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Modification of the cholesterol content of highly purified cardiac sarcolemma from dog ventricles was accomplished by incubation with phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing various amounts of cholesterol. The degree of cholesterol enrichment could be varied by changing the liposomal cholesterol/phospholipid ratio or varying the liposome-membrane incubation time. Na+-Ca2+ exchange measured in cholesterol-enriched sarcolemmal vesicles was increased up to 48% over control values. The stimulation of Na+-Ca2+ exchange was associated with an increased affinity of the exchanger for Ca2+ (Km = 17 microM compared with Km = 22 microM for control preparations). Na+-Ca2+ exchange measured in cholesterol-depleted membrane preparations was decreased by 15%. This depressed activity was associated with a decreased affinity of the exchanger for Ca2+ (Km = 27 microM). These changes were not due to either a change in membrane permeability to Ca2+ or an increase in the amount of Ca2+ bound to sarcolemmal vesicles. The stimulating effect of cholesterol enrichment was specific to the Na+-Ca2+ exchange process since sarcolemmal Ca2+-Mg2+ ATPase activity was depressed 40% by cholesterol enrichment. Further, K+-p-nitrophenylphosphatase and Na+-K+ ATPase activities were depressed in both cholesterol-depleted and cholesterol-enriched sarcolemmal vesicles. In situ oxidation of membrane cholesterol completely eliminated Na+-Ca2+ exchange. These results suggest that cholesterol is intimately associated with Na+-Ca2+ exchange and may interact with the exchange protein and modulate its activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of a distinct type of phospholipase C on sarcolemmal Na+-Ca2+ exchange. With this phospholipase C (Staphylococcus aureus), treatment of cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles resulted in a specific hydrolysis of membrane phosphatidylinositol. This hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol also released two proteins (110 and 36 kDa) from the sarcolemmal membrane. Phospholipase C pretreatment of the sarcolemma resulted in an unexpected stimulation of Na+-Ca2+ exchange. The Vmax of Na+-Ca2+ exchange was increased but the Km for Ca2+ was not altered. This stimulation was specific to the Na+-Ca2+ exchange pathway. ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake was depressed after phospholipase C treatment, but passive membrane permeability to Ca2+ was unaffected. Sarcolemmal Na+,K+-ATPase activity was not altered, whereas passive Ca2+ binding was modestly decreased after phospholipase C pretreatment. The stimulation of Na+-Ca2+ exchange after phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis was greater in inside-out vesicles than in a total population of vesicles of mixed orientation. This finding suggests that the cardiac sarcolemmal Na+-Ca2+ exchanger is functionally asymmetrical. The results also suggest that membrane phosphatidylinositol is inhibitory to the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger or, alternatively, this phospholipid may anchor an endogenous inhibitory protein in the sarcolemmal membrane. The observation that a transsarcolemmal Ca2+ flux pathway may be stimulated solely by phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis independently of phosphoinositide metabolic products like inositol triphosphate is novel.  相似文献   

Na-Ca exchange activity in bovine cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles was stimulated up to 10-fold by preincubating the vesicles with 1 microM FeSO4 plus 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) in a NaCl medium. The increase in activity was not reversed upon removing the Fe and DTT. Stimulation of exchange activity under these conditions was completely blocked by 0.1 mM EDTA or o-phenanthroline; this suggests that the production of reduced oxygen species (H2O2, O2-.,.OH) during Fecatalyzed DTT oxidation might be involved in stimulating exchange activity. In agreement with this hypothesis, the increase in exchange activity in the presence of Fe-DTT was inhibited 80% by anaerobiosis and 60% by catalase. H2O2 (0.1 mM) potentiated the stimulation of Na-Ca exchange by Fe-DTT under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions; H2O2 also produced an increase in activity in the presence of either FeSO4 (1 microM) or DTT (1 mM), but it had no effect on activity by itself. Superoxide dismutase did not block the effects of Fe-DTT on exchange activity; however, the generation of O2-. by xanthine oxidase in the presence of an oxidizable substrate stimulated activity more than 2-fold. Hydroxyl radical scavenging agents (mannitol, sodium formate, sodium benzoate) did not attenuate the stimulation of activity observed with Fe-H2O2. Exchange activity was also stimulated by the simultaneous presence of glutathione (GSH; 1-2 mM) and glutathione disulfide (GSSG; 1-2 mM). Neither GSH nor GSSG was effective by itself and either 0.1 mM EDTA or o-phenanthroline blocked the effects on transport activity of the combination of GSH + GSSG. Treatment of the GSH and GSSG solutions with Chelex ion-exchange resin to remove contaminating transition metal ions reduced (by 40%) the degree of stimulation observed with GSH + GSSG. Full stimulating activity was restored to the Chelex-treated GSH and GSSG solutions by the addition of 1 microM Fe2+; Cu2+ was less effective than Fe2+ whereas Co2+ and Mn2+ were without effect. In the presence of 1 microM Fe2+, GSH alone produced a slight increase in transport activity, but this was markedly enhanced by the addition of Chelex-treated GSSG. The results indicate that stimulation of exchange activity requires the presence of both a reducing agent (DTT, GSH, O-.2, or Fe2+) and an oxidizing agent (H2O2, GSSG, and perhaps O2) and that the effects of these agents are mediated by metal ions (e.g. Fe2+).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vesicles isolated from cardiac muscle exhibited Na,Ca exchange activity which can be measured by 45Ca influx or efflux of by 22Na efflux. The stoichiometry of Na,Ca exchange was 3 Na:1 Ca. These vesicles also exhibited ATP-dependent 22Na transport which was inhibited by ouabain indicating that this activity is due to the sodium pump, an activity which is thought to reside only in the sarcolemma. The addition of calcium caused rapid efflux of 22Na from vesicles loaded by ATP-dependent 22Na uptake indicating that the Na,Ca exchange is located in the same vesicles as the sodium pump and is thus also a sarcolemmal activity.  相似文献   

