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A method for purifying macroschizonts of Theileria parva from bovine lymphoblastoid cells, propagated in vitro, was developed. This method involved three steps. First, the macroschizonts were liberated by disrupting host cells suspended in growth medium at 4 × 106 cells/ml at 300–400 psi, using the Stansted cell disrupter. This yielded 80–90% disrupted cells while causing minimum damage to the macroschizonts. Second, the host cell nuclei were separated by (a) centrifuging the lysate at 300g for 60 min, (b) resuspending the pellet in 0.02 times the volume of initial host cell suspension in Leibovitz's L15 growth medium, and (c) lysing the host cell nuclei by adding nucleus-lysing buffer (NLB, containing 0.14 M Tris, 0.1 M HCl, 0.12 M glucose, and 0.5 M NaCl adjusted with NaOH to pH 7) to 0.2 times the volume of initial host cell suspension. The resulting chromatin precipitate was removed by adding DE-52 cellulose equilibrated with NLB and allowing the precipitate to sediment. Lastly, the final suspension obtained in the second step was applied on a DE-52 cellulose column which was equilibrated with the elution buffer (NLB with 10% fetal, or newborn, bovine serum, pH 7). Macroschizonts free of intact host cells and naked host cell nuclei were collected in the eluate. The protein yield was 2.7 mg per 109 starting undisrupted host cells, which was 1.7% of the total starting protein.  相似文献   

The cellular origin and development of bovine lymphoblastoid cell lines persistently infected with macroschizonts of Theileria parva was studied. Cultures of lymphoblastoid cells isolated from cattle with patent East Coast fever were compared with those obtained by infecting normal lymphocytes in vitro with sporozoites. The young lines were contrasted with a continuous line which had been isolated earlier. The mononuclear cells were separated from the blood and the inoculum enriched for lymphoblastoid cells and/or lymphocytes by removing the monocytes. The lines arose directly from lymphoblastoid cells transplanted into culture or from lymphocytes infected by sporozoites. In primary cultures of lymphoblastoid cells from the peripheral blood, there was an increase in the proportion of infected cells without the eclipse of the parasite, the macroschizonts were larger than those observed in the inoculum or the continuous line, and there was concurrent microschizont differentiation. In lymphocyte cultures challenged with sporozoites, small mononucleated trophozoites were observed after 2 days which differentiated into typical macroschizonts but microschizonts were rare. In all cultures, the infected cells had mitotic indices of 4 to 5%. As the young lines were passaged, the parasites came to resemble those of the continuous line. The macroschizont size in the continuous line was stable and most had six to eight nuclei but when cultured at high cell concentrations the number of parasite nuclei increased. Minicultures of lymphocytes were used to quantitate the infectivity of sporozoites obtained from organ cultures of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus savliary glands. Sporozoites from ticks fed on rabbits for 5 days were approximately six times more infective than those from glands of ticks fed for 2 days and then cultured at 32 °C for 3 days. Glands from unfed ticks cultured for 5 days failed to yield infective sporozoites.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody specific for the Theileria parva sporozoite, which recognizes a determinant on the surface coat and blocks sporozoite infectivity, was used to investigate the presence of the determinant on other stages of the parasite lifecycle. Immunofluorescence techniques did not demonstrate this determinant on the kinete, schizont, merozoite, or piroplasm stages of the parasite. Immunoautoradiography, using a tritiated form of the monoclonal antibody, on sections of infected salivary glands collected from ticks that had fed for 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 days revealed that the determinant recognized was synthesized predominantly during sporogony, between 2 to 3 days after the tick started feeding. Immunoelectron microscopy was performed on ultrathin frozen sections of infected tick salivary glands incubated with the monoclonal antibody followed by Protein-A--colloidal gold. The antigen or its precursor could be detected in the developing parasite. In ticks fed 2 days, the sporoblast was labeled, both in the cytoplasm and on parasite membranes, often including the nuclear envelope. In sections from ticks fed 4 days, the sporozoite surface membrane was labeled, as were membrane-bounded sporozoite organelles identified as micronemes. Observation by immunofluorescence, on sporozoites incubated with bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes, suggested that the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody does not enter the lymphocyte during sporozoite endocytosis. We conclude that synthesis of the antigen or its precursor(s) occurs during sporogony in the feeding tick, at the time of maximal parasite proliferation, and precedes the formation of morphologically mature sporozoites; the antigen's role in the parasite life cycle also appears to be limited to events associated with the sporozoite entry process.  相似文献   

