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The dose-response relationships of diazepam and several of its metabolites were determined in rats trained to discriminate diazepam (3 mg/kg) from saline in a two-lever operant choice task. Generalization of the diazepam stimulus was found to occur with temazepam and oxazepam, which were nearly equipotent with diazepam, and also with desmethyldiazepam, which was about half as potent as diazepam. The hydroxylated metabolites, 4'-hydroxydiazepam and 4'-hydroxydesmethyldiazepam were inactive in doses up to 12 mg/kg. These results show that some diazepam metabolites are quite potent behaviorally and indicate the possibility that these metabolites may contribute to the pharmacological effect of diazepam in vivo.  相似文献   

Eight male rats were trained to discriminate between the internal states produced by food deprivation of 3 hours (satiation) and that produced by food deprivation of 27 hours duration (deprivation). One lever, in a two-lever operant chamber, had to be pressed to receive reinforcement in the satiation state, whereas pressing the other lever was required when the rat was in the deprivation state. Once the rats were trained, increasing the number of hours of food deprivation, from 1 to 48 hours, resulted in more deprivation-appropriate lever responses in the two-lever operant task. Administration of doses of fenfluramine (0.5-1.5 mg.kg), its active metabolite norfenfluramine (0.25-1.0 mg/kg) or d-amphetamine (0.5-1.5 mg/kg) produced a dose-responsive decrease in deprivation-appropriate responses when each drug/dose was injected (i.p.) 15 min prior to deprivation (27 hours) testing. Norfenfluramine was 1.5 times more potent than fenfluramine which was 1.5 times more potent than amphetamine.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to discriminate methylxanthines from saline under a two-lever concurrent variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. One group was trained to discriminate between saline and 32 mg/kg caffeine. A second group was trained to discriminate between 56 mg/kg theophylline and saline. Rats reliably discriminated between saline and the training methylxanthine, displaying graded generalization curves across training-drug doses. Caffeine-trained rats demonstrated caffeine-appropriate responding when tested with theophylline, paraxanthine, and 3-methylxanthine. Theobromine failed to generalize to the caffeine cue at test doses up to 75 g/kg. In contrast to the caffeine group, rats trained to discriminate theophylline from saline were less sensitive (higher ED50) to the effects of caffeine and paraxanthine test doses. Only partial generalization to the theophylline cue occured at paraxanthine doses up to 100 mg/kg. Based upon these data, it is suggested that the underlying substrate(s) for the caffeine cue is in some respects different from the substrate(s) for the theophylline cue.  相似文献   

We trained rats to discriminate music by Bach from that by Stravinsky using operant conditioning. The rats successfully learned the discrimination and transferred their discrimination to novel music by the same artists. Then, we trained rats on concurrent-chain schedule in which the terminal links were associated with different music, Bach or Stravinsky. The rats did not show strong preference for either style of music, although one subject showed a preference for Bach and another subject preferred Stravinsky. Finally, we examined the validity of the concurrent-chain procedure as a method of preference measurement with conspecific vocalization evoked by an aversive experience. Most of the rats preferred white noise to the conspecific vocalization. Therefore, music has a discriminative stimulus property but not a clear reinforcing property for rats.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that behavioral variability can come under control of discriminative stimuli. The present experiment further examined discriminative control of variability in a novel way by using the discrimination-reversal paradigm. Eight pigeons responded under a multiple schedule of Vary and Yoke components signaled by different-colored keylights. In the Vary component, 4-response sequences that differed from the previous 10 produced food, while in the Yoke component, any 4-response sequence had a fixed probability of producing food, yoked to the prior Vary component. Following stability in this procedure, the key colors signaling the Vary and Yoke components were reversed across four successive conditions. Across the experiment, variability of keypeck sequences was higher in the Vary than in the Yoke component. Across successive reversals, the level of variability in the Vary component adapted more rapidly to the reversed contingencies, while the rate of adaptation in the Yoke component did not change systematically. These results are interpreted in terms of the different contingencies in the Vary and Yoke components. In addition, the improvement in the rate of adaptation across successive reversals in the Vary component appears consistent with a proactive interference account of discrimination-reversal performance. These results join others in suggesting that variability may be an operant dimension of behavior.  相似文献   

