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Conditions were established for the introduction of both tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs into tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by electroporation. The proportion of infected protoplasts was quantified by staining with viral coat protein-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Approximately 30–40% of the protoplasts survived electroporation. Under optimal conditions, up to 75% of these were infected with TMV-RNA. Successful infection was demonstrated in 19 out of 20 experiments. Optimal infection was achieved with several direct current pulses of 90 sec at a field strength of 5 to 10 kV/cm. Changing the position of the protoplasts within the chamber between electric pulses was essential for achievement of high rates of infection. Optimal viral RNA concentration was about 10 g/ml in a solution of 0.5 M mannitol without buffer salts.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) causes tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to crystallize at pH values where both have negative charges. The amount of albumin required to precipitate the virus varies inversely with ionic strength of added electrolyte. At pH values above 5, the precipitating power is greatest when BSA has the maximum total, positive plus negative, charge. Unlike early stages of the crystallization of TMV in ammonium sulfate-phosphate solutions, which can be reversed by lowering the temperature, the precipitation of TMV by BSA is not readily reversed by changes in temperature. The logarithm of the apparent solubility of TMV in BSA solutions, at constant ionic strength of added electrolyte, decreases linearly with increasing BSA concentration. This result and the correlation of precipitating power with total BSA charge suggest that BSA acts in the manner of a salting-out agent. The effect of BSA on the reversible entropy-driven polymerization of TMV protein (TMVP) depends on BSA concentration, pH, and ionic strength. In general, BSA promotes TMVP polymerization, and this effect increases with increasing BSA concentrations. The effect is larger at pH 6.5 than at pH 6. Even though increasing ionic strength promotes polymerization of TMVP in absence of BSA, the effect of increasing ionic strength from 0.08 to 0.18 at pH 6.5 decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of BSA. Likewise, the presence of BSA decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of ionic strength. The polymerization-promoting effect of BSA can be interpreted in terms of a process akin to salting-out. The mutual suppression of the polymerization-promoting effects of BSA and of electrolytes by each other can be partially explained in terms of salting-in of BSA.  相似文献   

Reactions to two subgroup I isolates (Fny-CMV and Pf-CMV) and two subgroup II isolates (A9-CMV and LS-CMV) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were studied in three non tuber-bearing wild potato species (Solanum spp.) of the series Etuberosa, and in two tuber-bearing interspecific potato hybrids and four potato cultivars using graft-inoculation. Three classes of phenotypic reactions (susceptible, hypersensitive, extreme resistance) were observed in the tuber-bearing genotypes. Susceptible genotypes developed mosaic or severe mosaic with leaf malformation and had high CMV titres. Hypersensitive genotypes developed either top necrosis or vein necrosis and/or necrotic spots on apical leaves, and had low CMV titres. Extremely resistant genotypes had no symptoms and no CMV was detected. The hybrid 87HW13.7 (S. tuberosum×S. multidissectum) developed top necrosis specific to infection with Fny-CMV. The hybrid ‘A6’ (S. demissum×S. tuberosum cv. Aquila) was hypersensitive to all CMV isolates tested. Extreme resistance was not functional against all CMV isolates. Neither hypersensitivity nor extreme resistance were related to the CMV subgroup.  相似文献   

The binding of sodium dodecyl sulfate to coat protein subunits of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus was studied by equilibrium dialysis. The amount of dodecyl sulfate bound to the cucumber virus protein in 0.1 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) was found to be 1.55 g/g, which was the same value as that obtained with the tobacco virus protein. The presence of 8 m urea markedly decreased the degree of binding of dodecyl sulfate to the proteins. The amount of binding to the cucumber virus protein was reduced to 0.56 g/g, and that to the tobacco virus protein decreased to 0.8 g/g. The net charges of both proteins were negative at neutral pH and the amount of negative charge of the cucumber virus protein, obtained from the potentiometric titration curves, was larger than that of the tobacco virus protein, either in the native state or in the denatured state. In dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the cucumber virus protein migrated faster than the tobacco virus protein. On the other hand, in the presence of 8 m urea, the electrophoretic migration rate of the cucumber virus protein was equal to that of the tobacco virus protein. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments in 6 m guanidinium chloride gave molecular weights of 17,700 and 17,200 for the tobacco mosaic virus and the cucumber virus proteins, respectively. These results suggest that the effective negative charge density of the cucumber virus protein-dodecyl sulfate complex is higher than that of the tobacco virus proteindodecyl sulfate complex in 0.1% dodecyl sulfate solution. The conformation of both proteins was investigated by circular dichroism measurements. Both proteins have a slightly higher degree of α-helix content in dodecyl sulfate solution than in the native state. The addition of 8 m urea to both proteins while in this solution induced a change in conformation to one having a much smaller degree of ordered structure, although the change in the cucumber virus protein was more intense than that in the tobacco virus protein.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the non-structural protein (molecular weight 35,000; 3a protein) from three plant viruses — cucumber mosaic, brome mosaic and alfalfa mosaic have been systematically compared using the partial genomic sequences for these three viruses already available. The 3a protein of cucumber mosaic virus has an amino acid sequence homology of 33.7% with the corresponding protein of brome mosaic virus. A similar protein from alfalfa mosaic virus has a homology of 18.2% and 14.2% with the protein from brome mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus, respectively. These results suggest that the three plant viruses are evolutionarily related, although, the evolutionary distance between alfalfa mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus or brome mosaic virus is much larger than the corresponding distance between the latter two viruses.  相似文献   

