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Four mutations in the mitochondrial cytochromeb ofS. cerevisiae have been characterized with respect to growth capacities, catalytic properties, ATP/2e ratio, and transmembrane potential. The respiratory-deficient mutant G137E and the three pseudo-wild type revertants E137 + I147F, E137 + C133S, and E137 + N256K were described previously (Tron and Lemesle-Meunier, 1990; Di Ragoet al., 1990a). The mutant G137E is unable to grow on respiratory substrates but its electron transfer activity is partly conserved and totally inhibited by antimycin A. The secondary mutations restore the respiratory growth at variable degree, with a phosphorylation efficiency of 12–42% as regards the parental wild type strain, and result in a slight increase in the various electron transfer activities at the level of the whole respiratory chain. The catalytic efficiency for ubiquinol was slightly (G137E) or not affected (E137 + I147F, E137 + C133S, and E137 + N256K) in these mutants. Mutation G137E induces a decrease in the ATP/2e ratio (50% of the W.T. value) and transmembrane potential (60% of the W.T. value) at thebc1 level, whereas the energetic capacity of the cytochrome oxidase is conserved. Secondary mutations I147F, C133S, and N256K partly restore the ATP/ 2e ratio and the transmembrane potential at thebc1 complex level. The results suggest that a partial decoupling of thebc1 complex is induced by the cytochromeb point mutation G137E. In the framework of the protonmotive Q cycle, this decoupling can be explained by the existence of a proton wire connecting centers P and N in the wild typebc1 complex which may be amplified or uncovered by the G137E mutation when the bc1 complex is functioning.  相似文献   

Summary The amino acid sequences of the protonmotive cytochromeb from seven representative and phylogenetically diverse species have been compared to identify protein regions or segments that are conserved during evolution. The sequences analyzed included both prokaryotic and eukaryotic examples as well as mitochondrial cytochromeb and chloroplastb 6 proteins. The principal conclusion from these analyses is that there are five protein regions-each comprising about 20 amino acid residues—that are consistently conserved during evolution. These domains are evident despite the low density of invariant residues. The two most highly conserved regions, spanning approximately consensus residues 130–150 and 270–290, are located in extramembrane loops and are hypothesized to constitute part of the Qo reaction center. The intramembrane, hydrophobic protein regions containing the heme-ligating histidines are also conserved during evolution. It was found, however, that the conservation of the protein segments extramembrane to the histidine residues ligating the low potential b566 heme group showed a higher degree of sequence conservation. The location of these conserved regions suggests that these extramembrane segments are also involved in forming the Qo reaction center. A protein segment putatively constituting a portion of the Qi reaction center, located approximately in the region spanned by consensus residues 20–40, is conserved in species as divergent as mouse andRhodobacter. This region of the protein shows substantially less sequence conservation in the chloroplast cytochromeb 6. The catalytic role of these conserved regions is strongly supported by locations of residues that are altered in mutants resistant to inhibitors of cytochromeb electron transport.  相似文献   

