniques. The results show that at least 487 Grey Crowned Cranes occur in Rwanda and include details on distribution and habitat type. Challenges for Grey Crowned Crane conservation at different sites are discussed, such as wetland transformation for agriculture, and illegal activities in protected marshlands. To ensure the long-term viability of this species, there is a need for upscaling of conservation efforts in key crane areas, continued monitoring of the crane population including trans-boundary collaboration, and strategies to promote the sustainable use of wetlands.  相似文献   

扎龙湿地白鹤春季停歇地昼间行为时间分配及活动规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2004年4~5月,采用瞬时扫描取样法对扎龙国家级自然保护区林甸芦苇沼泽区的野生白鹤(Grusleucogeranus)在春季迁徙停歇地的昼间各种行为进行了研究。结果表明,在整个观察时期内白鹤各种行为具有较强的规律性,活动时间分配比例为:觅食31%、游走27%、静栖19%、警戒17%、修饰6%。白鹤觅食行为在一天中有两个高峰,分别为早晨和黄昏;游走行为基本上与觅食行为呈正相变化,并且几乎每个游走高峰及低潮相应地伴随着觅食的高峰和低潮;由于渔民清晨下苇塘收鱼和放牧,在5:30~6:30和6:30~7:30两个时间段警戒行为比例最高;静栖行为基本与游走及觅食行为呈负相关,对比发现,静栖行为比例低于觅食行为,与笼养鹤类的情况存在一定的差异,原因可能是食物丰富度影响了野生状态下行为的时间分配;修饰行为所占比例较小,是由于修饰行为是非主要行为,其发生是随机的。天气状况对白鹤数量变化有一定影响,阴雨和大风天气,白鹤数量明显减少,鹤群转移。与正常天气情况相比,阴雨和大风对白鹤觅食、静栖和游走行为时间分配影响显著(P阴雨=0·000<0·05,P大风=0·000<0·05),觅食时间缩短,游走行为减少,静栖时间变长。  相似文献   

Beilfuss, R.D., Meine, C.D., & Archibald, F.W. 2000. The World Crane Action Plan: implications for conservation of cranes and wetlands in Africa. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 227.

The IUCN Species Survival Commission recently published The Cranes: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan. Prepared over the past three years by the IUCN Crane Specialist Group, the document reviews the status of the world's cranes (Family: Gruidae) and their habitats, summarises recent crane conservation actions, and specifies priority measures for the future. Eleven of the 15 crane species are now proposed for inclusion on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals, and several subspecies and populations are critically endangered. Africa supports six species of cranes in 39 countries. The Black Crowned Crane Balearica pavonina, national bird of Nigeria, is resident in western and central Africa. The Grey Crowned Crane B. regulorum, national bird of Uganda, spans eastern and southern Africa. The Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculahrs, largest and. rarest of Africa's cranes, ranges from Ethiopia to South Africa. The Blue Crane Anthropoides paradiseus, national bird of South Africa, is endemic to South Africa and Namibia. The Demoiselle Crane A. Virgo and Eurasian Crane Grus grus are winter visitors. Cranes have been the focus of intensive captive propagation and reintroduction programs as well as extensive habitat protection efforts. They are also excellent umbrella species for ecosystem-level conservation efforts. Wetlands that provide a home for cranes include the floodplains of the great river systems of Africa, such as Kafue Flats and Zambezi Delta of the Zambezi River system, the Okavango River Delta, the Sudd of the Upper Nile River, the Bangweulu Basin and swamps of the Zaire River system, the Senegal River Delta, and the Inner Niger River Delta, and the wetlands of Lake Chad. Small, isolated wetlands provide vital breeding habitat. This presentation will provide an overview of the action plan for those interested in cranes in particular, as well as those working in ecosystems and regions where cranes occur.  相似文献   

