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The interaction of [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+ and [Ru(NH3)6]3+ complex ions with calf thymus DNA has been studied at various r values (r = [Mn+]/[DNA-P]). Electronic spectra of metal-DNA solutions have been recorded and compared to the spectra of metal, as well as of DNA, solutions. Melting curves have been taken for the determination of DNA melting temperature (Tm) in the presence of the above complex ions. The results showed a biphasic melting of the DNA strands for relatively high r values. The Tm for the first phase increased with increasing r values, indicating metal ion interaction with the phosphate moieties of the DNA. The appearance of a second-phase melting, in connection with electronic spectra, pH values, and conductivity measurements of metal ion solutions, is indicative of the initial complexes' transformation to [Ru(NH3)5OH]2+, which binds preferentially to double-stranded rather than single-stranded DNA, thus leading to a second melting curve at a higher temperature than the first one.  相似文献   

Barley (c.v. Himalaya) aleurone layers were incubated in [3H]gibberellin A1 (GA1) at low temperatures. At 3 and 4 C, 3H-activity was steadily accumulated in aleurone layers, and this accumulation was correlated with significant [3H]GA1 metabolism. At 1 and 1.5 C, metabolism could not be detected, and at these temperatures aleurone layers equilibrated with the [3H]GA1 concentration in the incubation medium. At equilibrium, the total amount of 3H-activity per unit volume in the aleurone layers was higher than in the incubation medium. Aleurone layers incubated at 0.5 C for 72 hours with [3H]GA1 in the presence of saturating levels of carrier GA1 consistently retained lower levels of 3H-activity than when incubated in [3H]GA1 alone. The retention of [3H]GA1 was unaffected by saturating levels of carrier GA8. GA1 retained by barley aleurone layers that were incubated at 0.5 C for 72 hours was able to induce α-amylase synthesis when aleurone layers were subsequently washed and transferred to a gibberellin-free medium at 25 C.  相似文献   

消毒剂过氧化氢脲性能的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过氧化氢脲为过氧化氢类消毒剂,实验表明,其5%水溶液25℃时有良好的的杀菌作用。杀灭细菌营养繁殖体需2min,作用15min可将细菌芽孢全部杀灭。作用30min可将HbBsAg完全灭活。提高浓度、温度,延长作用时间或降低pH值,可加强其杀菌作用。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the binding of square planar cis- and trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complexes and the octahedral [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ complex to tRNAphe from yeast was carried out by X-ray crystallography. Both of the carcinostatic compounds, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ show similarities in their mode of binding to tRNA. These complexes bind specifically to the N(7) positions of guanines G15 and G18 in the dihydrouridine loop. [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ has an additional binding site at N(7) of residue G1 after extensive soaking times (58 days). A noncovalent binding site for ruthenium is also observed in the deep groove of the acceptor stem helix with shorter (25 days) soaking time. The major binding site for the inactive trans-[Pt(NH3)Cl2] complex is at the N(1) position of residue A73, with minor trans-Pt binding sites at the N(7) positions of residues Gm34, G18 and G43. The similarities in the binding modes of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ are expected to be related to their carcinostatic properties.  相似文献   

In order to monitor the trans labilization of cisplatin at physiological pH we have prepared the complex cis-[PtCl2(13CH3NH2)2] and studied its interactions with excess glutathione in aqueous solution at neutral pH by two-dimensional [1H,13C] heteronuclear single-quantum correlation (HSQC) NMR spectroscopy. [1H,13C] HSQC spectroscopy is a good method for following the release of 13CH3NH2 but is not so good for characterizing the Pt species in solution. In the reaction of cisplatin with glutathione, Pt–S bonds are formed and Pt–NH3 bonds are broken. The best technique for following the formation of Pt–S bonds of cisplatin is by UV spectroscopy. [1H,13C] HSQC spectroscopy is the best method for following the breaking of the Pt–N bonds. [1H,15N] HSQC spectroscopy is the best method for characterizing the different species in solution. However, the intensity of the peaks in the 15NH3–Pt–S region, in [1H,15N] HSQC, reflects a balance between the formation of Pt–S bonds, which increases the signal intensity, and the trans labilization, which decreases the signal intensity. [1H,15N] HSQC spectroscopy and [1H,13C] HSQC spectroscopy are complementary techniques that should be used in conjunction in order to obtain the most accurate information on the interaction of platinum complexes with sulfur-containing ligands.  相似文献   

