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SqKv1A is a cDNA that encodes a Kv1 (Shaker-type) α-subunit expressed only in the giant axon and the parental giant fiber lobe (GFL) neurons of the squid stellate ganglion. We incorporated SqKv1A into a recombinant baculovirus for expression in the insect Sf9 cell line. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings reveal that very few cells display functional potassium current (I K) if cultured at the standard postinfection temperature of 27°C. At 18°C, less SqKv1A protein is produced than at 27°C, but cells with I K currents are much more numerous and can survive for at least 20 days postinfection (vs. ∼5 days at 27°C). Activation and deactivation kinetics of SqKv1A in Sf9 cells are slower (∼3- and 10-fold, respectively) than those of native channels in GFL neurons, but have similar voltage dependencies. The two cell types show only subtle differences in steady-state voltage-dependence of conductance and inactivation. Rates of I K inactivation in 20 mm external K are identical in the two cell types, but the sensitivity of inactivation to external tetraethylammonium (TEA) and K ions differ: inactivation of SqKv1A in Sf9 cells is slowed by external TEA and K ions, whereas inactivation of GFL I K is largely insensitive. Functional differences are discussed in terms of factors that may be specific to cell-type, including the presence of presently unidentified Kv1 subunits in GFL neurons that might form heteromultimers with SqKv1A.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) is known to stimulate exogenous IsK channel current in the Xenopus oocyte expression system. The present study was performed to determine whether elevation of cytosolic cAMP in a native mammalian epithelium known to secrete K+ through endogenously expressed IsK channels would stimulate K+ secretion through these channels. The equivalent short circuit current (I sc ) across vestibular dark cell epithelium in gerbil was measured in a micro-Ussing chamber and the apical membrane current (I IsK ) and conductance (g IsK ) of IsK channels was recorded with both the on-cell macro-patch and nystatin-perforated whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. It has previously been shown that I sc can be accounted for by transepithelial K+ secretion and that the apical IsK channels constitute a significant pathway for K+ secretion. The identification of the voltage-dependent whole-cell currents in vestibular dark cells was strengthened by the finding that a potent blocker of IsK channels, chromanol 293B, strongly reduced I IsK from 646 ± 200 to 154 ± 22 pA (71%) and g IsK from 7.5 ± 2.6 to 2.8 ± 0.4 nS (53%). Cytoplasmic cAMP was elevated by applying dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP), or the phosphodiesterase inhibitors 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) and Ro-20-1724. dbcAMP (1 mm) increased I sc and I IsK from 410 ± 38 to 534 ± 40 μA/cm2 and from 4.3 ± 0.8 to 11.4 ± 2.2 pA, respectively. IBMX (1 mm) caused transient increases of I sc from 415 ± 30 to 469 ± 38 μA/cm2 and Ro-20-1724 (0.1 mm) from 565 ± 43 to 773 ± 58 μA/cm2. IBMX increased I IsK from 5.5 ± 1.5 to 16.9 ± 5.8 pA in on-cell experiments and from 191 ± 31 to 426 ± 53 pA in whole-cell experiments. The leak conductance due to all non-IsK channel sources did not change during dbcAMP and IBMX while 293B in the presence of dbcAMP reduced I IsK by 84% and g IsK by 62%, similar to unstimulated conditions. These results demonstrate that the cAMP pathway is constitutively active in vestibular dark cells and that the cAMP pathway stimulates transepithelial K+ secretion by increasing IsK channel current rather than by altering another transport pathway. Received: 9 June 1995/Revised: 17 October 1996  相似文献   