Flooding regimes are a primary influence on the wetland plant community. Human-induced disturbance often changes the duration and frequency of flooding in wetlands, and has a marked influence on wetland plant composition and viability. Comprehensive studies of the environmental thresholds of wetland plants are required for the development of proper practices for wetland management and restoration after hydrological disturbance. This study provides a quantitative assessment of the establishment, growth, and community shifts in dominance of three emergent plant species (Scirpus tabernaemontani, Typha orientalis, and Zizania latifolia) typical of South Korean wetlands, under five hydrological regimes (waterlogged, low-level standing water, high-level standing water, intensive periodic flooding, and intermittent flooding) over four growing seasons. A mesocosm experiment was conducted in the campus of Seoul National University, South Korea. The number and biomass of shoots of Z. latifolia responded positively to increased water level and flooding frequency, while that of the other plants did not. Zizania latifolia outcompeted S. tabernaemontani and T. orientalis irrespective of hydrological regime. This study suggests that Z. latifolia can outcompete the other two macrophytes in the field. This study will improve our ability to predict the dynamics of wetland vegetation and so facilitate the formulation of wetland management and restoration strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Because their breeding and wintering areas are in remote locations, little is known about the biology of Black-necked Cranes ( Grus nigricollis ), including their migratory behavior. Using satellite telemetry, we monitored the migration of Black-necked Cranes ( N = 6) in China to determine migration routes and the location of stopover sites. From 2005 to 2007, four cranes were tracked during two spring migrations and one fall migration, one was tracked during one spring and one fall migration, and one was tracked during one spring migration. On average, the cranes made seven flights over a 5-d period to migrate 651 km to breeding areas in the spring. In the fall, birds averaged six flights in 5 d to migrate 694 km. The routes traveled by cranes during spring and autumn migration were similar. Both the migration distances and duration of migration are the shortest reported for any crane species to date. Most stopover sites were in areas along rivers and close to wetlands in the Daliang Mountains and the Ruoergai Plateau. Conservation measures are needed to reduce habitat loss (wetland and pasture) in the Daliang Mountains and establish a reserve for stopover sites in the Ruoergai marshes, such as Longriba and Bai River in Hongyuan County.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地水位变化的景观响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据《湿地公约》和《全国湿地资源调查技术规程(试行)》关于湿地内涵和界定条件,利用现代遥感技术和地理信息技术,提取鄱阳湖湿地面积为3886km2。在此基础上,利用多时段遥感影像,分析了湿地在相似水位条件和不同水位条件下的景观变化。结果表明,在相似水位条件下,鄱阳湖湿地景观变化主要表现为居民地和裸地面积增加,水域面积变化不明显;在不同水位条件下,鄱阳湖湿地景观变化比较显著。景观变化驱动力分析表明,湿地水位变化是湿地景观变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

Lake-side wetlands and their original vegetation have become rare in The Netherlands. The few remaining lake-side wetlands (also called: boezemlands) are mostly managed as nature reserves. Much attention is given to the preservation and restoration of species-rich meadows (Calthion palustris). In lake-side wetlands, both desiccation and acidification endanger the characteristic environmental conditions of these plant communities.The aim of this study was to develop guidelines for water management in different types of boezemlands. Three sites, representing different hydrological conditions, were selected. The steady-state groundwater model FLOWNET was used to describe water movement. The results of vegetation surveys were used to produce response curves for important species, giving correlations between their presence and environmental conditions (groundwater levels, soil pH).  相似文献   

鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区丰水期和枯水期鸟类多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009年12月和2010年5月,利用样线法和同步调查法对江西省鄱阳湖都昌候鸟自然保护区的鸟类开展了调查,分析了丰水期和枯水期鸟类群落结构的特征及其差异.野外调查共记录到鸟类14目43科169种.丰水期鸟类有36科96种,枯水期鸟类36科135种.其中,国家重点保护鸟类17种.结合保护区日常监测到白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)、灰鹤(G.grus)、白头鹤(G.monacha)和白枕鹤(G.vipio)的分布记录,该保护区鸟类累计达173种.保护区枯水期鸟类以雀形目、鹆形目和雁形目为主,分别占枯水期鸟类种类总数的47.4%、13.3%和9.6%;丰水期鸟类以雀形目、鸻形目和鹳形目为主,分别占鸟类种类总数的58.3%、8.3%和10.4%.枯水期和丰水期鸟类物种组成存在明显的季节性变换.枯水期农田生境鸟类多样性最高,其次是草洲、沼泽和水体,泥滩生境鸟类多样性最低;丰水期农田和水体生境鸟类多样性基本相同.都昌候鸟自然保护区枯水期的优势种为八哥(Acridotheres cristatellus)、白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus)、麻雀(Passer montanus)和山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis),丰水期为白鹭(Egretta garzetta)和八哥.  相似文献   