Interaction of tomato mosaic virus movement protein with tobacco RIO kinase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) has a regulatory gene encoding a movement protein (MP) that is involved in the cell-to-cell movement of viral RNA through plasmodesmata. To identify the host cell factors interacting with ToMV MP, we used a recombinant MP probe to isolate cDNA clones from a phage expression library of Nicotiana tabacum by a far-Western screening method. One of the cDNA clones encoded an MP-interacting protein, MIP-T7, homologous to the yeast novel protein kinase, Rio1p. We isolated a full-length cDNA by RT-PCR. The putative gene product was designated NtRIO, and shared 33 and 73% amino acid identity with yeast and Arabidopsis RIO kinases, respectively. In vitro analyses using recombinant proteins showed that NtRIO also interacted with a different MP derived from Cucumber mosaic virus. NtRIO had autophosphorylation activity and phosphorylated ToMV MP. Addition of recombinant tobacco casein kinase 2 resulted in a marked increase in the phosphorylation of NtRIO. The interaction between NtRIO and ToMV MP was inhibited by phosphorylation of NtRIO.  相似文献   

The location of RNA in cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus protein disks was visualized by a negative staining method as a narrow ring localized at a radius of 4 nm, which corresponds to the location of RNA obtained by X-ray diffraction studies of tobacco mosaic virus. The same ring-shaped stains were observed in the end views of helical rods prepared in acidic solutions from viral protein without RNA. Since such a ring-shaped image could not be observed in end views of natural particles and reconstituted particles composed of protein and RNA, the narrow ring was concluded to indicate the RNA location on the basis of X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

R B Scheele  M A Lauffer 《Biochemistry》1967,6(10):3076-3081

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNA was used to study electroporation conditions suitable for protoplasts from rice suspension cultures. Rice protoplasts required a stronger and shorter electric pulse than tobacco protoplasts for introduction of viral RNA. Under optimized conditions, CMV infection was established in 65 % of electroporated protoplasts. In contrast, electroporation with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA did not result in infection of rice protoplasts. However, when TMV RNA was electroporated into rice protoplasts together with CMV RNA, TMV production was demonstrated in 15 % of protoplasts. Differential staining with fluorescent antibodies against the two viruses showed that the protoplasts producing TMV were without exception also infected by CMV. The results show that CMV replicates in rice protoplasts by itself, whereas TMV does so only with the aid of CMV.Abbreviations CMV cucumber mosaiv virus - PBS phosphate buffered saline - TMV tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

The movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) of tobamoviruses play critical roles in viral cell-to-cell and long-distance movement, respectively. Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is a member of the genus Tobamovirus. The functions of CGMMV MP and CP during viral infection remain largely unclear. Here, we show that CGMMV MP can interact with CP in vivo, and the amino acids at positions 79–128 in MP are vital for the MP–CP interaction. To confirm this finding, we mutated five conserved residues within the residue 79–128 region and six other conserved residues flanking this region, followed by in vivo interaction assays. The results showed that the conserved threonine residue at the position 107 in MP (MPT107) is important for the MP–CP interaction. Substitution of T107 with alanine (MPT107A) delayed CGMMV systemic infection in Nicotiana benthamiana plants, but increased CGMMV local accumulation. Substitutions of another 10 conserved residues, not responsible for the MP–CP interaction, with alanine inhibited or abolished CGMMV systemic infection, suggesting that these 10 conserved residues are possibly required for the MP movement function through a CP-independent manner. Moreover, two movement function-associated point mutants (MPF17A and MPD97A) failed to cause systemic infection in plants without impacting on the MP–CP interaction. Furthermore, we have found that co-expression of CGMMV MP and CP increased CP accumulation independent of the interaction. MP and CP interaction inhibits the salicylic acid-associated defence response at an early infection stage. Taken together, we propose that the suppression of host antiviral defence through the MP–CP interaction facilitates virus systemic infection.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cvs Rutgers and Lichun) plants were firstly pre-inoculated either with a cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolate containing satellite RNA (CMV-S52) or with a CMV isolate without satellite RNA, and then challenged 14 days later with a severe strain of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). Also, tomato plants transformed with CMV satellite cDNA and non-transgenic control plants were directly inoculated with PSTVd. Protection effects were assessed by the observation of symptoms and by assay of PSTVd accumulation in tomato plants using return polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. The results indicated that the satellite-transgenic plants and plants pre-inoculated with CMV-S52 showed much milder symptoms of PSTVd infection than the respective control plants. The concentration of PSTVd RNA in the satellite-transgenic plants and CMV-S52 pre-inoculated plants was reduced to about 0.02–0.03 of the controls. PSTVd infection did not increase the amount of satellite ds-RNA in plants. It is concluded that the plant resistance to PSTVd is induced by the presence of satellite RNA rather than the CMV infection. It is suggested that as there is considerable sequence similarity between satellite RNA and PSTVd, base pairings may be a cause of reduction of both symptoms and the accumulation of PSTVd.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cvs Rutgers and Lichun) plants were firstly pre-inoculated either with a cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolate containing satellite RNA (CMV-S52) or with a CMV isolate without satellite RNA, and then challenged 14 days later with a severe strain of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). Also, tomato plants transformed with CMV satellite cDNA and non-transgenic control plants were directly inoculated with PSTVd. Protection effects were assessed by the observation of symptoms and by assay of PSTVd accumulation in tomato plants using return polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. The results indicated that the satellite-transgenic plants and plants pre-inoculated with CMV-S52 showed much milder symptoms of PSTVd infection than the respective control plants. The concentration of PSTVd RNA in the satellite-transgenic plants and CMV-S52 pre-inoculated plants was reduced to about 0.02-0.03 of the controls. PSTVd infection did not increase the amount of satellite ds-RNA in plants. It is concluded that the plant resistance to PSTVd is induced by the presence of satellite RNA rather than the CMV infection. It is suggested that as there is considerable sequence similarity between satellite RNA and PSTVd, base pairings may be a cause of reduction of both symptoms and the accumulation of PSTVd.  相似文献   