The modulation of I A K+ current by ten trivalent lanthanide (Ln3+) cations spanning the series with ionic radii ranging from 0.99 ? to 1.14 ? was characterized by the whole-cell patch clamp technique in bovine adrenal zona fasciculata (AZF) cells. Each of the ten Ln3+s reduced I A amplitude measured at +20 mV in a concentration-dependent manner. Smaller Ln3+s were the most potent and half-maximally effective concentrations (EC50s) varied inversely with ionic radius for the larger elements. Estimation of EC50s yielded the following potency sequence: Lu3+ (EC50= 3.0 μm) ≈ Yb3+ (EC50= 2.7 μm) > Er3+ (EC50= 3.7 μm) ≥ Dy3+ (EC50= 4.7 μm) > Gd3+ (EC50= 6.7 μm) ≈ Sm3+ (EC50= 6.9 μm) > Nd3+ (EC50= 11.2 μm) > Pr3+ (EC50= 22.3 μm) > Ce3+ (EC50= 28.0 μm) > La3+ (EC50= 33.7 μm). Ln3+s altered selected voltage-dependent gating and kinetic parameters of I A with a potency and order of effectiveness that paralleled the reduction of I A amplitude. Ln3+s markedly slowed activation kinetics and shifted the voltage-dependence of I A gating such that activation and steady-state inactivation occurred at more depolarized potentials. In contrast, Ln3+s did not measurably alter inactivation or deactivation kinetics and only slightly slowed kinetics of inactivated channels returning to the closed state. Replacement of external Ca2+ with Mg2+ had no effect on the concentration-dependent inhibition of I A by Ln3+s. In contrast to their action on I A K+ current, Ln3+s inhibited T-type Ca2+ currents in AZF cells without slowing activation kinetics. These results indicate that Ln3+ modulate I A K+ channels through binding to a site on I A channels located within the electric field but which is not specific for Ca2+. They are consistent with a model where Ln3+ binding to negative charges on the gating apparatus alters the voltage-dependence and kinetics of channel opening. Ln3+s modulate transient K+ and Ca2+ currents by two fundamentally different mechanisms. Received: 21 January 1997/Revised: 3 April 1998  相似文献   

Single-channel properties of a delayed rectifier voltage-gated K+ channel (I-type) were investigated in peripheral myelinated axons from Xenopus laevis. Channels activated between −60 and −40 mV with a potential of half-maximal activation, E50, at −47.5 mV. Averaged single-channel currents activated with a time delay at all membrane potentials tested. Time to half-maximal activation decreased from 80 to 1.6 msec between −60 and +40 mV. The channel inactivated monoexponentially with a time constant of 10.9 sec at −40 mV. The time constant of deactivation was 126 msec at −80 mV and 16.9 msec at −110 mV. In symmetrical 105 mm K+, the single-channel conductance (γ) was 22 and 13 pS at negative and positive membrane potentials, respectively, at 13–15°C. In Na+-rich solution with 2.5 mm extracellular K+γ was 7 pS and the reversal potential was negative to −80 mV, indicating a high selectivity for K+ over Na+. γ depended on extracellular K+ concentration (K D = 19.6 mm) and temperature (Q 10= 1.45). External tetraethylammonium (TEA) reduced the apparent single-channel current amplitude at all potentials tested with a half-maximal inhibiting concentration (IC50) of 0.6 mm. Open probability of the channel, but not single-channel current amplitude was decreased by extracellular dendrotoxin (DTX, IC50= 6.8 nm) and mast cell degranulating peptide (MCDP, IC50= 41.9 nm). In Ringer solution the membrane potential of macroscopic I-channel patches was about −65 mV and depolarized under TEA and DTX. It is concluded that besides their activation during action potentials, I-channels may also stabilize the resting membrane potential. Received: 2 June 1995/Revised: 13 October 1995  相似文献   