The three South African crane species — the Blue Crane (Anthropoides paradisea), the Wattled Crane (Bugeranus carunculatus) and the Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum regulorum) — are listed as threatened by the IUCN. This study investigated the suitability of Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers in paternity testing in these species. RAPD primers were tested for polymorphism and RAPD profiles were scored and screened for sex linkage. The average Band Sharing Coefficient (BSC) of unrelated individuals was 0.665 (±0.103) for Blue Cranes, 0.745 (±0.060) for Grey Crowned Cranes and 0.736 (±0.056) for Wattled Cranes. Comparisons of these BSC values for unrelated individuals with BSC values of parent:offspring combination within the Blue Crane and the Grey Crowned Crane gave inconsistent results, with some parent:offspring BSC values being lower than the BSC of unrelated individuals. The results indicate that RAPDs are inappropriate for use in paternity testing in South African cranes. In the future, microsatellites should be investigated as an alternative paternity-testing technique to RAPD analysis.  相似文献   

In the next century, safeguarding plant species against extinction from complete land conversion may require introducing species to novel locations. Although regulatory agencies caution against translocation outside of known historic ranges, when most wild populations and their habitats have been severely altered few viable options may be available for conserving rare plants. We introduced 345 endangered Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata along a pine rockland/transverse glade gradient with similar attributes to historically known occurrences for south Florida, USA, and monitored their survival and growth for five years. The experimental phase addressed: (1) Is the recipient site suitable for colonisation of this species despite hydrological manipulation in the region? (2) Can translocated plants grow equally well in four microhabitats along a gradient within the recipient site? We characterised soil water content, soil nutrient, and vegetation cover to assess the microhabitats at the recipient site. From 2006 to 2008 plants survived in all four microhabitats, but had highest survival in pineland. Translocated plants grew best in microhabitats with less grass cover and higher P content – the pineland and the restoration glade. Through 2008 we observed consistently higher soil water content with less total vegetation cover in pineland and significantly higher P content in the restoration glade.Using 2006–2008 data, we implemented the adaptive management phase, moving 20 plants from the lowest survival microhabitat to the highest survival microhabitat. This tactic improved the survival of plants by 2011, though growth rates of moved plants did not improve. Short-distance translocation, assessing environmental attributes related to plant survival and growth, quantifying similarity of soil, temperature, precipitation, and community as in this study are recommended to evaluate prospective introduction sites for translocations within or outside of range.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖围垦区藕塘越冬白鹤的时间分配与行为节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵明勤  龚浩林  戴年华  植毅进  徐宁  卢萍 《生态学报》2018,38(14):5206-5212
2016年12月—2017年3月,采用瞬时扫描法研究了鄱阳湖围垦区藕塘生境中白鹤Grus leucogeranus越冬期的行为,共扫描2560次,23219只次,包括18031只次成鹤和5188只次幼鹤。结果表明,觅食(41.78%)、警戒(25.02%)、修整(15.00%)和休息(10.84%)是白鹤越冬期的主要行为。与自然生境相比,藕塘生境中白鹤主要采取多休息和修整的策略来节省能量支出。成鹤的觅食行为(35.29%)显著低于幼鹤(62.42%)(F_(1,12)=45.977,P0.01),警戒行为(28.66%)则显著高于幼鹤(10.26%)(F_(1,12)=38.975,P0.01)。家庭群成鹤觅食行为(43.96%)极显著高于非家庭群成鹤(27.04%)(F_(1,12)=60.169,P0.01)。家庭群成鹤需要喂食幼鹤,它们花费更多的时间觅食弥补能量的消耗。行为节律上,白鹤各时段觅食行为占总行为的比例均较高,11:00—11:59出现明显高峰,占总行为的48.64%。警戒行为无明显的低谷和高峰。成鹤在各时段的觅食行为比例均明显低于幼鹤,成鹤和幼鹤的觅食曲线变化趋势相似,即觅食比例的升高和降低比较同步。成鹤在各时段的警戒行为和修整行为比例均明显高于幼鹤,成幼鹤的休息行为比例在各时段差别不大,均在14:00—14:59有个明显的高峰。家庭群成鹤的觅食行为比例几乎在各时段均明显高于非家庭群,家庭群成鹤的修整行为和休息行为在大部分时段均低于非家庭群成鹤。因此家庭群成鹤采取多取食,少休息和修整的策略提高自身的适合度,同时保证对后代的抚育。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区灰鹤越冬种群数量与分布动态及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998—2011年,采用地面同步调查法开展了鄱阳湖越冬灰鹤种群监测,并整合1984—2011年鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区历年的越冬灰鹤最大种群数量,分析了鄱阳湖灰鹤越冬种群动态以及影响其数量变化与空间分布的环境因素。结果表明,近13年来鄱阳湖区越冬灰鹤种群平均数量为(2 335±651)只,种群数量呈增长趋势,2011年冬季记录到最大种群数量7 640只。灰鹤越冬种群数量与10月平均最低气温以及10月平均气温存在显著正相关,与10月平均最大风速存在显著负相关,与各月的平均水位没有显著的相关性。每年冬季灰鹤在鄱阳湖呈聚集型分布。大湖池、大莲子湖、三湖、汉池湖、企湖、珠湖、南湖(共青)、大汊湖等8个湖泊是灰鹤的重点活动区,(74.9±5.6)%的越冬灰鹤分布在保护区之外。灰鹤的空间分布与滩地面积存在显著的正相关,与农田面积、人口密度、村庄数量、8月份初级生产力、11月份初级生产力等环境因子存在显著负相关。滩地面积是影响灰鹤空间分布的重要因子,对灰鹤利用频次空间变化的解释率为15.0%,与11月份初级生产力共同解释了灰鹤年平均群体数量空间变化的24.6%。如竞争、小生境结构、干扰等局地尺度的环境要素对灰鹤空间分布的影响研究将有助于更全面地认识鄱阳湖越冬灰鹤种群动态的影响机制。  相似文献   