An improved procedure for the isolation of the cytochromeb 6/f complex from spinach chloroplasts is reported. With this preparation up to tenfold higher plastoquinol-plastocyanin oxidoreductase activities were observed. Like the complex obtained by our previous procedure, the complex prepared by the modified way consisted of five polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 34, 33, 23, 20, and 17 kD, which we call Ia, Ib, II, III, and IV, respectively. In addition, one to three small components with molecular masses below 6 kD were now found to be present. These polypeptides can be extracted with acidic acetone. Cytochromef, cytochromeb 6, and the Rieske Fe-S protein could be purified from the isolated complex and were shown to be represented by subunits Ia + Ib, II, and III, respectively. The heterogeneity of cytochromef is not understood at present. Estimations of the stoichiometry derived from relative staining intensities with Coomassie blue and amido black gave 1:1:1:1 for the subunits Ia + Ib/II/III/IV, which is interesting in of the presence of two cytochromesb 6 per cytochromef. Cytochromef titrated as a single-electron acceptor with a pH-independent midpoint potential of +339 mV between pH 6.5 and 8.3, while cytochromeb 6 was heterogeneous. With the assumption of two components present in equal amounts, two one-electron transitions withE m(1)=–40 mV andE m(2)=–172 at pH 6.5 were derived. Both midpoint potentials were pH-dependent.Abbreviation Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - SDS-PAGE SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is an important pig pathogen, which is responsible for swine pleuropneumonia, a highly contagious respiratory infection. To develop subunit vaccines forA. pleuropneumoniae infection, the Apx toxin genes,apxI andapxII, which are thought to be important for protective immunity, were expressed inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, and the induction of immune responses in mice was examined. TheapxI andapxII genes were placed under the control of a yeast hybridADH2-GPD promoter (AG), consisting of alcohol dehydrogenase II (ADH2) and theGPD promoter. Western blot analysis confirmed that both toxins were successfully expressed in the yeast. The ApxIA and ApxIIA-specific IgG antibody response assays showed dose dependent increases in the antigen-specific IgG antibody titers. The challenge test revealed that ninety percent of the mice immunized with ApxIIA or a mixture of ApxIA and ApxIIA, and sixty percent of mice immunized with ApxIA survived, while none of those in the control groups survived longer than 36 h. These results suggest that vaccination of the yeast expressing the ApxI and ApxII antigens is effective for the induction of protective immune responses againstA. pleuropneumoniae infections in mice.  相似文献   

Summary The fitness distribution of new mutations inSaccharomyces cerevisiae strain Montrachet was determined for cells on agar irradiated for four periods of time with ultraviolet light. The fitness distributions were obtained by converting a large number of colony diameters into relative fitnesses. The distributions were then used to perform a computer simulation with the purpose of predicting the potential of a stock culture to increase in general fitness through selection, given a frequency and magnitude of mutations.  相似文献   

It is believed that phosphatidylinositol (PI) metabolism plays a central role in signalling pathways in both animals and higher plants. PI is synthesized from CDP-diacylglycerol (CDP-DG) and myo-inositol by phosphatidylinositol synthase (PI synthase, EC Here we report the identification of a plant cDNA (AtPIS1) encoding a 26 kDa PI synthase from Arabidopsis thaliana. The plant enzyme as deduced from its cDNA sequence shares 35–41% identical amino acids with PI synthases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammals. AtPIS1 functionally complements a mutant of S. cerevisiae with a lesion in PI synthase, and recombinant AtPIS1 protein present in yeast membranes strongly depends on the two principal substrates, myo-inositol and CDP-DG, and requires Mg2+ ions for full activity.  相似文献   

Summary Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was immobilized in gels made of prepolymerized, linear, water soluble polyacrylamide, partially substituted with acylhydrazide groups. Gelation was effected by the addition of controlled amounts of dialdehydes (e.g. glyoxal). The immobilized yeasts retained full glycolytic activity. Moreover, the entrapped cells were able to grow inside the chemically corsslinked gel during continuous alcohol production. Glyoxal was found to be the most favourable crosslinking agent for this system. the system employed allowed for the free exchange of substrate and products. The gel surrounding the entrapped cells had no effect on temperature stability profile. On the other hand, substantial enhancement in survival of cells in presence of high ethanol concentrations was recorded for the entrapped yeast. The capability of the immobilized yeast to carry out continuous conversion of glucose to ethanol was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Lamer A  Dorn A 《Tissue & cell》2001,33(6):580-595
In Manduca sexta, the blastoderm forms successively and becomes immediately cellularized as the cleavage energids reach the surface of the oocyte. Presumptive serosal cells are large and contain 2 or 4 large polyploid nuclei; presumptive embryonic cells are small and mononuclear. All parts of the blastoderm participate in the uptake and digestion of yolk material. About 10 h post-oviposition, the blastoderm breaks at the amnioserosal fold and the extraembryonic part closes above the germ band and constitutes the serosa (12 h post-oviposition, i.e. 10% development completed). At once, the serosa starts to secrete a cuticle consisting of an epi- and a lamellated endocuticle. Detachment of the serosal cuticle, 22h post-oviposition, is reminiscent of apolysis of larval cuticle. Thereafter, the serosa deposits a membranous structure, the serosal membrane. The sercretory process lasts from 23h to 44h post-oviposition. At first a fine granular layer, then an amorphous, spongy-like, fibrillar layer is secreted via microvilli. This persisting membrane is tough, rubbery and very elastic. It may serve to bolster the serosa during katatrepsis (48h post-oviposition) and later embryonic movements. After detachment of the serosal membrane, 44h post-oviposition, a distinct subcellular reorganization of the serosa takes place. The nuclei become still larger and more irregular. Uptake of yolk granules, but not of lipid droplets, ceases, although interaction of serosa and yolk cells are intense. Serosal cells include many mitochondria, large areas of rER, besides some sER, increasing amounts of lysosomal bodies and prominent Golgi complexes. Most conspicuous is the assembly of spindle-shaped, electron-lucent vesicles below the apical surface. These vesicles may contain metabolic products which are released into the peripheral space. The studies show that the serosa assumes changing functions during embryogenesis: digestion of yolk substances, synthesis of a serosal cuticle and a serosal membrane, which may have a protective function, and excretion.  相似文献   