Bovine cells infected with macroschizonts of the protozoan parasites Theileria annulata and Theileria parva formed solid tumours when injected into irradiated Balb/c and irradiated Balb/c nude mice. T. annulata tumours grew more vigorously than T. parva tumours, when initiated with similar doses of infected cells in mice exposed to the same doses of gamma-irradiation. In irradiated Balb/c mice, tumours of both species of parasites began to regress 2-3 weeks after injection of cells but grew without regression in irradiated Balb/c nude mice. Haemorrhage and necrosis of tumours, induced by macrophages and neutrophils, were seen in both mouse strains but were insufficient to cause regression in Balb/c nude mice. Theileria-infected bovine cells failed to establish in C57 beige mice, which lack functional natural killer (NK) cells. Flow cytometry, using monoclonal antibodies to murine leukocyte/lymphocyte antigens, showed that the radiation dose required to allow establishment of T. annulata tumours in Balb/c mice caused a severe depletion of splenic lymphocytes. B cells, helper T and cytotoxic T cells showed differing levels of susceptibility to irradiation. The presence of a tumour promoted the recovery of lymphocyte populations: this recovery was accompanied by destruction of the tumour.  相似文献   

Aliquots of a culture of Theileria parva-infected bovine lymphoid cells were irradiated at 0, 300, 600, 900, and 1200 rads. The short-term effects of irradiation were evaluated on examination of Giemsa-stained smears and on autoradiography of cells labeled with [3H]thymidine. Irradiation inhibited cell division but parasite division did not appear to be inhibited and macroschizont nuclear particles increased in number, frequently to several hundred per schizont. There was no evidence of an increased percentage switch from macro- to microschizont. Apparently viable cells were still present in all cultures 4 days after irradiation.  相似文献   

A new procedure is described for the purification of trophozoites from the virulent RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii propagated in baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cell cultures. The culture medium containing host cell debris and trophozoites was filtered through glass-wool filtering fiber, which removed most host cell material. The filtrate containing trophozoites was centrifuged, and the trophozoite pellet was resuspended and washed in phosphate-buffered saline. An average of about 75% of the original number of trophozoites was recovered. No loss of trophozoite viability was observed as determined by the rate of host cell culture monolayer destruction. The amount of host cell material contamination in the final trophozoite fraction was negligible as determined by measuring radioactivity in the trophozoite fraction after cofiltration with noninfected host cell material which had been prelabeled with radioactive precursors.  相似文献   

A total of 42 animals of various ages were infected with Trypanosoma congolense to investigate age resistance. Ten of eleven animals between 4 months and 1 year of age survived the infection without treatment. Two of eleven animals in the age range of 1 to 2 years also survived the infection whereas all 20 animals between 2 and 5 years of age died or needed treatment to survive. Young animals which needed no treatment to survive were refractive to challenge for at least 1 year after their last patent parasitemia. Older animals which required treatment to survive were also challenged at intervals after therapy. Three animals infected for 49 to 75 days before treatment were rechallenged 198 to 296 days later. Extensions in prepatent periods ranged from 5 to 13 days when compared to controls and the resulting infections were of a relapsing nature followed by self-cure. Effects of this disease on clinical parameters of previously infected animals were minimal. One animal infected for 196 days and rechallenged 501 days later had a prepatent period of 14 days as compared to 5 days for controls. This animal developed a brief relapsing infection followed by self-cure. Animals which were infected for periods of 41 to 77 days, received treatment, and were then rechallenged from 600 to 900 days later, showed some resistance to infection. Prepatent periods were extended from 1 to 3 days over those of control animals and although the resulting disease was severe, one of four animals self-cured without treatment. When animals which had self-cured primary challenges were rechallenged at periods up to 2 years later, they were completely refractory. When 12 animals which were presumed to be immune to syringe-passaged T. congolense were challenged by tsetse fly bite with the same strain of trypanosome, an appreciable immunity was evident. Five of twelve immune animals did not become patent while the other seven developed mild infections without severe clinical signs. All nine controls developed severe infections with eight requiring treatment to survive. When animals immune to the Trans-Mara I strain of T. congolense were challenged either by syringe or tsetse fly bite with a heterologous strain of T. congolense obtained from a different geographical area, no evidence of immunity was detected.  相似文献   