Bepridil, an antiarrhythmic agent, inhibits Na-Ca exchange in cardiac sarcolemmal membrane vesicles (Ki = 30 microM) by a novel mechanism, different from that determined for amiloride analogues [Slaughter, R. S., Garcia, M. L., Cragoe, E. J., Jr., Reeves, J. P., & Karczorowski, G. J. (1988) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]. Bepridil causes partial inhibition of Nai-dependent Ca2+ uptake but complete block of Nao-dependent Ca2+ efflux. Inhibition of Na-Ca exchange is noncompetitive vs Ca2+ but competitive vs Na+ in both K+ and sucrose. Bepridil also blocks Ca-Ca exchange, with or without K+ present. However, K+ has two effects on inhibition: it reduces the potency of bepridil and causes inhibition to become partial. Inhibition of Ca-Ca exchange displays noncompetitive kinetics vs Ca2+ in either sucrose or K+. Dixon analyses of Na-Ca exchange inhibition caused by mixtures of bepridil and amiloride analogues demonstrate that these compounds produce a competitive interaction at a common carrier site that is evident only at low concentrations of amiloride inhibitors. Hill plots of bepridil inhibition of Na-Ca and Ca-Ca exchange display unitary Hill coefficients. These results indicate that bepridil interacts at only one substrate-binding site, the site selective for Na+, where amiloride analogues also preferentially interact. However, unlike amiloride, bepridil does not interact at the common Na+, Ca2+-binding site of the carrier.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rabbit right ventricular papillary muscles were cooled from 30 to approximately 1 degree C immediately after discontinuing electrical stimulation (0.5 Hz). This produced a contracture that was 30-50% of the preceding twitch magnitude and required 20-30 s to develop. The contractures were identical in cooling solutions with normal (144 mM) or low (2.0 mM) Na. They were therefore not Na-withdrawal contractures. Contracture activation was considerably slower than muscle cooling (approximately 2.5 s to cool below 2 degrees C). Cooling contractures were suppressed by caffeine treatment (10.0 mM). Rapid cooling did not cause sufficient membrane depolarization (16.5 +/- 1.2 mV after 30 s of cooling) to produce either a voltage-dependent activation of contracture or a gated entry of Ca from the extracellular space. Contractures induced by treating resting muscles with 5 X 10(-5) M strophanthidin at 30 degrees C exhibited pronounced tension noise. The Fourier spectrum of this noise revealed a periodic component (2-3 Hz) that disappeared when the muscle was cooled. Cooling contractures decayed with rest (t1/2 = 71.0 +/- 9.3 s). This decay accelerated in the presence of 10.0 mM caffeine and was prevented and to some extent reversed when extracellular Na was reduced to 2.0 mM. 20 min of rest resulted in a net decline in intracellular Ca content of 1.29 +/- 0.38 mmol/kg dry wt. I infer that cooling contractures are principally activated by Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The properties of these contractures suggest that they may provide a convenient relative index of the availability of SR Ca for contraction. The rest decay of cooling contractures (and hence the decay in the availability of activating Ca) is consistent with the measured loss in analytic Ca during rest. The results suggest that contraction in heart muscle can be regulated by an interaction between sarcolemmal and SR Ca transport.  相似文献   