S G Holtzman 《Life sciences》1987,40(4):381-389
Twice daily injection of caffeine (30 mg/kg) for 3-1/2 days shifted the caffeine stimulus generalization curve to the right by 3-fold in rats trained to discriminate saline from 30 mg/kg of caffeine, and by 4-fold in rats trained to discriminate saline from 10 mg/kg of caffeine. The latter group was also tested for cross-tolerance with methylphenidate, a drug that generalizes completely with caffeine. Twice daily injection of caffeine (30 mg/kg) for 3-1/2 days increased the ED50 of methylphenidate for caffeine-appropriate responding from 1.5 to 5.5 mg/kg. Conversely, injections of methylphenidate (3.0 mg/kg) increased the ED50 of caffeine from 5.2 to 15 mg/kg. The development of symmetrical cross-tolerance to the discriminative effects of caffeine and to the caffeine-like discriminative effects of methylphenidate supports previous observations suggesting commonalities in the cellular bases of the stimulus properties of these drugs.  相似文献   

Gatch MB 《Life sciences》2003,73(11):1347-1367
Serotonin is known to play a role in anxiety. The roles of serotonin reuptake and 5-HT1A receptors have been well characterized, but the contribution of other serotonin receptor subtypes is not as clear. 1-(3-Chlorophenyl)-piperazine (mCPP), which binds non-selectively to a wide range of serotonin receptors, has often been used to produce anxiety in humans and in animal models. Because functional assays indicate that mCPP is significantly more potent at 5-HT2C receptors, it may serve as a tool to investigate the contribution of 5-HT2C receptors to anxiety. This paper reviews the results of behavioral tests using mCPP, including the drug discrimination assay, to model anxiety. Although the discriminative stimulus effects of mCPP do not seem to be a useful screen for general anxiolytics, they do seem to be useful for characterization of the contribution of 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C receptors to the mediation of anxiety-like behaviors.  相似文献   

Using a standard two-lever drug discrimination procedure, twelve rats were trained to discriminate 1.0 mg/kg of the serotonin (5-HT) agonist TFMPP from saline. Once trained, the animals displayed a dose-related decrease in discriminative performance upon administration of lower doses of TFMPP. Tests of stimulus generalization were performed using the purported 5-HT agonist RU-24, 969 and 1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOM). While TFMPP produced stimulus effects similar to those of RU-24,969, these effects seem to be dissimilar to those of DOM. The results of the present study suggest that the discriminative stimulus effects of TFMPP may involve a 5-HT1-related mechanism.  相似文献   

Five pigeons were trained to discriminate IM injections of oxazepam (4.0 mg/kg) from vehicle with responding maintained under a fixed-ratio 30 schedule of food delivery. Under test conditions, responding increased in a dose-dependent manner in all pigeons after the administration of other benzodiazepines including diazepam (0.01-1.0 mg/kg), temazepam (0.01-3.0 mg/kg), halazepam (0.1-56.0 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.1-1.0 mg/kg) as well as the barbiturate pentobarbital (2.0-8.0 mg/kg) and the non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic CL 218,872 (1.0-8.0 mg/kg). At the higher doses of each of these compounds, over 80% of responding occurred on the oxazepam-appropriate key. Cocaine (0.5-4.0 mg/kg), bupropion (3.0-56.0 mg/kg) and nortriptyline (3.0-56.0 mg/kg) failed to substitute for oxazepam even at doses that decreased rates of responding. The discriminative stimulus (DS) effects of the lowest doses of oxazepam and CL 218,872 that produced 100% drug-appropriate responding were blocked by the benzodiazepine antagonist Ro 15-1788. This antagonism was reversed by increasing the dose of the agonists. The DS effects of diazepam were antagonized partially by Ro 15-1788 (3 of 5 pigeons), and the antagonism was reversed by higher doses of diazepam in two of these pigeons. The DS effects of pentobarbital were antagonized by Ro 15-1788 in 2 of 5 pigeons, but the blockade was not reversed by higher pentobarbital doses.  相似文献   

