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Metabolites of indolepyruvic acid and indolelactic acid were investigated using 2 systems: a bacterial (pea stem homogenates containing the epiphytic bacteria) and a plant system (pea stem sections under sterile conditions). The products of spontaneous indolepyruvic acid decomposition in aqueous solution and during chromatography were investigated, too. Biological indolepyruvic acid conversion yields, besides those substance amounts which occur spontaneously, indoleacetic acid, indoleethanol (tryptophol) and (only in the sterile plant system) indoleacetaldehyde. An inhibitor extract from pea stems decreases the indoleacetic acid and increases the indoleethanol and indoleacetaldehyde gain. Indolelactic acid is not metabolized in the sterile plant sections. Indolelactic acid oxidation by the bacteria-containing homogenate yields indolepyruvic acid and is inhibited by the inhibitor extract.  相似文献   

Tryptophan production of a genetically modified E. coli strain possessing elevated tryptophan synthetase activity but sensitive to indole could be prolonged by the immobilization of cells in calcium alginate gel beads with a calculated half-life time of 12.2 days.  相似文献   

PHA production, from bacteria to plants.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The genes encoding the polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthetic pathway in Ralstonia eutropha (3-ketothiolase, phaA or bktB; acetoacetyl-CoA reductase, phaB; and PHA synthase, phaC) were engineered for plant plastid targeting and expressed using leaf (e35S) or seed-specific (7s or lesquerella hydroxylase) promoters in Arabidopsis and Brassica. PHA yields in homozygous transformants were 12-13% of the dry mass in homozygous Arabidopsis plants and approximately 7% of the seed weight in seeds from heterozygous canola plants. When a threonine deaminase was expressed in addition to bktB, phaB and phaC, a copolyester of 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate was produced in both Arabidopsis and Brassica.  相似文献   

The plant surface, which is representative of the phylloplane and rhizoplane, is a characteristic habitat for microorganisms. In this review, the ecological roles of phytoepiphytic bacteria will be described. The phylloplane and rhizoplane, which are adjacent to the atmosphere and soil sphere respectively, accumulate topically and/or selectively release secondary metabolites that are specific to the plant genera and species which reside within these regions. Some epiphytes have abilities to decarboxylate xenobiotic phenolic acids that have accumulated in the plant tissues and surfaces as a majority of such secondary metabolites. In physicochemically stressed soil, rhizosphere microflora often remedy such microenvironments within the rhizosphere in order to assist in the survival of the host, and some of the microfloral compositions behave as if they were symbionts. Specifically, some Sphingomonas spp., which are frequently isolated from the rhizosphere of acidic soil-tolerant plants in tropical zones, make possible the development of a rhizo-biocomplex. In this review, the possibility of rhizosphere regulation utilizing such a rhizo-biocomplex is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to identify atrazine remediating bacteria that can potentially succeed in situ where they encounter varied environmental conditions. Three epiphytic root bacteria, genus Pseudomonas and Arthrobacter, were isolated from rhizoplanes of hydrophytes Acorus calamus, Typha latifolia, and Phragmites karka. Potential of these strains to decontaminate environmentally relevant concentrations of atrazine was determined in liquid atrazine medium (LAM) and Luria-Bertani (LB) medium at varying pH and temperature. There was an increase in decontamination by the strains with time upon exposure to 2.5 to 10 mg l?1 atrazine over a period of 15 days, notably, in both minimal and nutrient-rich media. Growth in terms of O.D.600 and biomass determined during the same period also showed a corresponding surge. Pseudomonas sp. strain AACB mitigated atrazine in a wide range of pH (5 to 8). Pseudomonas sp. strains AACB and TTLB decontaminated >?62% atrazine at 10 °C. All the strains exhibited plant growth–promoting traits in vitro, reported for the first time in the presence of atrazine. Strain AACB exhibits the novel trait of atrazine decontamination under harsh environmental conditions mimicked in lab. Strains isolated in the present study promise success in in situ remediation. Bioreactors and water treatment plants can be designed comprising the hydrophytes and the strains inoculated into their rhizospheres to improve efficacy of the treatment. They can be used to study plant-bacterium mutualistic symbiosis or other interactions occurring during atrazine mitigation.  相似文献   

Seven isolates of orchid-associated bacteria (OAB) belonging to five species were tested for their effect on mycorrhiza-assisted germination of the terrestrial orchid Pterostylis vittata. Hormone standards were also tested to evaluate their potential roles in the germination and development of the orchid. Strains of Pseudomonas putida, Xanthomonas maltophilia and Bacillus cereus promoted symbiotic germination, whereas certain strains of P. putida and an Arthrobacter species reduced it. Symbiotic germination was enhanced by IAA, inhibited by gibberellic acid and suppressed by kinetin. Each species of OAB produced IAA, although the conditions of growth affected the production of the auxin. IAA was not produced by the mycorrhizal fungus from P. vittata under the test conditions. Enhancement of symbiotic germination development may have resulted either from the production of IAA by the OAB and/or by the induction of endogenous hormones in the orchid by the metabolites of the bacteria and/or mycorrhizal fungus.  相似文献   