胍丁胺对大鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Li Q  Shang ZL  Yin JX  Wang YH  He RR 《生理学报》2002,54(6):467-472
本研究旨在观察胍丁胺 (agmatine ,Agm)对分离大鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度 ( [Ca2 +]i)的影响。用酶解方法分离大鼠心室肌细胞 ,用Fluo 3 AM负载 ,然后用激光共聚焦法测定单个心室肌细胞 [Ca2 +]i 的荧光强度 (fluorescenceintensity ,FI) ,结果以FI或相对荧光强度 (F/F0 % )表示。实验结果表明 ,在正常台氏液 (含钙 1 0mmol/L)和无钙台氏液中 ,单个大鼠心室肌细胞的荧光密度分别为 12 8 8± 13 8和 119 6± 13 6,两者无差异。Agm 0 1、1和 10mmol/L浓度依赖性地显著降低细胞的钙浓度 ;在正常台氏液中加入EGTA 3mmol/L ,Agm同样降低细胞的钙浓度。KCl 60mmol/L ,PE 3 0 μmol/L ,和Bay K 864 410 μmol/L均升高心室肌细胞的[Ca2 +]i。Agm同样降低高浓度KCl、Bay K 864 4和PE诱发的心室肌细胞 [Ca2 +]i 升高。当细胞外液钙浓度由 1mmol/L增加到 10mmol/L时 ,诱发心室肌细胞钙超载 ,同时部分心室肌细胞产生可传播的钙波 (Ca2 +wave) ,Agm 1mmol/L降低钙波的传播速度和持续时间 ,最终阻断钙波。以上结果提示 ,Agm对心室肌细胞的胞浆[Ca2 +]i具有抑制作用 ,此作用通过阻断电压依赖性钙通道而实现 ;并可能与抑制大鼠心室肌细胞内钙释放有关  相似文献   

Triads isolated from frog and rabbit skeletal muscle were equilibrated with different external [Ca2+], ranging from 0.025 to 10 mM. Vesicular calcium increased with external [Ca2+] as the sum of a linear plus a saturable component; the latter, which vanished after calsequestrin removal, displayed Bmax values of 182 and 132 nmol of calcium/mg of protein, with Kd values of 1.21 and 1.14 mM in frog and rabbit vesicles, respectively. The effect of luminal [Ca2+] on release kinetics in triads from frog and rabbit skeletal muscle was investigated, triggering release with 2 mM ATP, pCa 5, pH 6.8. In triads from frog, release rate constant (k) values increased sixfold after increasing luminal [Ca2+] from 0.025 to 3 mM. In triads from rabbit, k values increased 20-fold when luminal [Ca2+] increased from 0.05 to 0.7 mM. In both preparations, k values remained relatively constant (10-12 s-1) at higher luminal [Ca2+], with a small decrease at 10 mM. Initial release rates increased with luminal [Ca2+] in both preparations; in triads from rabbit the increase was hyperbolic, and in triads from frogs the increase was sigmoidal. These results indicate that, although triads from frog and rabbit respond differently, in both preparations luminal [Ca2+] has a distinctive effect on release, presumably by regulating sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium channels.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which terminal guanidino nitrogen substituted analogues of amiloride inhibit Na-Ca exchange in purified cardiac sarcolemmal membrane vesicles has been investigated. These inhibitors block both Nai-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Nao-dependent Ca2+ efflux. Inhibition of Na-Ca exchange monitored in K+ is noncompetitive vs Ca2+ but competitive vs Na+. Substitution of sucrose for K+ results in mixed kinetics of inhibition vs Ca2+, suggesting a complex interaction between inhibitor and carrier under this condition. Amiloride derivatives also block two other modes of carrier action: Na-Na exchange is inhibited in a competitive fashion with Na+ and kinetics of Ca-Ca exchange inhibition are mixed vs Ca2+ in either sucrose or K+. However, Ca-Ca exchange inhibition can be alleviated by increasing K+ concentration. Dixon analyses of Na-Ca exchange block with mixtures of inhibitors suggest that these agents are interacting at more than one site. In addition, Hill plots of inhibition are biphasic with Hill coefficients of 1 and 2 at low and high inhibitor concentrations, respectively. These results indicate that amiloride derivatives are mechanism-based inhibitors that interact at two classes of substrate-binding sites on the carrier; at low concentration they bind preferentially to a site that is exclusive for Na+, while at higher concentration they also interact at a site that is common for Na+, Ca2+, and K+.  相似文献   

