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Serine hydrolases constitute a large enzyme family involved in a diversity of proteolytic and metabolic processes which are essential for many aspects of normal physiology. The roles of serine hydrolases in renal function are largely unknown and monitoring their activity may provide important insights into renal physiology. The goal of this study was to profile urinary serine hydrolases with activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) and to perform an in-depth compositional analysis.


Eighteen healthy individuals provided random, mid-stream urine samples. ABPP was performed by reacting urines (n = 18) with a rhodamine-tagged fluorophosphonate probe and visualizing on SDS-PAGE. Active serine hydrolases were isolated with affinity purification and identified on MS-MS. Enzyme activity was confirmed with substrate specific assays. A complementary 2D LC/MS-MS analysis was performed to evaluate the composition of serine hydrolases in urine.


Enzyme activity was closely, but not exclusively, correlated with protein quantity. Affinity purification and MS/MS identified 13 active serine hydrolases. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and calcium channel (TRPV5) regulators, tissue kallikrein and plasmin were identified in active forms, suggesting a potential role in regulating sodium and calcium reabsorption in a healthy human model. Complement C1r subcomponent-like protein, mannan binding lectin serine protease 2 and myeloblastin (proteinase 3) were also identified in active forms. The in-depth compositional analysis identified 62 serine hydrolases in urine independent of activity state.


This study identified luminal regulators of electrolyte homeostasis in an active state in the urine, which suggests tissue kallikrein and plasmin may be functionally relevant in healthy individuals. Additional serine hydrolases were identified in an active form that may contribute to regulating innate immunity of the urinary tract. Finally, the optimized ABPP technique in urine demonstrates its feasibility, reproducibility and potential applicability to profiling urinary enzyme activity in different renal physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

Activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) is a robust chemoproteomic technique that uses activity-based probes to globally measure endogenous enzymatic activity in complex proteomes. It has been utilized extensively to characterize human disease states and identify druggable targets in diverse disease conditions. ABPP has also recently found applications in microbiology. This includes using activity-based probes (ABPs) for functional studies of pathogenic bacteria as well as complex communities within a microbiome. This review will focus on recent advances in the use of ABPs to profile enzyme activity in disease models, screen for selective inhibitors of key enzymes, and develop imaging tools to better understand the host–bacterial interface.  相似文献   

Agmatine deiminases (AgDs) belong to a family of enzymes known as guanidinium group modifying enzymes (GMEs). Many pathogenic bacteria encode an AgD that participates in the catabolism of agmatine (decarboxylated arginine). This catabolism may confer a competitive survival advantage, by virtue of energy production and increased acid tolerance, making this sub-family of enzymes a potential therapeutic target that warrants further study. Herein we report the development of an activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) probe that selectively targets the AgD from Streptococcus mutans. Due to the selectivity and covalent nature of the modification, this probe could prove to be a valuable tool for the study of other AgD family members.  相似文献   

To develop a reproducible tissue lysis method that retains enzyme function for activity-based protein profiling, we compared four different methods to obtain protein extracts from bovine lung tissue: focused ultrasonication, standard sonication, mortar & pestle method, and homogenization combined with standard sonication. Focused ultrasonication and mortar & pestle methods were sufficiently effective for activity-based profiling of deubiquitinases in tissue, and focused ultrasonication also had the fastest processing time. We used focused-ultrasonicator for subsequent activity-based proteomic analysis of deubiquitinases to test the compatibility of this method in sample preparation for activity-based chemical proteomics.  相似文献   

The recent dramatic improvements in high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) have revolutionized the speed and scope of proteomic studies. Conventional MS-based proteomics methodologies allow global protein profiling based on expression levels. Although these techniques are promising, there are numerous biological activities yet to be unveiled, such as the dynamic regulation of enzyme activity. Chemical proteomics is an emerging field that extends these types proteomic profiling. In particular, activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) utilizes small-molecule probes to monitor enzyme activity directly in living intact subjects. In this mini-review, we summarize the unique roles of smallmolecule probes in proteomics studies and highlight some recent examples in which this principle has been applied. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(3): 149-157]  相似文献   

Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1 (Malt1) is a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of activated B cell-like diffuse large B cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL). Several research groups have reported on the development of Malt1 inhibitors and activity-based probes for in vitro and in situ monitoring and modulating Malt1 activity. In this paper, we report on two activity-based Malt1 probes (6 and 7) and a focused library of 19 new Malt1 inhibitors. Our peptide-based probe 6 labels Malt1 in an activity-based manner. In contrast, probe 7, derived from the known covalent inhibitor MI-2, labels both wild type and catalytically inactive Cys to Ala mutant Malt1, suggesting that MI-2 inhibits Malt1 by reacting with a nucleophilic residue other than the active site cysteine. Furthermore, two of our inhibitors (9, apparent IC50 3.0 μM, and 13, apparent IC50 2.1 μM) show good inhibitory activity against Malt1 and outperform MI-2 (apparent IC50 7.8 μM) in our competitive activity-based protein profiling assay.  相似文献   

The characterization of the target proteins of drug molecules has become an important goal in understanding its mode of action and origin of side effects due to off-target binding. This is especially important for covalently binding drugs usually containing electrophilic moieties, which potentially can react with nucleophilic residues found in many proteins. This review gives a comprehensive overview of the use of activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) as an efficient tool for the target identification of covalently binding drugs.  相似文献   

In our continued effort to discover new anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) agents, we validated the anti-replicon activity of compound 1, a potent and selective anti-HCV hydroxamic acid recently reported by us. Generally favorable physicochemical and in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) properties exhibited by 1 made it an ideal parent compound from which activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) probe 3 was designed and synthesized. Evaluation of probe 3 revealed that it possessed necessary anti-HCV activity and selectivity. Therefore, we have successfully obtained compound 3 as a suitable ABPP probe to identify potential molecular targets of compound 1. Probe 3 and its improved analogs are expected to join a growing list of ABPP probes that have made important contributions to not only the studies of biochemical and cellular functions but also discovery of selective inhibitors of protein targets.  相似文献   

The Janus Kinase (JAK) signaling pathway plays a key role for many cellular processes and has recently been correlated with neuronal disorders. In order to understand new links of JAK family members with other signaling pathways, chemical proteomics tools with broad kinase coverage are desirable. A probe that shows outstanding kinase selectivity and allows for the enrichment of up to 133 kinases including many mitogen activated kinase (MAPK) members and JAK kinases has been developed. Furthermore, this probe was applied to establish the selectivity profile of the JAK1/2 inhibitor momelotinib that is currently evaluated in clinical phase 3 studies. These results render this probe a valuable tool for the investigation of JAK and JAK related signaling pathways and the selectivity profiling of kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Carnitine is associated with fatty acid metabolism in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The finding of acylcarnitines alongside free carnitine in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plant species, using tandem mass spectrometry coupled to liquid chromatography shows a link between carnitine and plant fatty acid metabolism. Moreover the occurrence of both medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines suggests that carnitine is connected to diverse fatty acid metabolic pathways in plant tissues. The carnitine and acylcarnitine contents in plant tissues are respectively a hundred and a thousand times lower than in animal tissues, and acylcarnitines represent less than 2% of the total carnitine pool whereas this percentage reaches 30% in animal tissues. These results suggest that carnitine plays a lesser role in lipid metabolism in plants than it does in animals.  相似文献   