The outer sulcus epithelium was recently shown to absorb cations from the lumen of the gerbil cochlea. Patch clamp recordings of excised apical membrane were made to investigate ion channels that participate in this reabsorptive flux. Three types of channel were observed: (i) a nonselective cation (NSC) channel, (ii) a BK (large conductance, maxi K or K Ca ) channel and (iii) a small K+ channel which could not be fully characterized. The NSC channel found in excised insideout patch recordings displayed a linear current-voltage (I-V) relationship (27 pS) and was equally conductive for Na+ and K+, but not permeable to Cl or N-methyl-d-glucamine. Channel activity required the presence of Ca2+ at the cytosolic face, but was detected at Ca2+ concentrations as low as 10−7 m (open probability (P o ) = 0.11 ± 0.03, n= 8). Gadolinium decreased P o of the NSC channel from both the external and cytosolic side (IC50∼ 0.6 μm). NSC currents were decreased by amiloride (10 μm− 1 mm) and flufenamic acid (0.1 mm). The BK channel was also frequently (38%) observed in excised patches. In symmetrical 150 mm KCl conditions, the I-V relationship was linear with a conductance of 268 pS. The Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation for current carried solely by K+ could be fitted to the I-V relationship in asymmetrical K+ and Na+ solutions. The channel was impermeable to Cl and N-methyl-d-glucamine. P o of the BK channel increased with depolarization of the membrane potential and with increasing cytosolic Ca2+. TEA (20 mm), charybdotoxin (100 nm) and Ba2+ (1 mm) but not amiloride (1 mm) reduced P o from the extracellular side. In contrast, external flufenamic acid (100 μm) increased P o and this effect was inhibited by charybdotoxin (100 nm). Flufenamic acid inhibited the inward short-circuit current measured by the vibrating probe and caused a transient outward current. We conclude that the NSC channel is Ca2+ activated, voltage-insensitive and involved in both constitutive K+ and Na+ reabsorption from endolymph while the BK channel might participate in the K+ pathway under stimulated conditions that produce an elevated intracellular Ca2+ or depolarized membrane potential. Received: 14 October 1999/Revised: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular cation concentration and membrane voltage on the current carried by outward-rectifying K+ channels was examined in stomatal guard cells of Vicia faba L. Intact guard cells were impaled with double-barrelled microelectrodes and the K+ current was monitored under voltage clamp in 0.1–30 mm K+ and in equivalent concentrations of Rb+, Cs+ and Na+. From a conditioning voltage of −200 mV, clamp steps to voltages between −150 and +50 mV in 0.1 mm K+ activated current through outward-rectifying K+ channels (I K, out) at the plasma membrane in a voltage-dependent fashion. Increasing [K+] o shifted the voltage-sensitivity of I K, out in parallel with the equilibrium potential for K+ across the membrane. A similar effect of [K+] o was evident in the kinetics of I K, out activation and deactivation, as well as the steady-state conductance- (g K ) voltage relations. Linear conductances, determined as a function of the conditioning voltage from instantaneous I-V curves, yielded voltages for half-maximal conductance near −130 mV in 0.1 mm K+, −80 mV in 1.0 mm K+, and −20 mV in 10 mm K+. Similar data were obtained with Rb+ and Cs+, but not with Na+, consistent with the relative efficacy of cation binding under equilibrium conditions (K+≥ Rb+ > Cs+ > > Na+). Changing Ca2+ or Mg2+ concentrations outside between 0.1 and 10 mm was without effect on the voltage-dependence of g K or on I K, out activation kinetics, although 10 mm [Ca2+] o accelerated current deactivation at voltages negative of −75 mV. At any one voltage, increasing [K+] o suppressed g K completely, an action that showed significant cooperativity with a Hill coefficient of 2. The apparent affinity for K+ was sensitive to voltage, varying from 0.5 to 20 mm with clamp voltages near −100 to 0 mV, respectively. These, and additional data indicate that extracellular K+ acts as a ligand and alters the voltage-dependence of I K, out gating; the results implicate K+-binding sites accessible from the external surface of the membrane, deep within the electrical field, but distinct from the channel pore; and they are consistent with a serial 4-state reaction-kinetic model for channel gating in which binding of two K+ ions outside affects the distribution between closed states of the channel. Received: 27 November 1996/Revised: 4 March 1997  相似文献   