Fermentation of fructans by epiphytic lactic acid bacteria   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
A total of 712 strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from forage grasses were studied for their ability to ferment fructans of phlein- as well as inulin-type. Only 16 strains utilized phlein and eight of these also fermented inulin. They were identified as Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lact. plantarum, Lact. brevis and Pediococcus pentosaceus . In the species Lact. paracasei subsp. paracasei , all strains gave positive results, whereas the other positive strains possessed unique properties within their own species. In all but two cases (strains of the species Lact. plantarum ), the phlein was more intensively fermented than the inulin, as indicated by a lower pH and a higher lactic acid concentration. On the basis of the outcome of this study it seems worthwhile to inoculate grasses of low sugar content before ensiling with an active strain that can ferment fructans.  相似文献   

Antibiotic activity of epiphytic bacteria isolated from intertidal seaweeds   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A survey of antibiotic-producing bacteria from the microbial flora attached to seaweeds and the study of their antibiotic capacities were carried out. From 5 species of green and brown marine algae, 224 bacterial strains were isolated and tested for antibiotic production. A total of 38 strains displayed antibiotic activity, withEnteromorpha intestinalis being the source of the highest number of producer strains. All epiphytic bacteria with antibiotic activity were assigned to thePseudomonas-Alteromonas group. Antagonism assays among the isolates demonstrated that each producer strain inhibits the growth of the other producers, as well as of some nonproducer strains also isolated from seaweeds. Likewise, an autoinhibitory effect was observed in all antibiotic-producing strains. Antibacterial spectra of all the strains include activity againstStaphylococcus, Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Pasteurella, andAchromobacter. A preliminary characterization of the antibiotic substances produced by these epiphytic bacteria demonstrated that they are low molecular weight compounds, thermolabile, and anionic and are not affected by proteolytic enzymes. The role that these inhibitory substances can play in the natural environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Duerre, John A. (University of North Dakota, Grand Forks), and Patrick J. Buckley. Pigment production from tryptophan by an Achromobacter species. J. Bacteriol. 90:1686-1691. 1965.-A microorganism was isolated from the soil near the University of North Dakota. Biochemical and morphological characteristics indicated that this organism would best be classified as a member of the family Achromobacteraceae, genus Achromobacter, species unknown. The organism produced a red pigment when grown in a medium containing yeast extract and tryptophan. The pH optimum for pigment production was about 8.0 and the optimal temperature was 25 C. During a study of the nutritional requirements for growth and pigment production, it was found that the organism would grow and produce pigment in a medium containing tryptophan and nucleosides, but the rate of both growth and pigment formation in this medium was slower than that observed with tryptophan and yeast extract. The organism grew well in the presence of acid-hydrolyzed casein and nucleosides without producing pigment, indicating that the pigment is not necessary for growth. Resting-cell experiments definitely established tryptophan as the sole exogenous requirement for pigment production. The pigment was extracted from yeast extract-tryptophan medium with chloroform. Thin layer chromatographic analysis of the crude pigment extracted from this medium revealed the presence of two other pigments in addition to the major red pigment. One of these was a highly fluorescent orange pigment and the other a pink pigment. Only the red pigment was produced by resting cells in the presence of tryptophan alone. This pigment served as an electron acceptor when coupled with formic dehydrogenase, indicating its possible function as an oxidation-reduction pigment. The oxidized pigment had absorption peaks at 506 and 304 mmu. The peak at 506 mmu disappeared upon reduction with sodium sulfite. Shaking the reduced pigment in air proved to be an unsatisfactory method for returning the reduced pigment to the oxidized, colored state.  相似文献   

This study evaluated biodegradation of the insecticide deltamethrin (1 μg l−1) by pure cultures of neustonic (n = 25) and epiphytic (n = 25) bacteria and by mixed cultures (n = 1), which consisted of a mixture of 25 bacterial strains isolated from the surface microlayer (SM ≈ 250 μm) and epidermis of the Common Reed (Phragmites australis, (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) growing in the littoral zone of eutrophic lake Chełmżyńskie. Results indicate that neustonic and epiphytic bacteria are characterized by a similar average capacity to degrade deltamethrin. After a 15-day incubation, bacteria isolated from the surface microlayer reduced the initial concentration of deltamethrin by 60%, while the average effectiveness of the bacteria found on the Common Reed equaled 47%.  相似文献   

