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To study the liver functions of chicken, we examined the primary culture of chicken hepatocytes, and found an easy method of long-term culture with free atmosphere exchange. Chicken hepatocytes were obtained by collagenase perfusion and cultured at 37°C as a monolayer without substratum in serum-free L-15 medium (pH 7.8) with free atmosphere exchange. The amounts of albumin and transferrin in medium were assayed by ELISA. The culture of chicken hepatocytes was maintained in the serum-free L-15 medium (pH 7.8) at 37°C with free atmosphere exchange for 20 days. The amount of albumin secreted in the medium decreased to low levels early in culture; however, this was followed by marked increase from day 9 to day 17 of culture. The amount of transferrin was constant until day 6, then it too increased considerably with further culture. We reported an easy method for the simple monolayer culture of chicken hepatocytes in serum-free L-15 medium (pH 7.8) with free atmosphere exchange over an extended period. Expression of liver-specific functions, viz. albumin and transferrin synthesis, was observed after 1 week of culture.  相似文献   

A thin layer of airway surface fluid (ASF) lining the pulmonary airways plays an important role in the primary defense mechanisms of the lung against bacterial infection. However, little is known about the composition of ASF due to the thinness (typically 5–30 μm in healthy animals) of the fluid layer and its relative inaccessibility, which causes considerable difficulties in sample collection and subsequent analysis. We have used a novel technique of capillary sampling coupled with capillary electrophoresis (CE) to analyze the protein composition of rat ASF. CE analyses were performed under two different conditions: a borate buffer, pH 9.1, or a phosphate buffer, pH 2.5, with 0.5 mM spermine. The different selectivities afforded by the two methods aid in peak identification, and quantitation of most of the major species was possible using both separation conditions. Albumin, transferrin and globulins are observed to be the major protein components in rat ASF, at concentrations of 28 mg ml−1, 4.0 mg ml−1 and 34 mg ml−1 respectively, in comparison to 31 mg ml−1, 3.1 mg ml−1 and 40 mg ml−1, respectively, in rat plasma.  相似文献   

Host shifts can cause novel infectious diseases, and is a key process in diversification. Disentangling the effects of host shift vs. those of cospeciation is non‐trivial as both can result in phylogenic congruence. We develop a new framework based on network analysis and Approximate Bayesian Computation to quantify host shift and cospeciation rates in host‐parasite systems. Our method enables estimation of the expected time to the next host shift or cospeciation event. We then apply it to avian haemosporidian parasite systems and to the pocket gophers‐chewing lice system, and demonstrate that both host shift and cospeciation can be reliably estimated by our method. We confirm that host shifts have shaped the evolutionary history of avian haemosporidian parasites and have played a minor role in the gopher–chewing lice system. Our method is promising for predicting the rate of potential host shifts and thus the emergence of novel infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Molecular sequence data are often aligned on the basis of secondary and/or tertiary structure models. However, these models are regularly updated and sometimes differ depending on the way in which they were constructed. We examined whether the choice of a particular 18S rRNA secondary structure model as alignment basis influences phylogeny inference. We therefore compared 18S rRNA phylogenies derived from alignments based on different models. We used: 1. Maximum parsimony; 2. The neighbour-joining method; 3. The maximum-likelihood approach; and 4. Evolutionary parsimony. This demonstrated that the secondary structure model on which an alignment is based may influence: 1. The tree topologies found by these four methods; 2. The numbers of most parsimonious trees found; and 3. The statistical values calculated by the evolutionary parsimony method.  相似文献   

与麦芽糖结合蛋白构象有关的单克隆抗体的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)在大肠杆菌中的高效表达,分别采用亲和层析和变性复性,疑胶过滤的方法纯化了可溶性和包涵体部分的MBP。将得到的这两种构象不同的MBP分别免疫小鼠并进一步筛选和克隆,各得到5株单克隆抗体株。经制备腹水获得抗体后,地其和构象不同的麦芽糖结合蛋白的结合能力的测定,发现由包涵体部分的MBP轩和筛选得到的单克隆抗体中有两对变性蛋白具有更高的结合能力。  相似文献   

Summary The cDNA and/or genomic DNA sequences of 13 globulin storage proteins from flowering plants (angiosperms) are now known. They represent 8 genera, 5 families and 5 orders of plants and include one monocotyledonous species. Here, the coding nucleotide and amino acid sequences of these proteins are compared by dot matrix analysis and gross protein domains visualized by hydropathy analyses. The vestigial homologies visualized by these means indicate that all of the globulin storage proteins of flowering plants have emanated from 2 genes that existed at the beginning of angiosperm evolution.A curious polypeptide domain of 150–200 amino acids located near the N terminus is found in a globulin subgroup of 2 genera widely separated phylogenetically. The domain appears to have resulted from an ancient insertion that has been deleted in most of its descendant genes.  相似文献   