The study of phosphoproteome on a global scale represents one of the challenges in the post-genomic era. Here, we propose an integrated procedure starting from the crude protein extract, that consists of sequential purification steps, and ending up in the identification of phosphorylation sites. This involves (i) an enrichment in phosphoproteins with a commercially available chromatography matrix, (ii) a 2-D gel analysis of the enriched fraction followed by the selective staining with the phosphospecific fluorescent dye Pro-Q Diamond, (iii) a phosphopeptide capture, from the tryptic lysate of 2-D spots, using IMAC micro-columns. In the end, the identification of the phosphoproteins and their corresponding phosphorylation sites were achieved by MALDI-TOF-TOF spectrometry. The method was applied to contrasting samples prepared from cell suspension cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana and roots of Medicago truncatula. The results obtained, demonstrated the robustness of the combination of two enrichment stages, sequentially at the protein and at the peptide levels, to analyse phosphoproteins in plants.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmodesmata mediate intercellular transport of proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules in plants. We show that transiently produced green-fluorescent protein (GFP) trafficked intercellularly in the epidermis of sink leaves, but not of source leaves, in tobacco and cucumber. In contrast, the protein did not traffic in either sink or source leaves of tomato. On the other hand, the protein spread extensively from cell to cell in the epidermis of all leaves and stems ofArabidopsis thaliana as well as in young hypocotyls and cotyledons of tomato and cucumber. GFP could traffic from epidermis to ground tissues in hypocotyls but not in cotyledons of cucumber. GFP fused to a number of mutant forms of the cucumber mosaic virus 3a movement protein (CMV 3a MP) failed to traffic from cell to cell, suggesting that GFP does not have a specific motif for plasmodesmal trafficking. Our data, together with previous findings, indicate that plasmodesmata can mediate both specific and nonspecific intercellular trafficking of proteins. Furthermore, our data suggest that nonspecific protein trafficking is controlled by species-, development-, organ-, and tissue-specific factors. Since GFP can readily traffic from cell to cell, it raises the questions of how metabolites are compartmentalized intercellularly in a plant and of whether some endogenous plant proteins traffic nonspecifically from cell to cell to perform physiological functions yet to be elucidated.Abbreviations CMV cucumber mosaic virus - GFP green-fluorescent protein - MP movement protein - SEL size exclusion limit  相似文献   

Weakly bound cell wall proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana were identified using a proteomic and bioinformatic approach. An efficient protocol of extraction based on vacuum-infiltration of the tissues was developed. Several salts and a chelating agent were compared for their ability to extract cell wall proteins without releasing cytoplasmic contaminants. Of the 93 proteins that were identified, a large proportion (60%) was released by calcium chloride. From bioinformatics analysis, it may be predicted that most of them (87 out of 93) had a signal peptide, whereas only six originated from the cytoplasm. Among the putative apoplastic proteins, a high proportion (67 out of 87) had a basic pI. Numerous glycoside hydrolases and proteins with interacting domains were identified, in agreement with the expected role of the extracellular matrix in polysaccharide metabolism and recognition phenomena. Ten proteinases were also found as well as six proteins with unknown functions. Comparison of the cell wall proteome of rosettes with the previously published cell wall proteome of cell suspension cultures showed a high level of cell specificity, especially for the different members of several large multigenic families.  相似文献   

In higher plants and some fungi, heavy metals induce the synthesis of chelating peptides known as phytochelatins (PCs). They are characterized by the general structure (gamma-Glu-Cys)n-Gly, but in some plant species, the C-terminal glycine can be replaced by serine, glutamine, glutamate or alanine, leading to iso-phytochelatins (iso-PCs). Although the distribution of iso-PCs is considered to differ from one species to another, we previously showed that Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) cells are able to synthesize most PC-related peptides (PCs and iso-PCs) described in the literature. We also observed an accumulation of the dipeptide gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma-EC) when cadmium (Cd) (200 microM) was added to the culture medium, suggesting that either glutathione synthetase or glycine availability could be a limiting factor for the biosynthesis of PC-related peptides. In this context, the aim of the present work was to seek new insights into the regulation of PC synthesis by performing metabolic profiling using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The levels of PC-related peptides and their precursors were measured in A. thaliana cells following Cd exposure. A range of doses (0, 50, 200 and 400 microM CdNO3) and kinetic studies (from 1 to 48 h) showed a dose threshold (50 microM CdNO3) and a lag time between the appearance of PCs and iso-PCs concomitant with the gamma-EC accumulation induced by Cd, occurring at cadmium concentrations above 50 microM. This accumulation was suppressed by supplementation of the culture medium with 25 mM glycine. Glycine supplementation had a limited impact on the concentrations of glutathione and PCs whereas the levels of most iso-PCs were significantly increased. Taken together, these results indicate that GSH is involved in the biosynthesis of the iso-PCs in vivo, and that the biosynthesis of PC-related peptides is limited by the availability of glycine in the presence of high cadmium concentrations.  相似文献   