The outer hair cell (OHC) from the mammalian organ of Corti possesses a bell-shaped voltage-dependent capacitance function. The nonlinear capacitance reflects the activity of membrane bound voltage sensors associated with membrane motors that control OHC length. We have studied the effects of the lipophilic ions, tetraphenylborate (TPB) and tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+), on nonlinear capacitance and motility of isolated guinea-pig OHCs. Effects on supporting cells were also investigated. TPB produced an increase in the peak capacitance (Cm pk ) and shifted the voltage at peak capacitance (V pkCm ) to hyperpolarized levels. Washout reversed the effects. Perfusion of 0.4 μm TPB caused an average increase in Cm pk of 16.3 pF and V pkCm shift of 13.6 mV. TPP+, on the other hand, only shifted V pkCm in the positive direction, with no change in Cm pk . The contributions from native OHC and TPB-induced capacitance were dissected by a double Boltzmann fitting paradigm, and by blocking native OHC capacitance. While mechanical response studies indicate little effect of TPB on the motility of OHCs which were in normal condition or treated with salicylate or gadolinium, the voltage at maximum mechanical gain (V δ Lmax ) was shifted in correspondence with native V pkCm , and both changed in a concentration-dependent manner. Both TPB-induced changes in Cm pk and V pkCm were affected by voltage prepulses and intracellular turgor pressure. TPB induced a voltage-dependent capacitance in supporting cells whose characteristics were similar to those of the OHC, but no indication of mechanical responses was noted. Our results indicate that OHC mechanical responses are not simply related to quantity of nonspecific nonlinear charge moved within the membrane, but to the effects of motility voltage-sensor charge movement functionally coupled to a mechanical effector. Received: 14 May 1998/Revised: 24 August 1998  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) activates a K+ current in dissociated amphibian olfactory receptor neurons. Using the patch-clamp technique in its whole-cell mode and stimulation with puffs of the NO-donor sodium nitroprusside, we further studied this effect and show that it was sensitive to the K+-channel blockers tetraethylammonium and iberiotoxin, indicating the activation of a Ca2+-dependent K+ conductance. The Ca2+-channel blockers nifedipine and cadmium abolished the NO-induced current, and lowering external Ca2+ reduced it significantly. Ca2+ imaging showed a transient fluorescence increase upon stimulation with NO, and after blockade of K+ currents, an NO-induced inward current could be measured, suggesting that the activation of the Ca2+-dependent K+ conductance is mediated by Ca2+ influx. LY83583, a blocker of the ciliary cAMP-gated channels, did not affect the current, and experiments with focal stimulation indicated that the effect is present in the soma, therefore Ca2+ is unlikely to enter via the transduction channels. Finally, we show that NO exerts an effect with similar characteristics on olfactory receptor neurons from the rat. These data represent the first evidence that NO activates a Ca2+-dependent K+ conductance by causing a Ca2+ influx in a sensory system, and suggest that NO signaling plays a role in the physiology of vertebrate olfactory receptor neurons. Received: 25 October 1999/Revised: 2 March 2000  相似文献   

The effects of aldosterone and vasopressin on Cl transport were investigated in a mouse cortical collecting duct (mpkCCD) cell line derived from a transgenic mouse carrying the SV40 large T antigen driven by the proximal regulatory sequences of the L-pyruvate kinase gene. The cells had features of a tight epithelium and expressed the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) genes. dD-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP) caused a rapid, dose-dependent, increase in short-circuit current (I sc ). Experiments with ion channel blockers and apical ion substitution showed that the current represented amiloride-sensitive Na+ and 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoate-sensitive and glibenclamide-sensitive Cl fluxes. Aldosterone (5 × 10−7 m for 3 or 24 hr) stimulated I sc and apical-to-basal 22Na+ flux by 3-fold. 36Cl flux studies showed that dDAVP and aldosterone stimulated net Cl reabsorption and that dDAVP potentiated the action of aldosterone on Cl transport. Whereas aldosterone affected only the apical-to-basal 36Cl flux, dDAVP mainly increased the apical-to-basal Cl flux and the basal-to-apical flux of Cl to a lesser extent. These results suggest that the discrete dDAVP-elicited Cl secretion involves the CFTR and that dDAVP and aldosterone may affect in different ways the observed increased Cl reabsorption in this model of mouse cultured cortical collecting duct cells. Received: 8 January 1998/Revised: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