Mutants of Chlorella that form dark green colonies under heterotrophic conditions were generated from the parental Chlorella regularisS-88 by MNNG mutagenesis. The mutant Y-21 was the highest in chlorophyll and carotenoids contents among these isolates. Y-21 grew a little slower than its parental S-88 under heterotrophic and photoautotrophic conditions. Although chloroplasts were generated in both S-88 and Y-21 during glucose starvation and under illumination, the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of Y-21 were approximately 1.5–1.8 times those of S-88 under both growth conditions, suggesting that relative size of chloroplast is larger in Y-21 than in S-88. Consistent with these results, photosynthesis genes on chloroplast DNA were more highly up-regulated in Y-21 than in S-88 during glucose starvation and under illumination. These results lead us a model in which chloroplast generation is sugar-repressed and photoinduced in Chlorella. Y-21 appears to be a mutant in which sugar repression of chloroplast generation is weak.  相似文献   

Dps(DNAprotection during starvation)蛋白是原核生物中特有的一类具有铁离子结合和抗氧化损伤功能的重要蛋白。利用体外PCR扩增技术和体内同源重组方法,获得了耐辐射奇球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans)dps全基因(DRB0092)缺失突变株。对突变株和野生型分别进行不同浓度过氧化氢(H2O2)处理,结果表明:与野生型菌株R1相比,dps突变株在低浓度H2O2(≤10mmol/L)条件下存活率急剧下降,而高浓度(≥30mmol/L)下则完全致死。Native-PAGE活性染色结果显示,稳定生长期dps突变株体内两种过氧化氢酶(KatA和KatB)的活性较野生型R1分别上调2.3倍和2.6倍。通过质粒构建和大肠杆菌诱导表达,获得可溶性Dps蛋白。体外结合和DNA保护实验结果显示:Dps具有明显的DNA结合功能,并能保护质粒DNA免受羟自由基攻击。本研究证明,Dps蛋白在耐辐射奇球菌抗氧化体系中发挥重要作用,可能对该菌极端抗性机制有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Purified fractions of cytosol, vacuoles, nuclei, and mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae possessed inorganic polyphosphates with chain lengths characteristic of each individual compartment. The most part (80–90%) of the total polyphosphate level was found in the cytosol fractions. Inactivation of a PPX1 gene encoding ~40-kDa exopolyphosphatase substantially decreased exopolyphosphatase activities only in the cytosol and soluble mitochondrial fraction, the compartments where PPX1 activity was localized. This inactivation slightly increased the levels of polyphosphates in the cytosol and vacuoles and had no effect on polyphosphate chain lengths in all compartments. Exopolyphosphatase activities in all yeast compartments under study critically depended on the PPN1 gene encoding an endopolyphosphatase. In the single PPN1 mutant, a considerable decrease of exopolyphosphatase activity was observed in all the compartments under study. Inactivation of PPN1 decreased the polyphosphate level in the cytosol 1.4-fold and increased it 2- and 2.5-fold in mitochondria and vacuoles, respectively. This inactivation was accompanied by polyphosphate chain elongation. In nuclei, this mutation had no effect on polyphosphate level and chain length as compared with the parent strain CRY. In the double mutant of PPX1 and PPN1, no exopolyphosphatase activity was detected in the cytosol, nuclei, and mitochondria and further elongation of polyphosphates was observed in all compartments.  相似文献   

