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Oocysts attributable to E. macusaniensis Guerrero et al. 1971, were found in coprolites and in archaeological sediments dating to the Holocene of Patagonia, Argentina. By means of a non-parametric regression using a generalized additive model, a significant relationship was found between the size of the oocysts and their antiquity. Specifically, a reduction in oocyst size over time was discovered, probably due to a parasite response to host replacement, to an extinct eimeriid species common during the Pliestocene-Holocene transition, or to environmental changes known for the Holocene. Explanations regarding coevolution between parasites, hosts and paleoenvironmental conditions are discussed herein.  相似文献   

榆林地处农牧交错带,是研究环境演变和人地关系的理想地区。本文基于植硅体分析,探讨了该地区王阳畔遗址仰韶晚期至龙山早期过渡阶段的农业生产情况及农业对环境的适应等。遗址剖面及灰坑样品的植硅体分析表明:仰韶晚期,粟和黍是先民的主要粮食作物,而黍较粟始终保持着种植优势;龙山早期,粟作农业逐渐衰落。植硅体组合图谱显示,先民在此遗址活动期间,气候是略偏凉偏干的,整体上较为稳定,呈现出干凉化的趋势。综合来看,农业活动的强弱在一定程度上响应了环境的变化。需要指出的是,该遗址榆科植硅体的大量发现,不仅补充了史前植物利用史,同时也对丰富植硅体数据库具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Folia Geobot. Phytotax., Praha, 22: 339–354.—The primary succession of vegetation (higher plants) was studied on large dumps from brown coal mining in N.W. Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Three differently aged stages were investigated (1977–1986), using permanent plots and transects. Changes in the species composition, the participation of life forms, and the species diversity were expressed on the basis of cover data for a period of 30 years of the succession. The data were processed by an ordination technique (DCA).  相似文献   

The paper describes a new member of a group of Lower Palaeozoic marine fossils which partly bridge the gap between echinoderms and chordates. Evidence suggests that this group included the ancestors of the vertebrates. Its members are traditionally regarded as primitive echinoderms, but are better seen as primitive chordates with echinoderm affinities. They form a basal subphylum of chordates-the Calcichordata Jefferies 1967. The Calcichordata, in accordance with an early suggestion by Gislén, are probably ancestral to all living chordates. The new calcichordate is named Reticulocarpos hanusi gen et sp. nov. It comes from the Lower Ordovician ?árka Formation (Llanvirn) of ?árka near Prague, Czechoslovakia and is placed in the family Amygdalothecidae Ubaghs 1970. It is important because of its position in the Calcichordata. This group is divided into two very different orders–the Cornuta and the Mitrata. The Cornuta are the more primitive order and gave rise to the Mitrata, which had the structure of giant, calcite-plated tunicate tadpoles. Many features show that the new species is a very advanced cornute, closely related to the stock that gave rise to the mitrates. For this reason it is important in the general history of the chordates, since some primitive mitrate was probably the latest common ancestor of the living chordate subphyla i.e. of tunicates, of amphioxus and its allies and of the vertebrates. Being a mitrate-like cornute, the new species allows the cornutes and mitrates to be compared more confidently than before. Four results are especially important. Firstly it is likely that the stem (=tail) of mitrates is equivalent only to the anterior part of the stem of cornutes. This is significant, because traditional views as to which was the upper surface in mitrates have been based on stem homologies now seen as false. Secondly Reticulocarpos hanusi is adapted to stay up on very soft mud, using only the strength of the mud for support. The mitrates, on the other hand, supported themselves on soft mud by a much more reliable method resembling buoyancy. Thirdly, the new form had paired transpharyngeal eyes which are otherwise known only in mitrates, and which are the earliest type of paired eyes in chordates. Fourthly, it becomes possible to homologize the thecal plates of cornutes with those of mitrates. Reticulocarpos hanusi represents an important phase in chordate evolution dominated by the necessity of staying up on mud by a very precarious method. During this phase many pre-adaptations for swimming were acquired. Primitive mitrates, descended from a very similar form, were probably the first chordates that could swim.  相似文献   

An important point in paleoparasitology is the correct diagnosis of the origin of coprolites found in archaeological sites. The identification of human and animal coprolites, through the study of the shape, size, characteristics after rehydration, alimentary contents, and the presence of parasites, has proved to be accurate for human coprolites. For non-human ones we compared coprolites with recent faeces of animals collected near the archaeological sites, following the methodology above mentioned. In this paper anteaters coprolites (Tamandua tetradactyla; Myrmecophaga tridactyla) with eggs of Gigantorhynchus echinodiscus (Archiancanthocephala; Gigantorynchidae) were identified.  相似文献   