抗结核活性化合物HY-152E是本实验室前期获得的具有良好抗结核活性并拥有授权专利(ZL201210088290.0)的小分子化合物(最低抑菌浓度≤0.09 μg/mL)。为深入探索HY-152E的抗结核机制,本研究利用药物亲和反应靶标稳定性(drug affinity responsive target stability,DARTS)技术并结合蛋白质谱技术,分析可能与HY-152E相互作用的结核分枝杆菌潜在靶标蛋白。将结核分枝杆菌H37Ra的菌体蛋白裂解液与HY-152E共同孵育互作,用不同浓度的链霉菌蛋白酶消化30、45、60 min后,十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,SDS-PAGE)分离并比较与HY-152E互作前后菌体蛋白耐受蛋白酶消化的差异条带,分别在相对分子质量70 000和45 000~55 000处观察到差异蛋白条带。利用蛋白质谱技术分析差异条带的蛋白信息,共获得86个蛋白信息。结合结核分枝杆菌数据库及蛋白功能信息,最终筛选到9个蛋白可能是HY-152E的抗结核作用潜在靶标。这些潜在靶点的确定,为后续研究HY-152E的抗结核分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Proteins carry out important functions as they fold themselves. Protein misfolding occurs during different biochemical processes and may lead to the development of diseases such as cancer, which is characterized by genetic instability. The cancer microenvironment exposes malignant cells to a variety of stressful conditions that may further promote protein misfolding. Tumor development and progression often arises from mutations that interfere with the appropriate function of tumor-suppressor proteins and oncogenes. These may be due to alteration of catalytic activity of the protein, loss of binding sites for effector proteins or alterations of the native folded protein conformation. Src family kinases, p53, mTOR and C-terminus of HSC70 interacting protein (CHIPs) are some examples associated with protein misfolding and tumorigenesis. Molecular chaperones, such as heat-shock protein (HSP)70 and HSP90, assist protein folding and recognize target misfolded proteins for degradation. It is likely that this misfolding in cancer is linked by common principles, and may, therefore, present an exciting possibility to identify common targets for therapeutic intervention. Here we aim to review a number of examples that show how alterations in the folding of tumor-suppressor proteins or oncogenes lead to tumorigenesis. The possibility of targeting the targets to repair or degrade protein misfolding in cancer therapy is discussed.  相似文献   

Receptor for Activated C Kinase 1 (RACK1) is a versatile scaffold protein that interacts with a large, diverse group of proteins to regulate various signaling cascades. RACK1 has been shown to regulate hormonal signaling, stress responses and multiple processes of growth and development in plants. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying these regulations. Recently, it has been demonstrated that Arabidopsis RACK1 is phosphorylated by an atypical serine/threonine protein kinase, WITH NO LYSINE 8 (WNK8). Furthermore, RACK1 phosphorylation by WNK8 negatively regulates RACK1 function by influencing its protein stability. These findings promote a new regulatory system in which the action of RACK1 is controlled by phosphorylation and subsequent protein degradation.  相似文献   

 Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants expressing the three enzymes encoding the biosynthetic route to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are described. These plants accumulated more than 4% of their fresh weight (≈40% of their dry weight) in the form of PHB in leaf chloroplasts. These very high producers were obtained and identified following a novel strategy consisting of a rapid GC-MS analysis of a large number of transgenic Arabidopsis plants generated using a triple construct, thus allowing the parallel transfer of all three genes necessary for PHB synthesis in a single transformation event. The level of PHB produced was 4-fold greater than previously published values, thus demonstrating the large potential of plants to produce this renewable resource. However, the high levels of the polymer produced had severe effects on both plant development and metabolism. Stunted growth and a loss of fertility were observed in the high-producing lines. Analysis of the metabolite composition of these lines using a GC-MS method that we have newly developed showed that the accumulation of high levels of PHB was not accompanied by an appreciable change in either the composition or the amount of fatty acids. Substantial changes were, however, observed in the levels of various organic acids, amino acids, sugars and sugar alcohols. Received: 2 February 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2000  相似文献   

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