W. R. Siegfried 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-3):101-103
Siegfried, W. R. 1985. Relative abundance of cranes (Gruidae) in the Cape Province. Ostrich 56:101-103.

The results of monthly roadside counts of Crowned Cranes Balearica regulorum, Wattled Cranes Grus carunculatas and Blue Cranes Anthropoides paradisea show that Blue and Crowned cranes occurred most abundantly and densely in the eastern part of the Cape Province in 1965–1966. The Blue Crane's average relative abundance was approximately four times that of the Crowned Crane whose population occupied tend to breed in summer, the Blue Crane slightly earlier than the Crowned Crane. The population of the Wattled Crane was a small relict, occurrin in East Griqualand. Based on a rough estimate, there were about 1000–1500 Crowned Cranes and about 7000–10000 Blue Cranes in the Cape Province in the mid-1960s.  相似文献   

2004年10月~2005年3月初步观察了云南拉市海保护区灰鹤(Grus grus)的越冬行为.灰鹤在拉市海的越冬期为175~180 d.10月初至11月下旬为灰鹤在拉市海的"迁入期",11月底至12月底为"过境停留期",1月初至3月中旬为"稳定越冬期",3月中下旬为"迁出期".越冬期日间活动以取食为主,占据了75.53%左右的时间,其次为警戒14.66%、护理5.05%、休息4.49%,4种行为的时间分配在各时间段之间差异极显著.在越冬个体中,家庭单位中的成鹤和幼鹤都是比集群中的个体利用更少的时间取食和更多时间警戒,说明较大的群体规模可以降低个体面临的捕食风险.  相似文献   

湿地是重要的生态系统,对人类和野生生物都具有极其重要的价值。由于自然因素的变化和人类活动的干扰,湿地退化严重。近年来,湿地恢复已成为世界环境问题改善的重要工具之一。选择适用的湿地植物是退化湿地恢复的关键途径。本文以鄱阳湖湿地为研究对象,通过专家赋值、野外调查、定位观测等方法,筛选了苦草、野菱、芦苇、苔草等25种鄱阳湖常见植物作为湿地景观恢复的优先物种。对苦草、黑藻、菹草、菖蒲、芦苇等5种植物对环境因子的响应进行观测。结果表明,苦草在清水环境130-140cm处的生长最好;黑藻在清水环境中100-110cm处的生长最好;菹草在不同水深(50-160cm)下都能够生长,菹草高度随水深增加而增加;菖蒲具有一定的耐淹能力(< 80cm),但完全淹水(水深100-120cm)明显影响到菖蒲根状茎萌发、幼苗生长和生物量的积累;芦苇根状茎萌发对水深要求严格,土壤要湿润且透气性良好才是芦苇萌发的最好条件,芦苇根状茎萌发前淹水超过20 cm其萌发将会受到明显抑制,淹水超过30 cm则无法萌发。通过对沉水植物的透明度研究表明,植物对水质的透明度都有一定的要求,透明度较好更利于湿地植物的生长发育。  相似文献   

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