In the Broumov basin, NE. Bohemia, in all thirteen ruderal plant associations and several not fully identified communities were observed. The following associations:Chamaeplietum officinalis (Sisymbrion), Urtíco-Artemisietum vulgaris, Artemisio-Melilotetum albae (bothArction lappae),Aegopodio-Geranietum pratensis, Agropyro-Urticetum dioicae (bothAegopodiom podagrariae), andSambuco-Salicetum capreae are described as new. The syntaxonomy of the communities with dominatingPetasites hybridus is more throughly discussed.  相似文献   

Schemes designed to make farming landscapes less hostile to wildlife have been questioned because target taxa do not always respond in the expected manner. Microbats are often overlooked in this process, yet persist in agricultural landscapes and exert top-down control of crop pests. We investigated the relationship between microbats and measures commonly incorporated into agri-environment schemes, to derive management recommendations for their ongoing conservation. We used acoustic detectors to quantify bat species richness, activity, and feeding in 32 linear remnants and adjacent fields across an agricultural region of New South Wales, Australia. Nocturnal arthropods were simultaneously trapped using black-light traps. We recorded 91,969 bat calls, 17,277 of which could be attributed to one of the 13 taxa recorded, and 491 calls contained feeding buzzes. The linear remnants supported higher bat activity than the fields, but species richness and feeding activity did not significantly differ. We trapped a mean 87.6 g (±17.6 g SE) of arthropods per night, but found no differences in biomass between land uses. Wider linear remnants with intact native vegetation supported more bat species, as did those adjacent to unsealed, as opposed to sealed roads. Fields of unimproved native pastures, with more retained scattered trees and associated hollows and logs, supported the greatest bat species richness and activity. We conclude that the juxtaposition of linear remnants of intact vegetation and scattered trees in fields, coupled with less-intensive land uses such as unimproved pastures will benefit bat communities in agricultural landscapes, and should be incorporated into agri-environment schemes. In contrast, sealed roads may act as a deterrent. The “wildlife friendly farming” vs “land sparing” debate has so far primarily focussed on birds, but here we have found evidence that the integration of both approaches could particularly benefit bats.  相似文献   

In modern times, the trees of the palm family have been of great economic and social importance to the people in Egypt, as in other parts of the world. There are various species of palm and although different parts of the tree can be used, the fruit are of great value. In antiquity, it is expected that the palm fruit would also have been of great importance to people in the region. The chemical analysis of absorbed residues in archaeological pottery is well established, and through the investigation of ceramic vessels (via gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry) saturated carboxylic acids in the range C12 to C18 have been detected (with an unusually high abundance of C12) from vessels from the Nubian site of Qasr Ibrim. This is mirrored in the saturated fatty acid distributions detected from the kernels of modern and ancient date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and dom palm (Hyphaena thebaica (L.) Mart.). Mixing in some of the vessels of the palm fruit with another lipid source is indicated through the delta13C values. These results provide the first direct evidence for the exploitation of palm fruit in antiquity and the use of pottery vessels in its processing.  相似文献   



The California Floristic Province is a biodiversity hotspot, reflecting a complex geologic history, strong selective gradients, and a heterogeneous landscape. These factors have led to high endemic diversity across many lifeforms within this region, including the richest diversity of mygalomorph spiders (tarantulas, trapdoor spiders, and kin) in North America. The trapdoor spider genus Aliatypus encompasses twelve described species, eleven of which are endemic to California. Several Aliatypus species show disjunct distributional patterns in California (some are found on both sides of the vast Central Valley), and the genus as a whole occupies an impressive variety of habitats.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We collected specimens from 89 populations representing all described species. DNA sequence data were collected from seven gene regions, including two newly developed for spider systematics. Bayesian inference (in individual gene tree and species tree approaches) recovered a general “3 clade” structure for the genus (A. gulosus, californicus group, erebus group), with three other phylogenetically isolated species differing slightly in position across different phylogenetic analyses. Because of extremely high intraspecific divergences in mitochondrial COI sequences, the relatively slowly evolving 28S rRNA gene was found to be more useful than mitochondrial data for identification of morphologically indistinguishable immatures. For multiple species spanning the Central Valley, explicit hypothesis testing suggests a lack of monophyly for regional populations (e.g., western Coast Range populations). Phylogenetic evidence clearly shows that syntopy is restricted to distant phylogenetic relatives, consistent with ecological niche conservatism.