Results of studies on the discriminative stimulus effects of narcotics are consistent with the hypothesis that multiple receptors mediate the effects of these compounds. In the rat, at least three subsets of discriminative effects exist, although some drugs appear to have effects that transcend more than one subset. The discriminative effects of morphine-like narcotics (μ agonists), for example, are often clearly distinguishable from the discriminative effects produced by κ agonists, such as ketazocine, and from those produced by phencyclidine-like agonists, such as SKF-10,047 and cyclazocine. Cyclazocine, however, has been reported to have discriminative effects in common with morphine (45) and fentanyl (17) and appears to have κ-like, in addition to phencyclidine-like, discriminative effects. The relative ability of pure narcotic antagonists to block the discriminative effects of these compounds also provides evidence for distinct pharmacologic actions of these drugs. In the rat, the discriminative effects of morphine are blocked by doses of naloxone that are considerably smaller than those that are needed to block the discriminative effects of cyclazocine (44). The discriminative effects of phencyclidine are not altered at all by naltrexone (63).  相似文献   

Rao SP  Conley A  Dunbar JC 《Peptides》2003,24(5):745-754
The response to centrally administered beta-endorphin has been characterized by decreasing sympathetic nervous activity and decreased cardiovascular tone. We investigated the effect of the central administration of both mu and kappa opioid receptor agonist and antagonists on cardiovascular responses. The administration of the mu agonist, DAMGO (0.2nmol) increased the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and stimulated iliac vasoconstriction while higher doses (2 and 20nmol) decreased MAP and stimulated iliac vasodilation. The administration of the kappa receptor agonist, Dynorphin decreased the MAP and stimulated superior mesenteric vasodilation. beta-Funaltrexamine reduced MAP and superior mesenteric vasodilation while nor-binaltorphimine increased MAP and iliac and superior mesenteric vasoconstriction. We conclude that mu receptor activation decrease or increase MAP depending on the mu agonist concentration. However, kappa receptor activation is consistently associated with a decrease in MAP.  相似文献   

The discriminative effects of cyclorphan were studied in pigeons trained to discriminate 0.32 mg/kg ethylketazocine, 1.8 mg/kg cyclazocine, or 32 mg/kg naltrexone from saline. A fourth group of pigeons was administered 100 mg/kg/day morphine and trained to discriminate 0.1 mg/kg naltrexone from saline. Cyclorphan produced dose-related ethylketazocine-appropriate responding that reached a maximum of 83% of the total session responses at 0.3 mg/kg. Higher cyclorphan doses produced less ethylketazocine-appropriate responding. In pigeons trained to discriminate cyclazocine from saline, maximum drug-appropriate responding of greater than 90% occured at 5.6–10.0 mg/kg cyclorphan. In narcotic-naive pigeons trained to discriminate 32 mg/kg naltrexone from saline, cyclorphan produced a maximum of less than 50% drug-appropriate responding. In contrast, in pigeons chronically administered morphine and trained to discriminate 0.1 mg/kg naltrexone from saline, 1.0 mg/kg cyclorphan resulted in 100% drug-appropriate responding. In pigeons responding under a multiple fixed-interval, fixed-ratio schedule of food delivery, cyclorphan produced a complete dose-related reversal of the rate-decreasing effects of 10 mg/kg morphine, the maximally effective antagonist doses being 1.0–3.2 mg/kg. Higher cyclorphan doses (10 mg/kg) resulted in response rate decreases that were not reversed by naloxone (1 mg/kg). Thus, cyclorphan has discriminative effects that are similar to those of both ethylketazocine and, at 20-fold higher doses, cyclazocine. In addition, in morphine-treated pigeons, cyclorphan, across the same range of doses that produce ethylketazocine-appropriate responding, has discriminative effects that are similar to those of naltrexone, an effect that is probably related to the antagonist action of the drug.  相似文献   