Experimental data for ovalbumin and lysozyme are presented to highlight the nonequivalence of second virial coefficients obtained for proteins by sedimentation equilibrium and light scattering. Theoretical considerations confirm that the quantity deduced from sedimentation equilibrium distributions is B(22), the osmotic second virial coefficient describing thermodynamic nonideality arising solely from protein self-interaction. On the other hand, the virial coefficient determined by light scattering is shown to reflect the combined contributions of protein-protein and protein-buffer interactions to thermodynamic nonideality of the protein solution. Misidentification of the light scattering parameter as B(22) accounts for published reports of negative osmotic second virial coefficients as indicators of conditions conducive to protein crystal growth. Finally, textbook assertions about the equivalence of second virial coefficients obtained by sedimentation equilibrium and light scattering reflect the restriction of consideration to single-solute systems. Although sedimentation equilibrium distributions for buffered protein solutions are, indeed, amenable to interpretation in such terms, the same situation does not apply to light scattering measurements because buffer constituents cannot be regarded as part of the solvent: instead they must be treated as non-scattering cosolutes.  相似文献   

Morphological cladograms of vertebrates are often inferred from greater numbers of characters describing the skull and teeth than from postcranial characters. This is either because the skull is believed to yield characters with a stronger phylogenetic signal (i.e., contain less homoplasy), because morphological variation therein is more readily atomized, or because craniodental material is more widely available (particularly in the palaeontological case). An analysis of 85 vertebrate datasets published between 2000 and 2013 confirms that craniodental characters are significantly more numerous than postcranial characters, but finds no evidence that levels of homoplasy differ in the two partitions. However, a new partition test, based on tree‐to‐tree distances (as measured by the Robinson Foulds metric) rather than tree length, reveals that relationships inferred from the partitions are significantly different about one time in three, much more often than expected. Such differences may reflect divergent selective pressures in different body regions, resulting in different localized patterns of homoplasy. Most systematists attempt to sample characters broadly across body regions, but this is not always possible. We conclude that trees inferred largely from either craniodental or postcranial characters in isolation may differ significantly from those that would result from a more holistic approach. We urge the latter.  相似文献   

We recently reported phylogenetic evidence to support the presence of enzootic transmission foci of yellow fever virus (YFV) in Peru [Bryant et al., Emerg. Infect. Dis. (2003)]. Because the prevailing paradigm of YFV transmission in Brazil is that of 'wandering epizootics' rather than discrete enzootic foci, we have now compared the molecular phylogenies of YFV isolates from Peru and Brazil, and re-examined the question of virus mobility by mapping the spatio-temporal distribution of genetic variants from these areas. Sequences were obtained for two genomic regions from 50 strains of YFV collected between 1954 and 2000 comprising 223 codons of the structural proteins (premembrane and envelope genes, 'prM/E'), and a distal region spanning the carboxy terminus of NS5 and part of the 3' non-coding region ('EMF'). Peruvian and Brazilian isolates formed two monophyletic clades with no evidence to support recombination between lineages. Variation within both coding and non-coding regions revealed similar substitution rates and overall levels of diversity within each clade. The branching structure of the prM/E and EMF trees of Brazilian sequences showed strong agreement of intra-lineage relationships; in contrast, the EMF sequences of Peruvian isolates failed to fully support the subclade structure of the prM/E phylogeny. These phylogenies suggest that transmission cycles of YFV in Peru and Brazil may sometimes be locally maintained within specific locales, but have also on occasion become very widely dispersed.  相似文献   

Organic tissue of a recently found second specimen of feather-like Praeornis from the Karabastau Formation of the Great Karatau Range in southern Kazakstan, has a stable carbon isotope composition indicative of its animal affinity. Three-dimensional preservation of its robust carbonised shaft indicates original high contents of sclerotic organic matter, which makes the originally proposed interpretation of Praeornis as a keratinous integumental structure likely. The new specimen is similar to the holotype of Praeornis in the presence of three ‘vanes’ on a massive shaft not decreasing in width up to near its tip. Unlike it, the vanes are not subdivided into barbs and the pennate structure is expressed only in the distribution of organic-matter-rich rays. Similar continuous blades border the ‘barbs’ in the holotype, but the organic matter was removed from them by weathering. It is proposed that the three-vaned structure is a remnant of the ancestral location of scales along the dorsum and their original function in sexual display, similar to that proposed for the Late Triassic probable megalancosaurid Longisquama. Perhaps subsequent rotation around the shaft, in the course of evolution from an ancestral status similar to Praeornis towards the present aerodynamic and protective function of feathers, resulted in the tubular appearance of their buds.  相似文献   