This study examined whether protein kinase C (PKC) stimulates K+ efflux during regulatory volume decrease (RVD) in Necturus maculosus (mudpuppy) red blood cells (RBCs). The limit of osmotic fragility increased with the general protein kinase inhibitor 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7, 10 μm), but not with the cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinase antagonists N-(2′-guanidinoethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide (HA-1004, 10 μm) and N-2-(methylamino)ethyl-5-isoquinoline-sulfonamide (H-8, 5 μm). Consistent with these results, osmotic fragility also increased with the PKC antagonists bisindolylmaleimide I (GF-109203X or bis I, 100 nm), bisindolylmaleimide II (bis II, 100 nm), and chelerythrine (10 μm). The effect of these three antagonists and H-7 was reversed with gramicidin (5 μm in a choline Ringer), indicating PKC was linked to K+ efflux (gramicidin is a cationophore that was used to ensure a high K+ permeability). We also measured cell volume recovery from hypotonic shock (0.5× Ringer) with a Coulter counter and estimated cell volume from the hematocrit. The percent RVD compared to control decreased with H-7 (10 μm), sphingosine (100 nm), chelerythrine (10 μm), bis I (100 nm), and bis II (100 nm), but not with HA-1004 (10 μm) nor H-8 (5 μm). Inhibition of RVD by H-7, chelerythrine, bis I, and bis II was reversed with gramicidin (5 μm). Furthermore, using the patch clamp technique, we found H-7 (10 μm) reduced a whole cell conductance that was activated during cell swelling. In addition, a conductance responsible for K+ efflux during cell swelling was inhibited by bis I (100 nm) and bis II (100 nm). These results indicate that a conductive pathway mediating K+ loss during RVD is regulated, at least in part, by protein kinase C. Received: 20 January 1998/Revised: 2 September 1998  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca2+ currents in early-passage rat dental pulp cells were studied using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. With Ba2+ as the charge carrier, two prominent inwardly-directed currents, I f and I s , were identified in these cells that could be distinguished on the basis of both kinetics and pharmacology. I f was activated by membrane depolarizations more positive than −30 mV, and displayed fast inactivation kinetics, while I s was activated by steeper depolarizations and inactivated more slowly. At peak current, time constants of inactivation for I f and I s were ∼17 vs.∼631 msec. Both I f and I s could be blocked by lanthanum. By contrast, only I s was sensitive to either Bay-K or nifedipine, a specific agonist and antagonist, respectively, of L-type Ca2+ channels. I s was also blocked by the peptide omega-Conotoxin GVIA. Taken together, results suggested that I f was mediated by divalent cation flow through voltage-gated T-type Ca2+ channels, whereas I s was mediated by L- and N-type Ca2+ channels in the pulp cell membrane. The expression of these prominent, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in a presumptive mineral-inductive phenotype suggests a functional significance vis a vis differentiation of dental pulp cells for the expression and secretion of matrix proteins, and/or formation of reparative dentin itself. Received: 29 November 1999/Revised: 24 April 2000  相似文献   