Rats (N = 8) were trained to discriminate the stimulus properties of the potent benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor inverse agonist methyl 6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (DMCM) from saline in a two-lever operant task. The initial training dose of DMCM was 0.4 mg/kg at which the discrimination developed slowly; increasing the dose to 0.8 mg/kg resulted in rapid acquisition. However, since convulsions eventually developed during further training (sensitization), the training dose was finally individualized below the convulsive threshold (0.4-0.7 mg/kg). The DMCM cue was mimicked by FG 7142 (10 mg/kg), a non-convulsant anxiogenic beta-carboline, by pentylenetrazol (20-30 mg/kg), and by the GABA antagonist bicuculline (2 mg/kg). The DMCM cue was not, or marginally, blocked by diazepam (2.5 mg/kg) or pentobarbital (10-15 mg/kg). Furthermore, the BZ receptor antagonists CGS 8216 (2.5 mg/kg), ZK 93426 (20 mg/kg), and Ro 15-1788 (20-80 mg/kg) also did not, or only marginally, block the DMCM cue. However, the receptor antagonists (alone) substituted for DMCM although Ro 15-1788 was less effective. The partial BZ receptor agonist ZK 91296 (25 mg/kg), which is structurally similar to DMCM, blocked completely the DMCM stimulus effect. THIP (4 mg/kg) did not block the DMCM cue. To explain these results, we suggest that the repeated DMCM treatment, necessary for maintaining the discrimination, shifts the balancing point ("set-point") for positive (i.e., BZ-like) agonist efficacy versus inverse agonist efficacy, towards inverse action. This hypothesis was supported by the finding of an enhanced ability of GABA to reduce 3H-DMCM binding to cortical neuronal membranes of animals treated chronically with DMCM in a regimen similar to that used to maintain the DMCM discrimination. Furthermore, this treatment did not affect baseline 3H-DMCM binding, baseline or GABA stimulated 3H-diazepam binding, or 35S-TBPS binding (to chloride channels).  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys were trained to discriminate 0.16 mg/kg phencyclidine (PCP) from saline in a two-layer drug discrimination task on a fixed-ratio 32 schedule of food presentation. After reliable discriminative control of lever choice was established, dose-response determinations for generalization to the training dose of PCP were made with several doses of PCP, a racemic mixture of cyclazocine and the pure (+)- and (-)-isomers of cyclazocine. Only PCP and the (+)-isomer produced dose-dependent PCP-appropriate responding. Neither the racemic mixture nor (-)-cyclazocine produced over 25% PCP-appropriate responding at any of the doses tested. (+)-Cyclazocine was eight times less potent than PCP in producing drug-lever appropriate responding. (-)-Cyclazocine was about 30 times more potent than PCP and over 200 times more potent than (+)-cyclazocine in overall response rate suppression. The potency of the racemic mixture for response-rate suppression was consistent with an additive effect of the isomers. Neither the PCP-lever appropriate responding produced by (+)-cyclazocine nor the response-rate suppression produced by (-)-cyclazocine were antagonized by naloxone. Thus, racemic cyclazocine is composed of two isomers with differing behavioral effects. The (-)-isomer is more potent, and the (+)-isomer has more specificity for PCP-like effects.  相似文献   

Male rats (120 g) either were subjected to a 12-wk physical training program (T rats) or were sedentary controls (C rats). Subsequently the rats were killed at rest or after a 45- or 90-min forced swim. At rest, T rats had higher liver and muscle glycogen concentrations but lower plasma insulin. During exercise, blood glucose increased 60% in T rats but decreased 20% in C rats. Plasma glucagon and insulin concentrations did not change in T rats but plasma glucagon increased and insulin decreased markedly in C rats. Plasma epinephrine (90 min: range, 0.78-2.96 ng-ml-1, (T) vs. 4.42-15.67 (C)) and norepinephrine (90 min: 0.70-2.22 (T) vs. 2.50-6.10 (C)) were lower in T than in C rats. Hepatic glycogen decreased substantially and, as with muscle glycogen, the decrease was parallel in T and C rats. The plasma concentrations of free fatty acids were higher but lactate and alanine lower in T than in C rats. In trained rats the hormonal response to exercise is blunted partly due to higher glucose concentrations. In these rats adipose tissue sensitivity to catecholamines is increased, and changes in glucagon and insulin concentrations are not necessary for increased lipolysis and hepatic glycogen depletion during exercise.  相似文献   