GERALD MAYR 《Ibis》2009,151(2):392-395
A tarsometatarsus of a diminutive representative of the Phalacrocoracoidea, the clade including the Phalacrocoracidae (cormorants) and Anhingidae (anhingas), is described from the early Miocene of Germany. The fossil is assigned to a new species Limicorallus (?) carbunculus, and closely resembles the tarsometatarsus of extant Phalacrocoracidae in overall morphology. Limicorallus (?) carbunculus is the smallest representative of the Phalacrocoracoidea, reaching only two‐thirds the size of the extant Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus. By significantly lowering the minimum size of the Phalacrocoracoidea, this new species adds to our knowledge of the early diversity of this clade.  相似文献   

Summary Fourteen mammalian pancreatic ribonucleases of known amino acid sequence were compared by 1 or more of 3 different immunological methods: standard quantitative micro-complement fixation, spot-plate micro-complement fixation, and inhibition of phage inactivation. It was found that, while the results obtained by the 3 techniques were correlated with one another, the standard microcomplement fixation procedure was most versatile, economical of materials, and easiest to execute. The standard MCF technique was more sensitive than the spotplate technique to differences in amino acid sequence. The inhibition of phage inactivation method was more sensitive than the standard method for measuring differences among closely related RNases but proved impractical for amino acid differences over 15%; the MCF method could be extended to at least 30% sequence differences. The standard method, moreover, readily detected the single amino acid difference between dromedary and camel RNases.A linear relationship was found between immunological distance (y) in the MCF test and percent sequence difference (x) which fit the equationy=7x. The strength of the correlation between immunological distance and percent sequence difference is consistent with the proposal that a large fraction of the evolutionary substitutions of amino acids in ribonuclease are immunologically detectable. This could be explained either by a multideterminant hypothesis or by a pauci-determinant hypothesis which says that substitutions occurring outside determinants produce small conformational changes influencing determinant reactivity.This work was supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation (DEB74-11866A01) and the National Institutes of Health (GM-21509) to A.C.W. and a Fulbright-Hays grant to G.W.W. Part of this work was carried out under the auspices of the Netherlands Foundation for Chemical Research (S.O.N.) and with financial aid from the Netherlands Organisation for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.). The followingabbreviations are used in this work: RNase=ribonuclease; MCF=micro-complement fixation.  相似文献   

达赉湖自然保护区冬春季鸟类生物多样性与生境的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2004年4月-5月,利用样带法对达赉湖自然保护区5种主要生境类型中冬春季鸟类生物多样性进行了调查,利用Shannon-Wiener指数和Smith相关性系数分析了这5种生境类型中冬春季鸟类的生物多样性、区系、鸟类的群落组成、群落间的相似性和均匀度。结果表明,古北界鸟类是组成达赉湖鸟类群落的主体(约占冬春季鸟类的86%);芦苇湿地的鸟类多样性接近于芦苇甸的2倍:芦苇湿地鸟类群落的物种多样性最高(Shannon-Wiener指数为1.3001),而芦苇甸中鸟类群落的物种多样性最低(Shannon-Wiener指数为0.6629);芦苇湿地和芦苇甸两鸟类群落组成的相关性指数仅为0.038;从具有共同物种的多少考虑,典型草原和芨芨草原鸟类群落之间的关联较大。  相似文献   

To obtain antibodies suitable to be used in an antigen-capture assay, we have identified, synthesized, and evaluated a series of peptides from different Plasmodium falciparum excretory-secretory proteins: glutamate-rich protein (GLURP); histidine-rich protein 2; histidine-rich protein 3; Falciparum interspersed repeat antigen and, serine-rich antigen homologous. Conformational as well as antigenic predictions were performed using the ANTHEPROT package. Chemical synthesis was carried out by the multiple manual synthesis using the t-boc strategy. The peptides were used as antigens for the preparation of polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. Out of the 14 peptide constructs, eight by ELISA and, six by MABA elicited antibodies that showed correspondence between the predictive study and the immunogenicity obtained in rabbits. All antipeptide (GLURP, HRP2, and FIRA) antisera were found to bind to the corresponding synthetic sequence in an ELISA assay. The binding activity and specificity of antibodies were determined by Western blot with supernatant culture from P. falciparum. Anti-GLURP (IMT-94 and IMT-200) antisera bound to five molecules present in supernatant with molecular weight of 73, 82, 116, 124, and 128 kDa. Anti-HRP2 (IMT-192) antisera recognized a band of 58 kDa. In both cases, the specific molecules were inhibited by preincubation with the homologous peptide. Anti-HRP3, anti-FIRA neither anti-SERPH antisera showed reactivity. Anti-peptides HRP2 antibodies recognized the recombinant protein present in Parasight-F test. The same way, synthetic peptides from HRPII molecule were recognized by monoclonal antibody present in the Parasight-F assay. Our results confirm the potential value of synthetic peptides when inducing monospecific polyclonal antibodies for the development of diagnostic tests based on the capture of antigens.  相似文献   