We examined whether metabolites of arachidonic acid (AA) regulate K+ efflux during regulatory volume decrease (RVD) by mudpuppy red blood cells (RBCs). Volume regulation was inhibited by the phospholipase A2 antagonists mepacrine (10 μm) and ONO-RS-082 (10 μm); the inhibitory effect of ONO-RS-082 was reversed by gramicidin (5 μm). Eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA, 100 μm), a general antagonist of AA metabolism, also blocked RVD. In addition, volume regulation was inhibited by the lipoxygenase pathway antagonist nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, 10 μm), the 5 lipoxygenase antagonists AA-861 (5 μm) and curcumin (20 μm), and by the 5-lipoxygenase activating protein inhibitor L-655,298 (5 μm). Inhibition by all four of these agents was reversed with gramicidin. In contrast, the 12- and 15-lipoxygenase pathway inhibitor ethyl-3,4-dihydroxy-benzylidene-cyanoacetate (EDBCA, 1 μm) and the cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase pathway blocker ketoconazole (20 μm) had no effect. On the other hand, the cyclooxygenase pathway inhibitor aspirin (100 μm) slightly enhanced RVD. Consistent with these findings, a K+-selective whole cell conductance responsible for K+ efflux during cell swelling was inhibited by ONO-RS-082 (10 μm), NDGA (10 μm), AA-861 (5 μm), curcumin (20 μm), and l-655,298 (5 μm). In contrast, EDBCA (1 μm), ketoconazole (20 μm), and indomethacin (10 μm) did not block this whole cell conductance. These results indicate that a channel mediating K+ loss during RVD is regulated by a 5-lipoxygenase metabolite of arachidonic acid. Received: 12 December 1996/Revised: 28 February 1997  相似文献   

Melanoma cells are transformed melanocytes of neural crest origin. K+ channel blockers have been reported to inhibit melanoma cell proliferation. We used whole-cell recording to characterize ion channels in four different human melanoma cell lines (C8161, C832C, C8146, and SK28). Protocols were used to identify voltage-gated (KV), Ca2+-activated (KCa), and inwardly rectifying (KIR) K+ channels; swelling-sensitive Cl channels (Clswell); voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (CaV) and Ca2+ channels activated by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores (CRAC); and voltage-gated Na+ channels (NaV). The presence of Ca2+ channels activated by intracellular store depletion was further tested using thapsigargin to elicit a rise in [Ca2+] i . The expression of K+ channels varied widely between different cell lines and was also influenced by culture conditions. KIR channels were found in all cell lines, but with varying abundance. Whole-cell conductance levels for KIR differed between C8161 (100 pS/pF) and SK28 (360 pS/pF). KCa channels in C8161 cells were blocked by 10 nm apamin, but were unaffected by charybdotoxin (CTX). KCa channels in C8146 and SK28 cells were sensitive to CTX (K d = 4 nm), but were unaffected by apamin. KV channels, found only in C8146 cells, activated at ∼−20 mV and showed use dependence. All melanoma lines tested expressed CRAC channels and a novel Clswell channel. Clswell current developed at 30 pS/sec when the cells were bathed in 80% Ringer solution, and was strongly outwardly rectifying (4:1 in symmetrical Cl). We conclude that different melanoma cell lines express a diversity of ion channel types. Received: 2 April 1996/Revised: 22 August 1996  相似文献   

We previously cloned a MaxiK channel α-subunit isoform, rbslo1, from rabbit kidney with an amino acid sequence highly homologous to mslo but with a 59 amino acid insertion between S8 and S9 (Morita et al., 1997. Am. J. Physiol. 273:F615–F624). rbslo1 activation properties differed substantially from mslo with much greater Ca2+ sensitivity, half-activation potential of −49 mV in 1 μm Ca2+. We now report single-channel analysis of rbslo1 and delA, a construct produced by removal of the 59 amino acid insertion at site A. delA is identical to mslo from upstream of S1 to downstream of S10 with the exception of 8 amino acids. Slope of the steady-state Boltzmann voltage activation curve was 8.1 mV per e-fold change in probability of opening for both rbslo1 and delA. The apparent [Ca2+] i properties in delA were more like mslo but the voltage-activation properties remained distinctly rbslo1. Ca2+ affinity decreased and transmembrane voltage effects on apparent Ca2+ affinity increased in delA. The differences between rbslo1 and other cloned channels appear to be localized at insertion site A with both the insertion sequence and amino acid substitutions near site A being important. The steeper activation slope makes the channel more responsive to small changes in transmembrane voltage while the insertion sequence makes the channel functional at physiological low levels of [Ca2+] i . Received: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