The effects of a melatonin agonist, S-20098, included in the diet were tested on a specific effect of aging in hamsters: the marked decline in the phase shifting effects of a 6-h pulse of darkness on a background of constant light. In contrast to young hamsters, old hamsters fed with the control diet showed little or no phase shifts in response to a dark pulse presented in the middle of their inactive or active period. Old hamsters fed with S-20098 showed phase shifts that were ~70% of the ones in young animals and significantly greater than those in old controls. The phase advancing response to a dark pulse presented during the inactive period was dose dependent and reversed after S-20098 discontinuation. Melatonin included in the diet showed comparable restorative effects on the phase shifting response to a dark pulse in old hamsters. Replacement therapy with melatonin or melatonin-related compounds could prove useful in treating, preventing, or delaying disturbances of circadian rhythmicity and/or sleep in older people.  相似文献   

The pharmacological profile of PD117302 was studied in three rat models of experimental seizures. It was determined that PD117302 is a potent and efficacious anticonvulsant against NMDA (ED50 = 0.27 mg/kg, i.v.) and MES (ED50 = 16.3 mg/kg, s.c.), but not flurothyl, convulsions. Its anticonvulsant profile was dose- and time-dependent, stereospecific and sensitive to naloxone and the selective kappa opioid antagonist nor-binaltorphimine. Given these findings, we suggest that PD117302 acts via the kappa receptor to modulate seizure protection. Furthermore, in view of its marked ability to block NMDA excitotoxicity (including lethality) it seems possible that this drug, or related compounds, may have potential therapeutic utility as a neuroprotective agent.  相似文献   

Digitonin-permeabilized adipocytes were used to study the coupling of adenylate cyclase (AC) to lipolysis in exercise-trained rats. Isoproterenol-(IPR) stimulated lipolysis in permeabilized cells was significantly greater in trained than in control rats. Under essentially identical conditions, the dose-response curve for IPR stimulation of AC activity in the absence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine was similar in trained and control rats. However, the potency of stimulation by IPR as a percentage of the basal level was greater in trained rats. AC activity and lipolysis in the presence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine were also significantly greater in trained than in control rats. Least-squares analysis by plotting the log AC vs. lipolysis values showed that the regression coefficient was about three-fold greater in trained than in control rats. The concentration of endogenous adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) needed to produce a half-maximal lipolytic response was 18.58 and 10.81 pmol.min-1.10(6) cells-1 in control and trained rats, respectively. Thus a positive relationship existed between lipolysis and AC activity, with a tighter coupling in trained rats. Lipolysis in response to exogenous cAMP tended to be greater in trained than in control rats, and the difference was statistically significant for 50 microM and 10 mM cAMP. Our finding support the concept that the major mechanism of enhanced lipolysis in trained rats was an increase in the activity of enzymatic step(s) distal to cAMP.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant drug acting on central monoaminergic neurons to produce both acute psychomotor stimulation and long-lasting behavioral effects including addiction and psychosis. Drug discrimination procedures have been particularly useful in characterizing subjective effects of addictive drugs. In the present study, to identify potential anatomical substrates for the discriminative stimulus effects of methamphetamine, we investigated the drug discrimination-associated Fos expression in Sprague-Dawley rats trained to discriminate methamphetamine from saline under a two-lever fixed ratio 20 (FR-20) schedule of food reinforcement. The rats that fulfilled the criteria for learning the discrimination were anesthetized and perfused 2 h after the drug discrimination test, and Fos immunoreactivity was examined in 15 brain regions. Fos expression in the brains of rats that discriminate methamphetamine from saline was significantly increased in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA), but not in other areas including the cerebral cortex, caudate putamen, substantia nigra, hippocampus, amygdala and habenulla, as compared with the expression in control rats that were maintained under the FR-20 schedule. The present findings suggest a role for the VTA and NAc as possible neuronal substrates in the discriminative stimulus effects of methamphetamine.  相似文献   

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