[目的]筛选出对烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病有良好抑制作用的多糖并探索其对烟叶防御酶活性的影响.[方法]采用半叶法,测定了安络小皮伞多糖等21种真菌多糖在枯斑三生烟上对CMV的钝化、预防及治疗效果,并测定了抗病毒多糖处理后普通烟NC-89体内防御酶的变化.[结果]安络小皮伞多糖对CMV具有较好的钝化及预防效果,其200倍液与等量供试病毒液混合30 min后接种,钝化效果为83.41%;喷施安络小皮伞多糖200倍液24 h后接毒处理,预防效果可高达93.15%.安络小皮伞多糖对CMV防治机理的研究表明,多糖处理后烟草相关防御酶POD、PAL和PPO活性增强,其中喷施安络小皮伞多糖24 h后接毒处理的酶活增加最为显著,该处理烟苗的POD、PAL和PPO的酶活峰值分别可增加至对照的2.74、3.45和2.82倍.[结论]安络小皮伞多糖通过增强烟草体内防御酶活性而提高烟草对烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病的抗性.  相似文献   

Informosome-like virus-specific ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) comprise a set of four major polypeptides having molecular weights of 17 500, 31 000, 37 000 and 39 000. Of the minor polypeptides, those of apparent molecular weights 25 000, 55 000, 68 000 and 70 000 had electrophoretic mobilities of polypeptides found in a ribonucleoprotein preparation from uninoculated plants. Polypeptide with mol.wt. 175 000 is TMV coat protein so far as: a) vRNP was precipitated with immunoglobulins against TMV and TMV coat protein; b) it had electrophoretic mobility similar to mobility of TMV coat protein; c) the peptide map of polypeptides with mol.wts 31 000, 37 000 and 39 000 are probably virus-specific-products. This is supposed because they are not present in cell informosomes protein, and they are not revealed in vRNP induced in cells after infection with potato virus X (PVX). Electrophoresis of vRNP-PVX protein reveals polypeptides of 23 000 (PVX coat protein), 55 000, 70 000, 78 000, 95 000, 120 000 and 145 000.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane NADPH oxidase and its regulatory role in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. )-tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) interaction was examined by using tobacco cv. "Samsun NN" (incompatible with TMV, containing the N gene for resistance to TMV) and tobacco cv. "3002" (compatible with TMV) as experimental materials. Plasma membrane (PM) vesicles were isolated from leaves of tobacco by a biphasic aqueous system. The membrane preparations were sealed, highly purified and largely in right-side-out orientation as detected by marker enzyme assays and latency studies of the PM marker, vanadate-sensitive ATPase with non-ionic detergent Triton X-100. The oxidase activity was assayed by the rate of SOD-sensitive Cyt c reduction in PM system. The oxidase activity could be increased about 80% when adding 0.01% Triton X-100 in the reactive system. This result showed that the binding-site of NADPH was on the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane and the production of O2- is on the apoplastic side. DPI (diphenylene iedonium), a specific inhibitor of the NADPH oxidase in neutrophils, also inhibited the NADPH oxidase activity in tobacco. Furthermore, the oxidase activity increased in incompatible interaction, but not in compatible interaction. The role of NADPH oxidase in the production of reactive oxygen species and stimulation of hypersensitive reaction were discussed.  相似文献   

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