An in vitro correlate of the binding in vivo of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to capillary and venular endothelium, using cultured human endothelial cells and amelanotic melanoma cells, was previously developed. The effects of different times in continuous culture on binding of erythrocytes infected with nine different isolates of P. falciparum is now reported. Four isolates, which bound at the time they were first tested, rapidly lost the ability to bind after 26-43 days in culture. One of these, the Cameroun isolate, tested 12 h after the blood was obtained from the patient, had the highest rate of binding of all isolates (680 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells). After 37 days in culture, only 18 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells bound. Three isolates first tested after 30-62 days in culture bound poorly. In contrast, two others, the Vietnam (VI) and Brazil (It), continued to bind during the period of study. The Brazil (It) isolate studied after 43 days in culture bound 505 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells; its clone ItG2G1 continued to bind equally well after 400 days in culture. The ultrastructural morphology of knobs on the binding and nonbinding infected erythrocytes were indistinguishable. Since evidence from other studies indicates that knobs are necessary for binding to endothelium, it is proposed that some parasites in continuous culture may not express the molecules responsible for binding, although the morphologic knobs are still present.  相似文献   

The kinetics of infection with Theileria parva in cattle were studied by examining the total cellularity and numbers of parasites in a range of lymphoid organs from animals killed at intervals during the course of the infection. With the dose of T. parva stabilate used, macroschizonts were initially detected in the drainage lymph node about 7 days after inoculation and death of the host resulted on Day 18–19. Associated with the initial detection of parasites, there was a marked increase in cellularity of the drainage lymph node and a more gradual and less pronounced increase in cellularity of the other lymphoid organs. From about Day 12 onward, there was a gradual decrease in the cellularity in all of the lymphoid organs, so that in animals examined in the terminal stages of the infection there was often cellular depletion. The pattern of these cellular changes was similar in groups of Boran and Friesian cattle, although both the increase in cellularity and the terminal depletion were more marked in the Friesians. Blood leukocyte counts in infected Boran started to drop as early as Day 7 of infection and by Day 14 had reached values less than 25% of normal. Quantitation of parasitic schizonts indicated that the numbers of parasites in the lymphoid organs do not increase in a simple exponential manner. Rather, there appears to be an early rapid increase in parasite numbers followed by a phase of less rapid multiplication. Because of the marked changes which occured in total cellularity of the lymphoid organs during the course of the infection, a significant discrepancy was found between the replication rate of the parasite as calculated using total numbers of parasites and that obtained using schizont index (SI). These results indicated that the use of SI, as described in previous studies, is not a reliable method of determining the replication rate of the parasite.  相似文献   

Two Theileria parva-specific bovine helper T cell clones were used to identify T. parva-derived antigens expressed on the surface of schizont infected lymphoblastoid cells. Although the clones proliferated in response to both the immunizing (Muguga) and heterologous stocks of T. parva, the patterns of the responses differed, showing that the two clones recognized different antigenic epitopes. Both clones were stimulated by autologous infected cells, without an additional source of antigen-presenting cells, as well as by purified schizonts and by a subcellular membrane fraction prepared from infected lymphoblastoid cells, when antigen-presenting cells were present. The membrane fraction was shown to be enriched for schizont membranes as indicated by the presence of a schizont surface antigen detected by immunoblotting using a schizont-specific monoclonal antibody. Elimination of schizonts with the anti-theilerial drug, parvaquone, resulted in reduced antigenicity of the membrane fraction as detected by both the T cell clones and the schizont-specific monoclonal antibody. We conclude that the T. parva-infected cell surface antigens recognized by the T cell clones are of schizont membrane origin. Although the antigens have not yet been characterized biochemically, the monoclonal antibody-specific epitope appears to be distinguishable from the T cell epitopes.  相似文献   