Ovomucoids consist of a single polypeptide chain which is composed of three tandem Kazal domains. Each Kazal domain is an actual or putative protein inhibitor of serine proteinases. Ovomucoid third domains were already isolated and sequenced from 126 species of birds (Laskowskiet al., 1987, 1990). This paper adds 27 new species. A number of generalizations are made on the basis of sequences from 153 species. The residues that are in contact with the enzyme in enzyme-inhibitor complexes are strikingly hypervariable. While the primary specificity residue,P 1, is the most variable; substitutions occur predominantly among aliphatic, hydrophobic residues. Consensus sequences for an avian ovomucoid third domain, for a b-type Kazal domain (i.e., a COOH terminal domain of multidomain inhibitors) and for a general Kazal domain are given. Finally, the individual new sequences are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

How the microbiome interacts with hosts across evolutionary time is poorly understood. Data sets including many host species are required to conduct comparative analyses. Here, we analyzed 142 intestinal microbiome samples from 92 birds belonging to 74 species from Equatorial Guinea, using the 16S rRNA gene. Using four definitions for microbial taxonomic units (97%OTU, 99%OTU, 99%OTU with singletons removed, ASV), we conducted alpha and beta diversity analyses. We found that raw abundances and diversity varied between the data sets but relative patterns were largely consistent across data sets. Host taxonomy, diet and locality were significantly associated with microbiomes, at generally similar levels using three distance metrics. Phylogenetic comparative methods assessed the evolutionary relationship between the microbiome as a trait of a host species and the underlying bird phylogeny. Using multiple ways of defining “microbiome traits”, we found that a neutral Brownian motion model did not explain variation in microbiomes. Instead, we found a White Noise model (indicating little phylogenetic signal), was most likely. There was some support for the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck model (that invokes selection), but the level of support was similar to that of a White Noise simulation, further supporting the White Noise model as the best explanation for the evolution of the microbiome as a trait of avian hosts. Our study demonstrated that both environment and evolution play a role in the gut microbiome and the relationship does not follow a neutral model; these biological results are qualitatively robust to analytical choices.  相似文献   

Peptide libraries can be used to identify ligands that bind specifically to a desired protein. These peptides may have significant advantages as specific ligands for affinity chromatography separations. This article describes the use of one of such peptide, Try-Asn-Phe-Glu-Val-Leu, as a ligand for the purification of S-protein using affinity chromatography. General strategies for peptide immobilization are discussed and the conditions for peptide immobilization to Emphazetrade mark gel are optimized. The effects of peptide orientation and peptide densities on protein binding are studied. Results indicate that the peptide affinity is not affected by the orientation of the peptide during immobilization, but association constants can be reduced by one order of magnitude when compared with the values in solution.With increased peptide density, the protein binding capacity of the gel increases, but both the percentage of peptide utilization and apparent binding constant between immobilized peptide and S-protein decrease. S-protein is separated from a mixture with BSA via affinity chromatography using specific elution with the peptide in solution.Finally, direct purification of S-protein from an enzymatic digestion mixture of ribonuclease A is demonstrated.(c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The 18aa 2A self-cleaving oligopeptide from foot-and-mouth disease virus can be used for co-expression of multiple, discrete proteins from a single ORF. 2A mediates a co-translational cleavage at its own C-terminus and is proposed to manipulate the ribosome into skipping the synthesis of a specific peptide bond (producing a discontinuity in the peptide backbone), rather than being involved in proteolysis. To explore the utility of the system to target discrete processing products, self-processing polyproteins comprising fluorescent proteins flanking 2A were constructed, permutating both the type of signal sequence and the location within the polyprotein. A polyprotein comprising a protein bearing an N-terminal signal sequence, 2A, then a protein lacking any signal sequence, was constructed. Interestingly, both proteins were translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum. Despite the discontinuity in the peptide backbone, the mammalian ribosome:translocon complex did not disassemble--the second protein (lacking any signal) 'slipstreamed' through the translocon formed by the first (signal-bearing) protein. These polyprotein systems provide a novel method of targeting proteins to different subcellular sites by transfection with a plasmid encoding a single ORF. The inclusion of a fluorescent reporter enables visualisation of expression levels, whilst inclusion of a selectable marker enables stable cell-lines to be established rapidly.  相似文献   

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