Vicinal diketones (VDK) cause butter-like off-flavors in beer and are formed by a non-enzymatic oxidative decarboxylation of α-aceto-α-hydroxybutyrate and α-acetolactate, which are intermediates in isoleucine and valine biosynthesis taking place in the mitochondria. On the assumption that part of α-acetolactate can be formed also in the cytosol due to a mislocalization of the responsible acetohydroxyacid synthase encoded by ILV2 and ILV6, functional expression in the cytosol of acetohydroxyacid reductoisomerase (Ilv5p) was explored. Using the cytosolic Ilv5p, I aimed to metabolize the cytosolically formed α-aetolactate, thereby lowering the total VDK production. Among mutant Ilv5p enzymes with varying degrees of N-terminal truncation, one with a 46-residue deletion (Ilv5pΔ46) exhibited an unequivocal localization in the cytosol judged from microscopy of the Ilv5pΔ46-green fluorescent protein fusion protein and the inability of Ilv5pΔ46 to remedy the isoleucine/valine requirement of an ilv5Δ strain. When introduced into an industrial lager brewing strain, a robust expression of Ilv5pΔ46 was as effective as that of a wild-type Ilv5p in lowering the total VDK production in a 2-l scale fermentation trial. Unlike the case of the wild-type Ilv5p, an additional expression of Ilv5pΔ46 did not alter the quality of the resultant beer in terms of contents of aromatic compounds and organic acids.  相似文献   

Topological and functional studies on HlyB of Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The topology of HlyB, a protein located in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli and involved in the secretion of -haemolysin (HlyA), was determined by the generation of HlyB-PhoA and HlyB-LacZ fusion proteins. The data obtained by this biochemical method together with computer predictions suggest that HlyB is inserted in the cytoplasmic membrane by six stable hydrophobic, -helical transmembrane segments. These segments extend from amino acid positions 158 to 432 of HlyB. The cytoplasmic loops between these transmembrane segments are relatively large and carry an excess of positively charged amino acids, while the periplasmic loops are rather small. In addition to these six transmembrane segments, two additional regions in the 78 N-terminal amino acids of HlyB appear to be also inserted in the cytoplasmic membrane. However, the association of these two segments with the cytoplasmic membrane seems to be less tight, since active PhoA and LacZ fusions were obtained by insertion into the same positions of these segments. A LacZ-HlyAs fusion protein carrying, at the C-terminus of LacZ, the 60-amino acid signal sequence of HlyA was not secreted in the presence of HlyB/HlyD. However, transport of this fusion protein into the cytoplasmic membrane appeared to be initiated, as suggested by the tight association of this protein with the inner membrane. A similar close association of LacZ-HlyAs with the inner membrane was also observed in the presence of HlyB alone but not in its absence. These data suggest that HlyB recognizes the HlyA signal sequence and initiates the transport of HlyA into the membrane.  相似文献   

The packing mechanism of the secondary structures (4--helices and 310-helix) of cytochromeb 562 is simulated by the island model, where the formation of protein structure is accomplished by the growth-type mechanism with the driving force of packing of the long-range and specific hydrophobic interactions. Packing proceeds through the formation of the structure at the nonhelical part, where a lot of hydrophobic pairs are distributed. Consequently, conformation, nearly similar to the native one, is successfully obtained. With the help of this result, the theoretical prediction of the possibility of forming this disulfide mutant (N22C/G82C) ofb 562 can be performed prior to the experiments by our geometrical criterion (lampshade). This criterion is expected to be a significant principle for introducing possible disulfide bonds into a protein to be engineered.  相似文献   