This study provides fundamental insight into a radiation of trapdoor spiders found in the biodiversity hotspot of California. Species relationships are clarified and undescribed lineages are discovered, with more geographic sampling likely to lead to additional species diversity. These dispersal-limited taxa provide novel insight into the biogeography and Earth history processes of California.  相似文献   

Directional changes of vegetation in a wet meadow complex are described, comparing phytosociological relevés taken in 1956, 1963, 1984 and 1989, and vegetation maps made in 1956 and 1984. The relevés were located at various distances from the pond shore predominantly reflecting differences in water regime and intensity of farming. The data were elaborated using direct and indirect gradient analyses. Alterations of environmental factors (moisture, nitrogen) were expressed using Ellenberg's indicator values. Over most of the area, the former distinct vegetation mosaic has been replaced by uniform meadows due to intensive farming. The area was eutrophicated and partly drained, clearly shown in Ellenberg's indicator values, in species composition and vegetation pattern. Rapid processes of ruderalization took place. A scheme of successional pathways which finally emerged can be applied to analogous wet meadows in comparable geographical regions and used as a tool for prognoses of successional processes in meadows under human impact. The paper demonstrates ways to exploit earlier phytosociological records.  相似文献   

Waterlogged archaeological timbers of theMary Rose were shown to support a range of fungi, including marine soft rot fungi. These isolates, and other wood degrading fungi, were inactivated by gamma irradiation at doses of 3.1–15.0 kGy. No clear pattern of variation in radioresistance appeared between the Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Deuteromycota. Terrestrial fungi were generally more resistant than marine fungi. Little variation in radioresistance was observed between vegetative hyphae and sporulating cultures/fruiting bodies. Sublethal doses resulted in reduced viability in some species. Gamma irradiation is suggested as a possible means of controlling fungal colonisation of waterlogged archaeological wood.  相似文献   

Ancient cattle bones were excavated from archaeological sites in Jeju, Korea. We used molecular genetic techniques to identify the species and establish its relationship to extant cattle breeds. Ancient DNA was extracted from four sources: a humerus (Gonae site, A.D. 700-800), two fragments of radius, and a tooth (Kwakji site, A.D. 0-900). The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop regions were cloned, sequenced, and compared with previously reported sequences of various cattle breeds (9 Asian, 8 European, and 3 African). The results revealed that these bones were of the breed, Bos taurus, and a phylogenetic tree indicated that the four cattle bones formed a monophyletic group with Jeju native black cattle. However, the patterns of sequence variation and reports from archaeological sites suggest that a few wild cattle, with a different maternal lineage, may have existed on Jeju Island. Our results will contribute to further studies of the origin of Jeju native cattle and the possible existence of local wild cattle.  相似文献   

Jung YH  Han SH  Shin T  Oh MY 《Molecules and cells》2002,14(2):224-230
We determined the nucleotide sequences of the hypervariable D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from horse bone (humerus, A.D. 700 to A.D. 800) that was excavated from the Kwakji archaeological site, Jeju, Korea. We compared them with ones from extant horses. We designed three pairs of oligonucleotide primers from the tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Phe gene regions of mtDNA that are highly conserved among many other animal species. We cloned 232, 336, and 644 bp from the horse bone in order to determine the mtDNA D-loop sequence. The sequence was 1,124 bp long; the middle contained 19 tandem repeats of an 8-bp sequence (TGTGCACC) that is specific to equines. The mtDNA D-loop region contained each base (total number, percentage of total) as follows: A (317, 28.20%), C (336, 29.89%), G (169, 15.04%), and T (302, 26.87%). This sequence, like those of other horse populations, was AT rich. Sequence divergence was the lowest (1.71%) between the ancient horse bone and that of the Thoroughbred horse 1. The neighbor-joining and strict consensus tree of three of the most parsimonious trees also suggested that the ancient bone was considerably unrelated to native Jeju horses. The molecular phylogenetic characteristics of the horse bone that was excavated from the Kwakji archaeological site (Jeju, Korea) showed that some horse breeds may have existed on Jeju Island, Korea before Mongolian horses were introduced. The horse bone that was excavated from the Kwakji archaeological site may aid future research on the origin and ancestry of native Jeju horses.  相似文献   

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