The effects of palmatine on isometric force and intracellular free calcium levels ([Ca2+]i) were determined in isolated rat arterial strips. Palmatine dose-dependently relaxed the contractile responses stimulated by phenylephrine (PE) in aortic strips. In contrast, it only partially relaxed aortic strips contracted by 51 mM KCl. Pretreatment with palmatine shifted the dose-response curves of PE both rightwards and downwards in a dose-dependent manner. When Ca2+-free solution and re-addition of Ca2+ were applied to assess PE-induced phasic and tonic contractions, palmatine was found to be effective in inhibiting both contractions. The effects of palmatine on intracellular calcium levels were measured with the bioluminescent calcium indicator aequorin in rat tail artery strips. Palmatine caused a concomitant, dose-dependent decrease in PE-activated isometric force and [Ca2+]i, resulting in small changes in the [Ca2+]i-force relationship. These results suggest that vasodilatory effect of palmatine was mediated by reducing [Ca2+]i as well as affecting [Ca2+]i sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. Palmatine-induced [Ca2+]i decreases appeared to involve decreases in both Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and Ca2+ influx through calcium channels.  相似文献   

K K Tai  C F Bian  T M Wong 《Life sciences》1992,51(12):909-913
The effect of two specific kappa-agonists, dynorphinA1-13 and U50,488H, on intracellular free calcium [Ca]i in isolated rat ventricular myocytes was studied. A spectrofluorimetric method using fura 2 as calcium indicator was employed. It was found that both agonists increased [Ca]i dose-dependently. The effect was attenuated by Mr 2266, a kappa-antagonist, indicating that the effect is a kappa-receptor mediated event. The effect was abolished by pretreatment with ryanodine, a drug that mobilizes calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. It was, however, not affected by nifedipine, a calcium antagonist or removal of external calcium. The results indicate that the increase in [Ca]i due to kappa-opioid receptor stimulation results primarily from mobilization of calcium from an intracellular pool.  相似文献   

TheNa+/Ca2+ exchanger participates inCa2+ homeostasis in a variety of cells and has a key rolein cardiac muscle physiology. We studied in this work the exchanger ofamphibian skeletal muscle, using both isolated inside-out transversetubule vesicles and single muscle fibers. In vesicles, increasingextravesicular (intracellular) Na+ concentrationcooperatively stimulated Ca2+ efflux (reverse mode), withthe Hill number equal to 2.8. In contrast to the stimulation of thecardiac exchanger, increasing extravesicular (cytoplasmic)Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]) inhibited thisreverse activity with an IC50 of 91 nM. Exchanger-mediated currents were measured at 15°C in single fibers voltage clamped at90 mV. Photolysis of a cytoplasmic caged Ca2+ compoundactivated an inward current (forward mode) of 23 ± 10 nA(n = 3), with an average current density of 0.6 µA/µF. External Na+ withdrawal generated an outwardcurrent (reverse mode) with an average current density of 0.36 ± 0.17 µA/µF (n = 6) but produced a minimal increasein cytosolic [Ca2+]. These results suggest that, inskeletal muscle, the main function of the exchanger is to removeCa2+ from the cells after stimulation.


We demonstrate for the first time in this study that triadic vesicles derived from skeletal muscle display a voltage dependence of depolarization-induced calcium release similar to that found in intact muscle. We confirm previous studies by Dunn (1989) which demonstrated that changes in extravesicular potassium induced membrane potential changes in isolated transverse tubules with the voltage sensitive dye DiSC(3)-5. Depolarization-induced calcium release was studied in isolated triadic vesicles through similar changes in extravesicular [K] while clamping extravesicular Ca++ to submicromolar concentrations. The amplitude of fast phase of calcium release, identified as depolarizationinduced calcium release, varied with the percentage of transverse tubules in the preparation (determined through 3 H-PN200-110 specific activity) and different levels of depolarization. Threshold activation of calcium release was obtained with a 40.5 mV potential change; maximal calcium release was obtained with a 75 to 81 mV potential change. Boltzmann fits to the normalized depolarization induced calcium release plotted against the membrane potential change yielded a voltage dependence (k = 4.5 mV per e-fold change) very similar to that found in intact muscle (k = 3–4 mV per e-fold change; Baylor, Chandler & Marshall 1978, 1983; Miledi et al., 1981). Substitution of methanesulfonate for propionate as the impermeant ion or addition of valinomycin in the depolarizing solutions had little effect on the voltage dependence of calcium release.We thank Dr. Judith Heiny for her helpful discussions about voltagesensitive fluorescent dyes. This work was supported by the American Heart Association (Ohio Affiliate) grant MV-90 and the State of Ohio Research Challenge Grant.  相似文献   

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