The effect of stomaching time on release of epiphytic bacteria from two species of submerged macrophytes was investigated, and the proportion of total epiphytes released from three species by stomaching was determined. A duration of 5 min was found to be an adequate stomaching time; the proportion released (mean ca 0.4) varied considerably between sites and sampling occasions.  相似文献   

The phototrophic bacteria and their role in the sulfur cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The production of tryptamine from tryptophan by Bacillus cereus (KVT)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1. A strain of Bacillus cereus has been isolated that can produce tryptamine when grown in a broth containing tryptophan. 2. The conditions of culture under which this conversion is optimum, as well as the general pathways of tryptophan metabolism by this micro-organism, have been examined, and the information obtained has been used to obtain the first demonstration of cell-free tryptophan-carboxy-lyase activity. 3. The significance of these findings both to the current attempts to elucidate the pathways of metabolism of tryptophan in higher plants and to the published generalizations about the previously studied amino acid carboxy-lyases is discussed.  相似文献   

The phyllosphere is one of the most common habitats for terrestrial bacteria. However, little is known about the populations of bacteria, including unculturable bacteria, that thrive on plant surfaces. Here, we developed a fluorescent nuclear staining technique to easily and rapidly observe and enumerate populations of total and living epiphytic bacteria, with particular emphasis on the concentration by centrifugation and fixation of the epiphytic bacteria. An investigation on the optimal conditions for centrifugation and fixation revealed that centrifugation at 20 400g for 2 min and fixation with 0.5% glutaraldehyde solution were the optimum conditions for observation of the bacteria. Using this technique, we assessed the populations of the total and living bacteria on the surface of rice plants. When epiphytic bacteria were recovered from rice seeds (Oryza sativa 'Koshihikari'), the number of total and living bacterial cells was 7.36 and 6.85 log??·g?1 (fresh mass) in the seed washing, respectively. In contrast, the numbers of total and living bacterial cells in the leaf sheath washings were 5.5-5.8 and 5.3-5.7 log??·g?1, respectively. Approximately 5%-30% of the total bacteria in the washing solution of rice plant were culturable. The usefulness of the enumeration method and the amount of bacteria on the plant surfaces are discussed.  相似文献   

Four bacterial isolates were examined for their ability to increase the availability of water soluble Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn in soils and for their effect on metals uptake by Zea mays and Sorghum bicolor. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to show that the bacterial cultures were genetically diverse. Bacterial isolates S3, S28, S22 and S29 had 16S rRNA gene sequences that were most similar to Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes and Brevibacterium halotolerans based on 100% similarity in their 16S rDNA gene sequence, respectively. Filtrate liquid media that had supported B. pumilus and B. subtilis growth significantly increased Cr and Cu extraction from soil polluted with tannery effluent and from Cu-rich soil, respectively, compared to axenic media. The highest concentrations of Pb (0.2 g kg−1), Zn (4 g kg−1) and Cu (2 g kg−1) were accumulated in shoots of Z. mays grown on Cu-rich soil inoculated with Br. halotolerans. The highest concentration of Cr (5 g kg−1) was accumulated in S. bicolor roots grown in tannery-effluent-polluted soil inoculated with a mixed inoculum of bacterial strains. These results show that bacteria play an important role in increasing metal availability in soil, thus enhancing Cr, Pb, Zn and Cu accumulation by Z. mays and S. bicolor.  相似文献   

The role of anti-lactoferrin activity (ALfA) of bacteria in the persistence phenomenon, i.e. long survival of a causative agent in a host body, was studied in experimental staphylococcal infection. In experimental animals infected with isogenic clones of Staphylococcus aureus with different level of ALfA, longer terms were noted in bacterial recovery of staphylococci with this ability. Analysis on the occurrence and level of ALfA in clinical isolates of bacteria, isolated from different forms of infectious process, confirmed the significance of this sign in the persistence of a causative agent. High values of penetrance and expression of ALfA in bacteria were revealed in strains of microorganisms, isolated from chronic inflammatory diseases and from bacterial carriers.  相似文献   

We determined as to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), endogenous levels byliquid chromatography-mass spectrometry using 13C6-IAA, diffusible levels byfluorometric detection using indole-propionic acid, and polar transportactivityby radioactive IAA in 3-month-old tomato plants (stems, leaves or roots). TheIAA concentration in the apoplast (AP) solution was higher than those in thesymplast (SP) solution in both the upper and lower parts of stems, showing thatIAA analysis of AP solution is important. Younger leaves exported much morediffusible IAA than older leaves. The IAA concentration in the main roots wasalmost at the same level as in the stems. The results suggested that thetransport capacity of IAA is probably the limiting factor for the amount of IAAtransported in stems and the amount of polar IAA transport might be only 19% ofthe endogenous IAA amount in stems.  相似文献   

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