The DNA of the protozoan Theileria parva, the causal agent of the bovine East Coast Fever, has been prepared at least 99% pure from the intra-erythrocytic form of the parasite. Its buoyant density was found to be 1.696 g/cm3 and its calculated G + C content was 36.7%. Fragmentation of T. parva by the restriction enzyme EcoRI provides some evidence of the presence of repetitive DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Theileria parva-specific bovine BoT4+ Th cell clones were used to characterize Ag associated with T. parva schizont-infected lymphoblastoid cells. All of the clones tested responded to cells infected with the immunizing (Muguga) as well as heterologous stocks of T. parva, indicating that the T cells are specific for an Ag shared by several geographically diverse parasites. The response was apparently MHC-restricted, and induced by Ag expressed on the infected cell surface. In the presence of autologous APC, the clones were also stimulated by a soluble high speed supernatant (HSS), but not by a schizont membrane-enriched, subcellular fraction prepared from homogenates of infected cells. The clones produced IFN-gamma and T cell growth factor in response to HSS. The soluble Ag was absent in cells from which schizonts had been eliminated by treatment with the anti-theilerial drug, parvaquone. Fractionation of HSS by hydroxylapatite chromatography revealed two antigenic peaks that separated from the majority of the protein. Fractionation of HSS by gel filtration with the use of HPLC revealed several peaks of activity ranging in Mr from 270 kDa to less than 5 kDa. Further fractionation of HSS by both hydroxylapatite chromatography and gel filtration yielded three major peaks of activity (Mr 43, 12, 4.2 kDa). We conclude that a T cell-dependent schizont-associated soluble Ag is also expressed on the surface of T. parva-infected cells.  相似文献   

The effect of irradiation on the in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum was investigated. The cultured malarial parasites at selected stages of development were exposed to gamma rays and the sensitivity of each stage was determined. The stages most sensitive to irradiation were the ring forms and the early trophozoites; late trophozoites were relatively insensitive. The greatest resistance was shown when parasites were irradiated at a time of transition from the late trophozoite and schizont stages to young ring forms. The characteristics of radiosensitive variation in the parasite cycle resembled that of mammalian cells. Growth curves of parasites exposed to doses of irradiation upto 150 gray had the same slope as nonirradiated controls but parasites which were exposed to 200 gray exhibited a growth curve which was less steep than that for parasites in other groups. Less than 10 organisms survived from the 106 parasites exposed to this high dose of irradiation; the possibility exists of obtaining radiation-attenuated P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum: in vitro induction of resistance to aminopterin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plasmodium falciparum parasites were grown on microplates in the presence of aminopterin. The FCR-8 strain was more sensitive to aminopterin than a Richards strain and died within 1 week of treatment. A few parasites of the Richards strain survived treatment and developed normal parasitemias. This strain was resistant to aminopterin at concentrations not higher than those used for its selection. Removal of aminopterin did not affect the growth of the resistant variant, showing that it was not aminopterin dependent. Aminopterin affected the sensitive parasites by interfering with nucleic acid synthesis, whereas protein synthesis was not impaired. Gametocytogenesis was unaffected by aminopterin.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania major were isolated from an infected mouse in two media, blood agar and Schneider's medium + 30% fetal calf serum, and maintained continuously for over 1 year. Infectivity studies in two strains of mice, outbred CD1 strain and inbred BALB/c strain, showed that promastigotes grown in Schneider's medium maintained infectivity to BALB/c mice throughout the period of cultivation. Infectivity to CD1 strain mice was progressively lost. Promastigotes grown in blood agar medium, however, lost infectivity to both strains of mice at a faster rate than promastigotes grown in Schneider's medium.  相似文献   

Responses of cells in the tick salivary gland to parasitism by Theileria parva were studied by electron microscopy. The gland is composed of three distinct types of acini (I, II, III) which together include ten or more different cell types. Of some 30 infected cells observed in the present study, all were E-cells of acinus III. The parasite thus exhibits a high degree of selectivity for acinus and cell type. The glandular cell invaded undergoes massive hypertrophy and accumulates glycogen deposits in its cytoplasm which may serve as an energy source for the growing intracellular parasite. As synthesis of its secretory material declines the product is packaged in progressively smaller secretory granules. The extensive arrays of endoplasmic reticulum are dismantled and eliminated in autophagic vacuoles. Excess secretory granules are also broken down by crinophagy. After 4 days, sporogony is completed and the host cell contains 30,000–50,000 sporozoites in an electron-lucent cytoplasm largely devoid of cytomembranes and secretory granules. Mitochondria are still present and normal in appearance. The loss of basophilia and secretory granules observed heretofore by light microscopy have been attributed to ingestion and destruction of host organelles by the parasite. The pallid appearance of the cytoplasm has been interpreted as a sign of impending degeneration of the host cell. In electron micrographs no ingestion of organelles by the parasite or degenerative changes were found. The host cell clearly remains viable and metabolically active throughout sporogony. The striking changes in its ultrastructure result from active elimination of organelles and inclusions by the host cell itself in response to parasitism.  相似文献   