Two analogs of bovine insulin, [des(tetrapeptide B27--30), Tyr(NH2)26-B] and [des(pentapeptide B26--30), Phe(NH2)25-B] insulin, which differ from the parent molecule in that the C-terminal tetrapeptide and pentapeptide sequences, respectively, from the B chain have been eliminated and the newly exposed residues are amidated, have been synthesized. The [des(tetrapeptide B27--30), Tyr(NH2)26-B] insulin shows potencies of 16.8 IU/mg by the mouse convulsion assay method and 10.8 IU/mg by the radioimmunoassay method. The [des(pentapeptide B26--30), Phe(NH2)25-B] insulin possesses a potency of 10.5 IU/mg when assayed by the mouse convulsion method and 14 IU/mg by the radioimmunoassay technique. The potencies of these analogs are higher than the potencies of the respective non-amidated derivatives (Katsoyannis et al., 1973, 1974). It is speculated that the gradual decline of biological activity observed as amino acid residues are eliminated from the C-terminal region of the B chain of insulin is due to the proximity of a hydrophilic carboxyl group to the hydrophobic core of the protein molecule.  相似文献   

Electric field stimulation (EFS) causes excitatory non adrenergic-non cholinergic (eNANC) and cholinergic constrictions in the guinea pig isolated bronchus, the activation of eNANC and cholinergic nerves respectively. We investigated the effects of [Nphe1]nociceptin(1-13)NH2 ([Nphe1]NC(1-13)NH2), [Phe1(CH2-NH)Gly2]nociceptin(1- 13)NH2 ([F/G] NC(1-13)NH2), and nocistatin (NST) on nociceptin (NC) inhibited constrictions in isolated bronchus of guinea pig. The results show that NC (1 micromol/L) inhibited EFS-induced eNANC and cholinergic constrictions compared with the control, in which nociceptin was not applied. After pretreatment with [Nphe1]NC(1-13)NH2, [F/G]NC(1-13)NH2, or NST, the inhibitions of NC were antagonized by [Nphe1]NC(1-13)NH2 and [F/G]NC(1-13)NH2 but not NST. However, [Nphe1]NC(1-13)NH2, [F/G]NC(1-13)NH2, and NST did not affect the inhibitions induced by morphine. Furthermore, [Nphe1]NC(1-13)NH2, [F/G]NC(1-13)NH2 and NST did not cause any appreciable effects on EFS-induced eNANC and cholinergic constrictions in guinea pig bronchi. The results demonstrate that [Nphe1]NC(1-13)NH2 and [F/G]NC(1- 13)NH2 but not NST act as selective antagonists of the NC receptor and the effects of NC on EFS-induced constrictions of guinea pig isolated bronchus.  相似文献   

Reactions of cis-[Ru(en)2(OH2)2]2+ (or cis-[Ru (NH3)4(OH2)2]2+) with Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin (Az), horse heart myoglobin (Mbh), and horse heart cytochrome c (cyt c) give Ru-labelled proteins. The ruthenium binding sites in the singly modified derivatives are His-83 (Az), His-81 (Mbh), and His-33 (cyt c). Spectroscopic and electrochemical measurements indicate that the structures of the proteins are not perturbed by the surface-bound ruthenium complexes. The E°f values of the Ru(III)/(II) couple in these Ru-modified proteins fall between −0.07 and −0.13 V vs. NHE.  相似文献   