Single inward rectifier K+ channels were studied in Xenopus laevis embryonic myocytes. We have characterized in detail the channel which is most frequently observed (Kir) although we routinely observe three other smaller current levels with the properties of inward rectifier K+ channels (Kir(0.3), Kir(0.5) and Kir(0.7)). For Kir, slope conductances of inward currents were 10.3, 20.3, and 27.9 pS, in 60, 120 and 200 mM [K+] o respectively. Extracellular Ba2+ blocked the normally high channel activity in a concentration-dependent manner (K A = 7.8 μm, −90 mV). In whole-cell recordings of inward rectifier K+ current, marked voltage dependence of Ba2+ block over the physiological range of potentials was observed. We also examined current rectification. Following step depolarizations to voltages positive to E K , outward currents through Kir channels were not observed even when the cytoplasmic face of excised patches were exposed to Mg2+-free solution at pH 9.1. This was probably also true for Kir(0.3), Kir(0.5) and Kir(0.7) channels. We then examined the possibility of modulation of Kir channel activity and found neither ATP nor GTP-γS had any effect on Kir channel activity when added to the solution perfusing the cytoplasmic face of a patch. Kinetic analysis revealed Kir channels with a single open state (mean dwell time 72 msec) and two closed states (time constants 1.4, 79 msec). These results suggest that the native Kir channels of Xenopus myocytes have similar properties to the cloned strong inward rectifier K+ channels, in terms of conductance, kinetics and barium block but does show some differences in the effects of modulators of channel activity. Furthermore, skeletal muscle may contain either different inward rectifier channels or a single-channel type which can exist in stable subconductance states. Received: 16 September 1996/Revised: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

ABA stimulation of outward K+ current (I K,out) in Vicia faba guard cells has been correlated with a rise in cytosolic pH (pH i ). However, the underlying mechanism by which I K,out is affected by pH i has remained unknown. Here, we demonstrate that pH i regulates outward K+ current in isolated membrane patches from Vicia faba guard cells. The stimulatory effect of alkalinizing pH i was voltage insensitive and independent of the two free calcium levels tested, 50 nm and 1 μm. The single-channel conductance was only slightly affected by pH i . Based on single-channel measurements, the kinetics of time-activated whole-cell current, and the analysis of current noise in whole-cell recordings, we conclude that alkaline pH i enhances the magnitude of I K,out by increasing the number of channels available for activation. The fact that the pH i effect is seen in excised patches indicates that signal transduction pathways involved in the regulation of I K,out by pH i , and by implication, components of hormonal signal transduction pathways that are downstream of pH i , are membrane-delimited. Received: 5 June 1996/Revised: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

KAT1 is a cloned voltage-gated K+ channel from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana L., which displays an inward rectification reminiscent of `anomalous' rectification of the i f pacemaker current recorded in animal cells. Macroscopic conductance of KAT1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes was 5-fold less in pure Rb+ solution than in pure K+ solution, and negligible in pure Na+ solution. Experiments in different K+/Na+ or K+/Rb+ mixtures revealed deviations from the principle of independence and notably two anomalous effects of the K+/Rb+ mole fraction (i.e., the ratio [K+]/([K+]+[Rb+])). First, the KAT1 deactivation time constant was both voltage- and mole fraction-dependent (a so-called `foot in the door' effect was thus observed in KAT1 channel). Second, when plotted against the K+/Rb+ mole fraction, KAT1 conductance values passed through a minimum. This minimum is more important for two pore mutants of KAT1 (T259S and T260S) that displayed an increase in PRb/PK. These results are consistent with the idea that KAT1 conduction requires several ions to be present simultaneously within the pore. Therefore, this atypical `green' member of the Shaker superfamily of K+ channels further shows itself to be an interesting model as well for permeation as for gating mechanism studies. Received: 9 February 1998/Revised: 28 July 1998  相似文献   

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