For Matthiola incana (Brassicaceae), used as a model system to study biochemical and genetical aspects of anthocyanin biosynthesis, several nearly isogenic colored wild type lines and white-flowering mutant lines are available, each with a specific defect in the genes responsible for anthocyanin production (genes e, f, and g). For gene f supposed to code for chalcone synthase (CHS; EC, the key enzyme of the flavonoid/anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway belonging to the group of type III polyketide synthases (PKS), the wild type genomic sequence of M. incana line 04 was determined in comparison to the white-flowering CHS mutant line 18. The type of mutation in the chs gene was characterized as a single nucleotide substitution in a triplet AGG coding for an evolutionary conserved arginine into AGT coding for serine (R72S). Northern blots and RT-PCR demonstrated that the mutated gene is expressed in flower petals. Heterologous expression of the wild type and mutated CHS cDNA in E. Scherichia coli, verified by Western blotting and enzyme assays with various starter molecules, revealed that the mutant protein had no detectable activity, indicating that the strictly conserved arginine residue is essential for the enzymatic reaction. This mutation, which previously was not detected by mutagenic screening, is discussed in the light of structural and functional information on alfalfa CHS and related type III PKS enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast phosphofructokinase is an octamer composed of two different kinds of subunit. The genes coding for these subunits have been isolated by means of functional complementation in a pfk1 pfk2 double mutant. As a source of DNA the genomic library of Nasmyth and Tatchell (1980) constructed in the yeast multicopy vector YEp13 was used. Plasmids containing the information of one or the other gene were identified by back-transformation into pfk single mutants (pfk1 PFK2, PFK1 pfk2). Restriction maps of the respective insertions are provided. The genomic organization was confirmed by Southern analysis. Northern analysis showed hybridization to mRNAs of about 3.6 kb for both genes, corresponding to the molecular weight of the protein subunits. Transformation with one of the plasmids did not lead to an increase in phosphofructokinase activity. Subcloning of both genes in one multicopy vector (YEp13) and reintroduction into the yeast cell resulted in a 3.5-fold higher specific activity compared to the wild type. Overproduction of the protein subunits in this transformant was confirmed by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis of crude extracts stained with Coomassie-blue. This was not accompanied by an increased ethanol production. The sequences encoding the two subunits were shown to share homology.  相似文献   

不同区域长柄扁桃叶片解剖结构及其抗旱性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规石蜡切片技术、光学显微镜观察,选取叶片厚度、角质层厚度、主脉厚度、上表皮栅栏组织厚度等10项旱生指标对来自河北丰宁、内蒙古乌审旗和固阳、陕西神木和榆阳共5个地区的长柄扁桃分别在正常生长和干旱胁迫后进行叶片解剖结构分析,探讨其抗旱的解剖结构特征,为长柄扁桃地区间引种和品种选育提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)河北地区长柄扁桃旱害指数最高,旱害最严重,自身耐旱性能最差;神木和固阳地区的旱害指数均低于河北丰宁与乌审旗地区;榆阳区的旱害指数最小,其抵抗干旱能力最强。(2)5个地区的长柄扁桃叶片结构具有相似性,表皮均具有角质层,主脉为双韧维管束,栅栏组织排列紧密整齐,大部分具有上下两层栅栏组织;抗旱性最弱的河北丰宁地区长柄扁桃叶片最大且最薄,上表皮、角质层及叶片紧密度等均最小,栅栏组织细胞只有一层且排列比较疏松,海绵组织细胞排列散乱、不规则且细胞间隙较大,叶脉维管组织口径小,疏导功能微弱;抗旱性最强的榆阳区长柄扁桃的叶片最小且最厚,对应的角质层、上表皮厚度、叶片紧密度等也最大,双层栅栏组织,第一层细胞细长排列紧密,第二层较短,维管组织发达,含较多的贮水细胞(粘液细胞和含晶细胞)。(3)根据5个地区长柄扁桃的旱害指数和叶片解剖结构的各指标参数比较,并通过隶属函数法分析结果表明,各地区长柄扁桃抗旱性顺序为:陕西榆阳区>陕西神木>内蒙古固阳>内蒙古乌审旗>河北丰宁。  相似文献   

Catabolite inactivation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, isocitrate lyase, phosphoenolpruvate carboxykinase and malate dehydrogenase in intact cells could be prevented by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride added 40 min prior to the addition of glucose. Protein synthesis, fermentative and respiratory activity and catabolite repression were not affected. Elimination of catabolite inactivation by the addition of PMSF revealed that catabolite repression started at different times for different enzyme.Abbreviation PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   

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