While devising a protocol for the isolation of chick crypt cells infected with Eimeria necatrix, it was observed that infected cells were readily lysed by 0.25% trypsin. Time-course studies at 17 C with 5.5 × 105 cells at 96 hr postinfection revealed that 0.001% trypsin effectively lysed >90% of infected cells within 10 min. Uninfected crypt cells were not lysed under these conditions. To determine the site of action of trypsin, the plasma membrane proteins from trypsin-treated and untreated infected cells were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. While the major proteins were unaffected by the trypsin treatment, some minor changes were noted: (1) three components (~-60, ~-52, and ~-20 KDa) were trypsin sensitive and (2) a new band (~-42 KDa) appeared in the membrane of trypsin-treated infected cells. Previously, it was found that the plasma membrane of infected cells, in contrast to uninfected cells, accumulated gel-phase lipid (J. E. Thompson, M. A. Fernando, and J. Pasternak, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta555, 472–487, 1979). Here, it was examined whether trypsin would perturb the physical state of the plasma membrane of infected cells. Both X-ray diffraction patterns and transition temperature studies revealed no difference between membranes from untreated and trypsin-treated infected cells. Thus, “trypsin sensitivity” may be a secondary phenomenon that is due primarily to the cellular leakiness that accompanies the accumulation of gel-phase lipid in the plasma membrane of infected cells. The uptake of trypsin may stimulate the release of catabolic enzymes that, consequently, lyse an infected cell.  相似文献   

Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, induces changes in morphology and motility of Herpetomonas samuelpessoai when incubated under nonproliferative conditions. The cells become rounded and immotile. These effects are dependent on time and temperature of incubation, concentration of lidocaine, and pH. Divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+) reversed the effect of lidocaine. Lidocaine also induces the formation of membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles as determined by morphometry applied to electron micrographs. Lidocaine had a dose-dependent effect on the growth of H. samuelpessoai in a chemically defined medium. At concentrations which did not interfere with cell growth, it induces the transformation of promastigote into opisthomastigote via paramastigote. It is suggested that lidocaine may be used as an inductor of differentiation in H. samuelpessoai opening the possibility of obtaining the three developmental stages of this trypanosomatid.  相似文献   

Several new cell culture media designed specifically for the expression of recombinant antibodies in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were investigated for the presence of bovine IgG. Three serum-free media, three protein-free (animal component free) media, as well as one chemically defined medium were included in the study. Employing a combination of affinity chromatography (Protein G or A columns), SDS-PAGE analysis, and peptide mass fingerprinting, two of the serum-free media were found to contain bovine IgG in the range of approximately 0.5 mg/L. The other five media did not contain detectable levels of contaminating Protein A or G-binding proteins such as bovine IgG.  相似文献   

Summary Two human lymphoblastoid cell lines, GM 1989, from a normal individual, and GM 2345, from a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum, complemetation group A, were selected for comparative biochemical studies because they both grow rapidly and at vitually identical rates in sealed flasks in RPMI 1640 medium buffered to physiological pH with HEPES buffer, supplemented with 12% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum. Although the two cell lines showed no difference in growth parameters assayed by standard methods, further studies showed that the GM 2345 cell line was markedly more sensitive to diminution of the serum concentration of the culture medium than was the normal cell line. These results indicate that lymphoblastoid cell lines, particularly those from individuals with certain genetic or metabolic diseases, may be growing under marginal or limiting circumstances, different from those of control cell lines, which are not detected by standard techniques used to monitor mammalian cell cultures. Supported by Basil O'Connor Grant 5-287 from the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, the Dermatology Foundation, and the Foundation of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.  相似文献   

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