The reaction of trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (trans-DDP), the inactive isomer of the anticancer drug cisplatin, with the single-stranded deoxydodecanucleotide d(CCTCGAGTCTCC) in aqueous solution at 37 degrees C was monitored by reversed-phase HPLC. Consumption of the dodecamer follows pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics with a rate constant of 1.25 (4) x 10(-4) s-1. Two intermediates, shown to be monofunctional adducts in which Pt is coordinated to the guanine N7 positions, were trapped with NH4(HCO3) and identified by enzymatic degradation analysis. These monofunctional adducts and a third, less abundant, one are rapidly removed from the DNA by thiourea under mild conditions. When allowed to react further, the monofunctional intermediates formed a single main product that was characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy and enzymatic digestion as the bifunctional 1,3-intrastrand cross-link trans-[Pt(NH3)2[d(CCTCGAGTCTCC)-N7-G(5),N7-G(7]]). Binding of the trans-[Pt(NH3)2]2+ moiety to the guanosine N7 positions decreases the pKa at N1 and leads to destacking of the intervening A(6) base. The double-stranded trans-DDP-modified and unmodified DNAs were obtained by annealing the complementary strand to the corresponding single strands and then studied by 31P and 1H NMR and UV spectroscopy. trans-DDP binding does not induce large changes in the O-P-O bond or torsional angles of the phosphodiester linkages in the duplex, nor does it significantly alter the UV melting temperature. trans-DDP binding does, however, cause the imino protons of the platinated duplex to exchange rapidly with solvent by 50 degrees C, a phenomenon that occurs at 65 degrees C for the unmodified duplex. A structural model for the platinated double-stranded oligonucleotide was generated through molecular dynamics calculations. This model reveals that the trans-DDP bifunctional adduct can be accommodated within the double helix with minimal distortion of the O-P-O angles and only local disruption of base pairing and destacking of the platinated bases. The model also predicts hydrogen bond formation involving coordinated ammine ligands that bridge the two strands.  相似文献   

The relationship between growth of aquatic plants and their nutrient supply is poorly understood, because of the lack of suitable models which could be tested in the field. The purpose of this research was to learn if the Michaelis-Menten expression describes the relationship between the uptake of NH4 by Ceratophyllum and the concentration of NH4 in solution.A hyperbola results when uptake of NH4 by Ceratophyllum (v) is plotted against the concentration of NH4 in solution (S). The relationship is not described well by the Michaelis-Menten expression. Linearily between v and S at concentrations less than 7 mg NH4-N(1)-1, suggests that a model for first order saturation kinetics might be appropriate. However, uptake is depressed by one half at low temperatures and some of the uptake is apparently related to processes which are not completely passive. The ecological usefulness of the Michaelis-Menten constants derived for Ceratophyllum is discussed.  相似文献   

The Pt(IV) complex c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2] is an important intermediate in the synthesis of Pt(IV) anticancer prodrugs and has been investigated as an anticancer agent in its own right. An analysis of the vibrational spectroscopy of this molecule was previously reported (Faggiani et al., Can. J. Chem. 60:529, 1982), in which crystallographic determination of the structure of the complex permitted a site group approach. The space group, however, was incorrectly assigned. In the present study we have redetermined at high resolution crystal structures of c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2] and c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2]·H2O2, which makes possible discussion of the effect of hydrogen bonding on the N–H and O–H vibrational bands. The correct crystallographic site symmetry of the platinum complex in the c,c,t-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2(OH)2] structure is used to conduct a new vibrational analysis using both group-theoretical and modern density functional theory methods. This analysis reveals the nature and symmetry of the “missing band” described in the original publication and suggests a possible explanation for its disappearance.  相似文献   

To study the possibility of DNA platination via platinum-sulfur coordinated intermediates, the reactions of the complexes [Pt(dien)GSMe]2+ (GSMe=S-methylated glutathione) and cis-[Pt(NH3)2(GSMe)2]2+ with the synthetic oligonucleotides d(ATATGCATAT), d(ATTACCGGTAAT), and d(ATCCTATTTTTTTTAGGAT) have been investigated. The reactions were studied using FPLC, NMR, and mass spectrometry. It was found that the sulfur atom of the platinum-thioether adduct is substituted by these oligonucleotides. For the reactions with [Pt(dien)GSMe]2+ at 310 K, half-lives were determined to be t 1/2 =147+/-7 h for d(ATATGCATAT), t 1/2 =84+/-4 h) for d(ATTACCGGTAAT), and t 1/2 = 21+/-1 h for d(ATCCTATTTTTTTTAGGAT. This study clearly shows that it is indeed possible for oligonucleotides to be platinated via Pt-thioether coordinated intermediates. The rates at which such substitutions occur, however, makes it improbable that such a mechanism contributes significantly to the antitumor activity of cisplatin.  相似文献   

Extracellular membranous matrix vesicles, which contain various phosphatases and appear to initiate hydroxyapatite formation in growth cartilage, were isolated and incubated with 45Ca2+ and shown to form mineral in the presence of ATP. There is enhanced calcification in the presence of serum and under alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

[Ag(2)(NH(3))(2)(salH)(2)] (salH(2)=salicylic acid) was synthesised from salicylic acid and Ag(2)O in concentrated aqueous NH(3) and the dimeric Ag(I) complex was characterised using X-ray crystallography. The complex is centrosymmetric with each metal coordinated to a salicylate carboxylate oxygen and to an ammonia nitrogen atom in an almost linear fashion. The two [Ag(NH(3))(salH)] units in the complex are linked by an Ag-Ag bond. Whilst metal-free salH(2) did not prevent the growth of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans [Ag(2)(NH(3))(2)(salH)(2)], [Ag(2)(salH)(2)] and some simple Ag(I) salts greatly inhibited cell reproduction. SalH(2), [Ag(2)(NH(3))(2)(salH)(2)] [Ag(2)(salH)(2)] and AgClO(4) produced a dose-dependent cytotoxic response against the three human derived cancer cell lines, Cal-27, Hep-G2 and A-498, with the Ag(I)-containing reagents being the most effective.  相似文献   

J. J. M. Hooymans 《Planta》1969,89(4):369-371
Summary The vegetation points of branches of Caralluma frerei (Asclepiadaceae) were treated with 300, 100 and 30 ppm of crude aflatoxin (36% B1, 38% G1, 3% B2, 2% G2) and with toxin-free control. Application of 300 and 100 ppm aflatoxin resulted in stop of growth and death of the upper leaves and flower buds. Malformations or wilting was not observed in any case. Branches treated with 30 ppm aflatoxin and with control solution developed normally. It is concluced that under the experimental conditions used aflatoxin has an unspecific toxic effect.  相似文献   

The effects of intrathecal (i.t.) application of the proposed nociceptin receptor antagonist [Nphe1]nociceptin(1-13)NH2 on the flexor reflex was evaluated in spinalized rats. I.t. [Nphe1]nociceptin (1-13)NH2 dose-dependently facilitated the flexor reflex with no depression. Pretreatment with 16.5 nmol of [Nphe1]nociceptin(1-13)NH2 prevented the development of reflex depression following 0.55 nmol i.t. nociceptin, but strongly enhance the initial excitatory effect of nociceptin. The reflex depressive effect of i.t. endomorphine-2 was not blocked by [Nphe1]nociceptin(1-13)NH2 pretreatment. It is concluded that [Nphe1]nociceptin(1-13)NH2 is a selective antagonist of the spinal receptor mediating the inhibitory action of nociceptin. It can be further suggested that the spinal inhibitory effect of nociceptin may be tonically active.  相似文献   

Human parathyroid hormone, hPTH-(1-34), stimulates adenylyl cyclase and phosphatidylinositol-bisphosphate-specific phospholipase-C (PIP2-PLC), as indicated by increased membrane-associated protein kinase C (PKC) activity in ROS 17/2 rat osteosarcoma cells. The C-terminally truncated hPTH-(1-31)NH2 stimulates adenylyl cyclase as strongly as hPTH-(1-34) in these cells, but it does not stimulate PKC activity. Even [Leu27]-cyclo(Glu22-Lys26)-hPTH-(1-31)NH2, a 6-fold stronger adenylyl cyclase stimulator than hPTH-(1-34), cannot stimulate PKC activity in ROS cells. Therefore PTH required its 32-34 region to stimulate PIP2-PLC/PKCs in this osteosarcoma line. In contrast, hPTH-(1-31)NH2 [Leu27]-cyclo(Glu22-Lys26)-hPTH-(1-31)NH2 and even hPTH-(1-30)NH2 can stimulate PKC activity in freshly isolated rat spleen lymphocytes as strongly as hPTH-(1-34)NH2. The difference in the ability of membrane-associated PKC activity in spleen lymphocytes, but not in ROS cells, to be stimulated by C-terminally truncated PTH fragments might be due to different receptor densities or to the lymphocyte's atypical PTH/PTHrP receptor.  相似文献   

Various Pt(II)-glycine coordination compounds were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, some of them also by electrophoretic and chromatographic behavior. The results were applied to the analysis of the reaction mixtures of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and glycine obtained under various conditions. Cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] reacts with glycine to give cis-diammine-(glycine-N,O)-Pt(II) and cis-diammine-bis(glycine-N-)Pt(II). Their ratio depends primarily on the pH of the reaction medium. Conformation of these compounds is discussed based on the observed Pt-C and Pt-H NMR coupling constants.  相似文献   

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